Japanese Car Runs on Hydrogen! SEPTEMBER 51.25 Cheated Death "I Escaped From The Jaws Of A Shark!" Fact Not Fiction The JFK Cover-Up

Cheated Death I Escaped From The Jaws Of A Shark!jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/G...Japanese Car Runs on Hydrogen! SEPTEMBER 51.25 Cheated Death "I Escaped From

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Japanese Car Runs on Hydrogen!


Cheated Death "I Escaped From The Jaws Of A Shark!"

Fact Not Fiction The JFK Cover-Up

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By Robert J. proden

Robert I Grolier, is a researcherand lertur9r

cin the aS51.1,Vint111011 of President Kennedy' He has studied the ease far over a dozen ! ■L

van, and is ea-author of the best-wiling book "JFK: The Case For Conspiracy."



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In last month's issue of ARGOSY, we disclosed the hidden story of Joseph Adams Milker, the ultra right wing fanatic who inadvertently revealed the conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy to the FBI and Miami Police-I3 days before the President was murdered in Dallas.

In this issue, well examine the most logical of passible scenarios of what actually happened in Dallas. We'll see who fFK's enemies were, look at those who profited the most from his murder-and examine in detail the elements of, and the motives for, the assassination.

In October 1962, as a result of the Cuban missile crisis, President Kennedy agreed to stop the CIA's "secret war" against Fidel Castro,. i.e., the training of Cuban exile troops for a second planned invasion of Cuba. The troops included Bay of Pigs veterans who blamed Ken-nedy" for the failure of that first invasion and who, at this point, hated JFK more than Castro. However, the CIA hierar-chy refused to abide by the agreement, and continued to train the exiles on the north shore of Lake Ponchartrain in New Orleans, on No Name Key in Florida, and in Guatemala.

When the President found out that his orders had been disobeyed, he sent in the FBI and the Miami Police to break up the training camps. Arrests were made, and arms and ammunition were con fiscated.

Certain high ranking members of the CIA were fired by the President, includ-ing Major General Charles P. Cabal, the brother of Earle Cabell, the Mayor of Dallas at the time of the assassination.

Involved in the planning and training aspects of the invasion and/or assassina-tion attempts against Castro were mobsters Johnny Roselli, Sam "Morrie Giancana, Santos Trafficante, Jack Ruby and Carlos Marcello, who had openly threatened Robert Kennedy's life. Also present were future Watergate burglers E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis.

After President Kennedy's action against the invaders, the anti-Castro Cubans, who already hated Kennedy anyway, now grew enraged. They saw Kennedy as a traitor to their cause.

At the same time, the mob wanted Cuba back for the gambling and gaming interests they had lost when Castro had thrown them out of Cuba. The final straw was JFK's plan to withdraw the U.S. advisors from Vietnam,

The ultra right wing felt that the Pres-ident was a Communist who was selling America down the drain to the worldwide Communist conspiracy, and they wanted the Communists (Castro) out of the western hemisphere. They also hated the President for his attempts at integration and his stand on civil rights.

The planners saw the execution of the President as their golden opportunity to rid themselves of several of their. enemies at the same time:

• President Kennedy (whom they viewed as a traitor).

• Robert Kennedy, the Attorney General of the United States, whom they identified as a political twin of his brother.

• Fidel Castro, by blaming the assas-sination on him.

How could this have best been done? Simple! Have a pro-Castroite named as the assassin.

The perfect candidate was Lee Har-vey Oswald. Having "defected" to the Soviet Union in October 1959, he had returned to the U.S. in June 1962.*

Oswald had "blown his mission" in Russia, and had also taken a Russian bride, Marina Prusakova, whom he had brought back home with him.

In all likelihood, the CIA kept Oswald on as an inactive agent for a while. So in September 1962, he went to work for the FBI as a $200 per month informant. But on what or whom could he inform?

There are two distinct possibilities. 1) The "White Russian" community

in and around Dallas, which in- cluded the late George De- Mohrenschildt who, in April of this year, supposedly committed suicide by. blowing his brains out with a 20 gauge shotgun, and Mrs. Ruth Paine, who was eventually re- sponsible for obtaining the job for Oswald at the Texas School Book Depository. There has been a great deal of speculation as to the involvement of both of these indi-viduals and their relationships with the CIA. Oswald could get

•When faced with the question of Harvey Os-wald being an undercover agent, bath the CIA and the FBI denied a. Beyond that, they went to extreme lengths to cover up their involvement with Oswald. such as withholding documents, and en some cases make files, from the Warren Commission, in the last two yaws, both of these agencies declassified thousands of documents. Although these documents were "released- to the public, then had been so heav-ily censored that they are of little, if any, use to rese archers.

close to these people because they had embraced his wife.

2) Oswald's other employer, the Central Intelligence Agency, with whom Oswald may by now have begun to get disillusioned.

In mid 1968, Lee Oswald was reacti-vated by the CIA, and sent. to New Or-leans where he started the New Orleans chapter of the Fair Play For Cuba Committee. He was the sole member of the chapter. It appears at this point, Agent #110669 (Oswald) had been or-dered to furnish himself with a pro-Castro cover story, for use when he would be sent to Mexico City in Sep-tember by the agency to try to get him into Cuba. Oswald did attempt to obtain a transit visa to Havana on September 17.

In fact, what was really happening was that those members of the CIA volved in the plot were setting Oswald up as "the missing link"—the connection between Fidel Castro and the assassina-tion.

The feeling was that Oswald was in-forming on the CIA to the FBI, and as a double agent, he himself would be double-crossed. The agency continued to build tip Oswald's image as an antiso-cial and violent loner, using both Os-wald himself and "lookalike" second Oswalds, sometimes not caring too much about coordination and having two "Oswalds" appear at the same time as far as several hundreds of miles apart. Incidents were manufactured by the doubles, who would very loudly make it known that they were "Lee Har-vey Oswald," being sure to use the mid-dle name.

One of the most recent revelations dealing with one of the false Oswalds was First reported on the first of the 1975 CBS television specials, The Ameri-can Arrnssins.

Near the end of the show, they showed an interview with ex-gunrunner Robert Ray McKeown. McKeown says he received a visit from "Lee Harvey Oswald" a few weeks before John Ken-nedy's murder.

He was interviewed by Dan Rather.


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ROBERT RAY McKEOWN: It must have been on a Saiurday morning. I think it was around 11 o'clock, I'm not sure. I seen these two men get out and come up to the door and knock, so I went to the door. And this little guy, the small, blond-headed fellow, he says, "Well, I see we found the right—found the man we're looking for." He says, "1-1 can tell you by the—I know—I know I've got the right man, because I--I've seen your picture in the paper so much." That's what he said, So I told him, I said, "Well, my name's McKeown." And he said, "That's—That's the man I'm looking for." And he said, "My name is Oswald, Lee—Lee Oswald." RATHER: He introduced himself that—?

McKEOWN: Right. He says, "There's no need of beating around the bush." He says, "!ll would like to talk to you about getting some arms. I'm in the market—The people I represent—" (but he never told me who he rep-resented) "—is in the market for lots of arms like bazookas and machine-guns and everything like that." I said, "Well, I tell you, you came to the wrong man." I said. "In—In one respect you came to the right man, but you're in the wrong—" I says, "I'm not in that kind of business no more." 1 says. "I'm on tri-five year probation." And I says. "There's no way—There's not enough money in the world to get me back in that mess." RATHER: Did he have someone with him? McKEOWN: He had a—a tall fellow with a—I think he had a mustache, and he was .a Latin. But he didn't do—he introduced me to him, but it's been a long time. I think his name was Her-nandez, or either—some kind of a Latin name, you know. But you could look at him and see that he was Latin.

Interesting to say the least. But what of the description of the man who in-troduced himself as "Oswald, Lee—Lee Oswald?" According to McKeown, the man was "... this little guy, the small, blond-headed fellow ..." Oswald, no matter which description of him you believe-5'8" or 5'11a—he was certainly not little, short or small. Nor did he have blond hair; it was dark brown.

And what of the "tall Latin fellow, with the mustache, named Hernandez?" Who was he? CBS apparently didn't care to find out

On August 9, 1963, Oswald was ar-rested in New Orleans for fighting with three anti-Castro Cubans. One of these was a tall Latin fellow, with a mustache, named Hernandez—Celso M. Hernan-dez.

It has long been believed that the New Orleans fight was staged to help estab- 46

lish Oswald's pro-Castroite cover story. If this Hernandez was the Hernandez arrested on August 9th, it would prove it.

The reliance of CBS on the Itek Cor-poration's report on the Zapruder film is interesting.

The Itek Corporation, a Rockefeller company with many strong ties to the CIA, was asked by the producers of the CBS specials to analyze the Zapruder film for the show. In their analysis of the motion picture footage of the assassina-tion taken by Mr. Robert Hughes, Itek, the existence of two men on the sixth floor was confirmed: one in "Oswald's" window, and one in the next pair of windows only a few feet away. Since the whole sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository is one room without partitions, if "the assassin" was in "Os-wald's window," Oswald was not alone, suggesting a conspiracy.

However, in the "Summary & Conclu-sions" section of their report, they ig-nored their own evidence and stated that "no other motions or evidence indi-cating the presence of a person(s) in other sixth floor windows visible in the Hughes film were found." •

On May 27, 1977, Richard Salant, president of CBS News, confirmed that there were ties between CBS and the CIA, and that these connections went all the way back to the mid 1950s. He further stated that the original contacts between CBS and the CIA were made by CBS Chairman William Paley and Sig Mickelson, president of CBS News be-fore Salant took over the position in 1961. Mickelson has been reported, in the past. as being a CIA contact at CBS.

Salant also stated that when foreign correspondents for CBS were called back to the United States, they were traditionally "debriefed" personally by Allen Dulles, Chief of the CIA. (Dulles was also one of the seven members of the Warren Commission.)

In February 1976, CIA Director George Bush met with CBS officials Paley, Salant and CBS Evening News managing editor Walter Cronkite to gain support for the CIA's policy of "burying the past." One of the CBS executives said to Bush: "We protect ours, you protect yours" when dealing with the CIA sources within CBS News. The conversation also referred to "stringers" for U.S. publications.

The same day, Bush had a meeting with New York Times publisher Arthur 0. Sultzberger, Times Vice President Sydney Gruson and Times editorial page editor John Oakes for the same pur-pose.

A few months ago, a report from the House Assassination Committee con-firmed that the House is aware of the situation among the news media. Consequently, it came as no surprise to them when the new investigation was

so violently attacked by the media. Falsified photographs and other evi-

dence were planted among Oswald's possessions before the fact—sophisticated work that could not have been done by amateurs.

The plan was working perfectly. The President was murdered, Oswald left the depository, police officer J.D. Tippit was shot to death, and one of the two men who shot him looked enough like Oswald to afford the police an excuse to shoot Oswald while he was trying to es-cape from the Texas theater.

But there were two snags in their plan:

1) Oswald caught on in the Texas Theater and made such a loud scene and moved so quickly that they had to arrest him.

2) Although the new President, Lyn-don Johnson. did indeed fall for the planted, phony evidence linking Oswald to Castro, the conspirators had misread what Johnson's response would be. Johnson, fearing World War III with Russia if he retaliated against Castro, es-tablished the Warren Commission who

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Windows on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building reflect movement not only in the window that Oswald was supposed to be in (top photos), but in the next set of windows as well ( bottom photos). The entire floor is one huge room, so whoever was in the corner window, he was not alone. This proves crm.spiracy.

buried any and all evidence of a con-spiracy.

In retrospect, it seems that the con-spirators achieved one of their two major goals. They eliminated the power of the Kennedys, but they failed to eliminate Castro. They did, however, gain two fringe benefits for which they hadn't bargained,

First, the Federal government's ac-count of Oswald's role in the plot matched theirs, even II' it ignored any involvement on the part of Castro.

Second, the governmental agencies involved ran scared because of the pos-sibility that their involvement with Os-wald would be disclosed. Thus, the con-spirators were assured of years of free-dom to carry out whatever plans they had.

Because of this, more than 150 major witnesses are dead. A number of these were probably of natural causes, but the vast majority of them were violent. Among the statistics are unsolved mur-ders and the so-called "natural deaths" without autopsies, as well as deaths that were listed as being caused in one man-

ner, while all of the evidence pointed to another. An unbelievably large percent-age of "well-timed" suicides were also reported.

Among the false evidence portraying Oswald's "violent nature" were two photographs supposedly showing Os-wald with a rifle, a pistol and two Socialist newspapers. These photo-graphs. "found" in Oswald's garage soon after the assassination, are obvi-ously fraudulent. There are better than a dozen separate items proving that these photographs (Commission Exhibits number 133A and 133B) were manufactured prior to the assassination.

Marina Oswald, who was always eager to please the Warren Commission, tes-tified that she had taken one photo-graph of her husband in such a situa-tion. However, when she was faced with two such pictures, she stated that she had never seen the picture after she had taken it, and that she must have taken two snapshots. not just one.

The Warren Report contained both of these pictures, and also a• photograph Of a government agent in a pose similar,

but not identical, to those of the two "Oswald" photographs.

Nobody gave much thought to this until early in 1976, when during its in-vestigation into the CIA's involvement in the assassination and/or the following cover-up, the Schweiker Committee ran across yet a third photograph.

Manna originally had said that she only took one photograph. Then when shown two, said that she may have taken two.

But now we have three. The "catch 22" is that this is the

photograph that the "authorities" based their reconstruction on. They had it all along, and because this one was in one way even more obviously a fake (some-one else standing in Oswald's Neely Street backyard with Lee's face superimposed onto the other man's body), and because of Marina's bombshell testimony that she only took one, they buried number three and de-nied that it ever existed.

Imagine their horror when they dis-covered that a print of the third photo-graph had been "appropriated" by someone and had disappeared. As it turns out, a Dallas cop involved in the initial illegal search (no warrant) of Os-wald's garage the afternoon of the assas-sination, decided to keep a souvenir. Oswald told the Dallas Police (since there were no transcripts made of Os-wald's testimony to the cops, we don't know the exact wording)in effect: What are you trying to pull? These pictures are fakes. I've done photo work. That's my head but that's not my body! I can prove it!" He never got the chance.

01 all the aspects of these photo-graphs, the most alarming was that they were made to frame Oswald before the crime was committed.

So even though conspirator Joseph A. Milteer and the ultra-right wingers didn't have the power to influence the directions of the Warren Commission, their friends could, and did.

Clearly, it would be absurd to think that any of these elements of the con-spiracy:

• Both active and ex-members of the CIA.

• The ultra-right wing in the U.S. • The anti-Castro, Cuban exiles in

the southeastern U.S. • The "mob." • The FBI. • The Dallas Police Department. • The Dallas Sheriffs office.

were involved as entire organizations. But certain members of these groups. plus personnel of others, were involved—some in the planning, some in the killing, some in the cover-up. some in the murder of Oswald, and some in the elimination of the more than 150 major witnesses.

The involvement of members of these organizations does not in any way imply


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Warren Commission exhibits CE-133A and CE-133B are forgeries 'found" by the Dallas police hours after the assassination. Oswald shown in the top, left photo, while he was in police custody, told his captor that it was a composite. The top, left photo, shows a differ-ent head-to-body ratio, and both show many

that the entire organizations were in-volved. Indeed, the involvement of these individuals would, in all probabil-ity, have been unknown to most sections of these groups, since in conspiracies, very little in the way of records are kept.

Most of the officials and members at all levels of the law enforcement and in-telligence agencies really have no idea of the involvement of the others, while others may suspect but have no proof.

This would explain the rather con-vincing self-righteous indignation that reeks from these areas whenever a new piece of evidence surfaces, pointing a finger in the right direction.

This also brings us to the real reason why the Warren Commission's theory has lasted for so many years.

Certainly, as the record shows, many members of the Warren Commission



t• -A

discrepancies. A third "Oswald" photograph (bottom, left) was discovered by the Schweiker Senate Sub-committee, As 4 the case with the first two, this also 4 a fake. Bottom, right, is a Dallas police department re-enactment prov-ing that they knew of the third photograph as far back as 1963, and buried a.

and it's staff stumbled upon countless elements of the truth.

When this happened, they either avoided the particular subject or dis-torted it.

Still, the Commission's monumental work of apparent fiction (now accepted by less than ten percent of the American people) still stands-as the official story in the history books.

The main reason for this is the American news media. For it was, and is, the responsibility of the American press and broadcast media to uncover and re-veal the truth about the assassination and the cover-up. So far this hasn't been accomplished.

There are five answers why. In the first place, there are those who

just don't care about who killed the Pres-ident. Either they didn't like him or they

felt that since the man was dead and no one could bring him back, the subject should be left alone. Besides, as they had found out with the death of Dorothy Kilgallen (the only reporter to privately interview Jack Ruby from the time that he shot Oswald until the time he died), it was very unhealthy to pry ,Ipen locked doors in the Kennedy case.

Second were those who believed that Lee Harvey Oswald was the Ione assas-sin of President John F. Kennedy.

Third were those who believed what the government told them was really happening. After all, the government could never ever be involved in Water-gate type cover-ups and conspiracies—could they? Nor could they be involved in sabotaging the 1967.8 investigation of New Orleans businessman Clay I. Shaw, an investigation conducted by New Or-leans District Attorney Jim Garrison, Garrison was the only public official in the country who was doing what the government and the Warren Commis-sion had never done—trying to find out who killed the President of the United States. (The CIA and the Justice Dept. actively mounted a ruthless campaign to destroy the Garrison investigation and, indeed, Jim Garrison himself.)

Although Garrison failed in a "court of law" to prove the guilt of Clay Shaw as a co-conspirator, he did accurately peg the motive (Shaw was a CIA employee, although Shaw denied it) and prove Shaw a perjuror in at least two areas when he stated under oath that he had never seen either Lee Harvey Os-wald or co-conspirator David W. Ferrie at any time in his life. When Victor Mar-chetti resigned from the CIA, and con-firmed that Shaw had been "the CIA's man in New Orleans," the expected happened. Shaw disappeared. Days later an ambulance drove up to Shaw's door. Two men brought "something" into his home. A few hours later, Shaw's body was Found. He was dead.

The fourth reason is the old adage, "Once burned, twice cautious."

After the CIA and the Justice De-partment successfully torpedoed the Garrison investigation, those in the news media who had reported what they saw as honestly as possible, felt that they had been taken for a ride by Garrison and his group. Consequently, even the most honest of newsmen would now disbe-lieve the most convincing of all new evi-dence.

The fifth and most insidious of the press types were the ones we could only have thought of in our worst night-mares.

These were first exposed to the world in generalities in 1976 when the Schweiker State Subcommittee finally let the American people know that many of this country's news-media people were on the CIA's payroll and had been for many years.

continued on page 86

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Top, left: Clay L Shaw

Bottom, left: David W. Ferris

New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison linked businessman Clay L. Shaw and CIA pilot David Ferris as co-conspirators in the assassination. Shaw swore under oath at his trial that he had never met either Ferris or Lee Harvey Oswald But in the photo at the tap, Ferris is on the let, and Shaw it the second from the right. In the center photo, Ferris is the second from the deft and Shaw is on the right. In the bottom photo, Oswald is on the right (his bad to us) and Shawls in the background walking toward us.

Whenever a new, really important story comes forward, Newsweek, for in-stance, will print a story strongly ques-tioning the new evidence. CBS will run a story such as the one with Dan Rather where he adamantly insists that at the time of the fatal bullet's impact on the President's head, Mr. Kennedy was thrown forward. (No matter where the shots came from, the President was thrown backwards and to his left.)

In January 1975, I released the now famous Zapruder film of the assassina-tion to the world, and started the movement to reopen the assassination inquiry.

The producers of the Tomorrow show invited me on their program to present this film and also two others of the ac-tual killing, and to discuss the photo-graphic evidence.

The evening of the taping for the show, I arrived at the NBC studios an hour prior to the taping. I was met by the producers, who, after a few mo-ments, told me that they had a "slight problem." They "could not show the film."

I, of course, asked: "Why?" I was told that their "lawyer" had in-

formed them that he would not approve the showing.

Again, I asked, "Why?" After 20 minutes of hedging and lame

excuses, they put a phone call through to their "lawyer," and gave me the phone.

Again, I asked why they would not let me show the single most important piece of evidence in the case.

I was given a run-around about a question of ownership.

I explained, by sighting contracts and court decisions, that no one owned the film, and that the prints that I wanted to show were my property. I affirmed that I had shown my film on national and local television several times before—with absolutely no trouble. The NBC lawyer admitted to me that he knew I had every right to show the film but that

OSWALD from page 48


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he didn't want me to. He then told me that he was a very busy man and had to hang up.

Well, although I was on the Tomorrow show that night, the films were not.

At the beginning of the taping, Tom Snyder was informed that the film would not be shown.

Near the end of the show, I was brought on. Snyder asked me why I wouldn't show the film on the program.

I told him the whole story. He then looked me right in the eye and said: "If NBC is surpressing this film, I have nothing to do with it."

When the taping for my segment be-gan, Snyder told his entire audience the story and promised them that ile would have me back the next night, and that I would be showing the film.

However, there was a third factor. Someone higher up at NBC didn't want the film shown. Snyder and his produc-ers were spoken to. and I never was on that next show or any other Tomorrow show segment.

Since that time, I've shown the film on more than three dozen television shows with absolutely no problem. NBC is the only television station in New York that hasn't shown it.

The entire, official assassination probe has been one.of cover up from the very moment Kennedy was shot. For the Warren Commission, the CIA and the FBI conducted their own internal investigations. And just recently, the public was made aware of the cover up practiced by the press.

The'one refreshing hope is that The House Select Committee on Assassina- tions will not rely on anyone else's word. They will investigate the facts for them-selves. Only after such a relentless pur-suit for the truth, can the final chapter of the Kennedy assassination be written. It is a chapter that the public has already waited too long to hear. 0

The impact upon the President's head from the right front causes transfer of momentum from the bullet to push the President's head and upper body rearward and to the left at a calculated rate of 103 feet per second.