4. O.N. Emanuel' and I. P. Skibida, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 61 (1976). 5. O.N. ~manu~l', D. Kh. Kitaeva, and I. P. Skibida, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 56 (1976). CHEMILUMINESCENCE IN ALKALINE SOLUTIONS OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE AND o-PHENANTHROLINE O. S. Fedorova and V. M. Berdnikov UDC 541.124:535.379:547.836.3:546.215 We have shown earlier [i] that the oxidation of o-phenanthroline by hydrogen peroxide in neutral and weakly alkaline solutions containing cobalt ions gives rise to chemilumines- cence (CL) in the visible region of the spectrm. A similar effect is observed when the oxi- dation is catalyzed by Cu 2+ ions. Chemical luminescence is also observed, but at a very low intensity, in the uncatalyzed oxidation. We have attempted to develop the mechanism of chem- iluminescence in the o-phenanthroline oxidation through study of the reaction kinetics by the method of [i]. The variation of the chemiluminescence intensity and light sum with the pH of the medium is illustrated in Fig. i. Maximum intensity of 3.5-i0 e quanta/cm3-sec was reached at pH 9.5. The light sum remained constant at 1.8-10 I~ quanta/cm s over the pH interval from 6.7 to 8.5. Under further increase in the pH, the light sum fell, approaching zero at pHi-- 11. The curves showing the time dependence of ICL passed through a maximum, as reported earlier [i], the time required for reaching Ima x diminishing with increasing pH, with instant establishment of the maximum on mixing the reagents at pH~11 Addition of ethanol to the system increased both the CL intensity and the light sum (Fig. 2). Increasing the EtOH concentration from 0 to 40 vol. % increased Ima x by a whole order, its value rising from 2.8.108 to 3.2.109 quanta/cm3-sec. The light sum rose from 1.8.10 I~ to 7.3.10 I~ quanta/cm s when the EtOH concentration was built up to 70 vol. %. The time required for reaching Imax remained practically constant at 0.5• min. The curves showing the variation of Ima x and the light sum with the H202 concentration both passed through maxima (Fig. 3). The total light sum increased linearly with an increase in the o- phenanthroline concentration, while Ima x remained constant. The fact that the light sum increased linearly with an increase in the o-phenanthroline concentration suggested that the observed chemiluminescencearose as the result of oxida- tional destruction of the o-phenanthroline. This point was checked by measuring the rate of o-phenanthroline consumption in experiments giving rise to chemiluminescence. Here l-ml ali- quots, removed from the reaction system as fixed time intervals, were treated with a phos- phate buffer (0.2 mole/liter, pH 7) and catalase (0.i mg/liter), to decompose the unreacted H202, and the optical densities of the resulting mixtures measured at 265 nm. It was found that the optical density fell off as reaction proceeded, eventually reaching a constant val- ue which was ascribed to weakabsorption in the reaction products. The spectrum showed iso- bestic points at %~235 and ~255 nm. The concentration of the unreacted o-phenanthroline was calculated from the equation [o-phen] = 3 (D -- D~)/(ephen -- 8~ (1) here e~ = D=/[o-phen], and the factor 3 arises from dilution of the solution over the course of the measurements. Figure 4 shows the time variation of the mean rate of 0-phenanthroline consumption, calculated from the expression wPhen h[o'phen]/At, and the change in the rate me an of chemiluminescence calculated from the equation ~L= ~L .i03/~CLNAv (2) I~L being the CI intensity at time t, expressed in quanta/cmS.sec, and ~CL being a factor given by Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sci- ences of the USSR, Novosibirsk. Translated from Izvestiya Akademii NaukSSSR, Seriya Khimi- cheskaya, No. 4, pp. 745-749, April, 1979. Original article submitted November 28, 1977. 692 0568-5230/79/2804-0692507.50 1979 Plenum Publishing Corporation

Chemiluminescence in alkaline solutions of hydrogen peroxide and o-phenanthroline

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Page 1: Chemiluminescence in alkaline solutions of hydrogen peroxide and o-phenanthroline

4. O.N. Emanuel' and I. P. Skibida, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 61 (1976). 5. O.N. ~manu~l', D. Kh. Kitaeva, and I. P. Skibida, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim.,

56 (1976).



O. S. Fedorova and V. M. Berdnikov UDC 541.124:535.379:547.836.3:546.215

We have shown earlier [i] that the oxidation of o-phenanthroline by hydrogen peroxide in neutral and weakly alkaline solutions containing cobalt ions gives rise to chemilumines- cence (CL) in the visible region of the spectrm. A similar effect is observed when the oxi- dation is catalyzed by Cu 2+ ions. Chemical luminescence is also observed, but at a very low intensity, in the uncatalyzed oxidation. We have attempted to develop the mechanism of chem- iluminescence in the o-phenanthroline oxidation through study of the reaction kinetics by the method of [i].

The variation of the chemiluminescence intensity and light sum with the pH of the medium is illustrated in Fig. i. Maximum intensity of 3.5-i0 e quanta/cm3-sec was reached at pH 9.5. The light sum remained constant at 1.8-10 I~ quanta/cm s over the pH interval from 6.7 to 8.5. Under further increase in the pH, the light sum fell, approaching zero at pHi-- 11. The curves showing the time dependence of ICL passed through a maximum, as reported earlier [i], the time required for reaching Ima x diminishing with increasing pH, with instant establishment of the maximum on mixing the reagents at pH~11

Addition of ethanol to the system increased both the CL intensity and the light sum (Fig. 2). Increasing the EtOH concentration from 0 to 40 vol. % increased Ima x by a whole order, its value rising from 2.8.108 to 3.2.109 quanta/cm3-sec. The light sum rose from 1.8.10 I~ to 7.3.10 I~ quanta/cm s when the EtOH concentration was built up to 70 vol. %. The time required for reaching Imax remained practically constant at 0.5• min. The curves showing the variation of Ima x and the light sum with the H202 concentration both passed through maxima (Fig. 3). The total light sum increased linearly with an increase in the o- phenanthroline concentration, while Ima x remained constant.

The fact that the light sum increased linearly with an increase in the o-phenanthroline concentration suggested that the observed chemiluminescencearose as the result of oxida- tional destruction of the o-phenanthroline. This point was checked by measuring the rate of o-phenanthroline consumption in experiments giving rise to chemiluminescence. Here l-ml ali- quots, removed from the reaction system as fixed time intervals, were treated with a phos- phate buffer (0.2 mole/liter, pH 7) and catalase (0.i mg/liter), to decompose the unreacted H202, and the optical densities of the resulting mixtures measured at 265 nm. It was found that the optical density fell off as reaction proceeded, eventually reaching a constant val- ue which was ascribed to weakabsorption in the reaction products. The spectrum showed iso- bestic points at %~235 and ~255 nm. The concentration of the unreacted o-phenanthroline was calculated from the equation

[o-phen] = 3 (D - - D~)/(ephen - - 8~ (1)

h e r e e~ = D=/[o-phen] , and t h e f a c t o r 3 a r i s e s f rom d i l u t i o n o f t h e s o l u t i o n o v e r t h e c o u r s e o f t h e m e a s u r e m e n t s . F i g u r e 4 shows t h e t i m e v a r i a t i o n o f t h e mean r a t e o f 0 - p h e n a n t h r o l i n e

c o n s u m p t i o n , c a l c u l a t e d f rom t h e e x p r e s s i o n wPhen h [ o ' p h e n ] / A t , and t h e change i n t h e r a t e me an o f c h e m i l u m i n e s c e n c e c a l c u l a t e d f rom t h e e q u a t i o n

~L= ~L .i03/~CLNAv (2)

I~ L being the CI intensity at time t, expressed in quanta/cmS.sec, and ~CL being a factor

given by

Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sci- ences of the USSR, Novosibirsk. Translated from Izvestiya Akademii NaukSSSR, Seriya Khimi- cheskaya, No. 4, pp. 745-749, April, 1979. Original article submitted November 28, 1977.

692 0568-5230/79/2804-0692507.50 �9 1979 Plenum Publishing Corporation

Page 2: Chemiluminescence in alkaline solutions of hydrogen peroxide and o-phenanthroline


% 0

= J

t o r

8 /0 ~fl

r ,

t y ' .

m 1

o 1-q

,~ o



0 g17 qo 80 80 100 [EtOH], vol. %

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

6~ &

Fig. i. Variation of I (i) and S(2) with the pH, [o-phen] -- 4. 10 -5, [H202] = 2.0 moles/liter.

Fig. 2. Variation of I (I) and S(2) with the ethanol concen- tration. [o-phen] = 4,10 -5 , [Ha02] = 2.0 moles/liter, pH 9.5.


f "e ,~

" g


2 J [I-120~ ], mole/liter

F i g . 3. V a r i a t i o n o f I (1) and S (2) w i t h [Ha02] . [ o - p h e n ] = 4~ -5 m o l e / l i t e r ; [Et0H] = 30 v o l . %; pH 1 0 . 6 .

(pCL = S0.tOa/[o_phenl0NAV

where So i s t h e t o t a l CL l i g h t sum, i n q u a n t a / c m 3 ; [ o - p h e n ] i s t h e i n i t i a l c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f t h e o - p h e n a n t h r o l i n e ; and V i s t h e volume of t h e r e a c t i o n m i x t u r e , i n mE

It can be seen from Fig. 4 that the rate of consumption of o-phenanthroline was identi- cal with the rate of chemiluminescence in the reaction, chemiluminescence being obviously associated with the disappearance of the o-phenanthroline. The o-phenanthroline could be destroyed by either direct interaction with the Ha0a, or by interaction with 0H and 02- rad- icals resulting from H202 breakdown. Since the CL intensity increased on adding alcohol and 0H radical acceptor to the solution, it was assumed that OH radical reactions were not re- sponsible for the chemiluminescence.

We suggested earlier [2] that the H02 radical, in its 02- dissociated form (pKHO 2 =

4.75), also fails to participate in the elementary act leading to chemiluminescence. Cer- tain subsequent data (see [3, 4] indicate, however, that extensive oxidational destruction can result, from the reaction of aromatic compounds with 02- ion-radicals. It is also known that the 02- ion-radical is relatively stable in alkaline solutions [2], giving a rather strong ESR signal in frozen alkaline H202 solutions [5].

in order to decide whether or not the 02- radical particates in the elementary act lead- ing to chemiluminescence, experiments ~$ere carried out with solutions containing nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT), a specific 02- acceptor [6]. A clear-cut, 2.3-+0.3 rain induction period appeared on the kinetic CL curve for a system containing NBT at a concentration of 5.4-10 -5 mole/liter, measurements being carried out at [o-phen] = 4.10-~, [H~O~] = 0,1 mole/liter [EtOH] = 30 vol. %, and pH 11.2. The rate of 02- radical formation was calculated from the length of


Page 3: Chemiluminescence in alkaline solutions of hydrogen peroxide and o-phenanthroline



e l �9 |

50 100 150 rain

F i g , 4



~s /


f 1 I 1 I 1 1 1

3 6 9 [Cii ~+] "ID 7, mo ~s/Umr

Fig. 5

Fig. 4. Time variation of W CL (full-line curve), and wphen (points). [o-phen] = 4.10 -s mole/liter; [H202] = 0.I mole/liter; [EtOH] = 30%; pH 10.6.

Fig. 5. Variation of the rate of reduction of nitro blue tetrazo- lium with the Cu 2+ ion concentration. [o-phen] = 4,10 -5 , [H202] = 0.i, [NBT] = 5.10 -5 mole/liter, [EtOH] = 30 vol. %, pH 10.8, 22~

the induction period, assuming that each radical formed within this period enters into reac- tion with the NBT. Since four electrons are required for reducing NBT to diformazan, the stable final product, it follows that W i = 4[NBT]o/mind. From this, one finds that Wi = (1.6+0.2).10 -6 mole/liter.sec. The initiation rate was also obtained from the measured in- crease in the optical density of the solution at 560 nm and thel known value of the c at max- imum formazan absorption, 3.10 ~ liters/mole.cm [7]. Although the value obtained here, 9. 10 -7 mole/liter-sec, agreed rather well with the value calculated from the length of the in- duction period, it is only a lower limit, diformazan being only slightly soluble and tending to precipitate out of solution.

It is a well-known fact that the ascorbic acid anion is also an 62- anion-radical ac- ceptor [8]. In fact, the addition of ascorbic acid to the present system led to the appear- ance of an induction period on the kinetic CL curve.

Although it is clear that the 02- ion-radicals play a very important role in the phen- anthroline oxidation, we do not, at this point, have any information concerning the mechan- ism of their formation. One might simply assume that they arise from interaction with trace metal ion impurities. In fact, chemiluminescence is not observed in systems containing "i0 -s mole/liter of ethylenediaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA), a compound which forms a stable complex with metal ions, the situation here being similar to that met in the NBT reduction. Experiments with various metal ion solutions indicated that it is probably the Cu 2+ ion which is responsible for the appearance of the 02- ion-radicals. The concentration of cop- per contaminants in the various solutions was determined from the results of spectrophoto- metric studies of the relation between the rate of NBT reduction and the Cu 2+ ion concentra- tion (Fig. 5). It can be seen from Fig. 5 that the concentration of copper ions in the work- ing solutions was of the order of 2.10 -7 mole/liter.

Let us now consider a possible mechanism for the elementary act leading to chemilumines- Cence. It is simplest, and probably most nearly correct, to assume that the 62- radical at- tacks the o-phenanthroline molecule, adding to the latter's aromatic system to form a perox- ide radical

H HH O--O"

_7i\ ~ O- ~+~//'--~\ t - ' - % ~=_~ ~ _ / T .~ ~ _ , ' - \ _ i "-~---N N'-~-"

After passing through its maximum, the intensity of CL' falls off according to a kinetic law of the form dlldt = --~I s/2. This type of kinetics suggests that CL might arise from the re- combination of intermediate radicals: d [R0~]/dt----- k [R02] 2, f----4k ~ [R02]~/~ 2. If, on the other hand, all of the peroxide radicals recombine, the intensity of CL would be proportional to the rate of initiation, and the decrease in the CL intensity should follow a zeroth-order


Page 4: Chemiluminescence in alkaline solutions of hydrogen peroxide and o-phenanthroline

law. Measured by the inhibitor method, the initiation rate proved to be more than one order higher than the rate of the CL reaction and the o-phenanthroline consumption. One must, ob- viously, assume that the addition of 02- radicals to the o-phenanthroline molecule is a re- versible process, so that only a very small.fraction of the radicals enter into adduct forma- tion with the o-phenanthroline. Since the 02- ion-radical is an active reducing agent (E0 = -0.16 V [9]), it should not be prone to undergo electrophilic addition to the o-phenanthroline molecule, and the assumption of reversibility seems rather plausible. Beyond this point, one could assume that two peroxide radicals would interact through disproportionation, form- ing a relatively unstable dioxetane derivative which could then break down in a nonlimiting step to form an excited dialdehyde


\ l i..- \ l i / I / " t o \ / \ * 2 /--x, i ~ \ --> .

i~ N X=N/ \'N = / i N N - - ~

In o x i d i z i n g m e d i a , t h e l a t t e r wou ld p r o b a b l y be c o n v e r t e d i n t o 2 , 2 ' - d i p y r i d y l - 3 , 3 ' - e a r b o x y l - i c a c i d .

More d e t a i l e d i n f o r m a t i o n on t h e r e a c t i o n mechan i sm c o u l d be o b t a i n e d t h r o u g h the s t u d y of the excited intermediates and final products resulting from the oxidational destruction of o-phenanthroline.


i. Chemiluminescence arises from the oxidational destruction of o-phenanthroline.

2. Destruction of o-phenanthroline results from its interaction with O2- ion-radicals.

i, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


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