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Chapter III Research Methodology A. Research Designabstrak.ta.uns.ac.id/wisuda/upload/C0311009_bab3.pdf · Chapter III Research Methodology A. Research Design ... This theory becomes

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Chapter III

Research Methodology

A. Research Design

This is a qualitative research design. It means that the reality is multiple,

constructed and holistically as stated by Lincoln & Guba (1985). There are some

implicit meanings behind the use of politeness in the conversation. Every person has

different reason when they execute politeness in conversation which is related to the

context. The use of politeness can be caused by the interlocutor, the objective of the

conversation, the situation of the conversation, etc. From the explanation above, it

shows that the reality of politeness is multiple which is constructed holistically.

Moreover, this research uses descriptive design. According to Strauss and

Corbin in Santosa (2012), descriptive method displays the data and also aids the

development of a conceptual framework of particular cultural phenomena derived

from observation, classification, and interpretation. This research analyzed how

minimizing and maximizing expression (politeness maxims) play a role in building

politeness in the film entitled Beauty and the Beast. Afterwards, this research

classified the data based on the politeness maxims by Leech. Furthermore, it

interpreted the result to get conceptual framework what kind of politeness maxims,

the factors and the goals of executing politeness which can produce a sense of

politeness in the conversation.


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The study also employes case study design which means “research that

provides a detailed account and analysis of one or more cases” (Johnson and

Christensen, 2008). The researcher explored a bounded system (a case) with detailed

source of data. It is usually called as single instrumental case study. In this case, the

study observed the case of the usage of politeness in the conversation taken from film

entitled Beauty and the Beast.

Furthermore, the study uses pragmatics as the approach. Pragmatics is the

study of the use and meaning of utterances to their situations (Leech, 1983). The

study took one of pragmatics theory which is called Politeness Principle by Leech.

This theory becomes the underlying theory to analyze the use of politeness maxims in

the film entitled Beauty and the Beast.

B. Research Location

The location of the study was in the form of media, especially the film entitled

Beauty and the Beast. The reason why the research used Beauty and the Beast as the

research location was because the setting of Beauty and the Beast took place in

France (1700) which the characters applied politeness value, especially in speech.

Moreover, there were also reasons why the study used animation movie as the object

study. Animation movie is categorized as a part of visual communication because of

its use of drawings and sketches, and the drawing is usually accompanied by some

words, phrases or sentences which are the form of verbal communication. It was

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concluded that animation movie is adjudged as discourse (Emezue, 2013). Emezue

adds that animation movie constitutes an analyzable discourse because they have

goal-directed, schematic structure by which news, events, ideas, opinions, etc.

Furthermore, the environment of animation could be correlated to realism theory.

Paul Wells (1998) argues that the animated depiction of reality resembles the actual

physical world. In other words, the environment of animation was a representation of

the real world. Therefore, it was summarized that animation film was significant to be

studied. It was also supported by some previous researches which uses animation film

as an object, such as Rismawati (2014) analyzing commanding utterances in Tangled

animated movie, Burhan (2013) analyzing flouting maxim in the UP! animated

movie, Apriani & Wulandari (2014) discussing verbal humor in the cartoon film

Cluody with Chance of Meatballs and Lifiora (2013) discussing conversational

implicature in the An Alchemist’s Anguish animated series.

Lincoln and Guba (1985) state that research location is focus determined

boundary. The focus determined boundary of this research was politeness maxims

executed by the characters film entitled Beauty and the Beast. The other scholar,

Spradley (1980) argues that research location has three aspects. They are setting,

participants and event. The setting of this study was cartoon film entitled Beauty and

the Beast distributed by Walt Disney Picture which took the setting in France

(1700s). The participants were all the characters in the film entitled Beauty and the

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Beast. The event was taken from the daily life of the main character “Belle”

(interaction between Belle and the other characters).

C. Source of Data and Data

Source of data is the source which from the data is acquired. It may appear in

the form of place, informant, event, document, or site (Patton in Santosa, 2012). The

source data of the study were document because the data were taken from the

dialogue of the film entitled Beauty and the Beast which was taken from


Meanwhile, data are object of research, reality which becomes focus of

research (Santosa, 2012). Moreover, there are two kinds of data, primary data and

secondary data. Primary data is the data collected in the location by the researcher

directly. Besides, secondary data is the data collected by the other scholar as the

supported data (Blaxter et al., in Santosa, 2006). In this study, the primer data was the

dialogues containing types of Leech maxims executed by the characters in the film

Beauty and the Beast.

D. Sampling

The research employed purposive sampling which means that the sampling

was based on the objective of the research. The objective of this research was to

analyze the use of politeness principles in the film entitled Beauty and the Beast. In

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getting purposive sampling, the researcher also took criterion-based sampling. The

sampling was based on criteria which was taken from the objective and the theory of

the study. Therefore, this sampling was called as theoritical-based sampling. There

were some criteria to take data from the object of research. First, the data contained

the types of politeness principles by Leech, namely tact maxim, the generosity

maxim, the approbation maxim, the modesty maxim, the agreement maxim and the

sympathy maxim. Then the data also included the goal of executing politeness

principles by the characters and implicated social background which influences the

use of politeness. This is the example of sampling data:

BELLE : Oh, I don't know. It's just I'm not sure I fit in here.

There's no one I can really talk to.

MAURICE : What about that Gaston? He's a handsome fellow!

BELLE : He's handsome all right, and rude and conceited

and...Oh Papa, he's not for me.

From the text above, it can be seen that Belle answers Maurice’s question

politely. In fact, Belle disagrees with Maurice’s argument then she applies agreement

maxim to make the answer sound polite. Firstly, Belle shows her agreement with her

father’s argument about Gaston but then she tells her father that Gaston is not a good

man. After that Belle refuses Gaston by saying “Oh Papa, he's not for me” to make

the refusal sound smoother. In politeness maxim, this kind of politeness is usually

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called as agreement maxim which means minimizing disagreement between self and

other or maximizing agreement between self and other.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

There are five kinds of techniques in collecting data which are observation,

interview, questionnaire, group discussion, and content analysis (Santosa, 2012). This

research employs the content analysis method because the source of data is document.

The document is taken from the dialogues of cartoon film entitled “Beauty and the


F. Procedure of Data Analysis

Through content analysis, the data of this research were analyzed qualitatively

and inductively. According to Grbich (in Santosa, 2012), content analysis is for

knowing the pattern, meaning and social function in its context, including coding and

categorizing. Meanwhile, Spradley (in Santosa, 2012) argues that there are four

stages of content analysis, such as domain analysis, taxonomic analysis,

componential analysis and finding cultural value. Thus, based on the stages of

content analysis, the procedure of data analysis in this research is as follows.

1. Domain Analysis

Domain analysis is used to differentiate between data and not data, Santosa

(2012). In linguistics, analysis domain includes discourse, semantics, syntaxes,

morphology, phonology, etc. Furthermore, domain analysis is an essential domain

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because it is the basic domain to continue in analyzing taxonomy domain,

componential domain and finding cultural value. In this research, the domain

analysis was conducted by examining all type of politeness principles in the film

entitled Beauty and the Beast. Moreover, this research also analyzed the factors

and goals which saw in some aspects. The example of domain analysis can be

read below.

Table 3.1 Example of domain analysis (The types of politeness principles)

Domain Type of Politeness Principles Data

In a village Tact Maxim

Generosity Maxim

Approbation Maxim

Modesty Maxim

Agreement Maxim

Sympathy Maxim

Datum 2


Datum 1


Datum 3


Based on the table above, it can be seen that tact maxim, approbation maxim

and agreement maxim are found in the village domain.

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Table 3.2 Example of domain analysis (The factors influencing the use of

politeness principles)

Data Power Social


Ranking of








Far Close High Low

Datum 1 √ √ √



1 - - - 1 1 -

The example of data is given above. The data is analyzed in three factors,

which are power, social distance and ranking of imposition. From the data above, it

can be seen that the conversation happens between someone who has less power to

someone who has more power. The power in this case is legitimate power influenced

by status. The degree of imposition in the data is categorized as high imposition.

Table 3.3 Example of domain analysis (The goals of executing politeness principles)

The Goal The Type of Politeness



To refuse Agreement Maxim Datum 3, Datum 4

Modesty Maxim Datum 9

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The table above shows that “to refuse” is one example of goal of executing politeness

in conversation. Agreement maxim and modesty maxim are used to refuse something

in polite.

2. Taxonomy Analysis

Taxonomy analysis is used to classify the data based on the categories

(Santosa, 2012). In this research, the data was classified by several categories,

including the type of politeness principles, the factors influencing the use of

politeness principles and the goals of executing politeness principles. Some examples

are given below.

Table 3.4 Example of Presence of Types of Politeness Principles

Domain Type of Politeness Principles Ʃ

Tact Gen App Mod Agr Sym

In a village 1 - 1 - 1 - 3

Table 3.5 Example of Presence of the Factors Influencing the Use of Politeness


The Factors Ʃ

Power Legitimate Power 18

Referent Power 4

Expert Power -

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Table 3.6 Example of Presence of the Goals of Executing Politeness Principles

The Goal Type of Maxims Ʃ

To refuse Agreement Maxim 2

Modesty Maxim 1

3. Componential Analysis

Componential analysis is used to link one component or aspect to another

which have been classified in the taxonomy analysis Santosa (2012). The type of

politeness principle, the factors and the goals was linked through componential

analysis in this research.

Table 3.7 The example of componential analysis

The Goals Type of


The factors Domain

In a





In a


To refuse Agreement




Far High 1

Close High 1





Far High 1

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4. Finding Cultural Values

Finding cultural values is an analysis to look for a theory which can be

grounded from the research, (Santosa, 2012). In general, this analysis is undertaken

by linking the pattern of componential analysis with the context and reflecting to

supporting theory and previous researches. Through finding cultural value, the

research showed how the characters in Beauty and the Beast employed politeness

principle and why it is executed. Furthermore, it also saw the relation between the use

of politeness principle and the setting of the film. The process of finding cultural

values is illustrated below.

Figure 3.1 Finding Cultural Values

(Taken from Santosa, 2012)





The Factors

The Goals

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G. Data Coding

To make easier the classification and analysis, the data will be marked by

code. The coding of data in this research can be seen below:

Datum 02/TM/F-LP-H/TA (00:06:12)

It can be identified as follow:

02 : Refers to number of datum

TM : Refers to type of politeness principles by Leech

TM – Tact Maxim MM – Modesty Maxim

GM – Generosity Maxim AgM – Agreement Maxim

AM – Approbation Maxim SM – Sympathy Maxim

F : Refers to social distance of the participants (Far and Close)

LP : Refers to type of power

LP – Legitimate Power

RP – Referent Power

EP – Expert Power

H : Refers to rank of imposition (High and Low)

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TA : Refers to the goal of using politeness principles

TR – To Refuse TP – To praise

TA – To ask someone for doing something TB – To beg

TO – To offer something TI – To invite

00 : Refers to hour

06 : Refers to minute

12 : Refers to second