Chm Project Report

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  • 7/30/2019 Chm Project Report





    Location: Bhubaneswar




  • 7/30/2019 Chm Project Report



    I would profusely like to thank my facultyand mentors at IMIS Bhubaneswarespecially Prof. (Dr.) Subhamay Panda, fortheir immense help and support throughout

    the making of this project. I would also like

    to thank my friends for their encouragement

    and help, without which the project wouldvebeen incomplete.

  • 7/30/2019 Chm Project Report



    After going thick on the things, now time is to make a complete

    picture. While making a product a SKU (stock keeping unit) of the shop

    retailers think about the GMROI (gross margin return on investment)

    and they promote the brand which provides them highest. They

    expect return in the form of profit margin, company schemes, window

    display and reference of the shop. Among these, company schemes

    make the difference and are the highest sources of motivation after

    profit margin. Retailing demands a constant push from the company.

    Marketer needs to use advertising and brand building strategies to

    address the discerning buyers and retail push to in different buyers.

    The manufacturer should understand consumer behavior because

    retailers cant help quality and price. It is only up to manufacturers to

    deliver what consumer wants. I need to stress on it because 58%

    retailers said that it is demand why they sell Britannia. 61% agree that

    at retail shop it is brand popularity, which determine the purchase of

    biscuit. There is a greater need to understand the retailer behavior.

    Considering them as a team, working for the company may help them

    to be attached to the company. There should be a feeling of belonging

    to the company in inner of the retailers. This can be done by setting

    values club for retailers so that they may exchange views with the

    company and help in understanding consumer behavior.

  • 7/30/2019 Chm Project Report



    1. Executive Summary 7

    2. Introduction 8-11

    3. Research Methodology 12-16

    5. Market & Marketing Strategy 25-30

    6. Product Line 31-45

    8. Data Analysis and Findings 53-58

    9. Conclusion 59

    10. Suggestions 60

    11. Bibliography 61

  • 7/30/2019 Chm Project Report



    Since its inception in the year 2000, Bisk Farm has beenrecognized for its delectable biscuits, cookies, cakes and rusks.

    The brand is owned and marketed by SAJ Food Products (P) Ltd,a part of the Aparna Group of Companies.

    Bisk Farm has carved a niche for itself in the market in a fairlyshort span of time. It is ranked amongst the top 3 bakery brands

    in the markets where it competes.

    Bisk Farm is presently available throughout Eastern and NorthEastern India, and parts of South, Central and North India. The

    company eventually aims to market its delicacies across thecountry.

    Innovation has always been one of Bisk Farms secret ingredientsto success. With its assortment of goodies, ranging from cookies

    to cakes to a variety of rusks, it caters to almost every palate.

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    Research methodology is considered as the nerve of the project.

    Without a proper well-organized research plan, it is impossible to

    complete the project and reach to any conclusion. The project was based

    on the survey plan. The main objective of survey was to collect

    appropriate data, which work as a base for drawing conclusion and

    getting result.

    Therefore, research methodology is the way to systematically solve the

    research problem. Research methodology not only talks of the methods

    but also logic behind the methods used in the context of a research

    study and it explains why a particular method has been used in the

    preference of the other methods

    Research design:

    Research design is important primarily because of the increased

    complexity in the market as well as marketing approaches available to

    the researchers. In fact, it is the key to the evolution of successful

    marketing strategies and programmers. It is an important tool to studybuyers behavior, consumption pattern, brand loyalty, and focus market

    changes. A research design specifies the methods and procedures for

    conducting a particular study. According to Kerlinger, Research Design is

    a plan, conceptual structure, and strategy of investigation conceived as

    to obtain answers to research questions and to control variance.

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    Types of research are:

    Descriptive ResearchThe type of research adopted for study is descriptive. Descriptive studies

    are undertaken in many circumstances when the researches is interested

    to know the characteristic of certain group such as age, sex, education

    level, occupation or income. A descriptive study may be necessary in

    cases when a researcher is interested in knowing the proportion of

    people in a given population who have in particular manner, making

    projections of a certain thing, or determining the relationship between

    two or more variables. The objective of such study is to answer the

    who, what, when, where and how of the subject under investigation.

    There is a general feeling that descriptive studies are factual and very

    simple. This is not necessarily true. Descriptive study can be complex,

    demanding a high degree of scientific skill on part of the researcher.

    Descriptive studies are well structured. An exploratory study needs to be

    flexible in its approach, but a descriptive study in contrast tends to be

    rigid and its approach cannot be changed every now and then. It is

    therefore necessary, the researcher give sufficient thought to framing


    Questions and deciding the types of data to be collected and the

    procedure to be used in this purpose. Descriptive studies can be divided

    into two broad categories: Cross Sectional and Longitudinal Sectional. A

    cross sectional study is concerned with a sample of elements from a

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    given population. Thus, it may deal with household, dealers, retail stores,

    or other entities. Data on a number of characteristics from sample

    elements are collected and analyzed. Cross sectional studies are of two

    types: Field study and Survey. Although the distinction between them is

    not clear- cut, there are some practical differences, which need different

    techniques and skills. Field studies are ex-post-factor scientific inquiries

    that aim at finding the relations and interrelations among variables in a

    real setting. Such studies are done in live situations like communities,

    schools, factories, and organizations.

    Another type of cross sectional study is survey result, which has been

    taken by me. A major strength of survey research is its wide scope. Detail

    information can be obtained from a sample of large population .Besides;

    it is economical as more information can be collected per unit of cost. In

    addition, it is obvious that a sample survey needs less time than a census

    inquiry. Descriptive research includes survey and fact finding enquiries of

    different kinds of the major purpose. Descriptive research is description

    of the state of affairs, as it exists at present. The main characteristic of

    this method is that the researcher has no control over the variables; he

    can only report what has happened or what is happening. The methods

    of research utilized in descriptive research are survey methods of all

    kinds including comparative and co relational methods. The reason for

    using such needs to be flexible in its approach, but a descriptive study in

    contrast tends to be rigid and its approach cannot be changed every now

    and then.

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    Data collection methods:

    Data can be obtained from primary or secondary sources. Primarydata refer to information obtained by the researcher on the

    variables of interest for specific purpose of the study. Secondary

    data refer to information gathered from sources already existing,

    while discussing literature survey. Some of the examples of

    secondary data are company records or archives, government

    publications, industry analysis offered by the media, websites, the

    Internet, and so on. In some cases, the environment or particular

    settings and events may themselves be sources of data, as for

    example, studying the layout of a plant. Considering the research

    problem and research methods defined, only secondary data was

    collected in this research.

    Secondary Data Secondary data are indispensible for mostorganizational research. Secondary data refer to information

    gathered by someone other than the researcher conducting the

    current study. Such data can be internal or external to the

    organization and accessed through the internet or perusal of

    recorded or published information. Secondary data can be used,

    among other things, for forecasting sales by constructing models

    based on past sales figures, and through extrapolation. There are

    several sources of secondary data, including books and priodicals,

    Govt. publications of economic indicators, census data, statistical

    abstracts, and data bases the media, annual reports of companies,

    etc. Case studies and other archival records sources of secondary

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    data provide a lot of information for research and problem solving.

    sSuch data are, as we have seen, mostly qualitative in nature. Also

    included in secondary sources are schedules maintained for or by

    key personnel in organizations, the desk calendar or executive, and

    speeches delivered by them. Much of such internal data, though,

    could be proprietary and not accessible to all.

    The advantage of seeking secondary data sources is savings in timeand costs of acquiring information. However secondary data as the

    sole source of information as the drawback of becoming obsolete,

    and not meeting the specific needs of a particular situation or

    setting. Hence, it is important to refer to sources that offer current

    and up to date information.

    Secondary data in this research was collected through variousforms, companys profile, websites and various literature studies.

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    Fulfill one of our BasicRequirement among Air ,

    Water , Food, Shelter

    Widely accepted in allGenerations

    Easily available in variousforms

    Provide good InstantRemedy for hunger in the

    form of readymade food

    Preserves the non seasonalfood and makes it available

    all throughout the year


    Decreases nutritionalvalue

    Increases the cost of foodproduct

    Industry and technologyrequires high investment

    Regular usage ofprocessed food can cause

    alteration in health

    SWOT Analysis of BISKFARM

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    Increase economy of India Generate employment


    Good quality of Goods Provide competition to

    Domestic companies

    Improve living standard

    Provide goods to nation atcheaper rate

    Inflow of Domestic reserveand funds for the



    Many companies areresult oriented

    Increase in pollution

    Sometimes provide poorquality of product for

    more profit

    Lack of technology

    Unable to utilize all theresources efficiently

  • 7/30/2019 Chm Project Report



    After going thick on the thing, now time is to make a complete picture.

    While making a product a SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) of the shop

    retailers think about the GMROI (Gross Margin Return on Investment)

    and they promote the brands which provide them highest. They

    expect return in the form of profit margin, company schemes, window

    display and references of the shop. Among these, company schemes

    make the differences and are the highest source of motivation after

    profit margin. Retailing demands a constant push from the company.

    Marketer needs to use advertising and brand building strategies to

    address the discerning buyers and retail push to in different buyers.

    The manufacturer should understand consumer behavior because

    retailers can't help quality and price. It is only up to dealers said it is

    demand they sell Britannia 42% agree that at retail shop it is brand

    popularity, which determine the purchase of biscuit.

    There is a greater need to understand the retailer behavior

    considering them as a team working for the company may help them

    to be attached to the company. There should be feeling of belonging

    to the company in inner of the retailers. Setting values club for

    retailers so that they may exchange views with the company and help

    in understanding consumer behavior.

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  • 7/30/2019 Chm Project Report



    TThhee ddaattaa pprreesseenntteedd ttoo yyoouu iinn tthhiiss pprroojjeecctt hhaass bbeeeenn ccoommppiilleedd ffrroomm tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg bbooookkss aanndd



    1.Marketing management anali, planning, implementation, and controlby PhilipKotler - Business & Economics - 1988

    2.arketing anagementby Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller - Business & Economics - 20083.eearch methodolog a tep--tep guide for eginner by Ranjit Kumar - SocialScience - 20054.eearch methodolog by Douglas K. Detterman - Psychology - 1985








    1. Bar Chart of Answers to Question 1...................................82. Pie Chart of Socio-economic Status of the Respondents.....9

    List of Tables

    3. Survey Findings by Gender and Age Group........................10
  • 7/30/2019 Chm Project Report


    1. Introduction

    BackgroundThis report has been written because ....

    It was requested by ...

    It was requested on (date).

    ObjectivesThe objectives of this report are to ....

    ScopeThis report examines .... . It does not examine ..... because ...... .

  • 7/30/2019 Chm Project Report


    2. Literature Review

    The area of investigation has been commented on by Channel

    (1994), Hoey (1993), Halliday (1993) and Lesser (1979), who are

    in agreement that...

    However, they have different opinions on ....

    Due to the differences highlighted above, it was decided to

    investigate ....

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    3. Methodology (also called the 'Method' or 'Procedure')

    ___respondents, chosen by the method of _____ were surveyed

    from (start date) to (end date). Of these, ______ were invited for

    interview on (date).

    The statistics were analysed using a _______ test because .........

    The significance of the results was __________

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    4. Findings

    4.1. IntroductionIn general, the findings indicated that...

    The major finding of the investigation was that...

    In addition, ....

    Surprisingly, ........ , which was an unexpected consequence of .....

    5. Conclusions

    The main conclusion that can be drawn is therefore that...

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    In the light of this, it is recommended that... (+ a general

    recommendation; e.g. that something needs to be changed. The

    detailed recommendations should go in the Recommendations

    section below.)

    6. Recommendations

    In the light of these conclusions, I recommend that _____ should

    be ____

    In addition, a _______ could ______

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    Appendix 1: Sample Survey Form

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    Appendix 2: Results of Statistical Analysis by ______

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