Chris Argyris Final

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  • 8/6/2019 Chris Argyris Final



    Humanistic Approach to Management

  • 8/6/2019 Chris Argyris Final



    Born in Newark, New Jersey on July 16, 1923. Graduated with a B.A. in Psychology from the University

    of Worcester in 1947.

    M.A. in Psychology & Economics from Kansas Univ. in1949.

    PhD. in Organizational Behaviourfrom Cornall Univ. in1951.

    Appointed as James Bryant Conant ProfessorofEducation and Organizational Behaviour at HarvardUniversity in 1971.

    Received an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree fromUniversity of Toronto in 2006.

    Argyris is currently a Director of the Monitor Company

    in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

  • 8/6/2019 Chris Argyris Final


    Argyriss Major Work

  • 8/6/2019 Chris Argyris Final


    Argyriss Approach to Management

    He contends Contemporary Management Practices whichemphasize Highly Directive and Control OrientedBehaviourwhich is actually counterproductive.

    Focuses on diagnosing Human Relations in anorganization.

    He emphasizes on harnessing the Individuals potential


    elf-realization orS

    elf-actualization for the benefitof the individual and the organization.

  • 8/6/2019 Chris Argyris Final


    Argyriss Critique on Formal


    Creates in healthy individual, feelings of failure andfrustration, short-term prospective and conflict.

    Reduce tasks to minimal specialized routines that are

    directed and controlledby series of supervisors.

    Individual is not a forward-lookingemployee.

    Lack of employees participation in important decisions.

    Individual ispassive and not creative.

    His concerns are restrictedto his own work problems.

  • 8/6/2019 Chris Argyris Final


    Fusion Process Theory

    Fundamental Concept: Bothindividuals and organization areentities trying for self-realization.

    Socializing Process :Individuals are made into the

    agents of the organization.

    Personalizing Process :Organizational groups are madeinto agencies for the individualself actualization.

    Fusion process is simultaneous

    operation of both Socializingand Personalizing process.






  • 8/6/2019 Chris Argyris Final


    Increasing Organizational Health

    (I) Individual Development towards Personal Maturity

  • 8/6/2019 Chris Argyris Final


    Increasing Organizational Health (contd.)(II)IncreasingInterpersonalCompetence



    Accepting Responsibility for

    ideas & feelings

    Showing Openness to

    ideas & feelings

    Experimenting with

    ideas & feelings

    Help others to accept,

    show & experiment

    with ideas & feelings

    (II) Increasing Interpersonal Competence

  • 8/6/2019 Chris Argyris Final


    Organizing Future Structures

    A PyramidalStructure: Perform limited routinetasks.

    An adapted formal organizational structure:Offers scope for subordinate participation.

    A defined but participative structure: Providesequal opportunity to each employee.

    A matrix organization: Each employee has a

    defined power and responsibility. T-group or sensitive training: Emphasizes on

    training of employees for the full development oftheir individual potentialities.

  • 8/6/2019 Chris Argyris Final


    Model I Theory In Use

    It illustrates how Single Loop Learningaffect human actions.

    The four governing variables are :

    Design goals unilaterally and try to achieve them;

    Maximize winning and minimize losing;

    Minimize generating or expressing negative feelings;

    Be rational and objective;

    Managers who work on Model I : Have a unilateral view of their world,

    Aim to defend themselves and to impose themselves on


  • 8/6/2019 Chris Argyris Final


    Model II Theory In Use

    Describes how Double Loop Learningaffects human actions.

    The norms here are:

    Take action on Valid Information;

    Take action after free and informed choice;

    Internal commitment to choice and constant monitoring of its


    Managers who operate in Model II:

    Are not defensive and thus participate in double-loop learning.

    Look for contributions from others who are competent.

    They confront their own basic assumptions to testing in public

    and thus are flexible in changing these assumptions.

  • 8/6/2019 Chris Argyris Final


  • 8/6/2019 Chris Argyris Final



    The central focus was to analyze how thepersonaldevelopmentof the individual is affected by the kind ofsituation in which he works.

    Present organizational strategies lead to

    authoritarianism, dehumanization and organizationaldecay.

    Objective to increase OrganizationalHealth andimprove Interpersonal Competence.

    Emphasis organizations to provide an appropriateenvironment forSelf-realization.

    Made significant contribution to defining the theory ofOrganizationalHumanism.