2011 ANNUAL REPORT Child and Youth Friendly Ottawa twitter: @CAYFO | facebook.com/CAYFO | www.cayfo.ca | 613.244.3803

Child and Youth Friendly Ottawa 2011 Annual Report

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Child and Youth Friendly Ottawa 2011 Annual Report

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Child and Youth Friendly Ottawatwitter: @CAYFO | facebook.com/CAYFO | www.cayfo.ca | 613.244.3803

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As a small dynamic organization CAYFO continued to grow and develop in the last year. 2011 brought new partnerships, inspiring events, new initiatives within our core programs, volunteers taking leadership positions, community outreach and efforts to solidify the CAYFO brand and our niche in the community. We also welcomed two new employees to the team in early 2011 and have seen Mandi, Partnership and Development Coordinator and Meredith, Youth Engagement Coordinator grow in their roles over the year.

It is clear from our volunteers, program participants, and Spirit nominees that youth are doing amazing things and making change happen. At CAYFO we are not only proud to recognize recognize their accomplishments but to provide youth opportunities to initiate activities, develop our programs, learn, and grow as young individuals and leaders. Mentorship, growth and learning are three words that are good descriptors of my two years as CAYFO Youth Chair, both personally and for the organization. I am proud of the accomplishments of the organization and am thankful for the opportunities I have had to learn through doing and from those around me.

At CAYFO we are lucky to have incredibly dedicated and passionate people on the team. Thank you to all the volunteers across the organization for their ideas, creativity, and time. You should all be proud of the impact you are having on our organization and the community.

Thank you to our event and program sponsors for supporting our vision and seeing the importance of supporting the young people of Ottawa. Thank you also to all our partners for their continuous support and project collaboration. We look forward to working with you all in the future.

There are many exciting things on the horizon for CAYFO as we continue to build our partnerships, develop programs to the next level, connect with our alumni and focus on our rebranding and strategy initiatives. 2012 will be another exciting year and I am looking forward to more people joining the team for the next CAYFO chapter.


Kaleigh MaclarenYouth Chair

Child and Youth Friendly Ottawa / 2011 Annual Report

message from the chair

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Child and Youth Friendly Ottawa / 2011 Annual Report

2011 [at] CAYFO

Hosted the Lizard’s Den, a

youth entrepreneurship

competition with community

judges, in partnership with the

Corporate and Community

Social Responsibility


Partnered with the Ottawa

Senators for the first time for a

CAYFO Sens Game to


FYBY News hosted its first 48-

hour film fest. In 48 hours ten

groups of youth produced

videos that premiered at a fun

red-carpet event at the McCann

Boys and Girls Club.

Worked with Accenture to

collaborate on delivering three

workshops for youth: Turn Your

Passion into Career, Youth,

Community and Technology,

and a Networking Night.

CAYFO worked with community

partners on interesting projects.

Including sitting on the sub-

committees for the JUNO

Awards Host Committee.

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partnership events This year CAYFO continued to collaborate with partners on a number of outreach events that aligned with CAYFO objectives. We were excited to introduce new partnerships this year.

NATIONAL CHILD DAY On November 25th 2011 over one hundred youth, dozens of educators and involved Senators filled the Senate in celebration of National Child Day. As part of the celebrations we talked about what CAYFO does and presented the Awesome Kid Award to Anna Clement. We were happy to recognize a youth in the community who is giving beyond herself and dedicates her personal time for the benefits of others. In addition to being an honour roll student Anna also balances being a Kids Help Phone Ambassador, Environment Student Actions Team Leader, Student Council Representative and Parent Council Student Representative!

CAYFO NIGHT WITH THE OTTAWA SENATORS This year Child and Youth Friendly Ottawa partnered with the Ottawa Senators to develop a fundraising event by selling tickets at the Ottawa Senators game on January 5th, 2012.

It was a very fun night with great potential in the partnership. CAYFO sold over 120 tickets to the game and raised over $1,800.00 for our organization. It was a chance for CAYFO members, volunteers, youth and supporters to meet each other and enjoy an evening together.

The effort that went into the two months of selling tickets paid off in the end but also set goals for the future. This event will become an annual fundraiser for CAYFO with the intent of spreading the word about our organization and even

have the potential to provide youth who are unable to attend such events with tickets and the experience of a lifetime!

It was a great product and value for the effort that it requires. Dedicated Sens fans and soon to be Sens fans both had a great time and look forward to the next game.

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partnership events LIZARD’S DEN at the CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITY CONFERENCE A new addition to the CAYFO partnership events in 2011 was the Lizard’s Den. In partnership with the Corporate and Community Social Responsibility Conference held annually at Algonquin College, Child and Youth Friendly Ottawa developed a new event which was the highlight of the afternoon portion of the conference.

The Lizard’s Den, a youth entrepreneurship competition, included youth from around the City of Ottawa presenting their initiatives (whether for-profit or non) to a panel of judges and an audience of 150. The youth presented how they started their project, what they have accomplished, the current status of their enterprise and the future goals. We had three age groups (8-12, 13-18,19-24) with 3-4 participants in each. Our panel of judges consisted of four professionals from around the city:

• Nora Sobolov, C.E.O., The Community Forward Fund

• Tanya Bedard, Director of Ontario, Canadian Youth Business Foundation

• Jeremy Dias, Founder and Executive Director, Jer’s Vision

• Shawn MacDonell, Founder and Executive Director, Creativision

The judges asked the youth questions following their presentations about their enterprise and scored them on a rubric created by CAYFO. Once all presentations were completed the judges convened to discuss. After a few minutes of anticipation all the youth presenters were brought back to the stage and a winner was announced in each of the three age categories. Our judges generously donated hours of their personal time to the winners of each category to mentor them and their enterprise. Winners also received an invitation to the CCSR dinner portion where CAYFO also had the opportunity to highlight the event

and present the winners with trophies to over 500 of nationwide business and political leaders.

There have been nothing but great reviews of the event and many attendees of the conference stated that it was the highlight of the whole day. We are excited to continue this tradition and mentor the successes of youth.

Community Partners

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Ottawa Youth Commission

Tweeting at #YouOttawaKnow

The conference hashtag was put to good use as participants were encouraged to tweet throughout the day. Some top tweets were:

@cayfo #youottaknow having a great time and learning a lot. I hope we can have a follow up conference in the future. Thank You!

Loving the new lightrail stations! #YouOttaKnow

@cayfo yesterday was a blast #youottaknow should be like every month

- - -

From our youth co-chairs Pegah Akbari and Anna Liang:

Pegah says “the thing that tops all of this is when we have students from our conference come and ask us how they can become involved. It’s then that you know you’ve done something right and you’ve reached out to someone.”

Akbari and Liang hope that through the youth commission, they can reach out to their peers and get them involved in the city, whether that is through volunteering with the Youth Commission, or coming out to the events and learning more about local affairs and public policy.

Commission De La Jeunesse D’Ottawa Youth Commission (CJOYC) serves as a connection between young people of the Capital, and The City of Ottawa. Acting as a link, CJOYC makes sure that the opinions, concerns, and suggestions of youth are heard on a variety of issues that affect their daily lives. For the 2010-2011year we focused on Transportation, as it encompasses each of the three priority issues that were determined in 2009.

Through regular meetings with the Mayor, City Councillors, city staff and community members CJOYC has been spreading the message of youth engagement as a way to activate and celebrate civic participation by young people. Councillor Mathieu Fleury had this to say about his attendance at one of CJOYC’s meetings:

@MathieuFleury pretty cool concept: the ladder of youth voice @cayfo #youthcomission #ottcity

On April 28th, 2011 CJOYC members presented Mayor Jim Watson with a book of over 100 letters hand-written by students across Ottawa. The letters contained the students hopes, visions, and ideas for how Ottawa can be a more youth friendly city. At this meeting Mayor Watson announced his plan for a Youth Summit in 2012. The CJOYC members are very much looking forward to working with the Mayor and City Staff on this unique event.

YouOttaKnow (Youth in Ottawa in the Know), the fourth annual CJOYC conference, aimed to bring together youth and transit professionals for a cross-generational conversation on transit in our City. This engaging, educational day gave youth the chance to express their opinions on key transit issues in their lives, and allowed them the opportunity to hear about upcoming transit initiatives.

Over 120 youth participated in workshops facilitated by partners at OC Transpo, City of Ottawa Public Health, Green Communities Canada, City of Ottawa Transportation Planning Branch, and Ottawa Light Rail Transit. Throughout the day City Councillors stopped by to chat with the youth participants and Mayor Jim Watson joined us at lunch.

Thank you to our program sponsor: City of Ottawa

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In the community: FYBY News aims to provide Ottawa’s youth the chance to acquire knowledge about issues, opportunities, and resources relevant to them, and share this knowledge with other youth members through the production of videos. This past year the student groups decided to choose topics on issues within mental health. Through the creation of workshops and videos the students were able to share their unique take on this important issue with their peers, educators, and community members at the 2011 FYBY Summit.

FYBY Summit: The 2011 FYBY Summit, attended by over 175 students, educators and community representatives, cultivated collaboration between educators and students, drawing from the wealth of experience and knowledge that each respectively possess.

New events: In 2011 FYBY created Ottawa’s first ever 48-hour film fest exclusively for young people. The 48-hour film fest, held April 16th 2011, presented 15 videos created by youth in the span of 48-hours on topics from helmet safety to recycling, bullying, and media awareness. The day was a celebration of youth, creativity, and collaboration.

Partners working together: This year we partnered with the United Way and Accenture International Consulting Firm to bring a set of skills based workshops to over 45 FYBY youth members and young people in the community. The three workshops were intended to provide students with real life skills that would set them up for employment opportunities. The three workshops were Turning Your Passion into a Career, Youth Technology and Community, and a Networking night.

New look: The new interactive website fybynews.com is a hub for youth discussion, an area to showcase our videos, create buzz around our events and measure our impact in the community. The new site launched in September 2011 and with its creation we have been able to reach a broader youth and educator network. Leveraging the new website, FYBY members were able to launch a youth video contest in December 2011, calling for students to post short videos on the education system. We are very excited about our new website and look forward to the opportunities it will grant us!

Thank you to our program sponsors: TELUS, ACCENTURE and The United Way.


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Mayor’s Charity Golf Classic AGM$–$Mayor’s$Charity$Golf$Classic$


• Most successful tournament to date!• Raised over $34,000 !• Showcased CAYFO programming!• Minor storm during the day but the Sun eventually came out!

• Major sponsors included: Scotiabank (Title), Comfort King, Walton, Cavanagh Construction, Boldt Theile, Bombardier, Il Postino and Airmetrics!

• Great representation through signage and Emcees!• Met with each rep during event, all had a great time!

• Prizes donated from over 60 companies around Ottawa!• Live Auction Prizes included: day at the race track, full box to a

concert at Scotiabank Place, weekend in Niagara Falls, signed Sens jersey and a luxury BBQ!!

• Lawrence Greenspon outdid himself as our auctioneer and the auctions exceeded their budgets!

• We sold out foursome spots this year, had a waiting list and even needed to create a 19th hole to allow more players !

• Participants were fantastic and made the best of the weather!• Great comments and praise from golfers!

• Volunteers on the day were amazing! We had approx. 15 youth throughout the course representing CAYFO.!

• Quartet headlined lunch, art from a local youth filled the dinner hall, and youth challenged golfers at putting and driving for raffle tickets!

• Great involvement from youth, really engaged the golfers

• Mayor Watson stayed for the full event, drove a beverage cart handing out drinks to golfers, announced the shotgun and also made a speech during dinner!

• Max Keeping and 13 City Councillors came out to support!• Erik Gudbranson (Florida Panthers/Team Canada) played and

gave a speech at dinner about being a youth in Ottawa!

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Spirit of the Capital Youth Awards

A night to remember ...

8 Months of planning

12 People on the youth planning committee

1 Night at the Ottawa Marriott Hotel

500 Attendees

15 Youth Market booths

4 Performances

18 Performers

8 Categories

15 Finalists

Countless amazing youth and inspiring stories!

2011 Finalists

Young ActivistKamilla Riabko, WinnerJustin Blake, Runner Up

Academic PerseveranceMika Mavambu, WinnerJulia Sabourin, Runner Up

Personal CourageRuth Okoro, WinnerDylon Phillips, Runner Up

Youth & TechnologySathya Baskaran, WinnerAaron Shifman, Runner Up

Service & CaringGrace Gendron, WinnerKhulood Al-Katta, Runner Up

Young EntrepreneurSashien Godakandae, Winner

Arts & Culture Rosey Li, WinnerLora Bidner, Runner Up

Young AthleteEmily Hammond, WinnerIan Holstead, Runner Up

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Sponsors & Community PartnersThank you to all of our 2011 event sponsors for their continued support.

Spirit of the Capital Youth Awards Sponsors Title Sponsors Algonquin College Carleton University University of Ottawa

Category Sponsors Bell Capital Cup Eric Nuttall Greenspon, Brown and Associates / Airmetrics Inc. OSSTF / FEESO Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp. TD Canada Trust Telus

Entertainment Sponsor AVW-Telav (in-kind) Media Sponsor Ottawa Kiosk (in-kind)

Mayor’s Charity Golf Classic Sponsors

Title Sponsors Scotiabank Hole Sponsors Dinner Sponsor Comfort King Windows and Doors Cocktail Sponsor Boldt Theile Inc. Registration Sponsor WaltonLunch Sponsor Thomas Cavanah ConstructionCart Sponsor Airmetrics Inc. Beverage Cart Sponsor Bombardier TransportationYouth Challenge MintoFoursome Awards Paramount ApartmentsMedia Mattamy HomesSignage Arnon Corporation

McKee EngineeringOttawa SenatorsCouncillor Jan HarderRoyal LePage TEAM RealtyRoyal LePage Gale Real EstateJon and Jane PickPCL ConstructionSynergy Data CentresT & M Electrical Ltd. Councillor Keith EgliDWS roofingUrbandale CorporationUrbandale Constructionbells Corners BIABetter Technologies CorporationGovan brownMarcantonio ConstructionDilfo Mechanical