Chapter 6 Part2 F

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  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 6 Part2 F


    6.2.3: User-defined function in FLUENT:

    After validation of the User Defined Function (UDF) in FLUENT developed for standard

    geometry with argon gas, numerical simulation was done using different gases. For practical

    applications of ICP torches like material processing, the role of different plasma gases has beenstudied in details. The minimum sustainable power required for operation of stable plasma in

    gases like argon, nitrogen, oxygen and air has been estimated. In determining the useful range of

    operating parameters of the ICP torch for material processing, the following requirements for the

    ICP torch are taken in to account:

    (a) Hot enough temperature in the coil region, so that electron density (more than 10 21 /m3)

    should be high enough to satisfy LTE assumption

    (b) Large volume of the hot plasma for industrial application like material processing, the

    requisites are high temperature at the coil plasma region

    (c) No recirculating flow inside the plasma especially near the inlet

    (d) Sufficient cooling of the tube wall by the sheath gas, so that wall temperature should be

    below the melting point of quartz

    The objective of present study is to provide a comparative study of influential operating

    parameters on the flow field, temperature contours, axial velocity, impedance and heat

    distribution. The gases used for study are argon, nitrogen, oxygen and air working at

    atmospheric pressure with oscillator frequency of 3 MHz. The investigated parameters can be

    used to design a RF-ICP system depending on the industrial application.

    1) Minimum sustaining Power :The minimum sustaining power for various gases, that is the power below which it is not

    possible to sustain RF-ICP plasma using that particular gas. The total gas flow rate for this

    simulation study is considered as 25 lpm, the central gas flow rate, plasma gas flow rate and

    sheath gas flow rate is 1, 3 and 21 lpm respectively. Although, ionization intiates at temperatures

    between 5300-5500 K for these gases, the maximum core temperature should be such that LTE

    assumption hold valid. The criteria for the power to be termed, as minimum sustainable is that a

    minimum RF-power is required for the convergence of numerical solution and the maximum

  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 6 Part2 F


    core tem


    1 kW.


    The mini




    perature sh


    ccording t


    mum sustai

    ely and ma

    Even thoug

    is different.

    Figure 6.3


    uld be arou

    power for

    o our simul

    ith argon g

    nable powe

    ximum cor

    h air consti

    Because th

    9: Tempera

    6.40: Flow

    nd 6500 K

    an ICP torc

    ated data,

    s is 0.9 kW

    for nitroge


    tutes 80 %

    specific he

    ure contour

    fields for di

    in the coil r

    h working

    the minimu

    that gives

    n, oxygen a

    re for nitro

    of nitroge

    at of nitroge

    of different

    fferent gase

    egion. As r

    t atmosphe

    m sustaina


    d air are 1

    en is 9000

    , the maxi

    n is more a

    gases at th

    s at minimu

    ported in li

    ic pressure

    le power

    core tempe

    .4 kW, 12.

    K and 65

    um tempe

    compared t

    ir minimum

    m RF-powe

    terature [38

    is approxim

    or ICP tor

    ature of 96

    kW and 13

    0 K for ai

    ature of ai

    o air.



    ], the


    h of

    0 K.




  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 6 Part2 F


    Figure 6.39 and 6.40 shows the temperature and flow field for argon, nitrogen, oxygen and air

    obtained at minimum power condition. Argon gas has maximum core temperature at minimum

    power as compared to other gases. Plasma volume of oxygen is least as compared to air and

    nitrogen. Therefore, argon gas is the best for generating hot plasma at less power.

    As seen in figure 6.40, there are less recirculation eddies in oxygen and air plasma. This is

    because radial and axial electromagnetic forces (as seen in figure 6.41 and 6.42) are more

    towards the wall. The position of electromagnetic field is offaxis for argon and nitrogen plasma,

    which results in recirculation eddies.

    Figure 6.41: Radial electromagnetic force contours at minimum power

    Figure 6.42: Axial electromagnetic force contours at minimum power

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    Due to large eddy, the magnitude of axial velocity of nitrogen is more as compared to other

    plasma as seen in figure 6.43. The axial velocities of oxygen and air plasma are between 1.8 6

    m/s. One can thus choose the suitable plasma medium in consideration of residence time for

    material processing applications.

    2) Effect of variation of RF-power on different plasma gas:In this case the inductively coupled torch was operated at different dissipated RF-power with

    constant central, plasma and sheath gas flow as 1, 3, 21 lpm respectively. Figure 6.44 shows the

    temperature contour for argon gas operating at RF-power of 8.8 kW and 15 kW. The maximum

    temperature for 8.8 kW is 10200 K and for 15 kW is 10600 K. Figure 6.45, 6.46 and 6.47 shows

    temperature contours of nitrogen, oxygen and air respectively at different RF-power. The

    maximum core temperature for nitrogen at 15 kW and 25 kW are 9100 K and 9700 K


    Figure 6.43: Axial velocity for minimum power

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    Figure 6.44: Temperature contour at different

    power for argon plasmaFigure 6.45: Temperature contour at different

    power for nitrogen plasma

    Figure 6.46: Temperature contour at differentpower for oxygen plasma

    Figure 6.47: Temperature contour at differentpower for air plasma

    For oxygen plasma, the maximum temperature for 15 and 20 kW are 9000 K and 10000 K

    respectively. Similarly, for air plasma maximum temperature is 6600 K for 15 kW and 7200 K

    for 29.5 kW. These figures show that as the RF- power is increased, the plasma expands radially

    and axially. This is due to increase in electrical conductivity of plasma, which is due to increase

    in ionization. Therefore temperature of the plasma increases. Consequently, skin depth reduces

    and plasma core volume expands.

  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 6 Part2 F


    For 15 kW RF-power, argon plasma has more plasma volume and oxygen plasma has least

    plasma volume in comparison with other gas plasma. If high temperature and maximum plasma

    volume is desired then argon is best.However if less plasma volume with high temperature is

    desired then oxygen plasma is the best.

    The RF-power dissipated to an ICP discharge is dissipersed through radiation (Qrad), thermal

    conduction through wall (Qwall) and convection in form of exhausted flame enthalpy (Qout). To

    study, how the RF power (heat) is distributed in the ICP torch using different plasma gases, the

    flow rates of central, plasma and sheath gas were kept at 1, 3 and 21 lpm respectively. As the

    power increases, loss due to radiation (Qrad) increases for all plasma gas considered. For argon

    plasma as RF-power increases, losses at the exit (Qout) rapidly decreases and convective losses

    (Qwall) at the wall increases and then reaches a saturation value after 10 kW as shown in figure


    Figure 6.48: Heat distribution profile as a

    function of RF-power for argon plasmaFigure 6.49: Heat distribution profile as a

    function of RF-power for nitrogen plasma

    For nitrogen plasma, convective heat transfer to the wall (Qwall) decreases slowly as seen from

    figure 6.49, however Qout decreases very slowly as the power increases and after 15 kW it

    almost remains constant. Similar heat distribution trend is seen for oxygen plasma as shown in

    figure 6.50. In air plasma as shown in figure 6.51, the Qwall percentage reduces as power

    increases and Qout decreases very slowly as the power increases and after 20kW it almost

    remains constant.

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    Figure 6.50: Heat distribution profile as afunction of RF-power for oxygen plasma

    Figure 6.51: Heat distribution profile as afunction of RF-power for air plasma

    The wall temperature profile with respect to wall of the quartz tube for various RF-powers for

    argon plasma is shown in figure 6.52. As power increases the wall temperature also increases.

    Therefore, for designing an ICP with RF-power beyond 15kW, the wall temperature should be

    monitored (as melting point of quartz tube is 1683 K) or water can be used for cooling the wall.

    For nitrogen plasma as observed earlier in figure 6.49, that Qwall loss is around 60-70%.

    However, the wall temperature of quartz tube doesnot go beyond 900 K as RF-power is

    increased from 10.4 kW to 25 kW as seen in figure 6.53. Same situation is for oxygen plasma,

    even though the losses at the wall is 70-80%, the wall temperature are well below melting point

    of quartz tube as seen in figure 6.54. Qwall losses are more for oxygen than nitrogen but still the

    maximum wall temperature at 15 kW is less for oxygen plasma than nitrogen. This is because the

    axial plasma core volume of nitrogen is more compared to oxygen plasma. The wall temperature

    is around 700 K even at 30 kW for air plasma as shown in figure 6.55.

    Observation of wall temperature profile for all the gases show three peaks in the profile. These

    peaks are at the coil turn position of the ICP torch. This is due to the electric field intensity in

    azimuthal direction.

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    As the






    e 6.52: Wa

    a at variou

    e 6.54: Wala at various

    F-power di

    ets affected

    to 15 kW

    for air and

    is not desir

    elocity is r

    ll temperatu


    l temperatuRF-power.

    ssipated in

    . More reci

    as seen fr

    oxygen plas

    ed, air and

    quired, nitr

    re for argon

    e for oxyge

    ICP torch i

    rculation ed

    m figure 6

    ma.For ma

    oxygen is

    gen is bette



    n Figureplasma

    s increased,

    dies are int

    .40 and 6.

    terial proce

    ore suitabl

    r as the vel

    6.53: Wall

    at various

    6.55: Wallgas at vari

    the flow p

    roduced as

    6. But the

    sing of po

    e as plasma

    city can be



    temperatureus RF-pow

    attern of ar

    the power i

    flow patter

    ders, wher


    as high as 3

    for nitroge

    for airr

    on and nit

    s increased

    n marginall


    henever, h





    y get

    on of


  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 6 Part2 F





    3) Varia

    For vari

    and shea

    igure 6.56:

    pm, Q2 = 3 l

    ng figure 6.

    also increas

    ion of Imp

    tion of imp

    th gas as 1,

    Flow fields

    pm and Q3

    57 and figur

    s. This is b


    dance with

    dance with

    3, 21 lpm r

    for differen

    21 lpm

    e 6.39, sho

    cause of bo

    6.57: Axialer

    RF- Power

    RF power,


    t gases at 1

    s that as th

    dy forces (

    velocity pro

    ICP was si

    Figure 6.58

    kW RF-po

    e power is i

    r, Fz) as dis

    file at 15 k

    ulated wit

    6.59, 6.60

    wer with Q1

    ncreased th

    cussed earli

    flow rate

    and 6.61 sh

    = 1



    f central, pl

    ws the vari




  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 6 Part2 F


    of Ltorch

    air and n






    Figure 6



    from fig

    As the p

    current i


    nitrogentorch ind

    and Rplasma

    itrogen sho

    e depends

    d in plasma

    in RF-po

    re consequ

    nd tempera

    .58: Plasmae versus R

    , in oxygen

    re 6.46. So,

    wer increa

    creases an

    e of the p

    decreases.uctance (Lto

    ith RF-po

    ws as the R

    n two facto

    increases, p

    er results

    ntly these r

    ure helps pl

    resistance a-power for

    plasma the

    the plasma

    es plasma v

    hence ther

    asma decre

    or oxygen,rch) increase

    er for argo

    F-power in

    rs a) plasm

    lasma volu

    in increase

    esults in de

    asma resist

    nd torchargon plas

    effect of te

    resistance d

    olume incre

    is less flux

    ases and th

    the plasmas from 6.02

    n, nitrogen,

    reases the

    volume a

    e increases

    in electric

    crease in pl

    nce increas




    mperature i

    ecreases as

    ases due to

    leakage bet

    erefore ind

    volume sligmicro H to

    oxygen and

    plasma resi

    d b) plasm

    leading to i

    al conducti

    asma resista

    as the pow

    6.59: Plasnce versus

    s more pron

    power incre

    hich the cr

    ween the pl

    uctance of

    htly decreas.04 micro

    air gas res

    tance incre

    a temperatu

    ncrease in p

    vity that i

    nce. The co

    er increases

    a resistanceF-power fo

    ounced tha

    ases as sho


    asma and th

    he torch f

    es with po.

    ectively. A

    ses. The pl

    re. As the p

    lasma resist

    turn incr

    mbined eff


    and torchr nitrogen

    volume as

    n in figure

    l area of in

    e coil. Ther

    r argon, ai

    er and henc






    ct of






    e the

  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 6 Part2 F


    Figure 6



    4) Var

    In this c

    flow of

    plasma g




    high flo


    rate, the


    .60: Plasma

    e versus R

    ation in flo

    se, for co

    entral gas

    as flow rate

    tional simu

    ure contour

    the plasma

    rate of t

    ly increase

    radial plas

    resistance a

    -power for


    paritive stu

    is varied fr

    constant at

    ation show

    and the flo

    volume shri

    e gas. Dec

    f radial pla

    a volume d

    nd torch


    dy, the diss

    m 1 to 5 l

    3 lpm. Tota

    that the var

    w patterns.

    nks radially

    rease in sh

    ma volume

    creases for

    Figure 6.


    ipated RF-p

    pm and she

    l gas flow r

    iation of sh

    Increase in

    at the axis.

    eath gas fl

    towards the

    all the gase

    61: Plasma

    e versus RF

    ower is kep

    ath gas fro

    ate for all t

    eath and th

    central inj

    This is due

    ow rate fro

    wall. Ther

    s as shown i

    resistance a

    -power for

    t at 15 kW

    21 to 17

    e gases is c

    central ga

    ction flow

    to the conv

    m 21 to 1

    fore, due to

    n figure 6.6

    d torch

    ir plasma

    for all gase

    lpm keepin

    onstant (25

    flow affec

    from 1 to 5

    ctive cooli

    lpm, resul

    variation in

    2, 6.63, 6.6

    s and

    g the


    s the


    g by

    ts in



  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 6 Part2 F


    Figure 6.64: Temperature contour at

    different flow rates for oxygen plasmaFigure 6.65: Temperature contour at

    different flow rates for air plasma

    Increase in central gas flow from 1-5 lpm and decrease in the sheath gas flow from 21-17 lpm,

    the axial temperature profile indicates that the plasma core region shifts to the wall as mentioned

    earlier. For argon gas and nitrogen plasma, the maximum axial temperature does not change

    much with variation in sheath or central gas flow rate as shown in figure 6.66 and 6.67.

    Figure 6.62: Temperature contour atdifferent flow rates for argon plasma

    Figure 6.63: Temperature contour atdifferent flow rates for nitrogen plasma

  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 6 Part2 F



    in figure





    For argo


    there is



    , for air and

    6.68 and 6.

    6.66: Axia

    at differen

    e 6.68: Axi

    a at differe

    n and nitrog

    ure profile t


    and air pl

    ely. Profile

    oxygen pla


    l temperatur

    flow rates

    al temperatu

    t flow rates

    en plasma it

    aken at Z =

    fall in radi

    sma, the r

    indicate th

    sma the flo

    e for argon

    re for oxyg

    is seen that

    0.042 m is n

    al temperat

    dial tempe

    t if central

    rate affect



    n Figureplasma

    at 1 and 3

    ot affected.

    re at the i

    rature prof

    gas injectio

    the maxim

    6.67: Axial

    at different

    6.69: Axial

    at different

    pm central

    But for 5 lp

    let as seen

    ile is show

    flow is inc

    um axial te


    low rates


    flow rates

    injection flo

    m central in

    in figure 6.

    n in figur

    reased from

    perature as

    for nitroge

    e for oxyge

    w rate, the

    ection flow

    70 and 6.71

    6.72 and

    1 to 3 lpm




    . For



  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 6 Part2 F


    is major

    similar t






    drop in tem

    that of 3 l

    ure 6.70: R

    on plasma a

    ure 6.72:

    ygen plasm

    perature at

    pm sheath

    adial tempe

    t different fl

    adial tempe

    at different

    he injectio

    as flow rat

    ature for

    ow rates

    rature for

    flow rates

    region. At

    is no maj





    5 lpm cent

    r change in

    6.71: Radi

    n plasma at

    6.73: Radial

    at different

    al gas flow


    l temperatu

    different fl


    low rates

    rate, the tre

    e at the inje

    re for

    w rates

    e for air

    nd is
