CHORUS HANDBOOK 2018-2019 Director, Mr. Jordan Miller This applies to all High School Choirs including: Symphonic Chorale Concert Choir Men’s Choir Women’s Choir

Choir Syllabus

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Director, Mr. Jordan Miller

This applies to all High School Choirs including:

Symphonic ChoraleConcert Choir Mens ChoirWomens Choir

*Chorus Descriptions* Symphonic Chorale: This (class A-AA) SATB-SSAATTBB Choir is the top auditioned choral ensemble and will be singing the most difficult songs. This ensemble is made up of both men and women grades 10-12. ALL members of this choir MUST be involved in mens or womens choir. This choir meets during the school day and will most definitely compete at adjudicated events.

Concert Choir: This (class B-C) SATB Choir is an auditioned choir as well, but the audition is only for voice placement. This group will be grades 9-12. ALL FRESHMEN choir members will be in this choir. This choir is made up of mostly underclassmen and students who maybe arent as accelerated as others when it comes to reading music or singing confidently. The plan for this ensemble is to train students for the top choral group and ultimately turn them into better musicians. Members from this choir are welcome to join mens and womens choir without an audition. This choir meets during the school day and it is up to me to decide if this group will compete at adjudicated events.

***OPTIONAL CHOIRS*** Mens/Womens Choir: These (Class B-AA) SA-SSAA/TB-TTBB choirs are after school ensembles, made up of all men/women in the Symphonic Chorale, and some men in Concert Choir. Men and women who arent currently enrolled in a choir are welcome to join this group, but only by audition. To choose if someone should be in these ensembles or not I must test both their voice, and their musicianship. These ensembles are very important to be a part of because it holds members from all grades with different levels of musicianship. It is up to me to decide if these groups will compete at adjudicated events.

District Honors Choir: This is an auditioned SATB-SSAATTBB Choir made up of students from all other choirs in our district. All students interested should come to me so they can sign up to record their audition. For this audition, students must sing My Country tis of Thee a cappella and a verse from a solo on the Solo and Ensemble list.

All-State Choir: This is an audition SSAATTBB choir made up of choir students throughout the entire state. This group isnt easy to be accepted into. All students interested must have received a 1 or a 2 on their class A or B solo from Solo and Ensemble. Students should come to me so they can sign up to record their audition. For this audition, students must record a warm up showing their vocal range and sing their contest song from S&E with an accompanist.

Solo and Ensemble: This is a mini version of Large Group Contest, except students can perform solos. There is a required song list. Any student enrolled in any music ensemble is eligible to compete at Solo and Ensemble. I might be able to help, but students should prepare their solo with their private voice teacher. The following groups are S&E ensembles: Chamber: SATB ensemble 12-24 members. Mixed: SATB ensemble 9-12 members. Mens: TB ensemble 3-9 members. Womens: SA ensemble 3-9 members.

*IMPORTANT RULE* No student can be in two of the same type of ensemble. Ex. 2 Chamber Ensembles=NO, 2 Mixed Ensembles=No, etc. Chamber & Mixed=YES, Mixed & Womens=YES, etc. Students are welcome to form their own ensembles, but they must provide their own accompanist. Student led ensembles must commit to rehearsals outside of school. All student led ensembles must be approved by me before registering to compete.

Choir Handbook:

Director:Mr. Jordan Miller(E-mail)(Phone)

Note from Mr. Miller:Welcome to the choir department! Im looking forward to working with each and every one of you. The following syllabus contains important information concerning our year together. Please read carefully as you will be required to sign in agreement to the contents. Feel free to contact me through e-mail or office phone with any questions or concerns you may have throughout the year. Course Description: The choral department I have designed is a hands-on, performance-based program dedicated to creating mature, respectable performers who WILL achieve greatness. In this course, we will learn proper vocal production and ensemble technique through daily rehearsals. Within rehearsals, students will study a diverse repertoire, elements of music history, theory, sight-singing/ear-training and how to be a confident singer.

Requirements and Discipline Procedure:

Binders- All students must have a 1 3-ring BLACK binder and pencils for their music. Binders will be used in class everyday and may be kept in the choir room, but I suggest taking it home to practice. If taken home, the binder must return with the student to school the following day. Each individual must have THEIR OWN binder. Students are subject to binder checks. Binder checks will consist of students turning in their binders and I will simply be looking for the music that should be in their binders and to see if they have been taking notes in their music.

Choir Code of Conduct:

Be on time- Warm-ups will begin after attendance is taken. Be positive- To achieve greatness, we must have a positive attitude. Be present- Attendance means everything. We cant afford to be missing members. Your attendance can affect acceptance into choirs in years to come. Be prepared- Come to rehearsal with your binder and pencil. If something is supposed to be memorized or learned, make sure thats taken care of. Be respectful- Of me, yourself, your fellow choir members and the choir room. Behave like a singer. Gossiping, back talking, and misbehavior will not be tolerated. Only have your music and a pencil out- No cell phones, homework or other distractions out during rehearsal. No Food or Drinks- Only water. No soda, flavored water, energy drinks, coffee, smoothies, etc. NO CAFFEINE! Caffeine tightens the vocal chords which can shorten your range. Work outside of rehearsal- I will give every student their own copies of music. In some cases I might hand out a rehearsal CD with their vocal part on it. Make sure you are taking advantage of the material I give you. Think of the seniors- This is their last year, so make it awesome! Pay attention- Follow along in your music even when were not going over your part. Make sure you write down in your music specific tips, reminders, notes I give you. Consequences:1. Verbal Warning.2. Detention with the office. 3. One-on-one talk in my office. 4. Student is removed from the Choral Program for the current school year or for years to come.

CONCERT/CONTEST ATTIRE: If we dress like professionals we will look uniform, disciplined, and overallPROFESSIONAL!

Ladies: Plain black hosiery; closed toed black dress shoes; professional attire for under robes. Preferably a nice black dress. If not a dress, wear a school appropriate skirt with a nice blouse. No turtle necksplease. No distracting jewelry!! If you decide to wear ear rings they must be studs. No flashy, dangly or hoop ear rings. Make up is allowed, just dont go heavy on the eye shadow or blush. ONLY skin colored lip gloss/stick. No colored lip stick. Gentlemen: Tall black dress socks, black dress shoes, black dress pants and a solid color shirt and neck tie to go under the robes. NO POLOS! No bow ties. Make sure your solid colored shirt isnt too distracting. I prefer that you wear either a black, grey or white dress shirt with a solid black tie. Everyone: Everyone will wear choir robes. Hair must be out of your face. I will ask you to put your hair up if I cant see your eyebrows being raised.

Grading Policy: Participation in rehearsals each day includes prompt arrival, appropriate materials, and appropriate rehearsal behavior. In-class assignments and homework assignments as directed (10 points) Quizzes reviewing vocab, musical concepts, repertoire and binder checks. Exams reviewing vocab, musical concepts and repertoire. (200 points per semester exam/100 points per test/performance) Students are subject to have part/sight reading testing from time to time. This is simply me taking the student into a practice room and they will perform a section of a song or sight read a selection. They will be graded on accuracy and confidence. Part testing can vary from being worth a quiz grade or a test grade.

CONTEST: Choosing what groups will be going to district contest is my decision. If I choose not to take a certain group, trust my judgment if I say we arent quite ready for contest. I dont want to have to cut choirs from going to contest and honestly, I dont plan on it unless the group just isnt there yet. The class each group will perform in (class C-AA) depends solely on the proficiency of the group. At contest there will be 4 judges. Three judges will listen to your three selections and give you a rating from I to V. A ONE being a superior performance with very few technical errors and a FIVE being a poor performance with many deficiencies. The fourth judge will rate you from I to V on your sight-reading ability as an ensemble. To achieve an overall superior rating, our total combined score bust be a 4, 5 or 6. If an ensemble receives a superior rating they advance to State Competition. State will be held about a month after districts. We can keep the required district piece, but we just need to learn a new required song. We will be performing three songs and the process is the same as districts only with harsher judges. If we receive a superior rating at State, we will receive a plaque listing our choir name, year, director, and class. The Friday after Districts/State we will have a choir party after school in the choir room. For the party, students can bring in food, soda/juice, games, etc. This party is to celebrate our hard work throughout the year.

Activity Conflict Resolution: All rehearsal times and performance dates will be provided at the beginning of the semester so that students can make accommodations and arrangements ASAP. Intent forms are provided and required to become involved in choirs rehearsing after school. In order to receive an excused absence, I will need to receive a note signed by your parent and faculty advisor/coach two weeks before a set performance date. Events that are not related to this school district will never take precedence over a school choir event. An excused absence from a performance can be made up either by:1. A small ensemble performing the selections in class. 2. A 100 point make-up assignment Student with an unexcused absence WILL NOT be offered a make-up assignment. Unexcused absences will result in a zero for the performance, which means an F in the place of their test grade.

Travel:All choir students will travel to and from events held outside of the school district by means provided by the district Board of Education and approved by the school principal, unless otherwise stated by the director. Students may ride to and/or from and event with a parent/guardian only under extenuating circumstances and with a note from the parent/guardian concerning this event given to the director TWO WEEKS prior to. In order to travel, I must also receive emergency medical forms from all students. Hazing: The law of this state says that initiation and hazing activities/practices are illegal. Any such activities directly opposed the required respect and code of conduct for this high school and its choral program and will result in immediate office referral and indefinite removal from the choral program.

Please read the syllabus above and sign as a confirmation that both the student and parent understand and will agree to uphold the regulations of the Choral Department Policies. Any student refusing to sign this form will be removed out of the choral program after the due date. Please detach and return the bottom portion to me for school/personal records. -This form is due the following Friday.-Binders (Solid black, 1 3-ring binder for music) are also due the following Friday. Both this form and the binder will be the first quiz grade of the year worth 50 points. (25 points each)

Thank you!Mr. Jordan Miller------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By signing this I confirm that both I understand and will agree to uphold the regulations of the Choral Department Policies. And I do understand that if my student refuses to sign this form, she/he has revoked his/her membership in this high schools choir department.

STUDENT signature: ________________________

Date: __ _____

Print Name:

Student e-mail address:

PARENT/GUARDIAN signature: ___________________________

Date: ________

Print Name:

PARENT(S)/GUAEDIAN(S) e-mail(s):________________________ _________________________