Chapter 4 Stress and Stress Management

Chapter 4

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Chapter 4. Stress and Stress Management. Pre – Quiz All True / False. Buying a new car and taking a final exam are more similar than different, as far as your body is concerned. Prolonged stress can make a person likely to suffer from diseases - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Stress and Stress Management

Page 2: Chapter 4

Buying a new car and taking a final exam are

more similar than different, as far as your body is concerned.

Prolonged stress can make a person likely to suffer from diseases

The fight or flight reaction only occurred in past eras…it does not happen today.

Whether an event is stressful depends more on the person experiencing it than on the event itself.

Pre – QuizAll True / False

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You cannot change the way you react to stress.

Past experiences can help you relax when the same stressor occurs.

All forms of stress are bad and unhealthy

An athlete that performs at a high level puts stress on that athletes body.

TRUE / False Cont.

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The term “stress” is used a lot within your world. But, what is stress and how does it truly effect your health?Well there are many different types of stress all of which will effect the same things:Physical and Psychological demands will always occur.

What is Stress?

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Good Stress Eustress – Good forms of stress that allows your

body to have a demand and than recover.Bad Stress Distress – Stress that is perceived as negative

by the person receiving the stress. Chronic Stress – Prolonged stress that is

unrelieved that puts a person to the point of exhaustion while damaging health.

Good and Bad Stress

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4 years in officeChronic Stress

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Aging increases with


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Bill Clinton during his 2 terms - Chronic


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Take a moment to think of a good form of stress you have had in your life. Explain why it was a good form and how it helped you as a person.

Take a moment to think of a time when you were battling a form of Chronic Stress. How did it finally end and what can you do to prevent it from happing again? Or can you?

Personal Questions/Answer

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Stressor – A specific demand placed on the body

Adapt – Change or adjust in order to accommodate new conditions.

Perception – meaning given to an event or occurrence based on your previous experience or understanding.

Now you will get a work sheet for a Stress test. Add up points and explain what you might have to do in order to eliminate stress/stressors in your life.

Vocab Notes

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Physically and Psychologically a persons body reacts to

stress. The nervous system always sets off a chain of reactions to attempt to get the body back to “normal”.

Nervous system sends and receives messages to/from the brain that make a persons body react to a stressor.

Hormonal System – are glands, organs that protect the body. The nervous system is what tells the hormonal system what it needs done to keep the body “normal”.

Hormone – Chemical that serves as a messenger Gland - Part of body that secretes the hormones into

body or blood

How Does Stress Effect the Body and its Systems?

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Immune System – Cells, tissues and organs

that protect the body from diseases. Immunity – Free of disease and or disorder

Types of Stress Hormones1 Epinephrine2 Adrenaline


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Stress Response - what a person does to a demand or stressor Stages of a Stress Response1 – Alarm2 – Resistance3 – Recovery/Exhaustion

Fight or Flight Response – Stress that makes body to either stand up to stress or to escape it.

Life Choice Inventory - Take the test on how well you resist stress. DO NOT WRITE ON SHEET Put scores into your notebook!

Stress Response

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Coping Devices are non-harmful ways to deal

with stress.Types of Coping DevicesDisplacement – Channel Energy to something ElseVentilation – let off steam by expressing feelings to another person.

Coping Devices/Defense Mechanisms

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Denial – Refusal to admit unpleasant/painful thing Fantasy – imagining that a bad thing is a positive instead Projection – Put blame on situation that has occurred onto

something else other than you. Rationalization – Justification of an unreasonable action or

attitude Regression – Using Childish ways in dealing with problems Selective Forgetting – memory lapse concerning an

experience. Not remembering it Withdraw – Drawing away from thing to avoid pain.

Refuse to talk or deal with situation of unpleasant time

Defense Mechanismsself –destructive ways of dealing with stress

PG. 97

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Read Pages 102 and 103Explain what the placebo effect is.Define from the readingEthicsQuacksPost Traumatic Stress Disorder

Placebo Effect

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Pages 104 to 105Summarizing the Chapter # 1 – 5Learning the Vocab. # 2 – 3 AllRecalling the Important Facts # 4, 9, 13

Chapter Review