Meteorology The C1 climate station is located on a ridgetop in a subalpine forest, 9.7 km east of the Continental Divide. Climate data exists from the C1 station from 1953 to present, and includes temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, barometric pressure, wind speed and direction, precipitation, soil moisture and temperature, snow depth. The prevailing winds are from the northwest to west where typically continental background air is sampled by the gas chromatograph. C1 wind rose Characterizing the Niwot Ridge, Colorado C1 site: local and regional pollution? Dutton, G.S. 1,2 , B.D. Hall 1 , S.A. Montzka 1 , A. Mcclure 1,2 , J.F. Morse 3 , J.W. Elkins 1 1 NOAA/ESRL/GMD 2 University of Colorado/Cooperative Institute for Research in the Environmental Sciences (CIRES) 3 University of Colorado/Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) Hourly measurements of four trace gases measured at the Niwot Ridge C1 site with a custom built gas chromatograph (GC). The GC was severely damaged during the summer of 2006 resulting in 16month data gap while the instrument was repaired. All of these gases have anthropogenic sources usually related to urban areas, however point source emissions (i.e. halon or CCl 4 fire extinguishers) are possible. About 2% of the CFC11 measurements at C1 site are polluted; the other gases show polluted events less frequently (< 1% of the samples). The CCl 4 events started in 2007 perhaps due to a local source. In Situ Data Summary About 75% of the pollution events are after noon and through out the evening. There are fewer pollution events in the winter. CFC11 sources are industrial air conditioners possibly leading to a maximum of events in the summer time. Nearly all of the pollution events are observed when the local wind direction is from the west and wind speeds are below 5 m/s. Trajectories indicate air originating less than 24 hours prior was typically over the Denver and front range metro area (see trajectories) Pollution Frequency and Direction To the left are examples of typical pollution events. Most last from 612 hours in the afternoon through the night and contain several compounds indicative of urban air. However, local wind direction shows these events typically come from the west, in the opposite direction of the Denver/Boulder urban corridor. The Hybrid SingleParticle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model driven by the Weather Research & Forecasting (WRF) model is used to investigate backward trajectories. Shown above are 500 particles on 9 th of August 2012 1400 UTC and their paths for the previous 24hours (the scale is black starting at 1 hour and white at 24 hours). These trajectories show in certain circumstances air can originate from the Front Range urban corridor and be swept to the south and back around to the west of Niwot Ridge. Individual Pollution Events The University of Colorado/INSTAAR (CU) maintains an alpine research station in the Rocky Mountains west of Boulder, Colorado called Niwot Ridge. There are numerous ecological, biological, hydrological, and atmospheric science research programs conducted at several locations on Niwot Ridge. The GMD Halocarbons group collects samples and makes in situ measurements at two separate locations; Saddle and C1. The C1 site is situated in an alpine forest at 3021 meters above sea level and has been an important location for GMD measurements; from continental background estimates to a clean location to fill cylinders for subsequent use as calibrated air samples. However, occasional pollution events require care in interpreting in situ measurements from C1. Though the events are not a daily feature they occur in about 12% of the C1 air samples depending on the compound. Hourly measurements by gas chromatographs have characterized pollution events as well as daily, monthly, seasonal and annual variations of several trace gases including CFCs, N 2 O, SF 6 , halon1211, CCl 4 , and CH 3 CCl 3 . Complimenting these measurements, continuous meteorological and ozone data are acquired by CU and GMD respectively. Further investigation into pollution frequency, timing, and wind direction may help constrain clean continental background conditions and provide a better understanding of local and regional pollution. Introduction Niwot Ridge, Colorado C1 site (red marker) Complex terrain with alpine and subalpine forest sites. The Niwot Ridge Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) site includes Niwot Ridge, the southernadjacent Green Lakes Valley, and the University of Colorado’s Mountain Research Station (MRS). Niwot Ridge is part of the Roosevelt National Forest and has been designated a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Biosphere Reserve and an Experimental Ecology Reserve (USDA Forest Service). The Green Lakes Valley is a part of the City of Boulder Watershed. The MRS is an interdisciplinary facility devoted to the advancement of the study of mountain ecosystems, providing research and educational opportunities for scientists, students, and the general public. Source: http://niwot.colorado.edu C1 location Instrumentation The NOAA halocarbons group has made in situ measurements with gas chromatographs (GCs) at the C1 site including nitrous oxide (N 2 O), the chlorofluorocarbons: CFC12 (CCl 2 F 2 ), CFC11 (CCl 3 F), and CFC113 (C 2 Cl 3 F 3 ) and the chlorinated solvents: methyl chloroform (CH 3 CCl 3 ) and carbon tetrachloride (CCl 4 ) since the late 1980s. The instrumentation was upgraded in 2000 to include other trace gases such as SF 6 and halon1211 (CBrClF 2 ). All of these compounds have anthropogenic sources and show periodic enhancements at the C1 site. In addition to the GC measurements, there are continuous measurements of surface ozone (O 3 ) as well as local meteorological fields such as precipitation, wind speed and direction. Interior of the Niwot Ridge four channel gas chromatograph. The GC at the Niwot Ridge C1 site measures pollution events occasionally (12% of the samples) in at least four gases with anthropogenic sources. Most of these events are seen when the local wind direction is from the west away from the Denver metro area. Certain meteorological conditions can sweep urban pollution around the C1 site and appear in westerly winds. Further analysis of WRFHYSPLIT trajectories may help quantify regional emissions. HYSPLIT trajectories Correlations The figure above shows the correlation of CCl 4 to CFC11. Though there are fewer CCl 4 pollution events than CFC11, most of these events are weakly correlated with enhancements of CFC11. The color code is the sine function of local wind direction. Most enhancements come from west (red).

Characterizing the Niwot Ridge, Colorado C1 site: local ... · 2% of the CFC‐11 measurements at C1 site are polluted; ... indicative of urban air. However, local ... Introduction

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The C1 climate station is located on a ridge‐top in a subalpineforest, 9.7 km east of the Continental Divide. Climate dataexists from the C1 station from 1953 to present, and includestemperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, barometricpressure, wind speed and direction, precipitation, soilmoisture and temperature, snow depth. The prevailing windsare from the northwest to west where typically continentalbackground air is sampled by the gas chromatograph.

C1 wind rose

Characterizing the Niwot Ridge, Colorado C1 site: local and regional pollution?

Dutton, G.S.1,2, B.D. Hall1, S.A. Montzka1, A. Mcclure1,2, J.F. Morse3, J.W. Elkins11 NOAA/ESRL/GMD2 University of Colorado/Cooperative Institute for Research in the Environmental Sciences (CIRES)

3 University of Colorado/Institute of Arctic and AlpineResearch (INSTAAR)

Hourly measurements of four trace gases measured atthe Niwot Ridge C1 site with a custom built gaschromatograph (GC). The GC was severely damagedduring the summer of 2006 resulting in 16‐month datagap while the instrument was repaired. All of thesegases have anthropogenic sources usually related tourban areas, however point source emissions (i.e.

halon or CCl4 fire extinguishers) are possible. About2% of the CFC‐11 measurements at C1 site arepolluted; the other gases show polluted events lessfrequently (< 1% of the samples). The CCl4 eventsstarted in 2007 perhaps due to a local source.

In Situ Data


About 75% of the pollution events are after noon and through out the evening.

There are fewer pollution events inthe winter. CFC‐11 sources areindustrial air conditioners possiblyleading to a maximum of events inthe summer time.

Nearly all of the pollution eventsare observed when the local winddirection is from the west andwind speeds are below 5 m/s.Trajectories indicate airoriginating less than 24 hoursprior was typically over theDenver and front range metroarea (see trajectories)

Pollution Frequency and Direction

To the left are examples of typicalpollution events. Most last from 6‐12hours in the afternoon through thenight and contain several compoundsindicative of urban air. However, localwind direction shows these eventstypically come from the west, in theopposite direction of theDenver/Boulder urban corridor.

The Hybrid Single‐Particle LagrangianIntegrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) modeldriven by the Weather Research &Forecasting (WRF) model is used toinvestigate backward trajectories. Shownabove are 500 particles on 9th of August2012 1400 UTC and their paths for theprevious 24‐hours (the scale is blackstarting at 1 hour and white at 24 hours).These trajectories show in certaincircumstances air can originate from theFront Range urban corridor and be sweptto the south and back around to the westof Niwot Ridge.

Individual Pollution Events

The University of Colorado/INSTAAR (CU)maintains an alpine research station in theRocky Mountains west of Boulder, Coloradocalled Niwot Ridge. There are numerousecological, biological, hydrological, andatmospheric science research programsconducted at several locations on NiwotRidge. The GMD Halocarbons group collectssamples and makes in situ measurements attwo separate locations; Saddle and C1. The C1site is situated in an alpine forest at 3021meters above sea level and has been animportant location for GMD measurements;from continental background estimates to aclean location to fill cylinders for subsequentuse as calibrated air samples. However,occasional pollution events require care ininterpreting in situ measurements from C1.

Though the events are not a daily feature theyoccur in about 1‐2% of the C1 air samplesdepending on the compound. Hourlymeasurements by gas chromatographs havecharacterized pollution events as well as daily,monthly, seasonal and annual variations ofseveral trace gases including CFCs, N2O, SF6,halon‐1211, CCl4, and CH3CCl3. Complimentingthese measurements, continuousmeteorological and ozone data are acquired byCU and GMD respectively. Further investigationinto pollution frequency, timing, and winddirection may help constrain clean continentalbackground conditions and provide a betterunderstanding of local and regional pollution.


Niwot Ridge, Colorado C1 site (red marker)

Complex terrain with alpine and subalpine forest sites.

The Niwot Ridge Long Term Ecological Research(LTER) site includes Niwot Ridge, the southern‐adjacent Green Lakes Valley, and the University ofColorado’s Mountain Research Station (MRS).Niwot Ridge is part of the Roosevelt NationalForest and has been designated a United NationsEducational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO) Biosphere Reserve and anExperimental Ecology Reserve (USDA ForestService). The Green Lakes Valley is a part of theCity of Boulder Watershed. The MRS is aninterdisciplinary facility devoted to theadvancement of the study of mountainecosystems, providing research and educationalopportunities for scientists, students, and thegeneral public.

Source: http://niwot.colorado.edu

C1 location


The NOAA halocarbons group hasmade in situ measurements with gaschromatographs (GCs) at the C1 siteincluding nitrous oxide (N2O), thechlorofluorocarbons: CFC‐12 (CCl2F2),CFC‐11 (CCl3F), and CFC‐113 (C2Cl3F3)and the chlorinated solvents: methylchloroform (CH3CCl3) and carbontetrachloride (CCl4) since the late1980s. The instrumentation wasupgraded in 2000 to include othertrace gases such as SF6 and halon‐

1211 (CBrClF2). All of thesecompounds have anthropogenicsources and show periodicenhancements at the C1 site. Inaddition to the GC measurements,there are continuous measurementsof surface ozone (O3) as well as localmeteorological fields such asprecipitation, wind speed anddirection.

Interior of the Niwot Ridge four channel gas chromatograph.

The GC at the Niwot Ridge C1 sitemeasures pollution eventsoccasionally (1‐2% of the samples) inat least four gases withanthropogenic sources.

Most of these events are seen whenthe local wind direction is from thewest away from the Denver metroarea.

Certain meteorological conditions cansweep urban pollution around the C1site and appear in westerly winds.

Further analysis of WRF‐HYSPLITtrajectories may help quantifyregional emissions.

HYSPLIT trajectories


The figure above shows the correlation of CCl4to CFC‐11. Though there are fewer CCl4pollution events than CFC‐11, most of theseevents are weakly correlated withenhancements of CFC‐11. The color code is thesine function of local wind direction. Mostenhancements come from west (red).