Choose Past Simple or Past Continuous

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  • 8/13/2019 Choose Past Simple or Past Continuous


    Choose Past Simple or Past Continuous

    1) What (do) when I (call) you last night?

    2) I (sit) in a cafe when you (call).3) When you (arrive) at the party, who (be) there?

    ) !usie (watch) a fil" when she (hear) the noise.#) $esterday I (go) to the library, ne%t I (have) a swi", later I ("eet) &ulie for coffee.

    ') We (play) tennis when &ohn (hurt) his anle.) What (they*do) at 1+p" last night it was really noisy?

    -) e (tae) a shower when the telephone (ring).

    /) e (be) in the shower when the telephone (ring).1+) When I (wal) into the roo", everyone (wor).

    11) It (be) a day last !epte"ber. 0he sun (shine) and the birds (sing) . I (wal) along the street

    when I ("eet) an old friend.12) e (live) in ussia when the evolution (start).

    13) When her train (get) to the station, we (wait) on the platfor".

    1) e (be) so annoying e (always leave) his things everywhere.

    1#) n holiday we (visit) o"e, (see) the 4atican, and (spend) a few days at the beach.1') Why (stand) on a chair when I (co"e) into the roo"?

    1) 0hey (lived) in 5er"any when they (be) young.

    1-) 6t p" yesterday, we (listen) to "usic.1/) When I (leave) the house, it (snow).

    2+) e (wor) in a ban when he ("eet) his wife.

    1. 67 What (you, do) when the accident occurred?87 I (try) to change a light bulb that had burnt out.

    2. 6fter I (find) the wallet full of "oney, I (go, i""ediately) to the police and (turn) it in.3. 0he doctor (say) that 0o" (be) too sic to go to wor and that he (need) to stay at ho"e for a

    couple of days.

    . !ebastian (arrive) at !usan9s house a little before /7++ :;, but she (be, not) there. !he (study,at the library) for her final e%a"ination in

  • 8/13/2019 Choose Past Simple or Past Continuous


    I used "y ti"e well while I (wait) for "y plane I wrote so"e e"ails.

    I (not*wor) when "y boss waled in "y office.

    When I (wait) for the ta%i, I saw two car crashes.0o" (have) long hair and a beard when he was at university.

    It started snowing while I (drive) to wor.

    What (you*do) this ti"e last year?I (not*call) you at / o9cloc as arranged because I was having a "eeting.

    What (you*do) this ti"e last year?

    I (still*sleep) when "y wife left for wor this "orningWhy did you bring your u"brella? (it*rain) when you left ho"e?

    It (rain) very hard when the bus (leave) the school. When we (get) home, my

    Aunt Carol and Uncle Arthur (wait) for us. They (tell) us to run into

    their basement. When I (loo) u! the road, I (see) that a tornado (come)

    towards our house. We all (run) towards the shelter. "ut it was too late.

    The tornado (!ass) over us while we (try) to get down the stairs. We

    (close) the door when the wind suddenly (!ull) it off. The noise was as

    loud as a train, and it was very dar. #y uncle (hold) me down when

    suddenly the tornado (lift) him and threw him against a wall. $verybody

    (scream) for hel! while the tornado (throw) things on to! of us. %uddenly

    the wind (sto!) . It (become) very &uiet. #y uncle and sister were hurt,

    but we all (survive) .