Chapter I Commodatum

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  • 7/27/2019 Chapter I Commodatum


    Chapter I: Commodatum

    G.R. No. L-17474 October 25, 1962

    R!"#LIC O$ %& !&ILI!!IN',plaintiff-appellee,vs.

    (O' ). #*G%*',defendant,$LICI+*+ . #*G%*', *dm/tratr0 o the Ite/tate /tate et b3 the ate (o/e ). #ata/,petitioner-appellant.

    D. T. Reyes, Liaison and Associates for petitioner-appellant.Office of the Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee.

    !*+ILL*, J.:

    The Court of Appeals certified this case to this Court because only questions of law are raised.

    On 8 May 1!8 "ose #. $a%tas borrowed fro& the 'epublic of the (hilippines throu%h the $ureau of Ani&al )ndustry three bulls* a 'ed+indhi with a boo value of (1,1.!, a $ha%nari, of (1,/0.2 and a +ahiniwal, of (!!.!, for a period of one year fro& 8 May1!8 to May 1! for breedin% purposes sub3ect to a %overn&ent char%e of breedin% fee of 14 of the boo value of the bulls5pon the e6piration on May 1! of the contract, the borrower ased for a renewal for another period of one year. 7owever, the+ecretary of A%riculture and atural 'esources approved a renewal thereof of only one bull for another year fro& 8 May 1! to May 12 and requested the return of the other two. On 02 March 12 "ose #. $a%tas wrote to the 9irector of Ani&al )ndustry thathe would pay the value of the three bulls. On 1 October 12 he reiterated his desire to buy the& at a value with a deduction ofyearly depreciation to be approved by the Auditor :eneral. On 1 October 12 the 9irector of Ani&al )ndustry advised hi& that the

    boo value of the three bulls could not be reduced and that they either be returned or their boo value paid not later than /1 October12. "ose #. $a%tas failed to pay the boo value of the three bulls or to return the&. +o, on 0 9ece&ber 12 in the Court of ;irst)nstance of Manila the 'epublic of the (hilippines co&&enced an action a%ainst hi& prayin% that he be ordered to return the threebulls loaned to hi& or to pay their boo value in the total su& of (/,0!1.!2 and the unpaid breedin% fee in the su& of (1.0, bothwith interests, and costs< and that other 3ust and equitable relief be %ranted in =civil o. 10818>.

    On 2 "uly 121 "ose #. $a%tas, throu%h counsel avarro, 'osete and Manalo, answered that because of the bad peace and ordersituation in Ca%ayan #alley, particularly in the barrio of $a%%ao, and of the pendin% appeal he had taen to the +ecretary ofA%riculture and atural 'esources and the (resident of the (hilippines fro& the refusal by the 9irector of Ani&al )ndustry to deductfro& the boo value of the bulls correspondin% yearly depreciation of 84 fro& the date of acquisition, to which depreciation theAuditor :eneral did not ob3ect, he could not return the ani&als nor pay their value and prayed for the dis&issal of the co&plaint.

    After hearin%, on / "uly 12 the trial court render 3ud%&ent ?

    . . . sentencin% the latter =defendant> to pay the su& of (/,02. the total value of the three bulls plus the breedin% fees in

    the a&ount of (0.1 with interest on both su&s of =at> the le%al rate fro& the filin% of this co&plaint and costs.

    On October 128 the plaintiff &oved e6 parte for a writ of e6ecution which the court %ranted on 18 October and issued on 11ove&ber 128. On 0 9ece&ber 128 %ranted an e6-parte &otion filed by the plaintiff on ove&ber 128 for the appoint&ent of aspecial sheriff to serve the writ outside Manila. Of this order appointin% a special sheriff, on 9ece&ber 128, ;elicidad M. $a%tasthe survivin% spouse of the defendant "ose $a%tas who died on 0/ October 121 and as ad&inistratri6 of his estate, was notified. On "anuary 12 she file a &otion alle%in% that on 0 "une 120 the two bull +indhi and $ha%nari were returned to the $ureau Ani&aof )ndustry and that so&eti&e in ove&ber 128 the third bull, the +ahiniwal, died fro& %unshot wound inflicted durin% a 7u raid on7acienda ;elicidad )ntal, and prayin% that the writ of e6ecution be quashed and that a writ of preli&inary in3unction be issued. On /1"anuary 12 the plaintiff ob3ected to her &otion. On ;ebruary 12 she filed a reply thereto. On the sa&e day, ;ebruary, theCourt denied her &otion. 7ence, this appeal certified by the Court of Appeals to this Court as stated at the be%innin% of this opinion.

    )t is true that on 0 "une 120 "ose M. $a%tas, "r., son of the appellant by the late defendant, returned the +indhi and $ha%nari bulls to'o&an 'e&orin, +uperintendent of the #$ +tation, $ureau of Ani&al )ndustry, $ayo&bon%, ueva #i@caya, as evidenced by a&e&orandu& receipt si%ned by the latter =6hibit 0>. That is why in its ob3ection of /1 "anuary 12 to the appellantBs &otion to

    quash the writ of e6ecution the appellee prays that another writ of e6ecution in the su& of (82.2/ be issued a%ainst the estate ofdefendant deceased "ose #. $a%tas. +he cannot be held liable for the two bulls which already had been returned to and received bythe appellee.

    The appellant contends that the +ahiniwal bull was accidentally illed durin% a raid by the 7u in ove&ber 12/ upon thesurroundin% barrios of 7acienda ;elicidad )ntal, $a%%ao, Ca%ayan, where the ani&al was ept, and that as such death was due toforce majeureshe is relieved fro& the duty of returnin% the bull or payin% its value to the appellee. The contention is without &eritThe loan by the appellee to the late defendant "ose #. $a%tas of the three bulls for breedin% purposes for a period of one year fro& 8May 1!8 to May 1!, later on renewed for another year as re%ards one bull, was sub3ect to the pay&ent by the borrower ofbreedin% fee of 14 of the boo value of the bulls. The appellant contends that the contract was commodatumand that, for thareason, as the appellee retained ownership or title to the bull it should suffer its loss due to force majeure. A contract ocommodatumis essentially %ratuitous.1)f the breedin% fee be considered a co&pensation, then the contract would be a lease of thebull. 5nder article 11 of the Civil Code the lessee would be sub3ect to the responsibilities of a possessor in bad faith, because she

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    had continued possession of the bull after the e6piry of the contract. And even if the contract be commodatum, still the appellant isliable, because article 1!0 of the Civil Code provides that a bailee in a contract of commodatum?

    . . . is liable for loss of the thin%s, even if it should be throu%h a fortuitous event*

    =0> )f he eeps it lon%er than the period stipulated . . .

    =/> )f the thin% loaned has been delivered with appraisal of its value, unless there is a stipulation e6e&ptin% the bailee fro&responsibility in case of a fortuitous event days, orwithin such ti&e as &ay be %ranted. . . .

    and after the defendantBs death on 0/ October 121 his counsel failed to co&ply with section 1 of 'ule / which provides that ?

    Dhenever a party to a pendin% case dies . . . it shall be the duty of his attorney to infor& the court pro&ptly of such death . . and to %ive the na&e and residence of the e6ecutory ad&inistrator, %uardian, or other le%al representative of the deceased. . . .

    The notice by the probate court and its publication in the Vo de !anila that ;elicidad M. $a%tas had been issue letters ofad&inistration of the estate of the late "ose $a%tas and that all persons havin% clai&s for &onopoly a%ainst the deceased "ose #$a%tas, arisin% fro& contract e6press or i&plied, whether the sa&e be due, not due, or contin%ent, for funeral e6penses ande6penses of the last sicness of the said decedent, and 3ud%&ent for &onopoly a%ainst hi&, to file said clai&s with the Cler of thisCourt at the City 7all $ld%., 7i%hway 2!, Eue@on City, within si6 => &onths fro& the date of the first publication of this order, servin%a copy thereof upon the afore&entioned ;elicidad M. $a%tas, the appointed ad&inistratri6 of the estate of the said deceased, is nota notice to the court and the appellee who were to be notified of the defendantBs death in accordance with the above-quoted ruleand there was no reason for such failure to notify, because the attorney who appeared for the defendant was the sa&e who

    represented the ad&inistratri6 in the special proceedin%s instituted for the ad&inistration and settle&ent of his estate. The appelleeor its attorney or representative could not be e6pected to now of the death of the defendant or of the ad&inistration proceedin%s ofhis estate instituted in another court that if the attorney for the deceased defendant did not notify the plaintiff or its attorney of suchdeath as required by the rule.

    As the appellant already had returned the two bulls to the appellee, the estate of the late defendant is only liable for the su& o(82./, the value of the bull which has not been returned to the appellee, because it was illed while in the custody of thead&inistratri6 of his estate. This is the a&ount prayed for by the appellee in its ob3ection on /1 "anuary 12 to the &otion filed on "anuary 12 by the appellant for the quashin% of the writ of e6ecution.

    +pecial proceedin%s for the ad&inistration and settle&ent of the estate of the deceased "ose #. $a%tas havin% been instituted in theCourt of ;irst )nstance of 'i@al =E-0>, the &oney 3ud%&ent rendered in favor of the appellee cannot be enforced by &eans of a writof e6ecution but &ust be presented to the probate court for pay&ent by the appellant, the ad&inistratri6 appointed by the court.

    ACCO'9):FG, the writ of e6ecution appealed fro& is set aside, without pronounce&ent as to costs.

    "en#on, $.%., "autista An#elo, La&rador, $oncepcion, Reyes, %.".L., 'aredes, Dion, Re#ala and !a(alintal, %%., concur"arrera, %.,concurs in the result.

  • 7/27/2019 Chapter I Commodatum


    G.R. No. 294-95 'eptember 21, 19

    C*%&OLIC )IC*R *!O'%OLIC O$ %& O"N%*IN !RO)INC, petitioner,vs.CO"R% O$ *!!*L', &IR' O$ GI+IO OC%*)I*NO *N+ ("*N )*L+, respondents.

    G*NC*8CO, J.:

    The principal issue in this case is whether or not a decision of the Court of Appeals pro&ul%ated a lon% ti&e a%o can properly be

    considered res judicataby respondent Court of Appeals in the present two cases between petitioner and two private respondents.

    (etitioner questions as alle%edly erroneous the 9ecision dated Au%ust /1, 18 of the inth 9ivision of 'espondent Court of Appealsin CA-:.'. o. 21!8 HCivil Case o. / =!1>I and CA-:.'. o. 21! HCivil Case o. /22 =!0>I, both for 'ecovery of (ossessionwhich affir&ed the 9ecision of the 7onorable icode&o T. ;errer, "ud%e of the 'e%ional Trial Court of $a%uio and $en%uet in CiviCase o. / =!1> and Civil Case o. /22 =!0>, with the dispositive portion as follows*

    D7';O', "ud%&ent is hereby rendered orderin% the defendant, Catholic #icar Apostolic of the Mountain(rovince to return and surrender Fot 0 of (lan (su-1!/2 to the plaintiffs. 7eirs of "uan #alde@, and Fot / of thesa&e (lan to the other set of plaintiffs, the 7eirs of %&idio Octaviano =Feonardo #alde@, et al.>. ;or lac orinsufficiency of evidence, the plaintiffsB clai& or da&a%es is hereby denied. +aid defendant is ordered to pay costs=p. /, 'ollo>

    'espondent Court of Appeals, in affir&in% the trial courtBs decision, sustained the trial courtBs conclusions that the 9ecision of theCourt of Appeals, dated May !,1 in CA-:.'. o. /88/-', in the two cases affir&ed by the +upre&e Court, touched on the

    ownership of lots 0 and / in question< that the two lots were possessed by the predecessors-in-interest of private respondents undeclai& of ownership in %ood faith fro& 1 to 121< that petitioner had been in possession of the sa&e lots as bailee in co&&odatu&up to 121, when petitioner repudiated the trust and when it applied for re%istration in 10< that petitioner had 3ust been inpossession as owner for eleven years, hence there is no possibility of acquisitive prescription which requires 1 years possession with3ust title and / years of possession without< that the principle of res judicataon these findin%s by the Court of Appeals will bar areopenin% of these questions of facts< and that those facts &ay no lon%er be altered.

    (etitionerBs &otion for reconsideation of the respondent appellate courtBs 9ecision in the two afore&entioned cases =CA :.'. o. C#-2!18 and 2!1> was denied.

    The facts and bac%round of these cases as narrated by the trail court are as follows ?

    ... The docu&ents and records presented reveal that the whole controversy started when thedefendant Catholic #icar Apostolic of the Mountain (rovince =#)CA' for brevity> filed with theCourt of ;irst )nstance of $a%uio $en%uet on +epte&ber 2, 10 an application for re%istration of

    title over Fots 1, 0, /, and ! in (su-1!/2, situated at (oblacion Central, Fa Trinidad, $en%uetdoceted as F'C -1, said Fots bein% the sites of the Catholic Church buildin%, convents, hi%hschool buildin%, school %y&nasiu&, school dor&itories, social hall, stonewalls, etc. On March 001/ the 7eirs of "uan #alde@ and the 7eirs of %&idio Octaviano filed their AnswerJOpposition onFots os. 0 and /, respectively, assertin% ownership and title thereto. After trial on the &erits, theland re%istration court pro&ul%ated its 9ecision, dated ove&ber 1, 12, confir&in% there%istrable title of #)CA' to Fots 1, 0, /, and !.

    The 7eirs of "uan #alde@ =plaintiffs in the herein Civil Case o. /22> and the 7eirs of %&idioOctaviano =plaintiffs in the herein Civil Case o. /> appealed the decision of the landre%istration court to the then Court of Appeals, doceted as CA-:.'. o. /88/-'. The Court ofAppeals rendered its decision, dated May , 1, reversin% the decision of the land re%istrationcourt and dis&issin% the #)CA'Bs application as to Fots 0 and /, the lots clai&ed by the two setsof oppositors in the land re%istration case =and two sets of plaintiffs in the two cases now at bar>the first lot bein% presently occupied by the convent and the second by the wo&enBs dor&itoryand the sisterBs convent.

    On May , 1, the 7eirs of Octaviano filed a &otion for reconsideration prayin% the Court oAppeals to order the re%istration of Fot / in the na&es of the 7eirs of %&idio Octaviano, and onMay 1, 1, the 7eirs of "uan #alde@ and (acita #alde@ filed their &otion for reconsiderationprayin% that both Fots 0 and / be ordered re%istered in the na&es of the 7eirs of "uan #alde@ and(acita #alde@. On Au%ust 10,1, the Court of Appeals denied the &otion for reconsiderationfiled by the 7eirs of "uan #alde@ on the %round that there was no sufficient &erit to 3ustifyreconsideration one way or the other ..., and liewise denied that of the 7eirs of %&idioOctaviano.

    Thereupon, the #)CA' filed with the +upre&e Court a petition for review on certiorari of thedecision of the Court of Appeals dis&issin% his =its> application for re%istration of Fots 0 and /,

  • 7/27/2019 Chapter I Commodatum


    doceted as :.'. o. F-!8/0, entitled BCatholic #icar Apostolic of the Mountain (rovince vs. Courtof Appeals and 7eirs of %&idio Octaviano.B

    ;ro& the denial by the Court of Appeals of their &otion for reconsideration the 7eirs of "uan#alde@ and (acita #alde@, on +epte&ber 8, 1, filed with the +upre&e Court a petition forreview, doceted as :.'. o. F-!80, entitled, )eirs of %uan Valde and 'acita Valde *s. $ourt ofAppeals, #icar, 7eirs of %&idio Octaviano and Annable O. #alde@.

    On "anuary 1/, 18, the +upre&e Court denied in a &inute resolution both petitions =of #)CA' onthe one hand and the 7eirs of "uan #alde@ and (acita #alde@ on the other> for lac of &erit. 5ponthe finality of both +upre&e Court resolutions in :.'. o. F-!8/0 and :.'. o. F- !80, the7eirs of Octaviano filed with the then Court of ;irst )nstance of $a%uio, $ranch )), a Motion ;or6ecution of "ud%&ent prayin% that the 7eirs of Octaviano be placed in possession of Fot /. TheCourt, presided over by 7on. +alvador ". #alde@, on 9ece&ber , 18, denied the &otion on the%round that the Court of Appeals decision in CA-:.'. o. /88 did not %rant the 7eirs oOctaviano any affir&ative relief.

    On ;ebruary , 1, the 7eirs of Octaviano filed with the Court of Appeals a petitioner focertiorari and &anda&us, doceted as CA-:.'. o. 88-', entitled )eirs of +#midio Octa*iano*s. )on. Sal*ador %. Valde, %r. and Vicar. )n its decision dated May 1, 1, the Court of Appealsdis&issed the petition.

    )t was at that sta%e that the instant cases were filed. The 7eirs of %&idio Octaviano filed CiviCase o. / =!1> on "uly 0!, 1, for recovery of possession of Fot /< and the 7eirs of "uan#alde@ filed Civil Case o. /22 =!0> on +epte&ber 0!, 1, liewise for recovery of possession

    of Fot 0 =9ecision, pp. 1-01, Ori%. 'ec.>.

    )n Civil Case o. / =!1> trial was held. The plaintiffs 7eirs of %&idio Octaviano presented one =1> witness;ructuoso #alde@, who testified on the alle%ed ownership of the land in question =Fot /> by their predecessor-in-interest, %&idio Octaviano =6h. C >< his written de&and =6h. $?$-! > to defendant #icar for the return of theland to the&< and the reasonable rentals for the use of the land at (1,. per &onth. On the other handdefendant #icar presented the 'e%ister of 9eeds for the (rovince of $en%uet, Atty. icanor +ison, who testified thatthe land in question is not covered by any title in the na&e of %&idio Octaviano or any of the plaintiffs =6h. 8>The defendant dispensed with the testi&ony of Mons.Dillia& $rasseur when the plaintiffs ad&itted that the witnessif called to the witness stand, would testify that defendant #icar has been in possession of Fot /, for seventy-five=2> years continuously and peacefully and has constructed per&anent structures thereon.

    )n Civil Case o. /22, the parties ad&ittin% that the &aterial facts are not in dispute, sub&itted the case on thesole issue of whether or not the decisions of the Court of Appeals and the +upre&e Court touchin% on the ownershipof Fot 0, which in effect declared the plaintiffs the owners of the land constitute res judicata.

    )n these two cases , the plaintiffs arque that the defendant #icar is barred fro& settin% up the defense of ownershipandJor lon% and continuous possession of the two lots in question since this is barred by prior 3ud%&ent of the Courtof Appeals in CA-:.'. o. /88/-' under the principle of res judicata. (laintiffs contend that the question opossession and ownership have already been deter&ined by the Court of Appeals =6h. C, 9ecision, CA-:.'. o/88/-'> and affir&ed by the +upre&e Court =6h. 1, Minute 'esolution of the +upre&e Court>. On his partdefendant #icar &aintains that the principle of res judicatawould not prevent the& fro& liti%atin% the issues oflon% possession and ownership because the dispositive portion of the prior 3ud%&ent in CA-:.'. o. /88/-'&erely dis&issed their application for re%istration and titlin% of lots 0 and /. 9efendant #icar contends that only thedispositive portion of the decision, and not its body, is the controllin% pronounce&ent of the Court of Appeals. 2

    The alle%ed errors co&&itted by respondent Court of Appeals accordin% to petitioner are as follows*

    1. ''O' ) A((FG): FAD O; T7 CA+ A9 R+S %D$ATA