Chapter 5 Thermochemistry

Chapter 5 Chemistry Lecture

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Types of energy

 – Kinetic

 – Potential

• Gravitational

• Electrostatic

• Chemical Measured in joules (J), or calories (cal)

1 cal = 4.184 J

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Systems and Surroundings

The system is what we are studying

The surroundings are everything else

Universe = system + surroundings

Types of systems

 – Closed - common in chemistry• Exchanges energy but not mass with


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What Energy Can Do

Energy can be gained by a system if:

 – Work is done on the system

 – Heat is gained by the system Energy can be lost by a system if:

 – The system does work

 – The system loses heat So, what is work?

For that matter, what is heat?

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Who’s Doing The Work? 

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If a student compresses a gas by pushingdown on a piston:

a. The student has done work on the system;energy of the system decreases

b. The system has done work on the student;energy of the system decreases

c. The student has done work on the system;

energy of the system increasesd. The system has done work on the student;

energy of the system increases

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First Law of Thermodynamics

Energy can neither be created nor


 An easier way to say this:

 – Energy is conserved 

 An even easier way to say this:


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What Does This Mean?

Internal energy is the energy of a system (E) 

If a system changes its energy, the new

energy is: – ∆E = Efinal - Einitial 

∆E is negative if system has lost energy…to?  – The surroundings! 

∆E is positive if system has gainedenergy…from?  – The surroundings! 

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Put Another Way… 

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Chemical Reactions and


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E, Heat, and Work

Systems and surroundings may exchangeenergy as – Heat

 – Work

∆E = q + w  – q = heat

• +q is heat GAINED by system, -q is heat LOST bysystem

 – w = work• +w is work done ON system, -w is work done BY system 

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What is the ∆E for a system for a

process in which the system absorbs

140 J of heat from the surroundings,and does 85 J of work on the


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Endothermic (heat in) processes

 – The system absorbs heat 

Exothermic (heat out) processes

 – The system loses heat 

Temperature is proportional to the

internal energy of a system

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Exothermic and Endothermic


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State Functions

The total energy (E) for a system is hard

to know

 – We generally talk about change in energy

Factors influencing E

 – Temperature

 – Pressure

 – Total quantity of matter  

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State Functions

Properties of systems that are defined

by the system’s condition (state) are

state functions – State functions depend upon conditions,

NOT pathway

 – Internal energy is a state function 

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Not State Functions

Heat (q) is not a state function  –  A system can get from one state to another

through loss/gain of various amounts of heat

Work (w) is not a state function  –  A system can get from one state to another

through doing/being subjected to various amountsof work

For a given energy change, q and w can vary,but E does not 

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Reactions and Work

Most reactions in chemistry are open to

the atmosphere

 – Pressure is constant

Work is associated with a change in


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Which of the following represents the

relationship between system and

surroundings energy?a. ∆Esystem = ∆Esurroundings

b. ∆Esystem = -∆Esurroundings

c. ∆Esystem = 2(∆Esurroundings)d. ∆Esystem = -2(∆Esurroundings)

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Which of the following is a state


a. Internal energy (of a system)

b. Heat

c. Work

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PV Work

PV work

 – Change in gas volume

 – W = -P∆V • Expansion: ∆V is positive, work BY system 

• Compression: ∆V is negative, work ON system 

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PV Work

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 An Important Note

Temperature is proportional to the internal

energy of the system

 –  All other factors held constant, temperatureincreases if heat (energy) is absorbed

 –  All other factors held constant, temperature

increases if work is done ON system

 –  All other factors held constant, temperaturedecreases if work is done BY system

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For gas in a piston canister, which of

the following would NOT constitute an

increase in E of the system?a. Pushing down on the piston

b. Lighting a candle under the canister

c. Pulling up on the piston

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What does it mean to say temperature of asystem is proportional to E?

a. The temperature of the system can be used tocalculate E

b. Comparing the temperatures of differentsystems allows you to compare their Es

c. If ∆E for a system is positive, the temperature

will decreased. If ∆E for a system is positive, the temperature

will increase

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Enthalpy (H)

Provides a quantification of heat flow if

 – Constant pressure

 – No work other than PV work

 – H = E + PV 

• Internal energy plus product of


• H is a state function

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∆H is change in enthalpy 

∆H = ∆(E + PV), or ∆E + P∆V 


 – In systems at constant pressure, ∆H = q 

• If ∆H is positive, ENDOTHERMIC reaction 

• If ∆H is negative, EXOTHERMIC reaction 

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Enthalpies of Reaction

For a reaction, ∆Hrxn = ∆Hprod - ∆Hreact 

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Other Enthalpy Issues

What happens if we reverse the


 – Magnitude of ∆Hrxn is the same, signchanges 

What happens if we burn two moles of

methane? – Twice as much heat is evolved 

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Squir-rel-y adj. Slang  

 – 1.Eccentric.

 – 2.Cunningly unforthcoming or reticent.

 – The American Heritage Dictionary of the

English Language, Fourth Edition.

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 A squirrel is sitting on an electrical

wire. What kind of energy does he

have?a. Gravitational potential

b. Electrical potential

c. Kinetic

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The squirrel leaps for a neighboring

wire; as he moves through the air

(quite some distance above theground), what kind of energy does he


a. Gravitational potentialb. Kinetic

c. Gravitational potential and kinetic

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How can we measure ∆Hrxn experimentally?

Need to know a few facts…  –  As substances gain heat, they get hotter (and vice


 – Substances increase/decrease in temperature

predictably• Can quantify heat gained/lost based upon temperaturechange

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Heat Capacity (C)

The amount of heat necessary to raisetemperature of an object by 1 ºC (1 K)

 – Larger heat capacity means more heatrequired to raise temperature

Molar heat capacity (Cmolar ) is heatcapacity of one mole of a substance

Specific heat (s) is heat capacity of onegram of a substance

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Specific Heat (s)

s = q

m x ∆T 

Quantity of heat


Change in

temperatureGrams of

substanceCan also write in terms of heat:

q = ms∆T 

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What is the specific heat of water, given

that it takes 418 J of heat to raise the

temperature of 50.0 g by 2.00 K?

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By what amount will the temperature of

50.0 g of water change if it absorbs 815

J of heat, given that swater  = 4.18 J/gK?

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The “Coffee Cup” Calorimeter  

Not sealed• Reaction occurs at

constant (atm) pressure

• Coffee cup is insulating,has low heat capacity, so

low heat absorption

• qsoln = (ssoln)(gsoln)(∆T) = -qrxn 

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50.0 mL 0.100 M AgNO3 and 50.0 mL

0.100 M HCl are mixed in a coffee cup

calorimeter. The temperature of thesolution increases from 22.20ºC to

23.11ºC; calculate enthalpy of reaction

for the reaction: AgNO3 (aq) + HCl (aq)  AgCl (s) + HNO3 (aq)

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“Bomb” Calorimetry 

Combustion in

sealed “bomb” 

Heat absorbed bycontents of


qrxn = -Ccal∆T 

Constant volume

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 A 1.800 g sample of phenol (MW =

94.11 g/mol) was burned in a bomb

calorimeter with a heat capacity of11.66 kJ/ºC. The temperature of the

calorimeter and contents increased from

21.36ºC to 26.37ºC. What is the heat ofcombustion per mole of phenol?

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If a system changes temperature a

LOT for the amount of heat it absorbs,

what kind of specific heat does it have:a. High

b. Low

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In a coffee-cup calorimeter, what do

we assume comprises the system to

SIMPLIFY our calculations?a. Everything in the universe

b. The cup plus the water in the cup

c. The water in the cup ONLY

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Hess’s Law 

Very formal definition

 – If a reaction is carried out in a series of

steps, ∆H for the overall reaction will equalthe sum of the ∆Hs for individual steps 

What this really means

 – We can use known ∆H values to determineunknown ∆H values 

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Calculate ∆Hrxn for the formation of CO,

given the reactions below:

 – C(s) + 1/2 O2 (g) CO(g)  ∆Hrxn = ? – C(s) + O2 (g) CO2(g)  ∆Hrxn = -393.5 kJ

 – CO(g) + 1/2 O2 (g) CO2(g) ∆Hrxn = -283.0 kJ

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Enthalpies of Formation

∆Hf  is enthalpy change for formation of

compound from constituent elements

 – Depends upon conditions of reactants andproducts

• Temp, pressure, state

 – For simplicity, “standard state” is defined 

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Standard State

Set of conditions (the ones found in

most laboratories) for which enthalpies

are recorded – Pure form of a substance

 – Pressure = 1 atm

 – Temperature = 298K (25ºC)

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∆Hº = Enthalpy at Standard

StateStandard enthalpy change

 – Indicates that all reactants and products

are in standard state conditions – Can be for formation or reaction 

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Standard enthalpy of formation

 –Change in enthalpy for reaction that forms

one mole of compound from elements – All substances in standard state

2 C(graphite) + 3 H2 (g) + 1/2 O2 (g)  C2H5OH(l) ∆Hºf  = -277.7 kJ 

Note that all substances are in their most stable form

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Table of ∆Hºf  Values

QuickTime™ and a

TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed t o see this picture.

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True or False: to use Hess’s Law to

find the enthalpy of reaction, the

reaction MUST have taken place via aseries of steps, for which the

enthalpies of reaction are known.


Careful! Tricky question!

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For which of the following is the

enthalpy of formation ZERO?

a. O2(g)

b. O2(l)

c. O(g)

d. All of these 

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True or False: Because ethane (C2H6)

is most stable as a gas, the enthalpy

of formation of gaseous ethane isZERO



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What is the equation for formation of

glucose in terms of standard enthalpy of


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Enthalpy of Reaction

Enthalpies of formation (∆Hºf ) can be

used to calculate standard enthalpy of

reaction (∆Hºrxn) – ∆Hºrxn = (sum of ∆Hºf of products) - (sum of

∆Hºf of reactants) 

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Finding ∆Hºf  

Find ∆Hºf  for C3H6O(l), given the


C3H6O(l) + 4 O2(g) → 3 CO2(g) + 3 H2O(l), ∆H°

rxn = -1790 kJ

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Food and Fuel

Combustion is the burning of a chemicalto release heat and produce simpler

substancesFoods are burned in the presence ofoxygen to produce various products

 – CO2 

 – H2O

 – Chemical energy or heat 

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Food Calories

 A food Calorie is actually a kcal (1000


Three types of nutrients – Carbohydrates, 4 Cal/g

 – Proteins, 4 Cal/g

 – Fats, 9 Cal/g 

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Heat IS Energy

The Calories in a meal can be used to

fuel biological processes

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 A meal consisting of a Double Quarter-

Pounder with Cheese, large fries, and large

Triple-Thick Chocolate Shake contains 2470

food calories. If the energy from this meal

were used to heat 10 gallons (approximately

38L or 38kg) of water initially at room

temperature (25°

C), how hot would thewater get?