Charmaine-The Secret Door

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Mia needs to find her way out the door, can you help her?

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! Have you ever tried to get lost on your first day of school? If you have, you might know what will happen, but if you have not, then let me tell you about Mia’s experience. First, let me introduce you to Mia. Mia has brown eyes, wavy hair that is a little brown. She likes wearing shorts, and a normal t-shirt, not like some girls who love to wear dresses. “Mia! Come out of your room. Breakfast is ready. You don’t want to be late on the very first day of school,” shouted mom. “Okay! Okay! Coming,” Mia shouted back. Mia rushed out, sat on the chair and started to eat her oatmeal. It was Mia’s first day to go to Canadian International School, and she was so scared. She heard that some people in the school passed away or got lost and was never found in this school. Mia finished the last spoon of her oatmeal, she was heading her way out.

Before Mia left, mom reminded, “Remember Mia, bring your things back home, don’t lose your things or yourself.” Mia got on the bus, then started to worry about the school. When Mia arrived, she looked around. She saw children playing tag, hand games, running around, and playing on the monkey bars. “Well, I am here.” Mia said, talking to herself. The school bell rang and everyone rushed in. When she went in the classroom, she sat down on a empty desk, then just laid down and closed her eyes. She didn’t want to think, the only thing she thought of was wishing that she did not exist, and the


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horror of this school. If she did not exist, she didn’t need to worry about anything. Then, she suddenly heard a voice calling her, it sounded like a girl, her age. She looked up, she saw a girl wearing a purple t-shirt that said ‘Tropical’ with sequins on it, and a turquoise shorts that has a checkers pattern. The girl started tapping on Mia’s shoulder again, then said, “Hi, I am Miley, are you new? I haven’t seen you around.” “Yes, I am new,” replied Mia, shyly. “Oh! I was just asking, but nice meeting you. By the way, I came last year, so I am also kind of new to this school,” Miley added. “Well, okay,” Mia said after a while. When the class bell rang, everyone rushed in and sat in their seats, then started talking and chatting again, like the bell didn’t ring yet. Mia’s teacher, Ms. Williams, was trying to get everyone’s attention. She said, “So everyone, today we have a classmate that is new to this school, her name is

Mia, and I expect all of you treat her with care and respect, like how you treat your classmates and friends.” The whole class nodded their head, after that, the teacher started teaching, and Mia was having a hard time learning. All the things they learned weren’t the same to what she learned in her old school last year, the style and way they do it is totally different. It was time for lunch, Mia was the last one to leave, because she had to finish up her work before she can go off to lunch. After a while, Mia had finish her work. She got her lunch out of her locker, then rushed down the stairs, through some hallways, going up and down. She found herself in the middle of nowhere.It was a hallway that had classrooms that look really blank, no one was walking by. Bathrooms that had a skull face carved in the door. Mia was


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really frustrated and scared, she did not know where she was, so she just went in a room that was the closest to her to see if there is a different entrance to the lunch room. When she went in, the only thing she could see was the darkness of the room, and a mirror that says ‘horror’ on it. She got so freaked out, she started to cry a little. Tearswere coming out of her eyes, the amount was increasing each time, at last, she cried out loud. She thought, ‘This does not look like a cafeteria, or a entrance to it, I can barely see anything.’ Suddenly, she heard a soft voice, it kind of sounded like the girl she met in the morning, and it sounded like she was asking for help. Mia looked around, but the only thing she could see was nothing. Then she felt someone tap her shoulder, she got scared then screamed.When the girl heard her, the girl said, “It’s okay, it’s just me, Miley.” “Okay, okay.” Mia said, calming herself down, then asked, “What are you doing here?”

“Oh, about that. I was walking in this hallway when some other children were pushing and shoving, and then they pushed me in this room. How about you? Why are you here?” “I am here because I got lost, and I didn’t know what to do, so I just went in here, hoping that this is another entrance to the cafeteria.” Mia replied. Then Miley started to frown. “Oh, so you came here yourself without being forced, pushed or anything?” Miley asked again. “Yes, and why are you asking?” Mia questioned. “That’s because I heard a rumor about this room, people said it’s haunted. They said you have to find the switch to turn the light on to find your way out, but no one has ever found it, and now, they have gone.” Miley said with a scared and shaking voice. “So, I was silly to come in here.” Mia asked. “Yes!” Miley answered. Mia was shaking with fright. She was scared that she would never see


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her family again, or her family will never see her again. Mia continued to cry, then she suddenly asked, “So, no one ever found the switch to turn on the light right?” “Yup, no one.” answered Miley. “Then why can’t we be the first ones to?” asked Mia in a suspicious way. Miley started to wonder if it was actually a good idea, but at last she agreed to do it. It would be the only thing that might get them out of there, wouldn’t it? Mia and Miley were really bored in the room, so they decided to play tag, but it wasn’t much of a game with the darkness of the room. They were running and tagging each other and having so much fun. Then suddenly, Mia fell down, head first, then the rest of her body, then bumped her head into the the mirror. After she did, there was a door opening. While the door was opening, it sang, “Come on in, Come on in.” It kept on repeating and the sound of the voice

was getting louder and louder. Mia and Miley couldn’t help to notice it. They hesitated, then went in. After a while, Mia and Miley were still standing there, didn’t know what was happening. Something pushed both of them, they both fell down. The room turned all bright. They could finally see the room nice and clear. It looked like it been decorated for halloween or something. “Let’s get out of here! Let’s get out of here! There is light! There is light! We can finally escape!” Miley exclaimed happily. The two girls found a door that seemed like it could get them out of that weird room, and back to their classrooms. They gave it a try, and they ended up back in their classroom. Ms. Williams was eating her lunch while working on her own things, She looked up and said, “Hi girls, why are you still here, shouldn’t you be in the cafeteria?”


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“Yes, so we better run. Bye!” the girls answered, then ran off to lunch. They spent the rest of the school day in classes, they didn’t dare to go in the room ever again. When Mia got home, her mom asked her, “How was your first day at school Mia?” “Fine. Oh, and I made a new friend, her name is Miley,” replied Mia. “Good! So you are better than me at making friends. In that case, I saw a school that is cheaper, but also a famous school, do you want to switch schools, because if you do, I will go to help you sign up later,” Mom asked. “No! No! Please don’t! I want to stay here, not a new school again. There is going to be trouble!” Mia said, while begging and pleading. “What trouble? You had trouble today?” asked Mom, wondering what Mia was talking about. “Forget what I said, just don’t help me to enter this school, what ever the name is. Oh, I

almost forgot to ask you to buy a lemon for my experiment, ” Mia said, trying to switch the subject. Mia went to school like a normal kid. She and Miley did not tell anyone about the room, or never spoke about it, even to their friends or family.
