An Etcher's View of the War. THE WEATHER Remarkable views made on the apot by an I LB orderly in the American Hoapitat Showers and somew will be printed in next un. partly cloudy. laV V- T. "ssss J a Sunday's SUN. Highest tempersture yestef 3y..iJPa,vst. 6q Hetailed weather, m.nl and ma rme tepott ttm r.'" VOL. LXXXII. NO. 351. NEW YORK, TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1915. Copgright, llll, ft.v Hr Sim Printing and PuhUntong Aitorintinn. PRICE TWO CENTS. SPY CHARGES MAY FORCE U. S. TO ACT Disclosures of German Ac- tivity Expected to Spur Washington. OFFICIALS WATCH DEVELOPMENTS Sit": 'Evidence" Offered Reject Much of It Want Proof. Mors disclosures concerning the of agents of the (ierman (iov-srnme- In this country were mude yesterday. There were reports and correspon- dence alleged to show that while the (ierman (iovernment was seeking an embargo In this country Against the Mpmsnt Of munitions of war to the Allies her agents here were secretly buying up the output of several am- munition plants. Two of th se plants are the Bridge- - port Projectile Company, which In tutn was making a contract with the' Aetna Smokeless Powder Tympany, and the American Oil and Suppy Company, which obtained carbolic acid from the l4omaa A. Bid toon, inc. R H.rts from Washington Indicate thst ths Administration is closely studying the exposures of (Ierman ac- - j uvtuss m this country, and that if tstoence proves that any l.erman dipio- - mat Srss engaged in fomenting sttJkesj la America some definite action will b taken. FTom Providence, II. I., came ai Story that the Oernmn (Iovernment hM splM in the State Department end the Treasury Department gt Wsh- - ingt n. Ambassador von Bsrnstorff when men the yel and has the the MEXICANS U. S. Hrow.ssvii.i.k. It was here that force bor-i- i near MSTCSdM had been the communication !th had 'lit One She wan the other w;". who waa that the :'7n and were only part been over the for and depredations.' keen the Jtltz-Carlto- n lust the city. ' kaid "The At midnight Ibe storm raging take cognizance of the charges with the barometer It. The which been wind the in the the blew velocity of sixty sev- - comes. enty-fou- r hour with occasional piecemeal ,,,., miles. Th(, (,lly ..wing the from the bay. sum.' CHARGES SIFTED Is three fast deep has fie eru A'nnta roof Hefore Veil. in. n'ASHINOTON, Aug. 16. ofjtlnued. The Administration are following Is telephone line to IStertel charges disclosures regard to the activities of diplomatic 'Sttd secret serv ice agents Srs United Washington authori- se, fSady to any are convinced all avail-H- i' are their isissession. Bruca Depar- ture Justice secret service fuat rsturnsd Washington sisdilng While 1. of .'..ll. ..as re Secretary .as a Included newspaper recently statement (ierii.ti ...c.ilced up on C'ontfiiurd on Pag. KILL BiMie ii it t Heajtea t Tea. Tex., Auk. reported nn armed Mexicans crossed r nitbl an otitpoat of t'nlted States catalry. Idem Keynan of Texas Bangers In telephone Adjt.-Ue- Hutching soldiers been Mexican Was Cor-Mr- Wlltnnn of Troop Twelfth Cav-nl- killed, LtoOt Hoy O. Henry of troop, slightly wounded. U If Mexicans all heav- ily armed. They are of a larger which la struggling border several daya members of which committed many at night (ierman Kmbassy is j official registering InVotvins its officlala huve j throughout afternoon S public press when night at a to proper time It would In- - un- - miles dianlflSd to answer them at wnl(.n nt, , ,iHrklu,ss to backwater which In ARK j Places which t loaltle ofllclals only means of lion a running In German in s. are express n lei to be nielaski, of a States Mali) connected of In latter American numbered to an WOMAN ACCUSED OF ARSON I'ollee sj llr. Harkellnii's Widow Set Mer Mat tare. Johanna Marketing, widow of Dr. Hetman A. Hackclina, died five was arrested late last night by Deputy Fire Marshal S. erson charged The po- lice say Hackelmg get fire to her aiwitment In the Florwte ...... ments. street, about I o'clock Sunday afternoon. Several pasteboard lioxes found ' i the apartment with lighted candles them. according t0 the police. The' tire gutted apartment. Hackel-in- g denies, Charge; she was In the apartment time. Neigh- bors they s iw her leave the aiw.t-msn- l twenty minutes, the lire waa. noticed. was Vcked up the I ltd strsei station. WIND AND HIGH SEAS BATTER GALVESTON Seawall Saves Citv From He- - traction Town Hark and Wires Are Down. OaLVBSTOX, TSX., Aug. Id. -- A tr'",Ml """" OnlSSStOB ""i wic siipiikiji me sea wan me city owes its safety. sea was high, but the Is unbroken maiianaiini i fett h. ., No telegraph is working and the local telephone service has been dlscoll- - Houston. Hundreds of cellars are Hooded and rescuers in are going the lying taking Irantie per- sons from buildings. All the homes along the beach and where they were protected from by tne i. minings, oui could not into open. last from the exposed planes Galveston, reported all had away safely. There was four feet of water In (he lO tiaianiinti. I it v imni between Havana and lit Isle of Pines. rue (ioveriimt'lit to gf, Sprcial fnhU Ufttpatrh to Si v Ixiniion, II, Pro. .inters of the second OOtton contraband meeting, which was to he on Wednesday, announced the fathering has postponed week, In vlsw of the reports thai the Government Intends lo declare band will be forthcoming during cui week, as the cotton shipments from the United Slatee will be resumed within a month. u'e lf!wer sections of the city have been opinion as to whether the facts far! abandoned, it rSpOrtSd late disclosed warrant action by Their owners ha VI taken Into the eriiinent either In the of criminal hotels In the or to the high ground back from the Gulf water Is sev- - pro- - ttlom or In bringing about UM p m of s,c. idrawal or German diplomatic repre- - and the wind may lift the s. 'lTie attitude of the Presl- - lngs from their foundations. oftlclals haVS unable to as- - Sn! and t State Departmen offlcials ; certain if any lives have been lost. Police ll HI the present simply one of waiting boats were able to navigate the Iston Is likely reached until they that facts lu head the if staff, to after trip ii the N the much aald ( who I with that Mrs. Ill West Had said severe 01 boats alKiut in .wiiim-- that been B thus been way city ious been ie of k or mote to New 1 ork and Galveston station of, the bantu he llail-Ns- a Kngland Investigating these at 7 o'clock this evening. Trains man actlVltlSS. had abandoned the station and refugees He had S OOnfSrsnoS ay Sec- - were being taken on board (rains at a retai Lansing and It was apparent higher place quite a distance from tin thai waa reporting: to the Secretary station. Of H uti the results of his efforts. Attorney-Gener- al Gregory, when ...r r- - niyt'c HIT HARD tlotied bxlat In regard to the attitude -- r I he Department Of Justice toward Amerlean i Itrus t.n.ve Owner, e violations of neutrality laws, said I ha I ihe Dspartmenl would priK?eed i,,,,, will ."(, (inn. legallj Aom ill be- - igalnsl any parson ( Tra K. 10 have v oaled those laws, re- - Havana. 16 -- The recent cyclone ai of hi. suinding It I diplomats ar waa pointed out .lames it am-fet.e- The Passenger Steamer exempi ,, prosecutions for most of-- I P was blown ashore on the the onlv effective way bv which the Government could deal south ( oast of Cuba, has been released Cubsn gunboat! and safely CO voyed with would be through the State '' Department by their recall. has been the isilicv TROOPS. had told lltldsritOUd have have and this were Mrs and low streets may got lent The Citv Qer- - thai and that W Ingtolt iovernment thus far to close us eyes to offensive Gei man ae- - COTTON TO BE CONTRABAND t.i.de-- , there is a strong probability! that ihe Hood of disclosures and c.iargn lilies Have Nottftsd noa being ,,le force (he Govern- - Hepi.rle,l ni n. tu act If it Is clearly established Un.liliist.iu of Decision. thai ilerman diplomatic oflicials Aug. lbIt is ui.de,-- i hau anything to with fomenting! Washinuton. Allies .mention to de- - the Ikei In OOUntry It will of course stood thai 111 easary for the dorernmeni to pro-- ; cotton contraband has been ('eil without further delay There Is a I muntcatsd unofflclallj to the State also that public sentiment In I PSrtmerrt. The .11 making an to such extraillpl.Miiatlc activities liiouiice.nc.it Is due, it Is aald, to the ne-s- s Ihe proniollon by German rspressntS- - OSSglty Of arranging uniform treatment tlvis ... VSShlngton Of the embargo of the subject b) all the Allies, movsmsnl and other efforts to prevent The slep has been agreed upon In .'oiie.it of war munitions com- - Gn at llrltaln. France, Russia. Italy. psl t o- .state Department to can the and Belgium. matter .0 the attention of the German nt WANT IT ON LIST. Th. case against Ihe German dipio-- 1 Ihats, however, has not progressed to a ,,,,,. ,. , Meellav, but "Mere 11 . wwi .' dl red by of State, and ' ",il. be orematurc wadl as unfair to .uijge.t tiiat the Pulled la .011111 lilted to such course. In the charges lhal have made Is the thai the Government has evi- dence that persons Ihe l.Tn.l.uuuc In the with and with and the two by and force the u,lfl time. and with atal Mrs. ears Km-- , arson the the not at the before She at West !,lr"'k wall and m line partly the hurricane venture the persons in I TgR Aug. held the was this street road with ques- - Bench Aug hlch will have do this com- - delay will len with pasipurl frauds. There seems to be no BOllon oonirausuiH. ba kers of the proposed meeting duul,! that the Department of Justice 'Hie has evidence tending In this direction explained that their chief mn ll la known too that the Department of live In postponing event Is a desire Jusl et has .bought It had sumYlenl rea- - not to embarrass the Government. HOST- - SOI for making a careful Inveslgatloti of ever, they added expressions of hope all lue circumstances surrounding thelitis! a declaration of cotton as contra- - blowing of the International bridge Ho DOUItdary between Maine and Third Mercedes, dial bulleta. r. aame about will still axo, William and said The The about however, that J.tnifM (lov- - '""." tlM HOSPITAL WORKER ! ACCUSED AS RIPPER Woman Who poMPd ms His Wife Tolls Story of Child Murder Confessions. MELD IN BALTIMORE CELL Xew IiKMiiry started Into Heaths of Leonore Colin and Charlie Murray. Baltimore, Aug. II, tiooked up in a police station here on a petty charge la a man giving his name as Kdgar (or Kdward) Jones, who, according to the atory of a woman who has been passing as his wife. Is the Jack the RlBpSf who terrorised the Bssi side of New Yo-- k hist spring. The woman accuses Jones of having . murdered on March 19 lam l.eonor- - Anna Colin and on May & Charlie Mur- ray. Both children were b years old. both were murdered In the hallways of tl.elr homea and the New York iwlice have always believed that the ssjine nwi murdered them both. According to the woman, who saya that Jones's right name ifl Attilleo Kaco and that her own name Is Grace Elliott, although they have been ualtsy the name Of Jones, toth were en p l oy ed at Helle-vu- e Hospital, which Is near the places of both murders. Jones was an orderly, she says, and she was a cook. Tells f Confessions. On March 10 ahe says Jones came home and ahe saw '.hat his clothes were smeared with bliss!, i Ignore Cohn waa murdered n Maioh 10.) "What Is the matter with your lothes.'" ahe says she asked Jones. ac- - corning to roues uvea bow then aald "He told me that he had killed a lit tie girl and requested that I .ay nothing. The next morning the papors were full of the murder. I did not tell on him beOSUSS I loved him more han anything else In the world. She related how Jones, or Kaaco. afterward came to her and confessed he had just killed a little boy. The morn- - ing afler (his she read in the newspapers of the murder of Charlie Murray. He and she then left New York and went lo W.shlnaion. where they remained for a few weeks, and then came here. Jones was arrested on Sunday, charged with having defrauded a Mouth i BiiHimoie Isiardlfig hous keeper. He was lin ked up In the Southern police atallou and noon the woman visited him there. ObViOUal) she had been drinking; she Mood In front of his cell, repeatedly call- ing him "Ripper I" "Kipper!" Il.erhcard by Matron. Itudolph. the exchange the at((iiM,c, the been tell something five 4 Is?" she the captain. - the famous the Ripper of New York, the Manhattan bulls been chasing him all over (he country. If you ate real you wont let nun es- - ape. the man who murdered Laonors Cohn and Charlie Murray last piiiiK- 11 jw. ..on ine ..... in the New police and let them Invsstlgata my story. "This has been worrying me moiiins. 1 to tell, because 1 love man." Jones arrested here on July 30 for being drunk on the streets. A long bladsd knife a white handle was found in is pooktts He never reclalmeil It ..tut t lis. iiil 1' a tMiw h Th soon , - the International ' have been recent but al the Training School Nurses, at First SVenUi Twenty-sixt- h street, closely allied Rellevue careless user terms might easily make mistake, Grace Jones and her husband are remem-l.e- i Sd The records training were up It Im- - learn between what dates Jones and the woman who passed Ins were employed but It for period or gDOUl tn.ee weens some tin e ill Hie spring Ihronuh l.n.iio VHciicy. woman, giving name of first, regular em- - ployment which had And a cook for the school Jones answered find or two when school needed the services of a night Watchman Jones sug- - gested hUSbsnd, who, she said, had a of luck. Joins and got the Job. - f ,,e-.- .. 1...I ,,ll,, ,.,,.,.i.u..,.. 'phrases "Detestahle "Ugly mustache. the superintendent for she wanted to know why waa necessary to give of such nppssrsnos the After consultation Deputy commissioner Guy H. Scull night, Inspector Cray sent ('apt. to Bal Glides telephonsd to polios head- quarters, lust night city Marshal Carter of Baltimore would permit morning. Jones s friends has been permitted A delect Ive who saw 'ones earlier in day that he Is and medium II,. his mother was an Indian his father a Frenchman. ( holcrn Case In lemhrrg, G Aug. Paris, delayed In t ransmlaslou - case of Asiatic oholera Wuertlcmberg. An disease was contracted by soldlei In Gallfliu. every precaution being (ak n prevent an epidemic. LONDON LIKES PLAN TO ISSUE LOAN HERE The "Times," However, lie lleves Per Tent. Interest Should He Granted. EARLY MOVE EXPECTED A. S. Henn Would (iuarantee Americans Freedom From British Income Tax. Sptrinl i ntiir fieipotrt. to Tn St v. LstroOWi Aug. 16. The pfOBOSSj to issue British securities for in Hie t'nlted State, , an additional means of raising money la being Incre .singly csmimantSd upon by London wh0 Ml(Ml,, lmm,nia action j, In,.ratv,, delav already has b(,,nM. dangerous, these leaden of ,., ,,,, ftoms critics of the I'mvernment are' impstlent over the supposed inaction, but It la understood the Treasury has been discussing the subject with financial advisers for same time, It Is atated in some quarters that the placing of a considerable loan In I'nlted States Is near at hand. The rimes supports Wynard Hooper, the financial the of securities In America In Ita columns morning The paper thinks, however, the terms suggested by Hooper can bS Improved upon, and pro- poses a dollar at par per csnt. Interest. The Timr thinks also gulchet loan be a good plan No definite .mount for the pro- - issu- - is stated, hut the bonds would lie for 'two. five years the of Issu- ance for whatever amount they are applied for. A. Henn makes another si.ffs-csiln- to which his known acquaintance with American banking Is regarded as giving weight, lie suggests that instead Ihii!0 u rr..l, In.,.. h ...l .IumiU I ... annrd parliament making Inter. , ,). st British loan payable In as as In ljondon. with Prevision for whatever parts war loan are owned by American nlttasM certificates to erect and :o the effe't the owners have paid an American tax on lie Issued ''rl with coupons, be 'authority for the British iloveinnent -- (ren ln New York ot to deduct the Kngllati Income tax dues Mr. Benn that Amercars are n.it- - urR" r'r,i '" amount of the Kngllsh Incorn owing ,0 tn. ,, (h1 know4l tns., ,he money would not be ted would be great Inducement for them to Invest. CHAOS IN BXCHANGfi. Kliinii. ( .infer, lint trr Mlenl on Steps to Hull. Problem. Complete chaos existed In the forign exchange market ysoterday the opening the close of business last registered a drop four eonfs In the IKiund for tin day The weakness was not confined to sterling It extended inrougnoiii ins marsec r runes, ui.uk-- . lire and Austrian kronen all mB(), w ,ow prices. At th. close of business last night, as com- pared With the American dollar, sierling sgchangs was ai llSCOimt Of 4:4 K'l cent., while franca showed a discount of 17 Italian lire It, believed that yesterdsy's break 'orp 'hail any other Mat Ins occurred brought the knowledge to the English bankers and statesman thai something previous since the close Of the Stock Kxchange last year, when sterling was selling 17 the pound. Hankers In Conference. RsprsgantatlVSS of all (he big na- tional batiks were In conference at Ihe office of J. P. Morgan Co. all day Mr. Morgan, for the first time since he was wounded by Frank Holt, went back to his wrestle the problem and spent the greater of his time )n ,,,Kl.UsHon his partners and rep resentatives of other banks. At the close business, however. It WB! ,nHt the bankers were not In position to make any statements as to what had achieved In solving problem One banker said night he was pledged secrecy It Is believed that this promise silence un- - til negotiations nave nwn oompisisu made by the bunkers. It generally admitted only great or loan for Great llrltaln or France or both can check the drop In exchange on Paris and London. Ks- - tlmates as the amount necessary to achieve purpose range from tlOO.- - 0.1,. 000 to tr.l.ll. (.0(1. 000. II Is believed At the close of business Insi night that Kngland see lit place a heavy war tux on all American securities held in Great Britain, thus causing Kngltsh holders of American se to dispose of their holdings and creating a demand for sterling hen- in make remittances which would advance the price as was case when there wa.; heavy liquidation of British held Amer ican securities long ago 10 obtain loan 4 per cent The 11m. quolutlons 111 exchange last night were for demand sterling and 4.66 for cables, as compared for demand 4 6 for cables on Saturday. Francs 1,01 for checks and 6 01 for cables, against a previous of r..H3 respectively. Murks dropped lo 81 1. for sight im for cables, compared with l"s for drafts Kl for cables on Saturday. Italian lire are quoted at aguins at the close of last weak. Austrian kronen sagged 10 against 16. HI un Suturday. The matron, Mia overheard nght. Never In MPS lie if the this and tried to question the woman oldest expert In financial about It. Jones got impatient na(j fluctuations in the quesdouliig and (hen asked to have mHrket seen Btsrllnf exchange, the police captain brought to her. wh,.h closed al t.H on Saturday after "I want to him that noo nroppen ,a , plummet cents will open his eyes." she said , ,ne IKund to 64. then bounded up- - "Do you know who this man Jones w.-- r( to 4 s: clossd St l.tl. This asked "He Jack and have cops lies ami York thing tor naieu this was with l"i and well this affe from ,ne tins not gucn .,11.1 'm,s, I'e done ... che. k the dep. on w oman rhat Jones used this knife HhStStlllW. II Is issrla.n that mo,,-a- , both the children he murdered. tlvity was ahown by big national The records of Rellevue Hospital show ami bankers of this city considering the problem than at an) that no persons Kdgar Jones or Grace Jones or hlliott there in years, Mills for and which 1m so to Hospital that a of a a welt of the school locked last night, so was ,Ksil.le to as wife there, was a nieni The (he Grace Jones, came through a agency been asked to rtoond Grace In a day Ihe Mrs her had spell hard appeared war lax per war his appearance I "Horrible hankers have felt for some looking." looking." time the sum have be lain" "Repulsive." Outside that' hi excess of 100,000,000. he was be T.O years 'short stocky, possessing a gray 'Humor of New llrlllah Wnr Tax. be held him Ihe first time It a man job. a with last G Idea timore. capt. not None communicate with him. the said dark of said and k.n kva , (via A Is reis.rted from Cannstatt, "friola.1 notice says the a and that Is sale financiers, Hrr lhnt The that and the expert who advocated Rale this that lout that a would posed issued three, four or from date S. the n New York that (he that dividends would says rnu' a trri of Italian record cent, and it is lime at & desk to with with Hlll(1 been last (hat to been all of Is that a credit to it might to curltles the at U .1 4.61. with 4.6H and closed at close and S.'JL' drafts and as and l.tl, 6.41 15.06. Mrs. e, says '" lo that here as! thai will to well and of said Ui about old, and Win thai of to size oerl 12 to of ..f to par. of of this TEUTONS TAKE FOUR MORE POLISH TOWNS Advance ,it Hcadlonv. Speed in North- - Tike 7.000 Pris- oners in Day. as SURPRISES GERMANS 3.000 Troops Hefore OfSOWleC Nearly Annihilated When Wind Clia nres Suddenly. insrisi rat. vs;if. is ths si x Iaints-in- . Aug. 16 -- The Geiman forces In RtMSlSn Poland have captured four more towns and made hi K advances north and south of Kovno Nearl 7,000 Ruaslani have been made prison- ers in the .st twenty.fotir hours North of Kovno It would appear from the Itusslan official statement that the Germans have driven forward at head- long seed. covering at some points nearly fifty miles since the latest offi- cial news respecting this region. If the wording of the Russian statement Is to lie taken literally, the Germans have forced the Russians back Into the nelgh-borho- d of Jacnt.sta.lt and Dwlnsk. on the Duns, thus forcing an enormous salient in the Russian line from Riga to Kovno. Dwlnsk is on the main railroad from Warsaw to Petrograd, at a point lLTi miles northeast of Kovno and III miles southeast of Riga. The capture of this place by the Teutonic forces would mean an extremely serious blow to the plans of the Russian General Staff as they are understood here, and would badly crip- ple the strongly prepared defences from Kovno south to llrest-I.itovs- A German attack m OSSOWtSO waa preceded by (he release of asphyxiating gas The wind changed suddenly and the a. ' Germans participating In the movement becsma panlcatrisksn and fled. Thev were caught between the fires of the fortress and their own ar- il cry. besides being ovetaken by the gas. and were practically annihilated Uetsresn the Nsrew and the Run the Russian line wa broksh b) the army group under Field Marshal von H olden-bur- g, and the German troops swept a Russian resistance before them up to the (own of Hriansk Th. Importance of (his adv.nce can lie appreciated only when it s note, that Hriansk is but twelve miles from llielsk. .1 town ' about 10.00S population, on (he railroad from Breat-blto- to BMostoch snd thence to Kovno and Riga. The cuttitiB of this road would lie an event of consid- erable aal OUSnSSS in (he defence of Breet'Lltovak. It, 04MI (Jermaas prri.n. Further lo the s nith the eft wing if Prince Leopold, ami) reached tne Rug al a point nor of Dragitschln and erasaed ths nvei Tins p unt Is SboUl twsnty-flv- s miles from ths railroad nn nlng between k, llielsk ale' Blelostock. The centre and tight w ingf of the same army group have made even more of an advaiici and have occupied Isislce and Mlsdsyrsec. Kast of Mlsdsyrsec tlivj German troops pressed onward to the outskirts of Ihe village of lliala. Which is twent-fl- e nn!. s west of Rres- Lltovsk, im. Maesieaaea ( passes the iiuu. Sdll furthsr south the army under Kirld Marshal eon Msckstisen oocuplerl Clale and glawatycsSi on lbs wsstsrn bank of (he Rug. while yet further south they crossed to (he east bank of tha, Rug near Wlodowa BlawatycSS Is twenty five milt south of BrsSt-tdtOV- These advances are all reported In tha German official BtStsmsnl issued )'. ThS tevt of ths statement s as follOWS Arm) group of Field Marshal von Hlndsnburg: During successful at- tacks on advanced position at Kovno l,71l Russians, including seven off)- - cers, were riken prisoners. A pro- jected attempt to break through the Russian lines from tin Xarew to the Rug. after a crossing of the NorSSC River succeeded and our pursuing trooos reached the I. III. at Bransk M.ue than I.OOO prisoners fell Into our hands. At Novo Gsorgtevsk the defenders were driven back still fur- ther from their groups of fortitlca- - lions. Amy groups of Prince Leopold of Bavaria! During the night the left wing fought Ms w. across the Bug River east Of DrggitSChln least of Sokolow l. After the centre and tight wings had captured l.osvce and Mlsdsyrssc yestayday afternoon our opponents offeie.l new r sistal.ee onlv in the sections of TOCSmaW and between MtSdSyrSeC and Blsts but his resistance was broken down east of l.osvce at .tayhreak bv- an attack of the Silesia., bsnd-weh- r The en. illy Is being pursued Army group of Field Marshal von Mscksnssn: The pursuit of continues. Clsls and sia- - watycx have occupied. F.asl of WlodawS our lumps are advancing on the eastsrn bank of the iiug Novo UoOSglSVSli llivesled. A p.trog.ad despatch says that the fortress of Novo Osorglsvsk i.js been entirsly invested. This fortress ll now 00mpletely Isolated and is left far to ihe west of the present Russian front. Pilonidal reports estimate ths garrison ill from 10.000 to Mi. "00 soldiers Rus- sian military observsrs have expressed the opinion thai the fortress will e to hold mil for four months, but Ihe British orltlCS are somewhat less opti- mistic and It Is generally believed lore that (he capitulation of the fortlCRtion with Ita garrison ll S matter Of but a short lime, The Germans are meeting witl. effec-- tlve resistance before Kovtui, which is one of the strongest fortified works In Ituss.a The fact of this resistance Is held to he encouraging in that Kovno Is the Mrst point on the new Russian front that the Germans have leached ... force. In a wind, us the observers here have it, if ths fSSl of ihe new Russian front is able lo dsmonsiratS such strong resist-- 1 ing powers the entire Teutonic advance may be expected to come to a halt. The Kovno, BlslOStOOk, Bresl-I.itovs- railroad is freely admitted Ui he the present German objective, It is the line which t'hS Russian General Staff has se- - I acted upon which to make a desperate stand, for the very sUfflolsnl eason that east of il there is no suitable Hue of re- sistance for msliy miles and that west of II after Warsaw had been evacuated there was no place where the Russian ti h) might hope to dig themselves in. C'uaMiiurd on Srcond Page. Leo Frank Lynched by Georgia Mob, Is Report Croud Overpowers Prison Onards ami Rush Kim Off in Auto, ABOUT THIRTY MEN WKKK IN THE PARTY Atlanta, (in., Aug. 17 (Tuesday. 330 A. M.). L0 M. Frank, serving a life (erni f..r the murder of Mary Phugun, was taken from the Georgia Pt'lson Farm at Mllle.igevllle nt 11 o'clock last nlgi.it by a band of armed men. who overpowered Warden Smith. There were about thirty men in the party. It la reportad. An unconfirmed report eas Frank was lynched about live miles from Mllledgevllle. Frank was put Into nn automobile by the moli that took him from prison and rushed in the dlre.iinn of Bab Before th attack all the wires leading to the prison were cu!. The mod enme to the prison at 11 O'clock Inst night Its work was swift. Shortly eftcr 11 o'clock Warden Smith te'.e ihoned for aid and a rsi-- WaS organ zed. In SUtomobllea they soon found the trail of the moli and s t off In pursuit. I Hut the abductors had a good start and were not sighted at 3 o'chs-- this morning. One report was that the men in- tended to take Frank to Marietta, the home of Mary Phagan, and there lynch him. The Hint news Of the storming of the prison farm came to the Telegraph from John VV. Hammond, the manager nf the Telegraph Atlanta Bureau, with whom Representative Bnnla of Mil ledgevUle oormnuiricatsd with ov 1 tin- oiig distance telephone, the party ap- parently having cut the telephone wires is tween Macon and MHI dgovllls, Only meagre details Inn! been se- cured by Mr. Bnnis al that time, but he announced that he waa preparing to go to the farm .11 once in his auto- mobile. When the mob reached the farm they overpowered Warden Smith and the guards, who had been sleeping on the front porch of the prison dor- mitory since Frank has been confined there. All of them, Including the war- den, were handcuffed and with the Ions of little time Frank was second and placed ln one of ths automobiles, The cars .hen hurried away ui full sHcd in the direction of Batonton, He WgUa noi pOpttlMr with the prison- ers th't' He tt t mlnslc with thm, Htui his unDODulAiity trow until 11 O'clock otl Ihe nlffhl f July 7 he WsM tttitt kfi by a follow convid with knife uvod In thp prison for alaui htoiins hogi Pfaink'i juKuinr v in wan aevered and for sfwrHi day 1 it was believed thot h would not recovor, ids ofsalloni wm Wiiii.iin Qreon, WslO was strMUR a i iff nentoncc for a murder committed at hi home In Cotumbu- (Ireon ottme upon Kmnk from bohlnd I w,hen the prisoners were Ulklng thir d.iily extrclM a drew the butcher knlfoj KCrOM hip tin oat. The knife bad hern uttd for kllllni nofi Mrtlcr In th6 ttai SUBMARINE FIRES ON ENGLISH WEST COAST .loli ii Paul .lone Once One "f Ihe Tom us Menaeed. laertfef ' ahlt peaggfeh to Tin s. mion. Aug. lr- A (Ierman sub- - marine fired ssveral shots at White haven, ration anil Harrington, towns on the westi r.i .oast of Kuala. ul. be- tween 4 ;iu anrt B :I0 o'clock this morn- ing, according to an announcement by the press bureau. No casualties re- sulted Kites. Which were started in Whitehaven and Harrington, were soon extinguished and the damage resulting from (ii sttach was sIikih ' A feW shells struck a railway em- bankmsni snd train service on one of lb.- .oust lines was dslsysd for a short j time. Tin- - bombardment recall! the last pre. vlous hostile attack on Whltehsvsn ll was in 1771 snd was Isd by John Paul .tones Ho surprised the town and Hie garrison by putting nu n ashore SI night The guns were spiked and the sleeping pensioners who formed lh garrlaon captured, The arrival of ti mads it necessary to ret rent before ihe dsslgn to fire 500 ships In the harbor had besn carried out, Whitehaven, the largest of the three towns, has a population of about 80i-00- it is thirty-si- x mllsa southwest of Carlisle and Is the seal of a small sea- going trade iron and brass foundrisa and cordsgs, sailcloth and earthenware factories are located there and (here are extensive coal and iron mlllSS In die Im- mediate Vicinity, I'm (mi. a hamlet, la less than two miles north of Whitehaven, while three miles beyond Parton is Har- rington, a town of about tiOOO popula- - tton, All three towns are In County Cum- - bsrland. (he northernmost of the Irish sea counties of Kngland. Harrington is near the SlltrsnoS to the Kolway Kirlh and Is only twenty miles southeast of the southern coast of Scot lu mi at the ...Mai nnhil Tills attack Is the first nf any kind mads on the Irish Sea coast of Knglund and ths first made by a submarine on .ui. pa. i of the Hun: ii coaal. .agggtm-f- l ggggW I r.t r national Nw Vtrvlc Leo M. Frank. but wm not known how n i. lined It. Prank! death atntanca was commu ad on June :'i aflat the Muprama Co t of the Lnltad States had denied test appt1 from the daclilon f tha state courts. Kor mvera I daya aftar alailiuj th pa- per (lov. siaton was guarded by State t roopa. Tht- murder nf which Prank was con vlcted whs committed on April - ltta h Saturday kftornOOHi atthOUffh the bod) of the victim. Mary IMiaan, was not found until thr next da Mar) was 11 year old, pretty and a worker In t tie National Pancll factory In Atlanta, of which Krank was super Intendant and in which ha owned ntock. she had not worked eoveral days during tha week precedtna, hei death, bul that Saturday she went l tha factor) to Ret $1 L'a owed to her as ;iRt She il td not ret urn to hsi home that evening A sean-- WM InatltUtodt hut Without UCOaaa, At .'t 3" A. M. the next da) New-- iee, negro watchman In the pendl factor), tetephonad to the police that he hail found the body of a murder d air) In the bas. meiit of the factor) There was complete evidence of criminal assault . the child! cloths! had bean torn from her body, her head had bean tftruck and cord about her neck had Ft ratified her. Lssa wan arresied and two hours latsr tne body was idantifled as that of Mary Phacan. After detectives had talked with Prank, C. A Uartt, a white man employed at t lit- fadsoay, was arrested. Frank had aald that Qantt and Ma y Phaftan were on friandl) terms On the following Tuesday, two days after the disrovery Of Ihe hotly, Prank was arrest' d on testimony given by Uta tnd Uantt tending to e ttrtieh tha fact that Krank had besn In the factory ail Saturday afiar: ,mii The Jim Con ley, a negro employed at the factory was dlacovertd waenlng n vtalned ahlri and he was atrsted The trial, beginning Jul) IS, Itttt laated until August when tha jury foutui Prank guilty. There wis com nton street talk m Atlant.i tha if the jur acquitted a moh would lynch, ami hat Jurora and Judge mmht also come In for moii violence. NEW MOVE TO REVIVE MONARCHY IN CHINA Dr. Uoodno-- Interested in Plan to Plaee Yuan fn Throne. PSKiat. Aug II, geveral nromlnenl man or tins cty, including Prunk John-su- n Qoodnow of Johns Hopkins Univer- sity, whi Is legal adviser lo the Chllle Oovemmeul , have formed nn i.esoclntlon in consider the advlsabllltj of sdofdlus a nionarcbi.it form of gOVSrnmsiV for Chins iii pine- .if tin present rnWibllc The president, Vuan Bhlh-k'a- l, la msntloned among tliese men as the iikeb ruler of h new monarch) Ths new spa pel tins morning printed ac- counts of tiic organisation of tins asso- ciation and named In. QoudnOW us one of its msmbera Dr (loodnus was quotvd as saying that i monarch) would vary likely lie a better form of government for Phlun than the pres- ent rspubllc, sddlng that w hare condi- tions are dlffsrettl iii two countries it ' is impossible to trunspKtnl a svstem from on., tn il titer Th United Slates, of course, was meant lu the comparison. a sciisatii.ii hits been created ui Pektn by publication of the accounts an. the nt WS Is being lo aruius parts of ti.c luutr) it is known that the men heading the llSSOClStloll, .- Well as President Yuan Hhlh-k'- al have acted only after inking counsel with Or, U now. GIRL SUES WEYERHAEUSER. dairymaid tSliS SitT'.-iT- ri for In- jures laAleted bi Hlch llaa's tolo, I.os Amiki.ks. Aug. Hi. M SS Ada plsmondi a dairymaid, began suit y sgslnsl i". A. Weyerhaeuser, son of (In- late Kiedernk Weycrhseussr, wealthy lumber man, for llf.tfli fin in- juries alien. .1 to have be n rSCSlVtd when the Weyerhaeuser automoblls struck Miss oiamond's milk wagon, .Miss li.ainoud said dial last .liiiii.uy ihe tha trVrysphssuser machlns struok wugon, threw her out and Inflictsd psrmsnent Injuries upon her Tin- ac cldeni happened when ths Wsyerhasus- - i.s war- passing the winter Jt ihe.r home in l'unrt .una. A GREEKCABINET RESIGNS; WAR PARTYGAINING Kiill of Government Pre- ceded by Election of Ven-zel- os Supporter. AUSTRIAN'S MENACE ALBANIAN FRONTIER Miissiiiii nf Troops M;iy Be Nevt Kffort to Divert Aid From Serbia. ALLIES MAY PAY BHLGARI.VS PRICE Kepori From NMi Hint Serbs Will Vlelfl Ru- mania "li the Felice." ggffl tl I ihlt ii. tpgteh In Tl.r Si v l'M.o.v, ,Viut An Athens lies. natch saya that the arssh Hablnsl iius afternoon after Parliament ha.i been convened This Indicates lhal th- - party M. Vsnlseloa, the former Prsmlsr, will hereafter govern the politics of itreaog. The entrance of the Venlasloa pany into power is of the greatest importance to the cause ..f ths Aiu. s Venlasloa is everywhere admitted In bs strongly in favor of the Bntente chum in fact It was his espousal of this cin.se anil MS iiasirc lo Bulgarian friendship for the Allies an. i Bulgarian enmity toward Turkey and (termany by ths cession of certain portions of (Ires It territory to Bulgaria thai caused his downfall last year. The overthrow of ths Qounaiis gov smmcnt was made more complete to-U- by the election of M. Bavltsanos, an of M. Vsnlssloa, as President of the chapiber "t Deputlea The majority of the Vsnlsslos party was indti ated by the vote, which st I 111 votes for lavttaanos, as compared with II for the caii.ii. late .,f tin- i Iovernment. I.lkel) in inn v enlarlns. Tha result of the elsotlun for Prssl dent of (he Chamber ol Itgputles .i received with lbs greatest snthuslustn b the Urseh newspapsrs, Aftsr ii.s Cabinet ha.i offsrsd its rsslgnstlon Pre- mier Qounsrls askeii for a few days adioummsni of Parliament im.il tnu present political crisis had piss .1 ThS request was grsntsd Previous lo the election of Ihe Presi- dent there was a lon ilia, iis-a- as to whether s1xt.cn PspUtlSS from north Kpirus ami thfSS from other illatrlctg were cut. thai to sit It n.is finally that Ibelr elections had noi con formed to the law( but Hi question of ail.lllllltIR then elect am Was postpone. I. li is taken (or granted that King Con. stand. IS Will ali on M Venlasloa (O organise a new Csblnet, nd that 'cm-se- t. s v. ii usli fui .. shori time In which to cons .let the s. mat, on before rspl In.: 'I'l King did not attsnd the open- - Ing ot arlistnent Isjcauea his hsatth is nut miiIic til I rastur. d, Th.' outcome Ol the II. ilk, 111 situation seem- - to bs as ...... h ol a .... story to nlglil as ei Bulgaria has failed p. reveal anj deeded affection 'UI the nihil. Rumania tn ii.tinuiu, li. i tollc) of "watchful wsttlng." msanwhlls calling sonic extra reserves lo the ci.Ioih. Ureece Is still struggling within hersslf, au. I Kerbla, accotdlng i Klsh despatcthegb is almost oonvlncsd that the massing of Teutonlt troops on tin frontier is a political rathe, than li mllitar) move, Viislrlni.N tctlve. Tucre havt b, ,tf. vetopmenti of Impoitance durini th day. One is the tact learned In a dee paP l. from Cettlnje, tin- Montenegrin capital, lhal die Ausllla.is have shown Increased activity along the entire fron- tier of Heisegovlna. Tin- other is that Knot Constantino of Oreece is Insisting that the new Cabinet must continue ih nnllcy of nrutraHt) so f ir enforced njf that ruler on a people whu have shows a sin.iu! daslrs io join i hi Bntentl I '..w et s Tile Auetrlsn activity agali i Monte, negro Is highly sign. (lean. I. Is held in the observers hen to indicate mora positively than sver thai . general at. lack on Sc. bia is intended and thai tha A ust ms meanwhile proiswe io nev.-a- t the Montenegrins from aidlns X' by keei ins them thoroughly upl on their frontiers An itnoRlelul dcsp.it. h ! the I ...don Str is significant if il speaks die (ruih. The correspondent saya lhal derbla hag at 1.ISI RgreSXl lo meet Hie delnall.li of I ulir.i n. i foi portions of the Msrblan tsr rltor) l'p io die prsaenl ail deapatohsg from Nlsh have Indicated lhal die s r. i, lan Qovernmeni would under no cir- - rumstances ugro. to thesi demands nut llle.'iwlllle lie Ail.. navi I x. led ail possible dlpliim Id'' ll es.urt on Serb... lo concede tills pOlnl b r die sake of her own safclv as will HI i ihe ommoii wsl fan of Ihe Balkan Mates Tin- correspondent of in.- 7.1,1... at Klsh, telegraphing un lei date nf August 11. sai Dual da- adjust mem uf tin- diff- iculties eslatlng between ihe Balkan stale-- - is brighter. He hits been assured in tn.- - nuttiest nuiiricrs diat the HsrUan fjotsmment will iai stuml in ihe way of a s, ie..iy ngreemcnt, Thi agresment. hoa'ever, must he nf a more general character than th. mere rretlAcatlon of the frontiers in a slnule locality. Tin attitude of the Rumanian Oovern-msn- l is Using closely watched tn Berlin, although the Herman press insists that Rumania is friendly to ilerman'aial i convinced thill (he Itntnaui an I'ab, I ;h determined nut tn alter itaafK)luy ndopisd The itcrinaus profsm thai the) do noi feat lliimaii.il will turn nr. us against the Teutonic allies hal Ihe I dilArs Snt . Tlie Berlin .oltaJsiatstosri winch ta known lo have clossiafWIatioiis with the Gcnnan .iuc. .cu.-ui- dsclares Rumania

CHARGES Leo Frank Lynched by GREEKCABINET · 2017-12-16 · An Etcher's View of the War. THE WEATHER Remarkable views made on the apot by an I LB orderly in the American Hoapitat

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Page 1: CHARGES Leo Frank Lynched by GREEKCABINET · 2017-12-16 · An Etcher's View of the War. THE WEATHER Remarkable views made on the apot by an I LB orderly in the American Hoapitat

An Etcher's View of the War. THE WEATHERRemarkable views made on the apot by an I LB

orderly in the American Hoapitat Showers and somewwill be printed in next un. partly cloudy. laV

V- T. "ssss JaSunday's SUN. Highest tempersture yestef 3y..iJPa,vst. 6q

Hetailed weather, m.nl and ma rme tepott ttm r.'"

VOL. LXXXII. NO. 351. NEW YORK, TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1915. Copgright, llll, ft.v Hr Sim Printing and PuhUntong Aitorintinn. PRICE TWO CENTS.




Disclosures of German Ac-

tivity Expected to SpurWashington.



Sit": 'Evidence" Offered

Reject Much of It

Want Proof.

Mors disclosures concerning theof agents of the (ierman (iov-srnme-

In this country were mudeyesterday.

There were reports and correspon-dence alleged to show that while the(ierman (iovernment was seeking anembargo In this country Against theMpmsnt Of munitions of war to the

Allies her agents here were secretlybuying up the output of several am-

munition plants.Two of th se plants are the Bridge- -

port Projectile Company, which In

tutn was making a contract with the'Aetna Smokeless Powder Tympany, andthe American Oil and Suppy Company,which obtained carbolic acid from thel4omaa A. Bid toon, inc.

R H.rts from Washington Indicatethst ths Administration is closelystudying the exposures of (Ierman ac- - j

uvtuss m this country, and that iftstoence proves that any l.erman dipio- -

mat Srss engaged in fomenting sttJkesjla America some definite action will btaken.

FTom Providence, II. I., came aiStory that the Oernmn (IovernmenthM splM in the State Department endthe Treasury Department gt Wsh- -

ingt n.

Ambassador von Bsrnstorff when









Hrow.ssvii.i.k. It washere that

force bor-i- inear MSTCSdM had been

thecommunication !th

had'lit One

She wan the other w;".

who waathat the

:'7n and wereonly part

been over the forand


keen the Jtltz-Carlto- n lust the city.'

kaid "The At midnight Ibe storm ragingtake cognizance of the charges with the barometer It. The

which been wind thein the the blew velocity of sixty sev- -

comes. enty-fou- r hour with occasionalpiecemeal ,,,., miles.

Th(, (,lly ..wing thefrom the bay. sum.'

CHARGES SIFTED Is three fast deep has

fie eru A'nnta roofHefore Veil. in.

n'ASHINOTON, Aug. 16. ofjtlnued. TheAdministration are following Is telephone line to

IStertel charges disclosuresregard to the activities ofdiplomatic 'Sttd secret serv ice agentsSrs United Washington authori-se, fSady to any

are convinced all avail-H- i'

are their isissession.Bruca Depar-

ture Justice secret servicefuat rsturnsd Washington

sisdilngWhile 1. of

.'..ll. ..as reSecretary


aIncluded newspaper


(ierii.ti ...c.ilced


C'ontfiiurd on Pag.


BiMie ii it t Heajtea tTea.

Tex., Auk.reported nn armed

Mexicans crossedr

nitbl an otitpoat of t'nlted Statescatalry.

Idem Keynan of Texas BangersIn telephone

Adjt.-Ue- Hutchingsoldiers been

Mexican Was Cor-Mr-

Wlltnnn of Troop Twelfth Cav-nl-

killed,LtoOt Hoy O. Henry of troop,

slightly wounded.U If Mexicans

all heav-ily armed. They are of a

larger which lastruggling border

several daya members of whichcommitted many

at night(ierman Kmbassy is j

official registeringInVotvins its officlala huve j throughout afternoon S

public press when night at a toproper time It would In- - un- - milesdianlflSd to answer them at wnl(.n nt,

, ,iHrklu,ss tobackwater which In

ARK j Places which

t loaltle

ofllclals only means oflion a running




are express

n lei to be

nielaski, of










I'ollee sj llr. Harkellnii's WidowSet Mer Mat tare.

Johanna Marketing, widow of Dr.Hetman A. Hackclina, died five

was arrested late last nightby Deputy Fire Marshal S.erson charged The po-

lice say Hackelmg get fire toher aiwitment In the Florwte ......ments. street, about Io'clock Sunday afternoon.

Several pasteboard lioxes found'

i the apartment with lighted candlesthem. according t0 the police. The'

tire gutted apartment. Hackel-in- g

denies, Charge; she wasIn the apartment time. Neigh-

bors they s iw her leave the aiw.t-msn- ltwenty minutes, the lire waa.

noticed. was Vcked up theI ltd strsei station.



Seawall Saves Citv From He--

traction Town Hark andWires Are Down.

OaLVBSTOX, TSX., Aug. Id. -- A

tr'",Ml """" OnlSSStOB

""i wic siipiikiji me sea wan mecity owes its safety. sea was high,but the Is unbroken

maiianaiini i fett h. .,

No telegraph is working and thelocal telephone service has been dlscoll- -

Houston.Hundreds of cellars are Hooded and

rescuers in are going thelying taking Irantie per-

sons from buildings.All the homes along the beach and

where they were protected fromby tne i. minings, oui

could not into open.last from the exposed planes

Galveston, reportedall had away safely.

There was four feet of water In (he

lO tiaianiinti. I it v imnibetween Havana and lit Isle of Pines.

rue (ioveriimt'lit to gf,Sprcial fnhU Ufttpatrh to Si v

Ixiniion, II, Pro. .inters of thesecond OOtton contraband meeting, whichwas to he on Wednesday, announced

the fathering haspostponed week, In vlsw of the reportsthai the Government Intends lo declare

band will be forthcoming during cuiweek, as the cotton shipments from

the United Slatee will be resumed withina month.

u'e lf!wer sections of the city have beenopinion as to whether the facts far! abandoned, it rSpOrtSd latedisclosed warrant action by Their owners ha VI taken Into theeriiinent either In the of criminal hotels In the or to the high ground

back from the Gulf water Is sev- -pro- - ttlom or In bringing about UM p m of s,c.

idrawal or German diplomatic repre- - and the wind may lift the s.

'lTie attitude of the Presl- - lngs from their foundations.oftlclals haVS unable to as- -

Sn! and t State Departmen offlcials ;certain if any lives have been lost. Police

ll HI the present simply one of waiting boats were able to navigate theIston Is likely reached

until they thatfacts lu

head theif staff,

to after trip




much aald



withthat Mrs.

Ill West Had




boats alKiut



that beenB


way city



of k or mote to New 1 ork and Galveston station of, the bantu he llail-Ns- a

Kngland Investigating these at 7 o'clock this evening. Trainsman actlVltlSS. had abandoned the station and refugees

He had S OOnfSrsnoS ay Sec- - were being taken on board (rains at aretai Lansing and It was apparent higher place quite a distance from tinthai waa reporting: to the Secretary station.Of H uti the results of his efforts.

Attorney-Gener- al Gregory, when ...r r- - niyt'c HIT HARDtlotied bxlat In regard to the attitude -- r

I he Department Of Justice towardAmerlean i Itrus t.n.ve Owner,

e violations of neutrality laws,said I ha I ihe Dspartmenl would priK?eed i,,,,, will ."(, (inn.legallj Aom ill be- -igalnsl any parson ( Tra K.

10 have v oaled those laws, re- -Havana. 16 -- The recent cyclone

ai of hi. suinding

It I diplomats arwaa pointed out .lamesit am-fet.e-The Passenger Steamerexempi ,, prosecutions for most of-- IP was blown ashore on thethe onlv effective way

bv which the Government could deal south ( oast of Cuba, has been releasedCubsn gunboat! and safely CO voyedwith would be through the State ''

Department by their recall.has been the isilicv











low streets






Qer- -


and that

W Ingtolt iovernment thus far toclose us eyes to offensive Gei man ae- - COTTON TO BE CONTRABANDt.i.de-- , there is a strong probability!that ihe Hood of disclosures and c.iargn lilies Have Nottftsdnoa being ,,le force (he Govern- - Hepi.rle,lni n. tu act If it Is clearly established Un.liliist.iu of Decision.thai ilerman diplomatic oflicials Aug. lbIt is ui.de,-- ihau anything to with fomenting! Washinuton.

Allies .mention to de- -theIkei In OOUntry It will of course stood thai111 easary for the dorernmeni to pro-- ; cotton contraband has been

('eil without further delay There Is a I muntcatsd unofflclallj to the Statealso that public sentiment In I PSrtmerrt. The .11 making an

to such extraillpl.Miiatlc activities liiouiice.nc.it Is due, it Is aald, to the ne-s- s

Ihe proniollon by German rspressntS- - OSSglty Of arranging uniform treatmenttlvis ... VSShlngton Of the embargo of the subject b) all the Allies,movsmsnl and other efforts to prevent The slep has been agreed upon In

.'oiie.it of war munitions com- - Gn at llrltaln. France, Russia. Italy.psl t o- .state Department to can the and Belgium.matter .0 the attention of the German

nt WANT IT ON LIST.Th. case against Ihe German dipio-- 1

Ihats, however, has not progressed to a ,,,,,. ,. , Meellav, but"Mere 11 . wwi .'

dl red by of State, and' ",il. be orematurc wadl as unfair

to .uijge.t tiiat the Pulled la.011111 lilted to such course.

In the chargeslhal have made Is the

thai the Government has evi-dence that persons Ihe

l.Tn.l.uuuc In the



and thetwo









earsKm-- ,



not at the

beforeShe at West


wall andm


partlythe hurricane

venture thepersons in










ques- -






this com- -




pasipurl frauds. There seems to be no BOllon oonirausuiH.ba kers of the proposed meetingduul,! that the Department of Justice 'Hie

has evidence tending In this direction explained that their chief mnll la known too that the Department of live In postponing event Is a desireJusl et has .bought It had sumYlenl rea- - not to embarrass the Government. HOST- -

SOI for making a careful Inveslgatloti of ever, they added expressions of hopeall lue circumstances surrounding thelitis! a declaration of cotton as contra- -

blowing of the International bridgeHo DOUItdary between Maine and







will still






about however, that


(lov- -





Woman Who poMPd ms HisWife Tolls Story of Child

Murder Confessions.


Xew IiKMiiry started IntoHeaths of Leonore Colin

and Charlie Murray.

Baltimore, Aug. II, tiooked up in apolice station here on a petty charge laa man giving his name as Kdgar (orKdward) Jones, who, according to theatory of a woman who has been passingas his wife. Is the Jack the RlBpSf whoterrorised the Bssi side of New Yo-- k

hist spring.The woman accuses Jones of having .

murdered on March 19 lam l.eonor- -Anna Colin and on May & Charlie Mur-

ray. Both children were b years old.both were murdered In the hallways oftl.elr homea and the New York iwlicehave always believed that the ssjine nwimurdered them both.

According to the woman, who sayathat Jones's right name ifl Attilleo Kacoand that her own name Is Grace Elliott,although they have been ualtsy the nameOf Jones, toth were en p l o y ed at Helle-vu- e

Hospital, which Is near the placesof both murders. Jones was an orderly,she says, and she was a cook.

Tells f Confessions.On March 10 ahe says Jones came

home and ahe saw '.hat his clothes weresmeared with bliss!, i Ignore Cohn waamurdered n Maioh 10.)

"What Is the matter with yourlothes.'" ahe says she asked Jones. ac- -

corning to roues uvea bowthen aald

"He told me that he had killed a littie girl and requested that I .ay nothing.The next morning the papors were fullof the murder. I did not tell on himbeOSUSS I loved him more han anythingelse In the world.

She related how Jones, or Kaaco.

afterward came to her and confessed he

had just killed a little boy. The morn- -

ing afler (his she read in the newspapersof the murder of Charlie Murray. Heand she then left New York and wentlo W.shlnaion. where they remainedfor a few weeks, and then came here.

Jones was arrested on Sunday,charged with having defrauded a Mouth i

BiiHimoie Isiardlfig hous keeper. He waslin ked up In the Southern police atallouand noon the woman visited him there.ObViOUal) she had been drinking; sheMood In front of his cell, repeatedly call-

ing him "Ripper I" "Kipper!"

Il.erhcard by Matron.Itudolph. the

exchange theat((iiM,c,

the been

tell something five4

Is?" she the captain. - thefamous the Ripper of New York,

the Manhattan bulls beenchasing him all over (he country. Ifyou ate real you wont let nun es- -

ape. the man who murderedLaonors Cohn and Charlie Murray last

piiiiK- 11 jw. ..on ine .....in the New police and let themInvsstlgata my story.

"This has been worrying memoiiins. 1 to tell, because 1

love man."Jones arrested here on July 30

for being drunk on the streets. A longbladsd knife a white handle wasfound in is pooktts He never reclalmeilIt ..tut t lis. iiil 1' a tMiw h Th

soon ,



'have been

recent but al theTraining School Nurses, at

First SVenUi Twenty-sixt- h street,closely allied Rellevue

careless user termsmight easily make mistake, GraceJones and her husband are remem-l.e- i

SdThe records training

were up It Im- -

learn between what datesJones and the woman who passed Ins

were employed but It

for period or gDOUl tn.ee weens sometin e ill Hie spring

Ihronuh l.n.iio VHciicy.woman, giving name of

first, regular em- -

ployment which hadAnd a cook for the school

Jones answered find ortwo when school needed the servicesof a night Watchman Jones sug- -

gested hUSbsnd, who, she said,had a of luck.

Joins and got the Job.- f ,,e-.- .. 1...I ,,ll,, ,.,,.,.i.u..,..'phrases

"Detestahle "Ugly

mustache. the superintendentfor she wanted to

know why waa necessary to giveof such nppssrsnos the

After consultation Deputycommissioner Guy H. Scull night,Inspector Cray sent ('apt. to Bal

Glides telephonsd to polios head-quarters, lust night city MarshalCarter of Baltimore would permit

morning. Jones s friends hasbeen permittedA delect Ive who saw 'ones earlier in

day that he Is andmedium II,. his mother wasan Indian his father a Frenchman.

( holcrn Case In lemhrrg,G Aug. Paris, delayed

In t ransmlaslou - case of AsiaticoholeraWuertlcmberg. An

disease was contracted by soldleiIn Gallfliu. every precautionbeing (ak n prevent an epidemic.



The "Times," However, lie

lleves Per Tent. InterestShould He Granted.


A. S. Henn Would (iuaranteeAmericans Freedom From

British Income Tax.

Sptrinl i ntiir fieipotrt. to Tn St v.

LstroOWi Aug. 16. The pfOBOSSj toissue British securities for in Hie

t'nlted State, , an additional meansof raising money la being Incre .singlycsmimantSd upon by Londonwh0 Ml(Ml,, lmm,nia actionj, In,.ratv,, delav already hasb(,,nM. dangerous, these leaden of,., ,,,,

ftoms critics of the I'mvernment are'impstlent over the supposed inaction,but It la understood the Treasuryhas been discussing the subject withfinancial advisers for same time,It Is atated in some quarters that theplacing of a considerable loan In

I'nlted States Is near at hand.The rimes supports Wynard Hooper,

the financial theof securities In America In Ita

columns morning The paper thinks,however, the terms suggested byHooper can bS Improved upon, and pro-poses a dollar at par percsnt. Interest. The Timr thinks also

gulchet loan be a goodplan No definite .mount for the pro- -

issu- - is stated, hut the bondswould lie for 'two.

five years the of Issu-ance for whatever amount they areapplied for.

A. Henn makes another si.ffs-csiln-

to which his known acquaintance withAmerican banking Is regarded as givingweight, lie suggests that insteadIhii!0 u rr..l, In.,.. h ...l .IumiU I ...

annrd parliament making Inter., ,). st British loan payable

In as as In ljondon. withPrevision for whatever partswar loan are owned by American

nlttasM certificates to erect and :othe effe't the owners have paid anAmerican tax on lie Issued''rl with coupons, be

'authority for the British iloveinnent-- (ren ln New York ot to deduct theKngllati Income tax dues

Mr. Benn that Amercars are n.it- -

urR" r'r,i '"amount of the Kngllsh Incorn owing,0 tn. ,, (h1 know4l tns., ,hemoney would not be ted would be

great Inducement for them to Invest.

CHAOS IN BXCHANGfi.Kliinii. ( .infer, lint trr Mlenl

on Steps to Hull. Problem.Complete chaos existed In the forign

exchange market ysoterday theopening the close of business last

registered a drop four eonfs In theIKiund for tin day The weakness wasnot confined to sterling It extendedinrougnoiii ins marsec r runes, ui.uk-- .

lire and Austrian kronen allmB(), w ,ow prices. At th.close of business last night, as com-

pared With the American dollar, sierlingsgchangs was ai llSCOimt Of 4:4 K'l

cent., while franca showed a discount of17 Italian lire It,

believed that yesterdsy's break'orp 'hail any other Mat Ins occurredbrought the knowledge to the Englishbankers and statesman thai something

previous since the close Of theStock Kxchange last year, when sterlingwas selling 17 the pound.

Hankers In Conference.RsprsgantatlVSS of all (he big na-

tional batiks were In conference at Iheoffice of J. P. Morgan Co. all dayMr. Morgan, for the first time since hewas wounded by Frank Holt, went backto his wrestle the problemand spent the greater of his time)n ,,,Kl.UsHon his partners and representatives of other banks.

At the close business, however. ItWB! ,nHt the bankers were not In

position to make any statements asto what had achieved In solving

problem One banker said nighthe was pledged secrecy It Is

believed that this promise silence un- -

til negotiations nave nwn oompisisumade by the bunkers.

It generally admitted onlygreat or loan for Great llrltalnor France or both can check the dropIn exchange on Paris and London. Ks- -

tlmates as the amount necessary toachieve purpose range from tlOO.- -

0.1,. 000 to tr.l.ll. (.0(1. 000. II Is believed

At the close of business Insi nightthat Kngland see lit

place a heavy war tux on all Americansecurities held in Great Britain, thuscausing Kngltsh holders of American se

to dispose of their holdings andcreating a demand for sterling hen- inmake remittances which would advancethe price as was case when there wa.;heavy liquidation of British held American securities long ago 10 obtain

loan 4 per centThe 11m. quolutlons 111 exchange last

night were for demand sterling and4.66 for cables, as comparedfor demand 4 6 for cables onSaturday.

Francs 1,01 for checks and6 01 for cables, against a previousof r..H3 respectively.

Murks dropped lo 81 1. for sightim for cables, compared with

l"s for drafts Kl for cables onSaturday.

Italian lire are quoted at aguinsat the close of last weak.

Austrian kronen sagged 10against 16. HI un Suturday.

The matron, Mia overheard nght. Never In MPS lie if thethis and tried to question the woman oldest expert In financialabout It. Jones got impatient na(j fluctuations in the

quesdouliig and (hen asked to have mHrket seen Btsrllnf exchange,the police captain brought to her. wh,.h closed al t.H on Saturday after

"I want to him that noo nroppen ,a , plummet centswill open his eyes." she said , ,ne IKund to 64. then bounded up- -

"Do you know who this man Jones w.-- r( to 4 s: clossd St l.tl. Thisasked "He

Jackand have



thingtor naieu













'm,s, I'e done ... che. k the dep.

onw oman rhat Jones used this knife

HhStStlllW. II Is issrla.n that mo,,-a- ,

both the children he murdered. tlvity was ahown by big nationalThe records of Rellevue Hospital show ami bankers of this city

considering the problem than at an)that no persons Kdgar Jones orGrace Jones or hlliott

there in years,Mills for

andwhich 1m so toHospital that a of

a awelt

of the schoollocked last night, so was

,Ksil.le toas

wife there, wasa

nieniThe (he Grace

Jones, came through aagency been asked

to rtoondGrace In a day


her hadspell hard






his appearance I "Horrible hankers have felt for somelooking." looking." time the sum have be

lain" "Repulsive." Outside that' hi excess of 100,000,000.he was be T.O years

'short stocky, possessing a gray 'Humor of New llrlllah Wnr Tax.be

held him Ihe first timeIt a

man job.a with

lastG Idea



Nonecommunicate with him.

the said dark ofsaid


k.n kva , (viaA

Is reis.rted from Cannstatt,"friola.1 notice says

the aand that Is


financiers,Hrr lhnt





expert who advocatedRale



that a would

posedissued three, fouror from date



New Yorkthat









cent, andit is




desk to with




(hat to

been all ofIs that a



itmight to



at U.1

4.61.with 4.6H


closed atclose

and S.'JL'

draftsand as






lo that hereas! thai will to well

and ofsaid Ui about old,
















Advance ,it Hcadlonv. Speed inNorth- - Tike 7.000 Pris-

oners in Day.


3.000 Troops Hefore OfSOWleC

Nearly Annihilated WhenWind Clia nres Suddenly.

insrisi rat. vs;if. is ths si x

Iaints-in-. Aug. 16 --The Geiman forcesIn RtMSlSn Poland have captured fourmore towns and made hi K advancesnorth and south of Kovno Nearl7,000 Ruaslani have been made prison-ers in the .st twenty.fotir hours

North of Kovno It would appear fromthe Itusslan official statement that theGermans have driven forward at head-long seed. covering at some pointsnearly fifty miles since the latest offi-

cial news respecting this region. If thewording of the Russian statement Is tolie taken literally, the Germans haveforced the Russians back Into the nelgh-borho- d

of Jacnt.sta.lt and Dwlnsk. on

the Duns, thus forcing an enormoussalient in the Russian line from Rigato Kovno.

Dwlnsk is on the main railroad fromWarsaw to Petrograd, at a point lLTi

miles northeast of Kovno and III milessoutheast of Riga. The capture of thisplace by the Teutonic forces would meanan extremely serious blow to the plansof the Russian General Staff as they areunderstood here, and would badly crip-

ple the strongly prepared defences fromKovno south to llrest-I.itovs-

A German attack m OSSOWtSO waapreceded by (he release of asphyxiatinggas The wind changed suddenly andthe a. ' Germans participating In themovement becsma panlcatrisksn andfled. Thev were caught between thefires of the fortress and their own ar-

il cry. besides being ovetaken by thegas. and were practically annihilated

Uetsresn the Nsrew and the Run theRussian line wa broksh b) the armygroup under Field Marshal von H olden-bur- g,

and the German troops swept aRussian resistance before them up to the(own of Hriansk Th. Importance of(his adv.nce can lie appreciated onlywhen it s note, that Hriansk is buttwelve miles from llielsk. .1 town 'about 10.00S population, on (he railroadfrom Breat-blto- to BMostoch sndthence to Kovno and Riga. The cuttitiBof this road would lie an event of consid-erable aal OUSnSSS in (he defence ofBreet'Lltovak.

It,04MI (Jermaas prri.n.Further lo the s nith the eft wing if

Prince Leopold, ami) reached tne Rugal a point nor of Dragitschln anderasaed ths nvei Tins p unt Is SboUltwsnty-flv- s miles from ths railroad nnnlng between k, llielsk ale'Blelostock.

The centre and tight w ingf of thesame army group have made even moreof an advaiici and have occupied Isislceand Mlsdsyrsec. Kast of Mlsdsyrsec tlivjGerman troops pressed onward to theoutskirts of Ihe village of lliala. Whichis twent-fl- e nn!. s west of Rres-Lltovsk,

im. Maesieaaea ( passes the iiuu.Sdll furthsr south the army under

Kirld Marshal eon Msckstisen oocuplerlClale and glawatycsSi on lbs wsstsrnbank of (he Rug. while yet further souththey crossed to (he east bank of tha,Rug near Wlodowa BlawatycSS Istwenty five milt south of BrsSt-tdtOV-

These advances are all reported In thaGerman official BtStsmsnl issued )'.

ThS tevt of ths statement s as follOWS

Arm) group of Field Marshal vonHlndsnburg: During successful at-tacks on advanced position at Kovnol,71l Russians, including seven off)- -cers, were riken prisoners. A pro-jected attempt to break through theRussian lines from tin Xarew to theRug. after a crossing of the NorSSCRiver succeeded and our pursuingtrooos reached the I. III. at BranskM.ue than I.OOO prisoners fell Intoour hands. At Novo Gsorgtevsk thedefenders were driven back still fur-ther from their groups of fortitlca- -

lions.Amy groups of Prince Leopold of

Bavaria! During the night the leftwing fought Ms w. across the BugRiver east Of DrggitSChln least ofSokolow l. After the centre and tightwings had captured l.osvce andMlsdsyrssc yestayday afternoon ouropponents offeie.l new r sistal.ee onlvin the sections of TOCSmaW and

between MtSdSyrSeC andBlsts but his resistance was brokendown east of l.osvce at .tayhreakbv- an attack of the Silesia., bsnd-weh- r

The en. illy Is being pursuedArmy group of Field Marshal von

Mscksnssn: The pursuit ofcontinues. Clsls and sia- -

watycx have occupied. F.asl ofWlodawS our lumps are advancingon the eastsrn bank of the iiug

Novo UoOSglSVSli llivesled.A p.trog.ad despatch says

that the fortress of Novo Osorglsvsk i.jsbeen entirsly invested. This fortress llnow 00mpletely Isolated and is left farto ihe west of the present Russian front.Pilonidal reports estimate ths garrisonill from 10.000 to Mi. "00 soldiers Rus-

sian military observsrs have expressedthe opinion thai the fortress will e

to hold mil for four months, but IheBritish orltlCS are somewhat less opti-

mistic and It Is generally believed lorethat (he capitulation of the fortlCRtionwith Ita garrison ll S matter Of but ashort lime,

The Germans are meeting witl. effec--

tlve resistance before Kovtui, which isone of the strongest fortified works In

Ituss.a The fact of this resistance Isheld to he encouraging in that Kovno Is

the Mrst point on the new Russian frontthat the Germans have leached ... force.In a wind, us the observers here have it,if ths fSSl of ihe new Russian front isable lo dsmonsiratS such strong resist-- 1

ing powers the entire Teutonic advancemay be expected to come to a halt.

The Kovno, BlslOStOOk, Bresl-I.itovs-

railroad is freely admitted Ui he thepresent German objective, It is the linewhich t'hS Russian General Staff has se- -

Iacted upon which to make a desperatestand, for the very sUfflolsnl eason thateast of il there is no suitable Hue of re-

sistance for msliy miles and that westof II after Warsaw had been evacuatedthere was no place where the Russianti h) might hope to dig themselves in.

C'uaMiiurd on Srcond Page.

Leo Frank Lynched byGeorgia Mob, Is Report

Croud Overpowers PrisonOnards ami Rush Kim

Off in Auto,



Atlanta, (in., Aug. 17 (Tuesday. 330A. M.). L0 M. Frank, serving a life(erni f..r the murder of Mary Phugun,was taken from the Georgia Pt'lsonFarm at Mllle.igevllle nt 11 o'clocklast nlgi.it by a band of armed men.who overpowered Warden Smith.There were about thirty men in theparty. It la reportad.

An unconfirmed report eas Frankwas lynched about live miles fromMllledgevllle.

Frank was put Into nn automobileby the moli that took him from prisonand rushed in the dlre.iinn of Bab

Before th attack all the wiresleading to the prison were cu!.

The mod enme to the prison at 11

O'clock Inst night Its work was swift.Shortly eftcr 11 o'clock Warden

Smith te'.e ihoned for aid and a rsi--

WaS organ zed.

In SUtomobllea they soon found thetrail of the moli and s t off In pursuit. I

Hut the abductors had a good start andwere not sighted at 3 o'chs-- thismorning.

One report was that the men in-

tended to take Frank to Marietta, thehome of Mary Phagan, and therelynch him.

The Hint news Of the storming of theprison farm came to the Telegraphfrom John VV. Hammond, the managernf the Telegraph Atlanta Bureau, withwhom Representative Bnnla of MilledgevUle oormnuiricatsd with ov 1 tin-

oiig distance telephone, the party ap-

parently having cut the telephonewires is tween Macon and MHI dgovllls,

Only meagre details Inn! been se-

cured by Mr. Bnnis al that time, buthe announced that he waa preparingto go to the farm .11 once in his auto-mobile. When the mob reached thefarm they overpowered Warden Smithand the guards, who had been sleepingon the front porch of the prison dor-mitory since Frank has been confinedthere. All of them, Including the war-den, were handcuffed and with theIons of little time Frank was secondand placed ln one of ths automobiles,The cars .hen hurried away ui fullsHcd in the direction of Batonton,

He WgUa noi pOpttlMr with the prison-ers th't' He t t t mlnslc with thm,Htui his unDODulAiity trow until 11

O'clock otl Ihe nlffhl f July 7 he WsM

tttitt kfi by a follow convid withknife uvod In thp prison for alauihtoiinshogi Pfaink'i juKuinr v in wan aeveredand for sfwrHi day 1 it was believed thoth would not recovor,

ids ofsalloni wm Wiiii.iin Qreon, WslO

was strMUR a i iff nentoncc for a murdercommitted at hi home In Cotumbu-(Ireon ottme upon Kmnk from bohlnd I

w,hen the prisoners were Ulklng third.iily extrclM a drew the butcher knlfojKCrOM hip tin oat. The knife bad hernuttd for kllllni nofi Mrtlcr In th6 ttai



.loli ii Paul .lone OnceOne "f Ihe Tom us


laertfef ' ahlt peaggfeh to Tin s.

mion. Aug. lr- A (Ierman sub- -

marine fired ssveral shots at White

haven, ration anil Harrington, towns

on the westi r.i .oast of Kuala. ul. be-

tween 4 ;iu anrt B :I0 o'clock this morn-

ing, according to an announcement by

the press bureau. No casualties re-

sulted Kites. Which were started in

Whitehaven and Harrington, were soon

extinguished and the damage resultingfrom (ii sttach was sIikih

' A feW shells struck a railway em-

bankmsni snd train service on one oflb.- .oust lines was dslsysd for a short

j time.Tin- - bombardment recall! the last pre.

vlous hostile attack on Whltehsvsn ll

was in 1771 snd was Isd by John Paul.tones Ho surprised the town and Hie

garrison by putting nu n ashore SI night

The guns were spiked and the sleepingpensioners who formed lh garrlaon

captured, The arrival of ti

mads it necessary to ret rent

before ihe dsslgn to fire 500 ships In

the harbor had besn carried out,Whitehaven, the largest of the three

towns, has a population of about 80i-00-

it is thirty-si- x mllsa southwest ofCarlisle and Is the seal of a small sea-

going trade iron and brass foundrisaand cordsgs, sailcloth and earthenwarefactories are located there and (here areextensive coal and iron mlllSS In die Im-

mediate Vicinity, I'm (mi. a hamlet, laless than two miles north of Whitehaven,while three miles beyond Parton is Har-rington, a town of about tiOOO popula- -

tton,All three towns are In County Cum- -

bsrland. (he northernmost of the Irishsea counties of Kngland. Harrington isnear the SlltrsnoS to the Kolway Kirlhand Is only twenty miles southeast ofthe southern coast of Scot lu mi at the...Mai nnhil

Tills attack Is the first nf any kindmads on the Irish Sea coast of Knglundand ths first made by a submarine on.ui. pa. i of the Hun: ii coaal.

.agggtm-f-l ggggW

I r.t r national Nw Vtrvlc

Leo M. Frank.but wm not known how ni. lined It.

Prank! death atntanca was commu adon June :'i aflat the Muprama Co t ofthe Lnltad States had denied test appt1from the daclilon f tha state courts.Kor mvera I daya aftar alailiuj th pa-per (lov. siaton was guarded by Statet roopa.

Tht- murder nf which Prank was convlcted whs committed on April - lttah Saturday kftornOOHi atthOUffh thebod) of the victim. Mary IMiaan, wasnot found until thr next da

Mar) was 11 year old, pretty and aworker In t tie National Pancll factoryIn Atlanta, of which Krank was superIntendant and in which ha owned ntock.she had not worked eoveral days duringtha week precedtna, hei death, bul thatSaturday she went l tha factor) to Ret$1 L'a owed to her as ;iRt

She il td not ret urn to hsi home thatevening A sean-- WM InatltUtodt hutWithout UCOaaa, At .'t 3" A. M. the nextda) New-- iee, negro watchman Inthe pendl factor), tetephonad to thepolice that he hail found the body of amurder d air) In the bas. meiit of thefactor) There was complete evidenceof criminal assault . the child! cloths!had bean torn from her body, her headhad bean tftruck and cord about herneck had Ft ratified her.

Lssa wan arresied and two hours latsrtne body was idantifled as that of MaryPhacan. After detectives had talkedwith Prank, C. A Uartt, a white manemployed at t lit- fadsoay, was arrested.Frank had aald that Qantt and Ma y

Phaftan were on friandl) termsOn the following Tuesday, two days

after the disrovery Of Ihe hotly, Prankwas arrest' d on testimony given byUta tnd Uantt tending to e ttrtieh thafact that Krank had besn In the factoryail Saturday afiar: ,mii The Jim Conley, a negro employed at the factorywas dlacovertd waenlng n vtalned ahlriand he was atrsted

The trial, beginning Jul) IS, Ittttlaated until August when tha juryfoutui Prank guilty. There wis comnton street talk m Atlant.i tha if thejur acquitted a moh would lynch, amihat Jurora and Judge mmht also come

In for moii violence.



Dr. Uoodno-- Interested in

Plan to Plaee Yuan fnThrone.

PSKiat. Aug II, geveral nromlnenlman or tins cty, including Prunk John-su- n

Qoodnow of Johns Hopkins Univer-sity, whi Is legal adviser lo the ChllleOovemmeul , have formed nn i.esoclntlonin consider the advlsabllltj of sdofdlusa nionarcbi.it form of gOVSrnmsiV forChins iii pine- .if tin present rnWibllc

The president, Vuan Bhlh-k'a- l, la

msntloned among tliese men as theiikeb ruler of h new monarch) Thsnew spa pel tins morning printed ac-

counts of tiic organisation of tins asso-

ciation and named In. QoudnOW us one

of its msmbera Dr (loodnus wasquotvd as saying that i monarch)would vary likely lie a better form ofgovernment for Phlun than the pres-ent rspubllc, sddlng that w hare condi-tions are dlffsrettl iii two countries it

' is impossible to trunspKtnl a svstemfrom on., tn il titer Th UnitedSlates, of course, was meant lu thecomparison.

a sciisatii.ii hits been created ui Pektnby publication of the accounts an. thent WS Is being lo aruiusparts of ti.c luutr) it is known thatthe men heading the llSSOClStloll, .- Wellas President Yuan Hhlh-k'- al have actedonly after inking counsel with Or, U



dairymaid tSliS SitT'.-iT- ri for In-

jures laAleted bi Hlch llaa's tolo,I.os Amiki.ks. Aug. Hi. M SS Ada

plsmondi a dairymaid, began suit y

sgslnsl i". A. Weyerhaeuser, son

of (In- late Kiedernk Weycrhseussr,wealthy lumber man, for llf.tfli fin in-

juries alien. .1 to have be n rSCSlVtdwhen the Weyerhaeuser automobllsstruck Miss oiamond's milk wagon,

.Miss li.ainoud said dial last .liiiii.uyihe tha trVrysphssuser machlns struok

wugon, threw her out and Inflictsdpsrmsnent Injuries upon her Tin- accldeni happened when ths Wsyerhasus- -

i.s war- passing the winter Jt ihe.rhome in l'unrt .una.





Kiill of Government Pre-

ceded by Election of Ven-zel- os




Miissiiiii nf Troops M;iy Be

Nevt Kffort to DivertAid From Serbia.



Kepori From NMi HintSerbs Will Vlelfl Ru-

mania "li the Felice."

ggffl tl I ihlt ii. tpgteh In Tl.r Si v

l'M.o.v, ,Viut An Athens lies.natch saya that the arssh Hablnsl

iius afternoon after Parliamentha.i been convened

This Indicates lhal th- - party M.Vsnlseloa, the former Prsmlsr, willhereafter govern the politics of itreaog.

The entrance of the Venlasloa panyinto power is of the greatest importanceto the cause ..f ths Aiu. s Venlasloa iseverywhere admitted In bs strongly infavor of the Bntente chum in fact Itwas his espousal of this cin.se anil MS

iiasirc lo Bulgarian friendshipfor the Allies an. i Bulgarian enmitytoward Turkey and (termany by thscession of certain portions of (Ires It

territory to Bulgaria thai caused hisdownfall last year.

The overthrow of ths Qounaiis govsmmcnt was made more complete to-U-

by the election of M. Bavltsanos, anof M. Vsnlssloa, as President of

the chapiber "t Deputlea The majorityof the Vsnlsslos party was indti ated bythe vote, which st I 111 votes forlavttaanos, as compared with II for thecaii.ii. late .,f tin- i Iovernment.

I.lkel) in inn v enlarlns.Tha result of the elsotlun for Prssl

dent of (he Chamber ol Itgputles .i

received with lbs greatest snthuslustnb the Urseh newspapsrs, Aftsr ii.sCabinet ha.i offsrsd its rsslgnstlon Pre-mier Qounsrls askeii for a few daysadioummsni of Parliament im.il tnupresent political crisis had piss .1 ThSrequest was grsntsd

Previous lo the election of Ihe Presi-dent there was a lon ilia, iis-a- as towhether s1xt.cn PspUtlSS from northKpirus ami thfSS from other illatrlctgwere cut. thai to sit It n.is finally

that Ibelr elections had noi conformed to the law( but Hi question ofail.lllllltIR then elect am Was postpone. I.

li is taken (or granted that King Con.stand. IS Will ali on M Venlasloa (O

organise a new Csblnet, nd that 'cm-se- t.

s v. ii usli fui .. shori time In whichto cons .let the s. mat, on before rsplIn.: 'I'l King did not attsnd the open- -Ing ot arlistnent Isjcauea his hsatth isnut miiIic til I rastur. d,

Th.' outcome Ol the II. ilk, 111 situationseem- - to bs as ...... h ol a .... story tonlglil as ei Bulgaria has failedp. reveal anj deeded affection 'UI

the nihil. Rumaniatn ii.tinuiu, li. i tollc) of

"watchful wsttlng." msanwhlls callingsonic extra reserves lo the ci.Ioih.Ureece Is still struggling within hersslf,au. I Kerbla, accotdlng i Klsh despatcthegbis almost oonvlncsd that the massing ofTeutonlt troops on tin frontier is apolitical rathe, than li mllitar) move,

Viislrlni.N tctlve.Tucre havt b, ,tf.

vetopmenti of Impoitance durini thday. One is the tact learned In a deepaP l. from Cettlnje, tin- Montenegrincapital, lhal die Ausllla.is have shownIncreased activity along the entire fron-

tier of Heisegovlna. Tin- other is thatKnot Constantino of Oreece is Insistingthat the new Cabinet must continue ihnnllcy of nrutraHt) so f ir enforced njf

that ruler on a people whu have showsa sin.iu! daslrs io join i hi BntentlI '..w et s

Tile Auetrlsn activity agali i Monte,negro Is highly sign. (lean. I. Is heldin the observers hen to indicate morapositively than sver thai . general at.lack on Sc. bia is intended and thai thaA ust ms meanwhile proiswe io nev.-a- t

the Montenegrins from aidlns X' bykeei ins them thoroughly upl ontheir frontiers

An itnoRlelul dcsp.it. h ! the I ...donStr is significant if il speaks die (ruih.The correspondent saya lhal derbla hagat 1.ISI RgreSXl lo meet Hie delnall.li ofI ulir.i n. i foi portions of the Msrblan tsrrltor) l'p io die prsaenl ail deapatohsgfrom Nlsh have Indicated lhal die s r.i, lan Qovernmeni would under no cir- -

rumstances ugro. to thesi demands nutllle.'iwlllle lie Ail.. navi I x. led ailpossible dlpliim Id'' ll es.urt on Serb... loconcede tills pOlnl b r die sake of herown safclv as will HI i ihe ommoii wslfan of Ihe Balkan Mates

Tin- correspondent of in.- 7.1,1... atKlsh, telegraphing un lei date nf August11. sai Dual da- adjust mem uf tin- diff-iculties eslatlng between ihe Balkanstale-- - is brighter. He hits been assuredin tn.- - nuttiest nuiiricrs diat the HsrUanfjotsmment will iai stuml in ihe way ofa s, ie..iy ngreemcnt, Thi agresment.hoa'ever, must he nf a more generalcharacter than th. mere rretlAcatlon ofthe frontiers in a slnule locality.

Tin attitude of the Rumanian Oovern-msn- lis Using closely watched tn Berlin,

although the Herman press insists thatRumania is friendly to ilerman'aial i

convinced thill (he Itntnaui an I'ab, I ;h

determined nut tn alter itaafK)luyndopisd The itcrinaus profsm

thai the) do noi feat lliimaii.il will turnnr. us against the Teutonic allies

hal Ihe I dilArs Snt .

Tlie Berlin .oltaJsiatstosri winch ta

known lo have clossiafWIatioiis with theGcnnan .iuc. .cu.-ui- dsclares Rumania