Chapter 6: Reason

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It's the first day of school!! Jack finds himself in a Bible school meeting new faces and some very familiar face...

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Chapter 6: Reasons

The first day of school...

“So this is DJMBC!” Jack said with excitement..

“Jack I'll be leaving for awhile I got violin lessons to teach don't forget your first class starts at 1 pm OK?...” Nori said

“Sure sure I won't forget!!” Jack confidently said

After Nori left, Jack has some time to kill so he decided to look around. Besides the entrance way to the restroom there was a Big bulletin board filled with announcements and stuff with pictures on them Jack decided to look at them for awhile. After that Jack felt a slight hunger and wondered where he could buy some snacks, then he saw a guy with a semi bulky build wearing a light brown beret he was a student cause he was wearing a uniform of the DJMBC, so Jack decided to ask this guy, so he came and gave him a little tap from the back to his shoulders

“Excuse...meeee!!” as Jack tapped on the guy's shoulders the moment the guy felt the touch he immediately grappled Jack and dida take down

“Gyyyahhh!!” screamed the guy as he takes down Jack

“whaaaa! I'm very sorry!!! My reaction was very fast I-I didn’t meant to do that!” said the guy in utter shock as he help out Jack get back on his feet from the floor.

“WOW that was Amazing your so fast, man!! do you do martial

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arts?” said Jack in amazement as he stood from the ground in which received a take down.

“Umm yeah I know a couple...” said the guy as he could not believe Jack's reaction “ You must be new here, hi the name's Joshua Ledger you can call me Ledge.”

“I'm Jack... Jack Brando, Hey I do you know any nearby store here?..”

“Oh sure I'll take you there...”

As the two made there way to the store to grab a little snack...

“So what are you taking Jack, Music or Bible...”


“Woahoho... looks like we have another musician here!” Ledge said with excitement

As the two were talking, Nori went his way to the stairs cause his lesson is a floor below the main DJMBC hall as as he was making his way there he came across The Music Director leaning on the stair's railings looking at his seemingly antique pocket watch, when Nori saw this guy he just stops in his way...

“Yo! Nori!” said the music director

“Hello mister Giovanni, nice day to you..” Nori said formally

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“Ha?! Common' Nori I told you once you can call me Mr. G, Giovanni is too long..” said The Music Director

“Apologies “Sir. G” .”

“Hmm, I heard at the office you found quite an interesting fellow... what was his name again?”

“Jack Brando... It's his name...”

Mr. G pauses for awhile as he looks away to his left then after awhilehe gazed seriously at Nori and said

“It's quite unusual for you to bring someone like him here... tell me what's the reason... is it about “him”?...”

Meanwhile... Jack and Ledge had just finished eating at the store so they made there way back to the school...

“Whoaa!! that's amazing so your pastor put you on song leading dutywithout training, your amazing man!” said Ledge in such amazement

After hearing what Ledge said Jack looked down at the floor for a bitbecause of a slight embarrassment and said

“Actually I was very pathetic back at the stage, I don’t know what todo back then”

“Still what you did was very commendable, cause you did not run away...”

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As the two were talking Jack saw a peculiar shadow coming down from the stair way the shadow become bigger as it got closer as and the one who cast the shadow in to sight itwas a huge American man and as Jackgazed at the man, The man stared back atJack seeming he was kinda irritated at theJack... as stares at Jack he Jack suddenlyfelt a chill in his spine..

“Oi, Ledge whose the guy?” Asked Jack

“Oh that's Mr. White he's the head studentrepresentative!!”

“He looks scary!!” exclaimed Jack

“He probably looks terrifying but once you know him he's actually a cool guy...”

As the were talking there was a certaincute and petite interrupted them...

“Hey Ledge whose this guy?”

Judging from the uniform she wore Jackassumed she was a student there...

“Oh Ria, this is Jack he's new here” saidLedge

“Hi there...” Jack said politely

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Ria took a closer look at Jack's face and said

“Ohh he's cute!... say Jack do you have a girlfriend...” Ria said bluntly

Jack started to blush as his heart started to pound rapidly Jack was silent because he did not know how to respond to this...

“Oh no she's really cute!!! but I like Anri this can't be. I must meditate on Anri maybe the feeling will go away.... Anri...Anri... Anri...” Jack said in his mind as he was breathing heavily...

“Well nice to meet you Jack I got piano lessons so see you guys later!!”

After Ria left Jack was still silent, Ledge looked at Jack and snaps his fingers at hi face and said

“Oi Jack snap out of it...”


“Haha I never knew that you would black out in front of the cute girl..”

“what did I really blacked out?”

“Haha, so Jack what's your reason for enrolling in this Bible school?”

“My Reason...”

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“Yeah everybody's got a good reason to go here (well most of them) remember this no ordinary collage, people often go to collage in hopes to have a good job or be rich, but unlike normal collages people here throw down there lives cause nobody's gonna get rich or make money in careers offered here... people here risk it all for a dream a burden, a calling that they have... It might be a country they’ve been called to reach or probably a church they want to serve most of the people here have a reason and its not a very shallow reason like money..”

“Wow I've never thought of Bible school that way... your like some sort of superheros or something...”

“Haha, you could say that but everybody here is just a servant trying to serve the Lord... you haven't told me your reason yet, so why are you here?...”

Meanwhile back at the stairway...

“Your right Director he's the reason why i bought Jack here..” said Nori

“Reiz Izenwilder So you stillkept in touch with him?”

“Yeah, he's still active at he'schurch but it's like as he said hequit the music ministry...”

“It's such a shame... it's rare tosee a genius with talent like him,oh well it's his decision I can't

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interfere with that... but what's this got to do with Jack” asked sir G.

“I made a deal with him...”

Meanwhile back at the main hall were Jack and Ledge are...

“All my life I've been nothing, never tried to accomplish anything never felt the need to do something about my life until that day... the day when I first lead the songs in my church... after seeing the God's people not really worshipping God I felt a strange heavy feeling swelling in my chest, somehow God gave me a burden to lead the worship service... that my burden... my reason for why I am here...

“Hm, Then since you got a reason let's do are best here.”

“Yeah Ledge let's do it!”

“Oh yeah class is about to start, let get there to save some spots” Ledge suggested.

As they reach the main hall just meters away from the class room Jack's eyes widen in shock...

“Why... why is he here!?” Jack said to himself

It was Archivald Stonewall standing about to enter the classroom wearing the schools uniform...

...To Be Continued...

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