Chemical Building - National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form

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  • 7/28/2019 Chemical Building - National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form


    FHl-*-300 {11-73J

    UnitedStatesDepartment of the InteriorHeritageConservationandRecreationServiceNational Registerof HstoricPlacesinventory NomnationFormSee instructions inHow to Complete National Register FormsType all entries competeapplicable sec ons_______________1. Name__________________historic chemical Budng________________________and/orcommon_______________________________________2. Locationstreet 4 number 721 Oive Sreet _ not for publicationcity, town S. Lous , vicinity of congressional district #3--RchadGephadstate Mssouri code 29 county S. Lous Cty code 5103. CassificaionCaegory Ownershp__istrict __public_. bullding(s) JL_private__structure __both__ite PublcAcqustion__object __n process__being considered

    Sausx occupied__unoccupied__work in progressAccessbeX yes: restricted__es: unrestricted__no

    Present Use__agricultursX commercial__ducational__ntertainment__overnment__ndustrial__military

    __museum__ark__ private residence__eligious*__scientific__ransportation__othsr:4, OwnerofProperty

    Mevn Dubnsky Estae of HaodW. Dubinsky and Aan Pervlstreet & number 721 OveSreetcity, town St. Louis __icinity of state MO 631015. LocaionofLegal. Descriptioncourthouse, registry o) deeds, etc. S. Lous CtyHalstreet 4 number Tucker Boulevard and Market Sreetcity, town S. Lous state MO 631036. RepresentationinExistingSurveys__________

    : Ar chi t ect ur al Sur vey of t he BusnessDsric,S. Lous has this property been determined elegible? yesJ_nodate October, 1975; revised, April, 1977 . federal __tate county j;_ocal

    Landmarks Association of St. Louis, Inc.depository for survey records 7nfi nhp

  • 7/28/2019 Chemical Building - National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form


    Unted StatesDepartmentof theInteriorHeritageConservationandRecreationServce National Registerof Hstoric PlacesInventory MomnationFormContinuation sheet Chemical Bui Idng S. Lous Item number 6___________Page l

    Mssour SaeHstorica Survey- ' Sae1981Hi stor i c Preser vat i on Progr amDepar t ment of Natur al ResourcesP . 0. Box 176J ef f erson Ci t y, MO 65102

    I t e m #9

    Bi bl i ogr aphyBr i ckbui l der 6 ( Sept ember , 1896) : 177.Br yan, J ohn Al bur y. " I r on i n S t . L oui s Ar chi t ecture Between 1800 and 1900. "

    ( M meogr aphed. ) n. p. : c . 1940.Condi t , Car l . The Chi cago Schoo l o f Ar chi t ectur e. Chi cago: The Uni ver si t y of

    Chi cago P ress , 1964.The I nl and Ar chi t ect and News Record 25 ( May, 1895) : 39.St . L oui s Bui l der 8 ( Oct ober, 1901) .Schuyl er , Montgomery. "Henr y I v es Cobb. " Gr eat Ameri can Ar chi t ects Ser i es Number 2.

    New Yor k : The Ar chi t ectural Recor d, 1896.Sherer , S. L. "I nt erest i ng Bri ck and Ter r a- Cot t a Ar chi t ect ur e i n St . Loui s . I I I .

    Commer ci al , I nst i t ut i onal , Et c . " Br i c k f a ui l der 12 ( May, 1903) : 100.

    Hem#10, c o n t . ~~ ~ ~~~sout h al l ey of CB 181; t hence t ur ni ng west cont i nue 125 f eet al ong t he nor t h wal lof t he Chem cal Bui l di ng; t hence t ur ni ng sout h cont i nue appr oxi magel y 115 al ong t heeast si de of N. Ni nt h St r eet t o poi nt of or i gi n.Item #11, cont.2. James M. Penny, SectionChef, Nomnaons-Survey

    and SaeContact Person ' Januay22, 1982Department of Naura Resources 314/751-4096HstoricPreservaion ProgramP.O. Box 176JeffersonCty - Mssour 65102

  • 7/28/2019 Chemical Building - National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form


    7. DescriptionCondtion__excelent_X-good__air


    Check one_-original s__moved ilte

    Describe the present and original ( i f known) physical appearance

    The 1896 Chem cal Bui l di ng desi gned by Chi cago ar chi t ect Henry I v es Cobb andi t s 1903 annex desi gned by t he St . Loui s f i r m of Maur an, Russe l l & Gar den t o r e pl i cate Cobb' s or i el ed desi gn commands consi der at i on f or i t s di st i nct i ve and dur abl ear chi t ect ur al pr esence on t he i mport ant downtown St . Loui s cor ner of Ei ghth and Ol i veSt r eet s. Both por t i ons of t he bui l di ng wer e const r uct ed f or t he Chem cal Bui l di ngCompany, f or med or i gi nal l y t o pr ovi de new f aci l i t i es f or t he Chemcal Nat i onal Bankbut never used f or t hi s pur pose. A compar i son of Cobb' s bui l di ng ( Phot o I I ) andt he bui l di ng as i t appear s t oday ( Photo #2) reveal s t he f ai t hf ul ness of t he annexdesi gn t o t he ori gi nal .

    The Chemcal Bui l di ng r i ses sevent een stori es f rom t he st r eet l evel , whereper i odi c al t erat i ons have been made . At t he second story w de cast i r on panel s w t hRenai ssance desi gns cover t he pi er s and f r i eze above r ecessed bay w ndows. Pai r ed,decorat i ve cast i r on br ackets ( t r i pl ed on ei t her si de of t he maj or ent r ance on Ol i ve)suppor t t he proj ecti ng bay w ndows whi ch r i se f rom t he t hi r d t hr ough t he si xt eent hstori es. W de decor at i ve terra cot t a bands wr ap around t he el evat i ons bet ween t het hi rd, f ourt h and f i f t h stori es. Between other st ori es terra cot t a mol di ngs def i neupper and l ower edges of t he spandr el s and cont i nue across t he pi er s . The f our t eent hstory i s f aced w t h "rust i cat ed" bri ck and set of f by decor at i ve t e r r a cotta bands.The f i f teenth and si xt eent h st or i es ar e gi ven a ver t i cal l i f t by t he om ssi on ofhori zont al mol di ngs between t hem Pi l asters w t h mol ded capi t al s t er m nat e i n archesat t he si xt eent h s t o r y . Pal met t es f orm t he keyst ones; pal met t es ar e r epeat ed i n t hespandr el s. Above, a pr oj ecti ng cor ni ce edged w t h copper i s surmounted by t he or i gi napar apet w t h decor at i ve mol di ng.

    The ornament al cast i r on f ur ni shed by Chr i st opher and Si mpson and t he t er r a cot t aW nkl e Ter r a Cott a Company wer e pr oduct s of St . Loui s ' hi ghl y devel oped capaci t yt o manuf act ure t hese bui l di ng mat er i al s. St r uctur al s tee l f or t he bui l di ng camef rom t he DePaw M l l s of I ndi ana . 1 Ot her i r on wor k c an be seen at t he r ear el evat i onwhere a stai rcase housi ng w t h st epped w ndows r i s es f rom t he t hi r d t hr ough si xt eent hstori es i n a f ashi on si m l ar t o t hat of Bur nham & Root ' s Rookery. ( P ho t o #3) Thecant i l ever ed i r on st ai r case i nsi de r i ses compact l y i n t i ght t ur ns of t he mar bl estai rs . The i r on panel s above and bel ow t he w ndows are or nament ed by doubl e and sol of i sh pat t er ns. The vi ew of t he rear el evat i ons al so r eveal s t he use by Maur an,Russe l l & Gar den of doubl ed w ndows f or t he annex. On t he "new" west f acade, w ndowsappear i n t he pr oj ecti ng bays of t he par apet , whi ch are bl i nd i n Cobb' s desi gn.

    Remodel i ngs have af f ect ed onl y t he f i r st s tory f acades, except f or t he maj orent r ance on Ol i ve mar ked by t wo stori es of hi ghl y pol i shed st one and 1930' sstai nl ess s t eel l et t eri ng.

    I j ohn Al bur y Br yan, "I r on i n S t . Loui s Ar chi t ecture Between 1800 and 1900, "c . 1940 ( M meogr aphed. ) Br yan wr ot e t hat t he i r o n wor k was or i gi nal l y pai nt ed t omat ch t he bri ck and t err a c o t t a .

  • 7/28/2019 Chemical Building - National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form


    8. SgnficancePeriod__rehistoric__400-1499__15001599__6001699__17001799_X18001899_1900

    Aeasof Sgnficance heck__rcheology-prehistoric ____rcheology-historic ____griculture ___. architecture ____rt ____ommerce ____ommunications __

    and justifybeowcommunity planningconservationeconomicseducationengineeringexploration/settlementindustryinvention

    __andscape architecture__aw__iterature__military__music__philosophy__politics/government

    __eligion__cienceculpture__ocial/humanitarian__heater__ransportation__other (specify)

    Specific dates 1896; 1903 Builder/Architect Henry I v es Cobb; Hauran. Russe l l & Gar dStatement of Significance (in one paragraph)

    The undul ant , r ed bri ck and t err a cotta Chem cal Bui l di ng bui l t i n 1896 f rompl ans by Chi cago ar chi t ect Henry I v es Cobb i s si gni f i cant as t he out st andi ng St .Loui s exampl e of t he Chi cago- st yl e or i el ed of f i ce bui l di ng and a di r ect descendantof Hol abi r d & Roche' s Tacoma Bui l di ng of 1886- 89 ( demol i shed) . The west f acade,ext ended nort h w t h a 1903 addi t i on by St . Loui s archi t ects Maur an, Russel l & Gar den,exactl y repl i cat ed Cobb' s desi gn. Di st i ngui shed al so by r i ch cast i r on or nament nowt he col or of oxi di zed copper at t he f i r st t wo stori es of i t s f acades, t he Chem calBui l di ng' s proj ecti ng bays are vi si bl e bl ocks away f r om i t s s i t e at t he nor t heastcor ner of Ei ght h and Ol i ve St r eet s. ( Phot o #2)

    I n 1875, a f our- story store and of f i ce bui l di ng st ood on t he si t e of t he Chem c a lBui l di ngevi dence of t he st eady pr ogr essi on of m nor commer ci al bui l di ng i nt o whathad been an upper - m ddl e cl ass r esi dent i al encl ave. Thi s change was hast ened byt he begi nni ng of const r ucti on of t he massi ve Feder al Bui l di ng ( S t . Loui s Ol d PostOf f i ce) i n 1876, on t he ent i r e bl ock t o t h e west . When t he ci t y' s east - west r ai lcapabi l i t y was dr amat i cal l y enhanced by t he compl et i on of t he Eads Br i dge over t heM ssi ssi ppi i n 1874, St . Loui s ' conmer ci al di st r i ct ( onc e st r ung out al ong t he r i ver )began t o f ocus i n a cl uster i n t he bl ocks west of Br oadway. Ser i ous i nvest mentcapi t al was at t r acted t o a St . L oui s no l onger so t i ght l y l i nked t o t he econom cal l ycri ppl ed post - war Sout h.

    Prom nent ar chi t ects f i r st f r om t he east and t hen Chi cago were i nvi t ed t o desi gnmaj or of f i ce bui l di ngs wort hy of t he ci t y' s grow ng pr osper i t y and opt i m sm i n t hi snew cent er of commerci al and f i nanci al act i vi ty. The f i r st of t hese was t he TurnerBui l di ng, desi gned i n 1883 by t he em nent Bost on f i r m of Peabody & St ear ns and bui l ti mmedi atel y nor t h of t he Chem cal Bui l di ng s i t e. I t was f ol l owed by maj or of f i cebui l di ngs by Shepl ey, Rutan & Cool i dge and Adl er & Sul l i van' s Wai nwr i ght Bui l di ng.The si xt een st ory Uni on Trust Bui l di ng, whi ch i n 1893 was t he gi ant of t he c i t y ,occupi ed t he cor ner si t e j ust east of t he Chem cal Bui l di ng' s s i t e . Cobb' s bui l di ngwoul d be t he l as t desi gned by pr om nent archi t ects fr om out si de t he ci t y unt i l af t erWor l d War I I .

    Though now r egarded as one of t he gems of t he Cent r a l Busi ness Di st r i ct, a t t h et i me of i t s compl et i on i n 1896 ( Photo I I ) , t he Chem cal Bui l di ng was accor ded a l uk ewar m r ecept i on by t he anonymous St . L oui s cor r espondent f or The Br i ckbui l der who di dnot even ment i on ar chi t ect Henry I v es Cobb by name:

    I t cont ai ns no speci al f eat ur es, ot her t han t hose f ound i n otherf i r s t - c l ass of f i ce bui l di ngs. I t i s sevent een st ori es hi gh, i nwhat Bar r Fer r ee i s pl eased t o c al l t he degenerate Chi cago styl e;i t s many angul ar bays and t he numer ous or namented hori zont al l i nessuggest , t o use a common expressi on, t hat t he ar chi t ect had f ound"a good t hi ng, " and was t empted t o "push i t al ong. " He has l e f t

  • 7/28/2019 Chemical Building - National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form


    UntedStatesDepartmentof theInterior r...,.,______HeritageConservationandRecreation Servce f For HCFIS use only -NationalRegisterof Hstoric PlacesInventory MomnationFormCont i nuat i on sheet hem cal Bui l di ng, St . Loui s I t emnumber 3____________Page ]

    no qui et spot upon wni ' xh we" may r est t he eye, and, al t hough we maybe awed by i t s great hei ght we f i nd i t l acks t he i mpr essi ve si mpl i ci t y and i mposi ng grandeur of i t s l ess pr et ent i ous nei ghbor , t heUni on Trust Bui l di ng. . . . The ar chi t ect has gi ven us qui t e a surpri seby t he use of ver y vi vi d r ed br i ck and t err a- cot t a, qui t e out of t heor di nar y i n t hi s day of l i ght er c ol or s . - '

    Henry I ves Cobb, FAI A, ( 1859- 1931) was bor n and educat ed t hrough hi gh schooli n Br ookl i ne, Massachuset t s. Af t er t r avel i n Eur ope he st udi ed engi neer i ng atM I . T. and the Lawr ence Sci ent i f i c School at Harvard, t hen ent ered t he ar chi t ect ur alf i r m of Peabody & St ear ns. I n 1882, he began wor k i n Chi cago wher e he f or med aseven- year part ner shi p wi t h Charl es S. Frost, cont i nui ng on hi s own i n Chi cago f r om1899 unt i l movi ng t o New Yor k i n 1902. Except f or t he 1884 Chi cago Oper a House,descri bed by Car l Condi t as "one of t he t r i umphs of t he ear l y per i od" of t he Chi cagoSchool because of i t s expanses of gl ass at t he f i r s t t wo stor i es, t he wor k of Cobb' si mmensel y successf ul pr acti ce shows much mor e i nt er est i n t he al l us i ve power ofhi stor i cal sty l es t han i n t he expr essi on of st ruct ur e and f unct i on whi ch preoccupi ed many Chi cago ar chi t ects of t he l at e ni neteent h cent ur y.

    When Cobb' s onl y St . Loui s bui l di ng was compl et ed, t he f i rst ground f l oor t enant swer e t ai l or s and candy and t obacco shops. Li ppe' s Oyst er and Chop House occupi edt he basement . Nel son C. Chapman, weal t hy sci on of a l umber baron and a co- owner oft he bui l di ng, was one of t he f i r st t enant s. ( Henry I v es Cobb was l i st ed i n 1901 asone of t he seven owner s of t he bui l di ng, but i t i s not known i f he was one of t heor i gi nal i nvest or s. ) I nsur ance compani es and l aw f i r ms pr ovi ded t he bul k of t enant sal ong w t h sever al ar chi t ects i ncl udi ng J ohn Laur ence Maur an ( Shepl ey, Rut an &Cool i dge' s St . Loui s par t ner , and soon t o mar r y Chapman' s ni ece) on t he si xt eent hf l oor .

    I n 1901, t he St . Loui s Bui l der announced t hat pl ans had been made t o r aze t heTur ner Bui l di ng and r epl ace i t w t h an annex t o t he Chem cal Bui l di ng. The passi ngof t he Turner Bui l di ng was mour ned by archi t ectural cr i t i c S. L. Sherer i n TheBr i ckbui l der i n 1903:

    The f i r st of our modern f i r epr oof of f i ce bui l di ngs, i t s beauty hasnot saved i t f r om f al l i ng a vi ct i m t o t he i nexor abl e demand f or l i ght .I t i s unf ort unat e t hat so beaut i f ul and i nt erest i ng a st r uct ur e shoul ddi sappear f r om vi ew, f or t he educat i onal i nf l uence of such a monumenti s beyond comput at i on i n money.

    The pr obl em of bl ockage of l i ght and ai r by t he new skyscapers was addr essed bya new bui l di ng code i n 1897 whi ch set 150 f eet as t he l i m t f or new const r uct i onal i m t al r eady exceeded by t he Chem cal and Uni on Trust Bui l di ngs. Earl y i n 1902dr aw ngs were pr epared f or an addi t i on by Maur an, Russel l & Gar den ( f ormed i n 1900by Maur an and Ernest J. Russel l and Edwar d G. Gar den of hi s Shepl ey, Rut an & Cool i dgestaf f ) . Or i gi nal l y pl anned as an ei ght story bui l di ng t o t ake up onl y hal f t hedepth of t he Turner l ot , a change was announced i n t he J ul y, 1902 Bui l der :

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    UntedStatesDepartmentof theInteriorHeritageConservationandRecreation ServceNationalRegisterof Hstoric PlacesInventory NomnationFormCont i nuati on sheet Chem cal Bui l di ng, St . Loui s I t em number 8_______________

    The i ncr eased capi t a 1 ! - and- t he gr ant i ng by t he Board of Appeal sof a per m t f or t he erect i on of a 16 st ory annex t o t he Chem calBui l di ng w l l i nsur e a magni f i cent addi t i on t o t he group ofof f i ce bui l di ngs w t hi n a st one' s t hr ow of t he Federal Bui l di ng. 5

    A c . 1925 phot ogr aph pr ovi des a cl ose- up vi ew of t he cast i r on and te r ra cottaof t he f i r s t t hr ee st or i es w t h t he vi r t ual l y seam ess Maur an, Russel l & Gar denaddi t i on and t he bust l i ng st r eet l i f e of pr e- Depr essi on St . Loui s. ( Phot o #4)St . Loui s' di vers i f i ed econom c base hel ped i t weat her t he Gr eat Depr essi on bet t ert han many ci t i es but pr i vat e devel opment downtown ceased and di d not r esume unt i lt he 1960' s. That same decade saw t he demol i t i on of t went y downt own bui l di ngs; manywer e r epl aced by garages or sur f ace par ki ng l ot s . Even t he Ol d Post Of f i ce andt he Wai nwr i ght Bui l di ng nar r ow y escaped t he headache bal l .

    The f i r st pr of essi onal ar chi t ectural sur vey of t he downt own, compl et ed i n 1975,i dent i f i ed many r emai ni ng bui l di ngs of out st andi ng meri t i ncl udi ng t he Chem calBui l di ng. I n 1976, i t was desi gnated an of f i ci al Ci ty Landmar k.

    Of t he gr ound f l oor shops of t oday' s Chemcal Bui l di ng, onl y. t he c i gar , andt obacco shop at 723 Ol i ve retai ns t he character and ar oma of t he l at e ni neteent hcent ur y. Occupant s of t he shop si nce at l east 1900, Moss & Lowenhaupt ' s name i set ched i n t he gl ass of t he mezzani ne above t he shop, now conceal ed behi nd a neonsi gn of 1940, and appears al so on br onze panel s i n t he r ecessed ent r yway t o t he shopw t h i t s pr essed t i n cei l i ng and wood cabi nets. The shop al so boast s t he bui l di ng' sonl y r emai ni ng canvas wi ndow awni ng.

    The 1896 cr i t i c of t he Chem cal Bui l di ng who f ound i t l acki ng i n " i mpr essi vesi mpl i ci t y" al so made a pronouncement about gr ay br i ck, used f or t he Uni on TrustBui l di ng:

    There seens t o be no bet t er col or , especi al l y f or downt ownbui l di ngs, as i t gi ves t he appear ance of sol i di ty, and i t i s def aced l e ss by smoke and di r t t han any ot her col or . . . .

    But t i me has been ki nder t o t h e Chem cal Bui l di ng t han t o t he Uni on Tr us t . TheChem cal ' s r ed bri ck and t e r r a cotta are s t i l l f r esh, and i t s vi gor ousl y ar t i cul at edf acades have been f ar l es s di m ni shed by st r eet l evel al t erati ons t han Al der &Sul l i van' s now gr i my gray skyscaper .FOOTNOTES

    J Br i ckbui l der 6 ( Sept ember , 1896) : 177.One of a ser i es of ar t i cl es r epor t i ng on of f i ce oper at i ons of maj or Chi cago

    ar chi t ects publ i shed i n t he May, 1898 I nl and Ar chi t ect descr i bed t he ef f i ci ent

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    FHl-S300 (11-78

    Unted SatesDepartment of theInteriorHeritageConservationand RecreationService . For HCRS use only Nationa Regsterof Hstoric PacesInventorydomnationForm -~---;:," --' ,-fc ^aa .w ^a sCont i nuat i on sheet chem cal Bui l di ng, St . Loui s I t e mnumber 8__________Page 3

    oper at i on of Cobb' s t wo- f l oor of f i ce and r eveal s t he t i ght cont r ol he mai nt ai nedover t he pr oduct s of hi s 100 t o 130 per son wor k f or ce. The general superi nt endent .. . "has super vi si on over al l superi nt endent s, not onl y i n Chi cago but i n ot her

    . ci t i es. And al l wor k i n ot her ci t i es i s done by t he super i ntendent i n charge, al ldr aw ngs bei ng made i n Chi cago, and ever ythi ng i s done t hr ough t he Chi cago of f i ce. "( Unf or t unat el y f or hi stor i ans of hi s ar chi t ecture, Cobb order ed t he wor k of hi sChi cago of f i ce dest r oyed bef ore hi s depart ur e f rom New York. )

    3 s t . Loui s Bui l der 8 ( Oct ober, 1901) .4Br i ckbui Tder 6 ( Sept ember , 1896) : 177.5 St . Loui s Bui l der 9 ( J ul y, 1902).6Br i ckbui l der 8 ( Sept ember , 1896) : 177.

  • 7/28/2019 Chemical Building - National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form


    9. MaorBbiographcaReferencesSee at t ached.

    10. Geographica DataAcreage of nomnated property less thanone acreQuadrangle name GranteHty Tl /MD Quadrangle scae 124000UMT References

    A |_U5 I74,44,35Zone Easting

    C , 1 1 1 , 1 , , 1E l 1 1 1 , 1 , , |Q I II , 1 , , 1

    I4279lil lOlNorthng

    1 , I i ! , i 1i l M i ' 1i , 1 , 1 , , |

    B l , 1 1 1 , LZone Easting

    oi - i i l , |_F , 1 1 1 , LH , 1 I 1 , L

    , i M , 1 , | , , 1Northng

    i , 1 1 i 1 . I . , !, i 1 1 . 1 , | , , 1 , i 1 , 1 , 1 , , 1

    Verbal boundary description and justificationThe Chemcal Buldngis locatedin CtyBock181; begnnngatthenortheastcornerofOiveand N NnthStreetcontnue approxmatey125 feeteastaongthenorthsideofOive: thenceturnngnorthcontinue approxmatey115 aongthewest, sidpnf thpnnrth/List al states and counties for properties overlapping state or county boundariesstate code county code

    state code county code

    11 FormPepaedBy e 1981> Landmarks Association o St. Lous, jane H. Porter. Researcher and Carolyn Hewes Toft. Edtor________________organization Landmarks Association o St. Lous, Inc. date 13 September 1981_________street& number 706 ChestnutStreet,#1217__________teephone (314 4216474___________cityoftowi St. Lous,_____________________slateHO 63101______________12. SateHstoricPreservation Officer CertificationTheevaluatedsignficanceofthspropertywthnthestateis:

    X national state __oca________As thedesignatedStateHstoricPreservationOfficerlortheNational Hstoric Preservation Actof1966(PublicLaw89-665), I herebynomnatethspropertyfor incusioninthe National Registerandcertifythat it has beenevaluatedaccordngto thecriteriaandprocedures setforthby\ . ; ! :> ' ;,- .- ""-,'^';-^-^' ;V" ' "v4 lI hereby certify that this property is included in theNational Register '" *ffJAS

    Keeper ot theNationa Register v/: , ;.';;. - ff'f:: :.:' . ISSSSSS;:Attest: _____ ' >..: V ;"'- :^"V->:,; :' .&*A4 - .?;':'tf ;|lf||

  • 7/28/2019 Chemical Building - National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form


    CHEM CAL BUI LDI NG, St . Loui s

    UTM Ref erence Poi nt15/ 744435/ 4279110Gr ani t e Ci t y , I L / MO Quadr angl e1: 24, 000 Scal e

    2961 //SWSCALE 1:24000





  • 7/28/2019 Chemical Building - National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form


    CHEM CAL BUI LDI NG, St . Loui s, MO#1 of 4 Sout h and west el evat i onsPhot ographer : UnknownDat e: 1901Phot ocopy f rom St . Loui s Bui l der

    ( Oct ober , 1901)Negat i ve: Landmar ks Assocat i onof St . Loui s, I nc .

    Camera f aci ng nor t heast .

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    CMt.WICAL BULDNG ST. LOUISHenry Ives Cobb. Architect.

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    CHEM CAL BUI LDI NG, St . Loui s, MO#2 of 4 Sout h and west el evat i onsPhot ogr apher: J i l l R. J ohnsonDat e: 1978Negat i ve: Landmar ks Associ at i on

    of St . Loui s, I nc .Camer a f aci ng nort heast .

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  • 7/28/2019 Chemical Building - National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form


    CHEM CAL BUI LDI NG, St . Loui s, MO#3 of 4 Nor t h and east ( rear)

    el evat i onsPhot ogr apher : J ane M Port erDat e: September , 1981Negat i ve: Landmarks Associ at i on

    of St . Loui s, I nc .Camera f aci ng southwest .

  • 7/28/2019 Chemical Building - National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form


  • 7/28/2019 Chemical Building - National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form



















  • 7/28/2019 Chemical Building - National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form


  • 7/28/2019 Chemical Building - National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form


  • 7/28/2019 Chemical Building - National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form
