FRIENDS of the New Braunfels Public Library, Inc. Issue TWO 2016 Childrens Book Sale Deer, youre too early. 9:00 am —not 7:00! (photo taken by Jeanine Watrous The 6th Annual Childrens Book Sale was held Saturday, June 4, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm in conjunction with the Kick-Off Party for the NBPLs Summer Reading Program. Parking spaces were hard to find as readers from young to old rifled boxes and selected board books for the little ones through young adult books for the tweens at the FOL Building area. Numerous activities were available on the steps of the li- brary, in the meeting room and on the walking path behind the library. That area was packed with people of all ages! It was a fun morning on Common Street! Set up early Saturday follows two days of prepping by several of the volunteers. And it begins….. Childrens Book Sale ............... 1-2 Kick-Off Party ............................ 2-3 Zelda Fan Club .............................3 Presidents letter/Big Give..............4 May/Bylaws minutes .................. 5-6 Gretchens Whats Happening .......7 The Bookstore/Library ...................8 Programs .......................................9 AWE Unveiling ............................. 10 Announcements .................... 11-12 The highlight of each sale is helping the right kid find the right book and then the huge grin! Jeanine Watrous, Chair for all 6 years.

Children s Book Sale - New Braunfels, Texas

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Page 1: Children s Book Sale - New Braunfels, Texas


of the

New Braunfels Public Library, Inc. Issue TWO 2016

Children’s Book Sale Deer, you’re too early. 9:00 am —not

7:00! (photo taken by Jeanine Watrous

The 6th Annual Children’s Book Sale was held Saturday,

June 4, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm in conjunction with the Kick-Off

Party for the NBPL’s Summer Reading Program.

Parking spaces were hard to find as readers from young to

old rifled boxes and selected board books for the little ones

through young adult books for the tweens at the FOL

Building area.

Numerous activities were available on the steps of the li-

brary, in the meeting room and on the walking path behind

the library. That area was packed with people of all ages! It

was a fun morning on Common Street! Set up early Saturday follows two days

of prepping by several of the volunteers. And it begins…..

Children’s Book Sale ............... 1-2

Kick-Off Party ............................ 2-3

Zelda Fan Club ............................. 3

President’s letter/Big Give.............. 4

May/Bylaws minutes .................. 5-6

Gretchen’s What’s Happening ....... 7

The Bookstore/Library ................... 8

Programs ....................................... 9

AWE Unveiling ............................. 10

Announcements .................... 11-12

The highlight of

each sale is helping

the right kid find the

right book and then

the huge grin!

Jeanine Watrous,

Chair for all 6 years.

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(Children’s Book Sale continued)

NBPL Director

Gretchen Pruett

and Book Sale

Chair Jeanine

Watrous take a

break to enjoy

another successful


The check-out lines were steady, but Buzzy and Susie Waters have time to

visit with the customers and Bill Morgan.

One highlight is when a little kid

brings his or her allowance to

buy a book then sits right down

to read it.

Susie Waters

Buzzy adds: The temperature!

And another successful FOL

Children’s Sale ends.

Even though many, many books have

gone to good homes, the FOL still has

many boxes ready for the October sale,

and donations continue to arrive to be

sorted and boxed. Jeanine has more

storage for the children’s books in a

space she calls The Outback behind her

home. It is a finished area with

laminated floors and good cupboards.

Meanwhile… things are hopping

at the




The Activity Story Walk in the Reading Garden behind the NPBL.

Tam Morris, NBPL clerk, and her

daughter Laura guide patrons to the

Reading Garden where story boards

instruct children to engage with


Johnny Burd, NBPL teen volunteer, assists

the children and the adults as they walk,

hop, fly and do the other activities. Johnny

also will volunteer with the Harry Potter

program this summer.

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(Kick-Off Party continued)

The Kick-Off in the Main Building Starts Here

Ariel Cummings and Kesha Thomas register

many children, teens and adults for the

Summer Reading Program.

Volunteer popcorn chef, Rey Webb, gets

assistance from Jonathan Margheim. Jonathan

was recently hired to man the library’s

RIOmobile along with other outreach pro-

grams . He hails from Colorado where he was

the bookmobile driver for the Colorado Springs/

Pikes Peak area.

Mr. Will Dupree was the musical guest who performed two interactive shows for the Kick-Off

Party. The meeting room was packed both shows.

The FOL Bookstore was busier

than usual as patrons browsed and

bought while attending the party.

Courtney Meissner and the Zelda Fan Club, Jr.

Courtney Meissner took the Children’s

Technician position at NBPL last fall

but has been employed at the NBPL

since 2012. She is a perfect fit here

with her love of children, crafts and

her patience.

She has a BS in English from Texas

State and a Library Science degree

from UT Austin.

Each Fan Club session includes 1 or

2 crafts and a snack. In July the focus with be DC: Batman and

Superman. Courtney also works with Teen Anime. She says,

”Thank you, FOL, for supporting us. You are awesome!”

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Letter from the President Hello, Friends,

It has been a very busy first half of 2016 for FOL: three general meetings including the special meeting on

bylaws revisions; a get-acquainted coffee for new members in March; participating in The Big Give SA in

May; and the Children's Book Sale in June. Whew, time for a summer breather ---- except that many

members continue their volunteer work throughout the summer: Bookstore workers, Sorters, the Online

Book Sale specialists, the officers and committee chairpersons, and particularly upping it at this time of year,

our Annual Book Sale Chairperson Judy Gordon. That's quite a lot of members. Many other members will

also be anticipating again volunteering and participating in our October Annual Book Sale coming up.

The Bookstore is having a great sales year, online sales are going very well, The Big Give SA will have

netted us over $4,000.00 toward our commitment for new computers for the Children's Room and The

Westside, and the Children's Book Sale was a success. Thankfully, book and media donations are

continuing to come in to provide our goods for resale. Our Annual Book Sale is on track to have a huge

array of books as well as an assortment of other media again this year and will be very well organized as


We have an impressively engaged membership. Take a moment to pat yourselves on the back and,

hopefully, take some time to relax and renew yourselves over the summer.

We will all congregate again in September as meetings and events begin occurring again through


Have a great summer!

Cyndy Writer

The Big Give In spite of crippling computer downtime during The Big Give SA 2016, we were pleased to have received donations totaling $4,550.00 during the event. The event was extended from the original 24 hours of May 3 through 8 p.m. on May 4 because of computer server and software problems of the contracted provider for The Big Give affiliated events in locations across the country.

The Big Give SA, the annual online charitable giving event, this year featured over 900 charities and non-profit organizations seeking heightened public awareness for their groups and donations for their causes. We joined to promote Friends of the New Braunfels Public Library, Inc. and to seek donations for new computers and IPads we committed to provide this year for the Library Children's Room and The Westside Community Center Library.

The net proceeds from our donations were not yet known at publication time of this newsletter but it will certainly be over $4,000.00. The exact amount will be reported at the September General Meeting. The amount has helped a great deal with our approved budget commitment to provide the new computers and IPads for the Library. We are very grateful for the generosity of our anonymous donor who gave us $2,000.00 for matching funds, and we are appreciative of the many donors who supported us with their donations during the event.

The Big Give SA Team went into action as soon as major computer problems became apparent and throughout the extended event the team stayed on the job to seek answers and to provide remedial efforts as they could for the situation. They have scheduled several participant gatherings during this month to seek participant input and to plan for improvements or changes for next year's event.

Our experience in taking part in The Big Give SA was worthwhile both in gaining more widespread public exposure for our organization as one of the many charities and nonprofits in the area and also in securing a substantial assist toward our commitment to the special Library project this year for the much-needed replacement of outdated computers in the Children's Department.

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May 14, 2016

The meeting was called to order by President Cyndy Writer at 10:00.

Minutes: Minutes of the special meeting on By-Laws (3-19-16) and the February General Meeting were approved as presented.

President's Report: Cyndy Writer. FOL donations received during The Big Give SA were $4500. A number of donors were not FOL members, indicating increased awareness throughout the community. The new logo is being transitioned in. Orders are now being taken for shirts; see Claudia Valentine. The order will be submitted shortly after the Children's Book Sale so that the shirts will be here for the Fall Book Sale. The revised by-laws are available electronically. Printed versions will be included in next year's yearbook. The Endowment Committee continues to function behind the scenes.

Treasurer's Report: Donna Laux. The General Fund balance is $54,420; Membership Fund, $6,925; Endowment Fund, $101,753. On-line sales are up due to replacement check ($900) from a previous year.

Membership: Linda Murphey. There are currently 205 memberships. Linda announced that she is resigning due to her plans for relocation.

Book Store: Bill Morgan. All shifts are staffed including the new Sunday ones. More than 70 members volunteer in the Book Store. Ads in the Herald-Zeitung will resume during the summer tourist season. There was a donation of more than 20 boxes of biographies from Canyon High School. More donations of non-fiction from the same source will follow in the summer. Year-to-date sales are ahead of this time last year.

Standing Committees:

Book Sale: Judy Gordon. The Children's Book Sale is scheduled from 9:00 to 1:00 on June 4. Face painting is back. The October Book Sale is scheduled for the 14th and 15th. Sign up sheets are available in the back. Adopt-a-Pot pots are ready for adoption.

Newsletter: Jennifer Silbaugh (in absentia). The next issue will be out after the Children's Book Sale.

Hospitality: Arlene Buhl. Thanks to her committee for refreshments.

Publicity: Claudia Valentine. Currently taking shirt orders.

Communications: Pam Drake/Virginia Sansing (in absentia). No report.

Volunteer Hours: Valerie Woods (in absentia). Remember to report miscellaneous hours and travel time.

Yearbook: Donna Thornton (in absentia). An updated membership list is available electronically.

Library Director's Report: Gretchen Pruett. Gretchen introduced Jonathan Margheim, formerly of Colorado Springs, who is the new bookmobile coordinator. The bookmobile will be here in late June, ready for a wrap donated by Rush Enterprises. Projected completion date is July 4. The theme for the summer reading program is "Reading To Win". Prizes in the children's program will be books. Teen and adult prizes will be trips and/or experiences, as they were last year. New computers in the Children's Department will be rolled out in conjunction with the summer reading program. The new equipment has bi-lingual features; computers are programmed to shut down after a 20 minute session. A national search is being conducted for a replacement for Librarian Ben Pensiero who retired. The position will be filled in May. Programs in the Children's Department will be suspended during May so staff members can visit local schools to promote the summer reading program. Gretchen presented the second quarter budget request of $16,805. This will cover the bulk of the summer reading program and increased programming at Westside. A motion to accept the budget request was seconded and approved.

Unfinished Business: None.

New Business: The nominating committee will find a replacement for Linda Murphey.


June 4: Children's Book Sale

May 16: City Budget Hearing. Please attend.

Friends of the Library General Meeting

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Minutes for Special General Meeting on Bylaws Revisions

Friends of the New Braunfels Public Library, Inc.

March 19, 2016, 1 P.M., Library Meeting Room

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m. by President Cyndy Writer. This meeting was dedicated to consideration of by-law revisions recommended by the Bylaws Review Committee chaired by Bill Morgan. Other committee members were Betty Cook, Sharon Meppen, Colleen Willard, and Cyndy Writer, ex officio. Other contributors in the revision input process were Atty. Ken Brazle, Judy Gordon, Bonnie Leitch, Linda Murphey, and Donna Laux.

The majority of changes were accepted without comment. Exceptions were:

Article V. Board of Directors

Section 11, paragraph 2. Some concern was expressed regarding the wording "depositing and tracking Bookstore sales", because the second vice-president oversees but does not personally make the deposits.

Article IX. Funds

Section 2. The limit on emergency expenditures is set at $2,000. Some felt it should be set at $5,000. However, in case of a larger expenditure, an emergency meeting could be called.

Article XIII. Standing Committees and their Duties

Section 1. Clarification of punctuation.

Article XVII. Prohibited Acts

Section (b). The word "of" is corrected to "or".

Standing Rules:

Section 3. Discussion of Library Director as a signator for FOL checks. It was reported the Director does not wish to be a signator. The FOL Board of Directors will constitute the signators. The revision will stand that the Director is not a signator.

Section 12. Addition of the rule requiring FOL membership for Bookstore volunteers.

It was moved and seconded that the recommended changes be adopted. Motion passed by vote of 24 - 5.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:30.

Friends of the Library General Meeting (continued)

Announcements (continued):

May 25 to June 5: Traveling Viet Nam Memorial installed at Tree of Life Church.

John Davis: Book on Landa Park available from him, on-line or at the Farmers' Market. Proceeds used for projects in Landa Park.

Cindy Peterman: Looking for volunteers for tutoring on elementary level. Volunteers read with students one hour a week.

New Braunfels Newcomers' Club is selling photo note cards featuring local scenes.

Door Prizes: Kookie Barboza and Andy Davis.

Adjourn: 11:00

Minutes provided by Secretary Alice Broderick

Minutes provided by Secretary Alice Broderick

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As I write this column in early June, we have completed “Love My Library” month. We have made this celebration an annual

tradition– to celebrate all that libraries bring to our lives, and to make sure that everyone can use the library services to their fullest.

We try to remove barriers to library use by waiving fines in exchange for donations of food – both human and animal varieties. Each

year, hundreds of pounds of food are exchanged for hundreds of dollars in fines.

This year has also brought many changes in staffing – as three new clerks and one new shelver have joined our team, and two

beloved male librarians – Ben Pensiero and Ben Philbrook have left us. Look for Tamyla Morris, Jennifer Notestine and Michelle

Perry at our service desks and Kimmy Clark in our shelves. A new Adult Services Librarian – Toni Davenport – will begin mid July,

and we will have Ben Philbrook’s replacement selected shortly. We have also said goodbye to Emma Zarate – who accepted a full

time position with Dell Computers, Ruby Dale Austin – who is pursuing a career in the arts sector, and Ray Langley – who

transferred to the City Parks and Recreation staff as a Park Ranger. We wish all of these folks well in their new endeavors. Kimmy

replaces Jordan Little, who was promoted to a Library Clerk in January. The Librarian I – Outreach Services position has been filled

by Jonathan Margheim, which will oversee the bookmobile and other outreach programs. This position is a new staff position, but

was formerly Carol Bissett’s position with some changes to responsibilities.

Our bookmobile is currently in Canton, Ohio, at the bookmobile conversion facility – OBS Specialty Vehicles, but will be in New

Braunfels by the end of June. The graphic artist at Calico Designs is working on the exterior images and the final result will be

colorful and bright and reflect the New Braunfels spirit. We will be having a “Grand Opening” event at the Library on July 16th to

launch the bookmobile – which we have dubbed the RIOmobile. That stands for – Reading and Imagination through Outreach.

I would encourage everyone to pay close attention to their weekly email – as our programming offerings have increased at both

library locations. Ben Pensiero at the main library and Alix Samuels at the Westside Library added programming to the event

calendars thanks to the generous funding by the Friends. At the main library we have added a monthly concert. The Westside

library has added Saturday afternoon Craft-o-rama, a bilingual family program on Wednesday night, and family gardening programs

on Saturday mornings. If you have a chance, go by the Westside and see the garden expansion made possible by Whole Foods

grant. Six more beds have been added and new fencing will follow.

The library staff are very excited about the replacement of the special Children’s computers made possible by the very generous

donation from the Friends of NBPL, Inc. Most of these computers have been here longer than I have and were very tired. They

could no longer be updated and were on their last legs. The new computers have the same great educational software and

interactive books, and will be a mix of desktop computers and tablets. All will feature touch screen technology, and will allow us to

keep better statistics and have automatic session timers to ensure that all children have a chance to use them.

And last, but certainly not least – Summer Reading is here! Thanks to the generous support of the Friends of NBPL, this year’s

program – “Read for the Win”, promises to be the best one ever! We have a program for everyone – all ages, all reading abilities –

and lots of great prizes for all. We have added a second reading level for the children and will look to add additional levels next year.

Children and teens completing the first level will still receive a book as their prize. We all believe that this is still the very best reward

for reading – more books!

As in the prior year, the adult prizes are trips to events or museums and other worthwhile destinations. Each completed log (for 5

hours of reading) can be entered into the prize of choice. We have very positive responses from the winners of last year’s prizes.

So happy summer reading and see you at the library!

“Teaching in the Internet age means we must teach tomorrow’s skills today.” – Jennifer Fleming

What’s Happening at the Library—Gretchen Pruitt

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The Bookstore

Paul and Barbara Leming

One of several couples who volunteer at the Bookstore, Paul and Barbara Leming have been friendly faces to those that visit our popular store for the last two years. They moved here from Lake Charles, Louisiana, where Barbara was a member of the FOL there — the only Friend of the Moss Bluff branch until others joined her.

Barbara loves to read and loves books. She is happy to be a part of this service to the New Braunfels’ community. Paul is always reading a book and thinks this is “a fabulous library.” They both enjoy meeting the people who drop into the store. While they are in the library, they make it a point

to pop in to see the Paws to Read and watch the children enjoy reading.

Paul said, “Sometimes we are our best customers” as they almost always buy one or more books.

You’ll See It at the Library!

The Donor Wall

The first of five panels for the new Donor Wall has

been installed. The Friends will pay for one of the

five panels and to date have paid $1,838 toward

that panel.

The new seating for the teen area of the library.

The young people love them, but the adults

probably don’t find them so comfortable—all

good! They will be available for the teens.

Keisha Thomas warms up the audience before reading a dinosaur book and then a

number book to the audience of the Preschool Storytime.

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Children’s Library Technician, Kesha Thomas, is a welcoming face you have probably seen in the Children’s Library as well at the many children’s activities. She has worked for NBPL for five years in this position.

Kesha has a background in Child Development in Family Studies and is currently working on a Masters in Organizational Leadership. She loves being able to recommend children’s books to both adults and children and absolutely loves story time!

Along with all the librarians, Kesha is so grateful to the FOL for providing the funds to make the library such a fun place to work and a welcoming place for the youngest people of the community. She

enthused over the materials for crafting materials for hands-on activities to go with the reading and the activities offered here.

Mr. Will Dupree’s Interactive musical concert —

Thurs. June 9 9:30 and 11 a.m. Ages 5 &

under. Registration required.

Forever Flying Raptor Demo @ WCC—Thurs.

June 16 2:30 p.m. Ages 5 & family

Austin Reptiles— Thurs. June 23.

10:30 a.m. Ages 5 & under.

2:00 p.m. and 6 p.m. Ages 6+ Registration


4th of July Art for Kids — Thursday June 30

3:00 p.m. Registration required

Sandbank Shadow Factory — Thursday July 7th

10:30 a.m., 2:00 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. Ages 5+

Registration required.

Chemistry Roadshow — Friday July 8 1:00 p.m.

WCC Ages 5+ Registration required.

Family Campout — Friday July 15th 6:00 p.m.

All ages. Registration required.

Percussionist Len Barnett & Storyteller Cathy

Whiteman — Thursday July 21 6:00 p.m.

Ages 5+ Registration required.

Wild Things Zoofari — Thursday July 29

10:30 a.m., 2:00 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. Ages 5+

Registration required.

AND OF COURSE — Summer Reading! Sign up

at the library or online and get details. Prizes!

Highlights of the Summer Events

Children who love their library become teenagers who love their library become

adults who love their library!

Who pays for these youth programs? Friends of the Library do — with the many

hours of volunteering, with the purchasing and donating of books, and hopefully,

with love.

Who builds the excitement? Our wonderful librarians and the staff of the NBPL,

Inc. do.

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AWE Early Literacy Computer Unveiling

Annual Book Sale setup and sale week - October 10-15

Volunteer Thank You, Library Meeting Room - October 29, 1:30-3:00 p.m.

Library Director, Gretchen Pruett,

welcomes the patrons on June 8th at

the official unveiling of the ten new

AWETM Early Learning Stations

purchased by the FOL. AWE is a very

reputable company with good support,

which is an important component of this


FOL officer, Bill Morgan, and seven

year old Southern cut the ribbon. The

gaily decorated Children’s Library also

offered donuts, coffee and water for

those attending.

Six of the computers are located here:

four all-in-one computers which are

equipped with mounts and bolted to the

table and two tablets which are similar

to the tablets used by both school

districts so that students will be familiar

with that format.

Two tablets are located at WCC and

two tablets will be in the RIOmobile.

These computers have a huge increase

of content compared to the old

computers which had been purchased

in 2007. Everything is bilingual, and the

library staff will be able to get data from

usage: number of sessions a day, how

many minutes used, and what

programs are being used. All of the

computers will time out after 20 minutes

to allow more children to jump in.

Four of the replaced computers worked

well enough to donate to a grateful


Jenny Rodriguez, Children’s Librarian, and

technician Courtney Meissner are excited

about the new computers. Jenny said,” Tell

the FOL members how thankful we are for

all you do. Anything we dream up, you try to

allow us to do.”

Sam, 3 years old, just sat down, put on

the headphones and started using. He

first opened Sammy’s Science Shop and

then seamlessly went to an old program

that AWE carries– Reader Rabbitt.


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Adult Programs


Wed. @ 1:30 pm

NBPL Meeting Room

June 8: Let the Great World Spin, Colum McCann

July 13: This is Where I Leave You, Jonathan


Aug. 10: The Painter, Peter Heller

Sept. 14: We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves,

Karen Joy Fowler

Oct. 12: Brooklyn, Colm Toibin

Nov. 9: Station Eleven, Emily Mandel


Thurs. @ 3 pm

NBPL Meeting Room

June 16: Daughter of Time, Josephine Tey

July 21: Purgatory Ridge, William Kent Krueger

Aug. 10: We Are All Completely Besides Ourselves, Karen Joy Fowler

Sept. 15: Too Many Murders, Colleen McCullough

Oct. 20: The Murderer’s Daughter, Jonathan Kellerman

Nov. 17: The Poacher’s Son, Paul Doiron

Dec. 15: The Hanging Girl, Jussi Adler-Olsen

Facilitator: Lynn Thompson

Stay Fit at the Library: Monthly Lecture

NBPL Meeting Room

Gentle Yoga for Health

2nd & 3rd Wednesdays @ 5:45-6:45 am

Ageless Pilates

1st & 3rd Fridays @ 10:30-11:30 am

Westside Community Center

Pickleball for Seniors

Mondays & Wednesdays @ 9 am—12 pm

Team Motivation with Anna

Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 6:30-7:30 pm

Saturdays @ 9;00 am

Also—various Open Gyms, Zuba, Corps

Fitmess and Line Dancing. Check it out!

Tuesdays @ 7:00 pm

July: Larry Holcombe on UFOs and American


Check out Westside Community Center

Thursdays (weekly @ 12:15-1:00 pm) Walking Book Club Tears of the Giraffe, Alexander McCall


Green Waste Bag Pickup Site—2 bags per household for yard clippings (depending on availability)

Community Garden—Volunteers always welcome. Call to schedule a time.

Summer Concert

7:00 pm—Library meeting Room

July 19: The Bill King Jazz Quartet

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Thurs. @ 3 pm

May 15 –A Killing at Cotton Hill Bits and Pieces


700 East Common St.

New Braunfels, TX 78130


Page 12

2016 FRIENDS meeting dates:

Library Meeting Room @ 10:00

Sat. Sept. 10

Sat. Dec. 10 - Christ Presbyterian Church

Come for refreshments

@ 9:45

Save the Date

Oct 11-15, 2016

The next Annual Book Sale!

Contact me if you have any information and/or

photos for YOUR newsletter. (Submissions may be edited for

length or content,)

Jennifer Silbaugh, Editor 956-245-3641 (Call or text)

[email protected]

If you wish to donate to the FOL Endowment fund, please follow the following directions: Make your check out to “The FOL of the NBPL, Inc.” and designate “Endowment Fund #37-1419092. You may leave it in the Bookstore or mail it to the NBPL, Inc. ATTN: FOL Endowment Fund, 700 E. Common Street, New Braunfels, TX 78130-4273. Any donation needs to include the following information: Your name, complete address, telephone number and email address, if you have one. Online donations: www.friendsofthenewbraunfelspubliclibrary.com

Support your FOL


Bring in used books and


Purchase here for yourself

and for family and friends

Don’t forget 1st Friday of

each month, good deals

for the 50+ reader.


Forms for renewal are available in the Bookstore and on

our website: www.friendsofthenewbraunfelspubliclibrary.com


Please turn in your volunteer hours

at the end of each month—either in

the Bookstore or to Valerie Woods.

Photos for Newsletter/Facebook

TX SB 1317 sets boundaries & punishment for improper

photographs. IF you do not give FOL permission to

take candid shots, please let the photographer know!

We do not take “improper” photos, but we still want

your permission. Thanks