Character Currency Model

Character Currency Model. 3 rd and 4 th Grade Students at Bray Elementary Exceptional Character, Participation, Leadership, and Bobcat Pride. WHO?

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Character Currency Model

3rd and 4th Grade Students at Bray Elementary

Exceptional Character , Participation, Leadership, and

Bobcat Pride.









Everywhere you go!

Specials, Lunch, Office, All teachers and staff.


This model will aid in character and responsibility development.

Purpose (WHY)By maintaining a budget, students will gain math reasoning and computations

as well as economic awareness. In an effort to integrate rigor,

critical thinking, decision-making, problem solving, and economic responsibility with character

development, 4th grade will be using The Character Currency

Model.This program will be supported

school wide.

•Earn – On-time school arrival, attendance, positive behavior, following school conduct and class expectations, going above and beyond (The Bray Way), etc…

•Loss – Negative behavior, paying off debt, purchasing a class item through auction or event (ex: field trip), etc…


• Auction Schedule – The week that you are listed you are to bring 3 items for the auction.

• These items can be purchased (I highly recommend dollar store or Target dollar spot) or recycled (gently used toys the child is ready to part with).

• If your parent would like to send a “big” item you may do so at any time or during your week.

• The teacher will also supplement items throughout the school year.

What’s in it for me?

• Income/Salary/Wage – Your child will earn $200 for a full week of attendance with no tardies.

• Debt – If unable to pay for a negative act or a violation, students will go into “debt” and will learn just how difficult it is to overcome.

• Cost – Certain “items” will cost the student (which is why they will budget when they know an event is approaching).

• Auction – As a fun way to reward your child’s success in their Character Development, students will have the opportunity to practice budgeting, saving, spending, and decision-making skills with an AUCTION! Every Friday, students (based on a set arrangement) will bid on items to purchase. Bringing items from home, dollar store, recycled toys (ones they are choosing to donate) is a side item of the model. It’s the student’s way to take ownership of the program.


• Commission – Your child can earn additional currency for good character, completion of goals/assignments, and obeying school rules or going above and beyond.

• Bonus – At times a bonus may be given for working through difficulties.

• Budget – We will be working on developing, planning, and maintaining a budget with our currency. This will include keeping up with deposits, withdrawals, savings, spending, opportunity cost, balance (positive and negative), as well as earns and losses.

• Spending and Saving – Students will learn the value of a $1~


The Good Stuff! EARN IT!EXCELLENT choices will result in:

Earn Time Notes Home Earn Prizes More $$, more Auction!

The NOT-SO-GoOD Stuff? If you lose your money, it will not be replaced.Poor choices will result in:

Loss of currency Notes Home Loss of Time Loss of Job or Position

• GOOD:• Using classroom manners - $1• Walking in Line correctly - $1• Shirts tucked in during a random inspection - $5.• Locker clean and tidy during inspection - $5.• Proper DEAR time Participation - $10• Acting like a lady or a gentleman - $10• Planner Signed each night during the week during a random inspection - $20.

• Going above and beyond with character $50• Stepping into a leadership role without being asked: $100

A Few Examples

• Not-so-good:• (in addition to classroom discipline)• Desk messy - -$1• Out of line or shirt untucked - -$5• Unprepared for class - -$5• Homework not completed - -$10 (in addition to -11pts late)

• AR book NOT on person - -$20• Loss of paperwork - - $50• Rude or disrespectful - -$100

A Few Examples


Theft of the teacher’s money supply or that of a fellow student will result in a 6 week debt program - you will not earn any money or be allowed to participate in auction.


EARN your money! When YOUR Friday occurs (according to the schedule), send 3 items. These items may be purchase or recycled…however, they must be in good working condition.

Tell your parents the importance of supporting the program.

AUCTION Every Friday in Math Class. Every 6 weeks in Science lab during our Family Friday (for a LARGE ITEM reward). May be rescheduled if school events, holidays, or other interruptions occur.

$$$ MONEY $$$

Ways to Manage Your Money

Bring a Wallet Use the Money Envelope Treat it like REAL $Tell your parents!