wf a Sy 0 y Charles Zachary Bor nst e in Music Director rc es Friday, Saturday, arch 23rd, 198 - 8 p.m. arch 24t , 1984 - 8 p.m . A s an C lture Ce tre St. n's Guest artists Memor ial Un i vers i ty Festiva Cho ir D .F. Cook , Director Joanne Dorenfeld Diane Loeb Glyn Evans Paul Masse! S ym phony N o . 9 in d, O p . 1 25 Allegro m a n on tr o pp o , u n poco m aestoso Molt o viv ace Ada g io mol to e can t ab il e Final e pr est o, with fi na l c h or us from Sch ill er 's ' Ode to Joy ' Soprano Mezzo Soprano Tenor Baritone Ludwig van Be ethoven Th is work w. i ll be performed with no intermiss ion A Northern Telecom Guest Artist Concert

Charles Zachary Bo rnstein Music Directorcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/munmusic/19840323.pdf · Charles Zachary Bo rnstein Music Director rc es Friday, Saturday, ... Charles Zachary Bornstein

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Page 1: Charles Zachary Bo rnstein Music Directorcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/munmusic/19840323.pdf · Charles Zachary Bo rnstein Music Director rc es Friday, Saturday, ... Charles Zachary Bornstein

wf a Sy 0 y

Charles Zachary Bo r nste in Music Director

rc es

Friday, Saturday,

arch 23rd, 198 - 8 p.m. arch 24t , 1984 - 8 p.m .

A s an C lture Ce tre St. n's

Guest artists

Memori a l Univers ity Festiva Choi r D .F. Cook, Director

Joanne Dorenfeld Diane Loeb Glyn Evans Paul Masse!

Symphony N o . 9 in d, O p . 1 25

Allegro m a n on tro ppo , u n poco m aestoso

Molto vivace

Ada g io mol to e cant abil e

Final e presto, with f i na l c h oru s from Sc h ill e r 's ' Ode t o Joy'

Soprano Mezzo Soprano Tenor Baritone

Ludwig v a n Beethoven

Th is work w .i ll be performed with no intermiss io n

A Northern Telecom Guest Artist Concert

Page 2: Charles Zachary Bo rnstein Music Directorcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/munmusic/19840323.pdf · Charles Zachary Bo rnstein Music Director rc es Friday, Saturday, ... Charles Zachary Bornstein

DIANE LOEB M1ss Loeb currently divides her t1me between Canada and Europe performing in recital, oratorio and opera. Recent engagements have mcluded the role of Fiamin1 in Massenet's 'Griselidis' for Toronto 's 'Opera m Concert'. She has just re­turned from France. where she performed the role of Uccelllna in Offenbach's 'The Brigands' for Pans Rad1o and appeared with the City Opera of

·Tours as Clarma in 'II Camb1ale di Matnmonio '.

GLYN EVANS Glyn Evans has been described as having 'surely one of Canada 's most beautiful and cultured tenor voices '. He has performed on countless stages in recital. on CBC Radio and with thefinest orchestras and choral ensembles throughout Canada and the U .S . In recent seasons. Glyn Evans' wide-ranging repertoire has allowed him to perform Handel's 'Messiah' with the Van­couver Bach Choir, with the Toronto Symphony in Beethoven's Ninth and in the Mozart 'Requiem' in the Mainly Mozart Festival in Toronto .

PAUL MASSEL Paul Massel IS quickly gaming recognition for his rich baritone voice and dramat1c actmg ability A popular and versatile artist. he performs across Canada to critical accla1m . On the concert and rec1tal stage he has won much pra1se for perfor­mances of EliJah , St Paul , Carmina Burana. Mes­siah. Beethoven's Ninth, the Brahm's Requ1em and the Bach Pass10ns. Dur1ng the summer of 1 983 he appeared at the Stratford Festivalm bot Gondoliers and M1kado .

JOANNE DORENFELD Acclaimed in the U .S .• Canada and abroad, Joanne Dorenfeld recently made her f irst r ecord album, produced by CBC and featuring songs of Richard Strauss . A frequent performer with or­chestras. she has appeared with such diverse groups as the London Symphony Orchestra. Can­adian Opera Company, Toronto New Music and Stratford S ummer Music Choir. Miss Dorenfeld sings regularly on CBC radio's Two New Hours·. 'Arts National', 'Mostly Music' and 'Music Around Us' and has appeared as soloist in Mos­cow. Leningrad, Amsterdam and New York .

These artists are anoP;trinn throunh t~ r-ru u-_

Page 3: Charles Zachary Bo rnstein Music Directorcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/munmusic/19840323.pdf · Charles Zachary Bo rnstein Music Director rc es Friday, Saturday, ... Charles Zachary Bornstein

PROG A ME OTES Symphony o . 9 in d, Op. 1 25 Ludvig van Beethoven The Ninth has become a religious work throughout history for it's own expression and for it's powerful influence. One may safely consider it the ' father· of every symphonic attempt by every composer to follow. The symphonies of Bruckner and Mahler seem shaped by the grandiose design and expression manifest throughout. Bruckner used the architectural scheme of movements 1, 2 and 3 as a skeletal design-plan for all of his symphonies. The idea of chorus and soloists appealed to Mahler for three of his symphonies. It became the 'composers superstition' not to write more than nine symphonies and Mahler put off his ninth by slipping in 'Das Lied von der Eide' after his Eighth! Both Bruckner and Mahler died before they heard their Ninth symphonies and Beethoven was already too deaf to hear much of his, although he conducted the premiere -keeping h is place by watching the violin bows! (This did not work, and a second conductor was installed behind Beethoven and out of his sightl) Bruckner never really finished his inth, howe er the first three movements were complete at his death and performances of those movements are considered whole. Mahler and Shostakovich went on tempting fate on the form of their tenth symphonies, but death would stop Mahler from f ini shing his although musicologists have recently 'completed it' and performances and record ings are now very popuiar . When the 19 year old composer-to-be Richard Wagner copied out the entire inth he saw ways of 'improvi ng ' the brass wr iting. Several conductors such as Mahler and Stokov..tski have used these ' improvements' whereas more literal conductors did and do not. Beethoven reversed the order of the traditiona I second and third movement lay-out thus giving greater dramatic effect to the Finale . Other 'modern' ideas in the Ninth are plentiful. For instance a 'cellular· use of intervals (primarily 4ths and 5ths)from the polyphonic period which was to re-appear in the works of t he '1 2 tone fathers'. There is a sophisticated use of military music throughout, although the 'Turkish March' of the finale is deliberately not too sophisticated to start with! The process of fragmentation in the 1st movement is an original etude in high-long-line writing without a long l i ne in any one instrument or group! (The Pastorale , o. 6 , is much more 'romantic'). For a symphony in d minor, one is immediately suspicious of it's ·a· minorish opening! and so-onl One could go on forever discussing the vast paradoxes of the Ninth, but every duality here has a resolution or affirmation-to-come! Perhaps it is these very rea I questions and answers that make this work the ' religious experience ' it has ultimately become- for if it did not prove difficult terrain to start- the joy of the Finale would be minimized . Beethoven confirms his belief here, and in such a work of charged persuasion, he hopes to convert his listeners to active participants throughout the 1st movement concerning a primeval evolutionary development, through the 2nd movement pro­claimi ng the struggle of man and his discovery of religion, through the 3rd movement expressions of love and depth of the human spirit to the final song of the angels del ivery of joy and happiness out of belief and brotherhood.

Charles Zachary Bornstein

Page 4: Charles Zachary Bo rnstein Music Directorcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/munmusic/19840323.pdf · Charles Zachary Bo rnstein Music Director rc es Friday, Saturday, ... Charles Zachary Bornstein

ODE TO JOY Friedrich von Schiller

0 friends, no more these soundsl Let us sing more cheerful songs, more full of joy! -

J o , bright spark of di inity Daughter of Elysium, Fire-inspired we tread Thy sanctuary. Thy magic power re-unites All that custom has divided, All men become brothers Under the sway of thy gentle wings.

Whoever has created An a biding friendship, Or has won A true and lo ing wife,

All who can call at least one soul their Join in our song of praise· But any who cannot must creep tearfully Away from our circle.

All creatures drink of joy At nature' breast. Just and unjust Alike ta te of her gift; She ga e us ki ses and the fruit of the ine, A tried friend to the end . E en the worm can feel contentment. And the cherub tands before God!

Glady, like the heavenly bodies Which He set on their course Through the splendour of the firmament; Thus brothers, you should run your race, As a hero going to conquest.

You millions I embrace you. Thi kis i for all the world! Brothers, abo e the starry canopy There must dwell a loving Father. Do you fall in worship, you millions? World, you know your Creator? Seek Him in the heavens! Abo e the stars must He dwell.

Page 5: Charles Zachary Bo rnstein Music Directorcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/munmusic/19840323.pdf · Charles Zachary Bo rnstein Music Director rc es Friday, Saturday, ... Charles Zachary Bornstein


Violin 1 Peter Gardner (Concertmaster) Marjori e Costin Catherine Bartlett Edgar Gooda ire

Arthur Smith Brian Power John Edstrof"tl

Violin II Edith Gubl~r McCreadi e ( Pr incipal) Ewald Haje Willi am Hogan Marlene H ickey Sheilagh Rahal Mary Therese Royl e M a ry D inn

Viola Carol Erlandson Eil een Kearns John Stevenso n Geoffre y Evans Kenneth Greene Mary Carol ugent

Cello Murray Charters Principa l) Cathy Quinlan Pamela Walsh Duane Starcher

Bass James Vivian Audrey Dawe Stu art Macdonald Carl Stevenso n Brenda K las

Flute Beverley V ivia n Lane (Pr incipa l) P ierrette Marcone


Piccolo Grace Dunsmore

Oboe Valer ie Holden ( Principal)

Richard Vaugh an

Clarinet Paul Bendzsa Pr incipal)

Aloys ius Fekete

Bassoon Franc esca Davenport ( Pr incipal ) Terri F i tzgerald

Contra bassoon Tom Grove!

Horn W i ll i am Cost in (Principal) Sean Hogan Douglas Vaughan E lizabeth Brenna n

Trumpet Dona ld Buell ( Principa l) Gary Compto n

Trombone Darren Wh ite ( Princ i pal) Ken Cooper John Russell

Tympani A I 1son Edwards

Percussion Don Wherry (Pr incipa l) George Morgan Alex Driscol l

PM son nei/ L "brarian R 1chard Vaugha n

Page 6: Charles Zachary Bo rnstein Music Directorcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/munmusic/19840323.pdf · Charles Zachary Bo rnstein Music Director rc es Friday, Saturday, ... Charles Zachary Bornstein

The ewfoundland Symphony Orchestra regrets that due to unforseen circumstances th e guest artist. Janina Fialkowska, is unable to be in St. John' s to perform with the Orchestra on Fr iday, May 18th. 1984. We have taken the liberty of rescheduling the concert for Wednesday, May 16th. 1984 so that our subscribers will not miss the _opportun ity to hear this internationally acclaimed soloist.

Honourary Patrons The Honourable Or . W . A . Paddon. Lieutenant-Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador

Honourable" Len S imms. MHA, M inister of Culture._ Recreation and Youth

John C . Perlin. Es .. Director of Cultura l Affa irs

Acknowledgements: The Canada Council The Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council The City of St. John 's

The NSO wishes to thank Mr. John C . Perlin and the staff of the Arts and Culture Centre for the.r support throughout the season.

The NSO gratefully acknowledges the co-operation of th e p layer members of the Newfoundland and

Labrador Musicrans Assoc ratron in the preparatron of our Public Service Announcements .

The Players Council wishes to tha nk Brooke Bond ·1nc and Purity Factones Ltd . for thei r generous


Special thanks for their assistance in mak­ing this concert possible to: The Lester Hotel Air Canada Howse of Flowers

Page 7: Charles Zachary Bo rnstein Music Directorcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/munmusic/19840323.pdf · Charles Zachary Bo rnstein Music Director rc es Friday, Saturday, ... Charles Zachary Bornstein

Board of Director•

Or C ha rl es utton Cha1rman Fran Fagan Vace-Cha1rman Geoffrey Peters V1ce-Chatrman Marlyn Stack Treasurer .John 0 D e s Secretar Dr Harry Edstrom Youth Orches tra C h a 1rman Mela nte D1 ngle

SO Gwld Cha trman Gla dys Deutsch Educatto n Comm ttee Cha1rma n Or _ 0 _ Dtng le Progr a mme Committee Cha trma n Edath Gubler McCreadte Player s Counc1l C h a arm a n C harl es C ullum P ast Cha trma n Andreas Barb a n Doug las B lac Jeff B ulcock John C a n e r A A Ch ad w 1ck M1chael H a r r ing to n S r _ A a Hawc o Edgar House Wa lla ce Howse E _ Maus opf O r A R Mer cer Car man ews O r M _Q M orga n Don acotle J ohn P e rl1 n S h e tlag R a a r O r _ A v u rn A achier Eve Roberts E tl een S t a n bur y J ohn Te ss•e r Gt! l ald ille y .Jo hn W eger

Ray W tg ht Ed Power D iane H oga n G r ace Dun smore

SO Guild Mrs W A Paddon Honorary Patron

Melan1e Ot ngle President

01ane Hogan 1st V tee -Prestdent

Sharon Sparke s 2nd V1ce -Pres•dent

Brenda C a rter Treasurer

B e tte Anderson Corr espondtng Secretar

Paule tte Ozere Recordmg Secretary

N a ncy H1ckma n Past Pr e~dent

Jane Tomltnson Fund-r a as1ng

R a nu ash y a p Educ..a t1on V e r a R y a n M ember shtp

E l1zabe th Cr e e A r c h1vts t

M mda Rogerson S ubscr1p ti o n s

R at a Udell Rece p tio n s

E lmo r Udell P uLIIL 1l y P vera C ouncii Edath Gub ler M cCreadi e C h a 1rman Don Whe rr G r ac e Dunsm o r e A feson Edwar ds R ac h ard Vaugh a n S h etlagh Ra h a l M a qor te Cost tn

G ener a n ager H e atht! r Mor yan

Youth Orcheatra Conduct~• Pet er Gardner Car ol Erla n dson Valerte Hol den

Page 8: Charles Zachary Bo rnstein Music Directorcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/munmusic/19840323.pdf · Charles Zachary Bo rnstein Music Director rc es Friday, Saturday, ... Charles Zachary Bornstein

P-CO GE E s Good luck to the Newfoundland Symphony Youth Orchestra as they leave to participate in the Canadian Festival of Youth Orchestras in Banff, Alber a from April 2nd to April 16th.

,..he Newfoundland Symphony Youth Orchestra will be performing at the Arts and Culture Centre on Apr ·l 26 & 27th with guest arti sts Marina Piccinini, flute and the ewfoundland Dance Theatre.

The MU Festival Choir is presenting it's Spring Concert on Sunday, April 8th, 8:30p.m. at the Arts & Culture Centre

The programme includes Leonard Bernstein's Chichester Psalm s, Shubert's Miriam's Song of Triumph and works by Hugh Robertson of Glasgow Orphe us Choir fame .

The SO Gu ild is ho ding a General Meeting at the Faculty Club , Memor.ial University, on Wednesday, March 28th at 8 p.m . There will be a short business meeting fo{lowed by wine and cheese and everyb­ody is urged to attend .