Manistee High School http://moodle.manistee.org/moodle/course/view.php?id=483 Manistee, MI Volume 2 Issue 1 December 6, 2009 By: Katie Dooley The renaming of “The Pit” took place on Wednesday. The three names that people had to choose from, “Manistee Maniacs”, “The Sixth Man”, and “Fanatics Zone”, were all student -picked and student voted. The Pit didn't accurately portray the student body. We're looking for a more positive way to display the collection of th e stu- dents,” said Mr. Huber of why they decided to change the name of The Pit. They also weren’t satisfied with the paint job. And as mentioned previously, administrators didn’t feel the name “The Pit” correctly represent the student body at Manistee High School. Some people weren’t satisfied with the names that were avail- able to vote for, but teachers didn’t come up with them. They were all student picked. Of the few submissions we got on our website, those were the names that were chosen. The winner of the name of the student based section is the 6 th Man, which won by 88%. The painting of the new name will begin soon. “The Sixth Man” Wins 88% of Vote Sleigh Bell Parade 2009 By: Rose Savela Although snow wasn’t in abundance, the 21 st annual Sleigh Bell Parade traveled down River Street once again Saturday evening. With the conditions almost ideal, many MHS students and members of the community ventured out in the cold to at- tend one of Manistee’s main events of the Christmas season. From Kennedy Elementary students to our very own marching band, all parade entries displayed Victorian or Christmas clothing to spread the spirit of the season. As usual, the night was concluded by the lighting of the largest tree and a round of Christmas carols for all of the audience to sing. Even though winter seems to have only suddenly hit us, Christmas spirit defi- nitely filled the downtown streets as the festivities of the evening took place. Collage On Pg 11 Feature Story 1 World/State/ Local 2-4 Student Life 5-7 Sports 8 Arts and Entertainment 9 Index

Chippewa Herald 12-6-09

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MHS school paper

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Page 1: Chippewa Herald  12-6-09

Manistee High School http://moodle.manistee.org/moodle/course/view.php?id=483 Manistee, MI

Volume 2 Issue 1 December 6, 2009

By: Katie Dooley The renaming of “The Pit” took place on Wednesday. The three names that people had to choose from, “Manistee Maniacs”, “The Sixth Man”, and “Fanatics Zone”, were all student-picked and student voted. “ The Pit didn't accurately portray the student body. We're looking for a more positive way to display the collection of the stu-

dents,” said Mr. Huber of why they decided to change the name of The Pit. They also weren’t satisfied with the paint job. And as mentioned previously, administrators didn’t feel the name “The Pit” correctly represent the student body at Manistee High School. Some people weren’t satisfied with the names that were avail-able to vote for, but teachers didn’t come up with them. They were all student picked. Of the few submissions we got on our website, those were the names that were chosen. The winner of the name of the student based section is the 6th Man, which won by 88%. The painting of the new name will begin soon.

“The Sixth Man” Wins 88% of Vote

Sleigh Bell Parade 2009 By: Rose Savela

Although snow wasn’t in abundance, the 21st annual Sleigh Bell Parade traveled down River Street once again Saturday evening. With the conditions almost ideal, many MHS students and members of the community ventured out in the cold to at-tend one of Manistee’s main events of the Christmas season.

From Kennedy Elementary students to our very own marching band, all parade entries displayed Victorian or Christmas clothing to spread the spirit of the season. As usual, the night was concluded by the lighting of the largest tree and a round of Christmas carols for all of the audience to sing. Even though winter seems to have only suddenly hit us, Christmas spirit defi-nitely filled the downtown streets as the festivities of the evening took place.

Collage On Pg 11

Feature Story 1

World/State/ Local 2-4

Student Life 5-7

Sports 8

Arts and Entertainment 9


Page 2: Chippewa Herald  12-6-09

By: Yoav Placencia

Last night, the Annual Jingle Bell Jam fundraiser took place at the Manistee Eagles for the seventh year. The fundraiser was run by Cheryl and Paul Bendig, who work with Toys for Tots and were part of the musical acts by playing with their band “Cherri and the Violators.”All proceeds from cash donations and unopened toys were proceeded straight to the Holiday Hope Team and FiveCap to help the distribution of toys this holiday season. While toy donations are running low this year, the Jin-gle Jam has been able to fundraise over $1,000 in toys and donations. Between 500 - 800 young people in Manistee County have received gifts over the years through this event. Food and drinks were provided The musical acts consisted of the following:

7:00 PM - Marty Yaple and Adam Priestly

8:00 PM - Incognito

9:00 PM - Waterline

10:00 PM - Cherri & the Violators

11:00 PM - The Rock Supply

The performers consisted of several interesting acts: from reun-ions (Rock Supply), to the veterans (Cherri & the Violators), to Traverse City’s duo (Incognito), to a debuting Manistee band (Waterline), and the ever-popular (Marty Yaple and Adam Priestly). When asked about the event, performer Marty Yaple commented, “I really enjoyed doing it, and it's for a really good cause. It's such a festive time of year, and I always look forward to playing it.”

Page 2


Jingle Bell Jamming For a Cause

Tiger Wood’s Update By: Joe Frederick

At this point nothing is really confirmed about the world’s number one golfer Tiger Woods and his alleged affair. After driving his SUV into a fire hydrant and a tree near his Windermere Florida home at around 2:25 in the morning on Friday November 27th, he will receive a reckless driving citation and a $164 fine, along with four points on his driving record. Tabloids speculate that the accident was the result of domestic dispute, caused by an affair. Woods has apologized on his website saying

“I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart. I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves. I am not without faults and I am far short of perfect. I am dealing with my behavior and personal failings behind closed doors with my family. Those feelings should be shared by us alone.”

Other information from the three alleged mistresses has been released including voicemails left by Woods. For Tiger’s full apology, or any other information go to http://web.tigerwoods.com/news/article/200912027740572/news/

By: Katie Dooley

President Barack Obama presented his speech about what the plans are for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. He plans to send 30,000 troops to Af-ghanistan and help get the war-torn country back on its feet by 2011. More people were backing Obama’s plan when he first spoke about it in March of this year. 70%, to be exact. Now, only 36% think it would be a good idea to send more troops to Afghanistan. "If I did not think that the security of the United States and the safety of the American people were at stake in Af-ghanistan, I would gladly order every one of our troops home tomorrow," Obama said. He is going to increase efforts to build up the Afghan govern-ment again, increase the to-date Afghan security machinery, and he wants to refocus efforts on producing a stable economy.

"As President, I refuse to set goals that go beyond our responsibility, our means or our interests," he said about taking troops out right now. His plan to take troops out in 2011 is just a year shy of his reelection campaign. His party has been complaining, because of how costly the war has been, and

still is. "The U.S. government is already spending $3.6 billion a month on the war in Afghanistan," said Representative Louise Slaughter of New York. "I see no good reason for us to send another 30,000 or more troops to Afghanistan when we have so many pressing issues — like our economy — to deal with in this country." Aside from the speech, afterwards the President posed for pictures and promised to work closely with Congress and the people. It looks like, for now, we’ll just have to wait and see what happens. http://www.time.com/time/politics/article/0,8599,1944559,00.html

Obama’s Plan For American Troops

Page 3: Chippewa Herald  12-6-09

By: Andrea Paine

As December approaches and the Christmas season approaches, one thing remains missing from the usual scene. The white fluffy stuff that covers the grounds of Michigan most early Decem-bers in no where to be seen this winter.

For many no snow is a blessing, and are relieved that they don't have shovel. While for others, the lack of snow make them crave it even more. For many local ski areas Thanksgiving is usually the opening day, but this year has been a different story. Crystal Mountain usually has low enough temperatures that give them the ability to make snow, but have been unable to do so this season.

Many wonder what is to blame for the absence of snow this year. Scientists are discovering that El Niño, a periodic warming of the Pacific Ocean, is causing the extended fall season.

The El Niño occurs in the Pacific Ocean every couple of years and causes a warming in the temperatures for about a year. NOAA scientists are finding that this El Niño is building great strength this year

due to the greater increase of ocean tem-peratures. In October of this year scien-tists found that the El Niño has caused a 1.5° C increase in the ocean's tempera-


Michigan isn't alone in the increased December temperatures. Areas of the Northern Rockies and Northern Plains are also experiencing a lack of snow. Al-though the El Niño causes a stalled winter for Michigan, it has the opposite affect on California, Florida, and Texas. These states are having an increasing amount of

precipitation. The El Niño also causes much damage throughout the Pacific coast with increases mudslides and flood-ing. It does benefit the Atlantic coast by

suppressing the usual intense hurri-canes.

The El Niño may seem like just a fake phenomenon to some, it's true effects are being shown this winter in your own backyard.

Page 3 World/State/ Local

Where is the Snow? El Niño May Be To Blame

The White House Crashers By: Katie Dooley

They supposedly “crashed the White House dinner” last week, but according to Tareq Salahi and wife Michaele, they were invited.

“This has been the most devastating thing that’s ever happened to us,” Tareq said. “We’re greatly saddened by all the circumstances that have been involved in portraying my wife and I as party crashers. I can tell you we did not party crash the White House.”

“Our lives have been destroyed, everything we’ve worked for,” Michaele told Matt Lauer in their Today Show interview. “For me, 44 years, just destroyed.” They were asked who had invited them to the party if they hadn’t crashed it, but they said they were working with the Secret Service and that “the truth will come out.” Currently, there are 2 sides to this story. Michele Jones from the Washington Post says they were not on the guest list. She said that they didn’t have tickets, but decided to come despite that.

There are emails that were exchanged between the couple and Jones about trying to get an invitation to the event. Jones told them it wasn’t likely they would be invited, but they were persistent and kept at it. Jones emailed them the morning of the d in-ner, telling them she would call when she knew for sure. The Salahis told her the best way to reach them was through cell phone, so Jones called to tell them later that evening they didn’t get an invitation. The Salahis went to the dinner anyway, claiming their cell phone battery had died earlier that day so they had no way of hearing the voicemail. They emailed Jones when they got home saying they had a “wonderful time”. Jones assumed they had gotten an invitation through another source, so she replied “You are most welcome. I here (sic) the smile in your e-mail. Am delighted you and Michaele had a wonderful time.” That was where the miscommunication came into play, and where the Salahis got their nickname.

Crystal Mountain on Thanksgiving Day In 2007

El Niño’s Typical Effect on the Pacific Ocean.

Page 4: Chippewa Herald  12-6-09

By: Yoav Placencia

Next Friday December 11th, the Student Government at CASMAN Academy will be hosting a Boxing Club Benefit Concert that will help fund their annual trip to the Michigan Golden Gloves. The concert consists of music ranging from satyrical hip-hop, Squiggle Door, to new metal, Break the Weak and Deffesus, to experimental, Loudcat. The event begins at 6:00 and the cost is

$5, though anyone unable to pay will not be turned away (it’s a pay-what-you-can, so any donations are welcome).

The Student Government is part of the SEEDS 21st Century Community Learning Center (located at CASMAN), a grant-funded project that focuses on strengthening communities and the environment by promoting sustainable practices and strengthening community ties.

“The SEEDS program is also actively seeking volunteers of any age who would like to share a skill or start an affinity group. Anyone interested in partici-pating as a member or volunteer can contact me by phone or email,” com-mented Site Coordinator, Kevin Summers.

This same project also offers after-school programs such as photography, robotics, culinary, and screen printing to any student in Manistee County.

Site Coordinator, Kevin Summers, also remarked, “in the future the SEEDS 21st Century Community Learning Center intends to host more concerts and events with the goal of creating a positive, inclusive and productive youth cul-ture in Manistee and promoting a DIY mindset.”

So show up this next Friday to support the Boxing Club and to help strengthen the growing music scene in Manistee County.

For any other questions about SEEDS program, feel free to contact Kevin Summers at:

email: [email protected] cell: 609-405-9156

By: Joe Frederick

For the second year in a row, members of Manistee High School’s band program are participating in Jazz Combo. Jazz Combo meets during seminar days in the band room, and plays not only jazz, but also other improvisational music “everyone has improved greatly at different jazz styles and improvising music,” according to the jazz combo organizer Patrick Meagher. It’s extra curricular activity even though they practice on school time. You might have seen the jazz combo play some of the basketball games last year, and they hope to do the same thing this year. “We’ll probably be doing an open mic night or two at the Grounds,” said Meagher. The band’s lineup consists of Michael Link on bass, Matthew Moehring on guitar, Brandon Jablonski on baritone sax, John Stickney on alto sax, and Patrick Meagher plays tenor sax. “Our line up has changed with the loss of both the Lindgrens and Scott Switzer,” said Meagher. “Alex Waterman has been jamming with us for the last few weeks, but he's not interested in being an official member at the moment.” Meagher added. They hope to compete at State Solo and Ensemble in the spring, but in the mean time check them out at the basketball games and mock rock.

Page 4

Next Week’s Concert “Squiggle Door, Loudcat,

Break the Weak, and Deffesus”

Student-Run Music Is a Success

World/State/ Local

Page 5: Chippewa Herald  12-6-09

By: Nathalie Kenny

Have you seen the new student walking in the hallway, in your class, or at lunch? If you don't know her already, her name is Ashley Klein! She is the newest addition to the senior class of 2010. She moved from Rio Rancho, New Mexico; which is about five minutes from Albuquerque. But, she isn't that new in the state of Michigan because she was actually born in Otsego! She ended up moving from Michigan and around the United States because her dad was in the military.

Q: What do you like about Manistee?

A: There is a lot of nature, it's not a desert and there is water!

The people are pretty nice, even though there is not many. And everybody knows everybody. They are really personal. The classes are really nice and each teacher is willing to teach

you personally.

Q: Who is your favorite teacher?

A: Mr. Joseph, he is funny!

Q: Are you ready for snow?

A: Oh my goodness, yes. I have seen snow before, because I have lived in Minnesota. A lot of people have asked me that question. I was actually really sad when I moved to New Mex-ico. But, I know Michigan gets a lot of snow, so I am really ex-cited.

Q: What do you miss about New Mexico?

A: I miss the mountains and the people and the shopping

Q: What do you do in your free time?

A: I like to sing, act and be in plays and dramas. I played in a Broadway show called “Hello Dolly”. It isn't like a big Broadway production like in NYC or Chicago. Just a smaller version in New Mexico.

Q: Do you play any sports?

A: Ha, I am athletically challenged. I will play sports, but not as a hardcore passion.

Q Have you made any new friends?

A: I have, I've made a good amount for only a couple days and they are all really nice.

Q: How was your first day?

A: Scary. The first two periods were really overwhelming and then I got used to it. And the one thing I fear, sitting alone at lunch, didn't happen. After that I started to meet a lot more peo-ple.

Page 5

Student Life

New Student: Ashley Klein

By: Alexa Schneider

This spring, the MHS Baseball and Softball teams will both have new fields to call their own. The fields are currently under construction behind the high school. Fields will include, new fencing, dugouts, quick drying infields made of “turfus”, as well as a press box at the baseball field.

The boy’s baseball field is being funded largely by the 350 Club and the public school district; both having already donated $10,000. The girl’s field has received $5,000 from the 350 Club, money from the athletic department, and dugouts through an anonymous donor.

The girl’s softball field was designed by the head softball coach Paul Maksym; his plan will significantly cut some of the cost of building the field by using less fencing. Coach Maksym and the softball team hope to be on their new field by April this spring for their first game, and are looking forward to the spring season.

A New Place To Call Home

Page 6: Chippewa Herald  12-6-09

Page 6 Student Life

From Chippewa To Golden Grizzly

Film Making APES

By: Rose Savela

On November 11th senior Julia Maksym signed her national letter of intent to play division I softball at Oakland University. Alongside her parents and pitching coaches, Julia accom-plished her biggest dream of the last four years.

Although she has been pitch-ing since the sixth grade it was-n’t until she reached high school that she set her sights on the lofty goal of playing college soft-ball.

“I knew I wanted to get seri-ous about pitching when I reached high school and saw the talent I had,” Maksym said. “It has been my dream since then.”

Living in northern Michigan isn’t the greatest place to get noticed by college scouts so Julia, with the help of her fam-ily, had to take it upon herself to get no-ticed.

“I went to a ton of camps, exposure showcases, and tournaments around Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio,” Maksym said. “I also sent out tons of letters and schedules to the colleges I was most in-

terested in so they could come and watch me.”

Like most college prospects Julia ex-perienced a stressful recruiting process

but was able to enjoy it along the way.

“It was hectic but I wouldn't take any-thing back,” Maksym said. “Traveling and visiting all the schools were amazing ex-periences that I will never forget. I feel lucky to have met many coaches that have made many accomplishments in their lives.”

Although the visits to other schools were memorable, Oakland stood out

among the rest, first from the academic stand point, and then for athletics.

“I chose Oakland mostly because of the great nursing program.” Maksym said.

“The nursing professors work well with the athletes too.”

The great atmosphere and soft-ball program only helped make Julia’s decision easier.

“I also chose Oakland because of the area the campus is in and the coaches,” said Maksym. “I felt very comfortable in Rochester and the coaches’ beliefs in the game are similar to mine. That's one of the big things I looked for.”

Now that she is done with this monumental decision, Julia is not only able to focus on her last year

as a Chippewa, but she has already set goals for her first year as a Grizzly.

“It is a huge relief to have this out of the way,” said Maksym of her decision.

“My goals are to work very hard on the movement of my pitches to prepare for the college level. I hope to come in some games my freshman year and be one of the top three pitchers by my sophomore year.”

By: Janae Ernst

Over the last few weeks, the students of Mr. Postma’s AP Environmental Science (APES) class have been preparing films and photos for the annual Great Lakes Envi-ronmental Film Festival (GLEFF), which will take place on April 22, 2010 at the Bay City State Theatre. The grand prize for this competition is a $500 scholarship award. Last year, over 30 films from students across Michigan competed along with ours in the High School section of the competition and this year there may be just as many or more, so the opposition will be tough.

The theme for this competition is pollution in the Great Lakes areas and how individuals can help to fix it, and the Manistee APES class has done a great job in cre-ating videos and taking photographs that accurately give this message. According to Mr. Postma, the teacher of the AP Environmental class, the videos for this year are “as a group the best videos made, easily”. Among some of these great films are Man vs.

Nature by Thomas Bond and ECI by Jon Stickney and Trent Schmeling.

The GLEEF and the videos they present are very important, not only because they present opportunities to students to gain scholarships, but also because they are a simple yet effective way to inform the public about environmental problems. “One of the failures of science”, says Mr. Postma, “is not being able to communicate effectively to the public”. These videos are one way that the students of Manistee High School can help fix this problem.

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Page 7

Christmas; It isn’t Really About You

Student Life

Girls’ Ski Team Trains For New Season By: Andrea Paine

Over Thanksgiving break, the girls' ski team traveled out to Copper Mountain, Colorado to get in some pre-season train-ing. They went out to Colorado with the Dan Janowiak Race Camp along with many other Michigan racers to get a taste of the Rocky Mountains. Those from MHS who traveled out to Colorado for the week long excursion was was Nathalie Kenny, Kristen Sey-mour, Andrea Paine, Kari Paine and

McKenna Bramble.

Each day, the team loaded the chairlift at 6 in the morning to get the best conditions on the mountain. They stayed on the mountain and trained gates until lunchtime. These daily six hours of training time gave the Michigan racers a boost on their season and loads of hours to help improve their skills in the course.

The girls' ski team went out to Copper Mountain in hopes of keeping a hold of their state championship this sea-son. Due to the loss of senior Katie Bramble, the team must work even harder to produce the same results in the 2010 season. It takes weeks of training in the regular season to get in the amount of hours the skiers received in Copper. Compared to Michigan, the race courses are about twice the length of the ones at home. They had private courses in a section of Cop-per Mountain where the pub-lic wasn't allowed to train which provided for a better race training environment.

As the ski season approaches, the team is unable to con-tinue training due to the absence of snow this year. They are continuing to train with Bear Lake cross country coach, Eric Ross to prepare for their season. Ross provides them with a mix of cardio and weight training that is directed toward skiers. When the snow does begin to fall, the team hopes to compete December 12 at Nubs Nob.

By: Nathalie Kenny

Three hundred and sixty five days a year we spend time mainly just worrying about ourselves. During Christmas you would think we would slow everything down a bit and spend time with family and friends. But, we don't . During this time, life actually speeds up and the hustle and bustle increases. People run around cra-zily looking for last minute gifts, spending money, putting up decorations, preparing and go, go, going. In all of this mess, we have lost the true meaning of Christmas.

We have all heard several times from our parents and others, what Christmas is really about. Quite frankly, they are right. It isn't about you at all. It is about giving and caring for other people. When you are young, Christmas revolves around

getting gifts. That is the only reason why kids get up at 8 a.m on Christmas break. You wouldn't wake up at 8 a.m to give a gift to your sister or brother, would you? If so, then you are one in a million. When you are young, you cannot really under-stand the whole concept of Christmas, giving, sharing and caring. It is more diffi-cult for children. So, kids get excited about receiving gifts and don't think about

much else. As kids grow older, they un-derstand more about it, but it still seems to revolve around you receiving gifts.

A lot of people are just selfish, or maybe they were never taught what Christmas is all about.. In my opinion, it is about spending time with your family, friends and loved ones. And giving to others what you have. Spending time with people you love and spreading the joy and happi-ness! You need to share what you have with those who have nothing and give what you have to those who don't have anything to give. It is a time of caring and generosity. So, this Christmas season, don't think about yourself, think about others!

Page 8: Chippewa Herald  12-6-09

By: Rose Savela The girls varsity basketball team started off their season with back-to-back games and managed to pull off a perfect start to their season. On December 1st the lady Chips traveled to Mason County Central for their season opener. Alex Niemi won the opening tip which allowed Ashley Tiefenthal to put in a basket and give the Chips a lead they would never lose. The re-building Spartans fought hard to keep in the game but due to the stifling defense of the Chippewas they never got much closer than a twenty-point deficit. The final score of the contest was 61-29. Leading the way for the Chippewas in scoring were Rose Savela with twenty, Kristen Merkey with eleven, and Julia Maksym with ten. The very next day the Chippewas were faced with a tougher challenge against the Kingsley Stags. Getting off to a sloppy start, the lady Chips weren’t able to pull away to a safe lead in the first half. A few key three-point baskets by Kingsley put them down only seven points going into the half-time break. In the third quarter, however, the Chips got it together and outscored the Stags 13-4 to extend their lead. From there defensive pressure and offensive execution allowed the Chippewas to pull away with a 59-36 victory and a perfect record to the start of their season. The top scorers of the game were Rose Savela with twenty-six, Aubree Gregorski with seven, and Julia Maksym with six. Along with six points Maksym recorded an all-around stellar performance with six steals, five rebounds, and three assists. The girls basketball team faces Big Rapids on December 8th and won’t return home until December 15th when they face their arch-rivals the Ludington Orioles.

Page 8

Girls Basketball Round-Up


By: Alexa Schneider Both JV and Varsity Manistee Wrestlers kicked off the sea-son last Wednesday December 2nd with a tri-meet at Gladwin. The MHS Varsity team lost 36:48 vs. Gladwin and 37:42 vs. Sterling- Standish. The Manistee JV team experienced a double loss as well, losing both matches by only two points. Manistee JV came out on bottom, the score 10:12 vs. Gladwin, and 23:25 vs. Sterling Standish. Saturday December 5th, Varsity wrestling competed in Pine River’s Invitational meet. Meanwhile, the Manistee JV wres-tlers traveled to the Traverse City Central Invitational. The Manistee wrestlers will compete next on Thursday, De-cember 10th at 6:00pm; this will be their first home meet of the season. Thursday’s competition is a tri-meet between Manis-tee, Pine River, and Kingsley

Tri-meet Kick-off

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By: Joe Frederick

Social networking sites have become a huge part of the lives of young people. Even though I do use Facebook, and I text, I’m worried about the direction my age group is going.

Facebook in my opinion is supposed to be an easy way to get in touch with peo-ple, that can be used as a catalyst for maybe a phone call to a long lost friend, or in some cases a personal meeting. Instead of having a personal conversation with a fellow human being, we now turn to text messaging and chatting as a major from of communication, which begs to question. Is social networking making us less social?

I’ll start with the biggest contribu-tor, Facebook. Facebook has millions of users throughout the world, and most of which are high school and college age.

Many users have hundreds of the ironi-cally named “friends” that in reality don’t talk in real life, but are friends to feel a sense of belonging. These “friends” feel it necessary to post the most meaningless little tidbits of information about their day, hoping to get a reaction from someone, also drawing on a need to be heard, or known. Facebook and other social net-working sites also play on human’s vo-yeuristic urges, posting updates from your friends that then allow one to peer into that person’s, or what they choose people to perceive as their life.

Text messaging is a big part of communication for kids today as well. Instead of calling a person on the phone, or meeting in person, we text because it’s more convenient and we don’t have to give the person we are communicating with our full attention during the conversa-tion.

Video games, even though they aren’t social networking, they’re close. One can put on a persona of any number

of characters, and go on a virtual quest, in some cases communicating with other players, never actually seeing what they look like, but only their in game persona.

Social networking is, in many cases becoming a substitute for social interaction, instead, an addition to social interaction. This, even though it has al-lowed many for many good technological advances, is beginning to consume the lives of young people. If the use of social interaction perpetuates itself further, I’m scared to find out what the life of an aver-age teenager will be like in a mere 20 years. Will it integrate itself into education and the workplace? Or is it just a phase that will die out as most fads do? No mat-ter what the future holds, the social state of teenagers is troubling to me, and makes me wonder what life will be like in the future.

Page 9

Is Network Socializing Making Us

Less Social?

App 10 : Zombieville USA By: Michael Bond

Cartoon-Wars is a strategic game to destroy the opposing tower. It was developed by Blue Enter-tainment.

This app has good, simple graphics composed of the basic black and white stick figures. As you advance in levels, you upgrade your soldiers, they range from stick figures holding swords to flying goblins that shoot lasers. Once you destroy your opponent's tower, the level is over.

As you increase in level, your opponents up-grade as well.

“Cartoon Wars is an interesting game. Topping the appstore downloads as the number 2 paid app for a while, Cartoon Wars by BLUE is a challeng-ing castle defense game.” said www.iphoneappstore.us.com.

This app is available in the app store for $0.99, but if you don't want to spend the dollar right away, check out the LITE version.

Arts And Entertainment

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Page 10

The Chippewa Herald Team: Advisor: Mr. Joseph

Editor: Jenna Vincent


-Andrea Paine

-Joe Frederick

-Katie Dooley

-Yoav Placencia

-Michael Bond

-Rose Savela

-Nathalie Kenny

-Janae Ernst

-Alexa Shneider

This 10 minute news program gives you a sense of what is going on it the world. Mr. Bennett is now showing CNN Student News in his World Studies classes in hopes of giving his students insight on world news. CNN Student

News is available online at http://www.cnn.com/studentnews/ or it can be downloaded as a Podcast for

your iPod.

Want More World News?

More 2008-2009


Have been found!

Available for $49

If you are interested, contact Mrs. Ferguson or a yearbook

staff member.

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Page 11

Sleigh Bell Parade Collage