NCCU Wireless Comm. Lab. Channel Assignment Strategies Introduction Channel assignment strategies for coordination-based systems Channel assignment strategies for measurement-based systems 2-1

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channel assignment strategies deals multiple mobile devices can be connected in single cell by allocating the frequency spectrum. hand off techniques is introduced

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NCCU Wireless Comm. Lab.

Channel Assignment Strategies

• Introduction

• Channel assignment strategies for coordination-based systems

• Channel assignment strategies for measurement-based systems


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• Frequency allocation should be carefully planned to avoid

degradation caused by co-channel interference

• Fixed channel assignment, dynamic channel assignment,

and hybrid channel assignment

• Coordination-based (Planning-based) vs. measurement-based


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Channel Assignment Strategies for Coordination-based Systems

• Under the control of a central processor

• Classification

Fixed Channel Assignment

Dynamic Channel Assignment

Hybrid Channel Assignment

FCA with Borrowing

Directed Retry

Load Sharing


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Fixed Channel Assignment

Channels can only be used in designated cells

Different groups of radio channels may be assigned to adjacent

cells, but the same groups must be assigned to cells separated by a

certain distance (reuse distance) to reduce co-channel interference

The easiest one, but provides the worst channel utilization

Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS) [1]


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Dynamic Channel Assignment

Channels are temporarily assigned for use in cells for the duration

of the call

After the call is over, the channel is returned and kept in a central


To avoid co-channel interference, any channel that in use in one

cell can only be reassigned simultaneously to another cell in the

system if the distance between two cells is larger than minimum

reuse distance

Needs more tranceivers for each base station

Behaves worse performance than FCA under heavy loads2-5

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Channel Assignment Strategies for Coordination-based Systems

• Channel selection Algorithms for DCA (see Fig. 1)

First available (FA)

Mean square (MSA) :

Nearest neighbor (NN)

Nearest neighbor plus one (NN+1)



jj 21


2 ≤≤∑=


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Channel Assignment Strategies

Fig.7 Examples illustrating switching strategies


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Channel Assignment Strategies for Coordination-based Systems

• Hybrid channel AssignmentDivide the total number of channels into two groups , one

of which is used for fixed allocation to the cells , while theother is kept as a central poor to be shared by all users.Mixes the advantages of FCA and DCA.Needs fewer transceivers than DCA.Saves the CPU time.Still performs worse than FCA for heavy traffic load.[3]The optinum ratio of dynamical channels to fixed channelsdepends on the traffic load.Can be performed with ReAssignment strategy


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Channel Assignment Strategies for Coordination-based Systems

• FCA with BorrowingFirst proposed by L.G. Anderson.[4]Three algorithms ( see Figs. 2-5 ).Ordered channel borrowing with switching strategies ( see Figs. 6-7 ) proposed by Elnoubi et al.[5-6]


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NCCU Wireless Comm. Lab.2-11

Channel Assignment Strategies for Coordination-based System

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Channel Assignment Strategies for Coordination-based System


Fig. 4 Channel assignment Algorithm II

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Fig5. Channel assignment Algorithm III.

Search sequence

Channel Assignment Strategies for Coordination-based Systems


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Channel Assignment Strategies


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Channel Assignment Strategies

Fig.7 Examples illustrating switching strategies


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Channel Assignment Strategies for Measurement-based Systems

• A distributed measurement-based method can alleviate the

processing time of the central processor

• QFCA was proposed by J. C-I Chang (1991) [7] for PACS.

• In QFCA, frequency assignment and portable access are separately


• Flow chart of frequency assignment (see Fig. 8)


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Frequency assignment for QFCA



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• Portable access procedureRadio-port selection and channel (time-slot) selectionThe former is based on maximun received powerThe latter is based on Erlang B-type random idle time-slotselectionNew algorithms, including LIBTA, FABTA, and HIBTA, have been studied for the latter[8]Adaptive threshold concept has been proposed for time-slot selection (see Fig.9) [8]Flow chart of portable radio access (see Fig.10)

Channel Assignment Strategies for Measurement-based Systems


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Algorithm with adaptive threshold



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Portable Access Procedure

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Channel Assignment Strategies for Measurement-based Systems

•Directed RetryProposed by Eklundh(1986)[9]

(overlapped probability is achieved by change of transmitted power)Portable keeps a decreased-order list for port IDs in received signal strengthAccess procedure (see Fig.10)


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Channel Assignment Strategies for Coordination-based Systems

Fig. 11


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Channel Assignment Strategies for Measurement-based Systems

•Load Sharing Also proposed by Eklundh and Karlsson (1989) [10] An extension of directed retryDuring conversation, portable must periodically measure the signal strength for all carrier frequencies, and ranks them according to the received carrier powerThe received carrier power from the optimum radio port besides the current communicating port should be sent to the RPCU periodicallyAccess procedure (see Fig.12)


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The Flowchart of Load Sharing


Is timeslot available in thefirst selected port?

Doesdirected retry tothe second port


One portable oncommunication is

selected by the originalport according to some


The original portbroadcasts a message

with the selectedportable ID & initiate a


Theselected portablecorrectly receive


Switch to the newcarrier


Send an ACK to theoriginal port to indicate the

switching success

The original port sendsACK to the new call toindicate that the call has

been set up

Access succeed

Call is blocked

The original portsends NACK to thenew call to indicatethat this attempt fails

Anotherportable onconversationavailable

Send an NACK to theoriginal port

Call is blocked

timeoutfor switchingprocedure

The original port timesout for current request

The new port sendsACK to theportable

Port sends ACK tothe portable

Access succeed












Fig. 12 The flowchart of load sharing



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NCCU Wireless Comm. Lab.

Channel Assignment Strategies for Measurement-based Systems

•Portable Selection Algorithms in Load Sharing Systems

HCPATA (Highest Carrier Power Above Threshold Algorithm)HCPA (Highest Carrier Power Algorithm)FAATA (First Available Above Threshold Algorithm)FAA (First Available Algorithm)


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Channel Assignment Strategies for Measurement-based Systems

•Two Time-solt Selection Algorithms[11-12]

LIBTA (Least Interference Below Threshold Algorithm)Hybrid Time-solt Selection HIBTA with adaptive threshold for the first accessLIBTA with adaptive threshold for the remaining access


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Simulation Results


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Simulation Results


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Simulation Results


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Simulation Results


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Simulation Results


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Simulation Results


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Comments for Measurement-band Systems

•Load sharing system outperforms the other two systemssignificantly, especially in terms of blocking rate

•Hybrid time-slot selection algorithm yields better gradeof service

•With hybrid time-slot selection algorithm, load sharing system is better than directed system by around 0.7 Erlangs and better than QFCA system by around 2 Erlangs


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[1]EIA/TIA ANSI 533, Mobile station-land station compatibility specification.

[2]D. C. Cox and D. O. Reudink, “Dynamic channel assignment in high capacity mobile communication systems,” Bell Syst. Tech. J., pp. 1833-1875, July/Aug. 1971.

[3]D. C. Cox and D. O. Reudink, “Increasing channel occupancy in large-scale mobile radio systems: dynamic channel reassignment,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., vol. VT-22, pp. 218-222, Nov, 1973.

[4]L. G. Anderson, “A simulation study of some dynamic channel assignment algorithms in a high capacity mobile telecommunication system,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., vol. VT-22, pp. 210-217, Nov. 1973.


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[5]S. M. Elnoubi, R. Singh, and S. C. Gupta, “A new frequency channel assignment algorithm in high capacity mobile communication system,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., vol. VT-31, pp. 125-131, Aug. 1982.

[6]S. S. Kuek and W. C. Wong , “Ordered dynamic channel assignment scheme with reassignment in highway microcells,”IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech. vol. VT-41, no. 3, Aug. 1992.

[7]J. C.-I. Chuang, “Autonomous adaptive frequency assignment for TDMA portable ratio systems,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech. vol. VT-40, pp. 627-635, Aug. 1991.


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[8]J. H. Wen, W. J. Chen and S. Y. Lin, “Time-slot selection algorithms for quasi-fixed frequency assignment TDMA cellular systems”, J. of the Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 223-233, Aug. 1998.

[9]B. Eklundh, “Channel utilization and blocking probability in a cellular mobile telephone system with directed retry, “ IEEE Trans. Comm., vol. COM-34, pp. 530-535, May 1989.

[10]J. Karlsson and B. Eklundh, “A cellular mobile telephone system with load sharing-an enhancement of directed retry,”IEEE Trans. Comm., vol. COM-37, pp. 530-535, May 1989.


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[11]J. H. Wen, W. J Chen and J. K. Ho, “Time-slot selection algorithm with directed retry/load sharing for personal communication systems,” Proceedings of the NSC, part A: Physical Science and Engineering, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 631-636, Nov. 1997.

[12]J. H. Wen, W. J. Chen, S. Y. Lin and K. T. Huang, “Performance evaluation of LIBTA/hybrid time-slot selection algorithm for cellular systems,” IASTED International Conference Modeling, Simulation and Optimization, Singapore, pp. 178-181, Aug. 1997.
