Chapter 3 infectious diseases

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  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases



    1. Morphology and ultrastructure of viruses. Cultivation of viruses

    (lesson 1)

    2. Cultivation of viruses. Indication of viral reproduction (lesson 2)

    . Serological reactions in virology .............................................. .....

    !. "rtho#y$oviridae. %aboratory diagnosis of

    influen&a virus ......................

    '. icornaviruses. %aboratory diagnosis of enteroviruses

    . *erpesviruses+ adenoviruses. %aboratory diagnosis of herpesvirus

    and adenovirus

    infections ............................................ ......................

    ,. Causes of viral hepatitis. %aboratory diagnosis of hepatitis

    viruses .............................................. .................................

    -. etroviruses. *I/. %aboratory diagnosis of *I/ infection ..........

    0. MC2 ............................................... .....................................










  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    Practical class 16

    Topic: Morphology and ultrastructure of viruses. Cultivation of viruses

    (lesson 1

    1. !ctuality :

    /iruses are the etiologic cause of a large group of infectious diseases that are

    characteri&ed by various clinical #anifestations and course+ are highly contagious

    and can cause epide#ics and pande#ics. 3oday /irology develops intensively as

    one of bio#edical sciences+ although recently it has a narro4 branch of science.

    3he i#portance of /irology is stipulanted for the leading role of viruses in

    hu#an infectious diseases. 3heir i#potance increases due to decreasing #orbidity

    of bacterial+ fungal and proto&oal infections 4ith li#ited 4ays of specificche#otherapy. Secondly+ #odels of viruses as the #ost si#ple organi&ed for# of

    life uses for solving #any funda#ental 5uestions of biology and #olecular

    genetics (e.g.+ the doctrine of nirones+ splicing+ oncogenes). In #odern science one

    of the #ost i#portant contributions of /irology is the discovery of reverse

    transcriptase+ the basis of genetic engineering.

    3he 6no4ledge of the topic is necessary for understanding the pathogenesis

    of viral infections are studied at clinical depart#ents. In physician7s practice this is

    an i#portant #o#ent for the clinical and #orphological differentiation of viral and

    other infections. 8t the practical lesson the students are able to #aster the #ethods

    of cultivation in cell culture+ cultination 4ith viruscontaining cell #aterial. 3his is

    necessary for for#ation of the idea about #ethods of diagnose viral infections.

    ". #pecific o$%ectives:

    9 3o interpret the #orphology and ultrastructure of viruses.

    9 3o analy&e the features of the interaction of viruses 4ith living syste#s.

    9 3o evaluate the results of the #ultiplication of viruses in living syste#s

    9 3o analy&e the #ethods of viral cultivation in the laboratory.

    &. 'asic no)ledge* sills* e+perience needed for study of topic(interdisciplinary integration

    a#es of previous


    "tained s6ills

    1 2

    *u#an anato#y 3o analy&e infor#ation about the structure of the

    hu#an body and its organs and syste#s

    *istology+ cytology+


    3o interpret the #icroscopic and sub#icroscopic

    structure of cells

    1 2Medical and ;iological


    3o interpret co##on physical and biophysical la4s

    that underlie the biological processes

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    Medical biology 3o e$plain the la4s of biological processes 4ith

    #olecularbiology and cellular levels.

    Medicinal che#istry 3o interpretco##on physical and che#ical la4s that

    underlie cell develop#ent.

    ,.Tass for independent preparation for the lesson.

    ,.1. -nueration of $asic ters* paraeters* characteristics that student

    has to learn for the lesson:

    Ter #ignificance

    1 2

    /irus /irus is a of noncellular for# of organis#s that is

    characteri&ed by s#all si&e+ lac6 of protein synthesis and

    energosynthesis+ as 4ell as obligate intracellular parasitis#./iruses e$ist in t4o 5ualitatively different for#s:

    overcellular < virion and intracellular virus.

    ucleocapsid 3he protein sheath (capsid) that surrounds a single #olecule

    of nucleic acid (=8 or 8) and for#s together the

    nucleocapsid. Capsid is co#posed of protein subunits+

    4hich are called capso#ere.

    Supercapsid Supercapsid (peplos) is the e$ternal envelope of co#ple$

    viruses that contain lipids+ are penetrated glycoproteins asspecific viral proteins. eplo#er is a structural subunit of


    roductive infection 3ype of interaction bet4een virus and cells 4hen the virus

    functions autono#ously 4ithin the cell and its reproduction

    is independent of the reproduction of the cell7s genetic

    apparatus. In this ne4 generation the viruses are for#ed.

    1 2

    8bortive type of

    interaction bet4een

    virus and cells

    8bortive type of interaction bet4een virus and cell ta6e

    place 4hen the reproduction of viruses is bloc6ed at one

    stage+ but infectious virions are not for#ed.

    Integrative type of

    interaction bet4een a

    virus and cells

    >ntegrativny type of interaction bet4een a virus and a cells

    occurs 4hen the oncogenic 8 and =8geno#ic

    viruses interact 4ith the cell+ and the nucleic acid integrates

    into the cellular chro#oso#e and e$ists a provirus. 8s a

    result transfor#ation of the hereditary characteristics of

    cells can occur. 3his process of co#bination of viral nucleic

    acid and the host?s cell chro#oso#e is na#ed virogeniya.=efective viruses =efective virus is viruses lost part of its geno#e in the

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    process of reproduction. 3hey are divided into ! groups:

    defective interfering particles+ the integrated geno#es of

    viruses+ satellites and pseudovirions.

    ,." Theoretical /uestions for the lesson:

    3he #odern definition of viruses.

    Modern vie4s of the viruses?s nature and origin. lace of viruses in the syste#

    of all living.

    3he history of discovery and the #ain stages of /irology. 3he contribution of

    scientists of our country.

    Classification of viruses. 3he #ain features of hu#an and ani#al viruses.

    Morphology and ultrastructure of viruses. Sy##etry types of viruses. Che#ical

    co#position+ functuion of co#pound parts of viruses. eproduction of viruses. Stages and types of interaction bet4een viruses and

    sensitive cells.

    ;acteriophage+ the history of the study. 3he structure+ classification of phages

    in #orphology. Methods of 5ualitative and 5uantitative deter#ination of

    bacteriophages. 3he practical use of bacteriophages.

    @or#s of interaction bet4een bacteriophages and bacterial cell. /irulent and

    #oderate phages. Characteristics of productive interaction. %ysogenicity and

    phage conversion

    ,.&. Practical tass perfored in the classroo:

    1.3o study the #orphological and structural features of viruses+ their interaction

    4ith cells.

    2. 3o describe the #ethods of viral cultivation.

    . 3o investigate the cellular cultures+ their using in virology+ as 4ell as culture

    #edia for gro4ing cells.

    !. 3o infect the cellular cultures by viruscontaining #aterial. Methods of

    preparing of #aterial for virological investigation.

    0. Content of the topic:

    8t the practical lesson the students beco#e study the #ethods of #aterial

    collection+ processing and transportation of #aterial for virological investigation+

    preparation of #aterial for the infection of living syste#s+ study the sa#ples of

    culture #edia+ solutions and seru#s used for cell cultures+ study the different types

    of cell cultures 4hich are used in virology 4ith de#onstrationA co#pare the

    #ethods of viral cultivation in different sensitive syste#s (cell cultures+ chic6

    e#bryos+ sensitive laboratory ani#als)A infect the cell culture 4ith viruscontaining

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    #aterial+ infect the chic6 e#bryos and laboratory ani#als. 3he student 4rite do4n

    the results of co#pleted tas6s and teacher signs it.

    ecoendations for the registration of protocol

    Classification of cell cultures and tissues that used in virology

    1. Tissue or organ culture

    B#bryonic tissue organ or part of it that are supported in vitro and retain the cell

    differentiation and their functions

    ". Cell cultures

    2escriptions priarytrypsini3ed


    transplanted cellcultures

    2iploid cellcultures

    Morphology of

    cells co#pared 4ith

    the original tissue

    =on?t differ =iffer =iffer

    Set of


    =iploid heteroploid diploid

    %ifeti#e %i#ited by 1


    nli#ited by the

    a#ount of passages

    %i#ited by 2

    1 passagesDro4th in


    i#possible possible i#possible

    Signs of


    8bsent al4ays present absent

    eriod of


    , days 2E1 days 11' days

    Contact inhibition

    by gro4ning on


    resent absent present

    B$a#ples 1. Culture of

    #on6ey 6idney


    2. @ibroblast cell

    culture of hu#an


    . Cell culture of

    chic6en e#bryo


    1.*e%a (carcino#a

    of the cervi$)

    2. F; (oral hu#ah


    .*Bp2 (hu#an

    laryn$ carcino#a)

    !. /ero (green

    #on6ey 6idney)

    @ibroblast cell

    lines of hu#an

    e#bryo (GI

    -+ MC'+

    MC0+ IM

    0)+ co4s+

    pigs+ sheeps

    Classification of culture edia for cell cultures

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    4atural en3yatic



    Bnders #ediu#: -'0H

    co4 a#niotic fluid+ '

    1H of co4 e#bryo

    e$tract+ 'H horse seru#





    1. ;alanced saline solutions:

    Barle?s solution+ *an6?s

    solution+ =ulbe66o and /ogt

    solution". Supported #ediu#: 100 #ediu#+

    Igl #ediu#+ IMM= (Igl #ediu#

    #odified by =ulbe66o)+ MMI

    (MillerIgl #ediu#)

    sed in the virology #edia for cell culture are divided into t4o #ain

    categories gro)th and support.

    5ro)th edia (5M+ due to high content of seru# are favourable for rapid

    cell gro4th. 8fter the for#ation of a #onolayer and before inoculation of virus

    gro4th the #ediu# is re#oved and replaced 4ith support #ediu#. @or preparing

    of the gro4th #ediu# bovine seru# (;S) or e#brio calf seru# (BCS) and

    antibiotics (penicillin and strepto#ycin) are added to the culture #ediu# (e.g.

    IMM=)+ '1H.

    #upport edia (#M 4ith lo4 seru# content can save the cell culture in

    the state of persistent slo4 #etabolis# during viral replication.

    Tas nu$er 1. 3o study different types of cell cultures used in virology

    4ith the de#onstration preparations+ paint in the protocol.

    Tas nu$er ". 3o study the #ethodology of the preparation of #aterial for

    virological research.

    Tas nu$er &. 3o studytechni5ue of infecting of cell cultures by virus

    containing #aterial.

    6. uestions for self7control

    Ghat signs are basic of #odern classification of viruses

    3he property of all living is the ability to reproduce. /iruses have one type

    of reproduction. *o4 is it called Ghat is its essence

    Ghat special features of reproductions of 8 and =8 geno#ic viruses

    Ghat is the role of reverse transcriptase in retroviruses reproduction

    /iruses are very persistent in the environ#ent+ to the action of sterili&ing and

    disinfecting agents. Ghat features of viruses structure for# this property and

    play favorable role in the develop#ent of viral epide#ics and pande#ics

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    %aboratory ani#als are pri#ary #odels for the viruses cultivation 4ere.

    a#e the benefits and li#itations of their using..

    /iruses can be obtained in large 5uantities relatively easy 4ith one of the

    #ethods of cultivation. Ghich #ethod of viruses cultivation is it Ghy it

    can?t be considered universal

    /iruses are specific parasites of hu#an cells+ ani#als and plants. *o4 is thisfeature used for cultivation of viruses Jn vitro

    Ghat is the difference bet4een #oderate and virulent bacteriophages Ghat

    is their practical using

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    Practical class 18

    Topic: The cultivation of viruses. 9ndication of viral reproduction(lesson "

    1. !ctuality :

    In #ost cases the diagnosis of viral infections is based on the isolation of virus

    fro# infectious #aterial and subse5uent identify. 3he correct collecting of #aterial

    for research+ ti#ely delivery to the laboratory 4ith correct preservtion conditions+

    correct choice of #ethods of viruses?s cultivation and identification enable for

    ti#ely diagnosis of viral diseases.

    3he purpose of this lesson is to study indication of viral reproduction. 3oachieve this purpose it is necessary to be able to identify viruses in different

    sensory syste#s (cell cultures+ chic6 e#bryos+ sensitive laboratory ani#als)A

    distinguish different types of C8 in cell culture+ to 6no4 the #ethod of #a6ing

    pla5ues for#ation test under agar and bentonite layerA perfor# consideration Kcolor

    testK 4hich is #a6ed for indication of viruses in cell cultureA account

    hae#agglutination test and reaction of ge#adsorbtion.

    In practice the students #ay learn different #ethods of indication of

    viruses+ learn the received results interpretation.

    ". #pecific o$%ectives:

    1. 3o interpret #orphology and ultrastructure of viruses.

    2. 3o analy&e features of virus interaction in living syste#s.

    . 3o evaluate the results of viruses #ultiplication in living syste#s.

    !. 3o analy&e laboratory #ethods of viruses?s cultivation in the.

    &. 'asic no)ledge* sills* e+periences needed for study of topic(interdisciplinary integration. #ee Practical class 16.

    ,.Tass for independent preparation.

    ,.1. -nueration of $asic ters* paraeters* characteristics that student has

    to learn for the lesson:

    Ter #ignificance

    1 2

    Cytopathic effect

    of the virus (CB)

    CB are visible under the #icroscope+ #orphological changes

    of cells resulting in intracellular virus reproduction.

    1 2

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    Inclusion Inclusios are accu#ulation of virions or their individual

    co#ponents in the cell cytoplas# or nucleus that are revealed

    under the #icroscope 4ith a special coloring. /ariola virus

    for#s cytoplas#ic inclusion Duarnieri bodies. *erpes

    viruses and adenoviruses for# intranuclear inclusions.

    la5ues la5ues are li#ited areas of da#aged by viruses cells that

    4ere cultivated under nutrient agar #ediu# at bentonite. 3hey

    are visible as bright spots a#ong stained living cells. "ne

    virion for#s a single pla5ue.



    *e#agglutination test is based on the ability of so#e viruses

    to cause agglutination of erythrocytes by viral glycoprotein

    spi6es he#agglutinins.

    eaction of


    eaction of he#adsorbtion the ability of infected by viruses

    culture cells to adsorb red blood cells on the surface.

    Color reaction Color reaction is appraised by color change indicator+ 4hich is

    in the nutrient culture #ediu#. If viruses do not #ultiply in

    cell culture+ the living cells secrete acid #etabolis# products

    and change p* of #ediu# and therefore the color of indicator

    change. or#al #etabolis# of cells is disturbed during viral

    reproduction+ as a result the cells die+ but #ediu# preserves

    its original color.

    ,.1. Theoretical /uestions for the lesson:

    Methods of the study of viruses and their esti#ation.

    @eatures of the collection+ processing and transportation of #aterial for

    virological research.

    Methods of preparing viruscontaining #aterial and techni5ues of infection

    sensitive to virus infective syste#s.

    Methods of viruses cultivation and their esti#ation.

    /iral he#agglutination test (*3) and he#adsorption (*83) test. 3he

    #echanis#+ practical i#portance+ using+ diagnostic significance.

    Cytopathic action of viruses (C8). C8 classification of the viruses.

    ,.". Practical tass perfored in the classroo:

    1. 3o #a6e he#agglutination test to detect the virus in alantoic fluid of chic6en

    e#bryo+ to deter#ine the titer of the virus.

    2. 3o identify virus reproduction in cell cultures by cytopathic effect (CB)+

    for# the pla5ues+ Kcolor? reaction+ reaction of he#adsorbtion.

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    . 3o e$a#ine different types of C8 of the virus.

    0. Content of the topic:

    8t the practical class the students learn the #ethods of virus detection in

    different sensitive syste#s (cell cultures+ chic6 e#bryos+ sensitive laboratoryani#als)A learn to detect the virus in cell culture by cytopathic action+ different

    types of C8 in cell cultureA study #ethodology of pla5ue reaction under the agar

    and bentonite coversA studying viral pla5ues in cell culture under agar and

    bentonite coversA perfor# accounting Kcolor testK #a6ed to indicate viruses in cell

    cultureA perfor# account of he#adsorbtion test for virus indication in cell cultureA

    perfor# account of he#agglutination test for indication of viruses in chorion

    allantois fluid of chic6en e#bryo. 3he student 4rite do4n the results of co#pleted

    tas6s and teacher signs it.

    ecoendations for the registration of protocol.

    Methods of viruses indication

    1. 9dentification of the cytopathic action of viruses in cell culture.

    Cytopathic effect is degeneritive cell changes that occur as a result of a virus

    reproduction in the cells.

    Types of cytopathic effect iruses that cause

    cytopathic effect

    Coplete degeneration poliovirus

    Co$sac6ie viruses

    BC*" viruses



    Type of grapes for 8denoviruses

    Type of focal destruction S#allpo$ virus

    Influen&a virus

    Type of syplastgenerating

    Measles virusMu#ps virus

    arainfluen&a virus


    *erpes si#ple$ virus

    Proliferation "ncogenice viruses

    ". !ppearance of intranuclear inclusions is detected by staining by

    o#anovs6yDie#sa+ 4ith fluorescent #icroscopy+ electron #icroscopy.

    &.Pla/ue reacts under the agar and $entonite

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    ,. ;eagglutination test.

    0. eaction of haeadsor$tion.


  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    Co#plete degeneration olioviruses+

    Co$sac6ie viruses+

    BC*" viruses

    Co#plete degeneration

    3ype as grapesli6e



    CB type as grapes for#

    3ype of sy#plast

    generating (giant

    cells or syncytia)

    Measles virus+

    #u#ps virus+


    virus+ S virus+

    herpes virus.

    CB as sy#plast generating

    Tas &. 3o #a6e account of he#agglutination test for revealing influen&a

    viruses in chorionalantoyis fluid.

    *8 is agglutination of erythrocytes under the action of viruses.

    =ilutions of viruscontaining #aterial

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    C>7 control of erythrocytes.

    8. uestions for self7control

    Support #ediu# turbidited after infection of cell cultures and incubation in

    the ther#ostat. Ghat does it #ean Ghat are the biological features of the virus reproduction in the chic6en


    Ghen 4e can use he#agglutination test (*8) for virus indication *o4 is it


    Ghat are the signs of virus reproduction in laboratory ani#als

    %arge #ultinuclear cells can be revealed during cultivating of #easles virus

    in cell culture. *o4 can such changes be called in infected cells Ghat other types

    of CB can be for#ed in cell culture

    Can viruses #ultiply in cell culture 4ithout the appearance of CB If so+

    ho4 to detect this type of reproduction

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    Practical class 1?

    Topic: #erological reactions in virology.

    1. !ctuality :

    Serological identification of viral antigens 4ith standard diagnostic sera and

    serological diagnosis of viral diseases base on the detection of antibodies in the

    sera 4ith standard antigens as diagnosticu#s. It is the #ain direction of research in

    virological and i##unological laboratories. 3he 6no4ledge of the serology and

    understanding the principles and features of perfor#ing serological tests are the

    necessary for effective laboratory diagnosis of viral diseases and+ conse5uently+ the

    effective for its treat#ent. 3hese data de#onstrate the actuality of the topic at this

    practical class and direct to for# positive #otivation for stidy.

    ". #pecific o$%ectives:

    3o learn the la4s of i##unity to viral infections.

    3o learn the #ethods of serological tests used in virology.

    &. 'asic no)ledge* sills* e+periences needed for study of topic

    (interdisciplinary integration. #ee Practical class 16.

    ,.Tass for independent preparation for the lesson.

    ,.1. -nueration of $asic ters* paraeters* characteristics that a student

    has to learn to the lesson:

    Ter #ignificance

    Co#ple#ent Co#ple#ent is a co#ple$ of seru# proteins activated by

    antigenantibody co#ple$ and other factors+ and release of

    #e#braneattac6 en&y#es. It provides nonspecific

    protection against heterogenous agents 4ith cellular origin.

    =iagnostic sera =iagnostic sera are blood products of ani#als (rabbits+

    sheeps+ horses+ etc.) conteining high levels of specific

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases



    Monoclonal antibodies Monoclonal antibodies are the preparations of antibodies

    highly specific to one of antigenic deter#inants. 3hey are

    derived fro# one clone of cellsproducers in vitro.

    1 2=iagnosticu# =iagnosticu# is the diagnostic preparation containing


    *e#olytic seru# *e#olytic seru# is a seru# containing antibodies as

    he#olysins. It is obtained by ! single intravenous

    i##uni&ation of rabbits by 'H suspension of sheep

    erythrocytes and others and by ne$t inactivation at ' C


    ,.". Theoretical /uestions for the lesson:

    @eatures of serological tests used in virology

    Method of paired sera.

    @eatures of viral diagnosticu#s.

    Co#ple#ent fi$ation test reaction and feature of its using in virology.

    eactions used in virology e$clusively the Inhibition he#agglutination test

    and *e#adsorption inhibition test+ virus neutrali&atoin test.

    ,.&. Practical tass perfored in the classroo:

    1. 3o perfo# the reaction of he#agglutination inhibition test for serological

    diagnosis of viral infections+ evaluate the result of reactions and #a6e


    2. 3o learn the sche#e of reaction and #a6e account virus neitrali&ation test for

    serological identification of the virus.

    . 3o learn the sche#e and #a6e account of co#ple#ent fi$ation test (C@3) for

    serological diagnosis of viral diseases. 3o substantiate a conclusion.!. 3o evaluate the result of Indirect he#agglutination test for serological

    diagnosis of viral infection.

    0. Content of the topic:

    8t practical class the students learn la4s of i##unity of viral infections+

    the role of hu#oral and cellular #echanis#s ta6e part in the for#ation of

    i##unity and antigenic structure of viruses+ the #ethodology of perfo#ing and

    principles of accounting the serological tests used in virology: he#agglutinationtest+ he#agglutination inhibition test+ co#ple#ent fi$ation test+ virus neutrali&ation

    tests. 3hey perfor# accounting he#agglutination inhibition test used for

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    serological identification and diagnosis of viral infections. 3hey ta6e into account

    the co#ple#ent fi$ation test to detect antiviral antibodies+ virus neutrali&ation

    test to identify viruses.3he student 4rite do4n the results of co#pleted tas6s and

    teacher signs it.

    ecoendations for the registration of protocol.

    Tas 1. To learn the features of serological diagnosis of viral infections

    and tae into account C=T perfoed for serological diagnosis of viral


    =eatures of serological diagnosis of viral diseases

    1. !nti$odies are detected in paired sera* the first seru )as taen at the

    initial stage of the disease* the second 7 after " )ees.

    ". #era are eliinated fro viral inhi$itors.

    &. The reaction is considered positive if the titer of anti$odies in the second

    seru increases in , or ore ties.

    #chee of C=T in viral infections

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    3he content of tubes: 1! < dilutions of investigated seru# (seru# N antigen

    N co#ple#ent)+ ' control of antigen to antico#ple#entation (antigen N

    co#ple#ent N physiological solution N he#olytic syste#)+ control of antigen to

    he#oto$igenicity (antigen N physiological solution N he#olytic syste#)+ ,-

    antigen control 4ith nor#al tissue to he#oto$igenicity and antico#ple#entation.

    Tas ". 3o study the sche#e and ta6e into account of he#agglutinationinhibition test that perfor#ed to serological identification of viral infection.

    #chee heagglutination inhi$ition test (;9T for serological identification of

    influen3a viruses

    Tas &.3o study the sche#e and 6no4 the he#agglutination inhibition test #ade

    for serological diagnosis of viral infection.

    #chee of heagglutination inhi$ition test (;9T for serological diagnosis of


  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    8. uestions for self7control

    Ghat biological #odels can be used for virus neutrali&ation test

    Ghat are the features of serological diagnosis of viral diseases

    Ghat is the purpose of collecting paired seru# for serological diagnosis of

    viral infections

    @eatures of perfor#ing co#ple#ent fi$ation test in viral infections.

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    Ghat is he#olytic seru# and ho4 is it obtained.

    Ghat is he#olytic syste#

    Ghat additional controls are to be perfor#ed in co#ple#ent fi$ation test

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    Practical class 1@

    Topic: Arthoy+oviruses. Ba$oratory diagnosis of influen3a

    1. !ctuality of topic:3hrough the 4ide spreading and high levels of #orbidity+ influen&a and

    acute respiratory infections continue to be the actual proble# of 6raineOs health

    syste#. More than 12 #illion people suffer fro# these diseases every year that

    is over 0H of all registered infections.

    3he peculiarities of the structure and genetics of influen&a viruses+ their

    4ide spread not only a#ong people but also a#ong ani#als+ the ability of

    intense variability and as a result severe epide#ics and pande#ics deter#ine

    scientific and practical i#portance of all proble#s related to influen&a. =ue to

    ne4 environ#ental and socioecono#ic conditions+ environ#ental pollution+global 4ar#ing range of natural hosts of influen&a agents and contacts bet4een

    the# are changingA the basis for the e#ergence of ne4 types of influen&a viruses

    for#. 3here is absolutely real threat of the e#ergence of pande#ic virus strain

    due to reco#bination of influen&a viruses of hu#an and birds. 3he

    conse5uences of such pande#ic could be catastrophic on a global scale. 8ll this

    testifies about actuality of the topic and directs to for# of positive #otivation

    for learning.

    ". #pecific o$%ectives:

    3olearn the biological properties of influen&a viruses.9 3o learn the techni5ues of virological and serological diagnosis of


    9 3o analy&e basic #odern principles of the treat#ent and prevention of


    &. 'asic no)ledge* practical sills* e+periences needed for study of topic

    (interdisciplinary integration. #ee Practical class 16.

    ,.Tass for independent preparing for the lesson.

    ,.1. -nueration of $asic ters* paraeters* characteristics that a student

    has to learn during preparing to the lesson:

    3er# Significance

    1 2

    /iral glycoproteins /iral glycoproteins are structural surface proteins of the

    outer shells of co#ple$ viruses that consist of the outer

    (hydrophilic) part at the ends of the a#inogroup (end)+and i##ersed hydrophobic part in the lipid layer that

    contained at the end of hydro$yl group (Cend ).

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases




    /iral glycoproteins are specific antigens. 3he #ain function

    of viral glycoproteins are interaction 4ith specific receptors

    on the cell surface+ i.e.+ specific adsorption of virus to cells.8nother feature is its participation in the viral fusion 4ith

    cell #e#branes+ leading to virus penetration into the cells

    and strip do4n (release of geno#es).

    8ntigenic shift 8ntigenic shift is such variability of influen&a virus 4hich

    leads to the e#ergence of strains 4ith ne4 surface

    glycoproteins and leads to appearance of radical update of


    8ntigenic drift 8ntigenic drift is a partial change of he#agglutinin 4hen

    one or #ore a#inoacids change due to point #utations. Itleads to for#ation of the strains 4ith slightly updated

    antigenic properties.

    /iral population /iral population is a particular type of virus originating

    fro# a single viral part and reproducing in natural or

    e$peri#ental sensitive syste#s+ for#ing unli#ited nu#ber

    of generations in it.

    8daptation of the virus 8daptation of the virus is the virusOs ability to #ultiply

    rapidly in cell culture of ne4 host or 4hen cultivationconditions change.

    ,.". Theoretical /uestions for the lesson:

    Deneral characteristics and classification of "rtho#y$oviruses. Classification

    of hu#an influen&a viruses.

    Deneral characteristics of influen&a viruses: geno#e structure and

    characteristics+ che#ical co#position and antigenic structure.

    esistance and sensitivity of influen&a viruses to physical and che#ical factors.

    Methods of cultivation "rtho#y$oviruses.

    "rigin of influen&a and #echanis# of its trans#ission.

    athogenesis of influen&a. ole of virus persistence for preservation of

    i#portant epide#ic strains in hu#ans and ani#als.

    @eatures of laboratory diagnosis of influen&a.

    Specific prevention and treat#ent of influen&a.

    ,.&. Practical tass perfored in the classroo:1. 3o learn the sche#e of virological diagnosis of influen&a. 3o ta6e into

    account *enagglutination test to study and deter#ine virus titer+ as 4ell as

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    *e#agglutonation Inhibition test for serological identification of influen&a viruses.

    3o #a6e a conclusion.

    2. 3o perfor# *e#agglutonation Inhibition test for serological diagnosis of

    influen&a+ ta6e into account the results and #a6e conclusion.

    . 3o learn diagnostic+ prophylactic and therapeutic drugs aused for influen&a


    0. Content of the topic.

    8t practical class the students learn #orphological+ physical and che#ical

    properties+ ultrastructure and antigenic structure of the fa#ily "rto#y$oviridae+

    types and #echanis#s of antigenic variation.

    In preparing the the sche#e of laboratory diagnosis the students use the self

    training 6no4ledge and practical class 6no4ledge+ perfor# accounting of reactions

    (deter#ine the presence of virus in the *e#agglutonation testA ta6e into account of

    *e#agglutonation Inhibition test perfor#ed for serological identification ofinfluen&a virusesA ta6e in account *e#agglutonation Inhibition test perfor#ed for

    serological diagnosis of influen&a)+ learn the drugs used for laboratory diagnosis

    and prevention of influen&a: influen&a diagnostics+ diagnostic sera+ vaccines: live+

    inactivated (of 4hole virions)+ che#ical (Split+ subunit vaccines+ nor#al hu#an

    i##unoglobulin+ various types of interferon and 4rite to the protocol.

    3he student 4rite do4n the results of co#pleted tas6s and teacher signs it.

    ecoendations for the registration of protocol.

    Tas 1. To lean the sche#e of laboratory diagnosis of unfluen&a.

    #chee of la$oratory diagnosis of influen3a

    B$press /irological

    Clinical the secretions and s4abs fro# the nasal

    pharyn$+ less blood and spinal fluid (4ith


    Sectional parts of tissue of the trachea+ bronchus and


    Material for


    Methods of


    Che#ilu#inescence #ethod

    Indirect *e#agglutonation test 4ith

    erythrocyte diagnosticu#A

    B%IS8+ C

    =etection of virus

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    Tas ". 3o use the Indirect *e#agglutonation test to detect the virus 4ith

    ability of he#agglutination

    Tas &. 3o use the Indirect *e#agglutonation test for serological identification

    and serological diagnosis of influen&a (See ractical class P1-).

    Tas ,. %earn the preparations for specific prevention of influen&a.

    1. live allantois dry vaccine of Influen&a virus for intranasal introduction.

    (vaccines of the 1 generation) (ussia).

    2. urified inactivated split influen&a vaccine of K/a$igrypK (@rance).. Inactivated subounit vaccine KInfluva6K (etherlands).

    6. uestions for self7control.

    Ghat fa#ily do influen&a viruses belong to

    Ghat is the #orphology of influen&a virus

    Ghat is the strategy of the geno#e of influen&a virus

    Ghat proteins deter#ine the strain specificity of influen&a virus Ghat is the #echanis# of antigenic shift of influen&a virus

    Ghat biological syste#s use for detection of influen&a viruses

    in chic6en

    e#bryos 111!


    In cell cultures: cell of pri#ary

    trypsini&ed (#on6ey 6idney+ hu#an

    e#bryo+ oneday chic6en)+

    transplanted cell culture: tissue culture

    of hu#an e#bryonic trachea and

    hu#an e#bryo

    In the body of

    sensitive to a virus

    laboratory ani#als

    (4hite #ice+ ferrets

    and others) by

    intranasal infection

    =etection of the virus in


    =etection of the virus by cytopathic

    effect+ *e#agglutonation test+

    *e#adsorbtion test

    Identification of virus by C@3 and Indirect

    *e#agglutonation test

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    Ghat #ethod of influen&a prevention is #ost e$pedient in adults

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    Practical class "D

    Topic: Picornaviruses. Ba$oratory diagnosis of enteroviruses infections

    1. !ctuality:

    @a#ily icornoviruses is a typical representative of 8containing si#ple

    icosahedral viruses. *igh resistance to physical and che#ical agents is typical for

    these viruses.

    icornaviruses have a 4ide range of hosts+ a significant diversity of clinical

    #anifestations of the diseases and they are 4idely spreading in the environ#ent.

    3he genus of enteroviruses is a #ajor genus of this fa#ily 4ith potential

    pathogenicity for hu#an. Co$sac6ie+ BC*" viruses and poliovirus are included to

    this genus.hysicians have to 6no4 the biological properties of enterovirusesA

    pathogenesis+ clinical #anifestations and i##unogenesis of infections+ #ethods of

    laboratory diagnostics+ principles of treat#ent and prevention of specific

    infections. 8ll this underlies of actuality of practical class topic and urges to

    for#ation of positive #otivation for learning.

    ". #pecific o$%ectives:

    3o analy&e the physical and che#ical properties of icornaviruses fa#ily

    generally and genus of enterovirusesparticularly.

    3o for# the sche#e of the laboratory diagnostics of enteroviruses infections.

    3o identify the 4ays to co#pare t4o cell cultures in the t4o tubes: in the first

    un#odified #onolayer of cell culture is present+ and in the second cell culture

    4ith poliovirus cytopathic effect as co#plete degeneration is present.

    3o use the co#ple#ent fi$ation test for serological diagnosis of polio#yelitis.

    3op use virus neutrali&ation test for serological identification of enteroviruses

    selected fro# a sic6 child 4ith suspicion of polio#yelitis.

    3o e$a#ine the preparations used for diagnosis+ specific prevention and therapyof enteroviral infections.

    &. 'asic no)ledge* sills* e+periences needed for study of topic

    (interdisciplinary integration. #ee Practical class 16.

    ,.Tass for independent preparation for the lesson.

    -nueration of $asic ters* paraeters* characteristics that a student has to

    learn during the preparing to the lesson:

    3er# Significance

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    1 2

    icornoviridae icornaviruses are s#all (2! n# in dia#eter)+ si#ple

    icosahedral 8geno#ic viruses that are highly resistant to

    physical and che#ical factors. Many #e#bers of this fa#ily

    are highly pathogenic for hu#ans. 8ccording to the #odern

    classification the fa#ily consists of 0 genera.Bnterovirus Bnterovirus is a typical genus of icornoviridae characteri&ed

    by tropis# to enterocytes and cells of the nervous syste#A

    stability in 4ide p* range (fro# 2. to 1.)A stabili&ation of

    cationic ions QRNN+ MgNN+ 8lNNNto ther#al inactivation.

    olioviruses olioviruses are the representatives of Bnterovirus genera of

    hu#an that e$ist as three serotypes. 3hey are distinguished

    distinctly and infect the cell by binding 4ith specific

    receptors /: C= 1''.

    Sal6?s vaccine Sal6?s vaccine is an inactivated poliovaccine for parenteral

    introduction. /accines do not create local i##unity.

    Sebin?s vaccine Sebin?s vaccine a live poliovaccine #ade fro# attenuated

    strains of three serotypes of polioviruses+ oral introduction. It

    for#s general and local i##unity.

    Co$sac6ie /iruses Co$sac6ie /iruses < enteroviruses 4ere isolated in Co$sac6ie

    to4n of e4 Lor6 State (S8). It is characteri&ed by

    #ultiorgan tropis#. It?s divided into groups 8 and ; by

    antigenic structure+ cytopathogenic effect of cell culture and

    for#ation of paralysis in ne4born #ice. 3hey are 2

    serotypes of Co$sac6ie 8 and serotypes of Co$sac6ie ;.

    QTU /iruses /iruses BC*" abbreviated na#e fro# Bnglish 4ords:

    Bnteric Cytopatogenic < *u#an K"rphans.K 3hey are 2-


    ,.". Theoretical /uestions for the lesson:

    Deneral characteristics of the fa#ily icornaviridae+ classification.

    Structure and che#ical co#position of enteroviruses.

    Sensitivity of enteroviruses to physical and che#ical factors.

    8ntigenic structure of enteroviruses.

    Cultivation and features of reproduction in sensitive cells.

    athogenesis+ clinical #anifestations and i##unogenesis of polio#yelitis+

    Co$sac6ie virus and BC*"virus infection.

    rinciples and #ethods of laboratory diagnosis of enteroviruses infections.

    rinciples of specific prevention of enteroviral infections.Co#parison of live

    and inactivated poliovaccines.

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    ,.&. Practical tass perfored in the classroo:

    @or# a sche#e of the laboratory diagnosis of enteroviruses infections.

    3a6e account of the results of serological and virological diagnosis of

    polio#yelitis (de#onstration). Study the preparations for diagnosis+ specific prevention and therapy of

    enteroviruses infections.

    0. Content of the topic:

    In practice the students study the biological properties of icornaviridae

    fa#ily+ Bnterovirus genera and so#e of it7s representatives (poliovirus+ Co$sac6ie

    viruses and BC*" viruses). 3he students #a6e the schee#e of diagnosis of

    enterovirus diseases. Students lean the cythopathic effect of polioviruses in cellcultures at the de#onstrational preparations and perfor# serological identification

    of enteroviruses selected fro# a ill child 4ith suspicion of polio#yelitis. 8t the

    sa#e ti#e the students study the differentiation of K4ildK and attenuated strains of

    polioviruses 4ith C+ B%IS8+ 3 4ith #onoclonal antibodies.

    ;entonite test is used for type I of oliovirus (virulent polioviruses have

    characteristic as 8bent() and avirulent as 8bent(N) V.

    3hey acco#plish accounting of co#ple#ent fi$ation test for serological

    diagnosis of polio#yelitis. 3he student 4rite do4n the results of co#pleted tas6s

    and teacher signs it.

    ecoendations for the registration of protocol.

    Tas 1. 3he students #a6e up a sche#e of laboratory diagnostics of

    enteroviruses infections and dra4 it to protocol. under the guidance of teachers+

    Tas ". 3o identify the unchanged cells culture (control) on the

    de#onstration preparations and cytopathic effect of poliovirus as type of co#pletedegeneration. =ra4 a #icroscopic pictures to the protocol.

    unchanged cells culture cytopathic effect of poliovirus

    2ifferentiation of enteroviruses )ith cytopathic effect

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    irus CB

    oliovirus N

    Co$sac6ie W

    Co$sac6ie X N

    QTU N

    Tas &. ;y de#onstration preparation to ta6e account of the virus

    neutrali&ation test for serological identification of viruses isolated fro# an ill child

    4ith suspicion of polio#yelitis.

    Tas ,. 3o ta6e account of co#ple#ent fi$ation test for serological

    diagnosis of polio#yelitis.

    Tas 0. 3o study the preparation for diagnosis+ specific prevention of

    Bnterovirus infections. Students 4rite co#pleted tas6s to the protocol.

    6. uestions for self7control.

    Ghat type of nucleic acid does icornoviridae contain

    Ghat structure do picornoviruses have

    Ghat are the defining features of Bnterovirus genera

    Ghat viruses does genera Bnterovirus include

    Ghat is the antigenic structure of enteroviruses

    Gtat #ethods of cultivation of Bnterovirus can be used

    Ghat are the stages of interaction bet4een enteroviruses and sensitive cells

    *o4 #any serological types of polio viruses are there

    Ghat is the pathogenesis of polio#yelitis

    Ghat are the #ethods of laboratory diagnosis of polio#yelitis

    Ghat vaccines can be used for prevention of polio#yelitis Ghat are the

    positive properties and negative properties of live and inactivated vaccines

    Ghat are the criteria for differentiation bet4een Co$sac6ie 8 viruses and

    Co$sac6ie ; virusesPractical course "1

    Thee: ;erpesviruses* adenoviruses. The la$oratory diagnostics of diseases

    caused $y ;erpesviruses and !denoviruses infectionsE

    1. Topic relevance:

    *u#an pathogenic =8 viruses belong to the si$ fa#ilies: 8denoviridae+

    *erpesviridae+ arvoviridae+ o$sviridae+ *epadnaviridae+ apovaviridae.

    Co#pared 4ith the 8 viruses the =8 viruses are #ore geneticallyconservative 4hich #eans less variable and usually persist in the host organis# for

    a long ti#e. 3he #ost of =8 viruses are reproducing in the nucleuses of cells.

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    3he representatives of the fa#ily 8denoviridae are the pathogenic agents of

    infectious diseases of respiratory tracts and other organs of hu#an+ #on6eys+

    cattle+ dogs+ #ice and birds.

    ". The specific ais:

    1. 3o create the sche#e of laboratory diagnostic of adenoviruses infections andherpesviruses.

    1. 3o assess the indirect he#agglutination reaction perfor#ed 4ith the purpose of

    serological diagnostics of adenoviruses infectious.

    2. 3o learn the cytopathic effect caused by herpesvisuses.

    . 3o learn the #edication used for the diagnostic and specific prophyla$is of

    adenoviruses infections and herpesviruses.

    &. The general no)ledge* a$ilities* sills necessary for thee learning

    (the inter7disciplines integration. Please see the practical course 16.

    ,. The tass for self7study )or during the preparation to the classes.

    ,.1 The list of the ain ters* paraeters* characteristics )hich

    should $e learnt $y the student during the preparation to the classes:

    3he ter# 3he definition

    1 2

    =8 viruses 3he hu#an pathogenic viruses 4hich contain the

    deo$yribonucleic acid (=8) belong to the si$ fa#ilies:

    8denoviridae+ *erpesviridae+ arvoviridae+ o$sviridae+

    *epadnaviridae+ apovaviridae.

    *erpesviruses 3he fa#ily *erpesviridae includes the subfa#ilies:

    8lphaherpesvirinae+ ;ethaherpesvirinae+ Da##aherpes


    1 2



    3he fa#ily 8denoviridae is divided to the t4o genus:

    Mastadenovirus < #a##als7 adenoviruses+ including #ore

    than ! serovariants caused the hu#an diseases+

    8viadenovirus < 1! serovariants caused the birds7 diseases.

    !.2. The theoretical /uestions for the classes:

    3he general characteristic of =8 viruses+ its classification.

    3he #orphology and particularity of reproduction of *erpesviruses and


  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases



    3he pathogenesis+ clinical sy#pto#s and i##unogenesis of *erpesviruses and

    8denoviruses infection.

    3he principles and #ethods of laboratory diagnostics of *erpesviruses and

    8denoviruses infection.

    3he principles of treat#ent and prophyla$is of adenoviruses and herpesviruses


    !.. The practical tass )hich are $eing perfored during the classes:

    1. 3o create the sche#e of laboratory diagnostic of *erpesviruses and

    8denoviruses infections.

    2. 3o investigate the results of reproduction of *erpesviruses and

    8denoviruses assessing the cytopathic effect.

    . 3o study the sche#e of e$peri#ent and assess the indirect

    he#agglutination reaction perfor#ed 4ith the purpose of serological diagnostics ofadenoviruses infections.

    !. 3o fa#iliari&e 4ith the diagnostic+ treat#entprophilactic #edications

    prescribed for *erpesviruses and 8denoviruses infection.

    0. The content of thee:

    "n the practical course the students are studying the *erpesviruses and

    8denoviruses classification+ its #orphological structure+ the cultivation+ the

    particularity of reproductionA the role of 8denoviruses and *erpesviruses in the

    hu#an pathology+ the pathogenesis and i##unogenesis of diseasesA #ethods oflaboratory diagnostics of 8denoviruses and *erpesviruses infectionA principles of

    treat#ent+ prophyla$is of 8denoviruses and *erpesviruses infectionA are studying

    the for#ation of sy#plast caused by the *erpesvirusesA are assessing the indirect

    he#agglutination reaction perfor#ed 4ith the purpose of serological diagnostics of

    adenoviruses infectionsA are learning the #edications used for the diagnostic and

    specific prophyla$is of 8denoviruses infections and *erpesviruses. 3he co#pleted

    tas6s students are noting to the protocol and after4ards present the protocol to the

    teacher for the signature obtaining.

    ecoendations on the protocol copletion

    ;uan ;erpesvirus (;; classification

    Subfa#ily Denus a#e athophysiology






    *erpes si#ple$

    virus1 (*S/1)

    "ral herpes+ as 4ell as

    other herpes si#ple$


    *erpes si#ple$virus2 (*S/2) Denital herpes+ as 4ellas other herpes

    si#ple$ infections
  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    /aricellovirus /aricella &oster













    syndro#e+ retinitis+

    etc.oseolovirus oseolovirus+



    virus (**/)

    Si$th disease (roseola

    infantu#or e$anthe#










    virus(B;/)+ ly#




    ;ur6ittOs ly#pho#a+CS ly#pho#ain






    carcino#a+ *I/

    associated hairy


    hadinovirus FaposiOs sarco#a




    FaposiOs sarco#a+

    pri#ary effusion

    ly#pho#a+ so#e

    types of #ulticentric

    Castle#anOs disease

    The ain properties of ;erpesviruses

    1. Icosahedral sy##etry of nucleocapsidA

    2. %arge viruses 1'2' n# in dia#eterA enveloped 4ith lipid bilayer#e#braneA

    . %inear =8geno#esencoding 12 genesA #olecular 4eight '!0! #llion


    !. Capsid consists of 12 capso#eres: 1' he$onsA 12 pentons on the topsA

    '. 3egu#ent < protein layer called containing both viral proteins and viral


    . May persist a long ti#e in the nervous syste#.

    The ain properties of !denoviruses.

    1. Icosahedral sy##etry of nucleocapsidA

    2. Capsid consists of 2'2 capso#eres: 2! he$onsA 12 pentons 4ith fibers

    associated 4ith each pentonA. =oublestranded linear =8geno#eA encoding genes.'s_lymphoma's_sarcoma-associated_herpesvirus's_sarcoma-associated_herpesvirus's_sarcoma-associated_herpesvirus's_sarcoma's_disease's_lymphoma's_sarcoma-associated_herpesvirus's_sarcoma-associated_herpesvirus's_sarcoma-associated_herpesvirus's_sarcoma's_disease
  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    #chee of la$oratory diagnostics of !denoviruses infections.

    1.Isolation and

    identification of virus


    Sa#ples fro# the patient

    [ [

    *u#an and #on6ey pri#ary and

    passaging cell cultures. [

    ' 1! days

    [ [



    ic effect




    1.eaction of


    2.eaction of inhibition of




    air seru#s sa#ples of the patient

    1. eaction of neutrali&ation ()A

    2. Co#ple#ent fi$ation test (C@t)A

    . eaction of inhibition of he#agglutinationA

    !. eaction of indirect he#agglutination.

    . Denetic diagnostics C

    #chee of la$oratory diagnostics of ;erpesviruses infections.

    #aples )hich contain viruses

    9. Microscopy

    R) =etection of

    intranuclear inclusions

    (Faudri bodies) in the


    b) =etection of specificantigene using direct

    and indirect #ethods of


    99. 9solation of virus

    F F F

    In the cell




    Chic6 e#bryo.

    (pla5ue appearance

    on the a#niochorial


    ;iological test

    [ [ [ Identification of isolated virus

    [ [

    i##unofluorescence reaction of neutrali&ationA

    [ [

    =iagnosis: herpesvirus infection.

    999. #erological diagnostics: detection of antibodies titer increasing in + C@3+

    reaction of inhibition of he#agglutination+ reaction of direct he#agglutination.

    Medications for herpes virus treatent and prophyla+is:

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    #odified nucleosides 4hich inhibit the virus replication (interferon inductors+


    ga##aglobulins against the /aricella &oster virusA

    i##uno#odulators (%eva#isole).


    inactivated vaccine of *erpes virus strains of I and II typesA alive attenuated vaccine against the hu#an cyto#egalovirus.

    Medications for treatent and prophyla+is of !denoviruses infections.

    o interferonA

    o =8seA

    o "$olin oint#ent and etc.A

    o 8live vaccines fro# !+,+21 serotypes (already proposed).

    Tas 1. 3o assess the results of passive he#agglutination reaction perfor#ed

    4ith the purpose of serological diagnostics of adenoviruses infections (thede#ostration).

    Co##ents: 4Ed < the 4or6ing dilution

    C (B=) < the control of erythrocytic diagnosticu#

    lease #a6e the conclusion.

    Tas ". 3o learn the changes in cells developed as a result of herpes virus

    and adenovirus reproduction. lease dra4 the picture to the protocol.

    3he sy#plast for#ation ;unchshaped

    caused by herpes viruses destruction caused by


    6. uestions for the self7control:

    3he general characteristic of =8 viruses+ its classification.

    3he #orphology and particularity of reproduction of *erpesviruses and8denoviruses.


  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    3he pathogenesis+ clinical sy#pto#s and i##unogenesis of *erpesviruses and

    8denoviruses infection.

    3he principles and #ethods of laboratory diagnostics of *erpesviruses and

    8denoviruses infection.

    3he principles of treat#ent and prophyla$is of adenoviruses and herpesviruses


    Practical course ""

    Thee: !gents of viral hepatitis. Ba$oratory diagnostics of viral hepatitisE

    1. Topic relevance:

    /iral hepatitis (/*) \ group of the diseases+ 4hich are caused by

    different types of viruses+ characteri&ed by different #echanis#s of trans#ission of

    infection and difference in pathogenesis+ but due to their tropis# to hepatocytes are

    si#ilar in #ain clinical sy#pto#s (jaundice+ into$ication+ hepato#egaly+


    3he great increase in incidence of viral hepatitis is #ar6ed over the past

    decade+ in particular by parenteral trans#ission. It is believed that about 1 billion

    people on the planet infected 4ith at least one of the viruses+ 4hich caused viral

    hepatitis. 8ccording to official infor#ation /* ta6e second place after influen&a

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    and other acute respiratory infections by the nu#ber of affected+ they greatly

    outnu#bered the# by the nu#ber of severe+ econo#ic costs+ resulting in death.

    8nd this despite the fact that anicteric for#s 4hich are often passed by the doctors.

    er one day the /* and their co#plications caused e5ual nu#ber of deaths to

    those caused by 8I=S per year. 3o stop /* e$pansion is one of the Gorld *ealth

    "rgani&ation priority tas6s.3he role in the pathology of liver is currently established for at least

    viruses (8 B and D). ecent studies of the socalled hepatitis @ virus allo4ed

    affir#ed its heterogeneity+ so ter# *@/ is no longer in use. articipation of

    recently described viruses 33/ and SB+ and so#e ani#al viruses (e6ing duc6s+

    Canadian forestry #ar#ot et al.) in hu#an pathology and the possible degree of

    organ da#age is under debate.

    In the class students are given the opportunity to get ac5uainted 4ith the

    #ethods of diagnosis of viral hepatitis+ particularly 4ith B%IS8. 8ttention is paid

    to identifying of diagnostic #ar6ers of viral hepatitis.Fno4ledge about the characteristics of viral hepatitis causative agents+ the

    ability to choose ade5uate #ethods of laboratory diagnosis of viral hepatitis and to

    interpret the results are necessary for the for#ation of studentsO understanding of

    the #ethods for diagnosis of viral diseases.

    ". The specific ais:

    3o analy&e the biological properties of viral hepatitis causative agents.

    3o e$plain the role of causative agents of viral hepatitis in hu#an pathology.

    3o treat #ethods for diagnosis of viral hepatitis+ to #a6e conclusions by results.

    3o analy&e the preparations 4hich are used for specific prophyla$is of viral


    &. The general no)ledge* a$ilities* sills necessary for thee learning

    (the inter7disciplines integration. Please see the practical course 16.

    ,. The tass for self7study )or during the preparation to the classes.

    ,.1 The list of the ain ters* paraeters* characteristics )hich should $elearnt $y the student during the preparation to the classes:

    3he ter# 3he definition

    1 2

    /iral hepatitis /iral hepatitis (/*) \ a group of diseases caused by

    different viruses+ characteri&ed by different trans#ission

    #echanis#s and pathogenesis+ but all of the# are

    hepatotropic pathogens 4hich can be si#ilar in cause ofthe #ajor clinical sy#pto#s (jaundice+ into$ication+


  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    8ustralian antigen 8ustralian antigen \ original na#e of the surface

    antigen of hepatitis ; virus e$isted prior to discovering

    of hepatitis ; virus and its antigens. 3he ter# originated

    because of discovery of this antigen in seru# of

    8ustralian aborigines. %ater it 4as identified as the

    antigenic co#ponent of the hepatitis ; virus *;s8g.

    =iagnostic #ar6ers =iagnostic #ar6ers (#ar6ers of infection) \ antigens+

    antibodies and nucleic acids of viruses+ detection of

    4hich allo4s to deter#ine the etiology of viral hepatitis

    and E or the presence of the virus+ to characteri&e the

    progress of infection+ to predict its result+ to evaluate the

    effectiveness of treat#ent+ to perfor# a retrospective

    analysis of the previous #eeting 4ith the virus that

    causes hepatitis+ and to esti#ate a level of postvaccination i##unity.

    /iral persistence /iral persistence

    \ a presence of the virus in

    functionally active condition in cells of an organis# or

    cell cultures for longer periods then during typical acute

    infections. Infections caused by this pheno#enon are

    6no4n as persistent viral infections.


    i##unochro#atgraphicassays for the detection

    of *;s8g and anti


    apid+ i##unochro#atgraphic assays for the detection

    of *;s8g and anti*;s allo4 to obtain research results4ithin '1' #inutes 4ithout using the co#ple$

    laboratory e5uip#ent. 3he basis of the test is a

    nitrocellulose #e#brane on the surface of 4hich *;s or

    antigens encoded by *C/ 8 are fir#ly sorbed. 3he

    process contains ne$t stages: the binding of *;s8g or

    anti*C/ 4e are loo6ing for+ the 4ashing and addition

    of conjugate (for e$a#ple anti*;s #ar6ed 4ith

    colloidal gold+ an en&y#e or #ar6ed antiseru# that

    presipitate IgD)+ the presence of #ar6ers is defined bythe corresponding substrate.

    Droups of ris6 3he group of ris6\ a part of population united by

    principle of high probability of conta#ination by various

    infection diseases because of #ore often+ close and

    durable contacts 4ith the pathogen.

    *epatitis viruses *epatitis viruses \ viruses that can cause specific injury

    of liver < hepatitis. Its belong to different ta$ono#ic

    groups and have different biological properties but can

    cause hu#an hepatitis. 3he #ost co##on causative

    agents of viral hepatitis are the hepatitis 8virus+ hepatitis

    ; virus+ hepatitis C virus+ hepatitis = virus or delta
  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    hepatitis virus+ hepatitis Bvirus+ hepatitis D virus and

    hepatitis @ virus. B$istence of other unidentified

    hepatitis viruses is being considered.

    ,.". The theoretical /uestions for the classes:

    "bligate and facultative pathogens of viral hepatitis+ their properties and


    /iral hepatitis 8. Btiology+ epide#iology+ pathogenesis+ clinical

    #anifestations. Characteristics of laboratory diagnostics. Specific prevention+

    postinfectious and postvaccination i##unity.

    *epatitis ; virus structure specifics. Characteristics of antigens.


    Bpide#iology+ pathogenesis and clinical picture of hepatitis ;.

    ostinfectious i##unity. %aboratory diagnosis . =yna#ics of the appearance ofserological #ar6ers of hepatitis ;. 3he interpretation of serological data.

    revention and treat#ent of hepatitis ;.

    /iral hepatitis C: etiology+ epide#iology+ pathogenesis+ clinical sy#pto#s.

    %aboratory diagnostics. Specific prevention+ postinfectious and postvaccination


    /iral hepatitis =: etiology+ epide#iology+ pathogenesis+ clinical sy#pto#s.

    %aboratory diagnostics. Specific prevention+ postinfectious and postvaccination


    /iral hepatitis B: etiology+ epide#iology+ pathogenesis+ clinical sy#pto#s.

    %aboratory diagnostics. Specific prevention+ postinfectious and postvaccination


    Causative agents of /iral hepatitis D+ 33/+ Sen/.

    !.. The practical tass )hich are $eing perfored during the classes:

    1. 3o study the classification and differential properties of the hepatitis


    2. 3o assess results of laboratory diagnosis of hepatitis ; by B%IS8. Ma6e aconclusion.

    . @a#iliari&e 4ith the diagnostic test syste#s+ treat#ent and preventive

    #edications that are used for hepatitis.

    0. The content of thee:

    In practice+ students are introduced to #odern #ethods of laboratory diagnosis of

    viral hepatitisA ac5uainted 4ith en&y#e i##unoassay #ethod for diagnosis of

    hepatitis ;A ac5uainted 4ith drugs for specific prevention of hepatitis 8 and

    hepatitis ; (vaccine). Co#pleted protocols are signed by the teacher.
  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    ecoendations for design of the protocol

    Characteristics of hepatitis virusesCharacteristics

    of viruses

    *8/ *;/ *C/ *=/ *B/ *D/

    3ype of nucleic


    ss8(N) ds=8+




    ss8(N) ss8+



    ss8(N) ss8(N)



    icornaviridae *epadnavi


    @laviviridae =eltavirus Caliciviri



    /irion si&e


    2, ! - 2!

    Structure Si#ple Co#ple$ Co#ple$ Co#ple$ Si#ple Co#ple$

    Cultivation in

    the cell culture





    ] ] ]

    athogenicityfor ani#als


    Chi#pan&ees Chi#pan&ees Chi#pan&ees Chi#pan&ees

    eplication in


    Cytoplas# ucleus Cytoplas# ucleus Cytoplas




    /iral specific








    34o for#s:

    s#all+ big





    c groups

    "ncogenicity N N N N


    4ith other T/

    *;/ *C/

    *W/+ *;/3he #echanis#

    of trans#ission

    @ecaloral arenteral+




    arenteral @ecaloral arenteral

    @actors of


    Gater+ food ;lood+





    ;lood ;lood Gater+



    Droups of ris6 Children =octors+







    of *;/






    drug users+se$ual



    is patients



    hepatitis ;+


    drug users








    drug users+se$ual



    s patients

    revention Inactivated

    and live





    blood ofT;s8g


    Interferon ot






  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases







    inant fro#


    Gor 1.3o assess results of laboratory diagnosis of hepatitis ; by B%IS8.

    Conclusions: 81+ B+ D2 < seropositive sa#ples.

    Gor ".@a#iliari&e 4ith preparations for the specific prophyla$is of viral


    1. Co#bined vaccine for hepatitis 8 and hepatitis ; prevention 3GII^.

    2. eco#binant yeast vaccine for the specific prophyla$is of viral hepatitis

    X < BDBI^.

    6. uestions for the self control

    Specify 4hich hepatitis ; virus antigens can be detected in the seru# of

    patients 4ith viral hepatitis ;. Ghich hepatitis ; virus antigens can be

    detected only in hepatocytes Ghich #ar6ers of acute hepatitis ; can be detected in the blood of the


    Ghich #ar6ers of acute hepatitis 8 can be detected in the blood of the


    Ghich #ar6er can be detected in blood after vaccination against hepatitis ;

    Ghat #edications are used for specific prophyla$is of hepatitis ;

    Ghat is the #ini#u# infectious dose of hepatitis ; virus during parenteral

    enters Ghich hepatitis viruses can cause the develop#ent of pri#ary hepatocellular


  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    Ghat are the reasons of high percentage of chronic cases and resistance to

    antiviral therapy during viral hepatitis C.

    Ghat #easures are used for prophyla$is of hepatitis ;

    Ghich viral hepatitis can be diagnosed in 6raine Ghat #ethods of

    laboratory diagnosis should be used

    Ghat viruses are causative agents of viral hepatitis 33/ and Sen Is

    registered in 6raine cases of these diseases 8re there any cases of such

    diseases registered in 6raine

    Practical course "&

    Thee: etroviruses. ;9. Ba$oratory diagnosis of ;97infectionE

    1. Topic relevance.

    8I=S is called the plague of the ^^ century+ 4hich ta6es #ore and #ore

    hu#an victi#s. 3o prevent further spreading of *I/ and its i#pact on social and

    econo#ic processes in our country the %a4 of 6raine K"n revention of 8c5uired

    I##une =eficiency Syndro#e (8I=S) and social protectionK 4as approved+ the

    progra# of 8I=S prevention and drug addiction 4as approved and i#ple#ented+

    the progra# KSafety of donor bloodK 4as introduced.

    Bvery day+ an esti#ated 2' young people are ne4ly infected 4ith *I/+

    according to a global report on *I/ prevention. 8c5uired i##une deficiencysyndro#e or ac5uired i##unodeficiency syndro#e (8I=S) is a disease of the

    hu#an i##une syste#caused by the hu#an i##unodeficiency virus(*I/). 3he
  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    illness interferes 4ith the i##une syste# #a6ing people 4ith 8I=S #uch #ore

    li6ely to get infections+ including opportunistic infectionsand tu#orsthat do not

    affect people 4ith 4or6ing i##une syste#s. In 20+ the Gorld *ealth

    "rgani&ation(G*") esti#ated that there are +! #illion people 4orld4ide living

    4ith *I/E8I=S+ 4ith 2+, #illion ne4 *I/ infections per year and

    2+ #illion annual deaths due to 8I=S. Monthly *I/E(8I=S)infection involved#ore than 1+2 6rainian citi&ens. 6raine has one of the highest rates of

    increase of *I/E8I=S cases in Bastern Burope. 8ll this sho4 the relevance of

    lessons topic and create positive #otivation for its learning.

    2. The specific ais:

    1. 3o learn the basic biological properties of retroviruses.

    2. 3o learn #odern #ethods of laboratory diagnosis of *I/ infection and


    . 3o analy&e the prospects of effective antiretroviral therapy drugs creatingand #odern approaches to prevention and treat#ent of *I/ infection.

    &. The general no)ledge* a$ilities* sills necessary for thee learning (the

    inter7disciplines integration. Please see the practical course 16.

    ,. The tass for self7study )or during the preparation to the classes.

    ,.1. The list of the ain ters* paraeters* characteristics )hich should $elearnt $y the student during the preparation to the classes:

    3he ter# 3he definition

    1 2

    *I/infection *I/infection < a disease caused by hu#an

    i##unodeficiency virus (*I/).

    8I=S 8I=S < final stage of *I/ infection+ characteri&ed by

    various pathological sy#pto#s+ caused by a deep lesion ofthe i##une syste# by *I/.

    evertase (reverse

    transcriptase+ 8

    dependent =8


    evertase (reverse transcriptase+ 8dependent =8

    poly#erase) < en&y#e that is directly lin6ed to viral 8+

    it defines the strategy of the geno#e in the cell+ providing

    so#e stages of viruses reproduction (creates a copy of

    =8 using viral 8 as the #atri$).

    Screening Screening (in the case of *I/ < study of seru# of so#e

    people populations (donors+ pregnant 4o#en+ drug users

    etc.)+ for the purpose of identifying sera that 4ith high

    probability contain antiviral antibodies and e$clusion of

    sera that contain no specific antiviral antibodies.
  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases




    8I=Sassociated diseases < diseases that occur in the later

    stages of *I/infection and are considered as the

    sy#pto#s of 8I=S.

    oly#erase chain

    reaction (C)

    oly#erase chain reaction (C) < #ethod of detection

    and identification of viruses and bacteria in the

    investigated #aterials. 3he principle of the #ethod isbased on nu#erous copying (selective a#plification) of

    target nucleic acid by the en&y#e =8poly#erase.

    ,.". The theoretical /uestions for the classes:

    Deneral characteristic and classification of oncogenic viruses.

    /irusgenetic tu#or for#ation theory by %.8. Yilber. Mechanis#s of viral


    Morphology and che#ical co#position of hu#an i##unodeficiency virus.

    3ypes of *I/. "rigin and evolution of *I/. eculiarities of the geno#e.

    Cultivation of *I/+ stages of interaction bet4een viruses and susceptible cells.

    3arget cells for *I/ in hu#ans+ characteristics of the viral surface receptors.

    3he #echanis# of i##unodeficiency. 8I=Sassociated pathologies

    (opportunistic infections and tu#ors).

    Methods of laboratory diagnosis of 8I=S (i##unological+ genetic).

    rospects for specific prevention and therapy of *I/ infection.

    ,.&. The practical tass )hich are $eing perfored during the classes:

    1. 3o 4rite the sche#e of the laboratory diagnosis of *I/infection into the


    2. 3o assess the results of laboratory diagnosis of *I/infection by B%IS8 and

    to #a6e conclusions.

    . @a#iliar 4ith the diagnostic test syste#s+ #edicalprophylactic #edications

    used in case of *I/infection.

    0. The content of the thee.

    "n the practice+ students are introduced to the basic of classification and

    biological properties of retroviruses+ #orphological+ physicoche#ical properties+

    ultrastructure and antigenic structure of *I/+ laboratory diagnostics and specific

    prevention and treat#ent of *I/ infection prospects. Students e$a#ine and

    analy&e the sche#e of poly#erase chain reaction (C) 4ith the purpose of the

    laboratory diagnosis of *I/E8I=S as 4ell as its #odification+ 4hich provides a

    5uantitative deter#ination of *I/ 8 in blood of patients. %earn principles of

    4estern blot. 8ssess the results of laboratory diagnosis of *I/infection by


    =uring co#posing the sche#e of the laboratory diagnosis of *I/ infection

    and 8I=S+ students use the 6no4ledge ac5uired during selftraining and in the

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    process of consideration of the topic in class. In addition+ students are ac5uainted

    4ith drugs used for laboratory diagnosis of *I/infection. Co#pleted protocols are

    signed by the teacher.

    ecoendations for design of the protocol Students learn and enter the classification of retroviruses into the protocol

    Students learn and enter the sche#e of the laboratory diagnosis of

    *I/E8I=S into the protocol

    Students assess the results of laboratory diagnosis of *I/infection by


    Students characteri&e and add to the protocol the #ain drugs used for

    treat#ent of *I/E8I=S

    Classification of retroviruses (etroviridae faily

    Denus epresentatives

    8lpharetrovirus ous sarco#a virus+ avian leu6osis virus+ and avian

    #yeloblastosis virus.

    ;etaretrovirus M ouse #a##ary tu#our virus+ Masonfi&er #on6ey


    Da##aretrovirus @eline leu6e#ia virus+ # urine leu6e#ia virus

    =eltaretrovirus ;ovine leu6e#ia virus+ h u#an 3ly#photropic virus

    (*3%/1+ *3%/2)Bpsilonretrovirus Galleye epider#al hyperplasia virus

    %entivirus *I/+ s i#ian i##unodeficiency virus+ f eline

    i##unodeficiency virus+p u#a lentivirus+ e 5uine

    infectious ane#ia+b ovine i##unodeficiency virus+

    c aprine arthritis encephalitis virus+ Maedi/isna virus

    Spu#avirus Si#ian foa#y virus+ h u#an foa#y virus

    Gor 1.3o 4rite the sche#e of the laboratory diagnosis of *I/ E 8I=S in theprotocol.

    Sche#e of the laboratory diagnosis of *I/E8I=S
  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    Gor ". 3o assess the results of laboratory diagnosis of *I/infection by


    Conclusions: 81+ B+ D2 < seropositive sa#ples.

    Gor &.3o read and add to the protocol the #ain drugs used for treat#ent

    of *I/E8I=S.

    1. ucleoside analog of reverse transcription inhibitors (&idovudine+

    la#ivudine+ stavudine etc.).

    2. onnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (efaviren&+ nevirapine+

    delavirdine etc.).. rotease inhibitors (indinavir+ ritonavir+ WX_,-).

    Indication of *I/ or its

    co#ponents in the

    #aterial fro# the patients

    =etection of antiviral


    =etection of specific

    changes in the

    i##une syste#

    -polymerase chain


    -Isolation of HIV from

    clinical material on the

    primary and stable cell

    cultures of lymphocytes

    -electronic microscopy

    - indirect ELISA

    - western blot(protein

    immunoblot)- immunofluorescence


    - latex alutination


    - radioimmunoprecipitation


    - determination of

    the !" cells number

    - determination ofthe ratio of !-helpers

    and ! suppressors

    - #uantification of

    interleu$in-% and


  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    6. uestions for the self7control:

    Ghat is the structure of hu#an i##unodeficiency virus

    Ghat are the en&y#es *I/ has

    Ghich cell receptor interacts 4ith *I/

    Ghat physical factors are har#ful to *I/

    Ghat are the violations of cellular i##unity observed in patients 4ith 8I=S

    Ghat are the #echanis#s of *I/ trans#ission

    In 4hich biological fluids antibodies to *I/ can

    Practical course ",

    Thee: =inal odule control 1E

    3*B %IS3 "@ 3*B `8S3I"S 3" @I8% M"=%B C"3"% 1

    MA2HB- 1. Morphology+ physiology and genetics of #icroorganis#s.

    8ntibiotics. Infection. I##unity. Deneral and Special virology.

    Semantic module 1. Introduction to microbiology.

    1. =efinition of #icrobiology as a science. @ields of #icrobiology. Subject and

    tas6s of #edical #icrobiology. 3he #ain features and trends of #odern


    2. =iscovering of the #icroorganis#s by 8ntonie van %eeu4enhoe6. Stages of the

    #icrobiology develop#ent. 3he contribution of %ouis asteur and obert Fochto #icrobiology.

    . @or#ation of the #ajor directions of #icrobiological science. ole of =.

    Sa#oilovych+ B. enner+ I.I. Mechni6ov+ =.L. Ivanovs6iy+ . Bhrlich+ S.M

    /inograds6iy+ B. ;ehring+ D. a#on+ @.8. %osch+ D. =o#ag6+ 8. @le#ing+ =.F.

    Yabolotniy+ %.8. Yilber+ /.M. Yhdanov+ M.. Chu#a6ov+ @. ;urnett and other

    scientists. 3he develop#ent of #icrobiology in the 6raine.

    Semantic module 2. Morphology and structure of prokaryotic and

    eukaryotic unicellular parasites. Staining of the microorganisms. Microscopy.1. 3he #ain differences bet4een pro6aryotes and eu6aryotes. @or#s of bacteria

    4ith the cell 4all synthesis defect+ protoplasts+ spheroplasts. %for# of bacteria.

    2. Morphology and structure of bacteria. 3he role of separate structures for the life

    of bacteria in the pathogenesis of infectious diseases. /egetative for#s and


    . Morphology and classification of proto&oa.

    !. Classification and #orphology of fungi.

    '. 3he #ethods of #icroscopy. roduction of bacteriological slides. =yes and

    staining solution+ si#ple and co#ple$ #ethods of painting.. 3he principles of organi&ation+ e5uip#ent and operating #ode in

    bacteriological+ serological and virological laboratories.

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter 3 infectious diseases


    ,. ;acterioscopic #ethod. Stages.

    Semantic module 3. Physiology of microorganisms (prokaryotes).

    !olution and classification of microorganisms.

    1. 3ypes and #echanis#s of #icroorganis#s nutrition. Mechanis#s of penetration

    of nutrients into bacterial cells. 3he che#ical co#position of #icroorganis#s.3he value of the co#ponents. Dro4th #edia and re5uire#ents for the#.

    Classification of gro4th #edia+ 4hich are used in #icrobiology.

    2. espiration of #icroorganis#s. 8erobic and anaerobic types of respiration.

    Bn&y#es and structures of the cells involved in the process of respiration.

    Methods of cultivation of anaerobic bacteria.

    3. Bn&y#es of #icroorganis#s and their role in #etabolis#. ole of en&y#es in

    differentiation of bacteria. Bn&y#es pathogenicity.

    ". Dro4th and 4ays reproduction of bacteria. 3he #echanis# of cell division+

    phases of bacteria culture #ultipl