The Chinese government has created a strategic plan to comprehensively upgrade the country’s industrial sector and make China a major player that is independent from other countries. This plan, “Made in China 2025”, includes a focus on pharmaceuticals and medical devices. Companies involved in these sectors will benefit from almost unlimited funding by 2025, with the goal to compete with foreign industries and retake significant market share. As a key tool for diagnostics and life sciences applications, microfluidic technology will surely benefit from this massive spend. Indeed, the chinese diagnostics market is currently dominated by large international companies like Roche and Abbott, but new Chinese companies are rising up to compete with them. The opportunity is huge for these emerging Chinese players, because the current domination of foreign players results in products that are considered too expensive and often way beyond reimbursement thresholds. Thus, Chinese players able to propose similar solutions at a lower price will seriously threaten these giants’ position in the Chinese market. We are not there yet because performance and quality still don’t meet the expectations, but the path to 2025 is long and China’s industry is improving rapidly. Moreover, demand is growing quickly: indeed, China already has the world’s largest population, one which is aging rapidly and thus needs improved care. Additionally, the end of the “one-child policy” has resulted in numerous births and an increased demand in areas such as non-invasive prenatal testing. For all these reasons, the Chinese microfluidic market will be strongly impacted. Yole Développement (Yole)’s analysts expect that the market for microfluidic-based products sold by Chinese players will grow at a CAGR 2017-2023 of 28%, from $171M in 2017 to $754.1M in 2023. CHINESE MICROFLUIDICS INDUSTRY 2018 Market & Technology report - July 2018 WITH AN EYE TOWARDS 2025, CHINA HAS LAUNCHED A DEEP TRANSFORMATION OF ITS INDUSTRIAL SECTOR Will the Chinese microfluidics industry change the worldwide microfluidic landscape? KEY FEATURES • Mapping of Chinese microfluidic players • Analysis of both local and foreign players’ sales and positioning in China • Market landscape overview • Comparison between China and other countries • Drivers for microfluidics adoption in China • Market data and forecasts 2017 - 2023 for microfluidic-based products and for microfluidic devices, in volume (units) and in value ($M) • Analysis of the dynamic applications, with a focus on next- generation sequencing • Supply and value chain analysis, with overview of Chinese players’ capabilities and limitations • Company profiles • First-level patent analysis • First-level regulatory and market access information (Yole Développement, July 2018) Tianjin Beijing Hangzhou Wuhan (Each-reach) Chengdu Suzhou Shanghai Shenzhen *Non-exhaustive list of companies THE CHINESE MICROFLUIDICS INDUSTRY: A FAST-MOVING ECOSYSTEM As a consequence of governmental support, numerous Chinese companies were recently spun- off from several universities. Starting from 2002, Government funding for microfluidic research and microfluidic companies has reached several tens of millions yuan per year, with a significant explosion in recent years. The government is also recalling Chinese executives and engineers who have worked overseas for years in order to lead these new Chinese companies and increase their chances of success. Market demand is growing, and students in microfluidics are being recruited before they even graduate. Yole has identified 40+ Chinese companies involved in microfluidic device manufacturing 2018 - Mapping of Chinese microfluidic players*


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The Chinese government has created a strategic plan to comprehensively upgrade the country’s industrial sector and make China a major player that is independent from other countries. This plan, “Made in China 2025”, includes a focus on pharmaceuticals and medical devices. Companies involved in these sectors will benefit from almost unlimited funding by 2025, with the goal to compete with foreign industries and retake significant market share.

As a key tool for diagnostics and life sciences applications, microfluidic technology will surely benefit from this massive spend. Indeed, the chinese diagnostics market is currently dominated by large international companies like Roche and Abbott, but new Chinese companies are rising up to compete with them. The opportunity is huge for these emerging Chinese players, because the current domination of foreign players results in products that are considered too expensive and often way

beyond reimbursement thresholds. Thus, Chinese players able to propose similar solutions at a lower price will seriously threaten these giants’ position in the Chinese market. We are not there yet because performance and quality still don’t meet the expectations, but the path to 2025 is long and China’s industry is improving rapidly. Moreover, demand is growing quickly: indeed, China already has the world’s largest population, one which is aging rapidly and thus needs improved care. Additionally, the end of the “one-child policy” has resulted in numerous births and an increased demand in areas such as non-invasive prenatal testing.

For all these reasons, the Chinese microfluidic market will be strongly impacted. Yole Développement (Yole)’s analysts expect that the market for microfluidic-based products sold by Chinese players will grow at a CAGR

2017-2023 of 28%, from $171M in 2017 to $754.1M in 2023.

CHINESE MICROFLUIDICS INDUSTRY 2018Market & Technology report - July 2018


Will the Chinese microfluidics industry change the worldwide microfluidic landscape?

KEY FEATURES•MappingofChinesemicrofluidic



•Driversformicrofluidicsadoptionin China

•Marketdataandforecasts2017- 2023formicrofluidic-basedproductsandformicrofluidicdevices,involume(units)andinvalue($M)




access information

(Yole Développement, July 2018)





Chengdu Suzhou Shanghai


*Non-exhaustive list of companies


As a consequence of governmental support, numerous Chinese companies were recently spun-off from several universities. Starting from 2002, Government funding for microfluidic research and microfluidic companies has reached several tens of millions yuan per year, with a significant explosion in recent years. The government is also recalling Chinese executives and engineers who

have worked overseas for years in order to lead

these new Chinese companies and increase their

chances of success. Market demand is growing,

and students in microfluidics are being recruited

before they even graduate.

Yole has identified 40+ Chinese companies

involved in microfluidic device manufacturing

2018 - Mapping of Chinese microfluidic players*



Among the Chinese companies that look promising, Bohui and Micropoint are two which have full capabilities for manufacturing their microfluidic-based products, and their position is clearly to propose alternatives to the diagnostic products sold by international giants. Such companies are growing well and finding success by proposing similar solutions to the international giants, but at a much lower price. Thanks to this strategy, some Chinese companies are beginning to attract foreign customers who cannot afford similar services at Western prices. Currently, quality is still inferior to what foreign companies can offer, but this could significantly change over the next 5 - 10 years.

Globally, this is the strategy of most Chinese microfluidic players, at all levels of the supply chain: propose “good enough” products or services at a low cost, gain contracts, and grow quickly. The most

obvious example is that of BGI. The genomics company has released DNA sequencers over the past three years, first in China and now worldwide. Though BGI’s technology is said to still trail the field’s gold standard (i.e. Illumina), its aggressive pricing policy allows it to rapidly gain market share and make significant progress in terms of performance. Interestingly, numerous people share the same opinion: “BGI will kill Illumina”.

It may be too early to make such a bold statement, but one thing is sure: certain Chinese companies have the potential to be a real threat to Western players, which must find solutions to contest these Asian newcomers in their respective markets, at all levels of the supply chain.

This report details the current capabilities of more than 25 Chinese microfluidic players and furnishes 30+ company profiles detailing who these players are.

and/or integration. Though a few companies (i.e. CapitalBio) have existed since the 2000s, most of these microfluidic companies have been around only a few years, and some of them already have products

on the market. In fact, the timeline from company inception to product commercialization seems much shorter in China than abroad.

Today, the Chinese supply chain’s maturity is similar to what Europe and the USA’s supply chain resembled ten years ago: very few companies have full capabilities (from design and prototyping to mass manufacturing and back-end processing), and only a few projects reach mass production. However, China’s evolution should be much faster, and it won’t take the Chinese industry 10 years to catch up. The questions are: “What will be the first significant commercial success?” and “Who will be the Chinese versions of Cepheid and Abaxis, two American diagnostic companies that in the 2000s found success with microfluidic technology and were recently acquired by diagnostic giants?”

In this report, Yole’s analysts explain how China’s ecosystem may evolve over the next few years, whether foreign players can survive, and how some Chinese players are destined for big things.

How the Chinese microfluidic landscape could appear in a few years*

(Yole Développement, July 2018)

Microfluidics-based revenue

Chinese companies

Foreign companies

Several international giants with decreasing

market share

Numerous small Chinese players with

medium revenue / low market share

Few foreign players (decreasing number) with low revenue /

market share

Several Chinese giants

*Non-exhaustive list of companies

Next-generation sequencing market share in China: what could happen by 2025?

(Yole Développement, July 2018)



Year 2017US$ 379 MILLION








Others< 1%

Others2 %

CAGR2017-2025: 22%

And more…

Year 2025


COMPANIES CITED IN THE REPORT (non exhaustive list)3M, Abaxis, Abbott, Affymetrix, Agilent Technologies, Alere, Anatech, BaiCare, BD, Beijing Bohui Innovation Technologies, Beijing e-science, Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI Shenzhen), Beijing Unibio, Beijing University of Technology, Berry Genomics, Biocartis, bioMérieux, Caliper Life Sciences (PerkinElmer), CapitalBio, Celsee, Cepheid, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chongqing University, Clearbridge Biomedics, CNRS, Corning, Coyote Biosciences, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Dalian University of Technology, Daohui Biotech, Denz Bio-Medical, Digital Biosystems, Dolomite, Each-reach (Rongzhi Biotech), Elveflow, Excbio, Fapon, Fluidigm, Fluigent, Foxgene, Fudan University, Funai Electric, Genetel Pharmaceuticals, Getein Biotech, Guangzhou Sio Optics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harvard College, HealthDigit, Heto, Hicomp Microtech, Highland Best, Hochuen, Honeywell, HP, Huakairui, IBM, Illumina, Institute of High Energy Physics, Inzign, Jiangsu University, JIER Machine Tool Group, LabSmith, Lianer Technology, Little Things Factory, Maccura, Mesosbiosys, Micronit, Micropoint Biosciences, Micrux Technologies, Mindray, MiTASChip, MNChip, Nanoctr, NanoEntek, NanoLite Systems, Nanomed Skincare, Oxford Nanopore Technologies, Pacific Biosciences, Peking University, Philips, Prinzen Bio (Shanghai Yanzan Biotechnology), Purui Kang, PushKang Biotechnology, Qiagen, Quanterix, Quidel, Ray Biotech, Rayme Biotech, Renji Hospital, Robert Bosch, Roche, Samsung Electronics, Schott, Sensilicon (Shanghai Central Core Electronics), Shanghai Baio Technology, Shanghai Biochip, Shanghai Biotechnology Corporation, Shanghai Hengxin Biotechnology, Shanghai Industrial µTechnology Research Institute (SITRI), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shenyang Machine Tool, SIASUN Robot & Automation, Silex Microsystems, Sinochips, Solvay, Sony, Southeast University, Superchip Technology, Suzhou Genso Optoelectronic Technology, Suzhou Hailu Biotech (Halo), Tecnisco, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Tianjin Biochip, Tinker Bio, Tongfang Biochip, Tsinghua University, University of California, Watmind, Wenchang Chip, Wenhao Chip, Yaneng Bio, Yulong Biomedical, Zhejiang University, and more...

Executive Summary 10

Landscape overview 40

> Definitions and introduction> Mapping of Chinese microfluidic players> Market landscape> Funding model> Comparison between China and other countries> China’s strengths> Why is the Chinese government supporting

microfluidics?> Poor ecosystem for system development> Drivers for microfluidics adoption in China> Chinese companies starting businesses abroad> Conclusions

Patent analysis 67Market data and forecasts 84

> Microfluidic-based products (volume)> Microfluidic-based products (value)> Microfluidic-based products - market share> Microfluidic devices (value)> Microfluidic-based products - chip value> Microfluidic devices - Chinese foundries’ market

share> What tomorrow could look like

Several applications, different dynamics 94

> Applications & dynamics> Pharma chip production> NGS in China - market share, BGI strategy

> Some applications/technologies are expected to grow rapidly

> Foreign microfluidic companies in China> Conclusions

Supply chain and value chain 108

> Introduction> Microfluidic cartridge production - different models> Repartition of Chinese players, per company type> Microfluidic chip processing equipment> Materials> Players’ capabilities> Examples of production collaborations> Foreign players in China> Distributors for Western players> Other collaboration examples> How do foundries position?> Technical capabilities> Chinese players working for Western companies> Glass microfluidics - demand> Reagent deposition capabilities> Interactions between world regions> Criteria for selecting a development and

industrialization partner> Value chain for point-of-need applications> Conclusions

Examples of products and company profiles 133

Regulatory and market access 168

Report conclusion 177

TABLE OF CONTENTS (complete content on i-Micronews.com)

OBJECTIVES OF THE REPORT• Publish a global vision of the Chinesemicrofluidicmarket, taking into account real industrialconcernsalongthewholesupplychain,andconsideringChineseandforeignplayers

• IdentifymicrofluidicsapplicationsinChinaandunderstandtheassociatedecosystem• Identifythelocaltechnologiesandunderstandtheirabilitytoanswermarketneeds•Mapplayersateachlevelofthesupplychain• Explain howChinese players compare toWestern players in terms of expertise, know-how,capabilities,andhowtheyworktogether,andunderstandwhethertheycanthreatenWesternplayers

• Examinehowthisecosystemmightevolve• Provide2016-2017marketdataandfurnishforecastsfor2017-2023•DeliverabriefoverviewofChina’smicrofluidicIPlandscape• ProvidecompanyprofilesforallidentifiedChineseplayers

AUTHORSSébastien Clerc worksasaTechnologies&MarketAnalyst,Microfluidics &MedicalTechnologies at Yole Développement(Yole). Sébastien authored a collection ofmarket and technology reports dedicatedtotopicssuchasmicrofluidics,point-of-careandmore.Inparallel,heisdailyinvolvedincustomprojects. Thanks to its technology&market expertise, Sébastienhas spokeninmore than10 industry conferencesworldwideoverthelast2years.SébastienClercisgraduatedfromGrenobleInstituteof Technology (Grenoble INP - Grenoble,France)withaMasterdegreeinBiomedicalTechnologies.Thenhecompletedhiscursuswith aMasterdegree in Innovation andTechnologyManagementinthesameinstitute.

Find more details about

this report here:

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Dr. Hong Lin worksatYoleDéveloppement(Yole),asaTechnologyandMarketAnalyst,Compound Semiconductors within thePower&Wirelessdivisionsince2013.Sheisspecializedincompoundsemiconductorsand provides technical and economicanalysis.BeforejoiningYoleDéveloppement,sheworkedasR&DengineeratNewstepTechnologies. She was in charge of thedevelopment of cold cathodes by PECVDforvisibleandUVlampapplicationsbasedon nanotechnologies. She holds a Ph.D inPhysicsandChemistryofmaterials.

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