1. chart of accounts - provides the framework within which the accounting records are constructed. - It is defined as a list of general ledger accounts consisting of real and nominal accounts. 2. General Income Accounts - This account classification encompasses all types of revenue/income generated by government agencies in the exercise of their administrative and regulatory function, income from public enterprises/investments, and income from grants and donations including subsidies. 3. Tax Revenue Accounts - This account classification encompasses all taxes imposed on taxable income, properties, and use or sale of goods and services, taxes on international trade and transactions and their taxes including fines and penalties. 4. Intermediate Accounts - are accounts, which are closed ultimately to the Government Equity account at the end of the accounting period. 5. Modified Disbursement System (MDS) Checks - issued by government agencies chargeable against the account of the Treasurer of the Philippines, which are maintained with different MDS – Government Servicing Banks. 6. Commercial Checks - issued by the government agencies chargeable against the Agency Checking Account with government servicing banks 7. Due from Officers and Employees - It shall accounted as cash advances granted for travel 8. Income Collections and Deposits System - covers the processes of acknowledging and reporting income/collections, deposits of collections with Authorized Government Depository Bank (AGDB) or through the AGDB for the account of

Chart of Accounts

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1. chart of accounts- provides the framework within which the accounting records are constructed.- It is defined as a list of general ledger accounts consisting of real and nominal accounts.2. General Income Accounts- This account classification encompasses all types of revenue/income generated by government agencies in the exercise of their administrative and regulatory function, income from public enterprises/investments, and income from grants and donations including subsidies.3. Tax Revenue Accounts- This account classification encompasses all taxes imposed on taxable income, properties, and use or sale of goods and services, taxes on international trade and transactions and their taxes including fines and penalties.4. Intermediate Accounts- are accounts, which are closed ultimately to the Government Equity account at the end of the accounting period.5. Modified Disbursement System (MDS) Checks- issued by government agencies chargeable against the account of the Treasurer of the Philippines, which are maintained with different MDS Government Servicing Banks.6. Commercial Checks- issued by the government agencies chargeable against the Agency Checking Account with government servicing banks7. Due from Officers and Employees- It shall accounted as cash advances granted for travel8. Income Collections and Deposits System- covers the processes of acknowledging and reporting income/collections, deposits of collections with Authorized Government Depository Bank (AGDB) or through the AGDB for the account of Treasurer of the Philippines, and recording of collections and deposits in the books of accounts of the agency.9. Government Income - represents all funds received by the government from taxes, grants, aids and borrowings10. government revenue- represents funds received, which do not increase any liabilities or reserves of the government.

11. Accrual Method- This method shall be used by national government agencies when income is realized during the accounting period regardless of cash receipt.12. Modified Accrual- Under this method, income of the agency is recorded as Deferred Credits to Income and the appropriate receivable account is debited.13. Cash Basis- This method shall be used for all other taxes, fees, charges and other revenue where accrual method is impractical.14. Without authority to use.- As a general rule, all revenue, regardless of amount and frequency of collection, such as income taxes, taxes on goods and services, motor vehicle registration fees, operating and service income, borrowings and interest earned, are to be remitted to the National Treasury.15. With authority to use.- Agencies, which are authorized to use income for their operations shall record their collections as income, i.e., rent income and service fees, etc., in the Regular Agency Books (RA) and shall not be recorded by the National Treasury.16. Authority with limitations.- If the authority is subject to the limitations that any excess collection shall be remitted to the National Treasury, such as collections from seminar and convention fees, the same shall be recorded in the Regular Agency Books (RA).17. Income from sale of equipment.- Proceeds from the sale of non-serviceable, obsolete and other unnecessary equipment, including cars, vans and the like, may be deemed automatically appropriated for the purchase of new ones and for the repair or maintenance of existing vital equipment.18. Grants and donations intended for agency use.- If there is no specific authority for their use, grants and donations from whatever source shall also be recorded in the National Government Books (NG) and shall be remitted to the National Treasury.19. Special Allotment Release Order (SARO)- is the agencys additional allotment and shall be recorded in the appropriate registry.20. Notice of Cash Allocation (NCA)- agencys additional subsidy income from the national government and is journalized in its Regular Agency Books.21. Miscellaneous collections.- include collections arising from (1.) Refund of Cash Advance; (2.) Inter-Agency Transferred Funds; (3.) Cash Settlement of Disallowance; (4.) Restitution of Cash Shortage; (5.) Dishonored Checks; (6.) Settlement of Charges; and (7.) Performance Bonds.22. Miscellaneous transactions- are transaction types that are unique and not recurring in the ordinary course of government operations.23. Loss on cash and property- Cash shortage discovered during cash examination conducted by auditors is reported through the Report of Cash Examination24. Request for relief from accountability- In case of loss on cash and property, the accountable officer may request for relief from accountability.25. Cash Overage- In case cash examination by the auditor disclosed cash overage, the amount shall be forfeited in favor of the government and an official receipt shall be issued by the cashier and shall be recorded as miscellaneous income.26. Stale MDS and commercial checks- A check is considered stale if it has been outstanding for over six months from the date of issue or as prescribed.27. Set-up and settlement of disallowances- In view of the lifting of pre-audit, there are payments made by disbursing officers by cash or checks, which at post audit are suspended/disallowed by the resident auditor.28. Refund of overpayments- Sometimes overpayments or even double payment of expenditures do happen in agencies.