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We both reached for the gun! Exclusive interview with

“I didn’t do it viciously” says Mrs Hart as she stands at the press conference yesterday afternoon, looking beautiful in her designer dress. Mr Flynn comments “he was taking advantage of her you see, she was a convent girl misguided, crushed on the wheel of life”. This remark shows Roxie looking a little uncomfortable. Does this mean this is all a lie for the papers? We then asked Mrs Hart why she shot deceased Fred Cassley; she said “Fred, please I can’t stand doing this to my dear husband. Then he got angry and started pacing back and forth like a mad man, then he looked at me with this horrible look in his eye, you know, like really horrible.

Then all of a sudden he came at me fist blazing and all. Then I went to my Bureau, to you know get the…..gun! I was only meant to scare him off” Mrs Hart starts to cry. “I love Amos and well, oh God I’m so sorry, don’t send me too hell. I didn’t mean it. Its self-defence right? I had to shoot him, if not he would have shot me and…. My…..well my unborn child and I knew from that moment on I had to save my baby, I mean what kind of person would I be without protecting an innocent child. So I’m saying I’m sorry. I didn’t mean in to go this far, I just didn’t want to brake my poor Amos’ heart anymore”. Poor Roxie Hart forced into an unstable affair with a mad man. We hope for God and the Judge to take pity on her next week at her trial for her and her unborn baby. Join us live on the radio at 1.00pm to here it live. - Miss Sunshine.

Chicago Wednesday 12th December 1927

Ms Velma Kelly: I’ll be taking to the stage again soon. But I can’t do it


“My sister and I had an act that just couldn’t flop. We were heading straight to the top”. As soon she gets out of jail she claims she’s heading straight back up to the top. We all know that without her sister she is nothing. We asked Ms Kelly how she will cope without the company of her sister on stage. “I think I’ll be great she was just holding me back when I have so much potential. Nothing will hold me back from getting the top spot back”. Well readers I don’t think she will be getting there anytime soon, Roxie Hart has overtaken this girl in everything, maybe we see a new double act springing up? At the end of the day Ms Kelly maybe you should consider going at it to the top with Mrs Hart. – Miss Sunshine.

Hunyak Hung! First woman hung in 10 years!

It was a grim day here at murders row, as we all said goodbye to Hanyak. Murderer of husband. Chopping her husband’s head off came back to haunt her as she got what she deserves. No one knows if she actually did it or why she did as she was simply ignored as no one could understand her. Goodbye Miss Hanyak.

Join us next week with our special tribute to Roxie Hart!