Chapter 9 Advanced E-Commerce (Dr.Maha)

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  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 9 Advanced E-Commerce (Dr.Maha)





  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 9 Advanced E-Commerce (Dr.Maha)





    Chapter 9





  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 9 Advanced E-Commerce (Dr.Maha)





    Chapter 9: Website Development Process

    Questions answered in this chapter:What are the steps involved in building a


    How is the user experience definitioncreated?

    What is the architecture design process?

    What is the implementation process?

    What is involved in the test process?

    What factors are involved in launching awebsite?

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 9 Advanced E-Commerce (Dr.Maha)




    9-4Website Development Process The goal of website development is to present

    functionality and content through some type ofvisual interface.

    Initial steps for developing a website

    Be part of strategy

    Define user experience

    Translate user experience to functionality and screenrepresentations

    A set of compromises are Size & scope of project

    HW & SW types

    Type of audience

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 9 Advanced E-Commerce (Dr.Maha)




    9-5Three External Forces That Shape This Goal: Time

    What is the deadline for this project?

    Is the deadline flexible or nonnegotiable?

    Can the site be phased in over time, or do all of thedesired features have to be built immediately?

    Budget How much money has been allocated to the

    project, and how was that number derived?

    Is there enough in the budget to hire additional staffif the deadline is too tight?

    Can the project be outsourced in part or entirety?

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 9 Advanced E-Commerce (Dr.Maha)




    9-6Three External Forces That Shape This Goal:

    Resources Does the organization have the right mix of skills

    internally to deliver the project as specified?

    Does it have enough of each type of skill given thetimetable that has been laid out?

    Are these resources available, or could the resourcesneeded be pulled off another projectand what is therelative importance of this project to the organizationversus the other project?

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 9 Advanced E-Commerce (Dr.Maha)


    1-71-79-7Exhibit 9-1: Process for Building a WebsiteStrategy Formulation




    User Experience Definition

    Architecture Design Process

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 9 Advanced E-Commerce (Dr.Maha)


    1-81-89-8Process for Building a Website from Scratch Important aspects that need to be known or in place:

    A well defined set of business objectives for the site

    Executive support

    A general definition of the audience segments

    A clearly articulated project plan

    A brief definition and description of the relevant brandingsystems

    A competitive analysis for the industry and the product/serviceoffered by the site

    a budget

    development resources

    a steering committee of senior stakeholders and executives

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 9 Advanced E-Commerce (Dr.Maha)


    1-91-99-9Process for Building a Site from Scratch(contd) User Experience

    refers to how a user perceives and interprets the website

    Functional Specification provides a highly detailed guide to what every page on the website


    Change-management Process a framework for identifying problems within the project

    software bugs or a change in site requirements

    prioritizing these problems, assigning the task of resolving these problems,and tracking the progress of the tasks until all problems are resolved

    Project Plan Lays out the checkpoints, milestones, and resources that are

    expected to be required to move the project forward to completion

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 9 Advanced E-Commerce (Dr.Maha)


    1-101-109-10Process for Building a Site from Scratch(contd)Discipline Areas key include:

    Business Strategy

    Functional/subject-matter expertise

    Information architecture

    Content development/writing Visual design

    Interface design

    Technical architecture

    Database administration Data modeling

    Technical development

    Quality assurance team lead

    Quality assurance testing

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    1-111-119-11Exhibit 9-2: Project PlanID Task Name Duration

    1 Version 1.0 145 days?

    2 User Experience Definition 70 days?

    3 Audience Definition 45 days

    4 ID initial audience groups 5 day s

    5 Brainstorm user intentions 5 day s

    6 Brainstorm f eatures / f unctions to satisf y intenti 5 day s

    7 Test assumptions on intentions 5 day s

    8 Test assumptions on f eatures / functions 5 day s

    9 Build user personea guides 10 day s

    10 Dev elop Functional Matrix 10 day s

    11 Dev elop Audience Def inition Findings Document 10 day s

    12 Functional Definition 25 days

    13 Create Functional Matrix 10 day s

    14 Process Flows 5 day s

    15 Site Architecture 10 day s

    16 Nav Model 2 day s

    17 Directory Structure 2 day s

    18 Page inventory 2 day s

    19 Content Matrix 5 day s

    20 Page Schematics 10 day s

    21 Visual Definition 30 days?

    22 Gather Interf ace Dev elopment Requirements 15 day s

    23 Dev elop Interface Findings Document 5 day s

    24 Dev elop Visual Identity Sy stem 2 wks

    25 Dev elop Sty le Guide 2 wks

    26 Architecture Design Process 85 days

    27 Technical Discovery and Definition 80 days

    28 Existing Technology Discov ery 10 day s

    29 Gather Technical Dev elopment Requirements 10 day s

    30 Dev elopment Env ironment Setup 1 wk

    31 Liv e Env ironment Setup 1 wk

    32 Implementation 45 days

    33 Findings Validation 1 wk

    34 Visual Design Development 2 wks

    35 Interf ace Dev elopment 4 wks

    36 Application Dev elopment 8 wks

    37 Testing 65 days

    38 Unit Testing 8 wks

    39 Component Integration Testing 5 day s

    40 UI Integration Testing 5 day s

    41 Integration Testing 5 day s

    42 Sy stems Testing 5 day s

    43 Perf ormance and Stress Testing 5 day s44 Go Liv e 5 day s

    2 13 24 5 16 27 7 18 29 10 21 1 12 23 3 14 25 6 17 28 8 19 30 11 22 2 13 24 4 15

    ar 31, '02 Apr 28, '02 May 26, '02 Jun 23, '02 Jul 21, '02 Aug 18, '02 Sep 15, '02 Oct 13, '02 Nov 10, '02 Dec 8, '02 Jan 5, '03 Feb 2, '03

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 9 Advanced E-Commerce (Dr.Maha)


    1-121-129-12User Experience IdentificationBy developing the online offering through:

    Identifying the scope of the offering

    Identifying the customer decision process

    Mapping the offering to this decision process

    User types

    Discrete types of users who will use the site as employee, customers,

    partners, vendors, interested parties User intentions

    what tasks users want to accomplish when they visit the site

    User persona

    Fictitious, representative examples of real users that allow thedevelopment team to focus on the collective core needs of the users

    within a group

    User intention matrix + user profile user persona

    Use case

    Describes how a user and a system interact to accomplish a specificgoal, typically a step-by-step guide describing all the actions that the

    user takes, and what the system does in return

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    1-131-139-13Exhibit 9-3: User ProfilePersonal Profile

    Age: 20

    Education: 4 years of high school

    Car: Saturn SC1

    Shops at:Old Navy, Starbucks, Abercrombie and Fitch,

    Gap, Newbury Comics, Tower Records


    Job:Full-Time Student

    Company Size N/A

    Company Industry: N/A

    Typical Task on Product Research and Purchase

    Familiarity with Acme: Somewhat familiar: Cindy has seen Acme's

    adds, and a few of her friends have computers

    from Acme.

    Usage Scenario Description: Cindy needs a computer, but is uncertain as to

    what her options areshe is a bit afraid of the

    whole process, to be honest. Her parents have

    agreed to buy her a computer, but have told her

    that she needs to do the research.

    Reason for choosing to work with

    Acme: Recommendations from her friends, cool-looking

    computers, good price, and Acme appears to be

    an easy, no-pressure company to buy froma

    company that will take care of her.

    Desired Experience: Cindy wants to be able to research her computer

    options, understand the pros and cons, and buy

    a computer.

    But, she wants to buy a computer that is at least

    as cool as her friends computers, so she would like to be

    able to make a case to her parents for a slightly

    better computer than what she might actually


    When she decides what to buy, she would like to

    understand the financing options available to


    Key Points:

    User Profile: Cindy the College Student

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    1-141-149-14Exhibit 9-4: Intentions MatrixIntentions


    (Features and Functions)


    (user objectives)

    Acme's business objectives

    Research and Buy a Computer

    Lookup Products Get Product Information Increase customer base

    - Genera l Product In fo rmati on Learn the d if fe rences be tween produc ts and p roduct op ti ons Educate customer to better understand benefits of the technology

    - Quick comparison of products Upsell / Crosssell customers into new products / peripherals

    - Upgrade and Accessory information Leverage user's circle of community to advertise Acme

    Research the Technology

    - System to explain what the system pieces are

    and how they compare to each other

    - Have products suggested based on needs Have a product suggested to her based on her needs

    Pick the System Show friends what system she is getting

    - Pick a solution(s) Show parent's 2-3 systems and have them buy one - pursuade them tobuy the better machine

    - configure / customize the system

    - Store picked solutions for viewing later / sharing

    to parents / friends

    - Allow friends/parents to vote on system if she

    can't make up her mind

    Buy the System Buy the best system she can get

    - Send Parents to her customized computer to

    have them buy it on her behalf

    Check Purchase Status

    owledge base, documentation, troubleshooting wizard, live csr

    contact information

    customer service - rma, swap parts

    Cindy needs a computer, but is uncertain as to

    what her options are. She needs to be able to

    show her parents the options that she has, and

    ideally let them purchase the computer for her.

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 9 Advanced E-Commerce (Dr.Maha)


    1-151-159-15Functional Matrix vs.Functional Specification Discrete set of functions represents

    functional matrixFunctional Matrix Purpose:

    Define project scope, used to build project plan

    Communication with executives, project team, any

    external contractors

    Track enhancements as they are discovered during


    Plan future release functionalityby priority

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 9 Advanced E-Commerce (Dr.Maha)


    1-161-169-16Functional Matrix vs.Functional Specification (contd) Indicates & details how functions

    proceeds & what entities interact with

    that functionFunctional Specification Purpose:

    Provide detailed design of system processes and


    Provide details of the life cycle of different objects

    (search, payments, etc.)

    Defines the details of each page (list of fields on a

    page, their validation requirements, their data sources)

    Defines all actions on each page (save shopping cart,

    send e-mail, update account, checkout)

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    1-171-179-17Content matrix Composed of

    Screens required to satisfy the use case

    Content required for each screen

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    1-181-189-18Architecture Design Process At this point the team needs to generate

    the next set of important documents:Site Map:

    Typically a hierarchical view of the proposedwebsite and encompasses all the primarypages, or templates, to be developed.

    Allows the development team to logically groupcontent into content areas and to understandhow different content types relate and link toone another

    The challenge is to develop a navigationsystem that is meaningful to the user and also

    fits within the visual design of the site

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    1-191-199-19Architecture Design Process Page Schematics:

    Simple drawings or diagrams thatserve as a conceptual layout forwhat each page on the site will look

    likeThe schematic provides the team

    with a way to brainstorm how and

    where certain functionality andcontent will appear on a particularpage

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    1-201-209-20Exhibit 9-6: Sample Site Map

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    1-211-219-21Exhibit 9-7: Page Schematic

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    1-221-229-22Technical Discovery A core technical team begins to define the

    technical environment, goals & vision of theproject.

    The technology vision is strongly informed andstructured by many elements includingbusiness objectives for the site User persona

    Existing technology

    Internal skill set

    User intentions

    Time and budget


    Uptime requirements

    Security requirements

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 9 Advanced E-Commerce (Dr.Maha)


    1-231-239-23Technology Discovery (contd) Technology summary document should detail

    the following: Existing corporate systems, including relevant back-

    end systems and databases

    How the proposed site differs from those of thecompanys competitors

    Conceptual technical architecture to support the site

    An analysis of and recommendations for the softwarecomponents to be used during the development


    1 24

    1 24

    9 24

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    1-241-249-24Experience Definition and ArchitectureDesign Outputs

    At this point, the development team should be

    able to create the following outputs: User experience and functional definition document

    User type definition document

    User intentions definition document

    User persona definition document

    Functionality matrix

    Content matrix

    Use cases

    Site map

    Page schematics

    1 25

    1 25

    9 25

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 9 Advanced E-Commerce (Dr.Maha)


    1-251-259-25Implementation Validation of design

    Finalize the visual design of the site through

    iterative process

    Test the design & navigation system in alimited fashion by creating a functioning


    1 26

    1 26

    9 26

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    1-261-269-26Implementation (contd)Build Phase

    First team must set up appropriatedevelopment environment

    Is a set of four activities

    Back-end development

    Creation of DB

    Interface development

    Production of HTML pages & other interfacetechnologies

    Interactive development Development of imagery, artwork, sound & video

    Content development

    1 27

    1 27

    9 27

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    1-271-279-27Implementation (contd)Build Phase

    Is a set of simple steps: Design the technical infrastructure

    Design the technical components so that they will beboth flexible and extensible

    Build the components (both visual and functional) thatwill make up the website

    Integrate those components so that they work togetheras expected

    Test those components, both individually and after theyhave been integrated

    Refine the system & components based on these tests

    Launch the website

    1 28

    1 28

    9 28

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    1-281-289-28Implementation (contd)Development Environment Deciding which language should be used is guided by a

    number of factors:

    Available skills

    Skills of developers Portability

    Use of open source environment or not

    Scalability/enterprise features

    Depends on the developed system & how much is the website



    Hw, SW, training & support

    1 29

    1 29

    9 29

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    1-291-299-29Implementation (contd)Page Design Unique pages

    pages that have a design that is different from anyother page on the site

    Template pages the design and layout of these pages are repeated

    more than once, usually on a section of the site that

    has multiple pages of similar content (e.g., pressreleases)

    1 30

    1 30

    9 30

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    1-301-309-30Implementation (contd)Interface Development

    The choice of which technologies to implement within

    an interface is difficult because not all pages require

    the same set of functionality or deliver the same type

    of information

    The success of an interface is determined by whether

    its users are successful in getting the information they

    need and understanding the information that ispresented to them

    1 31

    1 31

    9 31

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 9 Advanced E-Commerce (Dr.Maha)


    1-311-319-31Implementation (contd)Application Development The application development is shaped by the

    functionality matrix and the functional specification

    The team creates modules that meet all the capabilities

    the website needs to have

    1 32

    1 32

    9 32

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    1-321-329-32Test/Fix Most 2 important aspects in developing


    Proper documentation

    Test the code

    Testing starts by developing test scripts

    Use case specifies functions

    Test scripts intermediate processing toachieve the specified function

    1 33

    1 33

    9 33

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 9 Advanced E-Commerce (Dr.Maha)


    1-331-339-33Test/Fix Steps in the testing process: Unit testing

    Coded is tested in isolation & in high ideal condition

    Integration testing Tests how individual functionality modules work with

    one another and with visual interface system

    When bugs are detected, they are called open

    (not fixed), after fixing they are called closed Systems testing

    Load testing




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    1-341-349-34Exhibit 9-8: Number of Bugs OverTesting DaysBugs










    1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 15 17 19 2 1 23 25 27 2 9 31 33 3 5 37 39 4 1 43 45 47 4 9 51 53 5 5 57 59







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    1-351-359-35Launch Basic issues that need to be solved before

    launching a site: A hosting facility/ISP must be selected

    The servers must be built and tested

    The connectivity of the site must be tested

    The security of the overall system must be audited

    Then Go live starts by

    Approving site version

    Publishing it on server within the hostingenvironment