ome Made Adult Chihuahua Dog Food Recipe Making your own dog food is the only way to know exactly what your little Chihuahua is eating and to know that they are getting proper Chihuahua nutrition. Your home made food should consist of: 1. 60% of protein from lean turkey, lean beef, chicken, a little chicken fat is good, fish (mackerel or herring but no more than twice a week) organ meats, lamb, eggs in moderation, 2. 40% vegetables carrots, green beans, broccoli, peas, spinach, pumpkin, celery, cauliflower, cucumbers (broccoli and cauliflower may cause gas) Pumpkin is excellent for diarrhea and soothing the tummy. 3. 40% carbohydrates white rice, brown rice, potatoes (must be cooked), oatmeal. Easy Recipe 1. Cook one whole chicken 2. Separate the bone and fat, save about 1/2 cup of fat, save the broth 3. Add chicken to 2 cups of rice (after cooking, brown or white) 4. Mix in 2 cups of veggies, peas add extra protein

Chihuahua Dog Food Recipe

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Chihuahua Dog Food Recipe

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ome Made Adult Chihuahua Dog Food Recipe

Making your own dog food is the only way to know exactly what your little Chihuahua is eating and to know that they are getting proper Chihuahua nutrition. Your home made food should consist of:

1. 60% of protein from lean turkey, lean beef, chicken, a little chicken fat is good, fish (mackerel or herring but no more than twice a week) organ meats, lamb, eggs in moderation, 

2. 40% vegetables carrots, green beans, broccoli, peas, spinach, pumpkin, celery, cauliflower, cucumbers (broccoli and cauliflower may cause gas) Pumpkin is excellent for diarrhea and soothing the tummy.

3. 40% carbohydrates white rice, brown rice, potatoes  (must be cooked), oatmeal.

 Easy Recipe

1. Cook one whole chicken2. Separate the bone and fat, save about 1/2 cup of fat, save the broth3. Add chicken to 2 cups of rice (after cooking, brown or white)4. Mix in 2 cups of veggies, peas add extra protein