Chatlines - Issue 01

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  • 8/8/2019 Chatlines - Issue 01


    Well Folks, its all over!Our glorious 100th yearcame, was celebrated inGREAT style, and hasnow passed into history.

    What a year it wasthough. It certainly raisedScoutings profile and peo-ples perceptions of Scout-ing through the mediacoverage we achieved, andgenerated a lot of goodwillas Johnny public learnedmore about our aims. val-ues and achievements.

    We need to build on this

    and not let the momentumdiminish. So keep theactivities coming, for in-stance: make sure you allget to at least one campthis year; that you andyour scouts do something,completely zany,; try somenew skills;

    participate in at least oneeco project; get backoccasionally to some goodold basics like practicesurvival skills (you justmight need em with all

    this global warming);make sure you have loadsand loads of FUN doing itall, and get the media in-terested in what you aredoing .

    If all that sounds like a lotof work, remember thereis a District Team you cancall on, they just need toknow what kind of help itis that you need! It is alsouseful for sections to havea leaders social evening orafternoon twice a year toexchange ideas for newgames, different crafts,and generally just pass onany general informationand know-how that mightbenefit other leaders andbe particularly helpful tonew leaders and helpers.

    OK. So weve taken downour Centenary badges,enjoyed Christmas andNew Year and, now thatthe Easter Bunny hasbeen and gone, most of us

    are kinda lazily thinkingthat we really oughta dosomething about riddingourselves of all those extrapounds that turkey din-ners, new year parties,and chocolate eggs haveencouraged. If we get off the couch and put the outback into our Scoutingwe'll achieve both aimsand get two for the price of one. How good is that?

    To paraphrase the M&Sad: Remembertheyrenot just activities, theyreWarrington West Scoutingactivities!

    Rockin in the AislesAt the Warrington Scout Gang Show

    Another Gang Show, an-other success story, an-other night of rollickingfamily entertainment, andall put on by YOU, theScouts of Warrington. Ithink I recall that it was

    1999 the last time theGang Show was this earlyin the year. Well done toall the Gang, particularly

    in view of the limited timescale for rehearsals, pre-paring costumes and scen-ery, etc. Its the teamworkthat made it all possibleand ensured the success of the week.

    Only one little niggledoyou think if we all paid 5pmore for our tickets thatthe Parr Hall would shove

    a few cushions on theseats?

    We sadly missed Eddieon the organ butin thebest tradition of the thea-tre the show must go on -and on it went and was a

    fine tribute to Eddie.Book your ticket now fornext year.!!!!!!

    Cheshire Hike 5/6District Camp Com-mittee meeting, DHQ


    District Yomp 13

    Fellowship AGM 14

    Campsite meeting 15

    DHQ Mgmt Commit-tee meeting, DHQ 16

    St Georges Day Pa-rade


    Dates for April

    LIFE after the Centenary



    Exec Committeemeeting, DHQ


    Activity Badge 26

    Non-Scouting Dates:

    April Fools Day 1

    Grand National 5


  • 8/8/2019 Chatlines - Issue 01


    Welcome back to Chatline so pleaselet us have your support. Speakingof support, we are entering a busy

    period of events, St. Georges DayParade, District AGM., County ScoutParade, so let us have yours.

    District Annual General Meetingsmay not be your idea of fun but it isan essential part of our Scoutingmake-up so come along to BoldStreet Methodist Hall on the 15thMay; you may enjoy it.

    Some things never change, I havebefore me a cutting from The Exam-iner (a local paper of years ago) of

    Saturday, July 23rd 1938, reportingthat Warrington Boy Scouts held aprocession and displays in aid of theBoy Scouts National Appeal Fund,and guess what, it rained.

    Enjoy your Scouting.

    George Carman

    4. Give all your Scouts a coupleof sunflower seeds and organ-ise a competition to see whocan grow the tallest sunflower.

    5. Organise, dress up, and hold aMad Hatters Teaparty inGolden Square on a Saturdayafternoon. Make sure you in-form the Guardian!

    6. Learn 2 or more ways of find-ing North without a compass.

    1. Plan a route from a point onone edge of an OS map to apoint on the opposite edge walk it!

    2. Give a severely disabled childand carer a day out, maybe toa park and devise some activi-ties for him/her to participate

    3. Pin seven safety pins inside

    your jacket. Remove one eachdaybut only after doingsomething nice for someone

    Programme Ideas Corner

    (useful for Scouts and Leaders)

    GO and book your scout section onthe special youth group tour of Man-chester Airport

    GO and take some small self-madegifts to elderly people in care and tellthem about what you have been doing

    in Scouting

    GO and plant a tree

    GO ! - GO WHERE !

    GO visit a museum or art galleryyour scouts have never been to be-fore

    GO and arrange a joint meetingwith Scouts from another group out-side Warrington.

    GO and walk part (or all) of OffasDyke

    GO and have a glider flying lesson


    Send your

    Presidents Patch Goodies from Gilwell


    GOGO GO !

    4 May 08 is International Dawn Cho-rus Day. The Wildlife Trust and BBCBreathing Places Learning Campaign

    need to inspire Scouts from Beaversto Network to log as many of the 450species of birds in the UK as they canhear in their area. BBC 1 The OneShow will be broadcasting and manylocal radio programmes have also of-fered to support the event.

    Excellent opportunity toget our young people in-volved in nature. Maybehave a sleepover as part of the event. Further infor-

    mation from

    A team of 6 Explorer/Network Scoutscame 4th in the World Scout WinterGames. Events included snowboard-ing, cross country & slalom skiing,curling, triathlon, etc.

    Have any of your Scouts recentlygained a ski or snowboard badge. If so, a leading winter sportmagazine would like to inter-view them. [email protected]


    Scouts from Cheshire climb Everest

    17 Cheshire Scouts and 1 Beaverclimbed a local hill 131 times in 2hours (the equivalent height of Ever-est from Kathmandu (7,493 m)) aspart of their effort for Sport Relief.


    Beaver Colonies help Kenya Streetorphans. They raised 72 by collect-ing 1p, 2p and 5p coins. Haranbee forKenya needs 3000 to complete landpurchase for a safe house and school-room for the kids. Haranbee is Swa-hili for all pull together. Lewisham

    Network have already offered to goout there in 2009 to help raise theproject.


  • 8/8/2019 Chatlines - Issue 01


    The 1st Harding-stone Beavers wouldlike to make contactwith another BeaverColony for theirfriendship challengebadge. Contact Re-becca Whiting (1stHardingstone BeaverLeader)

    ([email protected]),


    Our annual Back toBasics weekend will

    take place on 10/11May 08. The themethis year is Survival.

    Its great fun, you (andyour leaders) learn lotsof neat things. Wantto be the next RayMears and have yourown TV show? Makesure you join us for theweekend. Nag yourleader to make sure

    your Groups applica-tion form has beenforwarded, See yathere!!!!

    Do you know when to knot and when not to knot? And can you knot or cannot you not knot? Now Im in a knot.

    How do you fancy a Leaders Naughty Knotting Nite? Its wonderful how easy it all becomes after a few glasses of wine, a good laugh , and sharing your expertise in the knots you do happen to know with someone else. If there isenough level of interest we will organize the event. Contact B. Shaw on 01925 493753

    OPEN INVITATION - To all Leaders over the age of 18!


    Have you booked yet forPathfinder 2008?

    Activities include Fly-ing, Gliding, Mountainboarding, Rally karting,Skiing, Snowboarding,Survival skills, Windsurfing, Raftingtoname but a few. Lim-ited spaces and takingbookings now. Getyours in! Ask Leaderfor more details.

    Network have fantasticopportunity to sign upfor trial of Scouts of theWorldDiscovery (half of the World Award)This is a really uniqueopportunity to gain ahighly prestigiousworld-wide award.

    31 Jul3 Aug

    30 all inclusive.

    1st/14thLewis Stanhope, Matthew Murray

    2ndHarry Plant, Luke Howard-Thompson, William McConnell, AlexLockie

    4thPaul Key

    7thDaniel Blackie, Jake Fidler, Joshua Jelves, Daniel Robinson, DanielWeekes, Becky Lewis, Nathan Bickerton

    16thBen Thomas. Khalem Lewis-Trust

    21stThomas Jeffries. James Davies.

    30thAlex Devers

    31stCarlos Ravey, Samantha Cornelius, Jacob Wass

    32ndStuart Bremner, Ewan Brown, Andrew Burgess, Marcus Hemmings.Joe Huckerby, Jacob King, Benjamin Newlove, Nicholas Povey, Alex Quayle,Jake Robinson, Sam Whitby.


    This is my youngest -

    hes a sort of human gimme pig


    April is April Fooltimeso try playinga crazy footballmatch with a teamfrom another Pack..Maybe dressed aspenguins, or play in apaddling pool or playbackwards or three-legged or using yournose and a table ten-nis ball. Which Packcan play a giantgame of blow football.Make your own rulesor play with no rules!Send us your storyhow you did it!!!!

    33 Cubs from 9 Packsgained Silver Chief

    Scout Award. Welldone!

    District Craft Compe-tition was won by the7th, runners-up were31st A and 4th/31st Bshared 3rd place.

    Sat, 26 April is Cub Adventure BadgeDay. All attendeeswill gain badge

    27/29 Jun Dist Camp13 Jul County Fun-day

    8 May PSL Meeting

  • 8/8/2019 Chatlines - Issue 01


    Welcome back to Chatline and a big thanks to Brenda Shaw for volunteering to edit our newsletter. Communica-tions plays a vital part in uniting a District. Its a way to share ideas and achievements. I hope that all our Groupsand Units will use it in this way now the facility is again available.

    2007 was the centenary of Scouting as we all know but not many of you will be aware that 2008 is Warringtonsscouting cenrenary. The District was formed on the 17th December in that year. Initially part of Lancashire (South)it stratched from Newton in Makerfield in the north to Stretton and Daresbury in the south. In the west it coveredfrom Penketh and Sankey to Rixton and Glazebrook in the east. Warrington was one District until 1986 when theCounty (now Cheshire) decided to split us into two. In 1908 the number of membership was around 250. Now thetwo Districts are around 2000 strong. Thanks to George Carman our District President for these facts and figures.

    Last year was a year to remember with many highlights. A District Camp with 950 participants. A maximum of 50teams took part in the Blakfoot Hike. The District having the honour of leading the County Scout Parade and theService in Chester Cathedral. Providing home hospitality for forty Japanese Scouts and sending members to theWorld Jamboree. Our fiftieth Gang Show. These are just a few of the achievements and I know your Group or Unitwill be able to pick your achievement also. Congratulations and thanks to all of you for your part in these successes.

    Let us make sure our own Districts centenary is just as memorable. We have made a good start with the Districtsnumbers rising again in the annual census. Nine of our Groups have increased their numbers. However it is thestandard and variety of what we offer to our members which matters so we must not rest on our laurels. Let us con-tinue to put the out in scouting and always look to try something different. Good luck for 2008 and beyond.

    Tony Warburton (District Commissioner)

    DCs Bit


    Try one of these across the Sankey Canal?

    Might be better on first attemptto try building it across WhittleBrook or a similar source of water. Boxes of lashing ropes(their cut-offs) can still be ob-tained from Marlow Ropes,


  • 8/8/2019 Chatlines - Issue 01


  • 8/8/2019 Chatlines - Issue 01


    Tsunami ESU now has 30 registeredmembers who enjoy a wide variety of activities. We have strong links withlast years District charity, The Chil-drens Adventure Farm Trust, and un-dertake working weekends to help(coupled with fun!) So far we havebuilt a sustainable den for visiting chil-dren to play in, wrapped about 1000Christmas presents, cleaned out ani-mals, tidied the nature trail, andpainted murals in the art room.

    We had the opportunity for a taste of India when we celebrated Diwali. Alsohad a firelighting and cooking in thedark evening, which involved findingthe wood and kindling first and leaving

    no trace of our activities (in theory).Explorers have joint fun within Dis-trict and we camp collectively 3 times ayear.

    A recent article in the Explorer sectionof Scouting magazine says that Scoutsfind the move to Explorers much easierif they move at 14, and I can vouch forthat with our Unit, so please encour-age your Scouts to move on and notlinger with the Troop. Wed love tohave them!

    Karin, Caroline and Chris

    Next issue of Chatline is up to YOU.

    To chat can be defined as talk, com-municate,; share information, gossip,winge, exchange news, voice opin-ions and concerns, etc, etc. So unless you all start sending in someCHAT - your next issue of Chatlinewill be blank pages. Makes life veryeasy for yours truly but rather de-feats the object of having a newslet-ter.

    OK. I can see you all rushing to finda pen and some paper and I waitwith trepidation for the postman tostagger up my path bent double withthe wait of all the Chat you are go-ing to send.

    Until next timeHope you had aHappy Easter and that the approachof Spring has made your feet itchy toget out into the hills and countrysideagain, and that you are already busy

    reproofing hiking boots, checkingcamp gear and poring over mapsplanning the next adventure.

    B. Ed


    AND SO TO BED- -

    Is this what Shrove Tuesday was like in your Scout Headquarters???

    Tip For Today:

    Smileitll make everyone wonderwhat youve been up to! Are you an active member of the

    kind that would be missed?

    Or are you just contented when yourname is on the .list?

    Do you attend the Meetings andmingle with the flock?

    Or do you always stay at home andcriticise and knock?

    And do you take an active part tohelp the world along?

    Or do you always know whats rightand they are always wrong?

    Are you a Member booster or justone with a kick?

    Who leaves the world to just a fewand talks about the clique

    Are you a dying ember or a flamethats bright and strong?

    Are YOU an active member, or doyou just belong?