China, Iran, Syria Worst Internet Freedom

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  • 8/15/2019 China, Iran, Syria Worst Internet Freedom


    China, Syria, Iran Worst on Internet Freedom

     A new report says the government in China is the worst abuser of Internet freedoms.

    That is the opinion of Freedom House, an independent, non-profit group based in Washington, D.C. The group

    wors in support of demo!ra!y and freedom of e"pression wor#dwide.

    The Freedom House report, !a##ed $Freedom on the %et &'(),* noted that on#ine restri!tions have in!reased in

    ea!h of the past five years. It said the Wor#d Wide Web has be!ome more restri!ted for mi##ions of peop#e.

    The group reported that Internet freedoms have de!reased in +& of the ) nations it studied. China was

    rated as the worst !ountry in denying Internet rights.yria was rated se!ond, with Iran in third p#a!e.

    $Internet freedom on a g#oba# s!a#e is !ontinuing to de!#ine,* said aura /eed, a resear!her for the Freedom onthe %et pro0e!t. $The most surprising shift 1in suppression2 was from b#o!ing to the remova# of !ontent.*

    The governments of audi Arabia, 3ietnam and 4imbabwe were rated among the #east free for their

    suppression of free spee!h. 5ther !ountries high on the Internet-unfriend#y #ist in!#uded /ussia, 6raine,

    Turey and 7gypt.

    In China, the government wat!hed on#ine a!tivities and b#o!ed private networs, a!!ording to the report. It

    a#so noted that, in 6raine, some web users were physi!a##y threatened by pro-/ussia mi#itias.

    5f the nations surveyed, 8' of ) !ountries imprisoned Internet users for

    e"pressing po#iti!a# or so!ia# !omments online. 5n#y two nations arrested Internet a!tivists #ast year.

    9ut the report noted some improvements in () of the ) nations studied. Cuba improved its rating.

    The is#and nation earned higher mars for #owering Internet !osts.

    The Cuban government a#so showed greater Internet tolerance in &'().

    I:m ;onathan 7vans.