FAO Civil Society Regional Consultation on Food Security in Asia and the Pacific Region: ADB Opportunities and Entry Points Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD 23 February 2010 Richmonde Hotel, Manila

Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

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FAO Civil Society Regional Consultation on Food Security in Asia and the Pacific Region: ADB Opportunities and Entry Points. Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD. 23 February 2010 Richmonde Hotel, Manila. Contents list. Strategy 2020 NGO/CSO cooperation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

FAO Civil Society Regional Consultation on Food Security in Asia and the Pacific Region:ADB Opportunities and Entry


Chris Morris


23 February 2010

Richmonde Hotel, Manila

Page 2: Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

Contents list

• Strategy 2020

• NGO/CSO cooperation

• Types of CSO/NGO Participation in ADB Activities

• Some trends

Page 3: Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

Strategy 2020: ADB Corporate Vision

“An Asia and Pacific Free of Poverty,"

helping its developing member countries (DMCs) reduce poverty and improve living

conditions and quality of life

Page 4: Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

Strategy 2020

…focuses on complementary development agendas of the region:

inclusive economic growth, environmentally sustainable growth, and

regional integration.

Page 5: Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

Strategy 2020…cont.

“ADB will engage in partnerships with a more diverse group of institutions.

Partnerships with international development agencies, multilateral and bilateral institutions, the private sector,

NGOs, community-based organizations, and foundations will become central to planning, financing, and implementing

ADB operations.”

Page 6: Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

World Bank on Civil Society

“the growth of civil society has been one of the most significant trends in

international development.  Partnerships between governments,

businesses and CSOs are now one of the most effective ways to raise standards of living and achieve

sustainable development”

Page 7: Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

Accountability Mechanism


Bank Criteria for Subsidies

Cooperation between ADB and NGOs

Cost Sharing and Eligibility of Expenditures for ADB Financing: A New Approach

Disaster and Emergency Assistance


Financing Foreign Exchange Component of Local Expenditure

Financing of Interest and Other Charges During Construction

Gender and Development

Governance: Sound Development Management

Increasing the Impact of the Asian Development Bank's Technical Assistance Program

Indigenous Peoples

Involuntary Resettlement

Mainstreaming the Multitranche Financing Facility

Pilot Financing Instruments and Modalities

Private Sector Operations

• Procurement Guidelines • Program Lending • Public Communications Policy (PCP) • Regional Cooperation• Revising the Framework for Asian D

evelopment Fund Grants

• Safeguard Policy Statement• Sector Lending• Supplementary Financing • Use of Consultants by the Asian De

velopment Bank and Its Borrowers

POLICIES (sample)

1. Agriculture and Natural Resource Research

2. Education 3. Energy 4. Fisheries 5. Forestry 6. Health 7. Population 8. Water

Sector policies

Page 8: Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

ADB Works with NGOs

And Civil Society…“…(to strengthen) the

effectiveness, sustainability, and quality of development services

ADB provides”

- Cooperation Between ADB & NGOs, 1998

Page 9: Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

What Value do CSOs Provide?

• Innovation

• Accountability

• Responsiveness

• Participation

• Sustainability

Page 10: Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

Areas of Interaction

•Loans and technical assistance

•Policy development

•Country programming

•Developing ADB staff and NGO capacity

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CSOs & External Relations

Page 12: Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

Mainstreaming Civil Society Cooperation in


• Regional departments engage NGOs in operational activities

• Resident Missions/Rep Offices have regular contact with NGOs in the field

• DER interacts with NGOs on information and disclosure issues

• RSDD work closely with NGOs in several sectoral/thematic areas

Page 13: Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

NGO & Civil Society Center (NGOC)

•Situated in Governance, Financial Management and Participation Division, in the Regional and Sustainable Development Department

•“Window” for ADB interaction with civil society

•Engage NGOs in a continuing dialogue

•Improve ADB's institutional capacity to interact proactively with NGOs

•Provides knowledge, advice, and resources

Page 14: Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

• Established in 2001,

• Has established a network of NGO/civil society anchors in ADB’s Resident Missions (RMs) recognizing that RMs are the frontline for CSO engagement in ADB Operations.

• NGO Anchors in RMs

NGO & Civil Society Center (NGOC)

Page 15: Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

Levels of Cooperation

• Consultation

• Information Provider

• Policy and Advocacy

• Co-financer

• Beneficiary

• Expert/Trainer

• Implementing Agency

• Monitoring and Evaluation

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Page 17: Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

Consulting assignments


Consultation, feedback, meetings

ADB Annual Meetings

Country coordination and sector meetings

Applications to sector funds

Types of CSO/NGO Participation

in ADB Activities

Page 18: Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

Consulting assignments

ADB employs consultants regularly in a wide range of positions. Consultants may be individuals or organizations, including NGOs. NGOs can lend skills and experience to plan, implement and evaluate projects. Therefore, if ADB is funding a project in the geographical area and sector where your organization has expertise, please register in the ADB consultant's database and monitor new opportunities as they are posted.

Types of CSO/NGO Participation

in ADB Activities

Page 19: Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

PartnershipsADB lends to governments of its member states, so the most

direct way is to partner with an ADB recipient government of the country where your organization operates in a sector addressed in the joint ADB-host nation Country Strategy Partnership. ADB funds projects as well as technical assistance, and both often involve civil society support. NGOs can represent marginalized groups and communities and NGO projects can serve as models for similar programs that will have a wider scope. Often partnerships are established at the project design phase, not during the project. Although it may seem challenging for an NGO to work with optimally with the government, approximately 75% of ADB's loans to governments include some level of civil society participation. ADB engages in a variety of partnerships with a range of development actors. Learn more about ADB and partnerships.

Types of CSO/NGO Participation

in ADB Activities

Page 20: Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

ADB Annual MeetingsBy attending the ADB Annual Meeting, CSOs can engage

with ADB on a variety of issues, contribute to policy discussions, and network with many other CSO participants from across the region. ADB welcomes the participation of civil society organizations (CSOs) including NGOs, labor unions, foundations, professional associations, and other nonprofit organizations. CSOs attending for the first time are required to go through an accreditation process that is coordinated by ADB's NGO and Civil Society Center (NGOC). View information on the accreditation and registration process. Please note that the accreditation process is only open from January-April of each year, however.

Types of CSO/NGO Participation

in ADB Activities

Page 21: Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

Consultation, feedback, meetingsADB regularly seeks comment from civil society on its

country strategy partnerships, policies, and strategies. NGOs can provide alternative perspectives on development issues. Monitor the ADB website and post comments or look to join upcoming consultative meetings in your country. An easy way to do so is to register on the E-mail Notification Service on the ADB home page to receive new postings that match your organization's interests. Upcoming consultative events are posted on the NGOC website under News and Events. ADB also encourages NGOs to be a voice for people adversely affected by ADB-assisted projects to voice and seek solutions to their problems and also report alleged violations of ADB's operational policies and procedures. Learn more about ADB how ADB seeks advice from CSOs.

Types of CSO/NGO Participation

in ADB Activities

Page 22: Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

Country coordination and sector meetings

Other collaboration develops on the ground when ADB and another organization are working in the same sector and/or geographical area. In country coordination and sector meetings are opportunities to get to work together and build relationships. Find contact details for NGO coordination bodies in your country.

Types of CSO/NGO Participation

in ADB Activities

Page 23: Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

CollaborationADB has a strong record of collaboration with ADB.

However, ADB does not allocate any funds exclusively to NGOs, but instead to its client governments. Therefore, civil society organizations in a developing member country wishing to work with ADB should familiarize themselves with the Country Partnership Strategy of the country where they are working and identify if there are contributions that the organization can make to ADB's work. ADB seeks to work with organizations with expertise relevant to ADB's work.

Types of CSO/NGO Participation

in ADB Activities

Page 24: Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

Applications to sector fundsFrom time to time, different sector funds are open to NGO

applications. The NGOC does not monitor or operate these funds, but all of the relevant information is available on the websites of each topics. Sectors who have, in the past, had funds available to NGOs include water, gender, and climate change. Again, the E-mail notification service is a useful way to monitor new postings that may be applicable to your organization. ADB also provides links to other funding sources.

Questions about how your CSO can work with ADB? Email us at [email protected].

Types of CSO/NGO Participation

in ADB Activities

Page 25: Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

CSOs/NGOs in ADB Loans (Lala get recent figures up to 2009 and add to chart)

Year Total Loans Approved

Loans with NGO


2004 74 48

2003 72 47

2002 73 40

2001 64 36

2000 70 41

1999 48 25

1998 54 28

1997 75 27

1996 83 25

1995 71 200










Loans withNGOParticipation

Total LoansApproved

Page 26: Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

Some Trends • Continued high levels of CSO engagement

in loan activities

• More scrutiny of ADB (due to expanded disclosure, and nature of projects)

• Greater ADB collaboration with foundations and think tanks

• More attention on labor and human rights, subregional issues, and the MDGs

• Possibility of stepped up CSO involvement in project monitoring

Page 27: Chris Morris Head NGOC, RSDD

NGO & Civil Society Center

Asian Development BankCHRIS MORRIS, Head NGOC, ADB

P.O. Box 789

Metro Manila 0980


(632) 632 6524, 5925

[email protected]
