CHECK US OUT ON FACEBOOK $1.25 INCLUDES HST FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 2012 RE/MAXAction Chetwynd Realty Ph: 250-788-1120 www.remaxchetwynd.ca NormaTower 250-788-5388 Marlene Boelke 250-788-8833 Chetwynd Echo Serving Chetwynd and area since 1959 Murray’sPub Daily food & drink specials New Menu! 250-788-9594 • 4613-47 Ave. Look what’s in this weeks flyer at your local Prices are in effect from Friday, Aug 31 to Thursday, Sept. 6, 2012 Look what’s in this weeks flyer at your local Chetwynd Motocross riders represent See results Page 8 BY NAOMI LARSEN Chetwynd Echo Editor –––––––––––––– CHETWYND This past weekend more than 210 motorcross racers from across BC and Alberta descended upon Chetwynd for the 7th Annual Peace Motocross race. “And it was truly the best ever.... the most people the most rid- ers...it was perfect... I can’t say enough,” Pine Valley Motocross Association member and organizer Tonia Nichols said. More than 200 racers took part in the week- end double header for rounds 10 and 11 of the circuit on two new race- tracks. The PVMA executive went all out this year to improve the two tracks which included com- pletely relocating the mini-track to the top front of the site and re- routing the main track. “Not only was it bet- ter for the families of the children (who raced on the mini-track) but it was better for the regu- lar spectators as well,” Nichols said. As well this year M&M Meats hosted a barbecue with a portion of the proceeds going back to the PVMA.

Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

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Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

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Page 1: Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012


RE/MAX ActionChetwynd RealtyPh: 250-788-1120www.remaxchetwynd.ca

Norma Tower250-788-5388

Marlene Boelke250-788-8833

Chetwynd EchoServing Chetwynd and area since 1959

Murray’s PubDaily food & drink specials

New Menu!250-788-9594 • 4613-47 Ave.

Look what’s in thisweeks flyer at your local

Prices are in effect from Friday, Aug 31 to Thursday, Sept. 6, 2012

Look what’s in thisweeks flyer at your local

Chetwynd Motocrossriders represent

See results Page 8BY NAOMI LARSENChetwynd Echo Editor

––––––––––––––CHETWYND – This

past weekend more than210 motorcross racersfrom across BC andAlberta descended uponChetwynd for the 7thAnnual Peace Motocrossrace.

“And it was truly thebest ever....the mostpeople the most rid-ers...it was perfect... I

can’t say enough,” PineValley MotocrossAssociation memberand organizer ToniaNichols said.More than 200 racers

took part in the week-end double header forrounds 10 and 11 of thecircuit on two new race-tracks.The PVMA executive

went all out this year toimprove the two trackswhich included com-pletely relocating themini-track to the topfront of the site and re-routing the main track.“Not only was it bet-

ter for the families ofthe children (who racedon the mini-track) but itwas better for the regu-lar spectators as well,”Nichols said.As well this year

M&M Meats hosted abarbecue with a portionof the proceeds goingback to the PVMA.

Page 2: Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

Chetwynd Echo Staff––––––––––––––

CHETWYND – Once again, thepublic’s opinion is being requestedby B.C. Hydro about the developingSite C Clean Energy project.B.C. Hydro is inviting local com-

munities, stakeholders and the gen-eral public to participate in itsupcoming Project DefinitionConsultation.The sessions will be taking place all

across the Peace Region from

September 30, until October 19.Chetwynd’s stakeholder meeting

will take place Tuesday, Sept 18 at 4pm – 6 pm at the Pomeroy Inn andSuites with the Open House takingplace from 6 pm to 8 pm.The input gathered will be on spe-

cific set of topics, including workeraccommodations, transportation,clearing and agriculture.The sessions will also help B.C.

Hydro provide information on proj-ect plans, project design and mitiga-

tion plans as the energy companyprepares its Environmental ImpactStatement for review in the environ-ment assessment process in 2013.An open house will also be held in

Hudson’s Hope Wednesday,September 12, from 6-8 p.m. and willtake place at the Hudson’s HopeCommunity Hall.If unable to attend the open house

sessions, public feedback can be pro-vided online, by visiting the cam-paign’s official website.

Site C consultation meetingsscheduled for September

Friday, August 31, 2012 Chetwy nd Echo2 Chetwy nd Echo

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NOTICEDue to the Labour Day Holiday

The Chetwynd EchoChetwynd Echonewspaper office will beclosed Monday, Sept. 3

We will resume our regular scheduleon Tuesday Sept 4. Our regular

office hours are Monday - Thursday9:00 am to 5:00 pm

(Closed 12-1 for lunch)




Compared to the cost of cookies, chip and cakes - vegetables and fruit are a nutritional bargain.


Page 3: Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

3Friday, August 31, 2012Chetwy nd Echo

Friday 31Sunny

Saturday 1Mostly sunny

Sunday 2Sunny

Tuesday 4Mainly Sunny

Wednesday 5Sunny

Thursday 6Sunny

High: 17Low: 5

High: 21Low: 6

High: 18Low: 9

High: 19Low: 7

High: 20Low: 7

High: 21Low: 8

High: 22Low: 10

Monday 3Sunny

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Be prepared for seasonal driving conditions. Check www.drivebc.caor phone 1-800-550-4997 for the latest road conditions in BC

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Inside Issuethis

Page 9Archery Shoot results

Page 18Council says goodbye to


Page 19Crime is down in Chetwynd


BY LIZ BROWNChetwynd Echo Reporter

––––––––––––––CHETWYND – Frank, Nic and

Seb are a long way from home.Pedaling into the TLC Thrift

Store parking lot on Wednesdayafternoon, they lean their heavytouring bikes, stock-piled withseparate tents, water, camp sup-plies and an unused, gifted fishingrod against the building. Theirlarge piles suggest it may be timeto unload a few items.

“We don’t want to know howmuch we’re carrying,” saidNicolas Provenzani.The 29-year-old amigos are

childhood friends cycling fromAnchorage, Alaska to their home-town Altagracia Cordoba,Argentina.“Friends from childhood. Same

city, same school, same girlfriends.We share everything,” saidProvenzani, with a laugh.They agree such a thing as a per-

fect time exists and allowed their

trip to take shape.“We are single, no kids, no job,”

said Sebastian Espina.Espina flew with Provenzani

from Argentina and rendezvousedwith Francisco Camara inAnchorage on July 7, 2012.Prior to leaving, Provenzani

closed his travel agency businessso he could have this adventure.“It was a wealthy business, but

there are things that can’t wait,”said Provenzani.

Francisco Camara, Nicolas Provenzani and Sebastion Espina pause outside the TLC Thrift Store before headingto Prince George. Photo by Liz Brown

Please see "OWN," page 7

Canada to ArgentinaFrom the seat of a bike

Page 4: Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

4 Friday, August 31, 2012 Chetwy nd Echo

Will you beattending the SiteC open house inSeptember?

Email [email protected] or log ontoour Facebook page. Your response could be

included in this space next week.



Published each Fridayby Draper & DobieCompany Inc.

P.O Box 750 • 501650th Ave. Chetwynd,

BC • V0C 1J0

Telephone: 250-788-2246 Fax: 250-788-9988Email: [email protected]

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An independent communitynewspaper established in 1959.Its main interests are those

which best serve the Chetwyndarea including Hudsonʼs Hope,

Jackfish, Hasler andGroundbirch areas.

Office HoursMonday to Thursday9 am to 5 pm

Submission deadlines:Tuesday at 4 pm

The opinions expressed on the editorial page of the Chetwynd Echo are strictly those of the paricular writers involved and are not necessarily sharedor supported in any way by Draper & Dobie Company Inc, itʼs management or employees. The columns of the Chetwynd Echo editorial page are opento letters to the editor of reasonable length dealing with current events or other concerns. All correspondence must include the name, address and telephonenumber of the author. The newspaper reserves the right to edit, condense or reject any submission or advertisements.

Naomi Larsen, Publisher/ Editor/Sales/[email protected][email protected]@chetwyndecho.net • [email protected]

Elizabeth Brown, [email protected]

Tammy Cloarec, Office [email protected]

The freebie fairy won’t solve the debt crisis

You're reading anewspaper edito-rial. That's a

hopeful sign. Althoughit means we're onlypreaching to the con-verted: the people who

really need to read thisare too busy gawking atphotos of a naked PrinceHarry, or OMG-ingabout `Chavril' (look itup - or better yet, don't).There's no nice way to

put this. We're becomingshallow.Not all of us, of course,

and even shallow peoplecan be kind, generous,loving and good. But ifthe media we surroundourselves with is any indi-

cator, many of us care a lot- too much - about verysilly things.From pollution to the

economy, medical care tocyber-security, the worldis getting more complicat-ed at an exponential rate.As near as we can tell, theresponse of most people isto give up. Retreat.Cocoon with technology,secure in the false beliefthat hearing about some-thing and registering sur-

prise, outrage or joy - "Iclicked `Like'!" - is thesame as actually being anactor on the world stage.There's nothing wrong

with fun. We like swamppeople grinning gapped-tooth smiles at us from theTV as much as the nextperson.And we agree with all

the yadda-yadda abouttechnology's power toaffect change.Except that's not what

most of us are doing withthis wonderful, digitalpower. Most of us arereading fart jokes andspamming pictures ofpuppies in tutus.If you start paying

attention, though, you geta glimpse behind the wiz-ard's curtain: The peoplepulling the strings don'talways have your bestinterests at heart, and theycertainly don't have theanswers. They're busy

playing strip billiardswith Prince Harry, or par-tying backstage withChavril. They're people.Flawed people. Theywon't save us. Manywon't even save them-selves.It's time to grow up. The

freebie fairy won't solvethe debt crisis, politicalpromises will rarely mate-rialize, and the only waythe future will be better isif we make it that way.


TTrruurroo DDaaiillyy NNeewwss

Page 5: Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

5Friday, August 31, 2012 Chetwy nd Echo

You can email us at [email protected]; mail to Box 750 Chetwynd B.C.V0C 1J0 or drop of your letter at 5016 50 Avenue. All letters submitted must besigned with a return address and daytime telephone number so we can confirmthat it came from you. The Echo reserves the right to edit letters for clarity,legality, length and to refuse publication of any submitted material. We mayalso choose to use a letter as the basis for a story. So, be sure to keep yourletters brief and to the point. Letters originating from the Peace region get pri-ority. We encourage new contributors as we attempt to publish a cross-section

of public opinion. - Naomi Larsen, Editor


“Insensitive. In 32states the Father of arape has just as manyrights as a legitimatefather, it is a creepshow! ”


“He is an embarrass-ment to his party and hiscountry. He could dowith a good educationon the subject andmaybe others. Sad thingis, there are more like

him out there with thatkind of mentality, somein positions of power!Scary.”


“Oh this makes menauseous. He needs tobe taken out and hisparty membership with-drawn. What a rottenhuman. Obama is right,it's men trying to dictatewomen's care. It's timefor women to be able toput forth that decision orhave a party withwomen to supportwomen's choices. He'san uneducated, preten-tious pig. He needs toshove off.”


“ A vote for Republicanthis time around, is a

vote against Women'srights.Obama will get re

elected, He may not bethe best man for the job,but at least he isn'tRepublican.Todd Akin should be

commited, he is obvi-ously off his rocker.”

- JR

“I think my commentson what I'd like to do tohim might be inappropri-ate language for thisforum! Seriously what adisgusting comment.”



READERCOMMENTSfrom our Facebook page


Follow us on our Facebook page or Twitter

No public resistance to Site C?To the Editor,In response to:

http://www.vancouversun.com/business/Hydro+poll+shows+strong+public+backing+p r o -posed+Site/7142568/story.htmlIt is an insult to the peo-

ple of the Peace that BCHydro has concludedfrom their recent provin-cial poll that 80 per cent ofBC citizens support Site C,while also admitting that50% had never even heardof it! Of course people who

don’t live in the Peace andwho aren’t informedabout the impacts of Site Ccan be construed as sayingwe need a dam to, ‘ensureenergy supplies for futuregenerations’. Clearly, Hydro’s poll

neglected to mention thatconstruction of the damwill destroy over 13,000acres of agricultural landand 12,000 acres ofwildlife habitat.They also likely didn’t

mention that the majorityof the people of the Peacedon’t want the Site C dam.

We know the benefits ofspending time enjoyingnature and the beauty ofthe Valley; that’s why wechoose to live here. Weknow the multi-genera-tional farm families whoselivelihoods and historywill be destroyed. Weknow that we don’t wantto destroy wildlife andfish habitat that the Valleysupports. We know thatthe Peace is sacrificing farmore than its fair sharewith all the industrialactivity happening herealready. All of thesethings matter to the peo-ple in northeastern BC. Would the City of

Vancouver conduct a pollin the Peace Region, ask-ing whether it’s a goodidea to build a landfill sitein Stanley Park?Did Hydro neglect to tell

interviewees how muchtheir Hydro bills will haveto increase to support this$8 billion project? Theylikely also didn’t say thateven without Site C,Hydro’s cumulative debtis in the ten-of-billions-of-dollars range.

I wonder, in the courseof this poll, if Hydro toldpeople that earlier thisyear, Premier Clark statedthat all of the power fromSite C is needed for liquidnatural gas plants? Didthey say, “By the way, ifyou shell out your hardearned dollars for Site C,we guarantee profits forindustry?” Perhaps not.A final point: how can

BC Hydro state that thereis no public opinion resist-ance to Site C? Over 1000people from all over theprovince attended ourrecent Paddle for thePeace event in July.The vast majority of peo-

ple in BC are very con-cerned about environmen-tal issues in our beautiful-ly endowed province. Doyou really think that if thepeople of BC were fullyinformed of the issues sur-rounding Site C, that 80%would support it? Not achance.

Andrea Morison,Peace Valley Environment

AssociationFort St. John, BC

Got News? Call 250-788-2246

and tell us about it!

Page 6: Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

6 Friday, August 31, 2012 Chetwy nd Echo

Great Location in the desirabledowntown area, with zoningallowing for an attached resi-dence to live in. This propertyhas a lot of possibilities withother businesses close by;would make a great locationfor a business and you couldlive on the premises.$35,500 MLS 133653

There is two living areas one upand one down both with fire-places. There is three bedroomstwo up and one down. The mas-ter bedroom has an ensuite bathand walk in closet. There is alarge hobby room and cold stor-age downstairs. A unique hide-away is under the house for evenmore storage.$285,000 MLS 138861

Successful flower and gift shop.2100 sq. ft. of space. Potentialbuyers must apply to sears, lottoand Purolator for approval oftake over. Price includes sup-plies and equipment only inven-tory to take before closing deal.This is your opportunity to beyour own boss. Call listing of-fice for full details and to view.$159,000 MLS 135762

Newer Cape Cod 2400 squarefoot home. Reclaimed fir inte-rior doors, walnut hardwood,Low-e windows, granite countertops, radiant in-floor heating,copper kitchen sink, birch cus-tom built cabinets just to name afew. Includes workshop andbeach front cabin and severalother small outbuildings.$689,500 MLS 137204

Industrial acreage located inChetwynd industrial park. 1.95acre fully serviced lot ready fordevelopment. Partially filled.Priced to sell at $127,000. ($1.50per square foot) excellent prop-erty to pick up in the busy townof Chetwynd bc. call today formore information.$127,000 MLS 138328

Commercial Lot- Located on thesouth access road. Excellent lotwith highway frontage. Zoned c-2this lot is just waiting to be de-veloped with 100 feet offrontage. Call listing officetoday for more information.$59,900 MLS 138324

5 bedroom- 3 up and 2 down-home with 3 bathrooms. Openconcept living area on mainfloor. The laminate floors on themain floor is easy for cleaning.Large family room downstairs.Two car garage makes it nice forextra storage and for vehicles inthe winter time.$354,900 MLS 138177

Picture perfect acreage locatedon browns road east ofChetwynd, 3 + 1 bedroom fullbasement home on a well land-scaped 5.1 acre. lot. There is asingle car attached garage, a ren-ovated kitchen, original hard-wood flooring, 2 baths - one upand one down. A septic systemand well.$349,000 MLS 138244

-1 acre lot in desirable neigh-bourhood - waiting for you tobuild your dream home on. Calllisting office to check out thisprime lot$79,900 MLS 135193

Duplex for sale in Chetwynd.Both sides are 3 bedrooms. Thisis a great opportunity to get intoan investment. You can rent bothsides out or live in one side andrent the other side out. Unitshave been updated and appli-ances are only a few years old.Both sides have been updated to100 amps. Lot size is 1 acre.$219,000 MLS 138176

Very attractive acreage close toChetwynd. If your looking for aplace to build, this may be foryou. 4.49 acres in Nichols Sub.This property is priced to selland for anyone looking in thecountry, don't let this one passyou by.$45,000 MLS 138704

Just over 16 acres.Full basementwith 2100 sq. ft. of living space.2+2 bedrooms, large master bed-room with ensuite. Open con-cept living, dining room andkitchen. Excellent drilled well.New dishwasher and washer anddryer. Wood fireplace with ther-mostat and fan.$389,000 MLS 138670

Slightly pie shaped lot. Situatedclose to schools and recreationcentre. Fenced backyard. Homefeatures 3 bedrooms and 1.5baths. No stairs in this one. Solidwood kitchen cabinets and fullsized pantry. Newer windows.Small garage to park your vehi-cle or use for storage. Includes 5appliances.$179,000 MLS 138757

Shop & two lots in the Industrialsub. Shop is 75x 150 steel con-struction with three 16ft over-head doors, office and storagespace. Shop lots is 1.23 acresand the other lots is 1.57 acresFully serviced, plenty of powerwith three transformers on theproperty.$975,000 MLS 135865

10 Acres with 1860 Sq. Ft. Cus-tom built home. Hand craftedkitchen cabinets, bright kitchennook, high ceilings and plenty ofwindows. Hardwood flooring.Wrap around deck. Lots of roomto accommodate horses. This2005 home is one of a kind. Callus today to set up your own pri-vate viewing.$265,000 MLS 137959

South side of Moberly Lake.The home has a large open areafor entertaining. There is a pathto the lake access area and theboat launch. The kitchen hasbeen modernized with new darkcabinets and is open to the din-ing and living area. There is newdark hardwood flooringthroughout.$275,000 MLS 139127

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To the Editor: A short question: Could the

Chetwynd folks imagine theAlberta boundary reaching asfar west as the Pine Passbetween themselves and PrinceGeorge? The 'have not provinces' for

years have been using theTRANSFER PAYMENT moneyto TOP UP the SALARIES &BENEFITS of their CIVIL SER-VANTS. What is left goes toeducation and Medicare.Source: Brain Lee Crawley

while he was a director of theHalifax -- Atlantic Institute for

Marketing Studies (AIMS)organization. Today he is withthe Montreal Institute. Crawleyrevealed that information whenhe addressed the audience at theCalgary Congress in 2006. Themajority Alberta crowd wereshocked to hear that story: MostAlbertans realize they are shaft-ed everyday while they remaina province in Canada.Unfortunately for Canada andits "precarious" future--the "TopUp" story was another blowbeneath the Alberta belt.This week's national news

about the 'lion's share' of trans-fer payments going to Quebec isold news in Alberta: Shocked asthey were; discovering moreabuse of Alberta's money--sim-ply adds more people to thegrowing numbers of westernCanadians that realize--for their"very survival"--they must soonabandon the Canadian Titanic.The time has long past where"rearranging the deck chairs" on

this doomed ship will save it.The growing Ontario and

Quebec debt is out of control: Acombined debt of "half a Trilliondollars == 500,000 million dol-lars"--Add the Maritimeprovinces' debt and the BC debt{$60 Billion} -- normal thinkingpeople in the west --lead byAlberta and Saskatchewan willsoon make the decision to go italone: A new nation in the westwill not necessarily include the"NDP and Liberal free loaders"on the west coast andVancouver Island. The BCrefusal to build the pipeline Ibelieve will see the BC PeaceRiver district soon abandon theBC government and move theirland and assets into Alberta. Alberta and Saskatchewan's

trump card --is -- regardless ofthe present problems in the U.S.;AB & SK can always ship theiroil and gas through the PacificNorthwest states. TheAmericans are responsible in

the first place for helpingAlberta develop their oil andgas industry; in the beginning,Ontario and Quebec were notinterested in -- investing inwestern petroleum--too riskyand expensive they said:Ontario and Quebec missed theboat on the largest industrialcomplex in the history of NorthAmerica: In those days centralCanada owned the rights to thewestern resource base, theynever thought they would losethose rights. Ontario andQuebec never got over losingcontrol of the west's naturalresources: The 1931-33 Statute ofWestminster granted westernCanadians the right to "owntheir own mineral rights". Premier W.A. C. Bennett real-

ized years ago that in order tokeep the BC Peace district a partof BC he had to build the PacificGreat Eastern Railway ( thePGE). Subsequent governmentschanged the name to BC Rail:

The fraudulent deal to sell BCrail to CN Rail was the "strawthat broke the back" of the BCLiberals-- not to mention "fraudat ICBC and BC Hydro". CNwas one of the largest contribu-tors to Gordon Campbell's elec-tion campaigns. Most of the BCConservatives I travel withbelieve Campbell and ShiftyChristie--she was his deputypremier-- ordered his attorneygeneral and a BC judge to sealthe evidence of the sale in acourt order. Shifty's familymembers are believed to beinvolved in this deal. The cor-ruption is a mile deep. The HSTand carbon tax are serious prob-lems--unfortunately they arejust 2 of two many problems,causing the Liberals to selfdestruct. Only in Canada, eh?

Regards: Ernie Slump:Canadian Army retired:

Penticton, BC

Have notprovincesuse TP fundsto top up

Page 7: Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

7Friday, August 31, 2012 Chetwy nd Echo



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Chetwynd Recreation CentreExecutive positions MUST be filled.

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contact Graciete at (250-788-2631)

Joanne Roberts AwardThe staff of Duz Cho Construction were recentlyawarded with a special “Joanne Roberts” reward atthe Eighth Annual Beautiful Gardens Gala last week.

Photo by Naomi Larsen

Whether he will returnto the shop in two years,only time will tell.“We’ll see where my

head’s at in two years,”he said.It took Camara the first

month and a half to settleinto the trip. He spent thelast four years cyclingthrough Japan. Solo. Withlittle time to breathe inbetween, he hopped a jetfrom Japan and met his

pals in Anchorage.I’m grateful for the time

alone in Japan and amhappy to be travellingwith friends now, he said.The three will spend

roughly two yearscycling home without aset agenda.“We have plenty of

time,” said Provenzani.Since July, they have

received an abundance ofgenerosity fromstrangers – food shelter,free camping and ran-

dom gifts including afishing rod.Regardless of Canadian

hospitality, these three areracing against bitingwinds, which blowrumours of winter. Theycan’t wait to hit the tropics, and land on a beachsomewhere in Mexico,they say.“Big headwinds yester-

day,” said Espina.“It’s a huge country,

but beautiful,” saidProvenzani.

They arrived inChetwynd Tuesday andleft Wednesday hoping toreach Prince George inthree days.Loaded down with

gear, they don’t debatethe necessity of eachpacking separate tents.“We need our own

space,” said Sebastian,suggesting this is thesecret to preserving nearlythree decades of friend-ship.

Continued from page 2

Own space key to long friendship

Research shows people who read the newspaper are smart.You’re not going to argue with us on that one are you?


Page 8: Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

8 Friday, August 31, 2012 Chetwy nd Echo

SPORTSWhen it comes to the



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Chetwynd Echo Staff––––––––––––––


125 Intermediate2nd place - Joe Hay3rd place - Cody Hay6th place - Jeremy

Franklin125 Junior8th place - Jessie

Koeneman21st place - Charles

Caven22nd place - Paxton

Nichols25+4th place - Joe Hay5th place - Cody Hay250 Intermediate2nd place - Conan

Fowler50cc (4-6yrs)4th place - Deakon

Tower5th place - Owen

Rowsell18th place - Hollyn

Rowsell50cc (7-9yrs)2nd place - Seth Joyce7th place - Logan Fowler 10th place - Gabe

Kobasiuk60cc8th place - Seth Joyce80cc (12-16yrs)4th place - Paxton

Nichols80cc (7-11yrs)5th place - Dylan JoyceLadies B3rd place - Paige

KoenemanQuad A1st place - Brendon Lee

Ross5th place - Tommy

NicholsQuad B3rd place - Charles

Caven4th place - Damon

Drover7th place - Skyler Neuls8th place - Devaney

FranklinSupermini9th place - Dylan Joyce11th place - Paxton

Nichols12th place - Treydon

NicholsVet Master6th place - Conan FowlerYouth

6th place - JeremyFranklinAUG 26TH (SUNDAY)

RESULTS125 Intermediate1st place - Jeremy

Franklin3nd place - Joe Hay5th place - Devin

Franklin8th place - Cody Hay125 Junior12th place - Charles

Caven14th place - Jessie

Koeneman25+4th place - Joe Hay5th place - Cody Hay250 Intermediate2nd place - Conan

Fowler50cc (4-6yrs)5th place - Deakon

Tower11th place - Owen

Rowsell50cc (7-9yrs)4th place - Seth Joyce9th place - Gabe


Motocross Results 2012

Please see "Results," page9

Page 9: Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

9Friday, August 31, 2012 Chetwy nd Echo


For 50 years, BC Hydro has been providing clean, reliable electricity to you. Today we are planning for the next 50 years by investing in new projects, upgrading existing facilities and working with you to conserve energy through Power Smart.

Publication: Chetwynd Echo (GM-IND)Size: 4.93” x 7”Insertion date: August 17 & 31, 2012


BC Hydro is upgrading homes and businesses with new smart meters. Moving to a more efficient, modernized grid will help us meet the growing demand for electricity while continuing to deliver safe, reliable power throughout the province.

Here’s what you can expect:

Typically, meter installation will take place Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. PST.

Meter installers will have BC Hydro and Corix logos on their trucks and uniforms, and photo identification badges.

You don’t need to be home, as long as we have safe and clear access to your meter—please remove any physical modifications that prevent a meter exchange.

In most cases, the exchange will take less than 10 minutes.

You will experience a brief power interruption, in most cases it will last 60 seconds.

For more information about the smart meter installation process, visit bchydro.com/smartmeterinstall.


–––––––––––––– Pre-Cubs:Taggart Bourgerolle 1st

placeStella Jarnigan 2nd

placeLindsey Collins 3rd

placeBantams:Dhillon Bouck 1st placeBrodie Watson 2nd placeDonavan Dunbar 3rd


Ladies Compound:Julie Bouck 1st placeRuby Mannila 2nd placeRamona Davidson 3rd

placeMens Compound:Ken Bouck 1st placeBrogan Didier 2nd placeOleh Dutka 3rd placeLadies Traditional:Jamie Collins 1st placeJody Bourgerolle 2nd

placeEileen Giles 3rd place

Men’s Traditional:Terry Giles 1st placeLorne McBeth 2nd placeCody Bourgerolle 3rd

placeCubs:Taylor Dutka 1st placeRiley Reeves 2nd placeDylan Zaprova 3rd

placeJuniors:Chace Martin 1st placeTyler Watson 2nd placeTasha Martin 3rd place

Annual Broken ArrowArchery Shoot results

Taggart Bourgerolle and his mom line up a shot during the Broken Arrow ArcheryClub’s annual Bow Shoot Aug. 11. Photo submitteed

13th place - LoganFowler 60cc10th place - Seth Joyce80cc (12-16yrs)3rd place - Paxton

Nichols7th place - Treydon

Nichols80cc (7-11yrs)4th place - Dylan Joyce

Ladies B2nd place - Paige

KoenemanQuad A1st place - Tommy

Nichols2nd place - Brendon Lee

RossQuad B1st place - Charles

Caven3rd place - Skyler Neuls4th place - Damon

DroverSupermini6th place - Treydon

Nichols11th place - Dylan Joyce20th place - Cody

MurfittVet Master3rd place - Conan

FowlerYouth9th place - Devin


Continued from page 8

Results continued...

Page 10: Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

10 Friday, August 31, 2012 Chetwy nd Echo


THIS WEEK’ S BIG CATCHANGLER: Aiden Fowler, 5 years oldWHERE: Davie LakeWHEN: Summer 2012



Chetwynd EchoServing Chetwynd and area since 1959

y’s Pubd & drink specials

enu!13-47 Ave.

Making houses greenHomebuyers requesting

earthy-friendly eco-dwellingSee


Be the first to add to the story or read what your neighbour thinks.Be a part of YOUR community newspaper.Log on to our Facebook page and get involved in the discussion.

Thereʼs more online.

BY LIZ BROWNChetwynd Echo Reporter

–––––––––––––– CHETWYND – When

Amy Meyer presented infront of council on behalf ofthe Chetwynd CommunityGroup on June 12, it wouldstart a series of lettersbetween the District ofChetwynd, Tembec andconcerned members of theChetwynd Communitygroup.The battle to preserve

Sandy Lakes area frombeing logged continues.Calling it a necessary recre-ational and trapping area,the community group hasattended council meetingsthroughout June and July,while corresponding toTembec and asking theDistrict to take an intereston the community’s behalf.They hope to protect the

Sandy Lake area includingthe historic mail trails fromlogging. Meyer also addedthe importance of preserva-tion lies in finding uniquegeographical kettle forma-tions, which are landdepressions from glacieractivity over many years. The community group is

hoping to make Tembecand the Ministry of Forestsaware of the importance ofpreserving Sandy Lakes,which has acted as a recre-ational area for nearly 40

years.In June, the group asked

council to write to theRainforest Alliance andTembec stressing the valueof Sandy Lakes.At that time, council

reviewed the group’sreport.With Tembec’s doors set

to close in September,Sandy Lakes could have ashot at being preserved.However, there is nothingstopping another companyfrom obtaining the samepermits to log the specificcut block.

“Again Tembec insists onlogging and our position isno logging on this tiny area,three per cent of their annu-al harvest. The question isdo they support the com-munity,” said GeorgeKalischuk member of theChetwynd CommunityGroup.On July 16, group mem-

bers Norm Sawchuk, DavidSawchuk and Kalischukreceived a letter from ChrisMcDonell, manager ofAboriginal and environ-

mental relations forTembec.McDonell’s letter provid-

ed a follow up toMcDonell’s and TroyHromadnik’s visit to theTembec forestry block atSandy Lake on May 29th. Due to the perseverance

of Chetwynd communitymembers their concernswere “bumped-up” andreviewed earlier than usual,suggesting that Tembechopes to resolve the matteras soon as possible.Sawchuck, a longtime

resident of Chetwynd, hasspent decades trappingover the 25,000 hectares inSandy Lakes area and stilltraps.McDonell acknowledged

the trapper’s rights in BC to“harvest fur bearing ani-mals in the trap line territo-ry.” The flip side however, is

Tembec’s permit under theForest Stewardship Planpossess “rights to harvesttrees subject to terms andconditions.”“Recently some attempt

has been made to consultfrom a logging bias. This iscompletely unacceptable,”said Kalischuk.McDonell wrote the next

step is for the trapper andforestry company to meet,hear the concerns and dis-cuss a fair agreement.

The Tembec Tousle: the fight to preserve continuesFIND US ONLINE AT


“Again Tembecinsists on loggingand our position isno logging...”

Page 11: Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

Sometime overnight onAugust 23, vandals man-aged to topple over one ofthe District of Chetwynd’s2012 Carvings, causing

major damage. The carv-ing, created by PrinceGeorge carver John

Rogers, was discoveredFriday morning. The

carving is currently beingrepaired. If anyone knowsanything about the dam-

age, contact theChetwynd Chamber of

Commerce.Photo submitted

This year we had a verysuccessful summerreading program

with 146 participants. Throughout the summer,

the participants read1677.5 hours and 5299books. We displayed theamount of books the par-ticipants read by making apaper chain. For everybook read we wrote thechild’s name on a chainlink. The chain was strungall around the library andmeasured to be 1100 feetlong! All 146 participantswere great readers, but wewould like to congratulatea few of the Top Readers;Noah Vancook, BrooklynBrown, Calaya Grove,Kaylee Harmacek, RobertPeasgood, BrookHarmacek, and KaitlinMurphy.We would like to take

this opportunity to thank

our sponsors; SpectraEnergy, Domino’s Pizza,and British ColumbiaLibrary Association. Thesefree programs would notbe possible without ourlocal sponsors.This program would also

not have been possiblewithout the hard work andcoordination of ourSummer Reading coordi-nator, Kaylin Gansevlesand her assistant, SaraGoldie. The program hadto be planned and execut-ed from the Multi-purposeRoom due to the totalupheaval with renovationsthroughout the rest of the

building. It was a job welldone girls, and now we aresad to see you both leave;Kaylin to University inKamloops to pursue amedical career and Sara toAustralia to see the world.We wish you both the verybest in your futures andwill miss you greatly.Our renovations are

complete and we inviteyou to drop in for a visitand view our new paintand beautiful new floor.No more dirty, grungy car-pet for us! Planning for our regular

library programs is under-way and registration for

these free programs will bein conjunction with theChetwynd RecreationCentre’s Open House &Registration Evening,Thursday, September 6thfrom 6:00 to 8:00p.m.Registration is limited soplease check with thelibrary as to program ages,times and days of theweek.

11Chetwy nd Echo Friday, August 31, 2012

A trip backin time

• Chetwynd Echo: May 15 1974 •

A mass of steel and debris is all that remains of the east section of the ChetwyndHotel following an early morning fire on Thursday. Customers and registeredguests were evacuate shortly after the fire alarm at 1 am. Smoke and flames spreadquicly and within three hours, the bar lounger and restaurant section were demol-ished. The newer section built in 1964 housing offices remains standing but is ex-tremely damaged. Cause of the fire is still under investigation.


Successful summer reading Local


Fay Asleson

One line for every book read...that is a lot of paper.Photo submitted

Page 12: Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

Metro Editorial Services––––––––––––––

When school beginsanew, students are oftenexcited about seeing theirfriends again and spend-ing time with classmatesthey will be learning along-side all year. Though whoa student sits next to inclass is important to stu-dents for one reason,teachers have differentmotives behind classroomseating arrangements.Classroom layout plays

a role in how studentslearn, concentrate andbehave. Before the schoolyear begins, teachers mayestablish a seating andlearning environmentunique from other classes.Throughout the school year, adjustments may be

made in the best interestin children.According to Scholastic,

oftentimes elementaryschool-aged children learnbest when they're allowedto move throughout theclassroom. Learning sta-tions that allow such

movement have becomemore popular in class-rooms. One station maycater to auditory learning,while another may featuremanipulatives that is idealfor students who thrive bylearning with tangibleitems. Computer stationsare also common, and this

variety of stations breaksup the monotony of onetype of learning by keep-ing students interestedand engaged.Some teachers prefer to

arrange desks in differentfashions depending on theteachers' teaching styles.The design of long rows ofdesks all facing the front ofthe classroom is notalways practical for stu-dents or teachers. It canbe difficult for teachers tosee students in the middleor the back of the room,while students may find itdifficult to concentrate onlearning if they're staringat the backs of otherclassmates' heads.Common desk layouts

include grouping a fewdesks together to face oneanother for collaborativelessons. Some teachersprefer a "U" or circle layoutto encourage discussions.Students prefer different

environments in which tolearn, and teachers may

Chetwy nd EchoFriday, August 31, 2012 12


Itʼs back to school once again in the South Peace andCaribou Road Services would like to ask motorists toobey school signs, slow down and watch for children onthe roads.Use caution when approaching school buses aschildren will be excited as they depart from their buses.Caribou Road Services is your partner in road safetyworking hard each and every day to ensure thehighways and byways are safe and well maintained foryour childʼs safety.

Are you new to town? Doyou have children going toschool in the fall? Here atStandard Bus Contracting,we do our best to get yourchild to school safely andon time.Please give us a call at 250-788-2415 if your child is newto school or is returning nextweek.Please keep in mind that busservice is recognized as aPRIVILEGE rather than a right.


Remember Drivers:����� ��� � � �� ����� � ���� ���������

5300 N. Access RdChetwynd, BCV0C 1J0


Classroom layout can affect learning: experts

Could an eco-friendly, technologically heavy, environment-inclusive design be theclassroom of the future? Australian-based architecture firm LAVA thinks so.

Please see "TEACHERS,"page 13

Page 13: Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

Chetwy nd Echo Friday, August 31, 2012 13


Welcome backto School!

PPLLEEAASSEE RREEMMEEMMBBEERR!!Whether walking, biking orriding the bus to schoolalways remember to obeyall traffic signals, signs and

crossing guards.

Be extra careful in badweather!

1. Opt for a backpack with wide, padded shoulderstraps and keep it light. You may want to consider arolling backpack for heavy books.

2. At the bus stop, wait for the bus to reach acomplete stop before approaching it.

3. Stay seated on the school bus until it arrives at yourstop, and remember to wear your seatbelt. Always keepyour head and arms inside the bus.

4. Use the handrail when exiting the bus, and crossin front ofthe bus so the driver can see you.Remember to check both ways for traffic before cross-ing the street.

5. If you walk to school, go with a buddy, and avoidcrossing through any empty lots or fields along the way.

6. If you ride a bike or scooter to school, remember toalways wear your helmet.

7. Don’t talk to strangers, and never accept gifts orrides from strangers.

8. Cross the street only at designated crosswalks, andobey school crossing guards.

9. If you’re bullied or see somebody being bullied,tella teacher or trusted adult.

10. Memorize your home address and phone number.In case of an emergency, call 911.

Review these safety tips with your kidsbefore they go back to school:

DDeeaarr ssttuuddeennttss;;WWoorrkk hhaarrdd..GGeett ssmmaarrtt..HHaavvee ffuunn..

Chetwynd EchoChetwynd Echo

be wise to create differentscenarios inside of theclassroom. An isolatedcubicle or desk shieldedby bookcases can be agood retreat spot for achild who likes quiet forpersonal study. Other stu-dents like to study andwork together, so a roundgroup table may be theideal place for them togather. The classroomneed not always be bright-ly lit for learning either.Teachers can think aboutusing different types oflights to set up nooks inthe classroom to facilitatelearning.Hard seats, hard desks

and the same locationover and over can some-times be uncomfortable.Teachers with novel edu-cating styles may prefer toswitch environments fromtime to time to keep stu-dents' minds engaged.For example, they maytake science lessons out-side for children to learnfirst-hand about nature oranimals. A trip to theschool's theater or all-pur-pose room may be betterfor a language artsassignment, such as act-ing out a play. Studentsfrom the same grade may

swap classrooms withanother class so they ben-efit from a different teach-ing style and environment.Sometimes teachers putall students together for agroup lesson to exchangenew viewpoints.Some designers and

architects also have viewson how classroomsshould be designed. In2011, the Laboratory forVisionary Architecture,with offices in Sydney,Stuttgart and Shanghai,designed a concept forthe "classroom of thefuture." It's a prefabricatedand portable classroomunit that integrates intothe landscape whileenhancing the learningenvironment. The materi-als are cost-effective andsustainable.Classroom environ-

ments may once havebeen about rigid rows ofdesks where all eyes werefocused on the black-board. But today teachersand innovators have real-ized the benefits ofswitching things up to tapstudents' learning poten-tial. From the use ofsmartboards and comput-ers to the rearrangementof seats, variety in theclassroom is often advan-tageous to students.

Continued from page 12

Teachers withnovel ideas

Metro Editorial Services––––––––––––––

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD,affects between 5 to 8 percent of school-aged childrenand between 2 to 4 percent of adults, according to theNational Resource Center on ADHD, which also saysthe condition is characterized by problems with atten-tion, impulsivity and overactivity. Once known asADD, ADHD has a very strong neurological basis.While there is no known cause, researchers nowbelieve heredity plays a significant role. In instanceswhere heredity is not a contributing factor, ADHDmay be linked to problems during pregnancy, prena-tal exposure to alcohol and tobacco, premature deliv-er, low birth weight, and postnatal injury to the pre-frontal regions of the brain.

Did youknow?

Page 14: Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

Chetwy nd EchoFriday, August 31, 2012 14

Chetwynd Chamber of Commerce“�e voice of local business”

PPhhoonnee:: 225500 778888 33334455 FFaaxx 225500 778888 33665555 BBooxx 887700 CChheettwwyynndd,, BB..CC VV00CC 11JJOO


Proud Sponsor of Community Events

Chamber luncheon at Pomeroy HotelSept. 19 - RSVP ASAP

Guest Speaker: Ray Proulx, Teck CoalCall the Chamber to book your spot!

Free English PracticeMondays 9:30 am at Northern

Lights College and Wednesdays at5:30 pm at the Chetwynd Public

Library Call 250-788-2559

Chetwynd Breastfeeding SupportNetwork meets every Tuesday at9:30 a.m at the Chetwynd Public


Little Giant Air Cadets Mondays at 6:30pm at the RoyalCanadian Legion. Ages 12-18.

Come on out!

Taking Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS)meets every Wednesday at 6 p.m.at the Pine Valley Seniors Centre

Call 250-788-3306

Pine Valley Seniors Hall weeklyactivities including Cribbage, Whist,Bingo and Carpet Bowling. CallAnita at 788-5838 for more info.

Chetwynd Society for CommunityLiving Board Meeting. First

Wednesday of each month. Address4699 Airport Road Ph: 250-788-


Youth Group for ages 13-18.Mondays 7 pm - 8pm. Our Lady ofPeace Catholic Church. Call 250-


Baby’s Best Chance PregnancyOutreach Program Drop in :

Mondays 12 - 2. Weekly GroupSessions Wednesdays 11 am-1pm.

Located at Kici.

Terry Fox RunSunday Sept 16 1 pmNothern Lights College

The Quick and the Quilted FallRetreat Oct 11-13 Camp SagitawaCall Brenda 250-219-1949 or

Marlene 250-219-4409 to register

Call The Echo

today with your

event and we’ll

publish it herefor FREE!


Alanon meetings 6:30 pm Tuesdays

Mickey’s Place(behind A&W)

Page 15: Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

Chetwy nd Echo Friday, August 31, 2012 15

KFC: So Good!KFC Chetwynd 4800 North Access Rd. 250-788-9866

Page 16: Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

16 Friday, August 31, 2012 Chetwy nd Echo


Please be advised that the hours of operation for theRecycling Depot are as follows:Sunday - Cl o s edMonday - 10 am - 4pmTuesday - 9am - 5pmWednesday - 9am - 5pmThursday - 9am - 5pmFriday - 9 am - 5pmSaturday 9am - 4pm


Come and refillyour bottle

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Authorized Linde Bottle DepotC02 refills for paint guns

Much more!

Open Monday to Friday 8 am to 6 pm3794 Old Hart Wabi Road

Across from Tumbler Ridge TurnoffPhone: 250-788-3376

Page 17: Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

Most of you willremember yourintense feelings

of sadness and sympathyfor the victims, and evenfear for our own millworkers, on hearing thenews of the explosions ofthe Babine sawmill inBurns Lake and theLakeland sawmill inPrince George – tragicevents of just a few monthsago. Following thedestruction of the

Lakeland mill, I participat-ed in a conference calloriginating from Canfor’shead office that linked anumber of sawmill execu-tives with northern electedofficials. Lakeland wasfresh in our minds and wewere hopeful that wewould be given someunderstanding of the riskshanging over othersawmills in the region. Todate the cause of the disas-ters has not been unequiv-ocally identified, butsawmill operators areworking closely withWorkSafe BC to eliminatepotential flash points.During that conferencecall, I requested thatChetwynd Council be

scheduled for a tour ofCanfor’s Chetwynd opera-tion. We felt a need to seefor ourselves the environ-ment to which our millworkers go each day asthey earn their bread andbutterDuring the past week

Council with our CAO andEconomic DevelopmentOfficer toured the Canforand CFI mills. We camefrom our tours with a greatappreciation for the twoplants that are so vital tothe livelihood of our com-munity. We walked outinto the sunshine withenormous respect for theskill and integrity of themill management. Andwe came back to our own

work with renewed confi-dence in the operationsthat support hundreds ofour neighbours andfriends.From the log intake to

the strapped bundles oflumber destined for worldmarkets, we saw it all. Wesaw the professionalism ofthe workers and derivedconfidence from the waythey remained on taskunder the scrutiny of big-eyed tourists. Logs,round, lumpy, and barkywere reduced in just sec-onds to smooth boardsgrade-stamped and bun-dled for market. Woodwaste – bark, log ends,broken chunks, sawdust –was carried efficiently to

its destination and it wasobvious that the efforts tocontain and redirect fugi-tive dust were working. (Ieven ran my fingers overseveral flat surfaces to testthe level of collected dust.) Our guides were candid

with their appraisal of thework they were doing toreduce potential hazardsand were pleased thatCouncil took an interest intheir work. For our part,we recognize that we arenot the experts in hazardreduction in sawmills butwe do care that the opera-tors are taking their rolesseriously and are movingtoward eliminating haz-ards that are now recog-nized.

We should not be sur-prised that the topic is stillvery much alive on theprovincial scene. It wasjust this morning, August21, that CBC Radio wasinterviewing workers whoexperienced the Lakelandexplosion. We are thank-ful that Chetwynd hasbeen spared, and trust thatcontinuing vigilance willcontinue to spare ourworkers and our commu-nity from the pain that oth-ers still feel.

17Friday, August 31, 2012 Chetwy nd Echo

The Mayor’sReport

wwiitthh MMeerrlliinn NNiicchhoollss


Taking time to tour the Canfor and CFI sawmills

Disclaimer: The precedingis the opinion of MayorMerlin Nichols and may ormay not reflect the viewsand/or wishes of council.


A&WDays InnStagecoach InnChamber of CommerceRed LionRecreation CentreDistrict of ChetwyndMargʼs Mini Mart


RE/MAX ActionChetwynd RealtyPh: 250-788-1120www.remaxchetwynd.ca

Norma Tower250-788-5388

Venessa Weightman250-788-6325

Marlene Boelke250-788-8833

Look what’s in thisweeks flyer at your local

Prices are in effect from Friday, June 8 to Thursday, June 14 2012

Look what’s in thisweeks flyer at your local

Chetwynd EchoServing Chetwynd and area since 1959

Murray’s PubDaily food & drink specials

New Menu!250-788-9594 • 4613-47 Ave.


CChheettwwyynnddSpecial Supplement Inside

See pages 8 - 19

BY NAOMI LARSENChetwynd Echo Editor

–––––––––––––– CHETWYND – The

Chetwynd RCMP has anew detachment com-mander.

Staff Sgt. OliviaTremblay took over May22 arriving from Fort St.John, replacing Sgt. KimRusk who was promotedto Saskatchewan inMarch.

Tremblay grew up inManitoba and has beenwith the RCMP for 15years.

She began her career inDawson Creek for sevenyears and then headed tothe East Coast with herhusband for anotherseven years in NovaScotia.

She returned to Fort St.John two years ago andthis spring received a pro-motion to Chetwynd.



Please see "MAJOR," page2

BY NAOMI LARSENChetwynd Echo Editor

–––––––––––––– CHETWYND – A heavy

rainfall warning prompt-ed local officials to pre-pare for possible floodingin the area this week asthe Peace area readieditself to welcome around60 mm of rain Tuesdayand Wednesday and morethan 100 mm in the PinePass.

RCMP Sgt. OliviaTremblay said forChetwynd area it couldaffect the river systemwith potential for floodingon the Halfway, Moberly,Pine and Kiskatinawrivers.

“We could see a dramat-ic response due to the rainover Wednesday,Thursday and Friday,” shesaid.

With the considerablesnowpack in the Pine Pass

Will historyrepeat itself?Floodfears

Please see "OFFICIALS,"page 2


RE/MAX ActionChetwynd RealtyPh: 250-788-1120www.remaxchetwynd.ca

Norma Tower250-788-5388

Venessa Weightman250-788-6325

Marlene Boelke250-788-8833

Look what’s in thisweeks flyer at your local

Prices are in effect from Friday, June 8 to Thursday, June 14 2012

Look what’s in thisweeks flyer at your local

Chetwynd EchoServing Chetwynd and area since 1959

Murray’s PubDaily food & drink specials

New Menu!250-788-9594 • 4613-47 Ave.


CChheettwwyynnddSpecial Supplement Inside

See pages 8 - 19

BY NAOMI LARSENChetwynd Echo Editor

–––––––––––––– CHETWYND – The

Chetwynd RCMP has anew detachment com-mander.

Staff Sgt. OliviaTremblay took over May22 arriving from Fort St.John, replacing Sgt. KimRusk who was promotedto Saskatchewan inMarch.

Tremblay grew up inManitoba and has beenwith the RCMP for 15years.

She began her career inDawson Creek for sevenyears and then headed tothe East Coast with herhusband for anotherseven years in NovaScotia.

She returned to Fort St.John two years ago andthis spring received a pro-motion to Chetwynd.



Please see "MAJOR," page2

BY NAOMI LARSENChetwynd Echo Editor

–––––––––––––– CHETWYND – A heavy

rainfall warning prompt-ed local officials to pre-pare for possible floodingin the area this week asthe Peace area readieditself to welcome around60 mm of rain Tuesdayand Wednesday and morethan 100 mm in the PinePass.

RCMP Sgt. OliviaTremblay said forChetwynd area it couldaffect the river systemwith potential for floodingon the Halfway, Moberly,Pine and Kiskatinawrivers.

“We could see a dramat-ic response due to the rainover Wednesday,Thursday and Friday,” shesaid.

With the considerablesnowpack in the Pine Pass

Will historyrepeat itself?Floodfears

Please see "OFFICIALS,"page 2


RE/MAX ActionChetwynd RealtyPh: 250-788-1120www.remaxchetwynd.ca

Norma Tower250-788-5388

Venessa Weightman250-788-6325

Marlene Boelke250-788-8833

Look what’s in thisweeks flyer at your local

Prices are in effect from Friday, June 8 to Thursday, June 14 2012

Look what’s in thisweeks flyer at your local

Chetwynd EchoServing Chetwynd and area since 1959

Murray’s PubDaily food & drink specials

New Menu!250-788-9594 • 4613-47 Ave.


CChheettwwyynnddSpecial Supplement Inside

See pages 8 - 19

BY NAOMI LARSENChetwynd Echo Editor

–––––––––––––– CHETWYND – The

Chetwynd RCMP has anew detachment com-mander.

Staff Sgt. OliviaTremblay took over May22 arriving from Fort St.John, replacing Sgt. KimRusk who was promotedto Saskatchewan inMarch.

Tremblay grew up inManitoba and has beenwith the RCMP for 15years.

She began her career inDawson Creek for sevenyears and then headed tothe East Coast with herhusband for anotherseven years in NovaScotia.

She returned to Fort St.John two years ago andthis spring received a pro-motion to Chetwynd.



Please see "MAJOR," page2

BY NAOMI LARSENChetwynd Echo Editor

–––––––––––––– CHETWYND – A heavy

rainfall warning prompt-ed local officials to pre-pare for possible floodingin the area this week asthe Peace area readieditself to welcome around60 mm of rain Tuesdayand Wednesday and morethan 100 mm in the PinePass.

RCMP Sgt. OliviaTremblay said forChetwynd area it couldaffect the river systemwith potential for floodingon the Halfway, Moberly,Pine and Kiskatinawrivers.

“We could see a dramat-ic response due to the rainover Wednesday,Thursday and Friday,” shesaid.

With the considerablesnowpack in the Pine Pass

Will historyrepeat itself?Floodfears

Please see "OFFICIALS,"page 2


RE/MAX ActionChetwynd RealtyPh: 250-788-1120www.remaxchetwynd.ca

Norma Tower250-788-5388

Venessa Weightman250-788-6325

Marlene Boelke250-788-8833

Look what’s in thisweeks flyer at your local

Prices are in effect from Friday, June 8 to Thursday, June 14 2012

Look what’s in thisweeks flyer at your local

Chetwynd EchoServing Chetwynd and area since 1959

Murray’s PubDaily food & drink specials

New Menu!250-788-9594 • 4613-47 Ave.


CChheettwwyynnddSpecial Supplement Inside

See pages 8 - 19

BY NAOMI LARSENChetwynd Echo Editor

–––––––––––––– CHETWYND – The

Chetwynd RCMP has anew detachment com-mander.

Staff Sgt. OliviaTremblay took over May22 arriving from Fort St.John, replacing Sgt. KimRusk who was promotedto Saskatchewan inMarch.

Tremblay grew up inManitoba and has beenwith the RCMP for 15years.

She began her career inDawson Creek for sevenyears and then headed tothe East Coast with herhusband for anotherseven years in NovaScotia.

She returned to Fort St.John two years ago andthis spring received a pro-motion to Chetwynd.



Please see "MAJOR," page2

BY NAOMI LARSENChetwynd Echo Editor

–––––––––––––– CHETWYND – A heavy

rainfall warning prompt-ed local officials to pre-pare for possible floodingin the area this week asthe Peace area readieditself to welcome around60 mm of rain Tuesdayand Wednesday and morethan 100 mm in the PinePass.

RCMP Sgt. OliviaTremblay said forChetwynd area it couldaffect the river systemwith potential for floodingon the Halfway, Moberly,Pine and Kiskatinawrivers.

“We could see a dramat-ic response due to the rainover Wednesday,Thursday and Friday,” shesaid.

With the considerablesnowpack in the Pine Pass

Will historyrepeat itself?Floodfears

Please see "OFFICIALS,"page 2


RE/MAX ActionChetwynd RealtyPh: 250-788-1120www.remaxchetwynd.ca

Norma Tower250-788-5388

Venessa Weightman250-788-6325

Marlene Boelke250-788-8833

Look what’s in thisweeks flyer at your local

Prices are in effect from Friday, June 8 to Thursday, June 14 2012

Look what’s in thisweeks flyer at your local

Chetwynd EchoServing Chetwynd and area since 1959

Murray’s PubDaily food & drink specials

New Menu!250-788-9594 • 4613-47 Ave.


CChheettwwyynnddSpecial Supplement Inside

See pages 8 - 19

BY NAOMI LARSENChetwynd Echo Editor

–––––––––––––– CHETWYND – The

Chetwynd RCMP has anew detachment com-mander.

Staff Sgt. OliviaTremblay took over May22 arriving from Fort St.John, replacing Sgt. KimRusk who was promotedto Saskatchewan inMarch.

Tremblay grew up inManitoba and has beenwith the RCMP for 15years.

She began her career inDawson Creek for sevenyears and then headed tothe East Coast with herhusband for anotherseven years in NovaScotia.

She returned to Fort St.John two years ago andthis spring received a pro-motion to Chetwynd.



Please see "MAJOR," page2

BY NAOMI LARSENChetwynd Echo Editor

–––––––––––––– CHETWYND – A heavy

rainfall warning prompt-ed local officials to pre-pare for possible floodingin the area this week asthe Peace area readieditself to welcome around60 mm of rain Tuesdayand Wednesday and morethan 100 mm in the PinePass.

RCMP Sgt. OliviaTremblay said forChetwynd area it couldaffect the river systemwith potential for floodingon the Halfway, Moberly,Pine and Kiskatinawrivers.

“We could see a dramat-ic response due to the rainover Wednesday,Thursday and Friday,” shesaid.

With the considerablesnowpack in the Pine Pass

Will historyrepeat itself?Floodfears

Please see "OFFICIALS,"page 2

BY NAOMI LARSENChetwynd Echo Editor

––––––––––––––CHETWYND – The

8th Annual ChetwyndChainsaw CarvingChampionship: Returnof the Champions hasbeen sullied with thetheft of a piece of thisyear’s first place carvingentitled Fiddle Sticks bytwo-year in a rowchampion Chris Foltz.

The carving of a FireUrchin was discoveredmissing Tuesday morn-ing by District ofChetwynd staff as theywere preparing to movethe carvings to theVisitor Centre.

Foltz, who is fromOregon, explains in hiscarving biography thishe chose his piece of aFiddler Crab captured inits natural surroundingsbecause of its awesomerelationship with theFire Urchin.

“They are both preda-


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Look what’s in thisweeks flyer at your local

Prices are in effect from Friday, June 15 to Thursday, June 21, 2012

Look what’s in thisweeks flyer at your local

Chetwynd EchoServing Chetwynd and area since 1959

Murray’s PubDaily food & drink specials

New Menu!250-788-9594 • 4613-47 Ave.

RReettuurrnn ooff tthhee CChhaammppiioonnssCarving Competition 2012

See full coverage inside pages 10, 11 & 12

Jeff Samudosky ofConnecticut works on bring-ing out details on the tail ofPegasus at this past week-end’s International ChainsawCarving Competition.Samudosky placed third thisyear. Photo by Naomi Larsen


Please see "RETURN,"page 2

Page 18: Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

BY LIZ BROWNChetwynd Echo Reporter

–––––––––––––– CHETWYND – Mayor

Merlin Nichols andChetwynd Council bidfarewell to Rob Crisfield. After serving as the

Director of Engineeringand Public Works, Crisfield

is trading the foothills forChetwynd for seasideCumberland, VancouverIsland.Monday August 13, 2012

marked Crisfield’s finalcouncil meeting where hewas formally thanked byMayor Nichols and theChetwynd council for his

many achievements inmanaging Chetwynd’smunicipal water system,introducing new technolo-gy among other tasks.

Nichols estimatedCrisfield had attendedapproximately 154 councilmeetings.“We’re going to miss

you,” said Nichols.“I would just like to

thank you for everythingyou have done for us andthe municipality,” saidCouncillor RochelleGalbraith.“I appreciate the oppor-

tunity to work with themunicipality,” saidCrisfield.Forestry Operations

Manager Hugo McLeodalso attended council meet-ing to offer his gratitude forCrisfield’s support anddedication to his operation.“My question to council

and to Rob was going to bewhy? I just wanted tothank you on behalf ofNaughty Pine Holdingsand Spectrum ResourceGroup. Thanks Rob. It’squite daunting when

you’re running a forestrycompany and trying towork year round…thankyou we’re going to missyou.”“Along with the rest of

our staff which are won-derful Rob is the same cutof cloth and you’ve done

such a good job for us andall our staff – there’s noway of over appreciatingyou and from my part Ihave always felt muchmore secure. I felt content-ed and less worried when Iknow you guys are work-ing. It’s going to tear a bigchunk in the fabric whenwe lose Rob here so thanksa million. Any time you’reready to come back we’lltry and make a spot foryou,” said Councillor BobNicholson.Crisfield left with his

wife Corrine on August17th. Rumours speculatedthat he left for a positionthat would better highlightis array of skills and ofcourse the blissful calm ofOceanside living providesenough of a reason.

Friday, August 31, 2012 Chetwy nd Echo18


District of ChetwyndNOTICE OF


Pursuant to Section 922 of the Local Government Act RSBC 1999, theCouncil of the District of Chetwynd gives notice that it will be receiving anapplication at its September 4, 2012 Regular Council meeting from PeaceEnterprises Ltd. requesting approval for a Development Variance Permit.

Peace Enterprises Ltd. is planning a consolidation and then subsequentsubdivision of their property located at 5120, 5124, and 5128 – 53rd Street SW(Lots 3, 4, and 5, District Lot 1813, Peace River District, Plan 9154) and isrequesting approval for a development variance to allow for a reduction of lotfrontage from 30 meters to 29 meters.

Property owners who believe interest in their property may be affected by theproposed development variance permit may view the application and all otherwritten information pertaining to this matter in detail at the District of ChetwyndOffice located at 5400 North Access Road, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays.

Any inquiries should be referred to Jannene Disher, Director of CorporateAdministration, Telephone: 250-401-4104, Fax: 250-401-4101 or by writingthe District of Chetwynd, P.O. Box 357, Chetwynd, BC, V0C lJ0.

Dated this 20th day of August 2012.J.M. Disher, Director of Corporate Administration

Saulteau First NationsBox 1020 Chetwynd, BC

V0C 1J0Tel: 250-788-3955Fax: 250-788-7261

NOTICE TO GENERAL CONTRACTORSContract No. 012012Tender Call No. 001

Tenders are invited from General Contractors for thefollowing projects:

Scope of Work:1. Building 2 houses – both 3 bedrooms with full basements2. 10 complete sewer systems for: 5 - 3 bedroom houses

3 - 2 bedroom houses2 - 1 bedroom houses

For Tender Packages, please contact Nellie Garbitt at Saulteau FirstNations, ph: 250-788-7292 or email [email protected].

A pre-tender site tour will be made available to interested parties atSaulteau First Nations.

Deadline date is: August 30 2012 at 3:00 pm local time.

No tenders will be accepted after this deadline.

Sealed tender forms must be addressed to:Nellie Garbitt

Capital Projects ManagerSaulteau First Nations

Box 1020Chetwynd, B.C. V0C 1X0Ph No. 250-788-3955Fax No. 250-788-7261

For further information contact Nellie Garbitt at Saulteau FirstNations. Ph: 250-788-3955 or email [email protected]

Council bids adieu to Director of Engineering


Page 19: Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

19Friday, August 31, 2012 Chetwy nd Echo


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Weekend weather brings50 new fires to areaChetwynd Echo staff––––––––––––––

PRINCE GEORGE – The PrinceGeorge Fire Centre responded to 50 newfires starts over the past week. Of thosefires 45 were caused by lightning andfive were caused by people. The fire centre is experiencing cooler

temperatures and rain has fallen inmost of the Prince George Fire Centre,but it is important for the public toremember to be safe with their campfireuse. Anyone lighting a campfire musthave hand tools and water availablenearby to ensure that their fire is com-pletely extinguished before they leavethe area.

The Fire Danger Rating is “low” to“high” throughout the Prince GeorgeFire Centre, with the areas of highestdanger in the Peace Region. The public is reminded that Category

2 and Category 3 open burning and fire-works use are currently prohibitedthroughout the Prince George FireCentre. Continue to checkhttp://bcwildfire.ca/hprScripts/WildfireNews/Bans.asp for the latest news onburning restrictions. For more information on fires of note

in B.C., go to www.bcwildfire.ca. To report a wildfire or unattended

campfire, please call *5555 on your cellphone or 1-800-663-5555 toll-free.

BY LIZ BROWNChetwynd Echo Reporter

–––––––––––––– CHETWYND – This week, the North

Central Local GovernmentManagement Association is holding itsannual conference at the District ofChetwynd.The conference provides training ses-

sions and modules for administrators,clerks and more from Wednesday toFriday. Representatives traveled from100 Mile House, Prince Rupert, Fort St.John, Burns Lake, Prince George andWilliams Lake to attend.

Sessions include a Site C Informationsession, a talk on effective report writ-ing and Mayor Wayne Baldwin ofWhite Rock as a keynote speaker, toname a few.Conference members also enjoyed a

night of entertainment Thursdayevening where comedian Matt Diseroperformed again, followingWednesday’s public show.In order to make his Wednesday

evening performance, Disero waspicked up by helicopter from Fort St.John’s airport after flight cancelationsensued in Ontario.

NCLGMA in Chetwynd

Crime is down in ChetwyndBY LIZ BROWN

Chetwynd Echo Reporter––––––––––––––

CHETWYND –Chetwynd RCMPConstable Chris Gallantattended council meetingon behalf of Sgt. OliviaTremblay, providing anintroduction to two newofficers and the RCMP’squarterly report updateearlier this month.The new officers,

Constable Damian Moeand Constable RyanLemay received a hearty“Welcome. I hope youenjoy Chetwynd,” fromMayor Merlin Nichols.The Chetwynd RCMP’s

annual performance reporthighlighted the RCMP’sinitiative to address drugand alcohol abuse.“We’ve been vigilant in

trying to address thisthrough various opera-tions through drug raidsand seizures. We’ve alsobeen very proactive in thealcohol sector as well,”said Cst. Gallant.

A comparison chart ofcrime statistics from 2011to 2012 showed anincreased the number ofthefts, frauds, provincialoffenses, and impaireddriving. The followingnumbers express crimestatistics between Januaryto June in 2011 and 2012.Thefts greater than $5000

increased from one in 2011to five in 2012.Thefts less than $5000

increased from 27 in 2011to 33 in 2012.

Frauds increased fromfour in 2011 to eight in2012.Provincial offenses,

which include wildlife,liquor license, for instanceincreased from 28 in 2011to 86 in 2012.Impaired driving or

refusal offenses increasedfrom three in 2011 to 32 in2012. However, Cst.Gallant stated the num-bers have decreasedrecently.On the contrary, 2012

also saw the decline ofcertain crime.General mischief

accounts decreased from76 in 2011 to 69 in 2012.Drug offenses, specifical-

ly possession hasdecreased from 14 in 2011to five in 2012.Alcohol and drug relat-

ed files decreased from 259in 2011 to 201.Cst. Gallant expressed

that the RCMP is wellunder way with their goalsof cracking down on drugtrafficking and possession.


Page 20: Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

Friday, August 31, 2012 20

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Page 21: Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

21Friday, August 31, 2012

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Energetic City––––––––––––––

DAWSON CREEK– An article pub-lished in The Province last week says theformer Hells Angels affiliate found guiltyin April of manslaughter, has had hisappeal dismissed. 31 year old RyanRandolph Holden received a ten yearprison sentence for the June 2007 fatalshooting of 60 year old Kelly Roney out-side a pub in Dawson Creek. That sentence was reduced to two

years after he was given credit for pre-sentence custody. However, not satisfied with that, he

then appealed the sentence, instead seek-ing time served with probation. Heargued the sentencing judge failed togive adequate consideration to rehabilita-tion and other mitigating factors, includ-

ing his four-year pre-trial custody, andhis mental illness.Now, in a ruling released yesterday,

B.C. Court of Appeal Justice ElizabethBennett dismissed the appeal.During trial testimony, it was revealed

that prior to the shooting, Holden andRoney had been rivals in the drug trade,here in northern B.C.In 2007, Holden saw Roney's car out-

side Rockwell Pub in Dawson Creek, andwent home to get his rifle. Once back out-side the pub, Holden shot Roney in theheart, disposed of the weapon, and fledthe province. He was arrested in SaultSte. Marie, Ontario more than twomonths later.A spokesman for the Hells Angels has

denied the two were ever associates withthe motorcycle club.

No probation for DawsonCreek Hells Angels killer

Page 22: Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

Energetic City––––––––––––––

DAWSON CREEK –After a day teaching thecommunity about water,the NorthernEnvironmental ActionTeam was presented witha cheque for $62,000 fromEncana Corporation. Thedonation took placeSaturday, August 18, at the"It's NEAT Wave" event atRotary Park in Dawson

Creek, part of the partner-ship between NEAT andEncana. The day also included a

free barbecue, courtesy ofthe City of Dawson Creek,with Encana CommunityRelations representativeBrian Lieverse on hand toman the barbecue, alongwith Dawson Creek CityCouncillors CherylShuman and DuncanMalkinson.

The "It's a NEAT Wave"event took residentsthrough a look at how theycan help improve thehealth of local waterways,including demonstrationson water contamination,green cleaners and wateruse.Encana's funding will go

towards NEAT's variouscommunity projects inboth Dawson Creek andFort Nelson.

22 Friday, August 31, 2012 Chetwy nd Echo


BC Hydro is inviting communities, stakeholders and the public to participate in the upcoming Project Definition Consultation, Fall 2012 for the Site C Clean Energy Project (Site C).

Site C is a proposed third dam and hydroelectric generating station on the Peace River. Site C is being proposed as part of BC Hydro’s overall program to invest in and renew the province’s electricity system.

Topics will include:

• Worker Accommodation• Transportation• Clearing• Agriculture

How Input Will Be Used

Public and stakeholder input received will help inform project plans, project design and mitigation plans as BC Hydro prepares the Environmental Impact Statement for review in the environment assessment process in 2013.


Project Definition Consultation materials will be available online beginning September 10, 2012.

We Want to Hear From You

You can provide feedback and learn more by:

• Attending a stakeholder meeting or open house

• Providing feedback online: www.bchydro.com/sitec

• Writing a submission to: [email protected] or P.O. Box 2218, Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3W2

• Faxing: 604 695 5290• Visiting the Community Consultation Offices:

• 9948 100th Ave, Fort St. John • The Pearkes Centre, 10801 Dudley

Street, Hudson’s Hope• Calling toll-free phone: 1 877 217 0777

Site C Clean Energy Project: Environmental Assessment

Site C is currently in a cooperative environmental review by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency and the B.C. Environmental Assessment Office, including review by a joint panel.

The Pearkes Centre10801 Dudley StreetHudson's Hope, B.C. V0C 1V0

Site C Clean Energy Project:P.O. Box 2218Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3W2

Community Consultation Offices:9948 - 100th Avenue Fort St. John, B.C. V1J 1Y5250 785 3420

Fax: 604 695 5290 Toll-free: 1 877 217 [email protected]


* Please register for stakeholder meetings by emailing [email protected] or calling 1 877 217 0777.



Fort St. John Stakeholder Meeting* Tuesday, Sept 11 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Quality Inn Northern Grand

Fort St. John Open House Tuesday, Sept 11 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Quality Inn Northern Grand

Hudson’s Hope Stakeholder Meeting* Wednesday, Sept 12 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Hudson’s Hope Community Hall

Hudson’s Hope Open House Wednesday, Sept 12 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Hudson’s Hope Community Hall

Dawson Creek Stakeholder Meeting* Thursday, Sept13 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Best Western Dawson Creek

Dawson Creek Open House Thursday, Sept 13 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Best Western Dawson Creek

Taylor Stakeholder Meeting* Friday, Sept 14 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Taylor Community Hall

Tumbler Ridge Stakeholder Meeting* Monday, Sept 17 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Tumbler Ridge Community Centre

Chetwynd Stakeholder Meeting* Tuesday, Sept 18 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Pomeroy Inn & Suites

Chetwynd Open House Tuesday, Sept 18 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Pomeroy Inn & Suites

Mackenzie Stakeholder Meeting* Wednesday, Sept 19 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Mackenzie Recreation Centre

Prince George Stakeholder Meeting* Thursday, Sept 20 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Prince George Ramada

Encana donates$62,000 to NEAT

Page 23: Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

Energetic City––––––––––––––

Starting this fall, Fort St.John's University ofNorthern B.C. campuswill be offering a Masterof Education inCounselling degree, forthe first time in the north-east. An MEd inCounselling is useful forcareers in counselling stu-dents as well as socialwork.Betty Powers, Regional

Services Coordinator forUNBC’s Fort St. Johnregional campus, says theprogram has been offered

at the Prince George andTerrace campuses before,but never in our area."We've offered the MEd

in curriculum and instruc-tion and multi-discipli-nary leadership before,but this is the first timewe've ever offered coun-selling up here."She says there was a

clear demand for the pro-gram in our region."When we had our

information sessions weasked what kind of degreethey wanted and therewas quite a few that saidcounselling, so that's why

we decided to go withthat this time and seewhat our intake was like."So far the response has

been good with 16 of apossible 20 seats filled.The limit is set at 20, asthere is a practicum com-ponent to the course andthere need to be enoughplacements available.Practicums will take placein northeast B.C.Anyone interested can

still apply to start inJanuary, and theUniversity will ensurethey get the required pre-requisite course -

Counselling Theory -before they start. Powerssays students will be ableto "easily" make up thissemester's course over theduration of the program.

Chetwy nd Echo 23Friday, August 31, 2012

featured Job Opportunities

Position Title: PROGRAM SUPPORTPermanent Part Time (0.70 FTE)

Only works Wednesday morning 8:30-12:00, alternating weekshas Friday and the following Monday off. Regular shifts forMon/Tues/Thur/Fri – 8:30-4:30Start Date: ASAPPerforms reception duties, administrative support functions,maintains inventories of medical/surgical supplies, cleans medicalequipment and instruments, delivers supplies and biological tohealth unitsQualifications:• Grade 12, certificate from a recognized office admin program,plus one year recent related experience; or an equivalent combi-nation of education, training, and experience.• Knowledge of medical terminology• Typing speed of 50 WPM net.

Apply online at www.northernhealth.ca


TEAM!The Chetwynd EchoChetwynd Echo, a 50-year-old communitynewspaper prided on its local content, is looking for anenthusiastic, energetic and motivated professional for theposition of Advertising Sales Manager.DESCRIPTIONA qualified candidate would be responsible for the sale and development ofadvertising material and campaigns to serve the marketing requirements oflocal businesses. This includes working closely with clients and aiding themto develop a marketing ad campaign to benefit their specific needs and thentaking those ideas and developing a print product with the company'scomposing hubs.

QUALIFICATIONSThis position involves a high amount of working with people thus thesuccessful candidate should be friendly, enthusiastic, confident and outgoing.The ability to work within deadlines is a must. Strong organizational abilitiesand adequate written and verbal skills are required. A good workingknowledge of computer programs (Macintosh) is necessary. A current driver'slicense and a reliable vehicle are essential. Prior sales experience is an asset.Training is provided to the suitable candidate.


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UNBC to offer Master of Education in FSJ

Page 24: Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

24 Friday, August 31, 2012 Chetwy nd Echo

featured Job Opportunities


The Nawican Friendship Centre is seeking anexperienced individual for the position ofExecutive Director. This is a senior managementposition responsible for the overall administrationof the organization and reporting directly andaccountable to the Board of Directors.The Executive Director will be responsible foradministering the programs, including monitoringand being resonsble for the financial managementof the organization; supervising Centre staffensuring Personnel Policy is adhered to;preparing proposals, maintaining close liasionsand building positive relationships with federal,provincial, municipal, Aboriginal and localagencies; and attending all Board of Directorsʼmeetings, to manage and direct the organzationtoward its mandate and objectives.QUALIFICATIONS:• Business Management, Public Administration,Human Services degree or equivalent combinationof education and experience.• Considerable experience working in a HumanServices environment.Posting Closed: September 15, 2012 at noonStart Date: October 1, 2012

Please submit your resume, referneces and coverletter identifying how you meet the qualifications.Attention to:

Attention: Hiring Committee -Nawican Friendship CentreMail: 1320-102nd Ave.

Dawson Creek BC V1G 2C6Fax: 250.782.8411

Or in person.Full job description available upon request









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WWhheenn ssoommeeoonnee ssttooppss aaddvveerrttiissiinngg........SSoommeeoonnee ssttooppss bbuuyyiinngg......

WWhheenn ssoommeeoonnee ssttooppss bbuuyyiinngg........SSoommeeoonnee ssttooppss sseelllliinngg........

WWhheenn ssoommeeoonnee ssttooppss sseelllliinngg..........SSoommeeoonnee ssttooppss mmaakkiinngg..

WWhheenn ssoommeeoonnee ssttooppss mmaakkiinngg......ssoommee ssttooppss eeaarrnniinngg..

WWhheenn ssoommeeoonnee ssttooppss eeaarrnniinngg......nnoo oonnee ccaann bbuuyy,, sseellll oorr mmaakkee,,

oorr eevveenn aaddvveerrttiissee!!

SSoommee aaddvveerrttiissiinngg ggrreeaasseess tthheewwhheeeellss iinn tthhee cchhaaiinn ooff eevveennttsstthhaatt eennaabbllee oouurr mmaakkiinngg aa lliivviinnggaanndd tthhaatt ssppeellllss oouutt tthhee pprrooggrreessss

ooff tthhiiss ccoommmmuunniittyy

Woman joins search party for herselfQMI AGENCY––––––––––––––

A group of tourists spenthours Saturday nightlooking for a missingwoman near Iceland'sEldgja canyon, only tofind her among the searchparty.The group was travel-

ling through Iceland on atour bus and stopped nearthe volcanic canyon in thesouthern highlandsSaturday afternoon,reports the Icelandic newsorganization mbl.is.One of the women on

the bus left to change herclothes and freshen up.

When she came back, herbusmates didn't recognizeher.Soon, there was word of

a missing passenger. Thewoman didn't recognizethe description of herself,and joined in the search.About 50 people

searched the terrain by

vehicles and on foot. Thecoast guard was evenreadying a helicopter tohelp.But the search was

called off at about 3 a.m.,when it became clear themissing woman was, infact, accounted for andsearching for herself.

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Page 25: Chetwynd Echo August 31 2012

Chetwy nd Echo Friday, August 31, 2012 25

featured Job Opportunities


Position AvailableStopping the Violence Counselor

ChetwyndJob 1580 Stopping the Violence CounselorPosition Title: Stopping the Violence Counselor – ChetwyndJob Responsibilities: The Stopping the Violence Counselor is responsiblefor the provision of individual and group counseling

services to women who have experienced recent orhistorical violence or abuse.Ensures that the delivery of service fits with thephilosophy and standards of the organization andmeets provincial standards

Hours of Work: STV – 17.5 Hours per WeekRate of Pay: As per the Collective AgreementClosing Date: August 31, 2012Submit Resumes To: Lori Brooks, Human Resource Coordinator

P.O. Box 713 (10110 – 13 Street)Dawson Creek BC V1G 4H7Telephone: (250) 782 9174 ex. 228Fax: (250) 782-4167 E-mail: [email protected]

For more information please visit our Career Opportunity section atwww.spcrs.ca.

We look forward to hearing from you!


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Creationism not good to teach children: Bill NyeQMI AGENCY––––––––––––––

Scientist and children’stelevision personality BillNye, in a newly releasedonline video, panned bibli-cal creationism andimplored American par-ents who reject the scientif-ic theory of evolution notto teach their beliefs totheir youngsters.“I say to the grownups,

’If you want to deny evolu-tion and live in your worldthat’s completely inconsis-tent with everything we’veobserved in the universethat’s fine. But don’t make

your kids do it,’” said Nye,best known as host of theeducational TV series “BillNye the Science Guy.”The video, titled

“Creationism Is NotAppropriate for Children,”was posted on Thursdayby the online knowledgeforum Big Think toYouTube and had nettedmore than 1.3 millionviews as of Monday.In it Nye said widespread

public doubt in the scientif-ic concept of evolution —which holds that humanbeings and all other formsof life developed from a

process of random geneticmutation and natural selec-tion — would hinder acountry long renowned forits innovation, intellectualcapital and a general graspof science.“When you have a por-

tion of the population thatdoesn’t believe in (evolu-tion) it holds everybodyback, really,” he said.According to a Gallup

poll that surveyed 1,012adults in May, 46 percentof Americans can bedescribed as creationistsfor believing that God cre-ated humans in their pres-

ent form at some pointwithin the last 10,000years.Education advocates

have argued for decadesover what children shouldbe taught in public schoolsin regard to the formationof the universe, life andhumans.The U.S. Supreme Court

ruled in 1987 that requiringbiblical creation to betaught in public schoolsalongside evolution wasunconstitutional as a viola-tion of the FirstAmendment separationbetween church and state.

In April, a law waspassed that protects teach-ers in Tennessee who wishto critique or analyze whatthey view as the scientificweaknesses of evolution,making it the second state,after Louisiana, to enableteachers to more easilyespouse alternatives to evo-lution in the classroom.Nye said that while many

adults may believe in cre-ationism, children shouldbe taught evolution inorder to understand sci-ence. Absent a grasp ofevolution, he said, “You’rejust not going to get the

right answers.” And hecalled evolution the “fun-damental idea in all of lifescience, in all of biology.”Teaching children the

building blocks of scienceis essential for the country’sfuture, he added, saying,“We need them. We needscientifically literate votersand taxpayers for thefuture.”Nye’s popular show, pro-

duced by Disney’s BuenaVista Television, aired fromSeptember 1993 to June1998 on PBS and was alsosyndicated to local televi-sion stations.

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