Arnott Charlton Public School Cheetah Times schools.peelschools.org/1524 Fall 2014 Issue 2 Multicultural Settlement Worker Neelam Khan is our Settlement Worker at Arnott Charlton Public School. She provides one-on-one assistance to parents and guardians. She helps newcomer families adapt and integrate into the Canadian Education system, culture and society. She speaks Punjabi, Hindi, and Urdu. If you need any information related to employment, immigration, school, or community programs please contact her by phone (416) 471-5681 or via email at neelam.khan@bmccentre.org. She is at Arnott Charlton on Tuesdays & Fridays from 8:00- 3:30 p.m. School Council Many thanks to our parents who came to our first School Council meeting on Sept. 25 th . It was well attended and we have a great team on our Council this year with the following members: Tamara Stuckey and Tricia-Gaye Bloomfield (Co- Chairs), Shalini Khaware (Treasurer), Heather Ottay (Secretary), Jacquie Brayley (Support Staff Rep), Rumana Murad (Community Rep) and Sherri Nishimura (Teacher Rep). We are looking forward to working with our Council and parent community to support our students. All parents Terry Fox Donations Arnott Charlton staff and students enjoyed the annual Terry Fox Walk around our community. We had set a goal and surpassed it with our total of $1055.00 raised for cancer research. Batman dropped in to our Sept. assembly with a message encouraging us to reach our fundraising goal and would come back to visit when we achieved it. In Oct. the students got a surprise visit with a big thank you to them. We thank our students and families for all the donations and keeping in mind a real hero, Terry Fox, as we walked together for a worthy cause. We thank our committee members, Mrs. Teti, Ms. Strachan, Ms. Yadav and Mr. Dippel for planning this special event. Principal: Mrs. J. Lek Vice Principal: Mrs. K. Workman Office Manager: Mrs. J. Brayley Office Assistant: Superintendent: Mrs. H. Mason Trustee: Mr. D. Green 140 Winterfold Drive Brampton, ON L6V3V8 Phone: 905-456-3159 Fax: 905-456-3601

Cheetah Times · Cheetah Times schools.peelschools ... assembly through a song, ‘Everybody,’ and a skit. 5A took to the stage to present their song, reminding us all that everybody

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  • Arnott Charlton Public School

    Cheetah Times schools.peelschools.org/1524 Fall 2014 Issue 2

    Multicultural Settlement Worker Neelam Khan is our Settlement Worker at Arnott

    Charlton Public School. She provides one-on-one

    assistance to parents and guardians. She helps

    newcomer families adapt and integrate into the

    Canadian Education system, culture and society.

    She speaks Punjabi, Hindi, and Urdu. If you need

    any information related to employment,

    immigration, school, or community programs

    please contact her by phone (416) 471-5681 or via

    email at [email protected]. She is at

    Arnott Charlton on Tuesdays & Fridays from 8:00-

    3:30 p.m.

    School Council Many thanks to our parents who came to our first

    School Council meeting on Sept. 25th. It was well

    attended and we have a great team on our

    Council this year with the following members:

    Tamara Stuckey and Tricia-Gaye Bloomfield (Co-

    Chairs), Shalini Khaware (Treasurer), Heather Ottay

    (Secretary), Jacquie Brayley (Support Staff Rep),

    Rumana Murad (Community Rep) and Sherri

    Nishimura (Teacher Rep). We are looking forward

    to working with our Council and parent

    community to support our students. All parents

    Terry Fox Donations Arnott Charlton staff and students enjoyed the

    annual Terry Fox Walk around our community.

    We had set a goal and surpassed it with our total

    of $1055.00 raised for cancer research. Batman

    dropped in to our Sept. assembly with a

    message encouraging us to reach our

    fundraising goal and would come back to visit

    when we achieved it. In Oct. the students got a

    surprise visit with a big thank you to them. We

    thank our students and families for all the

    donations and keeping in mind a real hero,

    Terry Fox, as we walked together for a worthy


    We thank our committee members, Mrs. Teti, Ms.

    Strachan, Ms. Yadav and Mr. Dippel for planning

    this special event.

    Principal: Mrs. J. Lek

    Vice Principal: Mrs. K. Workman

    Office Manager: Mrs. J. Brayley

    Office Assistant:

    Superintendent: Mrs. H. Mason

    Trustee: Mr. D. Green

    140 Winterfold Drive

    Brampton, ON L6V3V8

    Phone: 905-456-3159

    Fax: 905-456-3601

    mailto:[email protected]

  • Arnott Charlton Cheetah News Fall 2014 Issue 1 2

    are invited to join us at our meetings scheduled

    this year on Nov. 20, Jan. 22, and Apr.16.

    September Student Success Assembly (By: Ms. Legault & Ms. Beaudin) Ms. Beaudin and Mrs. Legault’s classes explored what

    ‘caring’ looks like and feels like for this month’s

    assembly through a song, ‘Everybody,’ and a skit. 5A

    took to the stage to present their song, reminding us

    all that everybody needs love. They worked hard to

    put it all together and impart their message of care

    and love, using actions, visuals, and choreography,

    while working well as a unit toward a final goal. 5C

    shared discussions about how people can sometimes

    feel alone and isolated at school, and what we can

    do as their peers to demonstrate care and

    compassion. They created 5 tableaux representing

    different scenarios of poor behaviour towards others

    and then, to the song ‘You’ve Got a Friend In Me,’

    other students rearranged each skit so the scenes

    changed to ones showing ‘caring.’ The students took

    ownership over both the problems and the solutions.

    We are super proud of you!!!

    Celebrate World Teacher Appreciation Day Sunday, October 5, 2014 Since 1994, parents and students from around the

    world have celebrated World Teacher Appreciation

    Day to commemorate the work of teachers and their

    contributions to society. We thank our teachers at

    Arnott Charlton as they are appreciated and are

    special for how they make a difference.

    Staff Professional Learning On our P.A. Days staff were engaged in planning

    and professional development activities focused

    on School Success. Teachers collaborated in

    activities and discussions to improve students’

    numeracy skills and teaching strategies to engage

    students in their learning. Staff also shared

    information and tools to continue fostering positive

    relationships, safety, and school climate for

    learning and working.

    Fall Soccer Tournament By: Ms. Strachan

    On Friday October 24, 2014 our school participated

    in a Junior Co-Ed Fall Soccer Tournament at Agnes

    Taylor Public School. The coaches were very proud

    of the teamwork and excellent sportsmanship shown

    by our team members, who played against three of

  • Arnott Charlton Cheetah News Fall 2014 Issue 1 3

    the other five teams and scored several goals. Thank

    you to all students who tried out for the team, as well

    as to the parents and staff who supported us. We

    thank the following players and coaches for

    representing our school. Way to go Arnott Charlton


    Samuel J., Alian K., Muhammad A., Sanna H.,

    Foram F., Veli D., Arman M., Colt C., Manpreet K.,

    Maria M., Alisha S., Gagandeep S.,

    Mr. Harvie, Mr. Dippel, Ms. Vaid, and Ms. Strachan

    Parent/Teacher Interviews Thank you to all parents/guardians for attending the

    progress report interviews. Your continued

    involvement and support for your child’s progress and

    success are important. The interviews are focused on

    the achievements of your child and his/her goals.

    Discuss the learning skills and attitudes that will help

    him/her succeed not only at school but also in life.

    Kindergarten parents will receive their child’s

    Summary of Progress at the end of January.

    Halloween Parade The staff and students had the opportunity to watch

    and participate in our annual Halloween parade.

    There were also a variety of activities to engage the

    kids in some fun learning.

    Remembrance Day Arnott Charlton school community honoured

    Remembrance Day with poems, songs, video, and a

    presentation of wreaths created by each class. We

    thank Liam Morris, a student from Mayfield

    Secondary School, for playing the “Last Post” on his

    trumpet for the moment of silence. We thank our

    committee members Mrs. Masaki, Mrs. Baker, Ms.

    Nishimura, Ms. Stachan and Mrs. McMurray for

    organizing the assembly and to our parents and

    guest who joined us.

    Primary Winter Concert This year’s Winter Concert will be

    performed by our Grades 1, 2 and 3

    students and will take place on

    Thursday, December 18th at 6:30 p.m.

    students are to be dropped off at 6:00 p.m. to get

    organized in their designated classrooms while

    you take a seat in the large gym. Please stay for

    the entire concert, which will be apporximately

    one hour, to honour the hard work of the children

    in their preparation. For those who are unable to

    attend the evening performance, there will be a

    dress rehearsal on Thursday, Dec. 18th at 9:00 a.m.

    The school will be in attendance to watch this

    daytime performance. We look forward to sharing

    this special event with you.

    Grade 4 C.C.A.T. Test Standardized tests are one measure of student

    ability and achievement. The grade 4 students

    participating in writing the Canadian Abilities Test

    between November 10 - 24. The C.C.A.T. test

    scores are an indicator of the student’s potential

    for learning academic material. It measures

    reasoning skills and problem solving abilities

    common to a number of subject areas.

    Holiday Food Drive We will be continuing our school’s

    annual food drive this year. We will be

    collecting donations of non-perishable

  • Arnott Charlton Cheetah News Fall 2014 Issue 1 4

    food items throughout December to help community

    members. All foods are welcome and some

    suggestions for donations are rice, peanut butter,

    baby food and formula, canned fruit or vegetables,

    canned fish or meat, macaroni and cheese, pasta

    and sauce, lentils, cans of stew or hearty soup,

    powered or canned milk, cheese spread, and cans of


    We thank you in advance for your generosity and

    thoughtfulness in reaching out to others in need. All

    donations will be placed in the boxes provided

    outside the office.

    The Spirit of Giving We know that small acts of kindness can

    have a big impact and help make a

    difference in the lives of others. In addition to our

    annual food drive throughout this month, we would

    like to collect new or gently used mittens, scarves and

    hats to donate to children in need. Please have your

    child deliver your donations to the office, which will

    then be delivered to the Salvation Army. We are also

    collecting new toys for the program Toys for Tots.

    Thank you for your consideration and contributions.

    Supervision on Inclement Weather Days Teacher supervision does not being until

    8:10 a.m. As we encounter rainy, colder

    and snowy days ahead, we encourage

    all parents, guardians, and caregivers to

    ensure that your child is dressed

    appropriately for the weather

    conditions. On rainy days and

    extremely cold days, teachers will let

    the children in at the entry doors at

    8:10 a.m. where they will be supervised inside the

    hallways until instructional time begins. By reinforcing

    these procedures, our staff will continue to effectively

    supervise the children both outdoors and indoors as

    we focus on keeping children safe.

    Lost and Found It would be helpful to label items of clothing as many

    items make their way to the Lost and Found box.

    Labelled items can be returned and “mixed up” items

    are sorted out more easily. Students and parents are

    encouraged to check for lost items during the

    upcoming parent/teacher interviews this month. Any

    unclaimed items will be donated to charity


    Student Leadership Council By: Mrs. Haswell

    This year marks our second year of our Student

    Leadership Council. Our class reps have been

    chosen and have already started to have class

    meetings and fill the voice boxes with new and

    exciting ideas to help make Arnott Charlton a

    special place for everyone. We have also

    selected the 4 Division reps and they are looking

    forward to bringing student ideas form the voice

    boxes to the attention of Mrs. Lek at their monthly

    meetings, so that together they can collaborate

    on initiatives for the students of Arnott Charlton.

    The four leadership teams have been established

    and students are meeting with their lead teachers

    and engaging in opportunities to help develop

    their leadership skills and abilities.

    This year the Student Leadership Council will be

    offering the Peer Mentoring Team. The purpose of

    this team is to help students solve problems

    collaboratively using the concepts of Restorative

    Practices. Peer mentors will be visible on the

    playground and will help students solve problems

    in a positive and restorative manner. Mrs. Mistry

    and Ms. Gallo will be leading this team, as they

    are both trained in Restorative Practices and are

    excited to teach these skills to our Peer Mentors.

    We would like to congratulate all our class reps:

    Grade 1 Elijah C., Nyomi S., Chace A., Adeena S.,

    Abriana B., and Sia D.

    Grade 2 Briana B., Shehzad R., Dimitri G., Shariah

    W., Mahd A., Bushra J., and Alanna D.

    Grade 3 Krisha F., Namanprret D., Aaniua S., Sania

    B., Sahij G., and Saawan M.

    Grade 4 Richard J., Ibrahim M., Altrida M.,

    Taranjot S., Gurman B., and Julie M.

    Grade 5 Hardeep M., Alishba M., Parth A., Rumesa

    N., Hemant A., and Nashita R.

    We would like to congratulate our Primary Division

    reps Nabeeha T. and Krish A. and our Junior

    Division reps Shanta I., Parth A., and Sahejpreet D.

    Aaminah Q. and Aaryan G. will serve as alternates

    when absences occur.

    We look forward to the collaborative work of the

    following students on the different leadership

    teams. Thank you to all students who had applied.

    PALS (Playground Activity Leaders) Gr. 3

    Damian W. Basil E. Krish A.

    Aqsa S. Aditya D. Gurnorr M.

    Amber H. Elly H. Jussiah W.

  • Arnott Charlton Cheetah News Fall 2014 Issue 1 5

    Ria S. Nalita L. Jasmeet G.

    Lucious M. Namanpreet D Harshdeep S.

    Noor E. Amreen A. Tazmin K.

    Sophia D. Antarkish J Tom M

    Eshe D. Steven T. Hanan A.

    Jr. Tech Team

    Saimithraa A. Nimrat B. Alrida M.

    Zainab R. Sanna H. Reshanna R.

    Ibrahim M. Jimmy S. Alishba M.

    Khushboo P. Sehaji D. Hardeep M.

    Rahul B. Tanraj T. Patrick T.

    Spirit Squad

    Kyla M. Elyssa B. Manmeet G.

    Kaylynn H. Monica J. Angelica B.

    Harneet S. Haider M. Kishani Y.

    Basil E. Mantej C. Skyler P.

    Nabhan Hanan A. Amira

    Dhrurvan M. Hurr R. Faith B.

    Riya R. Saimithraa A. Zoha M.

    Shiv J. Hardeep M. Rumesa N.

    Rahul V. Parth A. Amreen A.

    Sahejpreet D

    Community Outreach Team

    Aaminah Q. Dhruvan M. Jimmy S.

    Yousra S. Jessica M. Parth A.

    Maryam S. Caliah S. Rahul V.

    Kaurleen B. Haley L. Shavon B.

    Anusti S. Misbah Sahejpreet D.

    Peer Mentoring team will be announced in the

    next newsletter.

    Time for school - A parent’s guide to regular school attendance

    Elementary school is a wonderful time in the life of a

    child, a time of great strides in learning and in social

    and emotional development. Many things affect your

    child’s success, from the quality of his or her teachers,

    to the makeup of the class. One of the most

    important factors is your child’s regular and timely


    Getting to class on time, and avoiding absences,

    are critical if your child is to get the most out of

    school. It seems obvious. But the fact is that

    elementary students tend to miss and average of

    eight or more school days during the year. What

    can you as a parent do to help ensure your child’s

    proper attendance?

    Is your child missing more? Why does attendance


    First, understand that getting to school–every day

    and on time–matters at every level, perhaps even

    more so in elementary school. That’s because

    important learning occurs daily, right from the start

    of class. And because you establish patterns early

    on. By being punctual and responsible, children

    are acquiring positive habits about school

    attendance. Some other things to consider:

    By being late, children miss important social

    time with their peers before school begins.

    Students who are late often feel embarrassed

    or self-conscious.

    Late arrivals can disrupt the routine of the


    A last-minute rush can be stressful for the child,

    and get her to school in the wrong frame of


    Missing even five or 10 minutes of the day can

    make it harder for the student to understand

    the material being taught.

    Frequent absenteeism leads to gaps in a

    child’s skills and knowledge base, cause the

    child to fall behind his peers and hurt his self-


    Too many missed school days can increase

    isolation, as the child stands out from her

    classmates and misses opportunities to

    develop socially.

    Absenteeism makes it tougher for the child to

    develop a good rapport with the teachers.

    When Time is Ticking

    Few homes run like clockwork. The morning

    routine, especially, can be a mad scramble. But

    there are effective strategies for getting your little

    one up and out the door on time.

    Get your child to bed at a reasonable hour.

    Set realistic and consistent schedules and rules

    at home. Getting ready for school should be

    part of the child’s overall routine, something

    that’s expected of him every day.

    The night before school, do whatever is

    necessary to shave time in the morning, such

    as setting out clothes, packing lunch, and

    setting schoolbags at the door.

    Have a set morning routine that the child can

    easily follow, i.e washing hands and face,

  • Arnott Charlton Cheetah News Fall 2014 Issue 1 6

    going to the bathroom, dressing, making the

    bed, brushing teeth, and eating a healthy


    Avoid any distractions that can slow the child

    down, like TV or games.

    If you’re running late regularly, set your alarm

    to get up earlier.

    Is it a sick day?

    Children do get sick sometimes – they are still

    developing natural resistance to certain

    infections, their hygiene behaviours are still

    developing and germs spread more easily in a

    classroom. So some missed school is unavoidable,

    for the child’s own well-being, and the protection

    of her classmates. But there are ways to cut down

    on sick days.

    Teach your child about proper handwashing,

    after going to the bathroom, playing outside

    or wiping his nose.

    Follow other healthy habits, from eating

    nutritious food to getting enough sleep.

    Some symptoms make school attendance

    uncomfortable, like a fever, vomiting, or

    diarrhea. But if you’re unsure whether your

    child is sick enough to miss school, talk to your


    Some children pretend to be sick to avoid

    school. Ask yourself is the child’s symptoms are

    vague, (i.e. a headache, upset stomach,

    fatigue), if your child tends to miraculously

    recover just after school starts or ends, or if the

    illness is happening during stressful times at

    school or at home. Allowing your child to

    remain home when there’s no real illness sets a

    bad pattern.

    If you decide to keep your child home, inform

    the school and keep the child in bed or doing

    quiet, low-key activities. A day off from school

    shouldn’t be a holiday, it should be a time to

    recuperate from illness, so the child can return

    as soon as possible.

    Set the right example

    Children follow the lead of their parents. If you

    place an importance on regular and prompt

    school attendance, so will your child.

    Show interest in your child’s education by

    asking about the school day, celebrating

    school successes, attending school events and

    parent-teacher interviews, volunteering at

    school, and communicating with your child’s

    teacher. The more you value school, the more

    your child will.

    Provide a home environment that encourages

    learning and curiosity.

    Treat the school hours with respect. If you have

    to make an appointment for your child,

    arrange it before or after school or, if that’s not

    possible, at the very beginning or end of the


    When it comes to planning family trips, some

    parents will factor in the schedule in the higher

    grades, but think little of pulling their child out

    of school. If anything, younger students can

    be affected more when they miss an

    extended period, finding it tough to relearn

    classroom routines and rejoin their peer group.

    Learning is cumulative, building on the skills

    and concepts that were introduced before.

    And this process is ongoing. Family trips can be

    wonderful learning experiences themselves.

    But if they must occur during the school year,

    please save them for scheduled breaks.

    If your child resists going to school, for no

    apparent reason, talk to him or her about any

    possible problems with the school, teacher or

    other kids. However, don’t give in to coaxing,

    pleading or threatening and keep the child at

    home. That creates a bad precedent.

    Need more information?

    If you have any questions regarding any of the

    issues raised here about lateness or attendance,

    or if you’re looking for other tips on getting your

    child to school, please talk to us. By working

    together, we can help support a more successful

    school experience for your child. Visit our website

    at www.peelschools.org.

    Safety reminders ensure safe

    travel to and from school School bus safety week is October 20 to 24

    According to the Canada Safety Council, it is 16

    times safer per kilometre to travel on a school bus

    than in a family vehicle. However, while bus

    transportation is safe, accidents do occur and

    many of these incidents involve individuals outside

    the bus. To ensure children stay safe in and

    around school buses, it is important to reinforce

    the following safety reminders:

  • Arnott Charlton Cheetah News Fall 2014 Issue 1 7

    Tips for riding the bus

    Take a seat as quickly as possible, put

    belongings under the seat and stay


    Never stick anything out of the window,

    including part of your body.

    Refrain from eating on the bus. If a choking

    incident occurs, the driver may not be

    able to help immediately.

    Wait until the school bus stops before

    standing up to exit the vehicle.

    Tips for exiting the bus:

    When getting off the bus, take two large steps

    away from bus. If you have to walk in front of the

    bus, do so at least three metres (10 giant steps)

    away from the bus.

    The driver must be able to see students

    exiting the bus and will give a signal when

    it is safe to cross. If more than one student

    is crossing in front of the bus at the same

    time, they should cross in single file.

    Children must never reach for something

    that is under the bus without the driver’s

    permission. Let the driver know that

    something is under the bus or wait until the

    bus moves out of the way.

    Tips for walking to school:

    Help your child establish a safe, direct

    route to school. Avoid potential safety

    hazards such as train tracks, busy

    intersections, and reinforce what safety

    precautions to follow.

    Stay on sidewalks whenever possible. If

    there is no sidewalk, walk on the left side of

    the road and walk facing traffic.

    Cross streets at intersections and at

    crosswalks and learn to look to the left, the

    right, and the left again before


    Wait until traffic comes to a stop before

    crossing. Make sure drivers see you before

    you cross. Don't assume the driver will stop

    for you.

    For more information about school bus safety,

    visit www.elmer.ca or www.safety-council.org.

    Positive School Climate We are continuing our focus on character education

    and incorporating the character attributes in the

    students’ learning through literacy, activities,

    presentations, and events throughout the year.

    Students will be recognized for demonstrating these

    attributes at our monthly student assemblies.

    September Caring

    October Cooperative

    November Respectful

    December Inclusive

    January Honest & Responsible

    February Caring

    March Cooperative

    April Respectful

    May Inclusive

    June Honest & Responsible

    Student of the Month Congratulations to the following students for their

    outstanding achievements! We are very proud of

    you! September’s character attribute was Caring.

    Teacher Students Ms. Allison Abiha & Justin

    Mrs. Beaudin

    Mr. Brar

    Ms. Caswell Jugaad, Pahul & Elyssa

    Mr. Dodd Harneet, Haider & Ria

    Mrs. Edwards / Mrs. Rai Riyon & Alyssa

    Mrs. Foy / Ms. Pham Mr. Furniss / Mrs. Campbell Makayla & Isaac

    Ms. Gallo / Ms. Cherra Roxana & Avinash

    Mrs. Legault Rahul V. & Abigail

    Mrs. Malyk / Ms. Rai Jasveer & Vivian

    Mrs. Mistry

    Mr. Pagnan

    Mrs. Ranwan Sahij & Namanpreet Ms. Rowett / Ms. Williams Joanna, Jennifer & Toni-Ann

    Ms. Sharma Krisha & Saawan

    Ms. Smith & Ms. Luu Elizabeth & Edris

    Mr. Stenhouse Julie & Taranjot

    Ms. Sterling Harman & Jasleen

    Mrs. Teti Leal & Jahiem

    Ms. Vachon Haya & Jonathan

    Mrs. Vaid Saimithraa & Vedanshi

    Mrs. Weinwurm Saavn & Kris

    Ms. Yadav Manahil, Silvia & KJ

    October’s character attribute was


    Teacher Students Ms. Allison Aleena & Irteza


  • Arnott Charlton Cheetah News Fall 2014 Issue 1 8

    Mrs. Beaudin

    Mr. Brar Sania & Sophia

    Ms. Caswell Arfaa & Yashvi

    Mr. Dodd Aaryan & Shanti

    Mrs. Edwards / Mrs. Rai

    Mrs. Foy / Ms. Pham Jacob & Simrat Mr. Furniss / Mrs. Campbell Keiyon

    Ms. Gallo / Ms. Cherra Sukhman, Rida &


    Mrs. Legault Kaurleen & Sahejpreet

    Mrs. Malyk / Ms. Rai Payton & Aaliyah

    Mrs. Mistry Chace & Shehryar

    Mr. Pagnan Abrianna & Baljinder

    Mrs. Ranwan Aaniya & Derek

    Ms. Rowett / Ms. Williams Joseph, Najayla &


    Ms. Sharma

    Ms. Smith & Ms. Luu Maira, Puneet &


    Mr. Stenhouse Khushi, Ibrahim & Rumia

    Ms. Sterling Aveer & Kaylynn

    Mrs. Teti Eleven & Alexis

    Ms. Vachon Himanshu & Zainab

    Mrs. Vaid Nimrat & Paramvir

    Mrs. Weinwurm Selena & Aryian

    Ms. Yadav Tajveer, Madhurika,

    Rumesa & Hammad

    November’s character attribute was Respectful.

    Ms. Allison Brian & Shariah

    Mrs. Beaudin John & Yousra

    Mr. Brar Amber & Johnny

    Ms. Caswell Bilal & Deewa

    Mr. Dodd Sarah & Max

    Mrs. Edwards / Mrs. Rai Aryan, Jasleen &


    Mrs. Foy / Ms. Pham Chanelle & Deven Mr. Furniss / Mrs. Campbell Jayden

    Ms. Gallo / Ms. Cherra Gurneer, Christel &


    Mrs. Legault Maria & Gagandeep

    Mrs. Malyk / Ms. Rai Maneet & Harnoor

    Mrs. Mistry Shehroze & Kimora

    Mr. Pagnan Mylee & Sia

    Mrs. Ranwan Madia & Kishani

    Ms. Rowett / Ms. Williams Clayon Jr. (CJ), Gebryel,

    Erica & Vaden

    Ms. Sharma

    Ms. Smith & Ms. Luu Ahmad, Shaileigh &


    Mr. Stenhouse Zeshawn, Azelea & Chad

    Ms. Sterling Bushra & Sruti

    Mrs. Teti Drayden & Kaden

    Ms. Vachon Alian & Zarmeen

    Mrs. Vaid Isaiah & Ali

    Mrs. Weinwurm Vaishnavi & Hannah

    Ms. Yadav Amreen, Nimrat,

    Manpreet & Harjot

    Celebrating Faith and Culture November 2014



    November Gwilatkw

    November 1 All Saints' Day

    November 1 Samhain

    November 1 Ashura

    November 4 -22 The month of Qudrat

    November 6 Dev Diwali

    November 6 Birth of Guru Nanak

    November 11 Remembrance Day

    November 12 Birth of Baha’u’lláh

    November 15 or

    28(J) or 30

    First day of Advent (Christmas


    November 16 Louis Riel Day

    November 23 -

    December 11

    The month of Qawl

    November 24 Martyrdom of Guru Teg


    November 26 Day of Covenant

    November 28 Ascension of 'Abdu'l-Bahá

    November 30 First Sunday of Advent

    Celebrating Faith and Culture December 2014

    December Luut'aa

    December 2 Maun Agiyaras or


    December 6 Sanghamitta Day

    December 8 Bodhi Day (Rohatsu)

    Sunset of

    December 11 to 30

    the month of Masa'il

    December 13 Birthday of Imam Agakhan

    Sunset of

    December 17 to 24 Chanukah

    Eve of December

    20 to 21


    December 21 Tohji-taisai

    December 25 Christmas

    December 26 Boxing Day

    December 26 Zarathosht-no-Diso

    December 26 to

    January 1


  • Arnott Charlton Cheetah News Fall 2014 Issue 1 9

    December 28 Birth of Guru Gobind Singh

    December 31 to

    January 4

    Ghambar Maidyarem

    December 31 to

    January 18

    the month of Sharaf

    Special technology offers for Peel board students, parents and staff Does your child need a computer or tablet for

    school? Equity of access to technology is a key priority

    for the Peel board. That's why we've worked with a

    number of technology companies to offer discounted

    devices to Peel families and staff.


    Peel families now have access to the following

    exclusive offers from Kobo:

    kobo arc 7” HD - $135 with free shipping

    kobo arc 10” HD - $199 with free shipping

    To learn more, or to purchase a Kobo product visit




    21stCentury/byod/devices and

    enter promo code

    KOBOPEEL at checkout.

    Dell Canada

    Dell Canada Inc. offers

    reduced pricing and extended

    warranty benefits on select

    laptops and tablets. From Sept.

    15 to Oct. 15, parents will have

    zero per cent financing for one

    year on all purchases of $499 or

    more. For more information, visit


    The Peel board’s initiatives are part of the ongoing

    effort to create greater equity of access to

    technology for Peel students, parents and staff and do not represent an endorsement of any company or


    Choose Action on Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week The Peel District School Board will recognize Bullying

    Awareness and Prevention Week during the week of

    November 16 to 22.

    Across the Peel board, schools use many

    programs and initiatives to prevent bullying and to

    intervene when bullying happens. Though the

    programs vary, their messages are consistent.

    Students are taught to:

    define bullying

    identify forms of bullying

    identify roles in bullying relationships, for

    example the person who bullies, the

    target, the bystander or the trusted


    determine how to safely “choose

    action” to prevent and intervene in

    bullying & harassment

    demonstrate character attributes and

    be a leader to help maintain positive

    and safe school communities

    Every school has a Climate for Learning and

    Working Team which is required to develop a

    Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan as part

    of the School Success Plan. Also, every employee

    who is involved in the care and service of students

    is obligated to report in writing to the school

    administration any action for which the principal

    must consider suspension or expulsion. Bullying is

    an offence that must be considered for


    Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week is one of

    the key items contained in Bill 13: The Accepting

    Schools Act, that came into effect on September

    1, 2012. For more information, visit:


    g/ or



    Help your child prepare for tests Many students will become anxious at the thought

    of writing a test. Anxiety about an upcoming test

    can affect a child's behaviour, thoughts and

    actions. Here are some ways you can help

    minimize anxiety at test time:

    Organize & Prepare

    Encourage your child not to leave

    assignments, studying and homework to the

    last minute.

    Schedule time for review and work on

    assignments each day.

    Establish a regular time of the day for

    homework, studying etc.

    Make the home a homework-friendly

    environment where learning is regular



  • Arnott Charlton Cheetah News Fall 2014 Issue 1 10

    Remove distractions like the television,

    phones, computers when studying.

    Tell your child to make sure tests and due

    dates are marked in their agenda.


    Encourage your child to think about ‘what,

    when, where and how’ when

    preparing/completing assignments.

    Develop practice tests and help them

    anticipate questions.

    Review previous exercises.

    When appropriate, encourage your child to

    pair up with a friend to review information

    and brainstorm.

    Build learning into family activities— suggest

    keeping a journal, writing a report or a news

    article about family events, outings or trips

    and include photos.

    Be in the know

    Check out the curriculum for your child’s

    grade level (available as PDF files at


    Ask your child’s teacher about major topics

    studied and how these topics are

    structured— homework, assignments,


    Use your child’s agenda to communicate

    with their teacher—ask questions, check for

    homework tips, etc.

    Winter bus safety The following winter school bus safety tips will help to

    keep your child safe throughout the winter months.

    Allow extra time to get to your bus stop.

    Wear bright clothing so the bus can see you in

    the early morning and late evening.

    Stand away from where the bus stops. Buses

    need extra room to stop when there is snow

    and ice.

    Use the handrail when boarding or exiting the

    bus to prevent slipping on wet or icy steps or

    road surfaces.

    Dress properly—winter clothing, hats, and

    boots will keep you warm.

    Don't throw snowballs at the bus or other

    children waiting for the bus.

    Don't slide on the snow or ice patches in

    driveways or on the street.

    Don't push or shove around the bus. Someone

    could fall down on the ice and get hurt.

    On very rare occasions, buses are late because of

    weather conditions or mechanical problems. Talk

    to your child about what to do if the bus is late.

    Here are some suggestions:

    When possible, wait with your child for the bus.

    Make sure your child knows a phone number

    where he can reach you or another trusted


    Teach your child how and where to get help.

    Talk to your child about what a "safe" stranger


    Help your child set up a bus stop buddy system

    so your child has someone to wait with for the


    Insπre. Gr23ness. 2gether.

    “Ugh. Math.” Unfortunately, this is the attitude

    many students (and adults) have about math. If

    we're going to help our students achieve

    numeracy greatness, we need to turn these

    negative attitudes into positive ones. So, our three-

    year math strategy, EngageMath, starts with

    something we have enormous influence over—our

    attitude towards math.

    Everyone is born with a math gene

    According to Stanford University Professor Carol

    Dweck, students who believe that intelligence or

    math and science ability is a fixed trait are at a

    significant disadvantage compared to students

    who believe their abilities can be developed. Like

    anything else, our talents and abilities in math are

    nurtured only if we have a growth mindset about

    them. A “Yes I can” attitude when it comes to

    numeracy is the first step. A “Count on Us” attitude

    comes next.

    To learn more about Dweck's research on student

    mindsets and how they help students fulfill their

    potential, watch her Ridley lecture here:





    Online math parent resources

    While the Peel board’s EngageMath strategy plans

    out certain actions, it is by no means a magic bullet

    to answering the questions and challenges


  • Arnott Charlton Cheetah News Fall 2014 Issue 1 11

    surrounding numeracy and student achievement.

    Math success for all our students requires a strong

    partnership between home and school. That's why

    we're committed to providing you with the parent

    resources you need to help us boost math


    Online resources to help you support your child or

    teen's numeracy success are available on the

    Peel board’s website at


    d/math. There you will find links to:

    tip sheets

    Homework Help


    mathematics curriculum



    It's time to register children born

    in 2011 for kindergarten Register at Arnott Charlton PS on Feb. 2, 3, 4 & 5

    We inspire success, confidence and hope in each

    student…and it all starts in kindergarten! If your child

    was born in 2011, he or she can start kindergarten in

    September 2014. Registration will be held at our

    school from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Feb. 2, 3, 4 and 5

    and from 5 to 8 p.m. on Feb. 5

    What you will need to bring to registration

    Proof of child's age

    Canadian birth certificate

    Canadian passport

    citizenship card/certificate

    Permanent Resident Card

    confirmation of permanent residence

    work permit

    refugee permit

    Proof of address

    Ontario driver's license

    utility bill

    bank statement/client slip (directly from

    financial institution)

    credit card statement

    federal government forms (e.g. Social

    Insurance Number, Service Canada


    purchase agreement

    Proof of custody – children must live with their

    parent(s) unless provided documentation supports

    an alternate living arrangement

    Proof of immunization – proof that your child has

    been immunized/vaccinated

    Extended-day program for kindergarten students

    Families have the option of enrolling their child in

    before and after-school programs developed by

    the Ministry of Education to complement the full-

    day kindergarten program. These programs are run

    by qualified, experienced staff from our childcare

    partners. At registration, we will ask families to tell us

    whether they are interested in the extended-day

    programs. The programs can only run if there is

    enough interest among families.

    Important information about immunization

    In order to attend school in Ontario, your child must

    have an up-to-date immunization record. When

    you register your child for school, you will provide

    copy of your child's immunization record and the

    school will send it to Peel Health. After registration,

    keeping your child's records up to date is your

    responsibility. Peel Health reviews immunization

    records regularly. Students who are not completely

    immunized and do not have a valid exemption

    may not be allowed to attend school.

    For information about immunization, or to get a

    copy of your child's record call Health Line Peel at

    905-799-7700; Caledon residents can call toll-free at

    905-584-2216. Translation services are available.

    Register for French

    Immersion by Jan. 30, 2015 Are you thinking of registering your child for Grade 1

    French Immersion (FI) for the 2015-16 school year?

    Registration for Grade 1 FI for the 2015-16 school

    year will be available online at

    www.peelschools.org/French as of Monday Nov.

    24, 2014 at 9 a.m.

    The deadline to register is Friday, Jan. 30, 2015 at 4

    p.m. Registrants after that date will be put on a

    waiting list.

    The FI school for our area is Agnes Taylor PS. The

    phone number is 905-451-2531.

    Registration process

    A grade 1 FI enrolment cap is in place. This means that a

    specific number of spots are available for students

    entering grade 1 FI. If the number of students registered

    by the deadline exceeds the number of spots in grade 1

    FI, a random selection process system will be used to

    identify students gaining entrance into the grade 1 FI


  • Arnott Charlton Cheetah News October 2013 Issue 2


    All students who make the registration deadline will be

    placed in a random selection process and assigned a

    rank using a computerized random selection

    process. Spots are not assigned on a first come, first

    served basis. Once students have been assigned to all

    available spots, remaining students will be placed,

    again in rank order, on the school's waitlist.

    Some students will be automatically placed in grade 1

    FI. To find out if your child does not need to participate

    in the random selection process, and for more

    information about the random selection and waitlist

    processes, visit www.peelschools.org/French.

    How to get more information

    Visit the Peel board website—


    Call Agnes Taylor PS at 905-451-2531.

    Visit the Canadian Parents for French website at


    Bus cancellation & closing schools due to bad weather During the winter months, we may need to

    cancel buses or close schools because of

    inclement weather.

    Information regarding details of cancellations or

    closures will be announced on radio and

    television stations listed below and posted at

    www.peelschools.org and www.stopr.ca.

    Information will also be available on Twitter

    @Peelschools, Facebook at

    www.facebook.com/peelschools or by calling

    905-890-1010 or 1-800-668-1146.


    CHUM AM1050

    CFTR AM680

    CFNY FM102.1/AM640

    CJCL AM590

    CHFI FM98.1

    CFRB AM1010

    EZ ROCK FM97.3

    CJBC (FR) AM860

    FM Z103.5


    FM Q107

    CHIN FM100.7/AM1540




    Follow us on social media Social media is the easiest and fastest way to stay

    connected to the amazing things happening in the

    Peel District School Board.

    Follow @Peelschools on

    Twitter to:

    learn about our schools

    and programs

    find out if buses are cancelled during bad


    share the Peel smile

    Follow @Peelschools

    on Instagram where

    we share motivational

    and inspirational

    #PeelProud moments

    Follow Peel schools

    on Facebook at



    Our school is on social media too!

    Follow us on Twitter @ArnottCharlton

    Fall Newsletter Draw The newsletter draw will take place on.

    Yes, I have read the Fall newsletter. Please enter my child’s name for the Arnott Charlton Public School

    newsletter draw.

    Student: ____________________________________ Grade: __________ Teacher: ______________________

    Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _________________________

    http://on.cpf.ca/http://www.peelschools.org/http://www.stopr.ca/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.facebook.com/peelschools