Child Development.doc

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  • 8/22/2019 Child Development.doc


    Child Development

    *TODDLER- Age 1 to 3 years

    A. Physical Development

    1. Weight- decreased weight gain due to increase of activity- weighs only about 2.5 kg

    2. Height- gains about 5 inches (12cm) a year during toddler period

    3. Body Contour- prominent abdomen (lordosis)

    4. Body Systema. Respiratory system- respiration slows slightly but remains to be abdominal

    b. Cardiovascular system

    - heart rate: 90 bpm- BP: 99/64mmHg

    c. Nervous system- brain develops to 90% of adult size

    d. GI system- stomach capacity increases (a child can eat 3 meals a day)- stomach secretion becomes more acidic

    e. Dentition- all 20 deciduous teeth are generally present by 2 to 3 years of age

    B. Special Needs

    1. Sense of Autonomy- NO is the favorite word- child learns to be independent

    2. Graded Independence- give the child the opportunity to make choices

    3. Love and Security- love makes a toddler feel secure- Security Objects (e.g. diaper, blanket, toy, etc.)

    C. Special Areas for Guidance

    1. Toilet Training

    - Schedule of Training

    15-18 months Start of training

    18-24 months Bowel control

    2-3 years Daytime bladder control

    3-4 years Nighttime bladder control

    2. Speech- normal child begins to speak by 15 mos. of age- Delayed speech: 2 years and not yet able to speak

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    3. Temper Tantrums- occur when a child cannot integrate his interval impulses and the demands of reality- he is frustrated and reacts in the only way he knows by violent body activity and crying

    4. Dawdling- slowness in carrying out request the child is gradually learning the difference between right and wrong

    5. Discipline- the goal is to establish self-control

    D. Basic Needs

    1. Bathing2. Clothing3. Dental care4. Sleep and exercise5. Play6. Nutrition7. Accident prevention

    *PRESCHOOL- Age 3 to 6 years

    A. Physical Growth

    1. Weight- gains 4.5 lbs annually- slow growth

    2. Height- minimal gain in height

    3. Body Systema. Nervous system- increased cognitive ability (relative ease in learning language)

    b. Lymphatic system- illness becomes more localized

    c. Cardiovascular system- PR: 85 bpm- BP: 100/60 mmHg

    d. Muscular system- muscles are noticeably stronger

    B. Common Fears

    1. Fear of the dark2. Fear of mutilation3. Fear of separation or abandonment

    C. Behavior Problems

    1. Telling tall tales2. Imaginary friends3. Regression4. Bruxism5. Broken fluency

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    D. Special Needs

    1. Development of initiation2. Security and independence3. Guidance4. Sex information5. Religious development

    E. Special Problems

    1. Thumb sucking2. Food likes and dislikes3. Enuresis (Bedwetting)4. Encopresis5. Selfishness6. Bad language7. Hurting others8. Masturbation9. Sleep10. Safety measures11. Health supervision

    *SCHOOL AGE- Age 6 to 12 years

    A. Physical Development

    1. Weight- gains 3 to 5 lbs annually

    2. Height- girls are taller than boys- posture becomes erect

    3. Body Systemsa. Nervous system- brain growth is complete

    - adult vision (20/20) level is achieved

    b. Cardiovascular system- PR: 70-80 bpm- BP: 112/60 mmHg

    4. Dentition- at 12- all are permanent teeth except the final molars

    B. Sexual Maturation

    1. Concerning girls- conscious of breast development- hips broaden- some girls menstruate

    2. Concerning boys- increased genital size, testicular development, precedes penis growth- seminal fluid is produced- nocturnal emission (ejaculation during sleep)


    A. 2 years- runs well

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    - can go up and down the stairs- uses a fork- combines 2 or 3 words in a sentence- toilet-trained during the day

    B. 2 years- jumps

    - builds tower of 6 cubes- imitate a circle- dry by night

    C. 3 years- stands on one leg- builds tower of 10 cubes- knows sex and full name- dresses self except for buttons and tying shoes

    D. 3 years- rides tricycle- dresses self except for buttons and tying shoes- counts to 3 or more

    E. 4 years- walks up and downstairs alternating feet- imitates a cross- recognizes two or more colors- cleans oneself, combs hair, and brushes teeth

    F. 6 years- can write fairly well- draws a complete person with clothes- adds and subtracts- distinguishes between left and right- dresses self completely