Characteristics of Research on Green Marketing Antonio Chamorro, 1 * Sergio Rubio 2 and Francisco J. Miranda 1 1  Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, University of Extremadura, Spain 2  Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales, University of Extremadura, Spain ABSTRACT This paper aims to describe and analyze the main characteristics of articles on green mar- keting published in the most relevant journals within the period 1993–2003, in order to determine the evolution of this current issue of research over recent years and improve our understanding of this subject. We built up a database with 112 articles on green marketing and we have explored the topic, the methodology and the techniques of analysis, as well as other relevant aspects of the research. In order to complete this analysis, we made a review of articles published in two journals specializing in environmental management: BSE and CSREM. In this way, this paper offers practical help to those who are beginning research on this topic because the results will help us to determine what still needs to be investigated in this topic and hence propose a research agenda for the coming years. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. Received 14 February 2006; revised 27 December 2006; accepted 15 January 2007 Keywords: green marketing; environmental marketing; ecological marketing; green consumer; green communication; recycling behaviors; macromarketing Introduction T HE DISCIPLINE OF MARKETING HAS NOT BEEN IMMUNE FROM THE SOCIAL CONCERN ABOUT THE deteriorating environ ment that has developed in recent decades. Marketing researchers have found a new line of research that has been given various labels, such as ecological marketing (Fisk, 1974; Henion and Kinnear, 1976),  green marketing (Ottman, 1993; Smith, 1998),  greener marketing (Charter, 1992), environ- mental marketing (Coddington, 1992; Peattie, 1995), enviropreneurial marketing (Menon and Menon, 1997) or sus- tainable marketing (van Dam and Apeldoorn, 1996; Fuller, 1999). Although some authors distinguish these labels conceptually (see, for example, Van Dam and Apeldoorn, 1996) they are normally considered synonymous terms referring to the same eld of study: the analysis of how marketing activities impact on the environment and how the environmental variable can be incorporated into the various decisions of corporate marketing. In the present article we employ the most commonly used of these terms: green marketing. From the 1970s some researchers – mainly in the US – began to develop marketing with an environmental perspective (Kassarjian, 1971; Zikmund and Stanton, 1971; Henion, 1972; Fisk, 1974; Kinnear and Taylor, 1973; Kangun, 1974; Kinnear et al., 1974; Henion and Kinnear, 1976; Perry, 1976; Shapiro, 1978, among others). The starting point can perhaps be traced to the monographic edition of the  Journal of Marketing of 1971. The majority Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Business Strategy and the Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 18, 223–239 (2009) Published online 2 April 2007 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com) DOI: 10.1002/bse.571 * Correspondence to: Antonio Chamorro, Facultad Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Universidad de Extremadura, Avd. Elvas s/n 06071 Badajoz, Spain. E-mail: [email protected]

Characteristics of Research on Green Marketing

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Characteristics of Research on Green Marketing

Antonio Chamorro,1* Sergio Rubio2 and Francisco J. Miranda1

1 Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, University of Extremadura, Spain

2 Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales, University of Extremadura, Spain

ABSTRACTThis paper aims to describe and analyze the main characteristics of articles on green mar-keting published in the most relevant journals within the period 1993–2003, in order todetermine the evolution of this current issue of research over recent years and improve ourunderstanding of this subject. We built up a database with 112 articles on green marketingand we have explored the topic, the methodology and the techniques of analysis, as well

as other relevant aspects of the research. In order to complete this analysis, we made areview of articles published in two journals specializing in environmental management:BSE and CSREM. In this way, this paper offers practical help to those who are beginningresearch on this topic because the results will help us to determine what still needs tobe investigated in this topic and hence propose a research agenda for the coming years.Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.

Received 14 February 2006; revised 27 December 2006; accepted 15 January 2007 

Keywords: green marketing; environmental marketing; ecological marketing; green consumer; green communication; recycling

behaviors; macromarketing


THE  DISCIPLINE  OF  MARKETING  HAS  NOT  BEEN  IMMUNE  FROM  THE  SOCIAL  CONCERN  ABOUT  THE deteriorating environment that has developed in recent decades. Marketing researchers have found a newline of research that has been given various labels, such as ecological marketing (Fisk, 1974; Henion andKinnear, 1976), green marketing  (Ottman, 1993; Smith, 1998),  greener marketing  (Charter, 1992), environ-

mental marketing (Coddington, 1992; Peattie, 1995), enviropreneurial marketing (Menon and Menon, 1997) or sus-tainable marketing (van Dam and Apeldoorn, 1996; Fuller, 1999). Although some authors distinguish these labelsconceptually (see, for example, Van Dam and Apeldoorn, 1996) they are normally considered synonymous termsreferring to the same field of study: the analysis of how marketing activities impact on the environment and howthe environmental variable can be incorporated into the various decisions of corporate marketing. In the presentarticle we employ the most commonly used of these terms: green marketing.

From the 1970s some researchers – mainly in the US – began to develop marketing with an environmentalperspective (Kassarjian, 1971; Zikmund and Stanton, 1971; Henion, 1972; Fisk, 1974; Kinnear and Taylor, 1973;Kangun, 1974; Kinnear et al., 1974; Henion and Kinnear, 1976; Perry, 1976; Shapiro, 1978, among others). Thestarting point can perhaps be traced to the monographic edition of the Journal of Marketing of 1971. The majority

Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment

Business Strategy and the Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 18, 223–239 (2009)Published online 2 April 2007 in Wiley InterScience(www.interscience.wiley.com)DOI: 10.1002/bse.571

* Correspondence to: Antonio Chamorro, Facultad Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Universidad de Extremadura, Avd. Elvas s/n 06071Badajoz, Spain. E-mail: [email protected]

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224 A. Chamorro et al .

Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 18, 223–239 (2009)

  DOI: 10.1002/bse

of these early works centered on the study of the relations between environmental concern and behavior (mainlyconsumers’ participation in recycling systems) and on the characterization of the green consumer. Since then,research on green marketing has mirrored the various waves of social concern about the environment (Banerjeeand Mckeage, 1994; Laroche et al., 1996; Stanley et al., 1996; Crane, 2000). As this concern began to waver inthe late 1970s – largely as a result of the economic crisis, academic contributions to this new branch of marketing

similarly declined. The eruption of a second ecological movement in the late 1980s and early 1990s led to anotherboom in research, which spread to other Anglo-Saxon countries and the rest of continental Europe. This situationis reflected in the publication of various books specializing in the topic (Peattie, 1992; Coddington, 1992; Ottman,1993; Polonsky and Mintu-Winsatt, 1995; Mintu-Winsatt and Lozada, 1996; Charter and Polonsky, 1999), as wellas monographic editions of various academic journals, such as the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing in 1991.In this new period, researchers focused on a range of issues wider than those considered previously (Kilbourneand Beckmann, 1998).

The aim of this article is to analyze the main characteristics of research on green marketing in the period1993–2003, observing what work has been done, and how, where and by whom it has been carried out. Answeringthese questions will not only help us better to understand the current situation, it will also allow us to determinewhat still needs to be done in terms of research in the area and hence formulate a research agenda for the comingyears. We believe that this will be of great value to academics starting to research the topic, as well as indeed to

marketing professionals who wish to incorporate environmental aspects into their work.The rest of the article is structured as follows: first, we describe the methodology that we have followed to build

the database of articles to be analyzed; second, we present the main general results of the study, as well as thespecific results for each research subtopic; then we make an additional analysis of articles on green marketingpublished in BSE and CSREM and we end the work with our conclusions and final reflections.

Research Methodology

The idea of tackling a bibliographical analysis of this size is ambitious and had to be limited if the objectives wehad set ourselves were not to be compromised by the amount and diversity of the data available. For this reason,the  first step was to choose a group of scientific journals likely to include work in the field of green marketing.

Given the large number of journals available, we referred to the list of journals of the Journal Citation Reports Social Sciences Edition (JCR), 2003, in the category ‘Business’, as this category includes journals specializing in market-ing. The JCR list resulted in 57 publications, to which we added others classified as internationally prestigious byCerviño et al. (2001) and the journals used by Kilbourne and Beckmann (1998). In total, we created a database of 72 journals. The second step was to identify the articles whose main topic was related to green marketing. In thisrespect, we were interested in articles analyzing green marketing from both the micromarketing and the macro-marketing perspectives. In the first case, green marketing is understood as a management function that analyseshow to incorporate the environmental factor into the firm’s commercial decisions and policies. In contrast, underthe second perspective it is understood as the study of the environmental effects of the traditional marketingactivities and their social, economic and political implications.

However, delimiting both concepts and deciding which articles can be considered to focus on green marketingis extremely difficult, due to the existence of related areas investigating issues of interest to the researcher on green

marketing but from other orientations: operations management, marketing ethics, ethics of consumption, corpo-rate social responsibility, sustainable consumption, consumer economics and policy, socially responsible investing,materialism etc.

To carry out this identification, we made a bibliographic search using the following keywords:  green marketing, ecological marketing, environmental marketing, sustainable marketing, green product, green communication, green con-sumer and ecological consumer . Subsequently, we had to extend the process in two dimensions. First, we includedthe search ‘consumer AND recycling’, since we became aware of the existence of articles analyzing consumers’behavior with regard to recycling and waste that had not shown up with the initial keywords. Second, we examinedthe bibliography of each of the articles identified in the initial search, in order to reduce the likelihood of omittinga significant number of articles on the topic.

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Research on Green Marketing 225

Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 18, 223–239 (2009)

  DOI: 10.1002/bse

Next, each of the articles obtained was carefully analyzed to confirm that it did indeed focus on green marketing.This analysis was carried out separately by each author, resulting in disagreements in about 7.57% of the cases.In these cases, we debated the various options and then came to an agreement. We also eliminated introductions,editorials and book reviews from the selection of articles – these are common in some of the journals analyzedand cannot be classed as published articles. In this way, we eventually obtained 112 published articles from 22

general journals (Table 1 and appendix).The third step was to analyze each article using a data collection sheet in order to gather information relating tothe topic of research within which the article was framed, the type of study, the methodology followed, the ana-lytical techniques employed and the number of authors and their origin, among other questions.

To determine the main research topics currently of interest in the field of green marketing, we considered itadvisable to adopt the following procedure: each author separately identified the main theme of each article as afunction of previously agreed criteria, by analyzing the title, abstract, keywords and main body of the article. Wethen analyzed the various topics together and observed a certain homogeneity among some of them, so we groupedthem into five subtopics of green marketing: ‘concept and strategies’, ‘green communication’, ‘green consumer’,‘recycling behaviors’ and ‘macromarketing’. The majority of articles were unequivocally classified into one of thesefive topics. However, 4.7% of them were either considered doubtful or alternatively the team members disagreedabout their classification. In these cases, we analyzed the articles again and discussed and then agreed their most

appropriate classification.The topic ‘green consumer’ includes articles that investigate environmentally friendly consumer behaviors,

concerns, intentions or attitudes. Some of these identify the demographic, psychological and behavioral profilesof consumers who are willing to pay more for environmentally friendly products. We excluded work analyzingindividuals’ behaviors and attitudes with respect to waste and recycling from this topic, which were included insteadin a separate topic labeled ‘recycling behaviors’. This separation is justified by the different utility of the two typesof research. The first is mainly of interest for corporate marketing, while the second is also important for thedesign of public policy.

The topic ‘macromarketing’ includes papers that address green marketing from a macro perspective, analyzingthe implications of the relations between marketing and its environmental impacts. They deal with issues such asthe dominant social paradigm (DSP) of western industrial societies, the morality of marketing, individuals’ mate-rialistic and ecological values, consumerism etc.

In the topic ‘concept and strategies’ we include articles that define green marketing, and how, why or what arethe consequences of introducing environmental aspects into the firm’s general marketing strategy or into thedifferent strategies of the marketing mix. However, in view of its growing importance, we have created a specifictopic (‘green communication’) for articles analyzing the environmental factor in communication policy.

General Results of Research

Analysis of the years the articles were published shows that research on green marketing has gone through twoclearly distinct stages in the period under analysis (Figure 1). We can see that it reached its peak during the 1990s,with an average of 13 articles per year and the publication of various specific volumes dedicated to the topic, suchas Volume 20 of Advances in Consumer Research (1993), Volume 24/2 of  Journal of Advertising (1995) and Volume14/6 of  Journal of Marketing Management  (1998). However, this initial interest appears to drop off after the year2000, with a drastic and significant decline in the number of articles published. This fact can be justified by thegrowing importance of the most general research on social corporate responsibility, including the social dimensionin addition to the ecological dimension.

A total of 26.13% of the articles under analysis are exclusively theoretical in content, while 72.96% are empiri-cal research. The most commonly used data collection technique is the survey, employed in 62.83% of the studiesworking with primary data. Fewer studies make use of a ‘laboratory experiment’ to analyze individuals’ reactionsto different stimulus materials (14.10%), observation by means of content analysis (10.26%) or personal interviews(6.41%). It is also interesting that, although a majority of the empirical studies have as geographical scope thenational level or lower, some 10.98% obtain data from two or more countries.

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226 A. Chamorro et al .

Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 18, 223–239 (2009)

  DOI: 10.1002/bse


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  1  0  0 .  0  0   %

   T  a   b   l  e  1 .   L   i  s   t  o   f   j   o  u  r  n  a   l  s  a  n   d  r  e  s  e  a  r  c   h   t  o  p   i  c

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  DOI: 10.1002/bse

With regard to the data treatment techniques, we find that the empirical studies on green marketing have madeuse of very diverse statistical techniques (Table 2). Even so, factor analysis is the most widely used technique(35.37%), followed by regression and structural equation models (19.51 and 17.07%, respectively) and descriptive

analyses (17.07%).As far as the number of authors of each work is concerned, we observe that collaboration between researchers

is predominant, insofar as 70.23% of the articles are authored by two or more researchers. Specifically, 33.33% of the articles are signed by two authors, 24.32% by three and 12.61% by four or more authors.

When studying the origin of the authors,1 we find a predominance of authors from Anglo-Saxon countries,especially the United States. A total of 47.74% of the articles are signed exclusively by one or various researchersfrom the US, while 8.10% are from the United Kingdom and 5.40% from Canada. Among continental Europeancountries, research on green marketing has been of most interest in Denmark (with 7.20% of the articles),

        1        9        9        3

        1        9        9        4

        1        9        9        5

        1        9        9        6

        1        9        9        7

        1        9        9        8

        1        9        9        9

        2        0        0        0

        2        0        0        1

        2        0        0        2

        2        0        0        3










Figure 1. Evolution of number of articles over time

% of articles using each statistical technique

Green Recycling Green Concept and Macro- Totalconsumer behaviors communication strategies marketing

Analysis of co-variance 9.38% – – – – 7.32%Analysis of variance 9.38% – 28.57% – – 14.63%Conjoint analysis 9.38% – – – – 3.66%Correlations 21.88% – – 20.00% 20.00% 13.41%Qualitative analysis – – 10.71% 40.00% 40.00% 12.20%Descriptive analysis – – 35.71% 20.00% 20.00% 17.07%

Discriminant analysis 9.38% – – – – 3.66%Factor analysis 56.25% 50.00% 10.71% 20.00% 20.00% 35.37%Regression models 28.13% 33.33% – – 20.00% 19.51%Structural equation models 12.50% 58.33% 10.71% – – 17.07%

Table 2. Main statistical techniques used in empirical studiesSome articles use two or more statistical techniques.

1 For this study, the origin of the authors is the country of the university or research centre that appears in the affiliation.

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  DOI: 10.1002/bse

Germany (3.60%) and Holland (2.70%), according to the results of our research. Moreover, 16.21% of the articlesare authored by researchers from two or more countries, and in 66.66% of these cases one of the authors is fromthe US.

We find that 89.19% of the articles are signed exclusively by members of the academic community, while only1.80% is the work of researchers with no university links. The remaining 9.01% are collaborations betweenrepresentatives of universities and firms. The most prolific authors in green marketing are reported in Table 3.

Results by Research Topic

We find that the topics of most interest are ‘green consumer’ (27.03% of the total) and ‘green communication’(25.22%). Fewer articles have been published on the other three topics: ‘concept and strategies’ (18.92%), ‘macro-

marketing’ (17.12%) and ‘recycling behaviors’ (11.71%). In Table 4, we classify the 111 articles by topic and type of research. Analysis of each topic separately provides some results of interest, which we shall now discuss.

Taking into account the general trend of the research on green marketing, which we have discussed in theprevious section, we can say that interest in the topic ‘green consumer’ has remained constant throughout theperiod analyzed. In addition, the number of authors that have published on this topic is very diverse, althoughmore than 56% of these articles appear in only three journals: Journal of Consumer Marketing , Advances in Consumer Research and Journal of Business Research (Table 1).

The articles published on this topic are overwhelmingly empirical (96.66%) and they are mainly the result of collaboration between various authors. In this respect, only about 20% of the articles are signed by a single author.With regard to the statistical techniques used, we note that 27.59% use regression models and that in more thanhalf of the empirical studies factor analysis is employed, either exclusively or in addition to another technique(Table 2). It is also interesting to note that only one article (Drumwright, 1994) analyses firms’ purchasing behav-

ior. All other articles have the end consumer as their unit of analysis. In these cases, the geographical scope mostused to obtain the sample of individuals is a single city. This occurs in 42.86% of the studies that indicate wherethe sample is obtained, while 28.57% of the studies are at the national level and 10.71% work with samples obtainedfrom two countries.

On the other hand, studies classified under the topic ‘green communication’ have been published in 13 differentjournals, but with a preference for Advances in Consumer Research and Journal of Advertising (Table 1). We shouldnote that 92.86% of the studies are empirical and a more detailed analysis of their content reveals that a largemajority of them (85.71%) can be classified into two subtopics.

(a) ‘Anatomy of green ads’. The articles included here have the main aim of evaluating firms’ use of green claims.With this objective, the authors classify the claims and obtain their data by means of content analysis, to

Author Articles University

Thogersen, John 7 Aarhus School of Business (Denmark)Kangun, Norman 6 University of Texas (USA) and Clemson University (USA)Grove, Stephen J. 5 Clemson University (USA)

Polonsky, Michael J. 5 University of Newcastle (Australia)Banerjee, Bobby 4 University of Massachusetts (USA) and University of Wollongong (Australia)Crane, Andrew 4 Cardiff University (UK)Kilbourne, William E. 4 Sam Houston State University (USA)McCarty, John A. 4 University of Illinois, George Mason University and American University (USA)Shrum, L. J. 4 Rutgers University (USA)

Table 3. Main authors in green marketing

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  DOI: 10.1002/bse

Topic  Type of research

  Empirical work  Theoretical work

Green consumer  Bohlen et al. (1993); Golden et al. (1993); Dembkowki and Hanmer-Lloyd (1994).

  Pickett et al. (1993); Scherhorn (1993); Shamdasani  et al. (1993); Sriram and Forman (1993);

Drumwright (1994); Ellen (1994); Zimmer et al.(1994); Bei and Simpson (1995); Shrum et al. (1995);Bech-Larsen (1996); Laroche et al. (1996); Roberts(1996); Schlegelmilch et al. (1996); Stanley et al.  (1996); Minton and Rose (1997); Osterhus (1997);Roberts and Bacon (1997); Kalafatis et al. (1999);Straughan and Roberts (1999); Thogersen (1999);Vlosky et al. (1999); Chan and Lau (2000); Ewingand Sarigöllü (2000); Follows and Jobber (2000);Laroche et al. (2001); Squires et al. (2001); Rowlands

  et al. (2002).

Recycling behaviors  Jackson et al. (1993); McCarty and Shrum (1993); Thogersen (1994).  Pelton et al. (1993); McCarty and Shrum (1994);Thogersen (1994); Dahab et al. (1995); Taylor andTodd (1995); Aberg et al. (1996); Thogersen andGrunert-Beckmann (1997); Biswas et al. (2000);McCarty and Shrum (2001); Thogersen (2003).

Green communication  Carlson et al. (1993); Davis (1993); Iyer and Banerjee Kilbourne (1995); Kangun and Polonsky  (1993); Mayer et al. (1993); Davis (1994); Davis (1995).  (1994b); Iyer et al. (1994); Banerjee et al. (1995);Morris et al. (1995); Obermiller (1995); Scammonand Mayer (1995); Schuhwork and Lefkoff (1995);  Thorson et al. (1995); Carlson et al. (1996a); Carlson

  et al. (1996b); Stafford et al. (1996); Tilson (1996);

Azzone et al. (1997); Lord and Putrevu (1998); Mohr  et al. (1998); Polonskyt al. (1998); Chan (2000);

Imkamp (2000); Madrigal (2000); Mathur andMathur (2000); McDonagh (1998); Thogersen(2000).

Macromarketing  Banerjee and Mckeage (1994); Grunert-  Dobscha (1993); Joy and Auchinachie  Beckmann et al. (1997); Pieters et al. (1998); (1994); Ölander and Thogersen (1995);Neuner (2000); Dobscha and Ozanne (2001).  van Dam and Apeldoorn (1996);

Hansen and Schrader (1997);Kilbourne et al. (1997); Fisk (1998);Kilbourne (1998); Fitchett and Prothero (1999); Stern (1999); Crane(2000); Prothero and Fitchett (2000);Oyewole (2001); Dolan (2002).

Concept and strategies Wong et al. (1996); Crane (1997); Crane (1998); McDaniel and Rylander (1993); IlinitchJohri and Sahasakmontri (1998); Langerak et al. and Schaltegger (1995); Mendleson and  (1998); Polonsky and Ottman (1998); Walker and Polonsky (1995); Fuller et al. (1996);Hanson (1998); Crane (2009; Karna et al. (2003); Grove et al. (1996); Martinsons et al. Pujari et al. (2003). (1997); Menon and Menon (1997);

Miles et al. (1997); Kilbourne andBeckmann (1998); Peattie (1999); Milesand Covin (2000).

Table 4. Classification of articles by type of research and topic

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  DOI: 10.1002/bse

Anatomy of green ads  Consumers’ response to green ads  Others

Carlson et al. (1993); Iyer and Davis (1993); Mayer et al. (1993); Kilbourne (1995); Tilson (1996);Banerjee (1993); Iyer et al. (1994); Davis (1994a); Davis (1994b); Morris Azzone et al. (1997); McDonaghBanerjee et al. (1995); Kangun and et al. (1995); Obermiller (1995); (1998); Mathur and Mathur (2000).

Polonsky (1995); Scammon and Schuhwork and Lefkoff (1995);Mayer (1995); Carlson et al. (1996a); Thorson et al. (1995); Stafford et al.Carlson et al. (1996b); Polonsky et al. (1996); Mohr et al. (1998); Lord and(1998).  Putrevu (1998); Chan (2000); Imkamp  (2000); Madrigal (2000); Thogersen  (2000).

Table 5. Research subtopics in ‘green communication’

subsequently carry out a series of descriptive analyses of the situation. This was an attractive research topic in thefirst half of the period under analysis, but disappeared from the research agenda of green marketing after 1998.This subtopic represents 32.14% of the articles dedicated to ‘green communication’ (Table 5).

(b) ‘Consumers’ response to green ads’. These studies analyze the efficacy of different green advertising appealsand consumers’ attitudes, comprehension, skepticism or credibility in their regard. They represent 53.57% of thetopic ‘green communication’ and are all empirical in nature. However, two-thirds use experiments to collect dataand the other one-third use surveys. As far as the statistical treatment of the data is concerned, we find many dif-ferences between the studies, although the most commonly used techniques are analysis of variance and structuralequation modeling (Table 2).

We note that the importance of ‘recycling behaviors’ to researchers has declined over time. More than 60% of the articles on this topic were published in the first three years analyzed (1993–1995), although three new studiesdid appear from the year 2000. Moreover, the articles were published in very few journals, with a preference for

Advances in Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Policy and Journal of Public Policy and Marketing .With one exception, all the studies in this topic are empirical: the authors test statistical models using structural

equations or regressions. In 50% of these cases the authors also employ factor analysis.The articles included in the topic ‘macromarketing’ are mainly theoretical studies (73.68%), with one author

being responsible in almost half the cases. Only six of the selected journals published articles on this topic: the Journal of Macromarketing , Journal of Consumer Policy and Advances in Consumer Research were the most assiduous.We also note that this topic has been gaining in importance over time: 73.68% of the articles were published from1997 onwards. This finding confirms the trend already observed by Kilbourne and Beckmann in 1998. Moreover,we should note that researchers interested in this topic can find additional relevant articles in the journals analyzedthat have not however been included in our study, as their principal focus was considered to be related disciplinesrather than marketing. In this respect, we should remember that the issues studied in macromarketing tend to beinterdisciplinary.

Finally, the articles on the topic ‘concept and strategies’ are spread evenly throughout the period studied. Thearticles are very diverse in terms of both their object of study and their methodological characteristics. Half of thestudies are theoretical and half empirical. Half of the latter carry out commercial research using surveys or personalinterviews and the other half use case studies. With regard to the specific themes studied, we note that there arevery few articles that analyze green product policy or distribution channels for green products. Specifically,we find only one article analyzing distribution problems in detail (Fuller et al., 1996) and three that studyenvironmental new product development processes (Ilinitch and Schaltegger, 1995; Polonsky and Ottman, 1998;Pujari et al., 2003). We should note, however, that this latter topic is on the borderline between marketing andoperations management, so the interested researcher can find other relevant articles in journals focusing more onmanagement.

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  DOI: 10.1002/bse

An Analysis of Articles Published in BSE and CSREM

In order to complete our study we have considered it necessary to include an analysis of the research on greenmarketing in specialized journals in environmental management such as Business Strategy and the Environment  (BSE ) and Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (CSREM , previously Eco-Management and 

Auditing ). In this case the period of analysis has been 1996–2003 and we have obtained 48 articles, 29 in BSE  and 19 in CSREM (see Figure 2 and appendix). The results reflect significant differences with respect to our pre-vious analysis, first because the number of articles published is increasing during this period, particularly in BSE ,and second because this tendency seems to be maintained to the present time, because of the publication of amonograph on green marketing in 2006 in BSE .

With regard to the type of study, the percentage of empirical articles is just 62.5% (72.96% in the previousanalysis). Moreover, the analysis techniques employed are very simple, basically descriptive analysis (72.41%) andqualitative analysis (20.69%).

As far as the origin of authors is concerned, we observe that European authors are a majority, especially theauthors affiliated to institutions of the United Kingdom (35.42%). In addition, we find a significant percentage of papers authored by professionals in the business and industrial world (18.75%), greater than in our previousanalysis (10.81%). Collaboration between researchers is predominant, since 56.25% of the works have two or moreauthors.

Finally, around 73% of articles on green marketing published in BSE and CSREM can be included in the topic‘green communication’ (Table 6), and are basically focused on environmental or sustainability reporting througha content analysis, a subject that has not been considered in our earlier analysis.

Conclusions and Future Research Agenda

In this work we have examined the evolution of the research on green marketing in the past decade by analyzingthe articles published in the main international journals. Our main objective has been to analyze the evolution of the research on this topic and its methodological characteristics in order to allow us to observe the path followedup to the present time, describe the current state in this area and provide ideas about where it may proceed in thefuture.

19961997 1998 1999 2000

2001 20022003











Figure 2. Evolution of number of articles over time (BSE and CSREM)

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  DOI: 10.1002/bse

The findings of our general study allow us to draw the following conclusions related to the works published inour database (Table 1).

• We find that researchers’ interest in green marketing has declined over the past decade, if we go by the evolutionin the number of articles on this topic published in the journals under analysis. This conclusion holds for thesubtopics within green marketing, since we note a similar decline in the number of articles published for all buttwo of the topics. Work on macromarketing has remained steady throughout much of the period under analysis,and there was an increase in the number of articles on the topic ‘concept and strategies’ until 1998, followed byuneven behavior since then.

• The topics ‘green consumer’ and ‘green communication’ have the largest number of articles published duringthe period of analysis, with more than 52% of the total number of articles. In turn, ‘recycling behaviors’ has beenof least interest to researchers (11.7%), mainly from 1995, as only five articles have been published on this topicsince then. This contrasts with the other topics, which have seen about three times as many articles publishedsince that year, on average.

• In any case, the results of this study are similar to the findings of Kilbourne and Beckmann (1998), insofar as‘the research was predominantly managerialist in perspective’.

• With regard to the characteristics of the studies analyzed, we can say that approximately 75% of these articlescontain some type of empirical analysis. This proportion grows to over 90% for the topics ‘green consumer’,‘recycling behaviors’ and ‘green communication’, while for the remaining two topics (‘macromarketing’ and‘concept and strategies’) the proportion of mainly theoretical work is 73.68 and 50%, respectively, in coherencewith the characteristics of the themes analyzed in each of these topics, which are fundamentally descriptive,conceptual and strategic. Although the analytical techniques employed for the data treatment are very varied, wenote that factor analysis is the main analytical tool in the empirical studies.

However, we find that works on green marketing published in BSE and CSREM are mainly focused on envi-ronmental and sustainability reporting, a subject that has not attracted the attention of the rest of the journalsincluded in this paper.

Topic  Type of research

  Empirical work  Theoretical work

Green consumer  Meijkamp (1998), Walley et al. (2000), Dembkowski (1998), Peattie (2001)

  Rowlands et al. (2003)Green communication  Azzone et al. (1996), Rikhardsson et al. Clausen (1996), Rikhardsson (1996), Maltby  (1996), Sancassiani (1996), Douglas et al. (1997), Palmer and van der Vorst (1997),  (1997), Prothero et al. (1997), Herremans et Kolk (1999), Isenmann and Lenz (2001),  al. (1999), Ball et al. (2000), Belal (2000), Synnestvedt (2001), Wheeler and Elkington  Noci (2000), Stray and Ballantine (2000), Kolk (2001), Burritt (2002), Cerin (2002),  et al. (2001), Niskanen and Nieminen (2001), Isenmann and Lenz (2002), de Boer (2003)  Morhardt et al. (2002), Solomon and Lewis  (2002), Andersen (2003), Campbell (2003),  Collison et al. (2003), Hedberg and von  Malmborg (2003), Kolk (2003), Marshall and  Brown (2003), O’Dwyer (2003), Peck and  Sinding (2003), Sinclair and Walton (2003)

Macromarketing  Welford et al. (1998), Meriläinen et al. (2000)Concept and strategies Tinsley and Melton (1997), Melton and Gärling and Thøgersen (2001), Prakash (2002)  Tinsley (1999), Strachan (1999), Meyer (2001)

Table 6. Classification of articles by type of research and topic in BS&E and CSR&EM

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  DOI: 10.1002/bse

On the basis of these conclusions, we can make some suggestions about where research on green marketing islikely to lead in the coming years, in the light of the gaps detected here and the current trends in the topic.

• Studies analyzing the green consumer will continue to be attractive as environmental consciousness evolves overtime. The findings of studies from previous years will not necessarily be valid in the future. New research onthis topic should aim to identify possible developments in consumers’ attitudes, intentions and behaviors.

• It would be interesting to undertake studies evaluating the keys to success in the process of design for environ-ment and launch strategies, based on previous studies applied to traditional new product developmentprocesses.

• Within the topic ‘green communication’, we might mention the following theme as a possible line of futureresearch: analysis of the value of environmental certification and eco-labels.

• With regard to the topic ‘macromarketing’, we agree with Kilbourne and Beckmann (1998) that this is a topicthat may develop more in the near future, especially if interdisciplinary research grows.

To conclude, we should stress again that our initial intention was to analyze the state of research on greenmarketing, an ambitious aim interacting with many other fields of research such as business organization, sociol-ogy, psychology and environmental sciences. The problems have extensive ramifications, and there are variousways of approaching them as well as many aspects to resolve. All of these will have to be analyzed in future



The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by European Regional Development Fund and Consejeríade Infraestructuras y Desarrollo Tecnológico de la Junta de Extremadura in the framework of the Research Project 2PR04C006.We would like to thank the referees for their constructive comments and suggestions.


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