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CHAPTER: 4PRESENT INTERNATIONAL SITUATIONDue to uneven development of capitalist system it attained a newer phase of monopoly capitalism toward the end of the 19th century which was culminating into a stage of imperialism. Lenin defined in his famous book Imperialism is the highest stage of Capitalism. He depicted that imperialism is not only highest stage of this stage and economy, but it is the moribund stage of capitalism. After socialist revolution in Russia, consequently failure of the revolutionary attempt in Germany, the powerful working class movement gradually declined in European countries. By different measures and manipulations, the bourgeois managed to stabilize this crisis for the time being. As a result of this imperialism did not demolished but a distorted phase of development in the name of Fascism grew in few countries, mainly in Germany and Italy. The leading imperialist country like England and France captured the world market and extracting raw materials and surplus values through their colonialism in the backward countries of other continents gave rise to monopoly capital which was operating through the state machinery in most of the countries of the world. As the capitalism grew up in Germany and Italy and also in Japan of Asia and rise of finance capital, they could not flourish in the world market by the obstacle of the colonial state, governed by these imperialist forces, mainly England, France and USA. So the strife between imperialist forces became very apparent and resulting two disastrous world wars. First World War took place in between 1914-1918 before Soviet Revolution occurred in 1917. After few years the redistribution of the imperialist camp and temporarily the stabilization period of capitalism at the same time the grown up of fascism the Second World War was started in the year 1939. These were more disastrous and continued till 1945. The contradictions which were apparent in the time of two World Wars were as below:1. The contradiction of capital and labor2. The contradiction within imperialism3. The contradiction between capitalism and socialism4. The contradiction between imperialism and nationalism.

Contradiction within the imperialist forces had played the most important role for culminating these two World Wars. Lenin stated this contradiction in hi famous writings as mentioned above, Imperialism: the highest stage of Capitalism. In this book Lenin depicted mainly the conflict and contradiction of imperialist economy and going towards an international crisis for capturing world market by monopoly and finance capital. Due to historical imitations the dialectical concept of any contradiction, one side in conflict and in other side, there may be cooperation and collaboration. In the era of imperialist colonialism, this other side of dialectics was not apparent within these two periods of World Wars. Explanation of the reason revealed control of global market under themselves through colonialism by British imperialist superpower and French imperialist, the scope of newly arising imperialism of Germany and Japan were limited to establish them in the world market. The contradiction among these imperialist forces converted to great conflict resulting these two World Wars. In the other form we can say that British imperialism failed to achieve its supremacy over other imperialist forces to control this conflict due to colonial division of world market.

The crisis of imperialism is continued and increasingly grows after establishment of socialist state-system through revolution between these two World Wars time period. The one-third of the population of the world including Soviet Russia and China entered in newer state and economy by forming non-capitalist socialist state-system. The people of these countries were benefitted by these new states the human development indicators like jobs, scopes, job security, better working conditions, free and developed education and health services and greater production power were achieved by these newer non-capitalist socialist states. In other side, with the aggravation of nationalist struggle in colonial countries, they came out from the trap of imperialism and by getting the freedom and sovereignty. The era of colonial imperialism was over after Second World War. Two superpowers emerged and controlled the whole world in different direction. One is US imperialism and other is Soviet socialist superpower. The contradiction between these two superpowers after Second World War has taken the shape of cold war. In this situation the frightening psychology of common people for an incoming Third World War between these divided two nuclear based superpowers. After so many struggles and dedications of revolutionaries and working people the weakness in socialist system could not remove and strife arose within Socialist states and Socialist camps. The clash between two big socialist countries that is Soviet Russia and China became apparent in different national and international issues. The great debates between these two countries have shown many loop-holes of socialist reconstruction and internationalism. In spite of enriching the socialist ideology, this great debate divided the socialist camp into two block------ one Soviet Bloc and other one is China Bloc. Ultimately the weakness within socialist camp was accentuated. This weakness and strife within the socialist camps helped the imperialist to stabilize their crisis and reorganize them to survive the new form of exploitation. Introducing new economic theory of globalization and neo-liberal market economy imperialist forces under the hegemony of US imperialism was able to reorganize capitalism throughout the world. Other imperialist and advanced capitalist state like Great Britain, Japan, and West European countries follows this liberal economic venture. So, by adopting the neo-liberal market economy the imperialist forces under the leadership of USA have established their imperialist economy and pushing most of the developed and under developed countries towards the globalization with liberal market economy by adopting these policies by the state apparatus. Most of these countries have taken their state policies for reforming in favor of neo-liberal globalized market economy. In India, these policies of globalization and economic reforms were adopted in the time of early 90s by Congress lead central government under the Prime Ministership of Mr.Narasimha Rao. In that the finance minister Dr Manmohan Singh who was pioneer of market economy and became Prime Minister of India central government for two successive terms from 2004 and 2009 in UPA led by National Congress Party of India. From early 90s and onwards, central government of India, either Congress or BJP-led UPA (United Progressive Alliance) and NDA (National Democratic Alliance) respectively follows same economic policies of liberalization by reforming state-economy in favor of it. Even the leftists led provincial government, particularly in West Bengal had taken same path by adopting the theory of development, though they were opposing neo-liberal reform in Indian Parliament. This was a self-contradictory position taken by leftists in theory and practice. So, the drum-beating of high pitch sound of globalized liberal market economy became chattered throughout the world by the economist and intellectuals and influenced common people tremendously. These neo-economic globalized market economies have established deeper due to failure of socialist countries to solve their problems and have gone to the state of collapse both in their economic, cultural and political field. Among them, Chinese government led by the revisionist force under the leadership of Den-Xiaoping has taken this neo-liberal economic theory by renaming it as market socialism by opening their doors for infiltration of imperialist multi-national capital in a socialist country by reforming their economy towards privatization of state and public sectors. China and its communist party has become another pioneer of globalized liberal economy along with USA, Great Britain and other pro-imperialist country. After demolition of socialist rule in Soviet Russia and East European countries the communist parties of Soviet bloc was dethrone and declared counter-revolution occurred towards reverse direction in capitalist path and they follow also this globalized liberal economy after this counter-revolution. Chinese communist party and other Asian countries like Vietnam etc have been able to keep their power in state-system by reforming their economy in this new capitalist liberal globalization. Basically these are undeclared counter revolution under the veil of socialism by adopting pro-capitalist global economy. World power distributed and reprogrammed towards unipolarity under the hegemony of US imperialism. Though contradiction and conflict against the interest of imperialism capital with labor (common interest working class and toiling masses), the centre of gravity of struggle have shifted from Europe and Asia to Latin American countries like Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil and socialist Cuba with other countries of Latin America there were strong protest against the ill-effect of liberal globalized economy are gaining its power day by day. In the course of development of neo-liberal economy the great recession and crisis have started since 2007 and this is continued into a chronic crisis for the multinational corporate sectors that are mostly benefitted by these liberalized global economies. Pro-imperialist economists and intellectuals have tried to provide different suggestions to keep alive these global economies. But the balloon of liberal economic development has already burst and culminating into an endless crisis. Again, repetition of the concept of great Lenin is repeating that imperialism is the moribund stage of capitalism which again resounded after a century period of time has elapsed. But it occurred in newer form with new distorted social orders. Though the globalized market economy entered into a phase of chronic endless crisis, yet US imperialism has been maintaining her hegemony through all over this planet till today. They are the leader of unipolar world. This neo-imperialism has taken the lesson from older colonial based imperialist power and reprogramming themselves in the new form by reducing the contradictions among them and increasing cooperation and adjustment in economic and political field. The massive advancement of Information Technology with modernization of industrial production, outsourcing of finance capital, utilizing cheap labor power of developing countries and with the help of modern electronic news media, imperialist forces can continue their exploitation through this globalization. Now in the whole world the globalized liberal economy is inseparable from all countries including developed, developing and under developed also. This is a process by which all state system including imperialist countries have taken the constitutional measures to give it as consent of world social order. Most of the countries follow this constitutional reform for implementation of globalization by reforming their economy. So, we may come to the conclusion that what British imperialism under colonial system has failed to achieve here hegemony over other imperialist countries resulting two World War, at the same time, emergence of socialist camp through social revolution , US imperialism has been able to do that. By reforming imperialist economy by globalization resulting her as a supreme power of unipolar world at the end of cold war with fall of socialism through declared or undeclared counter-revolution at the end of 20th century. The socialist view vanishes into the blue from the mind of the working class and toiling masses. Though the contradiction and conflict remain flowing throughout the world the politics and military supremacy kept in the hand of US imperialism. But in spite of supremacy of imperialist forces under the hegemony of US hegemony the struggle of working class and common people is continuing in all countries , even in the imperialist countries like France, Germany, and even in USA this struggle is also getting intensity in post counter-revolutionary socialist states and t is maximum in Peoples Republic of China. Alternative to neo-imperialist capitalism has become most important issue of debate among the progressive intellectuals, social workers, revolutionaries, even all conscious people. So, this debate is giving birth to many thoughts in philosophical, economic, cultural aspect for formation of new social world order. In other side in Latin America in few countries including Venezuela have started new experimentation for an alternative to form socialism in a variant way within capitalist system by democratizing widely in different public and private sectors by maximizing peoples participation. Apart from this many movements and struggles including micro-movement through micro-organization with post modernized view are growing up due to continuing dissatisfaction in the present neo-liberal state system. So, it is inherent need of human civilization for upliftment of society and that should be by a conscious revolutionary process which is now the most important task for social workers and revolutionaries. In Indian context, how we shall search this alternative political ideology to achieve the social change for making possible a new India with social equality. We shall discuss the subject in later chapter of this book. From the above brief discussion we can give our attention to few important matters that are as follows:

1. Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism and it is the moribund stage of capitalism. This deduction of Lenin is true, but imperialism cannot be destroyed spontaneously on its own.2. The imperialist have been able to maintain their supremacy by changing their character time to time for more than a century time period.3. According to Lenin, the contradiction and conflict within the imperialist camp was clear to him. But, due to a historical limitation the dialectical other side of imperialist character was unexplored in the time of Lenin, that is, the cooperation within imperialist forces for international exploitation which was manifested by adopting neo-liberal globalized economic policy by imperialist camp under US hegemony in political and military field.4. In spite of contradiction and conflict within the imperialist camp the opposite character of cooperation between them has become apparent during the time of cold war and they established their supremacy throughout the world by the fall of socialism in East European countries and Soviet Russia by declared counter-revolution and undeclared counter-revolution in China and other countries of Asia.5. This cooperations within the imperialist camp have established their hegemony throughout the world by adopting the policy of liberal economy with globalization. This is rather we can say, formation of imperialist internationalism at present under hegemony of USA.6. With the failure of socialist country of Europe, and introduction of market economy in China causes tremendous blow for socialist political ideology. So, the need of alternative social system was felt among the revolutionaries and intellectuals in place of older socialism which will be the true alternative and better society than capitalism and imperialism. Search for this alternative is now progressing.7. In socialist states the great question arises about the dictatorship of the communist party. Its proper implementation of Marxist thought of freedom, democracy, to establish human rights.8. What types of struggle will be taken place in future course of time by working class and common people which will lead to a better developed society with greater and wider democracy by increasingly diminishing class exploitation? Many experimentations and debates are going on in national and international arena to form a new outline for need of fulfilling a new discourse regarding this social change. Search is going on that how this struggle can change the present worlds social order to a society of inequality, freedom with peace that means a communist society through revolutionary changes.