Chewing Chewing Tobacco Tobacco Do u Do u Want Want This to This to B U?? B U??

Chewing Tobacco Do u Want This to B U??. Causes leukoplakia, white patches on the cheeks, gums, and/or tongue –This occurs in more than half of all users

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Page 1: Chewing Tobacco Do u Want This to B U??. Causes leukoplakia, white patches on the cheeks, gums, and/or tongue –This occurs in more than half of all users

Chewing Chewing TobaccoTobacco

Do u Do u Want This Want This to B U??to B U??

Page 2: Chewing Tobacco Do u Want This to B U??. Causes leukoplakia, white patches on the cheeks, gums, and/or tongue –This occurs in more than half of all users

Causes Causes leukoplakialeukoplakia, , white white patches on patches on the cheeks, the cheeks, gums, and/or gums, and/or tonguetongue

–TThhiiss ooccccuurrss iinn mmoorree tthhaann hhaallff ooff aallll uusseerrss iinn tthhee ffiirrsstt tthhrreeee yyeeaarrss

This occurs in This occurs in more than halfmore than half of all users in of all users in the first the first threethree


Page 3: Chewing Tobacco Do u Want This to B U??. Causes leukoplakia, white patches on the cheeks, gums, and/or tongue –This occurs in more than half of all users

Would You Want Your Mouth to LOOK Like


Page 4: Chewing Tobacco Do u Want This to B U??. Causes leukoplakia, white patches on the cheeks, gums, and/or tongue –This occurs in more than half of all users

Constant exposure to tobacco Constant exposure to tobacco juice causes cancer of :juice causes cancer of :

EsophagusEsophagus Pharynx (throat)Pharynx (throat) Larynx (voice box)Larynx (voice box) StomachStomach Pancreas (controls blood Pancreas (controls blood

sugar levels, helps in sugar levels, helps in digestion)digestion)

** These cancers can ** These cancers can form within 5 years of form within 5 years of regular use**regular use**

Page 5: Chewing Tobacco Do u Want This to B U??. Causes leukoplakia, white patches on the cheeks, gums, and/or tongue –This occurs in more than half of all users

Chewing tobacco users are Chewing tobacco users are

four timesfour times more likely than more likely than

non-users to have decayed non-users to have decayed

dental root surfacesdental root surfaces

Chewing tobacco also Chewing tobacco also

causes causes gum diseasegum disease


Chewing tobacco users Chewing tobacco users

are are 50 times50 times more likely more likely

to get mouth cancer than non-to get mouth cancer than non-usersusers

Page 6: Chewing Tobacco Do u Want This to B U??. Causes leukoplakia, white patches on the cheeks, gums, and/or tongue –This occurs in more than half of all users

Approximately Approximately 60-80%60-80% of chewing of chewing tobacco users have lesions in the tobacco users have lesions in the mouthmouth

11%11% of boys and of boys and 2%2% of girls in high of girls in high school currently use chewing tobacco school currently use chewing tobacco productsproducts

Page 7: Chewing Tobacco Do u Want This to B U??. Causes leukoplakia, white patches on the cheeks, gums, and/or tongue –This occurs in more than half of all users
Page 8: Chewing Tobacco Do u Want This to B U??. Causes leukoplakia, white patches on the cheeks, gums, and/or tongue –This occurs in more than half of all users
Page 9: Chewing Tobacco Do u Want This to B U??. Causes leukoplakia, white patches on the cheeks, gums, and/or tongue –This occurs in more than half of all users
Page 10: Chewing Tobacco Do u Want This to B U??. Causes leukoplakia, white patches on the cheeks, gums, and/or tongue –This occurs in more than half of all users
Page 11: Chewing Tobacco Do u Want This to B U??. Causes leukoplakia, white patches on the cheeks, gums, and/or tongue –This occurs in more than half of all users

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Page 12: Chewing Tobacco Do u Want This to B U??. Causes leukoplakia, white patches on the cheeks, gums, and/or tongue –This occurs in more than half of all users