Chordiels Care a New Wing Blessed Family Something I Know Now Chordiels Fest 2013 Will Bless You From all of Us Blessing through Prayer

Chordiels Magazine (Jan to Mar 2013)

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Chordiels Magazine (January to March 2013)

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Page 1: Chordiels Magazine (Jan to Mar 2013)

Chordiels Care – a New Wing

Blessed Family

Something I Know Now

Chordiels Fest 2013

Will Bless You

From all

of Us

Blessing through Prayer

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Dr. S. JUSTUS Prof. V. IMMANUEL Head Publishing


Article Contributors


Shri. IRUDHAYARAJ Vizhuthugal Ministries, Chennai CHORDIELS MAGAZINE Published as e-Magazine in www.chordiels.com and www.issuu.com Published by: Chordiels Music | Handel Music Series Sembakkam, Chennai 600073, TN, India All Rights Reserved. Copyright © March 2013

Chordiels Magazine

Issue 1, Jan – Mar 2013

Dear All,

Hope this year 2013 is good to you with great blessings in all


We are glad to introduce a new wing – Chordiels Care. As we

are enjoying lots of comforts, sophisticated life styles, family

& friends around us, remember, there are many who are still

left alone with no comfort at all. One such is the home that

we visited last Dec 2012. We are adopting this home this

year and are giving the kids there a better place to live in

happiness – through this new wing.

Happy to serve others through Chordiels Care, we want this

issue to be focused on this theme – “Be a Blessing”. This

issue of magazine carries thoughts from Mr. Justin Arockiaraj,

Mrs. Kirubha Kingston and Mr. Jothipandian, and regular


The more we share the love of Jesus, the more we ought to

care those who live in hopeless homes & lives. Let’s quickly

raise and reach the people, making everyone a blessing to

this society.

Have a great time reading the issue of the Magazine, and

forget not to write back to us.

Let’s be a blessing, and make others a blessing too.

Chordiely in Christ,


If you’d like to contribute your articles,

photos, art work, stories, testimonies in

the Chordiels Magazine, do write to us

at [email protected]



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Page 5: Chordiels Magazine (Jan to Mar 2013)

From all of us @

Chordiels Music Incepted with Justus, Vijay Prakash, Jeyakumar and Prasanna, as the Chordiels Quartet members, today

Chordiels have grown to accommodate various missions in addition to singing under the banner Chordiels

Music. The vision is to “Make Music for the Maker of all Music”, with the “Harmonization Simplified” philosophy.

When we say “From all of us @ Chordiels Music”, we mean it, as we work, sing, and make music together, in His

mighty Name. Here is the “All of us” who work with passion for the love of Jesus and Music at Chordiels Music.

Justus Founder-Director - At large, Head Handel Music Series

Charles Selvaraj Trustee - Heads Publications & Chordiels Honors

Hepsiba Mabel Trustee – Heads Chordiels Care, Chordiels Honors

Manley Maxyn Trustee – Chordiels Quartet Program Coordinator

Immanuel Trustee - Word for the Winners, Editor Magazine

Vijay Bhaskar Business Head – Strategy & Planning

Reuben Rhuphus CQ - Music Management

Solomon Rajkumar CQ - Promotional Coordinator

Arun Castro Heads the video/visual activities

Rev. Rajendran Preacher, Honorary Member

Lovelyn Martin Production Incharge

Paul Jones Production Incharge

All these members are committed to a day-job of their profession, and are working in this music mission as honorary

members. They spend their time and talent to the growth and strengthening of the team by living in harmony. These

guys have taken this music mission seriously, so don’t take it lightly while praying for this group of young people.

They are set to promote the art form of harmony music, honor the senior musicians, preach the Word and help the

poor in all possible ways.

Whatever they do, they consider it as a drop in the ocean, and thank God for using them as a Blessing to others,

through this mission.

The Team at Chordiels Music could be reached in their first name {chordiels.com} eg. [email protected], [email protected]

They can also be reached in their facebook pages. The official mail id of Chordiels Music : [email protected]

First Chordiels (2008 – 2011)

Vijay Prakash (2nd Bass)

Jeyakumar (1st Bass)

Prasanna (1st Tenor)

Justus (2nd Tenor)

Rev. Rajendran – Speaker

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BE A BBlleessssiinngg THROUGH PRAYER

By Justin Arockiaraj

~ ~ ~ His will, help; our faith, tears, vow and watchfulness ~ ~ ~

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Lord Jesus Christ, who taught us how to pray, gives an

opportunity today to retrospect on our prayer life and how we

can be a blessing to others. Bible depicts the prayer life of

Jesus through various incidents. He led the life on earth as a

prayer warrior and set an example for us to pray and succeed.

How is our prayer life? Is our prayer in alignment with the will

of God? Do we pray with faith? Do we pray with fervently? Do

we fast and pray? What does Bible say about prayer? Let us

see the answers for all of these in this article.

1. Know the will of God and pray: (Mat 6:9-13)

When he taught prayer to his disciples, in Mathews 6:10 Jesus

says, “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. Whenever

Jesus healed he asked, do you want to be healed and told I am

willing, be healed. It is important for us to ask for fulfillment of

prayer points only if it is God’s will. Failing to do so will result in


2. Pray with the help of Holy Spirit (Romans 8:26-27)

Rom. 8:26 - The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not

know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself

intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.

Rom. 8:27 – And he who searches our hearts knows our mind

of the Spirit because the Spirit intercedes for saints in

accordance with God’s will.

Seek the help of the Holy Spirit and learn to pray according to

the will of God – be it your spiritual life/studies/job/

marriage/house/plot/financial needs etc.

3. Pray with faith to realize the prayer points (Mark 11:24-25)

“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that

you have received it, and it will be yours”.

Mark 11:22-23 – “Have faith in God” Jesus answered. I tell

you that if anyone says to this mountain, ‘go throw yourself into

the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that

what he says will happen, it will be done for him’.

Abraham flourished by faith and so were Noah, Moses, Joseph,

Gideon, Samson and David. Only by faith, our prayer points can

be realized.

4. Weep and pray (1 Samuel 1:10-11)

In bitterness of soul, Hannah wept much and prayed to the

Lord. And she made a vow saying, “O Lord Almighty, if you will

only look upon your servant’s misery and remember me, and

not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him

to the Lord for all the days of his life. Lord gave her 7 children.

Lord gave Samuel to Hannah and she dedicated him to the

Lord. If vow is made to the Lord, it should be fulfilled by us

without any delay.

The vow should not be very trivial and it should be perfect and

immaculate before God like what Abel gave to the Lord.

5. Watch and pray (Mat 26: 40-41)

“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The

spirit is willing but body is “weak. Jesus returned to his

disciples and found them sleeping. “Could you men not keep

watch with me for one hour?” he asked Peter.

He reiterated his disciples thrice to watch and pray. Let us

keep in mind the importance of prayer and pray to God like the

five wise spinsters.

6. Pray like Jesus (John 17:1-26)

In John chapter 17, Jesus prays for himself, disciples and for

all believers. He prayed according to the will of the righteous

Father. In verse 15, Jesus prays for us to protect us. Even in

the cross, he prays for the good culprit. Let us pray for others

and their repentance and well-being.

Let us fast and pray for

all our important prayer

points. Early morning

worship followed by

prayer is very effective

and fruitful. Remember,

Jesus went up to the

hill, early in the

morning, to pray.

Pioneers in prayer:

We can take Daniel, David and Hannah as examples for us in


1. Daniel – Prayed 5 times a day. He was delivered from

the jaws of lion.

2. David – Compiled prayers as Psalms. He was

appreciated by God as “Closest in my heart”.

3. Hannah – Wept and prayed. Dedicated God’s gift

Samuel to God.


1. Pray according to the will of God

2. Pray with the help of Holy Spirit

3. Have faith to get what you ask for

4. Weep, vow and pray

5. Be watchful and pray

6. Pray like Jesus; Fast and pray;

Justin Arockiaraj is working with Infosys Limited, Chennai,

and is an active member of Vincet D. Paul Society through

which he serves the society in various fronts

Page 8: Chordiels Magazine (Jan to Mar 2013)

MMaakkee mmee aa


Out in the highways and byways of life,

Many are weary and sad; are weary and sad

Carry the sunshine where darkness is rife

Making the sorrowing glad.

Make me a blessing,

Make me a blessing,

Out of my life, out of my life

May Jesus shine;

Make me a blessing, O savior,

I pray, I pray Thee, my Savior,

Make me a blessing

to someone today.

Tell the sweet story of Christ and His love;

Tell of His pow'r to forgive; His pow'r to forgive.

Others will trust Him if only you prove

True ev'ry moment you live.

Give as 'twas given to you in your need;

Love as the Master loved you;

Be to the helpless a helper indeed;

Unto your mission be true

Words: Ira Bishop Wilson (b. Sept. 6, 1880; d. Apr. 3:1950) Music: George Stark Schuler (b. Apr. 18, 1882; d. Oct. 30, 1973)

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George Shuler and Ira Wilson were

roommates at Moody Bible Institute in 1924.

At the Institute, they combined their talents

and gave the world a beautiful song of

consecration, “Make Me A Blessing.” Wilson

wrote the lyrics and Shuler the music.

At first the song was rejected by music

publishers, so Shuler had one thousand copies

printed to distribute on his own.

One fell into the hands of George Dibble, an

outstanding singer who was at that time music

director for the International Sunday School

Convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Dibble asked

for permission to use the song and it was

granted. Soon people everywhere were singing

the song, and publishers were wanting to

distribute copies.

Between the time Ira Wilson wrote the lyrics

and the time the song began to be so well

known, Wilson apparently forgot that he was

the author!

Until he died, he never remembered that he

had written these famous words.



The Story of the Song

The Lord’s promise to Abraham was, “I will bless you…and you

shall be a blessing” (Gen. 12:2). That’s a basic principle. We are

called, as believers, to be a blessing to others. But we can only

give to them out of the resources the Lord has provided us with.

He blesses us, and by that means we are equipped to be a

blessing to others.

That even applies to the trials we go through. Not that we’re to

pass on our suffering to others! But the things we learn in

testing times give us a unique ability to minister to others going

through similar difficulties. We see that in Second Corinthians:

“[The Lord] comforts us in all our tribulation that we may be able

to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with

which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as the sufferings

of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds through

Christ” (II Cor. 1:4-5).

As someone has put it: God does not comfort us to make us

comfortable, but to make us comforters.

In the words of Ira Wilson, “Give as ‘twas given to you in your

need, Love as the Master loved you” (stanza 3). “Freely you have

received, freely give” (Matt. 10:8).

That applies to our ministry of loving deeds, in general, and it

applies to sharing the gospel. We are called upon to invest our

lives in service for the Lord and be witnesses for Him.

In its operation, this important principle “Be a blessing” can

multiply itself. What God gives to us, we are able to give to

others, and they, in turn, can pass on the blessing to still others.

This article is a excerpt from “Discussing the History and Biblical

Themes of Hymns of the Church” by Robert Cottrill.

Available Online and Courtesy:


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This past December 2012, we, Chordiels Quartet with our families,

visited an Orphanage at Padapai. Pastor Bro. Kumar, helped us

identify this home which is really in need of many things – hope,

happiness, joy, good life, decent living and above all love. We choose

to visit them on 22nd Dec 2012, a Saturday.

When we arrived at the home, the children at the home welcomed us

with cheers and great smiles on their faces. The kids were 16 in total,

but on that day there were only 13 of them. We were told, three other

kids have gone to school, and will be joining us shortly. The home (no

name given, so it shall be ‘home’) was headed by Mr. Jebaraj who

lives with his wife and a girl child. What surprised us was, Mr. Jebaraj

was living with the orphan kids, and every kid in the home called him

‘Dad’ and his wife ‘Mom’.

All of these kids are full orphans or semi-orphans. Some have lost

their parents in accidents and suicides, some have lost their mother

in death, or the father has eloped. So pathetic was their life’s

background. What is more surprising is that all these children are

happy as we are. We asked them to sing, and they were happy to sing

two, three songs.

Hepsiba Justus and Nesa Solomon conducted games for the kids and

gave gifts to them all. Solomon, Manley, Reuben and Justus joined to

sing a few carols for them. After a while, we offered them lunch,

sweets and cool drinks. All of us sat with these kids on the floor and

had our lunch too. “It was great breaking bread with these kids”, says


While spending time with these kids, we observed that there was no

proper roof for their room, and the house did lack some of the basic

necessities. Though the space is plenty, it is unhygienic and

uncomfortable for these kids to be raised. While we are sleeping in AC

rooms, these kids have only one not-so-good-working ceiling fan.

These kids are also precious in His sight, Aren’t they? They also need

to be blessed and a blessing to their home. When they grew up, they

should be a blessing to the society at large and serve mankind in

possible ways. This is our desire, to make these Children a Blessing.

We are adopting this home, this year, to get it furnished. Let hope, joy

and the love of Jesus rule the kids’ heart and home.

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One evening, we were talking over a

cup of tea at the backyard of our

house. What if this time and space be

measured without relativity? The

beginning and end, the near and far,

the up and down, and so on.

We could only imagine or talk about

these greater things that are too big

for us. We knew so much research

have already been done on this and

still happening, and scientists across

the world are implementing some of


“I am the Alpha and Omega”, I am the

way, truth and light” says the

Omnipotent and Omnipresent God.

That is His definition of time and

space, which surpasses all human


We thanked Him for His answers to

our intelligent questions. They are

true, and sets us free!

- Hepsiba Justus

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Enjoy an evening filled with Music,

Thanksgiving and Honors to celebrate the 5th

year of singing and making music in harmony


Chordiels Music &

Handel Music Series


Chordiels Quartet


Pearl City Male Voices

Conducted by

Shri. Victor Thangadurai

On 23rd June, 2013

www.chordiels .com

For more details and news updates visit our website

Page 14: Chordiels Magazine (Jan to Mar 2013)

Chordiels Care

Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act.

Do not say to your neighbor, “Come back tomorrow and I’ll give it to you”— when you already have it with you.

Prov 3:27, 28

A new wing of Chordiels Music

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“The urge to do good” is humane, “the desire to love and care” is divine.

With much watchful prayers and the desire to help the week, poor and needy, Chordiels Music is adding yet one more

mission, Chordiels Care. “Be a blessing and make others a blessing” is the tone that resonates with our music and songs.

All of us at Chordiels Music are joining hands together to support Mrs. Hepsiba Justus who will be heading this new

wing, “Chordiels Care”.

According to Hepsiba’s report:

Since its inception in 2008 in Madurai, Chordiels has been visiting orphanage homes and old-age homes sharing the love

of God with their music. Then on, my heart went after those kids who need something with love and care.

“The home”, which Chordiels visited during December 2012, became the birth place of Chordiels Care. I decided

something has to be done, let us not delay. While our sons and daughters are having a good life and sleep in AC rooms

and the best education with comfort, these kids at the home have nothing at all.

Indeed, His Mighty protection is around them, and they sleep in His safe wings. Yet, why not we provide some material

comfort for these orphan kids, adding our love, and sharing His love? Yes I shared this with Justus, and we spoke with the

other members in Chordiels Music.

With everyone’s positive acceptance, I am into this mission with prayers. As the first step, we are adopting “the Home”

this year, and providing some basic needs. They are:

1. School bag – with pencil box and kit, writing pad and stationeries for one academic year

2. Steel almarah - storage unit – one for 15 children

3. Daily care – individual comb, talcum, soap, tooth brush, mirror etc

4. Pillows, Mats - individual

5. 14 bed sheets and One ceiling fan – donated on March 3rd

, 2013

All of us at Chordiels Music are happy to serve these kids. I have also shared this with some of my friends, who have

volunteered to help me out. If you want to join me in this project mail me at [email protected]

Your prayers will be our strength of support.

Chordiels Music invites you to join us in this life-long work to love, care and share. Do write to us at

chordiels.com/contact.php or [email protected] or [email protected]

Contact us if you’d like to be part of Chordiels Care (C-CARE):

www.chordiels.com/contact.php or [email protected] or [email protected] or 9840454781

To know more about C-CARE and for updates Visit: www.chordiels.com/chordielscare.php

Mention “Chordiels Care” in your subject line while you write to us.

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See how the lilies of the fields grow. They do not

labour or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon

in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.

If that is how God clothes the grass of the field

which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into

the fire, will He not much more clothe you, Oh you

of little faith.

Page 18: Chordiels Magazine (Jan to Mar 2013)

WWiillll BBlleessss yyoouu as the sands of the seashore

When I look back in my life, we’re for sure blessed because of our parents and grandparents, who took time and energy to instill the

word of God in each of our hearts. Even though many times, as a youngster, reading Bible or praying to our Lord God did not make

much sense, now as a believer I realize how important roles our ancestors have played. I cannot truly fathom the amazing plans of

our Lord for each one of us, but when I look back, they’re always phenomenal.

As we move along each and every day, I believe our God wants each one of us to be “living witnesses” to Glorify HIS name. We need

to watch our words, actions and everything we do. With HIS mercy abound, we ought to behave and act like “Our eternal KING’S

children”. God’s Blessings to Abraham (Genesis 15) will be ours in all the days to come. Surely we will be blessing to millions of


We all have our own of set of talents and it is imperative to put them to use to Glorify HIM. In my life, I have enjoyed music and I

have been a musician in various settings. I have been given opportunities to play organ in Church and various family gatherings. I

have been part of Choral singing groups to share God’s love through music. Lately I have been blessed with opportunities to hear

music performed by various young artists. It’s a joy to know that God's blessings are always around and abundant.


Lord, I do realize your plan and purpose for my life in this World. Please continue to allow me to be a Blessing for ALL around me, as

many have been for me. In Jesus name, Amen.

By Kiruba Kingston

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As told by Shri. N. Jothipandian to his Kids and Grandkids.

He is a retired Southern Railway Engineer, now lives with his family, kids and

grandkids, teaching and guiding them in the light of the Lord.

My Dear loving Kids,

I thank God for giving me a wonderful family – loving wife, both of you (Salomey and Kiruba) and grand-kids. Though we share the

Word of God and meditate on it in our family prayers, I want to share this in writing with you.

When God blessed Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, He had a great plan of forming a nation that would inherit the Kingdom of God. The

promises given by God were the blessings, and all those promises were fulfilled in their own eyes. Today, we, as heirs of Abraham,

inherit those promises and blessings by faith. But God wants us to do simple things. I’ll share just three of them now.

Obey His Words “Go to Canon”, God told Abraham, and he obeyed. Obedience is the first step to receive God’s blessing. The Scripture commands us,

instructs us, directs us and gently requests us on several occasions to do things that are pleasing and right in God’s sight. It is our

foremost duty to obey His Word. If we obey them without any doubt, He is pleased to bless us and grant the desires of our hearts.

Read & Pray In everyday duties and works, you need direction, dear kids. How are you going to ask God’s guidance? It can be only by reading His

Words everyday and asking for His guidance and help through Praying to Him every day. This is not impossible. Since I have come my

years of life in this way, seeking His help and guidance, you can also very well do this. At the end you will be blessed as you desire and

according to His will.

Give your best The most important thing I want you not to miss is GIVE. To whom? When? And how? First to the Church. Present your tithe and

bring your first fruits to the Lord. He will bless them and give them back to you. Give to the servants of God, who work for the

building of the Kingdom. Give to the poor who are really in need. It is not money alone I am mentioning. Your time, talents, heart,

deeds and everything worth sharing is all that is needed to be given.

God promises when you give so, He will give to you in return “Good measure, press down, shaken together, running over”.

Is it not wonderful to be blessed by the Richest One, who has the all that is in heaven and in earth? When you are willingly doing this

God is gracious to bless you and your family life in abundance.

God bless you dear kids.

His blessings and prosperity be upon you dear children - Amen.

Page 20: Chordiels Magazine (Jan to Mar 2013)

Right from the early days, I had several questions that were left

unanswered. One of them is “who cares the fatherless and the

motherless?” Though the answer is found in Deut 10:18 and

Psalms 10:14 , for a young 19 year old kid like me, it was not

convincing. Because, I could see the poor parentless in the

Church gates, temple verandas, parks, bus stops, you name it.

Found everywhere, left stray and careless.

I am not taught how to treat them when I was young. For the first

time I face an orphan kid, 8 years old, in Tuticorin bus-terminals.

I didn’t know how to react to this boy when he asked for a cup of

tea for his lunch. This burdened me for a long time. I had

nothing to give him, except Rs 2./-

While I was doing my post-graduation in the American College in

Madurai, I and my buddy Gabriel shared a thought to care such

orphans. As a result, the whole class volunteered to come

forward for the cause. We visited an orphan home in Sathiyar

during 1999 and 2000, sharing with the kids the best we had.

Since then, I and my wife make sure that we do something for

the kids who are in need, as much as we can. One such burden

was the project to help the Kids at The Home in Padapai,


Now I know how to care these kids, how to respond to their cry.

Their cries reach heaven’s door, and the Father hears them. He

picks some instruments like you and me to show love and care

with great affection to these kids. Psalms 10:14 is meaningful

and convincing to me now. It is me who is responsible to take

care and to share the burden of the Father.

When we ourselves have gone orphans, straying in sins and

adamancy, God sent His only Son Jesus to love us, care for us

and ultimately die for us on the cross. In this Christ’s way of

sacrifice God wants everyone to enter His Home – an instrument

of Blessing.

He first loved us, and now let us be the firsts to show His love to

the ones that are really in need of it. Today, I am happy that I’ve

learnt a ‘little’ to care and share.

Every day we teach our son how to take care of his brothers and

sisters out there, who are not left-out orphans, but children of a

caring God. He understands this theology better than me.

Something I Know Now

By Justus

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Page 22: Chordiels Magazine (Jan to Mar 2013)

Handel Music Series “Chordiels Music”

Sembakkam, Chennai – 600073

© All rights reserved. Chordiels Music. 2012

Unauthorized copying and reproducing of the contents of

this magazine in any form is prohibited

Bless me, Oh Lord,

To be a string of untiring hope

To all my brothers and sisters,

To the homeless on the streets,

To the hungry with no food;

To the weary worn souls

That are in need of

Your love, care and salvation.

Make everyone a Blessing to Others.
