Kevin Valencia Mr. Haussermann Tuesday, May 4, 2010 Study Questions Chapters 1 – 4 1. Why does the book begin with the words, “If you want to know the truth . . .”? This is because the reader is going to read about Holden through Holden’s point of view and according to any individual, they’re view is always the truth. 2. What is the meaning of the reference to David Copperfield? David Copperfield is an illusionist and according to Holden, he is not going to say the truth and nothing but the truth. 3. Why is D.B. mentioned here at the beginning? D.B is Holden’s brother and an important part in his life. He is one of the reason Holden despises the world around him because his brother gave in to Hollywood phoniness. 4. What is important in the school motto at Pencey? Holden is bothered by the school, motto because he disagrees with the motto. He believes the school is full of phony guys that weren’t clear thinking at all 5. Why has Holden “forgotten” to mention his dismissal from Pencey? To Holden, his removal from Pencey is not important at all. His school is full of crooks anyways. 6. What does Holden mean when he says that Pencey is full of “crooks”? According to him, the schools is full of people coming from wealthy families. 7. What is significant in Holden’s remark about Mrs. Spencer opening the door herself? This remark sort of judges them for not having too much money, despite the crooks in his school 8. What is the importance of Holden’s confrontation with Mr. Spencer?

Chapter Question CIR Chapters 1-8

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Kevin Valencia Mr. Haussermann Tuesday, May 4, 2010 Study Questions Chapters 1 4 1. Why does the book begin with the words, If you want to know the truth . . .? This is because the reader is going to read about Holden through Holdens point of view and according to any individual, theyre view is always the truth. 2. What is the meaning of the reference to David Copperfield? David Copperfield is an illusionist and according to Holden, he is not going to say the truth and nothing but the truth. Why is D.B. mentioned here at the beginning? D.B is Holdens brother and an important part in his life. He is one of the reason Holden despises the world around him because his brother gave in to Hollywood phoniness. What is important in the school motto at Pencey? Holden is bothered by the school, motto because he disagrees with the motto. He believes the school is full of phony guys that werent clear thinking at all Why has Holden forgotten to mention his dismissal from Pencey? To Holden, his removal from Pencey is not important at all. His school is full of crooks anyways. What does Holden mean when he says that Pencey is full of crooks? According to him, the schools is full of people coming from wealthy families. What is significant in Holdens remark about Mrs. Spencer opening the door herself? This remark sort of judges them for not having too much money, despite the crooks in his school What is the importance of Holdens confrontation with Mr. Spencer? Both Spencer and Holden have mutual feelings for each other. The confrontation they had addresses a lot of the books theme. What is the significance of Spencers question about Holdens telling his parents? This shows us Spencer is looking out for Holden and is worried about him. Why is the ambiguity of Holdens age stressed? Holdens age tells us a lot of about his character. He is smart for his age but he obviously isnt normal.










What is important about Holdens exam paper? Holden wrote a little note at the end of his short paper. This tells us how Why does Holden say he is just going through a phase? He tells Spencer this because he doesnt want him to worry. Why does Holden characterize himself as a liar? This is because he starts lying every time he want to escape from someone. What is the significance of the deflation of Ossenburger? What is the importance of Holdens new hat? The hat symbolizes his individualism Why does Holden yearn to talk to certain authors? HE want to communicate with these Authors because he feels connected to them through their books. What is signified when Holden misplaces the foils? He talks about the foils like he didnt care for them at all. Instead of going crazy and looking for them he stops buy a store and buys a hat. What is Holdens attitude toward Ackley? To Holden, Ackley is always just in the way. He is a nuisance. How is Stradlater characterized? Stradlater is characterized as a phony guy who is at least a friendly guy. What is the significance of Stradlaters borrowing Holdens jacket? The jacket might be something Holden uses to fit in. The jacket has barely been worn by Holden himself so Stradlater will probably make use of it. What is the import of Holdens message to Jane? We can tell Holden has feelings for Jane, he wouldnt send a message to another phony: What are Holdens doubts about the message? Holden believes Stradlater isnt going to tell Jane the message.

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Chapters 5 8 23. Why does Holden enjoy the snowball fight? The snow fight made him fit in, be like the rest. 24. What is the importance of his composition about Allie? The composition about Allie introduces us to another major character in Holdens life, a character that Holden actually looks up to


What is the significance of Holden breaking his hand? This shows us how crazy Holden can get and how recent the event was. 26. What are Holdens fears about Jane and Stradlater? Holden fears Stradlater might have made some sexual advances towards Jane 27. Why does Holden fight Stradlater? Holden fights Stradlater because he refuses to talk about Jane even though Holden kept on nagging for information 28. 29. 30. What is Holdens first action after the fight? Holden goes over to Ackleys room Why does Holden consider going into a monastery? Holden considers going into a monastery to isolate himself. Why is Holden so lonely at Pencey? Holden s lonely because he isolates himself and feels he is surrounded by crooks and phonies. What emotions do the new skates create? Holden gets depressed when he packs his Skates his mother just recently sent him. In what condition does Holden leave Pencey? Holden elves angry and completely annoyed from Pencey Why does Holden give a false name to Mrs. Morrow? There is no real reason he gives a false name. He just starts lying for no reason. Why does he lie about Ernest Morrow? He liked Ernests mother, so he lies just to keep the conversation flowing What is the significance of the brain surgery story? This just tells us something is wrong with Holden mentally. ]


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