Chapter 6 Stability Design Check (S-DC) 6.1. Introduction In the gross plastic deformation design check (GPD-DC) and the progressive plas- tic deformation design check (PD-DC) the design models used give confidence in results - the results for well-posed problems are unique, they are fairly insensitive to initial residual stresses, initial geometric imperfections, material inhomo- geneities, action histories and to perturbations of action values, and quite often they are even independent of these disturbances. Additionally, in the PD-DC the underlying failure mode is not related to a sud- den failure in a single application of an action, but with progressing deformation due to cyclic actions, allowing the timely detection of failure by appropriate in- service inspections. In the S-DC, discussed in this chapter, this confidence cushion does not exist- non-uniqueness is an essential feature of this design check and the used design mod- els, and imperfection sensitivity as well as sensitivity to initial residual stresses to the action histories is a quite frequent property of real structures and of design models. To reflect the behaviour of real structures appropriately, models with non-linear kinematic relations and second-order-theory are required. The second require- ment, the obligation to apply second-order-theory, i.e. equilibrium conditions for the deformed structure, leads to another feature of the models not encountered in first-order theory models: Pressure is displacement dependent, and it acts normal to the surfaces of structures. In second-order-theory models, pressure is normal to the deformed surfaces, and its value may also depend on displacements. This can decrease results for critical pressures in the stability checks quite considerably, compared with the results for models with assumed deformation-independent pressure. For example, for the sufficiently long cylinder under external lateral pressure, the result for pressure normal to the (displaced) surface is near the bifurcation point 25% smaller than the result for displacement-independent radial pressure, even for small displacements and small strain, and even in an elastic case (see Fig. 6.1 and [49,50]). In this case, calculation with displacement-independent pressure is (uncon- servatively) erroneous by 25%. On the other hand, in the better known Beck's problem, the Euler column clamped at one end and with tangential follower

Chapter 6 - Stability Design Check (S-DC)

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  • Chapter 6

    Stability Design Check (S-DC)

    6.1. Introduction

    In the gross plastic deformation design check (GPD-DC) and the progressive plas- tic deformation design check (PD-DC) the design models used give confidence in results - the results for well-posed problems are unique, they are fairly insensitive to initial residual stresses, initial geometric imperfections, material inhomo- geneities, action histories and to perturbations of action values, and quite often they are even independent of these disturbances.

    Additionally, in the PD-DC the underlying failure mode is not related to a sud- den failure in a single application of an action, but with progressing deformation due to cyclic actions, allowing the timely detection of failure by appropriate in- service inspections.

    In the S-DC, discussed in this chapter, this confidence cushion does not exist- non-uniqueness is an essential feature of this design check and the used design mod- els, and imperfection sensitivity as well as sensitivity to initial residual stresses to the action histories is a quite frequent property of real structures and of design models.

    To reflect the behaviour of real structures appropriately, models with non-linear kinematic relations and second-order-theory are required. The second require- ment, the obligation to apply second-order-theory, i.e. equilibrium conditions for the deformed structure, leads to another feature of the models not encountered in first-order theory models: Pressure is displacement dependent, and it acts normal to the surfaces of structures. In second-order-theory models, pressure is normal to the deformed surfaces, and its value may also depend on displacements. This can decrease results for critical pressures in the stability checks quite considerably, compared with the results for models with assumed deformation-independent pressure. For example, for the sufficiently long cylinder under external lateral pressure, the result for pressure normal to the (displaced) surface is near the bifurcation point 25% smaller than the result for displacement-independent radial pressure, even for small displacements and small strain, and even in an elastic case (see Fig. 6.1 and [49,50]).

    In this case, calculation with displacement-independent pressure is (uncon- servatively) erroneous by 25%. On the other hand, in the better known Beck's problem, the Euler column clamped at one end and with tangential follower

  • 84 Pressure Vessel Design: The Direct Route

    Radial Displacement

    Figure 6.1: Pressure-displacement paths: long (infinitely) cylinder under external pressure; with pressure normal to displaced surface, and with displacement-

    independent pressure [50, p. 66].

    force at the other, the result for the follower (tangential) force is larger than the corresponding one for the displacement-independent force by a factor of approximately 8 [51] - use of the Euler buckling load or a calculation with displacement-independent force were by far too conservative.

    Note: In the treatment of Beck's problem a dynamic design model is required, whereas in the other examples mentioned static models suffice.

    The problems related to displacement-dependent pressure in finite element analyses are discussed in [52] in detail. The following conclusion can be made: With the exception of cases where the pressure obviously requires a dynamic model, e.g. in cases of flutter, quasistatic models are sufficient in all cases of pres- sure vessel design. This pressure, which acts normal to the displaced surface, is to be taken into account in all models used in S-DCs. Admittedly, for the infinitely long cylinder, this effect is for buckling patterns with many buckles smaller than those mentioned above and may even become negligible.

    Geometric non-linearity, imperfection sensitivity, and sensitivity to residual stresses result in a multitude of different buckling phenomena, to be taken into ac- count in the design models to allow for their occurance.

    For example, a perfect model of a circular cylindrical homogeneous shell of uniform temperature and subject to lateral external pressure will deform initially in a circular-symmetric mode, but at larger pressures this circular-symmetric state becomes unstable, the model does not deform circular-symmetrically anymore.

  • Stability Design Check (S-DC) 85

    Figs. 6.2-6.4 show pressure-deflection paths for three different imperfect cylinders; short (Fig. 6.2), medium long (Fig. 6.3), and for a relatively long one (Fig. 6.4).

    For the perfect cylinders, the pressure-deflection paths are shown by the fine lines. These figures show that the initial pressure-deflection paths bifurcate at spe- cific pressures, the bifurcation point pressures, and for higher pressures the states are unstable. The figures also show that at pressures below the bifurcation point pressure, states are unstable, and indicate that for very short cylinders, shorter than the short one depicted here, the bifurcation point state may be stable.

    In cases where the state at the bifurcation point pressure is unstable, states at pressures below the bifurcation point pressure but above the minimum pressure in the bifurcating pressure-deflection path are stable only for small perturbations and unstable for larger ones.

    The paths for the imperfect cylinders, shown as thick lines, are monotonically increasing or pass through a maximum and a minimum, often called upper and lower critical point, respectively.

    Experimental results, reported in [53, Section 3.4], also show jumps from cir- cular symmetric states to states without circular symmetry, in loading and vice versa in unloading, indicating clearly that the lower critical point pressures are design-relevant, although not necessarily design-decisive- the perturbation required for the jump may be large enough, such that the circular-symmetric state, being stable for the small perturbation, is safe enough.

    0 Radial displacement

    Figure 6.2: Pressure-deflection paths of short, elastic, circular cylinders under external pressure; L = 4.6 R~, R/e = 405 [53, p. 312].

  • 86 Pressure Vessel Design: The Direct Route

    0 Radial displacement

    Figure 6.3" Pressure-deflection paths of short, elastic, circular cylinders under external pressure; L - 10.2 R~, R/e - 405 [53, p. 312].

    0 Radial displacement

    Figure 6.4: Pressure-deflection paths of elastic circular cylinders of moderate length

    under external pressure; L - 22.9 VRe, R/e = 405 [53, p. 314].

  • Stability Design Check (S-DC) 87

    In all of these results for circular cylindrical shells under lateral external pres- sure, the buckling modes are symmetric with regard to the mid-plane between the two end-planes, see e.g. the post-buckling modes in Fig. 6.5, for a long cylinder.

    The above results indicate that for all cylinders with the exception of extremely short ones, post-buckling deformation patterns resulting in minimal critical lower point pressures are different from the patterns resulting in minimal bifurcation point pressures for perfect shells, or minimal upper limit point pressures for imperfect shells. In other words, the bifurcation pattern corresponding to the lowest bifurcation point pressure is, in general, not the critical post-buckling pattern, but the pattern which corresponds to the design relevant minimal lower limit point pressure, giving the minimal equilibrium pressure after buckling (see also [48]).

    Circular cylindrical shells under axial compressive forces show this change in post-buckling deformation patterns even more pronounced. Fig. 6.6 shows exper- imental load-deflection curves for this case, and Fig. 6.7 shows the observed deformation patterns - an asymmetric one, with regard to the mid-plane.

    In Figs. 6.6 and 6.7, first buckling took place distinctly, but was associated with a sudden drop in force carrying capacity and snapping into an asymmetric defor- mation pattern with 12 circumferential buckles. Increase of the imposed, but now lower, force resulted in another buckling, with sudden force drop into another asymmetric deformation pattern, but now with 11 buckles, and so on. Symmetric



    2 rl=0



    0 10 20

    Figure 6.5" Post-buckling deformation pattern of a long circular cylinder under lateral external pressure; L - 32.4 ~/Re, R/e = 405[53, p. 213].

  • 88 Pressure Vessel Design: The Direct Route

    Asymmetr ic

    Z=500 Symmetr ic . . . . . . . . . . .

    " N=12\ _

    ~ %____. lO 9 9

    _ . .

    87- - ...... 7 " . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Ax ia l shor ten ing

    Figure 6.6: Force-shortening paths of a long circular cylinder under axial compression; L = 22.9 RV~, R/e = 405 [53, p. 230].

    i i.ii ii l ~

    U//I '--' I~ ~ ~I '--,' ,,iX q

    t I I I 0 2

    180 ~ 200 ~ 220 ~ 0

    Figure 6.7: Post-buckling deformation pattern observed on long circular cylinder under axial compression; L - 22.9 ~ R/e - 405 [53, p. 230].

  • Stability Design Check (S-DC) 89

    deformation patterns were obtained by applying appropriate finger tip pressure at the shell wall; at the same time the wave number increased by 1.

    For short shells, with L -< 4.6 R~e, only symmetric post-buckling patterns were observed, and for the longer shells with L --> 22.9 ~/Re asymmetric patterns oc- curred spontaneously.

    For an extremely short shell with L -- 4.6 R~e no force reduction was observed in buckling, but a local buckle appeared first, and then propagated circumferen- tially, with increase in force and end shortening, until the whole circumference was covered with uniformly distributed waves [53, p. 226].

    The experimental results plotted in Fig. 6.6 depend, of course, on the testing equipment. They indicate a very strong sensitivity to geometric imperfections, not only with regard to the values of the imperfection, however defined, but also with regard to the imperfection patterns. This can be seen clearly in analytical results [53, p. 353ff]. Figs. 6.8a and b, show analytical results for a shell of medium length: The initial pre-buckling path and post-buckling equilibrium curves for var- ious symmetric post-buckling patterns are plotted on the left and asymmetric ones on the right. For the symmetric patterns the lowest bifurcation point force corre- sponds to a pattern with 18 waves in circumferential direction; for the asymmetric patterns, it corresponds to a pattern with 17 waves and with slightly larger force. Neither of these two patterns agree with those related to the so-called characteris- tic post-buckling pattern, proposed in [54] as design-decisive, and defined as the


    / [~1514 18f~. 16

    / - ;41 Displacement Displacement

    Figure 6.8: Force-shortening relations for a circular cylindrical shell of medium length under axial force. N, wave number; L = 14.4 R~, R/e = 405 [53, p. 353].

    Left: Symmetric patterns; right: asymmetric patterns.

  • 90 Pressure Vessel Design: The Direct Route

    Displacement Displacement

    Figure 6.9: Force-shortening paths of a circular cylindrical shell of medium length under axial force; w0 = max0/e, L = 14.4 R~, R/e = 405 [53, p. 356].

    Left: symmetric patterns" right: asymmetric patterns.

    equilibrium pattern having the minimum edge shortening. They also do not agree with the experimentally observed ones (shown in Fig. 6.6 as dashed lines). The post-buckling pattern will depend on the testing equipment but is, in general, different from the bifurcation pattern.

    From the highly unstable post-buckling equilibrium paths, shown in Fig. 6.8, it is obvious that small imperfections will result in considerable reductions in the critical forces. Fig. 6.9 shows this extreme imperfection sensitivity with regard to the values of the imperfection, and the ratio of the maximum deviation and the wall thickness for patterns with 14 symmetric waves and for patterns with 15 asymmetric ones, respectively.

    Fig. 6.9 shows that the asymmetric patterns are associated with smaller forces; for larger imperfections, upper and lower critical points disappear, and the force- shortening paths become monotonically increasing curves without critical points. In Fig. 6.9, this change in behaviour occurs for the asymmetric pattern at a maxi- mum initial deviation from the perfect shape of approximately 60% of the wall thickness, and the smallest upper critical force is approximately 40% of the bifur- cation point force (of the perfect shell).

    The geometric imperfection sensitivity plots (the upper and the lower critical force vs. the maximum initial deviation from the perfect shape) in Fig. 6.10 show, for a symmetric post-buckling pattern with 14 waves in circumferential direction (lines a, c) and the asymmetric one with 15 waves (lines b, d) respectively, the very

  • Stability Design Check (S-DC) 91

    Initial deflection

    Figure 6.10" Upper and lower critical point force vs. maximum initial imperfection circular of a cylinder of medium length under axial force;

    L - 14.4 ~/Re, R/e = 405.

    strong imperfection sensitivity of the circular cylindrical shell under compressive axial force, and the dramatic reduction in carrying capacity, quite clearly.

    The spherical shell under external pressure exhibits equally dramatic imperfec- tion sensitivity. Figs. 6.11 and 6.12 show numerical results for the upper critical point pressure vs. the maximum initial deviation from the perfect shape; Fig. 6.12 (right) shows the initial circular symmetric deviations used in this investigation [56-58].

    The parameter A - (48.(1 - /tz2))l/4"V~e in Fig. 6.11 is a measure of the assumed

    size of the deviation. The dashed line is a reasonable envelope of the festoon curve (for integer values of A).

    Fig. 6.11 can be used as a very practical tool in determining the critical imper- fection size for a given imperfection depth ~0. For example, for a spherical shell of 1400 mm diameter, 5 mm thickness, and an imperfection depth w 0 / e - 1.0, Fig. 6.11 gives an approximate value of A - 4, which renders H= 12.1 mm, and thus a critical imperfection diameter of 259.2 mm.

    Fig. 6.13 shows the pressure-deformation paths for the spherical shell subject to external pressure.

  • 92 Pressure Vessel Design: The Direct Route


    \x'~;~, = 3


    Initial deflection w 0

    Figure 6.11" Upper critical point pressure of a spherical shell under external pressure vs. initial imperfection; w0 - Wo/e, A - 257~ [56, p. 73].


    ~~X / Koga-Hoff (a)

    ~ ~ Y i ' 'mAi;~'i:it t:i~.' i imi tP~a ,fl~Ctkp)enrfect i o n

    Koga Holt (b) ~ '~ Koga-Hoff ( b ) / ~ -

    Initial deection w 0

    Perfect shape

    Perfect shape

    Figure 6.12: Spherical shell under external pressure; w-- o - Wo/e [56, p. 71; 58]. Left" upper critical point pressure; right: assumed initial imperfection shape.

    For all but extremely small imperfection depths, and for the spherical shell - in contrast to the cylindrical one - practically the same results for the upper and the lower limit point pressure, respectively, are obtained, irrespective of whether only circular symmetric imperfections and post-buckling deformations are used or also asymmetric imperfections and deformations [56, p. 74].

    Some special spherical caps, sufficiently large and with very special hypotheti- cal boundary conditions, buckle exactly like full spherical shells, but practically all caps used in pressure vessel design behave less dramatically. Boundary conditions or the transition conditions to adjacent parts, such as knuckles, flanges, cylindrical

  • Stability Design Check (S-DC) 93


    Figure 6.13: Pressure-deformation paths of spherical shells under external pressure [56, p. 208].

    shells, cannot be fulfilled by pure membrane stress states, but result in bending stresses, and, therefore, even geometrically perfect caps exhibit bending stresses before buckling, and geometrically perfect spherical caps behave as if they had initial imperfections, with more clearly defined and observable limit points than the full spherical shells [56, p. 74ff].

    Similar effects occur also with structures where the perfect structures with appro- priate perfect boundary conditions exhibit bifurcation buckling: Boundary condi- tions, adjacent to other parts of the structure, and offset of axes or middle surfaces, may result in bending stresses, and, therefore, the perfect structure behaves like a geometrically imperfect one, and buckling, if it occurs at all, will be limit point buck- ling. Additionally, buckling load-deflection paths may become asymmetric, i.e. results for positive initial deformations are different from those for negative ones.

    Interactive buckling is an instability failure mode that has to be considered quite often in pressure vessel design. Interactive buckling is often related to a very strong imperfection sensitivity [59,60, p. 314; 61], and if it is the result of multiple sym- metry, symmetry-breaking imperfections can render a complicated imperfection sensitivity, with an infinite variety of effects [60, p. 316]. Symmetry-breaking im- perfections are also frequently introduced into finite element models of perfectly circular symmetric problems via routine usage of automatic meshing routines.

    All the analytical results shown above are for purely linear-elastic buckling. Plasticity does not change the phenomena very much, especially so for imperfect structures (see, e.g. [62,63]).

  • 94 Pressure Vessel Design: The Direct Route

    An extensive literature on buckling phenomena exists; the selection [49-67] and, with emphasis on steel constructions, the guide issued by the Structural Stability Research Council [68], is biased towards those which give insight into the various phenomena.

    An important field in pressure vessel buckling or structural buckling is treated quite poorly in the literature on structural buckling. Thermal stress buckling and buckling influenced by thermal effects [69-73]. Temperature changes in a struc- ture result in deformation and/or stresses. Temperature-related deformations act like initial geometric imperfections, and perfect structures behave like geometri- cally imperfect ones. Thermal stresses, on the other hand, can result in buckling on their own, bifurcation or limit point buckling, and they can enhance or dimin- ish buckling due to other actions, often changing symmetric buckling load-de- flection paths into asymmetric ones.

    Like other deformation-controlled buckling, thermal stress buckling is accompanied by less critical action-deformation behaviour, although jump phenomena do exist.

    In the design models used in the principle, characteristic values of material parameters - modulus of elasticity, Poisson's ratio, and material strength parame- ters- are to be used as design values, i.e. no partial safety factors need be applied. Partial safety factors are to be applied on the actions and on the calculated buckling strengths. The partial safety factors to be used have been calibrated with respect to DBF results for simple geometries.

    Imperfection sensitivity, plasticity and thermal effects are dealt with in the sta- bility design checks directly, using linear-elastic ideal-plastic geometrically im- perfect models with thermal effects. The phenomenon that buckling patterns change during buckling and post-buckling, and that the pattern at the upper criti- cal or bifurcation point may be different to the one at the smallest lower critical poinL if any, is dealt with only indirectly, in a pragmatic approach. This is done considering the behaviour of an imperfect structure with initial deformation cor- responding to the buckling patterns at the bifurcation or upper limit points of the geometrically perfect structure and calibrated with respect to the allowable geo- metric fabrication tolerance limits, and presuming that this will give a reasonable approximation to the lower critical point values of the imperfect structure.

    As already discussed in Sections 4. l and 4.2, there are also non-buckling cases where resulting deformation has a weakening effect, where the carrying capacity is detrimentally influenced by ensuing deformation and where the results are highly imperfection-sensitive. For these cases, the failure modes may be gross plastic deformation, excessive local strains, and, possibly, buckling. The usual gross plastic deformation design checks (Chapter 4) are for these cases not safe. For the corresponding load cases, called here deformation-weakening GPD-DC load cases, additional checks as described in the following are required. These

  • Stability Design Check (S-DC) 95

    checks are usually in addition to the relevant gross plastic deformation design checks, but in many load cases it may make the relevant gross plastic deformation investigations superfluous if it is obvious that the relevant design model (for the deformation-weakening GPD load case) results in allowable design actions that obviously encompass the corresponding ones of the usual GPD design check, de- scribed in Section 4.3 (see also Section 4.1).

    In these deformation-weakening GPD load cases, initial deformation patterns that correspond to the initial elastic deformation patterns are to be used, instead of the buckling patterns used in buckling load cases.

    6.2. Procedure

    If thermal effects do not exist or can be neglected, then the procedure in the checks discussed here is practically the same as in the GPD design checks, discussed in Chapter 4.2:

    9 The design checks can be seen as investigations of the capacity of the structure to carry safely all of them to be considered states of actions.

    9 The design checks encompass all action states in the design domain, they deal with all load cases which correspond to vertices of the design domain related to buckling problems or problems with deformation-weakening.

    9 Of these load cases some can be eliminated, because the investigation result is encompassed by any of those for the non-eliminated ones.

    9 For all of the remaining load cases the checks shall be performed as specified in this chapter.

    9 These proper checks are investigations as to whether the design models can carry the design actions of the load cases with specifically limited structural strains.

    If thermal effects do exist and cannot be neglected, these effects have to be considered in the investigations, and proper design functions of temperatures are required in the load cases.

    The following sections deal with the investigations required for all (non- eliminated) buckling and deformation-weakening load cases that correspond to vertices of the design domain, complemented with design functions of temperature if thermal effects exist and cannot be ignored.

    6.3. Design Models

    All design models used in the investigations discussed here may be stress- concentration-free models. In the modelling of the stress-concentration-free

  • 96 Pressure Vessel Design: The Direct Route

    geometry, in principle, material may be removed and adding of material requires justification. Integrally bonded cladding has to be considered with respect to both thermal analysis and stress analysis. Structural strength may be attributed to the cladding only in case of integrally bonded type and by agreement of the parties concerned. For clad components the nominal face of the cladding is to be used as surface of the pressure application.

    A pressure correction may be required in cases of finite element models with shell elements, if pressure is (in the software) applied at the centroidal surfaces of the elements and not on their actual surfaces. A pressure correction is required if cladding is not included in the model. In both cases the correction factor is given by the ratio of the (infinitesimal) areas of the surfaces on which pressure is applied - actually and in the finite element model. If thermal effects do exist and cannot be ignored, cladding has to be included in the model.

    All of the design models used are geometrically non-linear with

    . non-linear kinematic relations and second-order-theory , linear-elastic ideal-plastic constitutive laws 9 Mises' yield condition and associated flow rule 9 specified material and temperature-dependent yield stress, given by the speci-

    fied design value of the material strength parameter (see Sections 6.3.2 and 6.3.3 respectively)

    9 stress-free initial state 9 specified initial deviations from the perfect geometry (see Sections 6.3.2 and


    Second-order theory with linear kinematic relations may be used if known to render sufficiently accurate results. Mises' yield condition was chosen here for convenience- in general plasticity effects are small anyway.

    The yield stresses to be used in the design models - the design values of the material strength parameters - are given by the relevant material strength parameters RM. The values to be used are the same as for the GPD design check and are given in Table 4.1 for normal operating load cases and exceptional load cases, and in Table 4.2 for testing load cases. These values may be used directly as design values, i.e. no division by partial safety factors is required.

    For the values of the material strength parameters, see also the definition of the design value of the material strength parameter, it is common practice to use the minimum values specified in the material standards.

    Contrary to the GPD design check, where the results are insensitive to or even independent of used values for the material parameters in the linear-elastic regime, the results for buckling load cases depend (directly) on the values of the parameters modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio, and the results for

  • Stability Design Check (S-DC) 97

    deformation-weakening load cases may depend on these values. Therefore, it is required that for the (design) modulus of elasticity the temperature-dependent values of Annex O of EN 13445-3 are used, and Poisson's ratio of 0.3 is used in the elastic regime.

    For the reference temperature, t~M for the determination of the material strength parameters, t) for the determining all other material parameters, such as modulus of elasticity, Poisson's ratio, coefficient of linear thermal expansion, coefficient of thermal conductivity, a temperature not less than the maximum calculated metal temperature of the load case shall be used. This reference temperature may be (chosen) space-independent or space-dependent. In the first case, the (chosen) value must not be smaller than the maximum calculated metal temperature in any point of the considered model. In the second case, the reference temperature at each point must not be smaller than the calculated metal temperature at this point. It is common practice to use, in this second case, the stationary result of the (numerical) temperature calculation for the load case directly.

    In load cases involving non-stationary thermal stresses, the non-stationary results of the (numerical) temperature field calculation for the load case are to be used as reference temperature for determining the material parameters.

    In all design models initial deviations of the perfect shape of the structure are to be incorporated. The initial deviations to be used are given as follows:

    9 in buckling load cases, by the deformation patterns of the perfect structure at the bifurcation points or the upper limit points,

    9 in deformation-weakening GPD load cases, by the initial elastic deformation patterns of the perfect structure,

    9 in both cases with the deviations calibrated with respect to the maximum per- missible geometric fabrication tolerances, as specified directly in the Technical Documentation, usually the drawings, or indirectly by reference to EN 134455, or by reference to any other technical specification.

    In some buckling load cases neither the initial imperfection corresponding to the calibrated (classical) deformation pattern for the bifurcation point with the lowest action value nor the one for the limit point with the lowest action value is the critical imperfection with regard to this stability design check. The usually large initial imperfections and the effect of plastic flow quite often render results for different initial imperfection shapes that are reasonably close together. For critical cases it is recommended to apply the following procedure:

    9 Determination of the first deformation shapes of the perfect structure at bifurcation or limit points, calibrated, using the software in the usual way, with maximum deviation from the perfect shape of the structure equal to unity.

  • 98 Pressure Vessel Design: The Direct Route

    9 Determination of the initial imperfection given by the linear superposition of these first deformation shapes and calibrated such that the maximum deviation from the perfect shape corresponds to the maximum permissible fabrication tolerances. The required number of deformation shapes depends on the density of the bifurcation or limit point values; 10 seems to be a reasonable value for almost all cases.

    9 Performance of the design check with this initial imperfection, with investiga- tion of the development of the deformation pattern, and, if the evolving pattern differs substantially from the initial one, then

    9 Performance of another design check run, but now with an initial imperfection given by the final pattern of the preceding run, calibrated such that the maximum deviation from the perfect shape corresponds to the maximum per- missible fabrication tolerances.

    6.4. Design Values and Functions of Actions

    The design values of actions and the combination rules are the same as in the GPD design check (Section 4.4). Of course, only those load cases are relevant where instability is a failure mode to be considered. Contrary to the GPD-DC, where ther- mal stresses and thermal deformations may be neglected, these thermal effects are in this design check to be taken into account. The relevant partial safety factor for tem- perature actions, equal to unity, is already included in Table 4.3. Also, contrary to the GPD-DC, checks for testing load cases are necessary.

    6.5. The Principle

    Using the specifications for design models, mentioned earlier (Section 6.3) and design values of actions (Section 6.4), the principle of the stability design check can be stated as follows: For all relevant load cases, the product of the design val- ues of the actions and the relevant partial safety factors ~/R shall be carried by the relevant design models with maximum absolute value of principal structural strains not exceeding 5 % under normal operating load cases, and 7% in testing and exceptional load cases, and for proportional increase of all actions except temper- ature, which shall be increased first, or simply applied as initial condition. The design value of the buckling strength is given by the quotient of the design model's buckling strength and the corresponding partial safety factor 7R.

    In load cases where thermal effects are included, design functions for tempera- ture are to be used. In load cases without thermal effects temperature is included

  • Stability Design Check (S-DC) 99

    in the investigations only via the temperature-dependent material parameters, via the reference temperatures t~M and t~ (see Section 6.3).

    The partial safety factors are as follows:

    9 In buckling load cases: o 1.25 for normal operating load cases provided that (external) standard pressure

    tests as called for in EN 13445 5 are carried out; o 1.5 for normal operating load cases without such a standard pressure test; o 1.1 in testing load cases.

    9 In deformation-weakening load cases: o for normal operating load cases the values given in Table 4.1 for gross plastic

    deformation load cases, o for testing load cases the values given in Table 4.2, for gross plastic defor-

    mation load cases. 9 For exceptional load cases partial safety factors are to be agreed by the parties

    concerned, but must not be smaller than 1.1.

    6.6. Application Rules

    There are two application rules for this design check in Annex B of EN 13445. The first rule deals with experimental results, and will not be discussed here. The sec- ond one states that fulfilment of the requirements of clause 8 of EN 134453 (the DBF requirements) suffices as stability design check for pressure action, and no discussion seems to be required here.

    6.7. Examples

    Examples can be found in Annex E.6.