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CHEM 4A: General Chemistry with Quantitative Analysissrjcstaff.santarosa.edu/~oraola/CHEM1BLECT/Ch. 16...In the case of a reaction like 2NO(g) + O. 2 (g) !2NO. 2 (g) we need to account

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  • 1 / 80

  • OverviewReaction Rates

    Rates and Time

    Initial Rates

    First-Order Reactions

    Half-life of First Order Reactions

    Second-Order Reactions

    Half-life of Second Order Reactions


    Activation Energy

    Reactions mechanisms with a slow first step

    Rections with a fast equilibrium step


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  • Slow vs. fast chemical reactions

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  • Slow vs. fast chemical reactions

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  • Microscopic View

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    Ozone_Destruction.movMedia File (video/quicktime)

  • Factors that affect the reaction rate

    1. Concentration: Molecules must collide to react.

    Rate ∝ collision frequency ∝ concentration

    2. Physical state: Molecules must mix to react.3. Temperature: Molecules must collide with enough energy.

    Rate ∝ Collision frequency ∝temperatureRate ∝ Collision energy ∝temperature

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  • Factors that affect the reaction rate

    1. Concentration: Molecules must collide to react.

    Rate ∝ collision frequency ∝ concentration

    2. Physical state: Molecules must mix to react.3. Temperature: Molecules must collide with enough energy.

    Rate ∝ Collision frequency ∝temperatureRate ∝ Collision energy ∝temperature

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  • Factors that affect the reaction rate

    1. Concentration: Molecules must collide to react.

    Rate ∝ collision frequency ∝ concentration

    2. Physical state: Molecules must mix to react.3. Temperature: Molecules must collide with enough energy.

    Rate ∝ Collision frequency ∝temperatureRate ∝ Collision energy ∝temperature

    8 / 80

  • Rate of Reaction

    Average rate =change in concentration

    time interval

    Average rate = −[reactant ]final − [reactant ]initial

    tfinal − tinitial

    Average rate =[product ]final − [product ]initial

    tfinal − tinitial

    Average rate = −∆[reactant ]∆t

    9 / 80

  • Rate of reactionFor the reaction

    Br2(aq) + HCOOH(aq)→ H+(aq) + Br−(aq) + CO2(g)

    Average ratebetween 100 and200 s

    10 / 80

  • Rate of reaction

    For the reaction

    Br2(aq) + HCOOH(aq)→ H+(aq) + Br−(aq) + CO2(g)

    Ave. rate =

    − (0.00596− 0.00846) mol · L−1

    (200− 100) s= 2.5× 10−5 mol · L−1 · s−1

    11 / 80

  • Rate of reaction

    For the reaction

    Br2(aq) + HCOOH(aq)→ H+(aq) + Br−(aq) + CO2(g)

    Instantaneous rate = lim∆t→0

    −∆ [reactant ]∆t

    12 / 80

  • Rate of reactionFor the reaction

    Br2(aq) + HCOOH(aq)→ H+(aq) + Br−(aq) + CO2(g)

    Instantaneousrate at t=0 and att=200- Slope of thetangent at thosepoints

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  • Concentrations and rateIn the case of a reaction like

    2NO(g) + O2(g)→ 2NO2(g)

    we need to account for the stoichiometry of the reaction when settingup the expressions for the reaction rate.

    So that we have the rate expressed as a unique positive number forthe reaction, we need to write:

    rate = −∆ [O2]∆t

    = −12

    ∆ [NO]∆t


    ∆ [NO2]∆t 14 / 80

  • In general terms

    For the “generic” reaction

    αA + βB −−→ γC + δD

    the expression for the rate of reaction will be:


    ∆ [A]∆t

    = −1β

    ∆ [B]∆t


    ∆ [C]∆t


    ∆ [D]∆t

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  • Rates and TimeFor the reaction

    N2O5(g)→ 2NO2(g) +12


    the followingdata wascollected at318 K

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  • Rates and TimeFor the reaction

    N2O5(g)→ 2NO2(g) +12


    Graphically, thismeans

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  • Rates and TimeFor the reaction

    N2O5(g)→ 2NO2(g) +12


    Observe that therate of change inthe concentrationchanges withtime

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  • Rates and TimeAgain back to the model system

    2NO(g) + O2(g)→ 2NO2(g)

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  • Concentrations and Rate

    Experiment Initial Reactant Initial rateconcentration mol·L−1

    (T = 600 K) [NO] [O2] mol·L−1·s−11 1.30× 10−2 1.10× 10−2 3.21× 10−32 1.30× 10−2 2.30× 10−2 6.40× 10−33 2.60× 10−2 1.10× 10−2 12.8× 10−34 1.30× 10−2 3.30× 10−2 9.60× 10−35 3.90× 10−2 1.10× 10−2 28.8× 10−3

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  • Concentrations and Rate

    Experiment Initial Reactant Initial rateconcentration mol·L−1

    (T = 600 K) [NO] [O2] mol·L−1·s−11 1.30× 10−2 1.10× 10−2 3.21× 10−32 1.30× 10−2 2.30× 10−2 6.40× 10−33 2.60× 10−2 1.10× 10−2 12.8× 10−34 1.30× 10−2 3.30× 10−2 9.60× 10−35 3.90× 10−2 1.10× 10−2 28.8× 10−3

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  • Concentrations and Rate

    Experiment Initial Reactant Initial rateconcentration mol·L−1

    (T = 600 K) [NO] [O2] mol·L−1·s−11 1.30× 10−2 1.10× 10−2 3.21× 10−32 1.30× 10−2 2.30× 10−2 6.40× 10−33 2.60× 10−2 1.10× 10−2 12.8× 10−34 1.30× 10−2 3.30× 10−2 9.60× 10−35 3.90× 10−2 1.10× 10−2 28.8× 10−3

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  • Concentrations and RatesModel system:

    2NO(g) + O2(g)→ 2NO2(g)

    rate ∝ [O2]

    rate ∝ [NO]2

    rate ∝ [O2] [NO]2 or rate = k [O2] [NO]2

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  • Concentrations and RatesModel system:

    2NO(g) + O2(g)→ 2NO2(g)

    rate ∝ [O2]

    rate ∝ [NO]2

    rate ∝ [O2] [NO]2 or rate = k [O2] [NO]2

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  • Concentrations and Rates

    Once we know the rate law

    rate = k [O2][NO]2

    We can calculate the value of the rate constant from the experimentaldata

    k =rate


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  • Concentrations and Rates

    Once we know the rate law

    rate = k [O2][NO]2

    We can calculate the value of the rate constant from the experimentaldata

    k = 12.8×10−3mol·L−1·s−1

    [1.10×10−2 mol·L−1][2.60×10−2mol·L−1]2

    = 1.72× 103 mol−2 · L2 · s−1

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  • General form of rate laws

    rate = k [reactant1]x [reactant2]y ...

    According to this rate law, the reaction described is:

    • order x with respect to reactant 1• order y with respect to reactant 2• overall order: x + y

    The order of a reaction with respect to eachreactant must be determined EXPERIMENTALLY

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  • Calculation of k

    Units of the rate constant:

    k : mol−(order−1)·L(order−1)·s−1

    So that when multiplied by molorder · L−order , we get

    molorder−(order−1)·L(order−1)−order ·s−1

    or mol·L−1·s−1

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  • Examples of reaction order

    rate = k[(CH3)3CBr]

    H2(g) + I2(g)→ 2HI(g) rate = k[H2][I2]

    CHCl3(g) + Cl2(g)→ CCl4(g) + HCl(g) rate = k [CHCl3 ] [Cl2]12

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  • Exercise

    For each of the following reactions, use the given rate law todetermine the reaction order with respect to each reactant and theoverall order

    2H2O2(aq) + 3I−(aq) + 2H+(aq)→ I−3 (aq) + 2H2O(`)rate = k [H2O2] [I−]

    2NO(g) + O2(g)→ 2NO2(g) rate = k [NO]2[O2]

    CH3CHO(g)→ CH4(g) + CO(g) rate = k [CH3CHO]32

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  • Integrated Rate Laws:First-Order Reactions

    For the reaction2N2O5(g)→ 4NO2 + O2(g)

    the rate can is describe by the rate law

    d [N2O5]dt

    = −k [N2O5]

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  • Determining Reaction Orders

    From the data

    Experiment Initial Rate Initial [A] Initial [B]( mol·L−1·s−1) ( mol·L−1) ( mol·L−1)

    1 1.75×10−3 2.50×10−2 3.00×10−22 3.50×10−3 5.00×10−2 3.00×10−23 3.50×10−3 2.50×10−2 6.00×10−24 7.00×10−3 5.00×10−2 6.00×10−2

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  • Determining Reaction Orders

    Sometimes the exponent is not easy to find by inspection. In thosecases, we solve for m with an equation of the form a = bm:

    Thenm =

    log alog b

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  • Finding m, the order with respect to A

    Comparing experiments 1 and 2

    Rate 2Rate 1

    =�k [A]m2 �

    ��[B]n2�k [A]m1 �






    then m = 1

    34 / 80

  • Integrated Rate Laws:First-Order Reactions

    that can be rearranged as

    d [N2O5][N2O5]

    = −kdt

    and integrated between the initial and final conditions

    ∫ [N2O5][N2O5]0

    d [N2O5][N2O5]

    = −∫ t


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  • Integrated Rate Laws:First-Order Reactions

    to give



    )= −kt


    ln [N2O5] = −kt + ln [N2O5]0

    Integrated first order rate law36 / 80

  • An alternative form of the integrated rate lawWe can also write


    = e−kt


    [N2O5] = [N2O5]0 e−kt

    Notice that the fraction of N2O5 remaining after a time interval t isalways e−kt

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  • Graphically:(integrated first order rate law)

    2N2O5(g)→ 4NO2 + O2(g)

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  • Half-life of First Order Reactions

    The half-life for a first-order reaction is independent of the initialconcentration.

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  • Half-life of a first-order reaction

    Half-life (t 12) is the time it takes for the concentration of a reactant to

    drop to one-half of its initial value.

    Fast reaction =⇒ short half-life

    For a first-order process:



    )= −kt

    40 / 80

  • Half-life of a first-order reaction

    Half-life (t 12) is the time it takes for the concentration of a reactant to

    drop to one-half of its initial value.

    Fast reaction =⇒ short half-life

    For a first-order process:




    = −kt 12

    t 12

    =ln 2k



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  • Second-Order Reactions

    For the reaction2NO(g)→ 2NO(g) + O2(g)

    the rate can be described by the rate law

    d [NO2]dt

    = −k [NO2]2

    This is a second-order kinetic law

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  • Second-Order Reactions

    that can be rearranged as

    [NO2]−2d [NO2] = −kdt

    and integrated between the initial and final conditions

    ∫ [NO2][NO2]0

    [NO2]−2d [NO2] = −∫ t


    43 / 80

  • Second-Order Reactions

    to give



    [NO2]0+ k t

    the integrated second-order rate law.

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  • Half-life of Second Order Reactions

    Notice that in this case

    t 12


    k [NO2]0

    is a function of the initial concentration of the reactant, and thereforeuseless as a characterization of the reaction!

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  • Graphically:(integrated second order rate law)

    2NO(g)→ 2NO(g) + O2(g)

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  • Reaction Mechanisms

    When we study a reaction like

    NO2(g) + CO(g)→ NO(g) + CO2(g)

    we might guess that in the process there is a collision of a moleculeof NO2 with a molecule of CO.

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  • Reaction Mechanisms

    Click to start

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    secondorder.swfMedia File (application/x-shockwave-flash)

  • Reaction Mechanismsbut a study of the kinetics of the reaction shows that the rate isindependent of the concentration of CO.

    Furthrer experimentation has shown that the reaction occurs actuallyin two steps.

    In a first step, two molecules of NO2 collide and an oxygen atom istransferred;

    NO2(g) + NO2(g)→ NO3(g) + NO(g)

    and then in a second step, the collision happens between NO3 andCO

    NO3(g) + CO(g)→ NO2(g) + CO2(g)49 / 80

  • Reaction Mechanisms

    Click to start

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    twostepsr.swfMedia File (application/x-shockwave-flash)

  • Reaction Mechanisms

    In summary, we have

    NO2(g) + NO2(g)→ NO3(g) + NO(g) (1)

    NO3(g) + CO(g)→ NO2(g) + CO2(g) (2)

    NO2(g) + CO(g)→ NO(g) + CO2(g) (3)

    Each of the steps is an elementary reaction. The sum of theelemntary reaction gives the overall reaction. This constitutes areaction mechanism.

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  • Reaction MechanismsIn summary, we have

    NO2(g) + NO2(g)→����NO3(g) + NO(g) (4)

    ����NO3(g) + CO(g)→ NO2(g) + CO2(g) (5)

    NO2(g) + CO(g)→ NO(g) + CO2(g) (6)

    NO3: A species that is generated in a step and is consumed in asubsequent step is an intermediate species. It does not appear inthe overall equation.

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  • Rate Laws for Elementary Reactions

    The rate laws for elementary reactions (as opposed to thosebelonging to overall reactions) can be written from the equation, witheach exponent in the rate law equal to the number of particles of agiven type participating in the reaction.

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  • Rate Laws for Elementary Reactions

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  • MolecularityFor an elementary reaction (step in a mechanism), the molecularityis the number of molecules (or atoms, ions) that must take part in thatspecific step.


    The elemental reaction

    O3 → O2 + O

    is unimolecular (has a molecularity = 1)

    and the elemental reaction

    O3 + O3 → O2 + O2 + O2

    is bimolecular (has a molecularity = 2)

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  • MolecularityFor an elementary reaction (step in a mechanism), the molecularityis the number of molecules (or atoms, ions) that must take part in thatspecific step.


    The elemental reaction

    O3 → O2 + O

    is unimolecular (has a molecularity = 1)

    and the elemental reaction

    O3 + O3 → O2 + O2 + O2

    is bimolecular (has a molecularity = 2)

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  • MolecularityFor an elementary reaction (step in a mechanism), the molecularityis the number of molecules (or atoms, ions) that must take part in thatspecific step.


    The elemental reaction

    O3 → O2 + O

    is unimolecular (has a molecularity = 1)

    and the elemental reaction

    O3 + O3 → O2 + O2 + O2

    is bimolecular (has a molecularity = 2)

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  • Molecularity

    Termolecular and higher molecularity are uncommon, because it isvery unlikely that three (or more) molecules will collidesimultaneously under normal conditions.

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  • Collision Theory of Chemical ReactionsMolecular view of the reaction:

    F2(g) + NO2(g)→ F (g) + FNO2(g)

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  • Collision Theory

    rate ofreaction



    )fraction ofcollisions withthe requiredenergy

    fraction of collisionsin which moleculeshave therequired relativeorientation

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  • Activation Energy

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  • Enthalpy Change and Activation Energy

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  • Activated Complex

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  • Collision theory

    In order to react, molecules mustcollide. The rate of reactiondepends on the collisionfrequency, on the relative energyof the collisions and on theirorientation.

    k = p × z × e−EaRT

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  • Arrhenius Equation

    The product of p ana z is relativelytemperature-independent, wegather these parameters as thepre-exponential factor, A

    k = A e−

    EaR T

    The factor e−

    EaR T represents the

    fraction of collisions with energyhigher than Ea

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  • Temperature Dependence of the Kinetic Constant

    Alternatively, we can expressArrhenius equation as

    ln k = ln A− EaR T

    that can be rearranged in order tocompare the rate constants at twodifferent temperatures



    )= −Ea


    (1T2− 1



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  • Example ProblemThe major reaction that occurs when an egg is boiled in water is thedenaturation of the egg protein Given that Ea=42 kJ·mol−1 for thisprocess, calculate how much time is required to cook an egg at 92.2◦C [the boiling point of water in Vail, CO, at about 2400 m (8000 ft)elevation] to the same extent as an egg cooked for 3.0 min at 100.0◦C (the boiling point of pure water at sea level). What we need is toknow the ratio of the kinetic constants, for the time the reaction takesis always inversely) proportional to the value of the constant.


    = −EaR

    (1T2− 1




    = 0.7488

    e0.7488 = 1.33 t = 4.0 min

    67 / 80

  • Example ProblemThe major reaction that occurs when an egg is boiled in water is thedenaturation of the egg protein Given that Ea=42 kJ·mol−1 for thisprocess, calculate how much time is required to cook an egg at 92.2◦C [the boiling point of water in Vail, CO, at about 2400 m (8000 ft)elevation] to the same extent as an egg cooked for 3.0 min at 100.0◦C (the boiling point of pure water at sea level). What we need is toknow the ratio of the kinetic constants, for the time the reaction takesis always inversely) proportional to the value of the constant.


    = −EaR

    (1T2− 1




    = 0.7488

    e0.7488 = 1.33 t = 4.0 min

    68 / 80

  • Example ProblemThe major reaction that occurs when an egg is boiled in water is thedenaturation of the egg protein Given that Ea=42 kJ·mol−1 for thisprocess, calculate how much time is required to cook an egg at 92.2◦C [the boiling point of water in Vail, CO, at about 2400 m (8000 ft)elevation] to the same extent as an egg cooked for 3.0 min at 100.0◦C (the boiling point of pure water at sea level). What we need is toknow the ratio of the kinetic constants, for the time the reaction takesis always inversely) proportional to the value of the constant.


    = −EaR

    (1T2− 1




    = 0.7488

    e0.7488 = 1.33 t = 4.0 min

    69 / 80

  • Example ProblemThe major reaction that occurs when an egg is boiled in water is thedenaturation of the egg protein Given that Ea=42 kJ·mol−1 for thisprocess, calculate how much time is required to cook an egg at 92.2◦C [the boiling point of water in Vail, CO, at about 2400 m (8000 ft)elevation] to the same extent as an egg cooked for 3.0 min at 100.0◦C (the boiling point of pure water at sea level). What we need is toknow the ratio of the kinetic constants, for the time the reaction takesis always inversely) proportional to the value of the constant.


    = −EaR

    (1T2− 1




    = 0.7488

    e0.7488 = 1.33 t = 4.0 min

    70 / 80

  • Rate Limiting Step

    Consider the familiar mechanism

    NO2(g) + NO2(g)k1−→ NO3(g) + NO(g) rate = k1[NO2]2 (7)

    NO3(g) + CO(g)k2−→ NO2(g) + CO2(g) rate = k2[NO][CO] (8)

    NO2(g) + CO(g)→ NO(g) + CO2(g) (9)

    The first step is much slower that the second, it determines the ratelaw and the rate of the overall reaction. It is the rate-limiting step.

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  • Reaction mechanisms with a fast equilibrium step

    On the other hand, a reaction mechanism like

    2NO k1k−1N2O2(g) fast equilibrium (10)

    N2O2 + O2(g)k2−→ 2NO2(g) rate = k2[N2O2][O2](slow) (11)

    2NO(g) + O2(g)→ 2NO2(g) (12)

    For the fast equilibrium we can write k1[NO]2 = k−1[N2O2]

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  • Reaction mechanisms with a fast equilibrium stepSolving for

    [N2O2] =k1


    and substituting the result in the kinetic law of the slow step, we getfor the overall reaction

    rate = k2




    which correspond to the experimental rate law

    rate = k [NO]2[O2]

    if we make

    k = k2



    )73 / 80

  • CatalysisHydrogen peroxide decomposes spontaneously into oxygen gas andwater

    2H2O2(aq)→ O2(g) + 2H2O(`) slowbut the reaction is very slow. In the presence of iodide ions, thereaction proceeds at a much faster rate. The following mechanismhas been proposed

    H2O2(aq) + I−(aq)→ IO−(aq) + H2O(`) slow (13)

    H2O2(aq) + IO−(aq)→ I−(aq) + H2O(`) + O2(g) fast (14)

    2H2O2(aq)→ 2H2O(`) + O2(g) (15)The mechanism is consistent with the experimentally observed

    kinetic law (first order both in iodide ion and in hydrogen peroxide).Iodide ions participate, but they are not consumed by the reaction,they act as a catalyst

    74 / 80

  • CatalysisHydrogen peroxide decomposes spontaneously into oxygen gas andwater

    2H2O2(aq)→ O2(g) + 2H2O(`) slowbut the reaction is very slow. In the presence of iodide ions, thereaction proceeds at a much faster rate. The following mechanismhas been proposed

    H2O2(aq) + I−(aq)→ IO−(aq) + H2O(`) slow (13)

    H2O2(aq) + IO−(aq)→ I−(aq) + H2O(`) + O2(g) fast (14)

    2H2O2(aq)→ 2H2O(`) + O2(g) (15)The mechanism is consistent with the experimentally observed

    kinetic law (first order both in iodide ion and in hydrogen peroxide).Iodide ions participate, but they are not consumed by the reaction,they act as a catalyst

    75 / 80

  • CatalysisHydrogen peroxide decomposes spontaneously into oxygen gas andwater

    2H2O2(aq)→ O2(g) + 2H2O(`) slowbut the reaction is very slow. In the presence of iodide ions, thereaction proceeds at a much faster rate. The following mechanismhas been proposed

    H2O2(aq) + I−(aq)→ IO−(aq) + H2O(`) slow (13)

    H2O2(aq) + IO−(aq)→ I−(aq) + H2O(`) + O2(g) fast (14)

    2H2O2(aq)→ 2H2O(`) + O2(g) (15)The mechanism is consistent with the experimentally observed

    kinetic law (first order both in iodide ion and in hydrogen peroxide).Iodide ions participate, but they are not consumed by the reaction,they act as a catalyst

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  • Catalysis

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  • Properties of Catalysts

    1. Provide an alternative pathway with lower activation energy2. Not consumed by the reaction3. Increase the rates of both the forward and the reverse reaction4. Do not change the relative amounts of reactants and products in

    the reaction5. Bring the reaction to completion (or equilibrium) faster

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  • Heterogeneous catalysis

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  • Enzymes: Biological Catalysts

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    Reaction RatesRates and TimeInitial RatesFirst-Order ReactionsHalf-life of First Order ReactionsSecond-Order ReactionsHalf-life of Second Order ReactionsMechanismsActivation EnergyReactions mechanisms with a slow first stepRections with a fast equilibrium stepCatalysis