Chapter 3 Section 3

Chapter 3 Section 3. The Hydrosphere and Biosphere Life on Earth is restricted to a very narrow layer around the Earth’s surface. In this layer, called

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Chapter 3Section 3

The Hydrosphere and Biosphere

Life on Earth is restricted to a very narrow layer around the Earth’s surface.

In this layer, called the biosphere, everything that organisms need to survive can be found.

The Hydrosphere and Water Cycle

The continuous movement of water into the air, onto land, and then back to water sources is known as the water cycle.

Evaporation is the process by which liquid water is heated by the sun and then rises into the atmosphere as water vapor.

In the process of condensation, water vapor forms water droplets on dust particles.

Precipitation is large droplets that fall from clouds as rain. Precipitation may also take the form of snow, sleet or hail.

Earth’s Oceans

Earth’s oceans consist of the Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic and Indian Oceans.

The Pacific Ocean is the largest. It is about 165,640,000 km², and its deepest point is called the Challenger Deep, which is 11,033 m below sea level.

Ocean Water

The salinity of ocean water is the concentration of all the dissolved salts in contains.

The average salinity of the ocean is 3.5% by weight.

Temperature Zones

The surface zone is the warm, top layer of ocean water. It is heated by sunlight.

The thermocline is the layer beneath the surface zone, where water temperatures drop faster with increased depth.

The deep zone is the bottom layer that extends from the end of the thermocline to the bottom of the ocean. The temperature in this zone averages 2ºC.

Ocean Currents Streamlike

movements of water that occur at or near the surface of the ocean are called surface currents.

Surface currents can influence the climates of land areas they flow past.

Ocean Currents

Fresh Water

A little more than 3% of all the water on Earth is fresh water.

Most of the fresh water is locked up in icecaps and glaciers.

River Systems

A river system is a network of streams that drain an area of land.


Rain and snow sink into the ground and run off the land.

Some of this water ends up in streams and rivers, but most of it trickles down through the ground and collects as groundwater.

Groundwater fulfills the human need for fresh drinking water and supplies water for many agricultural and industrial uses.


A rock layer that stores and allows the flow of groundwater is called and aquifer.

The surface of the land where water enters and aquifer is called a recharge zone.

Energy Flow in the Biosphere

In a closed system, energy enters the environment, but matter does not.

In an open system, both matter and energy are exchanged between a system and the surrounding environment.