Choosing to be Tobacco Free!!

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Choosing to be Tobacco Free!!. BY: Ashton Wilson. Generally users of tobacco of all types cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and smokeless tobacco have a 5 to 10 chance of getting mouth or throat cancer then nonsmokers are. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Choosing to be  Tobacco Free!!


BY: Ashton Wilson

Page 2: Choosing to be  Tobacco Free!!

Generally users of tobacco of all types cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and smokeless tobacco have a 5 to 10 chance of getting mouth or throat cancer then nonsmokers are.

Annually 4 million tobacco users die every year caused by the diseases in tobacco.

Tobacco is worldwide , one person every 8 second dies or is recovering from tobacco use.

Tobacco contains tar, a mix of about 4,000 chemicals, and 43 of these molecules are known to cause cancer.

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25% of youth Americans just want to know what it feels like to smoke tobacco chew tobacco any kind of drug end up addicted to it.

72% of all Americans REGRET even starting to tobacco.

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What Tobacco does to your body!

Nicotine is the drug that makes tobacco so additive, it goes straight to your brain and kills brain cells as fast as you can BLINK!!

Tobacco stains your teeth, ruins some of your taste buds give you bleeding gums also can give you mouth and throat cancer.

Your heart has to keep up and has to work 10 times harder if you want to exercise it also increase your heart rate and blood pressure.

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Smokers have a hard time breathing also tobacco can cause lung cancer and lung disease.

Smoking causes dry yellow skin, also the smell sticks to your skin.

Less blood and oxygen flow to your muscles, which cause them to hurt more when you exercise or play sports.

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The nicotine causes an addiction which can be considered effecting your mental health. Developing a "need" for the product.

Although smoking leads to physical addiction, it can also create a mental addiction. The physical effects of smoking (bad breath, odor, wrinkles , stained teeth, etc) can lead to issues with self esteem and confidence.

Tobacco can cause a number of mental and physical effects. Some effects of this substance include increased risk of cancer and heart disease.

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Smoking in public was for a long time something reserved for men.

Following the American Civil War the usage of tobacco, primarily in cigarettes, became associated with masculinity and power. Today tobacco is often rejected. This has spawned quitting.

Smokers are considered to be a minority and can become isolated or avoided.

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Physical Effects

A drug addiction.


Tobacco use leads most commonly to diseases affecting the heart and lungs, with smoking being a major risk factor for heart attacks, strokes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, and cancer (particularly lung cancer, cancers of the larynx and mouth, and pancreatic cancer)

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Those are all reasons we should not use tobacco. GIVE HUGS NOT DRUGS!!!!!!!

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1. What can tobacco do to your body?

A. It gives you gum b. it can cause yellow teethc. It can cause you to have

hard toe hair

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2. what causes tobacco to be so additive?

a. The candy in it b. The green gum insidec. The nicotine d. The color of poop green

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3. what are the two main cancer caused by tobacco?

a. Bread cancer b. Butt cancer c. Mouth and throat cancer d. Green boogie cancer

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4. do you think people who use tobacco look cool??

A. Yes B. No

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5. do you think it causes a lot of money?

a. Yes b. No

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6. do you think tobacco users regret choosing tobacco?

a. Yes b. No

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7. does tobacco use shorten your life span?

a. Yes b. No

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Every one shout it out loud.

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9. Was my power point informative?

a. Yes b. No

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10. what does tobacco users get for starting to use tobacco??

a. A beautify faceb. A ugly face

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The End.