Charles Davis Hoilister, 1936-1999 A personal scientific appreciation of the father of 'contourites' Charley Hollister on board R. V. Knorr cruise KN103 during HEBBLE in 1983. The untimely death of Charley Hollister in a climbing accident robbed the contourite community of the principal originator and proponent of the concept of deep-ocean current-controlled sedi- mentation. He possessed boundless enthusiasm, a strong belief that science should be and was fun, a wonderful ability to get disparate groups of people to work together and a fine capacity to see connections between varied strands of data. The latter ability in particular allowed him as a graduate student at Lamont Geo- logical Observatory in the 1960s to put together physical oceanog- raphy from Georg Wust, early seismic profiler results from the Ewings, deep-sea photographs, stratigraphic and sedimentological data from cores with his supervisor Bruce Heezen, and develop the notion of sedimentation controlled by deep geostrophic flows. Charley was born into a landed Californian family whose fortunes were founded on cattle ranching. Eschewing the role of sedate conformity and leadership normally reserved for elder sons, his boyhood was, by his own account (thoroughly confirmed by his family), happily irresponsible. His schooling was chequered and his undergraduate academic performance at Oregon State University undistinguished. However, although his best developed abilities were as a marksman and mountaineer, late in the day the spark of what he really wanted to do struck. Doc Ewing, director of Lamont was persuaded that Charley's enthusiasm once chan- nelled, could lead to a successful career as a marine geologist and admitted him to the graduate programme in 1960. In the late 1950s ideas about the deep circulation developed rapidly with Wust's (1955) recalculation of geostrophic velocities, Swallow & Worthington's (1957) demonstration of high flow speed in the Western Boundary Undercurrent, and Stommel's (1958) proposal of a scheme for the deep sea circulation. These new ideas were quickly picked up by Charley's supervisor Bruce Heezen who wrote in 1959 '... it would appear that the deep ripples and bottom scour must be the work of currents related to the general circulation of the ocean ...'. However, a strong emphasis was then placed on the continental rise and abyssal plains displaying features originating in turbidity current flow. Hollister assembled the photographs showing current bedforms corresponding in location to Wust's predicted strong abyssal flows in the South Atlantic and convinced Heezen of the importance of current reworking of the continental rise. This became Hollister's topic for a PhD dissertation and he turned to examination of further evidence in photographs and cores for bottom currents, finding a positive result at several other deep locations where Wust had predicted rapid flows, particularly the western North Atlantic (Heezen & Hollister 1964). Wust's presence at Lamont through this period (1960-1964) acted as a great stimulus to the task. This work culminated in the proposal that the deep western boundary current was responsible for most of the deposition on, and form of, the eastern United States' continental rise (Heezen et al. 1966). The importance of turbidites was explicitly denied, '... recognisable turbidites constitute a small proportion of the glacial and postglacial sediments of the continental rise' (Heezen & Hollister 1964). Those statements underplay the clear recog- nition by the authors that they were dealing with terrigenous sediments which had come downslope, probably in turbidity currents. The argument really lay in the degree of completeness to which the turbidites were reworked and deposited as contourites. There was by now a large collection of cores from the conti- nental margin, and the development in 1961 of seismic reflection profiling by John Ewing at Lamont had yielded several hundred thousand miles of data by 1964 (Ewing & Ewing 1964). In these data were the striking profiles of the Blake Outer Ridge showing it to be 2 km of deep-sea sediments at a location where turbidity current emplacement was impossible. There was thus abundant data on the sediment characteristics and distribution of con- tourites as is made clear by figures 1 and 3 of Heezen et al. (1966). This paper was rapidly followed by others from Heezen's group consolidating their position that sediment transport in contour currents was responsible for much of the sedimentary topography of the American Basin, and by Charley's PhD thesis (Hollister 1967) a significant part of which is in Hollister & Heezen (1972). It was in the latter paper that the term 'contourite' was first defined, though it had already been in conversational use for a while. A new source of data added by Hollister (1967; Hollister & Heezen 1972) was the 12 kHz echogram character of the bottom. From: STOW,D. A. V., PUDSEY, C. J., HOWE,J. A., FAUGI~RES, J.-C. & VIANA, A. R. (eds) Deep-Water Contourite Systems: Modern Drifts and Ancient Series, Seismic and Sedimentary Characteristics. Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 22, 1-5.0435-4052/02/$15.00 9 The Geological Society of London 2002. by guest on March 22, 2020 http://mem.lyellcollection.org/ Downloaded from

Charles Davis Hollister, 1936-1999 A personal scientific appreciation of the … · Laboratories funded a large amount of work on seismic profiling, sedimentology, biology, micropalaeontology,

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Page 1: Charles Davis Hollister, 1936-1999 A personal scientific appreciation of the … · Laboratories funded a large amount of work on seismic profiling, sedimentology, biology, micropalaeontology,

Charles Davis Hoilister, 1936-1999 A personal scientific appreciation of the father of 'contourites'

Charley Hollister on board R. V. Knorr cruise KN103 during HEBBLE in 1983.

The untimely death of Charley Hollister in a climbing accident robbed the contourite community of the principal originator and proponent of the concept of deep-ocean current-controlled sedi- mentation. He possessed boundless enthusiasm, a strong belief that science should be and was fun, a wonderful ability to get disparate groups of people to work together and a fine capacity to see connections between varied strands of data. The latter ability in particular allowed him as a graduate student at Lamont Geo- logical Observatory in the 1960s to put together physical oceanog- raphy from Georg Wust, early seismic profiler results from the Ewings, deep-sea photographs, stratigraphic and sedimentological data from cores with his supervisor Bruce Heezen, and develop the notion of sedimentation controlled by deep geostrophic flows.

Charley was born into a landed Californian family whose fortunes were founded on cattle ranching. Eschewing the role of sedate conformity and leadership normally reserved for elder sons, his boyhood was, by his own account (thoroughly confirmed by his family), happily irresponsible. His schooling was chequered and his undergraduate academic performance at Oregon State University undistinguished. However, although his best developed abilities were as a marksman and mountaineer, late in the day the spark of what he really wanted to do struck. Doc Ewing, director of Lamont was persuaded that Charley's enthusiasm once chan- nelled, could lead to a successful career as a marine geologist and admitted him to the graduate programme in 1960.

In the late 1950s ideas about the deep circulation developed rapidly with Wust's (1955) recalculation of geostrophic velocities, Swallow & Worthington's (1957) demonstration of high flow speed in the Western Boundary Undercurrent, and Stommel's (1958) proposal of a scheme for the deep sea circulation. These new ideas were quickly picked up by Charley's supervisor Bruce Heezen who wrote in 1959 ' . . . it would appear that the deep ripples and bottom scour must be the work of currents related to the general circulation of the ocean . . . ' . However, a strong emphasis was then placed on the continental rise and abyssal plains displaying features originating in turbidity current flow. Hollister assembled the photographs showing current bedforms corresponding in location to Wust's predicted strong abyssal flows

in the South Atlantic and convinced Heezen of the importance of current reworking of the continental rise. This became Hollister's topic for a PhD dissertation and he turned to examination of further evidence in photographs and cores for bottom currents, finding a positive result at several other deep locations where Wust had predicted rapid flows, particularly the western North Atlantic (Heezen & Hollister 1964). Wust's presence at Lamont through this period (1960-1964) acted as a great stimulus to the task. This work culminated in the proposal that the deep western boundary current was responsible for most of the deposition on, and form of, the eastern United States' continental rise (Heezen et al. 1966). The importance of turbidites was explicitly denied, ' . . . recognisable turbidites constitute a small proportion of the glacial and postglacial sediments of the continental rise' (Heezen & Hollister 1964). Those statements underplay the clear recog- nition by the authors that they were dealing with terrigenous sediments which had come downslope, probably in turbidity currents. The argument really lay in the degree of completeness to which the turbidites were reworked and deposited as contourites.

There was by now a large collection of cores from the conti- nental margin, and the development in 1961 of seismic reflection profiling by John Ewing at Lamont had yielded several hundred thousand miles of data by 1964 (Ewing & Ewing 1964). In these data were the striking profiles of the Blake Outer Ridge showing it to be 2 km of deep-sea sediments at a location where turbidity current emplacement was impossible. There was thus abundant data on the sediment characteristics and distribution of con- tourites as is made clear by figures 1 and 3 of Heezen et al. (1966). This paper was rapidly followed by others from Heezen's group consolidating their position that sediment transport in contour currents was responsible for much of the sedimentary topography of the American Basin, and by Charley's PhD thesis (Hollister 1967) a significant part of which is in Hollister & Heezen (1972). It was in the latter paper that the term 'contourite' was first defined, though it had already been in conversational use for a while.

A new source of data added by Hollister (1967; Hollister & Heezen 1972) was the 12 kHz echogram character of the bottom.

From: STOW, D. A. V., PUDSEY, C. J., HOWE, J. A., FAUGI~RES, J.-C. & VIANA, A. R. (eds) Deep-Water Contourite Systems: Modern Drifts and Ancient Series, Seismic and Sedimentary Characteristics. Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 22, 1-5.0435-4052/02/$15.00 �9 The Geological Society of London 2002.

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Page 2: Charles Davis Hollister, 1936-1999 A personal scientific appreciation of the … · Laboratories funded a large amount of work on seismic profiling, sedimentology, biology, micropalaeontology,


This new development of 'echo-character mapping' by Hollister was greatly expanded in the following decade using the now ubiquitous 3.5 kHz profiler. The 12 kHz system revealed contour- parallel variation on the continental rise with poorest reflectivity [hyperbolae and indistinct ('mushy') echoes] in the location of supposed maximum bottom current. The variation was suggested to be due to variations in microtopography. A superb book of photographs with linking narrative by Bruce & Charley The Face of the Deep (1971) showing this microtopography was a further product of their collaboration. It remains the best published collection of deep-sea photographs, but sadly is long out of print.

Many questions relating to sedimentation and the genesis of echo character could be answered only by a closer look. Charley was quick to realise the potential offered by the Scripps deep-tow system (Spiess & Mudie 1970; Spiess & Tyce 1973). The deep-tow gave side-scan sonar and 4 kHz reflection profiles of a quality comparable to that used by workers on continental shelves where these techniques were commonplace. In addition, twin 35 mm cameras allowed stereographic resolution of the dimensions of smaller features. The principal elements of microtopography surveyed were ripples, sand dunes and furrows as well as mud waves which were also studied via surface ship 3.5 kHz records. Most records produced great surprises from ripples in mud to barchan dunes of sand to extensive fields of linear furrows (Hollister et al. 1974, 1976; Lonsdale & Spiess 1977). The furrows appeared to be part erosional, part depositional and pointed to the possibility of helical secondary circulation in the bottom mixed layer proposed by Charley's student Roger Flood (1978). Furrows were also found to be responsible for hyperbolic echoes mapped previously. This closer look also involved him in physical oceanographic measurements in relation to large scale sediment bodies and the deep Western Boundary Undercurrent (WBUC). Geologists often had to conduct the physical oceanographic investigation of the flow setting in relation to bedform develop- ment, a fact with which he used to upbraid his P.O. colleagues at WHOI who at that time did not set current meters deeper than 4000 m, even where depth was 5000 m.

Staff at Lamont, particularly Maurice Ewing, were instrumental in establishing the Deep Sea Drilling Project with Leg 1 in 1968. Although a recent PhD, Charley sailed on Leg 11 in 1970 as Co- Chief Scientist with John Ewing. Everything was new then, and they found the cherts producing the 'Horizon A' seismic reflector, stacks of contourites and the Mid-Cretaceous black mudstones. At the end-of-leg press conference in New York Charley made the point about carbon content by setting a piece alight. He always knew how to get attention. The first attempt at reconstruction of the palaeocirculation of the Atlantic in a series of palaeogeo- graphic maps from Jurassic to recent in Berggren & Hollister (1974) was a seminal product of his Atlantic drilling work. DSDP Leg 35 to the inhospitable Bellinghausen Sea of the SE Pacific in 1974 was his last drilling leg, for other things had started to occupy him.

Standard piston cores of 6 cm internal diameter (i.d.) do not provide much material to work with and sidewall deformation generally distorts sedimentary structures. So early in his career at Woods Hole (which he joined in 1967 after an interlude climbing the high peaks of Antarctica) Charley conceived of the Giant Piston Corer. This involved a very large weight and pipe that held 10 cm i.d. liner (compared with the 6 cm then current, giving three times the volume of material). Gradually, in an experimental process that involved destroying much ships equipment; cables, sheaves etc., and leaving many GPC's in the sea bed as a result of these failures, the system was brought to an operational state. The cores obtained were of stunning quality and those from the Central Pacific (GPC-3), Bermuda Rise (GPC-5) and Bahama Outer Ridge (GPC-9) are still being sampled, and at the hands of Lloyd Keigwin and Ed Boyle paved the way for modern high- resolution palaeoceanography. Today's IMAGES programme

using a 7.5 ton corehead and 11 cm i.d. liner, but with modern Kevlar cable, owes much to Charley's foresight.

This development was rather expensive, particularly in view of the amount of hardware destroyed or left on the sea bed, so it was fortunate that he had stumbled on a new funding source which had not previously had dealings with oceanographers. A chance meeting in Washington in the early seventies led to the investi- gation of what he liked to call 'the least valuable real estate on earth', the mid-gyre deep-sea bed, for disposal of high-level radio- active waste. He became aware that the Washington agencies in need of answers to problems of waste disposal had substantial budgets. It was also very clear to him that investigation of this problem would be very expensive indeed! The project was to examine the feasibility of, and problems associated with, subsur- face disposal of 'hot' nuclear waste. If waste canisters or projec- tiles were to be emplaced below the sea bed, feasibility would partly depend on the geotechnical properties of the bed. Soil mechanical tests needed larger samples than were available from small diameter piston cores. Charley had the imagination to see that this was a heaven-sent opportunity to mount a multi-faceted approach to problems of the deep-sea environment while also funding his equipment developments.

This project, run through the Department of Energy's Sandia Laboratories funded a large amount of work on seismic profiling, sedimentology, biology, micropalaeontology, stratigraphy, miner- alogy, modelling, and science policy studies of the deep sea bed. The work culminated in an authoritative paper in Science in 1981. Charley was, when among scientists, a disinterested observer concerned mainly with maximizing research income for important investigations of the deep sea environment in connection with a very significant societal problem. There were times when he appeared to be advocating deep sea disposal and this made him the target for the more politically motivated commentators in environmental organizations. Much good science came out of the Sandia project and Hollister recognized at an early stage that environmental policy studies had to be conducted alongside the scientific work. Technical feasibility and safety might be demon- strated, but projects could, and frequently still do, fall on politi- cally motivated campaigns of scientific misinformation

The final major science project led by Charley Hollister was HEBBLE, the High Energy Benthic Boundary Layer Experiment funded by the US Office of Naval Research. In 1974 I organized the NATO Conference on the Benthic Boundary Layer at the skiing resort of Les Arcs at which Charley was an invited keynote speaker (McCave 1976). He saw that his interests in current-con- trolled sedimentation and bedforms could be given full expression under the banner of boundary layer research and found a ready ear in Tom Pyle, program manager at the ONR. (He was also delighted to find that his interest in mountains and skiing could so easily be fitted under 'oceanography', that he took our lesson of Les Arcs and repeated it many times for HEBBLE at Keystone, Colorado). After a few exploratory meetings and probing possible experimental areas we assembled an executive committee and fixed on the lower Nova Scotian rise as the experimental site. It was probably not accidental that this was both part of Charley's original thesis area, and that it lay under the main path of Soviet submarines (and aircraft who often inspected us) down the US east coast to Cuba.

In seeking the simplest type of boundary layer for HEBBLE it was decided to try and avoid areas of furrows and longitudinal ripples with possible helical circulations, and mud waves which might have associated standing internal waves (Flood 1978), but nevertheless investigate an area where dynamic processes of erosion and deposition were well developed. As with his previous projects, HEBBLE assembled geologists, geochemists, biologists, engineers and physical oceanographers focussing on flow-bed interactions considered very broadly. The results came out in two special issues of Marine Geology, and many other publications, totalling over a hundred papers. The ideas of deep-sea storms,

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tu rbu lence in a p lane ta ry b o u n d a r y layer, nephe lo id layers, bio- turbat ion, ben th ic habitats , sed iment sorting, and many o ther mat ters bear ing on the fo rmat ion of contour i tes were p robed more deeply and reveal ingly than ever before in the field.

Ear ly on in H E B B L E Char ley m o v e d f rom being a Senior Scientist in the D e p a r t m e n t of Geo logy and Geophys ics to taking charge of the inst i tut ion 's g radua te p rog ram as D e a n of E d u c a t i o n and an Associa te Di rec to r of W H O I . A l t h o u g h he sailed on mos t of the cruises and took an active interest in s teer ing all the aspects of H E B B L E , and par t icular ly in s t e r e o p h o t o g r a m m e t r y of the sea bed, he was increasingly occupied in mat ters of educa t iona l policy and science policy m o r e generally. The end of H E B B L E in 1987 really saw the end of Char ley 's active invo lvement in exper imenta l science, and in 1989 after ten years as D e a n of the G r a d u a t e Program, dur ing which he had come to unde r s t and very clearly that the educa t ion p r o g r a m was in dire need of e n d o w e d funding, he took his final posi t ion at Woods Ho le as Vice-Pres iden t of the Corpora t ion and Associa te Di rec to r for Ex te rna l Affairs in charge of fund raising and communica t ions . In this, as in his mar ine geo- logical activities, the combina t ion of en thus iasm and a deep love of the subject, coup led with a vital objective, the survival and e n h a n c e m e n t of the quali ty of the Woods H o l e Oceanograph ic Inst i tut ion, p roved mos t successful and W H O I has been enr iched in many ways by his activities.

Those of us who we re his principal col laborators and friends, ev ident f rom his publ ica t ion record given below, have felt a deep sense of loss. The wider wor ld of those c o n c e r n e d with the inter- actions of currents and the deep-sea bed, will I hope , th rough these brief r emarks , realise the substantial con t r ibu t ion m a d e to the field by Char ley Holl ister , to whose m e m o r y this book is dedicated . H e has the best claim to be r e g a r d e d as the fa ther of the concept of con tour i t e sediments .

I. Nicholas McCave Cambr idge , 1999

References (other than in Hollister bibliography below)

EWING, M. & EWlNG, J. 1964. Distribution of oceanic sediments. In: YOSHIDA, K. (ed.) Studies on Oceanography. Tokyo University Press, Tokyo, 525-537.

FLOOD, R. D. 1978. Studies of deep-sea sedimentary microtopography in the North Atlantic Ocean. PhD Thesis, WHOI, Woods Hole, Mass.

HEEZEN, B. C. 1959. Dynamic processes of abyssal sedimentation; erosion, transportation and redeposition on the deep-sea floor. Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2, 142-163.

LONSDALE, P. & SPIESS, E N. 1977. Abyssal bedforms explored with a deeply towed instrument package. Marine Geology, 23, 57-75.

MCCAVE, I. N. 1976. The Benthic Boundary Layer. Plenum, New York. SPIESS, F. N. & MUDIE, J. D. 1970. Small-scale topographic and magnetic

features. In: MAXWELL, A. E. (ed.) The Sea. John Wiley, New York, 4A, 205-250.

SPIESS, E N. & TYCE, R. C. 1973. Marine Physical Laboratory deep-tow instrumentation system. Scripps Institute of Oceanography Ref., 73-74.

STOMMEL, H. 1958. The abyssal circulation. Deep-Sea Research, 5, 80-82. SWALLOW, J. C. & WORTHINGTON, L. V. 1957. Measurements of deep

currents in the western North Atlantic. Nature, 179, 1183. WOST, G. 1955. Stromgeschwindigkeiten im Tiefen- und Bodenwasser des

Atlantischen Ozeans auf Grund dynamischer Berechnung der Meteor-Profile der Deutschen Atlantischen Expedition 1925/27. In: Papers in Marine Biology and Oceanography. Bigelow Volume, sup- plement to Deep-Sea Research, 3, 373-397.

Scientific Publications of C. D. Hoilister

HEEZEN, B. C. & HOLLISTER, C. Do 1964. Deep sea current evidence from abyssal sediments. Marine Geology, 1, 141-174.

HEEZEN, B. C. & HOLLISTER, C. n . 1964. Turbidity currents and glaciation.

In: NAIRN, A. E. M. (ed.) Problems in Paleoclimatology. Interscience, London/New York, 9%108.

HOLLISTER, C. D. & HEEZEN, B. C. 1964. Modern graywacke-type sands. Science, 145, 1573-1574.

HEEZEN, B. C., HOLLISTER, C. D. & RUDDIMAN, W. F. 1966. Shaping of the continental rise by deep geostrophic contour currents. Science, 152, 502-508.

HOLLISTER, C. D. & HEEZEN, B. C. 1966. Ocean bottom currents. In: FAIR- BRIDGE, R. W. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Oceanography. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Stroudsburg, Pa, 576-583.

HOLLISTER, C. D. 1967. Sediment distribution and deep circulation in the western North Atlantic. PhD thesis, Columbia University, New York.

HOLLISTER, C. I). & HEEZEN, B. C. 1967. The floor of the Bellingshausen Sea. In: HERSEY, J. B. (ed.) Deep-Sea Photography. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 177-189.

HEEZEN, B. C. & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1967. Physiography and bottom currents in the Bellingshausen Sea. Antarctic Journal of the US, 2, 184-185.

SCHNEIDER, E. D., FOX, P. J., HOLLISTER, C. D., NEEDHAM, D. & HEEZEN, B. C. 1967. Further evidence of contour currents in the western north Atlantic. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2, 351-359.

HOLLISTER, C. D. & ELDER, R. 1969. Contour currents in the Weddell Sea. Deep-Sea Research, 16, 99-101.

HEEZEN, B. C., JOHNSON, G. L. & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1969. The Northwest Atlantic Mid-Ocean Canyon. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 6, 1441-1453.

HEEZEN, B. C. & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1971. The Face of the Deep. Oxford University Press, New York.

SOUTHARD, J. B., YOUNG, R. A. & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1971. Experimental erosion of calcareous ooze. Journal of Geophysical Research, 76, 5903-59O9.

HOLLISTER, C. D. & HEEZEN, B. C. 1972. Geologic effects of ocean bottom currents. In: A. L. Gordon (ed.) Studies in Physical Oceanography - A Tribute to George Wust on his 80th Birthday. Gordon & Breach, New York, 2, 37-66.

HOLLISTER, C. D., EWING, J. I. et al. 1972. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, 11. National Science Foundation, US Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

HOLLISTER, C. D. & EWlNG, J. I. 1972. Lithology of sediments from the western North Atlantic: Leg XI, Deep Sea Drilling Project. In: HOLUSTER, C. D., EWING, J. I. et al. (eds) Initial Reports' of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, 11, 901-949.

HOLLISTER, C. D. & EW~N(;, J. I. 1972. Regional aspects of deep sea drilling in the western North Atlantic. In: HOLUSTER, C. D. EWlNG, J. I. et al. (eds) Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, 11, 951-973.

SILVA, A. J. & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1973. Geotechnical properties of ocean sediments recovered with a giant piston corer: 1. Gulf of Maine. Journal of Geophysical Research, 78, 3597-3616.

BOUMA, A. H. & HOLLISTER, C. n . 1973. Deep ocean basin sedimentation. In: MIDDLETON, G. V. & BOUMA, A. H. (eds) Turbidites and Deep- WaWr Sedimentation. S.E.P.M. Pacific Section, 79-118.

HOLLISTER, C. D., SILVA, A. J. & DRISCOLL, A. H. 1973. A giant piston corer. Ocean Engineering, 2, 159-168.

MACDONALD, K. C. & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1973. Near bottom thermocline in the Samoan Passage, west equatorial Pacific. Nature, 243, 461-462.

HOLLISTER, C. D. 1973. Continental shelf and slope of the United States: Texture of surface sediments from New Jersey to southern Florida. US Geological Survey, Prof. Paper, 529-M.

TUCHOLKE, n. E. ~: HOLLISTER, C. O. 1973. Late Wisconsin glaciation off southeastern New England: New evidence from the marine environ- ment. Geological Society of American Bulletin, 84, 3279-3296.

TUCHOLKE, B. E., OLDALE, R. N. & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1973. Map showing echo sounding survey (3.5 kHz) of Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bays, western Gulf of Maine. US Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations, Map 1-716.

TUCHOLKE, B. E., WRIGHT, W. R. & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1973. Abyssal circu- lation over the Greater Antilles Outer Ridge. Deep-Sea Research, 20, 973-995.

HOLLISTER, C. D., JOHNSON, D. A. & LONSDALE, P. E 1974. Current con- trolled abyssal sedimentation: Samoan Passage, equatorial West Pacific. Journal of Geology, 82, 275-299.


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SOUTHARD, J. B. 1974. Abyssal furrows and hyperbolic echo traces on the Bahama Outer Ridge. Geology, 2, 395-400.

FLOOD, R. D. & HOLUSTER, C. D. 1974. Current-controlled topography on the continental margin off the eastern United States. In: BURKE, C. A. & DRAKE, C. L. (eds) The Geology of Continental Margins. Springer- Verlag, New York, 197-205.

BERGGREN, W. A. & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1974. Paleogeography, paleobio- geography and the history of circulation in the Atlantic Ocean. In: HAY, W. W. (ed.) Studies in PaleD-Oceanography. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Special Publication, 20, 126-186.

DRISCOLL, A. H. & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1974. The W.H.O.I. giant piston core: State of the art. Marine Technology Society Tenth Annual Conference Proceedings, 663-676.

YOUNG, R. A. & HOLHSTER, C. D. 1974. Quaternary sedimentation on the Northwest African continental rise. Journal of Geology, 82, 675-689.

BISHOP, W. R & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1974. Seabed disposal - where to look. Nuclear Technology, 24, 425-443.

HOLHSTER, C. D. & CRADDOCK, C. 1974. Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 35: Bellingshausen Sea. Antarctic Journal of the US, 9, 154-155.

HOLLISTER, C. D., HEEZEN, B. C. & NAFE, K. E. 1975. Animal traces on the deep-sea floor. In: FRE'r R. W. (ed.) The Study of Trace Fossils. Springer-Verlag, New York, 493-510.

HOLHSTER, C. D., CRADOOCK, C. et al. 1976. Initial Reports' of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, 35. National Science Foundation, US Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

HOLUSTER, C. D. & CRADDOCK, C. 1976. Introduction, principal results - Leg 35, Deep Sea Drilling Project. In: HOLLISTER, C. D. & CRADDOCK, C. (eds) Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 35.

PETERS, C. S. & HOLHSTER, C. D. 1976. Heavy mineral characteristics and dispersal patterns from DSDP Leg 35, Southeast Pacific Basin. In: HOLHSTER, C. D. & CRADDOCK, C. (eds) Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 35, 291-300.

TUCHOLKE, B. E., HOLUSTER, C. D., WEAVER, E M. & VENNUM, W. R. 1976. Continental rise and abyssal plain sedimentation in the Southeast Pacific Basin, Leg 35 Deep Sea Drilling Project. In: HOLUSTER, C. D. & CRADDOCK, C. (eds) Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 35, 359-400.

SILVA, A. J., HOLUSTER, C. D., LAINE, E. E & BEVERLY, B. E. 1976. Geo- technical properties of deep sea sediments: Bermuda Rise. Marine Geotechnology, 1, 195-232.

HOLLISTER, C. D., SOUTHARD, J. B., FLOOD, R. D. & LONSDALE, R E 1976. Flow phenomena in the benthic boundary layer and bed forms beneath deep-current systems. In: MCCAVE, I. N. (ed.) The Benthic Boundary Layer. Plenum Press, New York, 183-204.

BERGGREN, W. A. & HOLL1STER, C. D. 1977. Plate tectonics and paleo- circulation-commotion in the ocean. Tectonophysics, 38, 11-48.

FROSCH, R. A., HOLLISTER, C. D. & DEESE, D. A. 1978. Radioactive waste disposal in the oceans. The Ocean Yearbook, 1, 340-348.

HOLLISTER, C. D., GLENN, M. E & LONSDALE, P. E 1978. Morphology of seamounts in the western Pacific and Philippine Basin from multi- beam sonar data. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 41, 405-418.

SILVA, A. J. & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1979. Geotechnical properties of ocean sediments recovered with giant piston corer: Blake Bahama Outer Ridge. Marine Geology, 29, 1-22.

LONSDALE, P. E & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1979. A near-bottom traverse of Rockall Trough: hydrographic and geologic inferences. Oceanologica Acta, 2, 91-105.

FLOOD, R. D., HOLLISTER, C. D. & LONSDALE, P. E 1979. Disruption of the Feni sediment drift by debris flows from Rockall Bank. Marine Geology, 32, 311-334.

CORLISS, B. H. & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1979. Cenozoic sedimentation in the central North Pacific. Nature, 282, 707-709.

LONSDALE, e. E & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1979. Cut-offs at an abyssal meander. Geology, 7, 597-601.

HOLLISTER, C. D., CORLISS, B. H. & ANDERSON, D. R. 1980. Submarine geologic disposal of nuclear wastes. In: Underground Disposal of Radioactive Wastes, Vol. I, IAEA-SM-243/99, IAEA, Vienna, 131-139.

FLOOD, R. D. & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1980. Submersible studies of deep-sea furrows and transverse ripples in cohesive sediments. Marine Geology, 36, M1-M9.

GARDNER, W. D., GLOVER, L. K. & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1980. Canyons off Northwest Puerto Rico: Studies of their origin and maintenance with the nuclear research submarine NR-1. Marine Geology, 37, 41-70.

SHOR, A. N., LONSDALE, P. E & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1980. Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone: Bottom water transport and its geological effects. Deep-Sea Research, 27A, 325-345.

MCCAVE, I. N., LONSDALE, P. E, HOLLISTER, C. D. & GARDNER, W. D. 1980. Sediment transport over the Hatton and Gardar contourite drifts. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 50, 1049-1062.

BOWEN, V. T. & HOLUSTER, C. D. 1981. Pre- and post-dumping investi- gations for inauguration of new low level radioactive waste dump sites. Radioactive Waste Management, 1, 235-269.

HOLLISTER, C. D. 1981. Chapter 5: Sub-seabed disposal of high-level nuclear wastes. In: JACKSON, T. C. (ed.), Nuclear Waste Management: The Ocean Alternative. Pergamon Press, New York.

LONSDALE, E E, HOLUSTER, C. D. & MAYER, L. 1981. Erosion and depo- sition in interplain channels of the Maury Channel system, Northeast Atlantic. Oceanologica Acta, 4, 185-201.

LAINE, E. R & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1981. Geologic effects of the Gulf Stream system on the northern Bermuda Rise. Marine Geology, 39, 277-310.

HOLLlSTER, C. D., ANDERSON, D. R. & HEATH, G. R. 1981. Sub-sea bed disposal of nuclear wastes. Science, 213, 1321-1335.

CORLISS, B. H. & HOLUSTER, C. D. 1982. A paleoenvironmental model for Cenozoic sedimentation in the central North Pacific. In: SCRUTTON, R. A. & TALWANI, M. (eds) The Ocean Floor. John Wiley, Chichester, 277-304.

HINGA, K. R., HEATH, G. R., ANDERSON, D. R. & HOLHSTER, C. D. 1982. Disposal of high-level radioactive wastes by burial in the sea floor. Environmental Science and Technology, 16, 28A-37A.

MCCAVE, 1. N., HOLLISTER, C. D., LAINE, E. E, LONSDALE, P. E & RICHARD- SON, M. J. 1982. Erosion and deposition on the eastern margin of the Bermuda Rise in the Late Quaternary. Deep-Sea Research, 29, 535-561.

NOWELL, A. R. M., HOLLISTER, C. D. & JUMARS, E A. 1982. High Energy Benthic Boundary Layer Experiment: HEBBLE. EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 63(31), 594-595.

MCCAVE, I. N., HOLLISTER, C. D., DEMASTER, D. J., NITTROUER, C. A., SILVA, A. & YINGST, J. Y. 1984. Analysis of a longitudinal ripple from the Nova Scotian Continental Rise. Marine Geology, 58, 275-286.

HOLHSTER, C. D. & MCCAVE, I. N. 1984. Sedimentation under sea storms. Nature, 309, 220-225.

TUCKHOLKE, B. E. & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1984. Current zonation and bedforms on Nova Scotian continental rise determined from bottom photogra- phy. In: SMITH, R E (ed.) Underwater Photography, Scientific and Engi- neering Applications. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 137-140.

GARDNER, W. D., SOUTHARD, J. D. & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1985. Sedimen- tation, resuspension and chemistry of particles in the Northwest Atlantic. Marine Geology, 65, 199-242.

NOWELL, A. R. M. & HOLHSTER, C. D. (eds) 1985. Deep Ocean Sediment Transport, Preliminary Results of the High Energy Benthic Boundary Layer Experiment. Elsevier, New York.

NOWELL, A. R. M. & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1985. The objectives and rationale of HEBBLE. Marine Geology, 66, 1-12.

MCCAVE, I. N. & HOLUSTER, C. D. 1985. Sedimentation under deep-sea current systems: Pre-HEBBLE ideas. Marine Geology, 66, 13-24.

TUCHOLKE, B. E., HOLLISTER, C. O., BISCAYE, P. & GARDNER, W. 1985. Abyssal current character determined from sediment bedforms on the Nova Scotian Continental Rise. Marine Geology, 66, 43-58.

SwlVr, S. A., HOLHSTER, C. D. & CHANDLER, R. S. 1985. Close-up stereo photographs of abyssal bedforms on the Nova Scotian Continental Rise. Marine Geology, 66, 303-322.

NOWELL, A. R. M., MCCAVE, I. N. & HOLHSTER, C. D. 1985. Contributions of HEBBLE to understanding marine sedimentation. Marine Geology, 66, 397-409.

RICHARDSON, M. J. & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1987. Compositional changes in particulate matter on the Iceland Rise, through the water column, and at the seafloor. Journal of Marine Research, 45, 175-200.

NOWELL, A. R. M. & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1988. Graduate students in oceanography: recruitment, success and career prospects. EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 69, 834-843.

HOLHSTER, C. D. & NOWELL, A. R. M. 1991. Prologue: Abyssal storms as a global geologic process. Marine Geology, 99, 275-280.

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Page 5: Charles Davis Hollister, 1936-1999 A personal scientific appreciation of the … · Laboratories funded a large amount of work on seismic profiling, sedimentology, biology, micropalaeontology,


HOLLISTER, C. D. & NOWELL, A. R. M. 1991. HEBBLE epilogue. Marine Geology, 99, 445-460.

HOLLISTER, 12. n . 1992. Potential use of the deep seafloor for waste disposal. In: Hsu, K. & THIEDE, J. (eds) Use and Misuse of the Seafloor. John Wiley, Chichester, 127-130.

HOLLISTER, 12. n . 1993. The concept of deep-sea contourites, Sedimentary Geology, 82, 1-7.

VARTANOV, R. & HOLLISTER, 12. n . 1997. Nuclear legacy of the Cold War. Marine Policy, 21, 1-15.

Popular Articles

HEEZEN, B. C. & HOLLISTER, 12. D. 1971. The deep, deep sea floor. Natural History, 80(5), 30-33.

BERGGREN, W. A. & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1974. Currents of time. Oceanus, 17(2), 28-33.

HOLLISTER, C. D. 1977. The seabed option. Oceanus, 20(1), 18-25. HOLLISTER, 12. D., FLOOD, R. D. & McCAVE, I. N. 1978. Plastering and

decorating in the North Atlantic. Oceanus, 21(1), 5-13. I-IOLLISTER, 12. D. 1983. In pursuit of oceanography and a better life for all.

Oceanus, 26(2), 10-16. HOLLISTER, C. D., NOWELL, A. R. M. & JUMARS, P. A. 1984. The dynamic

abyss. Scientific American, 250(3), 42-53. HOLLISTER, 12. D. 1990. Options for waste: Space, land or sea? Oceanus,

33(2), 13-17. NOWELL, A. R. M. & HOLLISTER, C. D. 1990. Undergraduate and graduate

education in oceanography. Oceanus, 33(3), 31-35. HOLLISTER, C. O. & NADIS, S. 1998. Burial of radioactive waste under the

seabed. Scientific American, 278(1), 2-7.

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