Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Departamento de Biologia Animal Characterization and comparison of the arginine vasotocin (AVT) neurons in the brain of phylogenetically close wrasses, with different levels of cooperative behaviour. Ana Rute Martins de Mendonça Mestrado em Ecologia Marinha 2012

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Universidade de Lisboa

Faculdade de Ciências

Departamento de Biologia Animal

Characterization and comparison of the arginine

vasotocin (AVT) neurons in the brain of

phylogenetically close wrasses, with different levels of

cooperative behaviour.

Ana Rute Martins de Mendonça

Mestrado em Ecologia Marinha




Universidade de Lisboa

Faculdade de Ciências

Departamento de Biologia Animal

Characterization and comparison of the arginine

vasotocin (AVT) neurons in the brain of

phylogenetically close wrasses, with different levels of

cooperative behaviour.

Dissertação orientada por: Doutora Marta C. Soares (ISPA) e

Professor Doutor Paulo Fonseca (FCUL)

Ana Rute Martins de Mendonça

Mestrado em Ecologia Marinha




To those who, somehow, helped throughout the production of this thesis, I would like to

show my gratitude:

Dr. Marta Soares for accepting me as her student, supervising my work, giving such

valuable comments and trusting me;

Professor Dr. Rui Oliveira, for all the insight, vital help and attention given when I

mostly needed, and for trusting me and my work;

Professor Dr. Paulo Fonseca for accepting to be my co-supervisor and for all the support

given during the process;

Professor Dr. Eduardo Barata for giving me the opportunity of working with him in the

past and for being a source of inspiration since then;

Dr. Matthew Grober for kindly providing the anti-AVT antibody and patiently helping

during the ICC protocol troubleshooting;

Dr. Jim Goodson, for the productive talk we had once and the advises that made the

difference for an optimal staining with the ICC protocol;

All the IBBG team, specially Ana Isa Fialho, Ana Isabel Faustino, Catarina Bacelar, and

Sara Cardoso, for helping me keep my head up and with whom I had the opportunity to

develop lovely friendships; Ana Sofia for always having a word of encouragement;

Gonçalo Oliveira, for the tips and great help with the statistics; Magda Teles for the

initial push and all those that followed (not enough words for all the help, a thousand

thanks); Miguel Simões for the knowledge, help and laughing moments; Olinda

Almeida my AVT partner, for all the help throughout the last many months; Silvia

Costa, for all the encouragements;

The Cleaner Wrasse Team, which I had the pleasure to meet at Lizard Island: Albert

Ros, Alizée Derendinger, Ana Pinto, Nichola Raihani, Philippe Vullioud, Sharon


Wismer and Tim Lyons, for the new friendships, making me grow and all the fun.

Special thanks to Philippe, my buddy, for the immeasurable help, road trips, nice

scientific discussions, comments on my writing, support, laughs, and so on...;

All the staff from LIRS for all the patience, help and kindness: Anne Hoggett and Lyle

Vail, Tania and Bob Lamb and Marianne and Lance Pearse;

All the other friends that are part of this thesis, specially Ana Leitão, for being my

forever co-worker with who I will always learn something more and final comments on

my writing; Carolina Martins, for being around since ever (for what I remember) and

João Cardoso for the support and understanding;

Finally, I don’t even have enough words to thank my family and, as they are the ones

who have highly supported me, I would like to dedicate them all the effort spent on this

work (Mãe e Pai, mil obrigados por tudo o que me têm proporcionado, pela paciência

com os meus maus humores e principalmente pela família linda que criaram; Avó

Guida, a tua bondade e capacidade de ajuda são e serão sempre inspiradoras para mim,

obrigada!; Raquel e Maria, não me imagino sem vocês, são as minhas luzinhas,

obrigada por cafés e chocolates, risadas, birras e amuos… e tudo e tudo e tudo! Família,

gosto-vos por tudo o que são!).



Cooperação é um dos mais intrigantes tipos de interações sociais presentes na natureza,

pois sai fora do contexto de contante competição e típico comportamento egoísta entre

indivíduos, proposto por Charles Darwin na sua teoria da Seleção Natural. A evolução e

manutenção de cooperação têm sido considerados autênticos puzzles evolucionários

devido à inerente dificuldade em explicar por que razão indivíduos agem em benefício

de outros.

O termo cooperação é usado para definir interações entre dois ou mais indivíduos cujos

benefícios da interação suplantam os custos (investimentos). Este tipo de interações são

denominadas por “mutualismos”, quando ocorrem entre indivíduos de espécies

diferentes. Os mutualismos de limpeza marinhos estão entre os mais estudados, e a

associação entre o peixe limpador obrigatório Labroides dimidiatus e os seus peixe-

clientes é um exemplo típico. Estes sistemas sociais de natureza interespecífica

implicam a existência de pelo menos um indivíduo limpador (normalmente de tamanho

mais pequeno) que inspeciona o corpo, boca e cavidades branquiais de outro indivíduo

(denominado cliente) em busca de ectoparasitas, muco, tecido morto e escamas (dos

quais se alimenta).

Embora muito se saiba sobre os mecanismos comportamentais que descrevem e testam

a existência e manutenção de interações cooperativas e mutualísticas, pouco trabalho

tem sido feito para compreender os mecanismos fisiológicos subjacentes a estas

relações sociais. Recentemente foi proposto que o comportamento social é controlado

por processos endócrinos, segundo os quais os esteroides sexuais (testosterona,

progesterona e estradiol), esteroides do stress (como o cortisol) e alguns candidatos

peptídicos, tais como os neuropéptidos da família da vasopressina (AVP)/oxitocina

(OT), desempenham papéis cruciais.

O sistema nervoso central é um importante coordenador das relações entre o animal, o

ambiente que o rodeia e o comportamento que expressa numa dada situação. Foi

recentemente proposta a existência de uma rede neural subjacente à expressão de


comportamentos sociais (“social behaviour network”; SBN). Esta é uma rede de áreas

cerebrais importante na regulação da expressão de comportamentos sociais. Os

neuropéptidos (péptidos produzidos no cérebro com capacidade de influenciar outros

neurónios) são capazes de alterar a resposta desta rede neuronal e consequentemente a

expressão comportamental. Assim, estas moléculas são potenciais agentes moduladores

dos comportamentos expressos no decorrer de interações mutualísticas, através de ações

na SBN. O neuropéptido arginina vasotocina (AVT) e o seu homólogo arginina

vasopressina (AVP; nos mamíferos) têm sido implicados numa grande variedade de

comportamentos sociais em vertebrados, incluindo peixes, anfíbios, répteis, aves e


Em teleósteos, a AVT é produzida em neurónios neurosecretores da área pré-óptica

(POA), que se divide em três grupos neuronais: parvocelular (pPOA), magnocelular

(mPOA) e gigantocelular (gPOA). Os neurónios da pPOA projetam maioritariamente

para a pituitária (onde os neuropéptidos são armazenados antes de serem transportados

para a periferia através do sistema circulatório), enquanto os neurónios da gPOA

projetam sobretudo para outras áreas do cérebro (como por exemplo as incluídas na

SBN). Os neurónios da mPOA projetam para a pituitária e também para outras áreas


A maioria dos estudos sobre os efeitos da AVT em comportamentos sociais tem-se

focado em interações sociais intraespecíficas. Recentemente, foi sugerido que este

neuropéptido tem também um efeito importante na modulação de comportamentos

sociais a nível interespecífico, no sistema mutualista que inclui o peixe limpador L.

dimidiatus. De facto, um trabalho recente mostrou que injeções de AVT diminuem a

probabilidade destes peixes iniciarem interações mutualísticas, enquanto injeções de um

antagonista tem efeitos inversos.

No seguimento do estudo acima mencionado, o presente trabalho tem como principal

objetivo caracterizar e comparar o fenótipo neuronal da AVT em duas espécies

filogeneticamente próximas, que divergem na expressão de comportamentos

mutualísticos: um limpador obrigatório (L. dimidiatus) e um não-limpador (Labrichthys

unilineatus). As duas espécies vivem em sistema de harém, sendo o macho o maior

indivíduo do grupo social, que possui o território. Os limpadores L. dimidiatus

dependem das interações mutualísticas para sobreviver, pois obtêm alimento

exclusivamente a limpar os seus clientes. O não-limpador L. unilineatus, não apresenta


qualquer comportamento de limpeza durante todo o seu ciclo de vida, alimentando-se

exclusivamente do muco produzido pelos pólipos dos corais presentes no seu território.

Adicionalmente, pretende-se identificar possíveis diferenças relacionadas com o sexo

dos indivíduos.

Para tal, foi usada uma técnica de imunocitoquímica no sentido de detetar

imunorreatividade à AVT em secções de tecido cerebral. As células imunorreativas

foram contadas e medidas em cada um dos grupos neuronais (pPOA, mPOA e gPOA) e

foram feitas comparações entre espécies e entre sexos para cada espécie.

As duas espécies analisadas apresentaram neurónios AVT-imunorreativos (-ir)

limitados à área pré-óptica, o que está de acordo com outros estudos que mostram que

este é o principal local de produção de AVT, em teleósteos. Os neurónios

parvocelulares, que começam a surgir acima do quiasma óptico, são os mais anteriores e

ventrais, e são constituídos por células pequenas e redondas, geralmente monopolares

ou sem neurites óbvias. Este grupo celular estende-se para uma posição dorso-caudal,

até à região onde começam a aparecer os primeiros neurónios magnocelulares. Estes

ocupam uma localização medial na POA, têm aproximadamente o dobro da área dos

neurónios parvocelulares e geralmente apresentam um axónio evidente que se estende

em direção ao trato pré-óptico-hipofisial. Os neurónios gigantocelulares começam a

aparecer numa posição dorsal relativamente aos magnocelulares e estendem-se

caudalmente. Estas são as maiores células, apresentam geralmente várias neurites

evidentes. Este padrão de distribuição está de acordo com a proposta conservação

evolucionária das características neuroanatómicas do sistema AVT em teleósteos.

Os resultados quantitativos mostram que a espécie limpadora tem menos e menores

células AVT-ir relativamente à não-limpadora, e que estas diferenças são apenas

significativas no grupo celular gPOA. Muitos outros estudos têm encontrado diferenças

quantitativas a nível intra- e interespecífico neste grupo celular. As células AVT-ir do

grupo gPOA têm sido particularmente associadas à expressão de comportamentos

agressivos, sendo que espécies com maiores ou mais células, ou com maiores níveis de

produção de mRNA nesta área, tendem a ser mais agressivas. Este efeito é

provavelmente mediado pelas projeções destas células para zonas do cérebro onde

ocorre a modulação dos comportamentos sociais. Adicionalmente, foi também

demonstrado que injeções de AVT na POA induzem o afastamento social.

Possivelmente, a evolução favoreceu neurónios gigantocelulares AVT-ir mais pequenos


e em menor quantidade, consequentemente diminuindo a expressão de potenciais

comportamentos agressivos e afastamento social interespecíficos, favorecendo assim o

desenvolvimento de interações mutualísticas na espécie limpadora.

A espécie não limpadora apresentou ainda uma maior densidade de fibras

imunorreativas em volta dos neurónios gPOA, relativamente à espécie limpadora, que

embora apresente algumas fibras estas ocorrem em menor densidade. Possivelmente, a

elevada densidade de fibras observada na espécie não limpadora está relacionada com

uma maior necessidade destas células comunicarem entre si (através de comunicação

dendrítica), de forma a sincronizarem a libertação axonal de péptidos noutras áreas do

cérebro. Isto pode ser particularmente importante em L. unilineatus para modular a

expressão de comportamentos agressivos. No entanto, a partir das secções de tecido

usadas neste trabalho, não é possível determinar se as fibras encontradas são extensões

dendríticas dos corpos celulares dos neurónios gPOA. Assim, esta sugestão deve ser

tomada com alguma precaução e trabalhos futuros deverão usar secções de tecido mais

finas para verificar esta situação.

O número e tamanho dos neurónios nos outros dois grupos celulares não foi

significativamente diferente entre as duas espécies. Os neurónios pPOA e mPOA

projetam para a pituitária, onde têm a capacidade de estimular a secreção de ACTH e

consequentemente modular a reatividade do eixo hipotálamo-pituitária-interrenal (HPI).

Assim, a falta de diferenças nestes grupos celulares entre as duas espécies pode sugerir

que: a) os animais não se encontravam sob stress, e a falta de diferenças pode refletir

processos fisiológicos semelhantes às duas espécies; b) caso os animais estivessem sob

stress, as respostas fisiológicas não foram diferentes entre as duas espécies; c) o

confinamento a que os animais estiveram sujeitos durante o transporte representou um

stress crónico, causando habituação do sistema AVT nas duas espécies. As duas últimas

hipóteses apresentadas são as mais prováveis pois o confinamento espacial é uma fonte

de stress fisiológico.

Adicionalmente às projeções para a pituitária, o grupo neuronal mPOA também projeta

para outras áreas cerebrais capazes de modular comportamentos sociais. A falta de

diferenças entre as duas espécies neste grupo celular vem enfatizar a ideia de que a

expressão de comportamentos mutualísticos poderá estar associada às projeções centrais

das células AVT-ir da área gPOA.


Ao contrário do esperado, não foram encontradas diferenças no número ou tamanho dos

neurónios AVT-ir entre sexos, em ambas as espécies. Diferenças entre sexos eram

esperadas com base em diferenças comportamentais entre machos e fêmeas. Em L.

dimidiatus sabe-se que os machos apresentam maiores níveis de agressividade

intraespecífica, que é dirigida às fêmeas quando estas são desonestas com os seus

clientes (i.e. quando elas ingerem muco em vez de ectoparasitas). Em L. unilineatus, os

machos patrulham e defendem o seu território contra possíveis machos competidores.

Muitos trabalhos têm associado diferenças entre sexos nas características das células

AVT-ir a esteroides sexuais, principalmente androgénios. No entanto, existem outros

estudos que também não encontraram diferenças significativas entre sexos. A falta de

diferenças entre machos e fêmeas pode refletir uma falta de influência dos androgénios

no sistema AVT, nas duas espécies usadas no presente estudo. No entanto o presente

estudo não foi desenhado para responder a questões sobre a influência de outras

hormonas no sistema AVT, pelo que experiências futuras devem testar a hipótese

proposta de uma forma mais fidedigna.

Em conclusão, este estudo mostra, pela primeira vez, diferenças no fenótipo neuronal da

AVT entre duas espécies filogeneticamente próximas que diferem na expressão de

comportamentos mutualísticos. A espécie mutualista Labroides dimidiatus apresenta

menos e menores neurónios gPOA, em relação à espécie não mutualista. Neste trabalho

eu sugiro que os mais baixos níveis de AVT na espécie limpadora (inferidos pelo menor

tamanho e número de neurónios AVT-ir) desempenham um papel importante na

expressão de comportamentos mutualísticos, possivelmente modulando a predisposição

para aproximação, interação e cooperação com parceiros sociais interespecíficos.

Adicionalmente, o grupo neuronal gPOA e as suas projeções extra-hipotalâmicas

aparentam ser responsáveis pela expressão dos elevados níveis de pro-socialidade

interespecífica típicos do peixe limpador. Embora a maioria dos estudos sobre a relação

do sistema AVT e comportamentos sociais se concentrem em relações intraespecíficas,

o presente estudo fornece evidências de que este sistema desempenha também um papel

importante na modulação de comportamentos sociais entre espécies diferentes, e

concretamente comportamentos mutualísticos.

Palavras-chave: Mutualismos de limpeza; Cooperação; Arginina vasotocina; Área pré-

óptica; Labroides dimidiatus; Labrichthys unilineatus.




Mutualistic interactions are particular social interactions where individuals of different

species cooperate in order to gain benefits. A textbook example of mutualism is

provided by the bluestreak cleaner wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus), which feeds on

clients’ ectoparasites, mucus, scales and dead or infected tissue. Although much is

known about the ultimate functions of cooperative behaviour, studies on their

underlying proximate mechanisms are scarce. The nonapeptides arginine vasotocin

(AVT) and its mammalian homologue, are well known for their function in the

modulation of several conspecific social behaviours. Recently, AVT was also shown to

play an important role in the modulation of interspecific cooperative behaviours in the

cleaner wrasse, as AVT injections decreased the cleaners’ willingness to engage in

cleaning interactions. In this study, I aimed to characterize and compare the AVT

neuronal phenotypes of two closely related species that live in similar environments, but

diverge in the expression of interspecific cooperative behaviours: an obligate cleaner (L.

dimidiatus) and a non-cleaner, corallivore labrid (Labrichthys unilineatus).

Additionally, I aimed to identify sex differences in AVT neuronal phenotypes, as they

might be responsible for the expression of sex-related social behaviours. Species

differences were restricted to the gPOA (known to have extrahypothalamic projections).

Cleaners had smaller and less numerous AVT immunoreactive (-ir) neurons, compared

to the non-cleaners. I propose that this neuronal preoptic group plays an important role

in the modulation on interspecific cooperative behaviours. Also, I suggest that smaller

and less numerous neurons projecting to extrahypothalamic brain areas, might have

been selected to lessen the expression of potential interspecific aggressive behaviours

and interspecific social withdrawal, thus facilitating the evolution and maintenance of

mutualistic interactions. No intersexual differences were found for both species which

might reflect a lack of androgen interaction with the AVT system. Alternatively, the

lack of sex differences might reflect that both males and females engage in interspecific

cooperative relationships, and the expressed mutualistic behaviours do not differ

between sexes.

Keywords: Cleaning mutualism; Cooperation; Arginine vasotocin; Preoptic area;

Labroides dimidiatus; Labrichthys unilineatus.



Table of contents

Acknowledgements 4

Resumo 6

Summary 12

List of Abbreviations 16

1. Introduction 18

1.1. Cooperation and mutualisms as complex social interactions 18

1.2. Marine cleaning mutualisms 19

1.3. Proximate mechanisms underlying mutualistic interactions 20

1.4. Arginine vasotocin/vasopressin system and physiological roles 21

1.5. Behavioural roles of AVT/AVP 22

1.5.1 Aggressive behaviour and social dominance 22

1.5.2. Sexual behaviour 23

1.6. Is there a role of AVT in the modulation of cleaning mutualisms? 24

1.7. The model species: a comparative approach 25

1.8. Objectives and predictions 26

2. Materials and Methods 28

2.1. Subjects 28

2.2. Tissue Preparation 29

2.3. Immunocytochemistry 30

2.4. Quantification 31

2.5. Statistical analysis 33

3. Results 36


3.1. Qualitative characterization and distribution of preoptic AVT-ir cells in L.

dimidiatus and L. unilineatus 36

3.2. Quantitative comparisons of preoptic AVT-ir cell size 38

3.3. Quantitative differences of preoptic AVT-ir cell number 39

4. Discussion 42

4.1. The distribution of AVT-ir neurons 42

4.2. Species differences in AVT-ir neurons 42

4.3. Sex differences in AVT-ir neurons 46

4.4. Final comments 47

5. References 50


List of Abbreviations

ACTH – adrenocorticotropin hormone

AH – hypothalamus

AVP – arginine vasopressin

AVT – arginine vasotocin

BNST - bed nucleus of stria terminalis

BNSTm – medial amygdala and the

media bed nucleus of stria terminalis

DAB – diaminobenzidine

gPOA – gigantocellular preoptic area

HPI – hypothalamus-pituitary-interrenal

ir - immunoreactive

IT - isotocin

LS – lateral septum

mAMY- medial amygdala

mPOA – magnocellular preoptic area

OT – oxytocin

PB - phosphate buffer

PBS - phosphate buffer saline

PFA - paraformaldehyde

PHT – preopticohypophyseal tract

POA – preoptic area

pPOA – parvocellular preoptic area

PVN – periventricular nucleus of the


SBN – social behaviour network

SCN – suprachiasmatic nucleus

SON – supraoptic nucleus

VMH – ventromedial hypothalamus

Vs - supracommisural nucleus of the

ventral telencephalon

Vv – ventral nucleus of the ventral




1. Introduction

Beyond the necessity of interacting with the environment, animals must interact with

others at some point of their lives. Social interactions, have been intensively studied as

they represent important ecological traits, and imply the communication between

individuals, with fitness consequences for all involved parties (West et al., 2007b).

1.1. Cooperation and mutualisms as complex social interactions

Cooperation is one of the most intriguing and interesting types of social interactions, as

it falls out of the context of constant competition, fight and ‘struggle for life’ between

individuals, suggested by Charles Darwin (Noë, 2006). The existence of cooperation

remained for a long time puzzling from an evolutionary point of view, as it was difficult

to explain why animals should behave to benefit of others (Sachs et al., 2004). The term

cooperation is largely used to define interactions between two or more individuals with

positive outcome (inclusive fitness) for all of them, i.e. the benefits of interacting

outweigh its costs (investments) (Bshary & Bergmüller, 2008). When this type of

interactions occur amongst individuals of different species, they are often termed

mutualistic interactions (Bshary & Bergmüller, 2008). Both cooperative and mutualistic

relationships can be maintained stable as long as all the partners involved can profit

(Komdeur, 2006).

Many behavioural mechanisms have been studied to explain how cooperation and

mutualisms evolved and are maintained in natural populations. Such mechanisms can be

divided into two categories: those that bring indirect fitness benefits (gained from aiding

related individuals) and those that bring direct fitness benefits to the actor (gained by

producig offspring; West et al., 2007a). The most interesting mechanisms are those

trying to explain the evolution of cooperation between non-related individuals, such as

reciprocation. Reciprocity can be direct (an individual A reciprocates benefits back to a

previous investor B) or indirect (an individual A invests on an individual B, and

receives benefits from an individual C, based on A’s reputation).


Many other mechanisms responsible for the evolution of cooperative interactions have

been proposed, each based in different initial assumptions, characteristic of the wide

variety of biological systems expressing cooperation (for reviews on this and other

behavioural mechanisms see Nowak, 2006; Sachs et al., 2004; West et al., 2007a; West

et al., 2007b).

1.2. Marine cleaning mutualisms

Mutualistic relationships can be found all over the world in all habitats and a variety of

life forms can be involved, including bacteria, fungi, algae, plants and animals (Sachs et

al., 2004). Marine mutualisms, such as the association between the Indo-pacific blue-

streak cleaner wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus) and its fish clients, is a textbook example

of mutualistic cooperation (e.g. Trivers, 1971).

Cleaners are usually small animals (such as shrimps or small fish) that inspect the body

surface, mouth and gills of other larger fish (the clients) searching for ectoparasites and

dead tissue (Cote, 2000; Grutter, 1999). Their existence can therefore affect fish

communities by improving their growth and survival (Waldie et al., 2011). Clients can

visit cleaning stations (i.e. the cleaners’ established territories) several times per day,

and cleaners can have over two thousand interactions in a day, eating up to 1200

parasites per day (Grutter, 1995).

At first hand, it looks like a fair system where both parties win: cleaners gain an easy

meal and clients get rid of ectoparasites. Nonetheless, this type of system can be

affected by exploitation. In the L. dimidiatus system, cleaners are dishonest (cheat) by

ingesting mucus and scales (which they prefer) from its clients, that are costly for the

clients to replace (Grutter & Bshary, 2003; Grutter & Bshary, 2004). Therefore, clients

need to control dishonest behaviour by punishing the cleaner (usually with aggressive

chases) (Bshary & Grutter, 2002). It’s also frequent to see cleaner males punishing

females after a dishonest behaviour of the later (Raihani et al., 2010). Such aggressive

events keep the females cooperative and less likely to be dishonest in the following

interactions (Raihani et al., 2012).

Although much is known about the ecology and behaviour of cooperative/mutualistic

interactions, and particularly about the L. dimidiatus system, little work has been


conducted in order to unravel the proximate mechanisms responsible for cooperative


1.3. Proximate mechanisms underlying mutualistic interactions

Recently, the physiological aspects underpinning mutualistic interactions have started to

receive attention, specially the health benefits for clients in the form of stress reduction.

For example, Bshary and colleagues (2007) have first found an association between the

presence of cleaner organisms (cleaner shrimps or cleaner wrasses) and reduced stress

in client fish, as measured by cortisol levels. Additionally, RU486 (a glucocorticoid

receptor antagonist) decreases clients’ motivation to seek out cleaning interactions,

without affecting conspecific interactions (Ros et al., 2012). This authors then suggest

that higher levels of cortisol, as a consequence of ectoparasite infection (Fast et al.,

2006), increases the clients’ propensity to interact with cleaners in order to lessen

parasite load. Therefore, stress might be a proximate mechanism that promotes

cooperative interactions (Ros et al., 2012).

Additionally, in a recent review, Soares and colleagues (2010) proposed a

neuroendocrine control of cooperative/mutualistic behaviours, where stress steroids

(cortisol), sex steroids (testosterone, oestradiol and progesterone) and the neuropeptides

from the vasopressin (AVP)/oxytocin (OT) family might play important roles.

The central nervous system is a key link and coordinator of the interactions between the

animal, the surrounding environment and the behaviour expressed in a given situation

(Meek & Nieuwenhuys, 1998). In fact, it has been proposed a brain network capable of

regulating the expression of social behaviours: the brain social behaviour network -

SBN (Newman, 1999). This network, first proposed for mammals by Newman (1999),

comprises six major nodes that have been shown to control several social behaviours

and have bidirectional connections: the extended medial amygdala (medial amygdale,

mAMY, and the medial bed nucleus of stria terminalis, BNSTm), the lateral septum

(LS), the preoptic area (POA), the anterior hypothalamus (AH), the ventromedial

hypothalamus (VMH) and the midbrain (Newman, 1999). There is now growing

evidence from studies on fish and birds, suggesting that the SBN must have arisen

earlier in the vertebrate evolution (Goodson & Bass, 2002; Goodson, 2005). In bony


fish six main brain nodes have been identified to be homologues of those of mammals

and to have large implications in the regulation of social behaviours: the

supracommisural nucleus of the ventral telencephalon (Vs; amygdala homologue);

POA; AH; ventral nucleus of the ventral telencephalon (Vv, septum homologue);

anterior tuberal nucleus (at least part of this nucleus is homologous to the VMH) and

midbrain (Goodson, 2005).

Neuropeptides, such as those belonging to the AVP/OT family, are capable of altering

this network response and consequently the behavioural output (Goodson, 2005),

making them great candidates to modulate the behaviours expressed during

cooperative/mutualistic interactions through actions in the SBN.

1.4. Arginine vasotocin/vasopressin system and physiological roles

The term neuropeptide refers to peptides produced in brain neurons that have the

capability to influence other neurons (Strand, 1999). The neuropeptide arginine

vasotocin (AVT) and its mammalian homologue AVP, belong to the nine amino-acid

peptide family (nonapeptides), where isotocin (IT) and its mammalian homologue OT

are also included (Strand, 1999).

Arginine vasotocin/vasopressin are mainly produced in the brain and have been

implicated in a variety of physiological and behavioural functions in fish, amphibians,

reptiles, birds and mammals (e.g. Almeida et al., 2012; Bradshaw et al., 2007; Moore &

Lowry, 1998; Rose et al., 1995; Srivastava et al., 2010).

In teleosts, AVT is produced in neurosecretory neurons of the preoptic area - anterior

hypothalamus, that are known to project both to the posterior pituitary (where it is

stored before delivery to the periphery, via bloodstream) and other brain regions (Butler

& Hodos, 2005; Holmgvist & Ekström, 1995). The teleost preoptic area (POA) is

commonly divided in three neuronal groups: parvocellular (pPOA), magnocellular

(mPOA) and gigantocellular (gPOA).

Vertebrate evolution seems to have been accompanied by an expansion of this system,

resulting in additional cell groups responsible to produce these neuropeptides in higher

vertebrates (Balment et al., 1993; Goodson & Bass, 2001; Moore & Lowry, 1998). In


mammals, the major production of AVP comes from the supraoptic nucleus (SON;

homologue of teleost mPOA and gPOA) and periventricular nucleus of the

hypothalamus (PVN; homologue of pPOA of teleosts). Other production sites of the

mammalian brain include the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), mAMY and BNST

(Carter et al., 2009).

Physiological processes where AVT/AVP have been largely implicated include

cardiovascular reflexes, metabolism and osmorregulation (Balment et al., 2006; Strand,

1999; Warne & Balment, 1997). The regulation of the osmotic balance is probably the

best studied physiological function of this neuropeptide (Balment et al., 1993; see

Balment et al., 2006 for review) and in teleosts this is extremely important for species

exposed to salinity variations. Indeed, AVT secretion from the pituitary has an

important role in fish osmotic balance through actions in the kidney to regulate urine

production and water retention (Balment et al., 1993; Perrott et al., 1991).

1.5. Behavioural roles of AVT/AVP

Insel and Young (2000) refer to neuropeptide systems as particularly suitable for the

regulation of behaviour due to their neuromodulatory functions, discrete location in

neural pathways and plasticity. The AVT/AVP systems have been deeply studied in

relation to its influence in the modulation of social behaviours, and the majority of the

studies has been carried out in a sexual/reproductive context (e.g. Goodson & Bass,

2001; but see Perrone et al., 2010; and also Thompson & Walton, 2004). In teleosts, the

main focus has been the role of AVT on aggression, social status (dominance vs.

subordinance) and sexual behaviour (see Godwin & Thompson, 2012 for review).

1.5.1 Aggressive behaviour and social dominance

The relationship between AVT/AVP and aggressive behaviours has been referred to be

species-specific (Goodson, 2008). Although, some recent studies suggest that these

differences may also be related to each species’ social system (e.g. Dewan et al., 2008;

Dewan et al., 2011). In territorial species AVT seems to cause a decrease in aggression

levels whereas in the colonial species the effects appear to be contrary, increasing the


expression of aggressive behaviours (e.g. Backström & Winberg, 2009; Lema & Nevitt,

2004a; Lema, 2006).

Nevertheless, a study carried out in a wild population of the territorial damselfish

(Stegastes leucosticus) contradicted the results described above, as intramuscular

injections of AVT were able to produce an increase in the levels of aggression

(Santangelo & Bass, 2006). Recently, it has been proposed that the assumed species-

specific effects of AVT in aggression may be a result of social context and might be

specific of each social phenotype, as different patterns of AVT release from the various

cell groups can be responsible for distinct behavioural patterns within and between

species (Goodson et al., 2009). Indeed, Goodson and colleagues (2009) showed that

AVT can produce opposite effects in the territorial estrildid finch Uraeginthus

granatina, depending on the social context and the social phenotype or status of the

individuals used.

Social dominance and aggressive behaviours are tightly linked, and thus some studies

have also associated AVT with individual social status. In zebrafish (Danio rerio) the

neuronal phenotype is markedly different between dominant and subordinate males

(Larson et al., 2006). Dominant individuals only show cells in the magnocellular

component of the preoptic area (in this study includes both mPOA and gPOA). On the

other hand, subordinate individuals only have pPOA cells (Larson et al., 2006).

In fact, cellular characteristics of mPOA and gPOA neuronal groups have been linked to

the expression of aggressive behaviours, through their projections to areas belonging to

the SBN (Dewan et al., 2011; Dewan & Tricas, 2011). On the contrary, pPOA neurons

have been suggested to play an important role both on subordinate behaviour and stress

modulation (Backström et al., 2011; Gilchriest et al., 2000; Pavlidis et al., 2011),

through stimulation of adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) release and subsequent

activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-interrenal (HPI) axis (Balment et al., 2006).

1.5.2. Sexual behaviour

AVT is also known for its effects on the expression of sexual behaviour. For instance, in

the peacock blenny Salaria pavo, nest holder males are courted by females and sneaker

males, which attempt to gain access to nests and sneak fertilizations (Almada, 1995). In


this species AVT production levels are correlated with the production of courtship

behaviour as both females and sneakers have higher expressions of AVT mRNA in the

POA (Grober et al., 2002). In the social system of the tropical bluehead wrasse

Thalassoma bifasciatum there are two types of brightly coloured terminal phase (TP)

males: territorial males (T-TP) own a spawning site, court females, display high levels

of aggression toward other males and do not feed; and the non-territorial males (NT-TP)

that do not own a spawning site, show low levels of aggressive and courtship behaviour

and feed on corals (Semsar et al., 2001). When injected with AVT, NT-TP males

increase their display of both courtship and aggressive behaviours, to similar levels of

territorial males. On the other hand, T-TP when injected with a AVT V1 receptor

antagonist (Manning compound) showed a decrease in courtship and aggression,

abandoning their spawning sites to feed (Semsar et al., 2001). In addition, females and

initial phase males (which are very similar to females in appearance and don’t court or

defend territories) did not show any response to AVT treatments (Semsar & Godwin,


These experiments show that, in fact, AVT is of major importance in the expression of

relevant social behaviours.

1.6. Is there a role of AVT in the modulation of cleaning mutualisms?

So far, most studies linking the AVT/AVP system to social behaviour has been done in

a purely intraspecific and reproductive context. However, little is known about the

physiological mechanisms underpinning cooperative interspecific and conspecific

interactions. Recent evidence shows that the AVT pathways might play an important

role in the regulation of interspecific cooperative behaviours (cleaning behaviour) and

conspecific social behaviours among cleaner wrasse females L. dimidiatus (Soares et al.,

in review). In comparison to saline intramuscular injections, AVT significantly

decreased both the cleaners’ likelihood of engaging in a mutualistic interaction and the

quality of the service provided (measured as the duration of the inspection) (Soares et

al., in review). Cleaners treated with manning compound (an AVT antagonist) were

more prone to interact with the clients, but the quality of the service decreased [as

measured by an increase in client jolts - a measure of dishonest behaviour (Soares et al.,

2008)]. Moreover, conspecific social behaviours increased in fish injected with AVT,


LabrichthynesLabrichthys unilineatus

Diproctacanthus xanthurus

Labropsis australis

Labroides dimidiatus

Labroides bicolor

Labroides rubrolabiatus

Obligatory cleanerFacultative cleanerNon cleaner

suggesting that the mechanisms already in place for the regulation of conspecific social

behaviours, might have been used for the modulation of interspecific behaviours

(Soares et al., in review).

In order to further inspect this suggestion, a comparison of the AVT system between

related species, with and without the expression of interspecific cooperative behaviours,

is of great importance. Such comparisons allow to disclose important relationships

between brain and behaviour (Insel & Young, 2000).

1.7. The model species: a comparative approach

Two closely related labrid species (also called wrasses) were used in the present study:

the Indo-pacific blue-streak cleaner wrasse Labroides dimidiatus and the Tubelip

wrasse Labrichthys unilineatus.

L. dimidiatus and L. unilineatus belong to the Labrichthynes lineage and diverged from

a common ancestor in the early Miocene (~20 Ma) (Cowman et al., 2009). L. dimidiatus

evolved as an obligatory cleaner, while L. unilineatus evolved as a corallivore, targeting

to coral mucus (Cole et al., 2010) (Figure 1).

L. dimidiatus is a territorial protogynous species and lives in harems, where the sole

male is always the larger fish (Nakashima et al., 2000). This species is well known for

its interspecific social system, where cleaners feed exclusively on what they remove

from clients (Bshary, 2001). Thus, from the cleaners’ perspective this is an obligatory

mutualism, as they completely depend on their clients to feed and hence to survive.

Figure 1 – Cladogram representing the evolution of the Labrichthynes lineage. Adapted from (Cowman et al.,



L. unilineatus is a territorial, haremic and protogynous species with only one male per

territory (Colin & Bell, 1991). This species is a generalist obligate corallivore (Cole et

al., 2010; McIlwain & Jones, 1997), and the mucus produced by the coral polyps is the

main target (Cole et al., 2009; Cole et al., 2010). Male tubelip wrasses have large

feeding territories which they defend from other male competitors, whereas females are

more associated to patches (McIlwain & Jones, 1997). Additionally, this species does

not show mutualistic behaviours at any time of its life cycle (Cowman et al., 2009),

therefore referred to as non-cleaner hereafter.

1.8. Objectives and predictions

As a follow up of the field and laboratory study about AVT’s influence on mutualism

(Soares et al., in review; see section 1.7), the present study’s major goal is to

characterize and compare the AVT neuronal phenotypes of two closely related species

that live in similar environments, but diverge in the expression of mutualistic

behaviours: an obligate cleaner (L. dimidiatus) and a non-cleaner, corallivore labrid (L.


An additional aim of this study is to identify sex differences in AVT neuronal

phenotypes, as they might be responsible for the expression of sex-specific social


I used an immunocytochemical technique to detect AVT immunoreactivity (-ir) on brain

tissue sections. Cells present on the three components of the POA (pPOA, mPOA and

gPOA) were measured and counted. Comparisons were taken to test the following


i) Species should diverge in terms of neuronal phenotypes, explaining the strong

differences in behavioural output (i.e. the expression or not of mutualistic behaviours).

As suggested by a previous study, increasing the endogenous AVT level results in a

decrease of the expression of interspecific cooperative behaviours in L. dimidiatus

(Soares et al., in review). Therefore, I expect that cleaners have smaller and/or less

numerous AVT-ir neurons. More precisely, these differences should be evident in the

neuronal groups that project to extrahypothalamic areas (mPOA and gPOA) and are

therefore capable of modulating the behaviours expressed;


ii) Males and females should diverge in their AVT neuronal phenotypes, as a mirror of

higher aggressive levels in males than females. L. dimidiatus aggressive behaviours are

usually directed towards females (Raihani et al., 2012), whereas L. unilineatus also can

express aggressiveness towards other conspecific males (McIlwain & Jones, 1997).

Therefore, I expect that males have larger and/or more numerous AVT-ir cells than

females, especially in those neuronal groups that project to extrahypothalamic brain



2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Subjects

All the subjects tested in this study were purchased from a local distributor of tropical

marine fishes (T.M.C.; Tropical Marine Centre, Lisbon, Portugal). L. dimidiatus

specimens were collected in Maldives, and L. unilineatus were collected in Indonesia.

Fish were housed in plastic bags with seawater and oxygen and freighted to Portugal by

air. All the animals arrived to Portugal between July 2011 and January 2012 and were

kept in quarantine in the T.M.C. facility tanks for a maximum of one week, and then

transported to the laboratory at ISPA (Lisbon, Portugal).

A total of 9 L. dimidiatus [4 males, standard length (SL, mean ± SEM)= 6.275 ± 0.253

cm, and 5 females SL (mean ± SEM)= 6.080 ± 0.252 cm] and 8 L. unilineatus [3 males,

SL (mean ± SEM)= 11.333 ± 1.225 cm, and 5 females, SL (mean ± SEM)= 8.620 ±

0.907 cm] were used in this study. There were no differences between genders in SL for

either species (one-way ANOVA, L. dimidiatus: F1,7 = 0.29, p = 0.607; L. unilineatus:

F1,6 = 3.251, p = 0.121). L. unilineatus were significantly larger than L. dimidiatus (one

way ANOVA, F1,15 = 18.487, p < 0.001). All data presented is corrected for SL as

described in the statistical analysis section below.

The sex of the individuals was confirmed in both species by direct inspection of the

gonads with the help of an aceto-carmine protocol (Wassermann & Afonso, 2002)

whenever needed. According to this protocol female gonads were identified by the

presence of oocytes with a well defined nucleoli (Figure 2 A, B) whereas male gonads

were identified by the presence of cysts (Figure 2 C, D) (Wassermann & Afonso, 2002).


2.2. Tissue Preparation

Fish were deeply anesthetised with tricaine methanesulfonate (MS-222, PHARMAQ),

measured for SL, and perfused transcardially with 0.9% heparinised 0.1 M phosphate

buffer saline solution (PBS, pH 7.4) for 1 to 2 minutes, followed by 4%

paraformaldehyde (PFA) in 0.1 M PBS for 30 min. This protocol allowed the fixative’s

administration through the circulatory system of the deeply anesthetised animal,

Figure 2 - Labrichtys unilineatus gonadal tissue was stained with aceto-carmine to better visualize female and male

typical cells. A – Female gonad (100X); B – Female gonad (1000X). Individual cells are easily distinguished from

each other and a defined nucleoli is present in each cell; C- Male gonad (100X); D – Male gonad (1000X). Typical

cell arrangement of a male gonad with small cysts present throughout the gonadal tissue.


ensuring a quick and efficient tissue fixation. Brains were then removed, post-fixed in

4% PFA for 1 to 2 hours and transferred to 0.1 M PBS until further processing, which

never took longer than 5 days. One day prior to sectioning, brains were cryoprotected in

30% sucrose in 0.1 M PBS and kept at 4 ºC overnight. All solutions were made fresh

every day to avoid bacterial or fungal growth.

2.3. Immunocytochemistry

Cryoprotected brains were embedded in Tissue-Tek® (optimal cutting temperature

compound), frozen at -80 ºC and then placed in the cryostat chamber at -25 ºC for 1h,

allowing the tissue to reach the optimal cutting temperature. Brains were sectioned with

the cryostat at 25 µm in the coronal plane. Alternate brain sections were collected onto

two series of Silane-prep glass slides (Sigma) and stored at -80 ºC until reacted. All

brains were completely processed within six days following the perfusion.

One of the alternate series was immunoreacted following a protocol adapted from

Grobber and Bass (1991). At day 1, slides were defrosted at room temperature and the

tissue sections were surrounded with a PAP pen for immunostaining (Sigma), which

functioned as a hydrophobic barrier. Slides were covered with 0.1 M Phosphate Buffer

solution (PB; pH 7.4) for 7 minutes, drained and washed again for another 7 minutes,

and blocked with 0.4% Triton® X-100 SigmaUltra (Sigma) in 0.1 M PB with 2.8%

Goat Serum (Sigma) for 20 minutes. Slides were then drained and covered with 3%

H2O2 in 0.1 M PB for 20 minutes, for endogenous peroxidise blockage. After two

additional washes (7 minutes each) with 0.1 M PB, the primary AVT antibody was

applied in a final dilution of 1:7500 and slides were incubated overnight in a sealed

humidified chamber at 4 ºC. The antibody used was generously donated by Dr. Matthew

Grober (Georgia State University, USA) and has been successfully used in similar

studies done with different teleost species (e.g. Dewan et al., 2008; Maruska et al.,

2007; Maruska, 2009). Day 2 started with two 7 minutes washes (0.1 M PB) followed

by incubation with the biotinylated goat anti-rabbit secondary antibody (KPL) for 30

minutes, two additional washes (7 minutes each) and incubation with peroxidase

labelled streptavidin (KPL) for another 30 minutes. After two additional 0.1 M PB

washes of 7 minutes the slides were reacted with diaminobenzidine (DAB) chromogen

peroxidase substrate kit (Vector Laboratories, Inc.) according to the manufacturer’s


instructions, for 3-6 minutes or until golden-brown coloration was achieved. Slides were

then immersed in distilled water to stop the reaction, dehydrated in an ethanol series

(70%, 85%, 95%, 3 x 100%; 1 minute each bath, with the exception of the last bath of 2

minutes), cleared in xylol (Sigma) (two baths, one of 1 minute and the second of 5

minutes) and coversliped with Cytoseal 60 mounting media (Richard Allen Scientific).

Several controls have been conducted to assure specificity of this antibody in other

species (Dewan et al., 2008; Maruska et al., 2007; Maruska, 2009). Nonetheless, I have

also controlled for a possible non-specific labelling of the neurons by pre-adsorbing the

antibody with 8 µM AVT peptide (Sigma) overnight at 4 ºC. The next day the

immunocytochemistry protocol was conducted in two alternate series of the same brain.

The first series received the diluted antibody whereas the second series received the

diluted antibody pre-adsorbed with the peptide as described above. All the other steps

were maintained. The first series showed normal immunostaining, while the control

series did not show any stained neuron, thus demonstrating the specificity of the

antibody used.

2.4. Quantification

Slides were coded so that the specimen sex or species were not known during the

quantification process.

The complete brain series were inspected for localization of AVT-immunoreactivity in

the brain. AVT-ir neuron cell bodies were only detected in the POA and therefore all

quantifications for cell number and soma size were done in this region. Each AVT-ir

cell was assigned to either the parvocellular (pPOA), magnocellular (mPOA) or

gigantocellular (gPOA) cell group based on descriptions of cells’ neuroanatomical

location, size and morphology made for the teleost brain by Bradford and Northcutt

(1983). This nomenclature has been widely used in similar studies (Lema, 2006;

Maruska, 2009; Semsar & Godwin, 2003).

Cell size was determined from digital images captured at a magnification of 400X with

a digital camera (Olympus C-2020 Z) attached to a microscope (Olympus BX50). After

calibration for magnification the cross-sectional area of four to twenty randomly


selected cells from each cell group was calculated using ImageJ software, by tracing the

cell profile. The cell profile area was automatically calculated by the software.

Cell number was determined by visually counting the cells belonging to each cell group

with the microscope. Whenever an accurate attribution of a cell to a cell group was not

possible, the cell diameter was measured (using the microscope ruler) and recorded as

“unidentified cell”. A correlation line between cell area (measured with ImageJ) and

cell diameter (measured with the microscope ruler) was used in order to correctly

classify each unidentified cells a posteriori (Figure 3). This took into account the

individual distribution of cell area in the three cell groups (pPOA, mPOA and gPOA).

Figure 3 - Regression line between cell profile area (µm2) and cell diameter (µm). Coefficient of

determination (R2) is a measure of how strong the association between the two variables is. The

regression equation allowed calculating a predictable cell profile area for any observed cell diameter.

Only cells presenting a discernible perimeter from the background and at least one

neurite were measured and counted. For pPOA cells only the discernible perimeter

criterion was used as neurites were not always visible.

The larger cell measured had a profile area of 747.66 µm2, which according to the

regression line described above corresponds to a cell diameter of 38.20 µm. As the

distance between two alternate tissue sections equals 50 µm and given that the antibody

y = 0.0373x + 10.311

R² = 0.8924








0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200


l d




Cell profile area (µm2)


is only likely to penetrate a few micrometers of the tissue sections (Foran & Bass,

1998), it is not expected that the same cell was counted twice in alternate brain sections.

2.5. Statistical analysis

All descriptive statistics given in the text are the mean ± standard error of the mean

(SEM), unless stated differently. In order to determine the effect of body size on cell

number and cell size, linear regressions tests were used. Several significant relationships

between cell characteristics and fish SL were found (Table 1) for L. unilineatus.

Therefore, and because this study aims to make comparisons between the two species,

all the data were corrected for fish body size by dividing cell size and cell number by

fish SL (cm).

Differences between species and sexes for AVT-ir cell profile area and number were

assessed using two-way repeated measures ANOVA with species (L. dimidiatus vs. L.

unilineatus) and sex (male vs. female) as independent factors and cell group (pPOA vs.

mPOA vs. gPOA) as a within-subjects factor. Repeated measures ANOVA were

followed by planned comparisons for least square means, in order to compare species

and sexes in each cell group.


Table 1 – Linear regression tests for AVT-ir cell profile areas and numbers versus body length. Results are presented

for both species together and separately, showing that the regressions are only kept significant for Labrichtys


r2 p

Cell size

pPOA ,588 0,001

mPOA ,719 < 0.001

gPOA ,793 < 0.001

Cell number

pPOA ,263 0,051

mPOA ,266 0,049

gPOA ,859 < 0.001

L. dimidiatus

Cell size

pPOA ,170 0,311

mPOA ,005 0,871

gPOA ,095 0,421

Cell number

pPOA ,099 0,448

mPOA ,041 0,631

gPOA ,318 0,114

L. unilineatus

Cell size

pPOA ,586 0,027

mPOA ,772 0,004

gPOA ,570 0,03

Cell number

pPOA ,148 0,395

mPOA ,190 0,328

gPOA ,730 0,014



3. Results

3.1. Qualitative characterization and distribution of preoptic AVT-ir cells in L.

dimidiatus and L. unilineatus

All AVT-ir cells were found within the preoptic area and no qualitative differences in

the pattern of cell distribution were found between the two species. The parvocellular

neuronal group (pPOA) is the most rostral and ventral consisting of small (L.

dimidiatus: 45.4 ± 8.4 µm2; L. unilineatus: 69.7 ± 5.3 µm

2) round cells usually

monopolar or without obvious neurites (Figure 4 A, B). This cell group starts above the

optic chiasm in the ventral surface of the forebrain and extends dorso-caudally until the

region where magnocellular neurons start to appear. The pPOA cells extend more

laterally than any of the other cell groups. The magnocellular neurons (mPOA) appear

dorsally to the last pPOA cells and occupy a medial location in the preoptic area lying

against the third ventricle. They have approximately twice the size of parvocellular

neurons (L. dimidiatus: 94.6 ± 6.7 µm2; L. unilineatus: 141.6 ± 8.4 µm

2) and usually

have one prominent axon that extends towards the preopticohypophyseal tract (PHT)

(Figure 4 C, D). The gigantocelular (gPOA) neuronal group begins dorsal to the mPOA

cells and extends caudally, presenting fewer cells per tissue section. These are the

largest AVT-ir cells (L. dimidiatus: 128 ± 5.7 µm2; L. unilineatus: 539.1 ± 64.3 µm


Figure 4 E, F).


Qualitative differences in gPOA cell characteristics were found between the two

species. Gigantocellular neurons in L. unilineatus are multipolar, usually having many

fibres surrounding them and extending in/from different directions (Figure 5 B). In L.

Figure 4 – Photomicrographs of AVT-immunoreactive (-ir) neurons in the brain of Labroides dimidiatus on the left

(A, C, E) and Labrichthys unilineatus on the right (B, D, F). Cross-sections through the preoptic area illustrate the

relative position and appearance of the three cell types: parvocellular (A, B), magnocellular (C, D) and

gigantocellular (E, F). Magnification is 200X.


dimidiatus gigantocelular neurons were typically solitary cells, bipolar or multipolar but

with much less processes surrounding the cell body (Figure 5 A).

3.2. Quantitative comparisons of preoptic AVT-ir cell size

There was a main effect of species (L. unilineatus > L. dimidiatus, F1,12 = 79.41, p <

0.001) and cell type (parvocellular neurons < magnocellular neurons < gigantocelular

neurons, F2,24 = 107.71, p < 0.001, all planned comparisons p < 0.001) in the size of

AVT-ir neurons.

Sex had no effect in the size of AVT-ir cells (F1,12 = 1.23, p = 0.289).

There was a significant interaction between cell type and species (F2,24 = 40.60, p <

0.001), which was due to differences in cell size between the two species being

restricted to gPOA cells (F1,12 = 40.27, p < 0.001; all other planned comparisons p >

0.05; Figure 6).

Figure 5 – Photomicrographs of AVT-ir neurons in the gPOA of Labroides dimidiatus (A) and Labrichthys

unilineatus (B), showing qualitative differences between the species in the amount of AVT-ir fibers surrounding this

type of cells (section 3.1). It is also visible the difference in cell size between species (section 3.2). Magnification is













l P


le A




/ cm


L. dimidiatus

L. unilineatus


3.3. Quantitative differences of preoptic AVT-ir cell number

There was a main effect of cell type on the number of AVT-ir cells (F 2, 24= 3.96, p =

0.033). Planned comparisons showed that gigantocellular were significantly more

numerous than parvocellular neurons (F 1, 12 = 5.90, p = 0.032), and that there was a

marginally non-significant trend for mPOA cells to be more numerous than pPOA (F

1,12 = 4.51, p = 0.055), whereas no significant differences were observed between the

number of mPOA and gPOA cells (F 1,12 = 0.17, p = 0.691).

Species and sex had no effect on the number of AVT-ir cells (Species: F1,12 = 1.95, p =

0.187; Sex: F1,12 = 0.50, p = 0.491).

There was a significant interaction between cell type and species (F 2,24 = 4.23, p =

0.027). Planned comparisons between the two species for each cell group showed that

species differences were restricted to the number of gPOA cells (F1,12 = 22.21, p <

0.001; Figure 7).

Figure 6 – Cell area for AVT-ir neurons corrected for fish standard length (cm) within the

preoptic area in Labroides dimidiatus (light bars) and Labrichthys unilineatus (dark bars). Data

are presented as mean ± SEM. Asterisks indicate significant differences between species (planned

comparisons; ***p < 0.001).















l N



/ c

m S


L. dimidiatus

L. unilineatus ***

Figure 7 - AVT- -ir neuron number corrected for fish standard length (cm) within the preoptic

area in Labroides dimidiatus (light bars) and Labrichthys unilineatus (dark bars). Data are

presented as mean ± SEM. Asterisks indicate significant differences between species (planned

comparisons; ***p < 0.001).



4. Discussion

This study shows evidence for interspecific differences in arginine vasotocin (AVT)

neuronal phenotypes between two phylogenetically close labrid species that differ in

their social system, one species being an obligate cleaner (L. dimidiatus), thus engaging

in repeated interspecific mutualistic interactions (Trivers, 1971), whereas the other (the

non cleaner, coral feeder L. unilineatus) does not engage in such interactions (Cole et

al., 2010).

4.1. The distribution of AVT-ir neurons

The two species examined herein had AVT-ir neurons limited to the three cellular

groups of the preoptic area, which is in accordance with what has been reported for

other teleost species (e.g. Dewan et al., 2008; Grober et al., 2002; Lema & Nevitt,

2004b; Maruska, 2009; Miranda et al., 2003; Santangelo & Bass, 2010). Preoptic AVT

cells are well known for their physiological, endocrine and behavioural roles, and there

is a general consensus that the POA represents the main (and usually the only) site of

production of this neuropeptide in fish (Bradford Jr. & Northcutt, 1983; but see Foran &

Bass, 1998). Thus, the distribution pattern of AVT-ir neurons in the two species used in

this study is in line with the suggested conserved evolution of the neuroanatomical

features of the teleost AVT system (Goodson & Bass, 2001).

4.2. Species differences in AVT-ir neurons

Quantitative results of this study demonstrate that the non-cleaner L. unilineatus had

larger and more numerous AVT-ir cells than the cleaner L. dimidiatus, and that these

differences were restricted to the gPOA cell group.

Several other studies have found intra- and interspecific differences in gigantocellular

neurons, which have been associated to differences in social systems (Dewan et al.,

2011) aggression (Dewan & Tricas, 2011), dominance status (Larson et al., 2006)


and/or breeding season (Maruska, 2009). In a study involving two related butterflyfish

species that differ in their social system, the territorial aggressive Chaetodon

multicinctus has larger AVT-ir neurons in relation to C. miliaris, a shoaling less

aggressive species (Dewan et al., 2008). This species differences in cell size were

restricted to the mPOA and gPOA cell groups and were hypothesized to reflect the

differences in the social systems and consequent social behaviours displayed.

Additionally, in a recent experiment focusing that same territorial butterflyfish, Dewan

and Tricas (2011) showed a positive relationship between gPOA cell numbers and

individual aggression level towards a mirror, and suggested that this effect might be due

to neuronal projections to areas where behaviour modulation occurs.

In fact it has been showed that gPOA cells mainly project to extrahypothalamic areas

such as the telencephalon and thalamus (Holmgvist & Ekström, 1995; Saito et al.,

2004), where behavioural modulation occurs (Goodson, 2005), suggesting that this cells

have important roles in the modulation of social behaviours. This modulation likely

occurs by means of neuronal projections to other brain centres, such as those belonging

to the SBN (Goodson, 2005). Indeed, in teleosts, the density of AVT-ir varicosities

(putative locations of peptide release that likely originate in the POA) in the ventral

nucleus of the ventral telencephalon (Vv) is a strong predictive of aggressive/territorial

species (Dewan et al., 2011). Also, in a comparative study with rodents of the genus

Peromyscus, higher AVP immunoreactivity in the lateral septum (homologous of the

teleost Vv) was also shown to be a good predictor of more aggressive species (Bester-

Meredith et al., 1999).

Arginine vasotocin is also linked with pro-sociality levels in the highly social male

goldfish Carassius auratus. Infusions of this peptide in the POA inhibited social

approach behaviours towards a conspecific, possibly through behavioural modulation in

the telencephalon (Thompson & Walton, 2004). This suggests that AVT also plays a

role in social approach and social withdrawal. In a recent study involving the cleaner

fish L. dimidiatus, Soares and colleagues (in review) showed that higher levels of AVT

result in a decrease of interspecific social approach and in the expression of mutualistic


Together with these previous findings, the present results suggest that the smaller size

and number of gPOA neurons of the cleaner fish, in comparison to the non-cleaner,


might have facilitated the evolution and maintenance of cleaning behaviours and the

ability to engage in mutualistic interactions. Possibly, evolution favoured smaller and

less numerous neurons projecting to extrahypothalamic brain areas in order to lessen the

expression of potential interspecific aggressive behaviours and interspecific social

withdrawal, thus enhancing mutualistic interactions.

It is not yet known if size and number of immunoreactive cells are precise descriptors of

the amount of peptide being used by the brain, and further studies should address this

issue. Nonetheless, taking size and number of gPOA neurons as a proxy for the

potential amount of AVT being transported and released in brain areas responsible for

the modulation of aggressive behaviours, then cleaners might have lower levels of AVT

in this system. Such lower levels can possibly be responsible for the expression of

mutualistic behaviours.

The higher fibre densities surrounding the gPOA neurons of the non-cleaner fish might

be related to a higher requirement of cell communication, in comparison to the cleaner

fish. Such communication is important to synchronize peptide release in distant brain

areas and increase the expression of territorial and aggressive behaviours in L.

unilineatus. Indeed, AVT neurons are able to communicate with each other (Saito et al.,

2004) through their dendrites. Additionally, dendritic release of nonapeptides is

partially independent of distant axonal release, suggesting that dendrites have an

autoregulatory activity that modulates distant peptide releases (Ludwig, 1998).

Nevertheless, the hypothesis proposed above should be taken cautiously as it is not

possible to determine that the reported fibres are dendrites. This issue should be

addressed, for example by using thinner tissue sections in further studies. Alternatively,

the higher fibre density in L. unilineatus might only result from the larger and more

numerous cells in the gPOA. Therefore, quantitative measures of fibre density and

correlations with cell number and size in this neuronal group, for both species, could

provide a better understanding about this question.

It is also important to note that AVT might not be the solely responsible for the

suggested hypothesis as other hormones might interact with the AVT system (Delville

et al., 1996; Ferris, 1992) or even exert a direct effect on mutualistic (Soares et al.,

2010) and aggressive behaviours (Nelson & Trainor, 2007). For instance, serotonin is

known to reduce the AVP-facilitated aggressive behaviours in golden hamsters


(Delville et al., 1996). Also in the teleost Thalassoma bifasciatum, males treated with

fluoxetin (a serotonin reuptake inhibitor) exhibited lower aggression levels compared to

saline controls (Perreault et al., 2003). Such behavioural modulation is due, at least in

part, to serotonin interactions with the AVT system, as AVT mRNA production was

twofold lower in the three preoptic regions (Semsar et al., 2004).

No differences between the two species in number or size of pPOA and mPOA neurons

were detected in this study. Both pPOA and mPOA neurons project to the pituitary

(Bradford Jr. & Northcutt, 1983; Strand, 1999) and are capable of regulating other

peripheral mechanisms such as osmorregulation and stress response (Balment et al.,

1993; Balment et al., 2006).

Osmorregulation is not a primary variable in this study as both species were kept at the

supplier (T.M.C.) facility tanks, with stable temperature and salinity. Accordingly,

differences between species that could be related with different osmotic pressures were

not found in this study.

Parvocellular AVT neurons in fish also play an important role in stress response. In

rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) acute confinement stress events increase AVT

mRNA expression in parvocellular neurons of the preoptic area, without affecting

magno- or gigantocellular neurons (Gilchriest et al., 2000). Those results support the

idea that the pPOA neurons innervating the pituitary are involved in the stimulation of

ACTH release in response to acute stressors and therefore are able to modulate the HPI

axis (Balment et al., 2006).

In the present study it is possible that physiological stress was induced to the animals

used, due to confinement during transportation. The lack of differences in pPOA and

mPOA AVT-ir neurons between the two species might support one of the three

hypotheses: a) the animals used in this study were not stressed and the lack of

differences might reflect similar physiological processes. However, this hypothesis

unlikely as confinement is a major source of physiological stress, as described above; b)

if the animals were stressed, the stress response was not significantly different between

the two species; c) unnatural confinement was applied for a long period of time

(approximately 1 week between catch and arrival to the laboratory) and represented a

chronic stressor, causing an habituation of the AVT system. In contrast to acute stress

responses, pPOA neurons in rainbow trout did not respond to chronic stress, despite the


elevated concentrations of plasmatic cortisol (Gilchriest et al., 2000). The hypothesis b)

and c) are then possible candidates to explain the lack of species differences in pPOA

and mPOA neural groups. However, future studies are needed in order to show that in

L. dimidiatus and L. unilineatus, chronic stress has similar effects to the ones described

for trout.

Additionally to pituitary projections, magnocellular AVT neurons have also been

reported to be involved in the expression of behaviours that are dependent of social

phenotype, as they can also project to brain centres responsible for behavioural

modulation (Holmgvist & Ekström, 1995). For example, in the tropical bluehead wrasse

(Thalassoma bifasciatum), different levels of AVT production in this cell group are

associated with different sexual phenotypes, and consequent differences on the display

of sexual and aggressive behaviours (Godwin et al., 2000). Cleaners and non-cleaners

did not differ in number and size of mPOA cells, which further suggests that mutualistic

behaviours are more likely to be modulated by central projections of the gPOA AVT

neurons rather than those from the mPOA group.

4.3. Sex differences in AVT-ir neurons

Contrary to the initial predictions, no sex differences in any AVT-ir cellular group were

found in the cleaner fish L. dimidiatus or in the non-cleaner L. unilineatus. However,

many studies have found sex differences in AVT cell characteristics, often associated

with gonadal sex hormones (Goodson & Bass, 2001) and behavioural differences

between males and females (e.g. Grober et al., 2002; Lema & Nevitt, 2004b).

The possibility that this lack of differences mirrors a lack of behavioural differences

between sexes is unlikely. The expected differences for the cleaner fish were based on

the fact that males show higher levels of intraspecific aggression, directed towards

females in response to their dishonest behaviours towards the clients (Raihani et al.,

2010; Raihani et al., 2012). Concerning the non-cleaner fish, males own a territory

(Colin & Bell, 1991) that they actively patrol and defend from other competitor males

(McIlwain & Jones, 1997). As females don’t show such territorial behaviour (McIlwain

& Jones, 1997), intersexual differences in the neuronal AVT phenotype were also

expected for this species.


Other studies did not find any differences between sexes in the AVT system. For

example, in the goldfish no differences in neuronal AVT phenotypes were found

between sexes (Parhar et al., 2001). Moreover, sex steroid treatments (Estradiol,

Testosterone and 11-ketotestosteron) did not produce any effect on preoptic neurons in

that species (Parhar et al., 2001). The lack of sex differences in AVT-ir neurons in

cleaners and non-cleaners might reflect a lack of androgen modulation on the AVT

system in both species. However, androgens might still modulate intraspecific

aggression through direct actions on aggressive behaviours. Nonetheless, the present

study was not designed to test other hormonal systems or their interactions with AVT,

and further experiments should test that hypothesis in a more direct way. For example,

the effect of androgen implants/injections and castration might give a better view of

those interactions.

Alternatively, the lack of sex differences in the cleaner fish might merely reflect the fact

that both males and females engage in cleaning interactions and the expressed

mutualistic behaviours do not differ between sexes (Bshary, 2003; Tebbich et al., 2002).

The lack of sex differences in the non-cleaner wrasse should be taken cautiously. In this

study it was only possible to use three males of this species and the absence of sex

differences might be due to the small sample size used. Although the p values are high

for intersexual differences in cell size and number, increasing the sample size (for

example matching the females’ sample size) would provide more reliable results.

4.4. Final comments

This is the first study to show differences in AVT-ir neuronal phenotype between two

closely related teleost species that differ in the expression of mutualistic behaviours.

The cooperative cleaner wrasse L. dimidiatus showed less and smaller gPOA neurons,

in comparison to the non-cleaner tubelip wrasse L. unilineatus. In light of a previous

study showing the effects of AVT on mutualistic behaviour, here I suggest that the

lower levels of AVT in the cleaner wrasse (inferred by smaller and less numerous AVT-

ir neurons) might have a role in the predisposition to approach, interact and cooperate

with interspecific social partners. Additionally, the gPOA cellular group and its

extrahypothalamic projections appear to be responsible for such levels of interspecific


pro-sociality. Although most studies focusing on the AVT system centre their attention

on conspecific social behaviours, the present findings provide further evidence that

AVT might also play an important role in the modulation of interspecific social

behaviours. This possibly occurs through the same AVT action mechanisms that

modulate intraspecific social behaviours in other species. Moreover, and as suggested in

our previous study (Soares et al., in review), the AVT system already in place for th

modulation of intraspecific social behaviours, might have been recruited for the

modulation of mutualistic behaviours. Further studies are also needed to test possible

interactions with other hormonal systems and thus, fully understand the contribution of

the AVT system for the cleaner wrasse social system and other mutualistic/cooperative




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