RPS V7.1 - 2016 Part 11 - Planning Scheme Policy 9 - Infrastructure Works - Chapter 9 - Page 139 Chapter 9 - Electrical Reticulation and Street Lighting 9.9.1 Purpose (1) The purpose of this chapter of the policy is to - (a) Set out the information requirements for the preparation and submission of plans and technical reports for the design of electrical reticulation and street lighting works associated with development applications; (b) Ensure that electrical works and street lighting are designed and constructed effectively and safely and minimises maintenance costs. 9.9.2 Applicability This chapter applies to all development under the planning scheme that requires the installation of or modification to electrical reticulation or street lighting external to the premises either within the road reserve or other public areas. 9.9.3 General (1) The Applicant is to appoint a suitably qualified electrical consultant for the design of electrical reticulation and street-lighting who is a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ). (2) Design and construction work on Energex’s assets is carried out by an Energex approved consultant and contractor. The applicant or consulting Engineer submits certified documentation and drawings to the local government showing Energex and Telstra’s acceptance of the proposed design. For - (a) reconfiguration works, copies of these agreements are forwarded to the local government prior to sealing of the survey plans; (b) other works, copies are forwarded on completion of the works. (3) Certificates and As-Constructed certified drawings are supplied to Energex and, where applicable, to the Department of Main Roads on completion of all works. 9.9.4 Electrical Reticulation General Requirements This chapter should be read in conjunction with specified local government Standard Drawings and the current Energex manuals and policies. Overhead Electrical Reticulation Overhead power is aligned in accordance with standard drawings R-RSC-9 and R-RSC-10. Underground Electrical Reticulation (1) General - (a) underground electricity reticulation is provided in accordance with the Infrastructure Works Code; (b) the specific requirements of new developments, in particular reconfiguration, are in sections and

Chapter 9 - Electrical Reticulation and Street Lighting · Chapter 9 - Electrical Reticulation and Street Lighting 9.9.1 Purpose (1) The purpose of this chapter of the policy is to

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Chapter 9 - Electrical Reticulation and Street Lighting

9.9.1 Purpose (1) The purpose of this chapter of the policy is to -

(a) Set out the information requirements for the preparation and submission of plans and technical reports for the design of electrical reticulation and street lighting works associated with development applications;

(b) Ensure that electrical works and street lighting are designed and constructed effectively and

safely and minimises maintenance costs.

9.9.2 Applicability This chapter applies to all development under the planning scheme that requires the installation of or modification to electrical reticulation or street lighting external to the premises either within the road reserve or other public areas.

9.9.3 General (1) The Applicant is to appoint a suitably qualified electrical consultant for the design of electrical

reticulation and street-lighting who is a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ). (2) Design and construction work on Energex’s assets is carried out by an Energex approved

consultant and contractor. The applicant or consulting Engineer submits certified documentation and drawings to the local government showing Energex and Telstra’s acceptance of the proposed design. For -

(a) reconfiguration works, copies of these agreements are forwarded to the local government

prior to sealing of the survey plans;

(b) other works, copies are forwarded on completion of the works. (3) Certificates and As-Constructed certified drawings are supplied to Energex and, where applicable,

to the Department of Main Roads on completion of all works.

9.9.4 Electrical Reticulation General Requirements This chapter should be read in conjunction with specified local government Standard Drawings and the current Energex manuals and policies. Overhead Electrical Reticulation Overhead power is aligned in accordance with standard drawings R-RSC-9 and R-RSC-10. Underground Electrical Reticulation (1) General -

(a) underground electricity reticulation is provided in accordance with the Infrastructure Works Code;

(b) the specific requirements of new developments, in particular reconfiguration, are in sections and

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Page 140 - Part 11 - Planning Scheme Policy 9 - Infrastructure Works - Chapter 9 RPS V7.1 - 2016 New Dedicated Roads For newly dedicated roads, full underground electrical reticulation including consumer service pillars are provided within the road reserve to all lots including adjacent parkland. Existing Dedicated Roads (including Road Widening) (1) The following provisions apply, except where sections and below are relevant.

(2) Where overhead electricity reticulation exists along frontage of the development and all the

proposed lots are to take access off the existing dedicated road -

(a) the low voltage (240V) and 11kV are converted to underground and all lots supplied underground from consumers’ service pillars;

(b) redundant overhead lines and power poles are removed.

(3) Where the overhead electricity reticulation exists along the frontage of the development, but the

proposed lots are to take access and have electricity supply from an internal road system, conduits are installed for either the future undergrounding of the existing 11kV component or for new proposed future 11kV.

(4) If the supply for the development is taken from existing overhead mains, then the supply is

installed underground from the nearest existing overhead pole at or outside the development boundary. It is unacceptable to install new overhead conductors across the road or extend spans of overhead lines down a footpath to new underground termination poles. Existing Houses/Buildings Where an existing dwelling/building is to remain within the limits of a development or reconfiguration, then any existing overhead electricity and telecommunications services to the building do not need to be converted to underground services. If the dwelling /building is demolished or removed at a later date then underground power will be required to be provided to any new or replacement dwelling/building in accordance with above. Reconfiguration – No more than 2 lots (1 into 2 lot reconfiguration or boundary realignment) (1) Overhead electricity service connection may be provided where:

(a) overhead electricity reticulation is established; (b) no new property poles or poles within the road reserve are required to service the sites; (c) there is no extension to the overhead mains or any “flying fox” overhead service

connection; (d) the proposed overhead service connection does not cross a road; (e) the proposed overhead service connection does not cross a premises, other than the

premises being serviced.

(2) Underground electricity reticulation will be required where: (a) underground electrical reticulation is established – except in the case of above; or (b) a connection cannot meet the requirements of (1) above.

(3) The developer is responsible for all design, approval and construction cost that includes any

relocation costs as part of the electrical reticulation supply.

Note: The electrical distributor (Energex) has its own standards for electrical reticulation with which may include additional requirements.

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RPS V7.1 - 2016 Part 11 - Planning Scheme Policy 9 - Infrastructure Works - Chapter 9 - Page 141 High Voltage Feeders (33kV and Higher) All existing conductors of 33kV and higher may remain overhead. However if the developer wishes to remove high voltage feeder lines, the necessary approvals are obtained direct from Energex/Powerlink. New or relocated 33kV or higher systems may be overhead at the discretion of Energex/Powerlink. Spare Conduits (1) The local government reserves the right to specify spare conduits for future use on half/full width

road crossings for the extension of services to/from adjacent existing and future developments. (2) It is the responsibility of the electrical supplier to ensure that the quantity of conduits installed

within the development will also cater for any future mains upgrade -

(a) dedicated Underground Electricity Infrastructure Areas are defined in Maps 1 to 6;

(b) all underground power is designed in accordance with Energex specification, Underground Residential Distribution (URD), as amended from time to time;

(c) the quantity of conduits installed within the development will cater for future adjacent

developments or mains upgrade;

(d) alignment of infrastructure is in accordance with standard drawings R-RSC-9 and R-RSC-10.

Note - Where internal lots with narrow access easements are proposed, it is important that future electricity and telecommunication conduits are installed for the full length of the access easement before any concrete driveways are constructed. Road Crossings (1) Where underground infrastructure is required to cross a road carriageway it is -

(a) preferably at right angles;

(b) in no case less than 45 degrees to the road axis;

(c) located on boundaries alternate to water reticulation crossings; (2) Electrical crossings are not permitted within the area defined as an intersection under the Traffic

Regulations unless on an alignment off the projected intersecting property boundary. Pillars (1) Pillars are provided at all electrical infrastructure entry points and are located adjacent to the

common side boundary of private properties; (2) The location of internal transformers associated with 11kV electrical infrastructure is determined

on a case by case basis; (3) Development involving the dedication of parks provides electrical infrastructure pillars in a park or

on the verge of the road reserve adjoining the park to provide power supply for lighting or other services and facilities.

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Page 142 - Part 11 - Planning Scheme Policy 9 - Infrastructure Works - Chapter 9 RPS V7.1 - 2016 Transformers (1) New transformers are Pad-Mount Transformers (PMT) unless specified otherwise; (2) Transformers are located in parks, or approved road reserves excised from properties; (3) Where Pad Mount Transformers are proposed within existing or proposed parkland, the location of

the infrastructure is determined based on the following criteria -

(a) having vehicular access at all times;

(b) being inconspicuous;

(c) being clear of all other infrastructure;

(d) being clear from tree canopy overhang and not obscured by other planting;

(e) having a site size that conforms to Energex requirements.

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Map 1 - Capalaba - Plan of Dedicated Underground Electrical Reticulation

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Map 2 - Wellington Point - Plan of Dedicated Underground Electrical Reticulation

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Map 3 - Cleveland - Plan of Dedicated Underground Electrical Reticulation

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Map 4 - Victoria Point - Plan of Dedicated Underground Electrical Reticulation

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Map 5 - Redland Bay - Plan of Dedicated Underground Electrical Reticulation

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Map 6 - Point Lookout - Plan of Dedicated Underground Electrical Reticulation

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9.9.5 Street Lighting General Requirements (1) It is the applicant's responsibility to provide street lighting as a condition of development. (2) The design takes account of the Department of Main Roads and the local government’s future

planning proposals. (3) At the time of approval, the local government or Department of Main Roads will nominate the

category of street lighting and extent of street lighting required. (4) As a general rule, street lighting is installed in association with the installation of all new traffic

islands and all new road openings to existing roads. (5) Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Department of Main Roads or the local government,

all road lighting installed as a condition of development is Rate 2 Lighting. Relevant Standards (1) Unless specified otherwise in this chapter or directed by the local government, the detailed design

of street lighting and path lighting conforms to the following standards -

(a) Australian Standard 1158.0: 1997 - Road Lighting - Introduction;

(b) AS 1158.1.1: 1997 - Road Lighting (Category V) - Performance and installation design requirements;

(c) AS 1158.1.3: 1997 - Road Lighting- Vehicular traffic (Category V) - Performance and

installation design requirements;

(d) AS 1158.3.1: 1999 - Road Lighting - Pedestrian area (Category P) - Performance and installation design requirements;

(e) AS 1158.1: 1986 - SAA Public Lighting Code, Part 1 - Performance and installation design


(f) AS 4282: 1997 - Control of the Obtrusive Effects of Outdoor Lighting;

(g) Guide to Traffic Engineering Practice - Part 12 Roadway Lighting (AUSTROADS Publication);

(h) Energex Policies and Standards - Energex Public Lighting Manuals. Lighting Categories (1) The lighting categories acceptable to the local government are set out in Table 1. The lighting

categories referred to in Australian Standard 1158 are broadly described as follows -

(a) Category V Lighting - lighting applicable to roads on which visual requirements of motorists are dominant such as major traffic routes;

(b) Category B Lighting - lighting which is applicable to roads on which the visual requirements

of pedestrians are dominant such as local roads;

(c) Category C Lighting - lighting which is applicable to outdoors public areas, other than roads, where visual requirements of pedestrians are dominant such as outdoor shopping precincts.

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Table 1 - Lighting Categories

Road Type Minimum Reverse

Width (metres) (Refer Note1)

AS 1158 Lighting Category

Access Place 15 B2

Access Street 15 B2

Collector Street 18 B1

Trunk Collector Street 27 V5

Trunk Collector Street (no frontage access) 19 V5

Sub Arterial 2 Lane Undivided (no front access) 20 V3

Sub Arterial 2 Lane Divided (frontage access) 33 V3

Sub Arterial 4 Lane Divided (no frontage access) 33 V3

Industrial Access 20 B2

Industrial Collector 22 B1

Local Area Traffic Management Devices P

Lane or Pathway N/A B2

Cycle paths N/A B2

Pedestrian Tunnels (Note2) N/A C1

Notes - 1 These dimensions are applicable to newly dedicated roads only. Refer Standard Drawing R-RSC-15.

2 Pedestrian tunnels longer than 25 metres require lighting during daylight hours as well as at night. Lighting Design (1) The design and construction of street lighting -

(a) is installed prior to accepting roadworks On-Maintenance unless otherwise approved by the Department of Main Roads and/or the local government;

(b) is designed and installed under the direction of an Electrical Engineer registered in

Queensland (RPEQ) and experienced in this type of work;

(c) involves the Electrical Engineer coordinating the design with the Civil Engineer responsible for the design of the roadworks;

(d) is submitted to approving authorities through the Civil Engineer;

(e) where traffic signals are being installed in association with a development, the Civil

Engineer co-ordinates the design and installation of the street lighting with the local government and the Department of Main Roads where applicable.

(2) The following information is provided to the approving authorities for street lighting -

(a) existing road alignments, property boundaries, locations of existing poles and lights where appropriate;

(b) location of proposed lights and poles, detailing type, bracket size, mounting height and

distance between poles;

(c) any physical feature that may affect the design;

(d) possible conflicts with other services;

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(e) drawings showing plans of the street lights, using standard DMR or Energex luminaires,

cable installations, types, cross-sections and alignments;

(f) certification that the design complies with the previously specified requirements in Clause Relevant Standards; Refer also Chapter 2 - Documentation and General Conditions of this policy.

(3) Where the Department of Main Roads requires street lighting as a condition of development, such

as in association with traffic islands or with opening of a new road, the Department of Main Roads may also require conditions similar to the above and/or additional conditions. Street Lighting in Minor Roads (1) Minor Roads, being an access place, access street, collector street, industrial access and collector

streets have lighting designed to conform to the lighting Categories B and C in accordance with Australian Standard 1158.1: 1986 - Road Lighting - The lighting of urban roads and other public thoroughfares. Refer to section, Table 1 - Lighting Categories.

(2) Lighting of pedestrian refuges and on Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) devices are in

accordance with Australian Standard 1158.3.1: 1999 - Road Lighting - Pedestrian areas; (Category P) Lighting-Performance and installation design requirements. Refer to section, Table 1 - Lighting Categories.

(3) Street lighting is enhanced to achieve, at least, the minimum standards at the following locations -

(a) where the road exists and is identified as Drainage Problem;

(b) at intersections, sharp bends, culs-de-sac, local shops, bus stops and any other location of potential hazard or frequented by pedestrians;

(4) For Low Density Residential, Park Residential, Rural Non-Urban, Environmental Protection or

Conservation Zones where Table 1 light categories do not apply, one street light is provided -

(a) for every five (5) lots; or

(b) at a maximum spacing of 120 metres. Street Lighting on Major Roads and at Intersections (1) Major roads are Trunk Collector, Sub-Arterial and Arterial. Refer standard drawing R-RSC-15. (2) On roads under the control of the Department of Main Roads, the design complies with all current

requirements of the Department of Main Roads. (3) Street lighting is installed on arterial roads in conjunction with or prior to the installation of

improvements such as traffic islands or roundabouts. It is important that systems be developed so as to avoid the possibility of hazardous situations occurring during the construction of external road works through time constraints making it difficult for the street lighting installation to meet the required deadlines. Lighting in Parks and on Pedestrian and Bicycle Paths (1) Lighting requirements for parks are determined on a case by case basis. (2) Street lighting is provided adjacent to all parks. (3) Pedestrian and bicycle paths are lit using -

(a) vandal resistant bollard lights to minimise obtrusive lighting where situated adjacent to residential properties. Raylinc BL70-CSV-CB70W 70w HPS or equivalent is acceptable;

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(b) pole mounted luminaires such as Nostalgia or similar Energex Rate 2 luminaires may be used in other situations where obtrusive lighting is of no concern.

Note - Energex Rate 2 luminaires are to have vehicular access to the installations at all times. (4) Lights are located at both ends of paths and at intervals along the path in accordance with an

approved design or as agreed to by the local government. (5) The location of lighting is such that access for people with a disability is maintained. (6) Maintenance vehicle access is maintained. Lighting in Community Title Schemes (1) Where involving public or private roads, street lighting is provided in accordance with the

requirements for Minor Roads. (2) Where involving internal accessways -

(a) a street lighting plan is submitted as part of the development application;

(b) the minimum requirement is the provision of bollard lights adjacent to internal accessways, pedestrian and vehicle entry points and pathways. Street Light Pole Alignment (1) Street light poles are located at common side property boundaries. (2) On standard width verges being less than 4 metres, pole and conduit alignment are in accordance

with Standard Drawings R-RSC-9 and R-RSC-10. (3) On verges exceeding 4 metres width, pole alignment is 1.4 metres behind the lip of the channel. (4) Street trees are not planted closer than 7 metres from existing or future street light pole locations. (5) In locations where the preferred alignment is not achievable, the alignment will be determined by

the local government. (6) Street light poles are not located at the same side boundaries as fire hydrants, or on truncated

boundaries. (7) Placement of the street light poles on the tangent point of kerb and channel return is subject to the

approval of the local government. Diagram 1 - Unsuitable street light pole locations

Street light poles are not located in these positions

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RPS V7.1 - 2016 Part 11 - Planning Scheme Policy 9 - Infrastructure Works - Chapter 9 - Page 153 Street Light Luminaires (1) M50 luminaires are preferred; however an S70 may be permitted if considered practical by an

Electrical Engineer. (2) Fluorescent lighting and opal sphere luminaires are not used. (3) All luminaires conform to the Energex program of rationalisation of street light luminaires in order

to avoid high maintenance costs when luminaires require replacement. (4) New luminaires and brackets are the same or of similar appearance to those in adjacent existing

developments. (5) Major luminaires are of the aeroscreen type. (6) Major roads luminaires are high pressure sodium vapour lamps. (7) Minor road luminaires are not aeroscreened except as approved in such locations as pathways. (8) Post-top luminaires for decorative purposes are not used except where considered appropriate by

the local government on B2 lighting category roads - refer Table 1. (9) Subject to the requirements of Energex and the Department of Main Roads, outreach brackets for

luminaires are 1.5 metres minimum length except on pathways, where the outreach may be 0.5 metres. Street Light Materials (1) Design and construction of street light materials require Energex approval and where applicable,

the Department of Main Roads. (2) Theme street lights or the use of alternative street light materials where designed as part of a

streetscape, will be considered on their merits provided they are acceptable to Energex as a Rate 2 lighting installation.

(3) All new street light poles are base plate mounted steel poles and where practicable supplied

through underground conduits unless otherwise approved by the Department of Main Roads and the local government.

(4) In the case of Department of Main Road’s infrastructure, the type and location of luminaires

complies with latest requirements of Department of Main Roads. (5) Frangible poles are required in certain circumstances - refer to the requirements of Department of

Main Roads and Energex Manuals. Approving Authorities (1) Works designed by Energex are submitted to the local government and where required, to the

Department of Main Roads for examination and inspection. (2) Works designed by Electrical and Civil Engineers are submitted to Energex and the local

government for approval, and where relevant, to the Department of Main Roads.

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