Copyright © 2020 the authors Research Report: Regular Manuscript Cholinergic modulation of binocular vision https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2484-19.2020 Cite as: J. Neurosci 2020; 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2484-19.2020 Received: 14 October 2019 Revised: 12 May 2020 Accepted: 14 May 2020 This Early Release article has been peer-reviewed and accepted, but has not been through the composition and copyediting processes. The final version may differ slightly in style or formatting and will contain links to any extended data. Alerts: Sign up at www.jneurosci.org/alerts to receive customized email alerts when the fully formatted version of this article is published.

Cholinergic modulation of binocular vision

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Copyright © 2020 the authors

Research Report: Regular Manuscript

Cholinergic modulation of binocular vision


Cite as: J. Neurosci 2020; 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2484-19.2020

Received: 14 October 2019Revised: 12 May 2020Accepted: 14 May 2020

This Early Release article has been peer-reviewed and accepted, but has not been throughthe composition and copyediting processes. The final version may differ slightly in style orformatting and will contain links to any extended data.

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Cholinergic modulation of binocular vision

Yasha Sheynina, Pedro Rosa-Netoc, Robert F. Hessa,1,2,∗, Elvire Vaucherb,2,∗

aMcGill Vision Research, McGill University, Montréal, QC, Canada, H3G 1A4bLaboratoire de Neurobiologie de la Cognition Visuelle, École d’Optométrie, Université de

Montréal, QC, Canada, H3T 1P1cDouglas Mental Health University Institute, McGill University, Montréal, QC, Canada,

H4H 1R3

# pages: 14# figures: 3# words abstract: 185# words introduction: 237# words discussion: 129

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no competing financial interests.


This research was funded by Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR);Grant number: 148579 (RFH), MOP-111003 (EV); the Natural Sciences and En-gineering Research Council of Canada; Grant number: 228103 (RFH), 238835-2011 (EV); Foundation Nazareth and Louis Braille Institute (INLB, Longueuil,Canada) to EV. We would also like to thank the Centre for InterdisciplinaryResearch in Rehabilitation of Greater Montreal and the FRQS Vision HealthResearch Network for their resource support, and to Jacqueline Higgins for herassistance with data collection.

∗Corresponding authorsEmail addresses: [email protected] (Robert F. Hess),

[email protected] (Elvire Vaucher)1Lead contact2The senior authors contributed equally to this work

Preprint submitted to Journal of Neuroscience May 20, 2020


The endogenous neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) is known to affect theexcitatory/inhibitory (E/I) balance of primate visual cortex, enhancing feedfor-ward thalamocortical gain while suppressing cortico-cortical synapses. Recentadvances in the study of the human visual system suggest that ACh is a likelycomponent underlying interocular interactions. However, our understanding ofits precise role in binocular processes is currently lacking. Here we use binocu-lar rivalry as a probe of interocular dynamics to determine ACh’s effects – viathe acetylcholinesterase inhibitor (AChEI) donepezil – on the binocular visualsystem. 23 Subjects (13 male) completed two cross-over experimental sessionswhere binocular rivalry measurements were obtained before and after takingeither donepezil (5 mg) or a placebo (lactose) pill. We report that enhancedcholinergic potentiation attenuates perceptual suppression during binocular ri-valry, reducing the overall rate of interocular competition while enhancing thevisibility of superimposition mixed percepts. Considering recent evidence thatperceptual suppression during binocular rivalry is causally modulated by theinhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, our results suggest that cholinergic activitycounteracts the effect of GABA with regards to interocular dynamics and maymodulate the inhibitory drive within the visual cortex.

Significance Statement1

Our research demonstrates that the cholinergic system is implicated in mod-2

ulating binocular interactions in the human visual cortex. Increasing the poten-3

tiation of acetylcholine via the cholinergic drug donepezil reduces the extent to4

which the eyes compete for perceptual dominance when presented two separate,5

incongruent images.6



Binocularity, a defining feature of human vision that enables stereopsis, is8

predicated on the ability to combine inputs from the two eyes to create a singular9

representation of the visual world in depth. Binocular integration occurs in layer10

2/3 in the primary visual cortex (V1), where inhibitory lateral connections con-11

trol monocular inputs from the thalamorecipient layer 4 (Basgoze et al., 2018).12

Previous work has implicated the endogenous neurotransmitter acetylcholine13

(ACh) in the excitatory/inhibitory (E/I) balance of V1, modulating the gain14

of thalamocortical synapses in layer 4c while also inhibiting intracortical in-15

teractions (Disney et al., 2012; Obermayer et al., 2017). Here we use binocular16

rivalry - a sensitive probe of interocular dynamics (Tong et al., 2006) – to charac-17

terize ACh’s role in binocular integration. Importantly, mixed visibility during18

rivalry highlights periods when complete interocular suppression fails. On the19

contrary, exclusive visibility indicates instances of complete perceptual suppres-20

sion - recently causally linked to enhanced GABAergic inhibition (Mentch et al.,21

2019). Consequently, the diverse phenomenology of binocular rivalry percepts22

constitutes an indirect assay of cortical E/I balance (Robertson et al., 2013,23

2016; Van Loon et al., 2013; Mentch et al., 2019).24

Utilizing a double-blind placebo controlled crossover design, we demon-25

strate that a single administration of the acetlycholinesterase inhibitor (AChEI)26

donepezil (5mg, oral) strongly affects binocular rivalry dynamics, with impor-27

tant perceptual consequences. Cholinergic stimulation via donepezil enhances28

both the fraction and median duration of mixed visibility during rivalry, thereby29

reducing the amount of time one eye suppresses the other. Simultaneously, ACh30

also reduces the rate of rivalry – another sensitive probe of cortical E/I balance31

(Robertson et al., 2013; Van Loon et al., 2013). Our findings indicate that ACh32

plays a fundamental role in modulating binocular vision, providing new insights33

into the neurophysiological basis of human binocularity and on ACh’s role in34

visual perception.35

Materials and Methods36

23 individuals completed two experimental sessions where binocular rivalry37

measurements were obtained before and after taking either donepezil or a placebo38

(lactose) pill. The binocular rivalry task consisted of a dichoptic stimulus where39

participants viewed a left-tilted grating in one eye and a right-tilted grating40

in the other for 90 seconds, continuously indicating via key-press whether they41

were seeing (i) the left eye’s image, (ii) the right eye’s image, (iii) a piecemeal42

mixture of the two images, or (iv) a superimposed mixture of the two images43

(see Figure 1). We used this task to better characterize the mixed percepts44

while also encouraging participants not to miscategorize a mixed percept as45




A total of 24 individuals enrolled in the study. One participant was excluded48

from the study due to a failure to complete the full experiment, therefore in sum,49

23 individuals participated the study (13 male; age: 25 ± 3 range: 20 - 32).50

All subjects met the inclusion criteria (non-smoker, normal or corrected-to-51

normal visual acuity, normal stereo vision, no history of any neurological or52

ocular diseases, no prescription medications). The body-mass-index range was53

specified as 17–26 kg/m2 to ensure a similar distribution of the drug across54

subjects. All subjects were naive to the purpose of the experiment. A standard55

clinical and neurological examination was performed Dr. Pedro Rosa Neto,56

MD, Ph.D. (Douglas Hospital, McGill University, Montréal, QC, Canada). In57

addition, a stereoacuity test and an ECG recording were performed before the58

beginning of the experiment. Subjects were monitored for their safety during59

the experimental sessions with several blood pressure measurements taken.60

Subjects gave written informed consent prior to the experiment. Data were61

collected and kept secure in the laboratory of author EV. Participants were62

enrolled by the student researcher YS, and their random allocation sequence63

was carried out by EV by assigning drug/placebo in numbered containers. Sub-64

jects received financial compensation to cover travel expenses and time spent65

participating in the experiment at a rate of $15/hour. The procedures were in66

accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of 2013 and the ethical standards of67

the Comité d’éthique de la recherche en santé, Université de Montréal, approval68

#12- 084-CERES-P.69


Each session took place in a quiet room with dim light. Visual stimuli71

were generated and controlled by an Apple MacBook Pro 2008 computer (Ma-72

cOSX; Cupertino, CA, USA) running MATLAB R2012B (MathWorks, Natick,73

MA rrid:scr_001622) with the Psychophysics toolbox (Pelli, 1997; Brainard,74

1997) rrid:scr_002881. Stimuli were presented on a gamma-corrected cathode75

ray tube monitor (LG, Seoul, South Korea) driven at a resolution of 1024 x 76876

pixels, with a refresh rate of 75 Hz and a measured mean luminance of 60cdm−2.77

Participants viewed stimuli through an eight-mirror modified Wheatstone stere-78

oscope so that the left image was only seen by the left eye and the right image79

by the right eye. The position of the participant’s head was stabilized with a80

chin rest at a viewing distance of 57cm.81

Donepezil Pharmacological Enhancement82

Donepezil is a reversible, non-competitive, highly selective AChEI with a83

half-life of 80h and a peak plasma level of 4.1 ± 1.5h after intake (Rogers et al.,84

1998). 5 mg of donepezil is the lowest prescribed dose which induces beneficial85

cognitive effects with very low adverse reaction incidence (Prvulovic and Schneider,86

2014; Kang et al., 2014), and has produced several reported effects on adult vi-87

sion (Chamoun et al., 2017; Rokem and Silver, 2010, 2013; Gratton et al., 2017;88

Silver et al., 2008). Importantly, although higher doses of donepezil may yield89


stronger effects on vision, a lower dose is more physiologically relevant to under-90

standing the underlying, natural mechanisms of the visual system as it would not91

imbalance cortical neuromodulator levels as dramatically. Three hours before92

post-treatment testing, subjects ingested one cellulose capsule containing either93

5 mg donepezil (auro-donepezil R©, Auro Pharma Inc; Woodbridge, Ontario,94

Canada) or lactose placebo, with water (Rokem and Silver, 2010; Sheynin et al.,95

2019a; Chamoun et al., 2017). The experimenter and subjects were naive to the96

experimental conditions.97

Binocular Rivalry Task98

We adapted a previously developed (Skerswetat et al., 2017) binocular ri-99

valry task for our experiment to quantify the fractions and median durations of100

exclusive, piecemeal, superimposition, and overall mixed percepts (see Fig.1B101

for illustrations) At the beginning of each session, participants were shown im-102

ages on a document that illustrated the differences between the left-oriented,103

right-oriented, and superimposition versus piecemeal mixed percepts. Partici-104

pants were told that they would see a dynamic stimulus during the experiment105

and that their task was to track what they were seeing, with particular attention106

to timeliness and accuracy.107

Participants were given the option to continuously indicate whether they108

were seeing either (i) an exclusively left-tilted grating, (ii) an exclusively right-109

tilted grating, (iii) a superimposition mixed percept, or (iv) a piecemeal mixed110

percept. Participants used three adjacent keys for the task, using the left to111

indicate exclusive left-tilt, right for right-tilt, a holding down a combination of112

the left and right keys for the piecemeal percepts, and the middle key for the113

superimposition percepts. In our instructions, we specified that the criterion for114

exclusive percepts should be approximately 90% left- or right-oriented.115

Rivalry Replay Control116

We utilized a rivalry replay control condition to characterize the criterion117

used for categorizing a percept as mixed and to quantify the latency of binocular118

rivalry responses (Robertson et al., 2013, 2016). The replay control consisted of119

computer-generated videos presented binocularly, where we oscillated the stim-120

ulus from left-oriented gratings to right-oriented gratings along a continuous121

scale, such that the midpoint of this oscillation would produce a complete mix-122

ture of the two gratings. Each experimental block consisted of two binocular123

rivalry runs followed by two rivalry replay runs. Each replay run was gener-124

ated using the time series extracted from the participants’s data in a preceding125

binocular rivalry run within the same block, replaying the participant’s rivalry126

dynamics so as to reduce the likelihood that the participant was aware of the127

fact that the replay control was a different experimental condition. The initial128

replay runs used to confirm a participant’s key-mapping were generated artifi-129

cially utilizing a square function smoothened with a gaussian kernel (window130

= 30 seconds), where the exclusive percepts lasted exactly 2 seconds per phase131

and the intermediary mixed percept lasted 1 second per phase, and the percept132


oscillated evenly around a fully mixed percept. One of the replay runs in each133

block was generated with piecemeal mixed visibility as the mixed category, and134

the other with superimposition mixed visibility, so as to be able to character-135

ize differences in criterion or response latency for these two different percept136

types. We extracted the average criterion used to categorize a percept as mixed137

by taking the mean value of the physical stimulus across all timepoints when138

the participant indicated they switched from exclusive to mixed visibility. The139

response latency was extracted by finding the time value corresponding to the140

minimum root mean square error (RMS) between the participant’s responses141

and the physical stimulus. To obtain an estimate of the overall criterion and re-142

sponse latency for binocular rivalry (where piecemeal and superimposition both143

appear within a single run), we averaged the criterions and latencies across the144

two piecemeal and superimposition runs in each block.145

Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis146

Participants (see detailes in Subjects section) were randomly allocated to147

either Group 1 (Donepezil first session, Placebo second session) or Group 2148

(Placebo first session, Donepezil second session). Group assignment was coun-149

terbalanced across participants to control for possible session-order effects. The150

experimenter was not aware of the treatment condition of the two group as-151

signments until after data collection was complete. For safety purposes, the152

experimenter recorded the participant’s systolic blood pressure at baseline and153

monitored blood pressure levels throughout the experiment.154

The general protocol of each experimental block is outlined in Figure 1A.155

Each block consisted of two binocular rivalry runs followed by two rivalry replay156

runs, each lasting 90 s. We confirmed subjects correctly learned the key mapping157

corresponding to the percept categories by administering two replay runs at158

the beginning of every session, one run corresponding to the piecemeal mixed159

category, and the other to the superimposition category.160

Each run (rivalry and replay) began with a dichoptic nonius cross presented161

inside a 3-degree oval surrounded by a black-and-white noise (1 cycle per degree)162

frame (side = 10 deg). The observer was asked to make keypresses to adjust163

the position of the two frames to calibrate the optimal position for comfortable164

fusion. After confirmation, the participant was instructed to fixate at a fixation165

dot (0.2 deg) and place their hands on the appropriate keys to begin responding166

to the rivalry task. After a keypress, the dichoptic stimulus appeared and partic-167

ipants began responding to what they were observing on the monitor using the168

keypress instructions we provided at the beginning of each session. Subsequent169

runs were initiated after a brief break where subjects viewed a mean-gray back-170

ground screen. Subjects performed four experimental blocks before and after171

taking donepezil/placebo (after a three hour drug incubation period). During172

the incubation period subjects were instructed to keep both eyes open and do173

normal activities such as watching a movie or doing computer work in a well-lit174


Baseline and post-treatment measurements were drawn from 4 experimental176

blocks. We implemented a mandatory 2-minute break between each experi-177


mental block to prevent fatigue. The orientation of the gratings seen by the178

eyes during the rivalry runs was flipped between the two runs in each rivalry179

block to counterbalance possible orientation-eye biases and to interrupt any180

possible adaptation effects that would result in an increase in mixed visibility181

(Klink et al., 2010). We discarded the first experimental block in both baseline182

and post-treatment measurements to account for possible errors made in the183

beginning of the task.184

Baseline and post-treatment measurements took place over the course of185

approximately 30 minutes. The half-life of donepezil is 4.1 ± 1.5 hours after186

intake. We therefore chose to begin post-deprivation testing at three hours after187

drug administration to maximize the potency of the drug at the time of testing.188

During the drug incubation period, participants were instructed to keep their189

eyes open and do activities that require visual perception such as watching a190

movie, doing homework, or walking around the lab. Participants were also given191

a brief questionnaire before and after each experimental session that utilized a192

Likert scale (1 - 5) to quantify levels of arousal, along with two short answer193

questions to characterize whether they noticed any perceptual or psychosomatic194

differences between (1) the morning and afternoon sessions, and (2) between the195

two experimental sessions.196

After completing the first session of an experiment, each participant was197

assigned a scheduled date to return for completing their second session. To198

ensure there was no residual effects from the previous session, all sessions were199

spaced at least one week apart from one another (M = 8 days ± 1.3 (SD)).200

Using the preprocessing methodology described in detail in Sheynin et al.201

(2019b), we extracted key aspects of binocular rivalry dynamics correspond-202

ing to the overall fractions and median durations of (i) exclusive visibility, (ii)203

piecemeal visibility, (iii) superimposition visibility, and (iv) aggregate (super-204

imposition + piecemeal) mixed visibility. This preprocessing pipeline consisted205

of four stages: (1) remove the first and last percept states in the time series as206

well as all percept states shorter than 250ms to obtain the preprocessed time207

series, (2) extract the distribution of percept phase durations for each state from208

the processed time series, (3) calculate the median and sum of these distribu-209

tions to obtain the median and fraction duration of each of the states in each210

rivalry block. To obtain the fraction and median duration of aggregate mixed211

visibility, we concatenated adjacent piecemeal and superimposition percepts in212

the original rivalry time-series data and re-executed the preprocessing paradigm213

mentioned above.214

In addition, we extracted the overall rate of rivalry, defined as the total215

number of switches between the exclusive percepts divided by the run duration216

(Robertson et al., 2013, 2016). In order to quantify the magnitude of the effect217

of the two treatment conditions relative to baseline, we divided mean post-218

treatment values by the mean baseline values to obtain post/pre ratios for each219

dependent variable across both experimental conditions. Furthermore, we also220

evaluated the effect of donepezil treatment by comparing post/pre values for221

variables obtained from the replay rivalry control condition. These were: (1)222

the criterion used to categorize a percept as mixed and (2) the response latency.223


To ascertain the effect of donepezil on binocular rivalry dynamics, we con-224

ducted a repeated measures MANOVA of the drug effect on the post/pre values225

for the seven dependent variables obtained from the binocular rivalry experi-226

ment. Additionally, we conducted a seperate repeated measures MANOVA of227

the drug effect on the two dependent variables obtained from the replay rivalry228

control condition to rule out the possibility that donepezil-induced effects in229

our data could be attributed to factors other than changes in binocular rivalry230


When the omnibus MANOVA test was significant, we conducted post-hoc232

Bonferroni-corrected Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) tests on233

each dependent variable to determine which variables were affected by donepezil.234

In addition, we obtained 95% confidence intervals (1000 bootstrapped sam-235

ples, each drawing 23 subjects with replacement) for the mean drug effect236

for each dependent variable. All statistical analyses were conducted using237

IBM SPSS Statistics (version 24). This study was not preregistered. The238

datasets generated and analyzed during the current study are available online at239



A primary aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of donepezil on the242

diverse phenomenology of binocular rivalry percepts. To that end, our task243

allowed us to measure the median and fraction duration of piecemeal and su-244

perimposition mixed percepts during rivalry, as well as the median and fraction245

duration of aggregate mixed visibility and exclusive visibility. In addition, we246

also examined the rate of rivalry as another dependent variable.247

Figure 2 illustrates the effect of donepezil on these aspects of binocular248

rivalry dynamics. A repeated measures MANOVA of the effect of session on249

the post/pre values for these variables was significant (F(1,22) = 2.68, p =250

0.04, η2p

= 0.63, Wilks’ λ = 0.37), indicating that donepezil significantly altered251

binocular rivalry dynamics when compared with the placebo control.252

We observed an interesting pattern emerge within the two mixed percept253

subcategories. Piecemeal percepts – where the two images appear combined as254

in a mosaic – are proposed to emerge from a reduction of the spatial coherence of255

interocular inhibition, whereas superimposition percepts – where the two com-256

ponent gratings appear overlaid as in a plaid – likely correspond to decreases in257

the gain of interocular inhibition (Klink et al., 2010) (see Figure 1A). Cholin-258

ergic stimulation enhances the fraction visibility of superimposition percepts by259

70% (p = 0.001, 95% CI [31%, 108%], see Figure 2A, right), while simulta-260

neoulsy reducing the fraction of piecemeal percepts by 15% p = 0.03, 95% CI261

[9%, 30%, see Figure 2B, right). Although not statistically significant, we262

observed a different pattern emerge for the median durations of these percepts.263

Both the median duration of piecemeal (M = 49%, p = 0.06, 95% CI [-2%,264

81%]) and superimposition (M = 54%, p = 0.06, 95% CI [-3%, 110%]) percepts265

increased with administration of donepezil. Despite this inconsistency (which266

may be due to variance in the baseline data between the two sessions), these267


data suggest that ACh predominantly modulates the overall gain of interocular268

inhibition and reduces the spatial coherence of the inhibition.269

Furthermore, our results indicate that donepezil significantly enhances the270

fraction of aggregate mixed visibility during rivalry by 43% (p = 0.002, 95% CI271

[18%, 68%], see Figure 2C, right), and likewise increases the median duration272

of mixed visibility by 20% (p = 0.025, 95% CI [4%, 37%], see Figure 2C,273

left). Increases in the fraction of mixed visibility were observed in 19 out of 23274

participants – where 8 of these individuals exhibited donepezil-induced increases275

of more than 50%. These changes were reciprocated in measures of exclusive276

visibility during rivalry, where donepezil reduces both the median duration of277

exclusive percepts by 78% (p = 0.01, 95% CI [18%, 139%], see Figure 2D, left),278

and the fraction of exclusive percepts by 59% (p = 0.46, 95% CI [-220%, 103%],279

see Figure 2D, right). The rate of binocular rivalry also decreased by 36% (p280

= 0.002, 95% CI [13%, 54%], see Figure 2E) in the donepezil condition relative281

to placebo, suggesting attenuation of cortical inhibition (Van Loon et al., 2013;282

Mentch et al., 2019; Robertson et al., 2013). Together, these results point to an283

ACh-induced increase in the visibility of mixed percepts during rivalry, likely284

due to a shift in favour of excitation.285

Despite the dramatic increase in the visibility of mixed percepts, these286

changes were not reflected in individuals’ self-report of their experience after the287

experiment, nor during a control condition where we generated rivalry playback288

videos and measured the criterion used for categorizing a percept as mixed (see289

Materials and Methods for details). While mixed visibility increased sub-290

stantially on donepezil, a MANOVA conducted on the criterion and response291

latency from the rivalry replay control experiment was not significant (F(1,22)292

= 1.4, p = 0.24, η2p

= 0.12, Wilks’ λ = 0.88), indicating that the perceptual293

changes we observe in the donepezil condition can not be caused by changes in294

subjects’ response criteria (Figure 3A) or response latency (Figure 3B), and295

can only be attributed to changes in neural activity.296


Together, these results point to an ACh-induced increase in the visibility of298

mixed percepts during rivalry, especially superimposed percepts, and likely due299

to a shift in favour of excitatory drive. Importantly, our findings can not be300

attributed solely to an increase in the gain of purely monocular signals, as pre-301

vious work has demonstrated that enhanced stimulus contrast – which increases302

monocular gain – actually reduces mixed visibility during rivalry (Hollins, 1980).303

Our results are therefore aligned with the notion that cholinergic potentiation304

reduces the gain of interocular inhibition in layers 2/3 of V1.305

Likewise, our results align themseleves with recent evidence published in this306

journal (Mentch et al., 2019) which implicated GABAergic inhibition in gat-307

ing perceptual awareness during binocular rivalry. While enhanced GABAergic308

transmission increases perceptual suppression and occasionally increases rivalry309

alternation rates, our study demonstrated, for the first time, that enhanced310


cholinergic activity reduces perceptual exclusivity during rivalry, decreases al-311

ternation rates, and thus has an opposite effect to GABA. In fact, our data312

demonstrate that superimposition, not piecemeal percepts, are maximally en-313

hanced by donepezil. This is consistent with the idea that interocular inhibition314

is reduced. Moreover, the reduced rate of rivalry marked by increases in mixed315

visibility – as found in our study - points to an excitation-dominant cortical316

response profile, opposed to an increased switch rate with increase GABAergic317

transmission. Combined, these findings lend additional support for previous318

models of binocular rivalry that implicated changes in E/I balance in binocular319

cortex to perceptual awareness during rivalry (Said and Heeger, 2013; Wilson,320

2003; Brascamp et al., 2013).321

Critically, our findings implicate the cholinergic system in modulating the322

E/I balance of binocular visual cortex. Cholinergic fibers modulate various in-323

hibitory circuits: feed-forward inhibition, lateral inhibition and disinhibition324

Obermayer et al. (2017), so we can not directly infer the effect on GABAer-325

gic circuits induced by enhanced cholinergic transmission from our experiment.326

However, it is highly plausible, given our results, recent evidence from Mentch et al.327

(2019), as well as previous electrophysiological work from Krueger and Disney328

(2019), that the predominant cholinergic enhancement effect in V1 would re-329

duce the inhibitory drive that enables ocular suppression, leading to increases330

in interocular interactions and the occurrence of mixed percepts.331

Future work will reveal the extent to which specific aspects of binocular332

vision – such as stereopsis or summation – can be shaped by acetylcholine, as333

well as whether cholinergic stimulation can be used therapeutically for disorders334

of binocular function.335



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exclusive exclusive



Left eyeRight eye

replay time



Figure 1: Experimental Design. (A) Each block consisted of two rivalry runs (whereparticipants viewed left- and right-tilted gratings presented individually to the two eyes) andtwo replay runs (where participants watched computer-generated videos of simulated binocularrivalry, presented identically to both eyes), each lasting 90 s. (B) Participants were instructedto continuously indicate via key-press whether they were seeing (l) the left eye’s image, (r)the right eye’s image, (l + r) a piecemeal mixture of the two images, or (m) a superimposedmixture of the two images.


Figure 2: Effect of donepezil on binocular rivalry dynamics. Each row illustrates (1)scatter plots of the raw data observed by taking the mean of each dependent variable acrossthree binocular rivalry runs at baseline (x-axis) and after treatment (y-axis) for both theplacebo and donepezil sessions, (2) a bar plot where each bar represents the average of threebinocular rivalry blocks conducted three hours after ingesting a donepezil/placebo pill, di-vided by the average of three identical rivalry blocks at baseline, averaged across participants,and (3) a scatter plot of donepezil’s effect on each dependent variable obtained by subtractingthe post/pre values of the placebo session from those of the donepezil session. Left columnillustrates data for the median durations of the four percept types, while the right columnillustrates data for the fraction durations of each percept type. Black asterisks between barsindicate significant differences observed with Tukey’s HSD tests in the post/pre values be-tween treatment conditions. Error bars are 95% confidence intervals (from 1000 bootstrappedsamples) of the mean. ** = Bonferroni-corrected p < 0.01, * = p < 0.05.


Figure 3: Effect of donepezil on replay rivalry criterion and response latency. Toensure any treatment effects were the result of changes in visual neural activity as opposedto changes in motor or executive function, we implemented a rivalry replay control experi-ment where participants watched computer-generated videos of simulated binocular rivalry,presented identically to both eyes. This control experiment allowed us to measure (A) thecriterion for categorizing a phyiscal stimulus as "mixed" and (B) the response latency for dis-criminating changes in the physical stimulus. There were no observable differences betweendonepezil and placebo sessions in the response latency or mixed criterion, suggesting thatchanges in non-simulated binocular rivalry dynamics are attributed to acetylcholine-inducedchanges in the network dynamics of visual cortex. See Figure 1 for additional details regard-ing the plots.





exclusive exclusive



Left eyeRight eye

replay time