682 What You’ll Learn What energy resources are found on Earth. What alternatives to traditional energy resources exist. How conservation can extend both traditional and alternative energy resources. Why It’s Important Life on Earth could not exist without energy resources. Many com- monly used energy resources are nonrenew- able; thus, energy conservation and the development of alterna- tive energy resources are necessary to ensure a continuous energy supply. Energy Resources Energy Resources 26 26 Windmills in the Netherlands Windmills in the Netherlands To find out more about energy resources, visit the Earth Science Web Site at ear thgeu.com

Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

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Page 1: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely


What You’ll Learn• What energy resources

are found on Earth.

• What alternatives to traditional energyresources exist.

• How conservation canextend both traditionaland alternative energyresources.

Why It’s ImportantLife on Earth could not exist without energyresources. Many com-monly used energyresources are nonrenew-able; thus, energy conservation and thedevelopment of alterna-tive energy resources are necessary to ensure a continuous energy supply.



Windmills in the NetherlandsWindmills in the Netherlands

To find out more aboutenergy resources, visit theEarth Science Web Site atearthgeu.com

Page 2: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

26.1 Conventional Energy Resources 683

Energy cannot be created ordestroyed, but it can change form andbe transferred. Thus, the same energycan be used over and over again. Inthis activity, you will observe a type ofenergy transfer that occurs every day.

1. Add 200 mL of water to a 250-mLglass beaker.

2. Place the beaker on a hot plate.

3. Turn on the hot plate. Observewhat happens to the water as itheats up and begins to boil.

CAUTION:Always wear safety goggles and anapron in the lab. Allow the beaker

to cool before moving it at the end of the activity.

Observe In your science journal,trace the energy source used to bringthe water to a boil back to its origin.Describe what happened to theenergy as it was used to heatand boil the water. In yourdescription, include anexplanation of the sourceof most energy on Earth.Infer where the energywent when the waterbegan to boil.

Sources of EnergyDiscovery LabDiscovery Lab


• Recognize the Sun as theultimate source of mostenergy on Earth.

• Describe how energychanges from one form toanother.

• Identify materials thatare used as fuels.

• Explain how fossil fuelsform.


fuel fossil fuelpeat

What kinds of activities do you engage in each morning? Do youturn on lights or run water for a shower? In the kitchen, you mighttoast bread or use a microwave oven to heat up your breakfast. Youmay ride a bus to school or drive a car. All of these activities dependupon energy. Where does most of the energy that you use eachmorning come from? The energy that humans and all other organ-isms use comes mostly from the Sun.

TRANSFER OF SOLAR ENERGYHow is solar energy used by organisms? Green plants, protists suchas algae, and cyanobacteria are producers that capture the Sun’senergy in the process of photosynthesis. In these photosyntheticorganisms, solar energy is used for maintenance, growth, and repro-duction. Whatever energy is not used right away is stored by theorganisms. When consumers eat producers, they use that stored

Conventional EnergyResources


Environmental ConnectionEnvironmental Connection

Page 3: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

energy for their own life processes. For example, when you eat abreakfast cereal made from grain such as oats or wheat, as illustratedin Figure 26-1, you are consuming the energy stored by those greenplants. In this way, trapped solar energy is transferred through thefood chains found in most ecosystems. A food chain is a model thatshows how solar energy flows from the Sun to producers and then toconsumers in an ecosystem.

Humans also need energy to keep them warm in cold climates, tocook food, to pump water, to grind grain, and to provide light. Theenergy for all of these purposes also comes primarily from the Sun.Traditional sources of energy, such as wood and peat, are derivedfrom producers such as plants. Even gasoline and kerosene arederived from decayed organisms that first obtained energy from theSun. When organic materials such as these are burned, the energystored in them is released.

TRADITIONAL SOURCES OF ENERGYDo you live in an area that has four seasons each year? As you can seein Figure 26-2, some people live in climates that are very cold forpart of the year. Humans have been able to survive in such cold cli-mates primarily because of their ability to alter the environment tomeet their needs. Living in cold areas requires humans to use energyto provide heat. Most humans also use energy to provide light and tocook food. The energy for all of these activities is provided by fuels,which are materials that are burned to produce heat or power.Probably the earliest use of fuels occurred when humans foundpieces of wood that had been struck by lightning and were still burn-ing, and then used them to start fires back at their homesteads.Archaeologists have discovered fire pits in caves that provide evi-dence that humans burned wood to cook their food many thousandsof years ago. Traditional fuels include renewable resources such aswood, dried field crops, and dried fecal material from animals such

684 CHAPTER 26 Energy Resources

Figure 26-2 People wholive in cold climates requireenergy to stay warm.

Figure 26-1 Wheat plantsin a field trap the Sun’senergy during photosynthe-sis (A). When you eat abreakfast cereal made fromwheat (B), you are consum-ing solar energy in anotherform.



Page 4: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

as cows and bison. In fact, any material that is in good supply andalso burns can be used as fuel.

The total amount of living things in an ecosystem is its biomass.Thus, fuels derived from living things are called biomass fuels. Inmany developing countries, biomass fuels are used to provide energyfor cooking and heating. By far, the most commonly used traditionalbiomass fuel is wood. Today, wood is the primary source of energy formore than half of the world’s population.

Wood Humans have been using wood as an energy source forthousands of years. While wood is currently the primary source ofenergy for only about four percent of households in the UnitedStates, roughly 1.5 billion people throughout the world use wood astheir primary source of fuel for heating and cooking. Many of thesepeople live in developing countries, which use half of the world’swood supply. Unfortunately, the need to use wood as a fuel has led todeforestation in many areas of the world. As the forests near villagesare cut down for fuel, people travel farther and farther away to gatherthe wood they need. In some parts of the world, this demand forwood has led to the complete removal of forests, which, in turn, hasresulted in erosion and the loss of topsoil. In industrialized countriessuch as the United States and Canada, trees are cut down for lumberand paper production rather than fuel. However, these uses of forestresources can have the same negative impact on the environment.

Field Crops When wood is scarce, humans use other materials,including field crops, as fuel. The simplest way to use field crops,such as corn, hay, and straw, is to burn them directly. Crop residuesleft after harvest, including the stalks, hulls, pits, and shells fromcorn, oats, rice, wheat, and nuts, are other sourcesof energy. All of these can be burned to provideheat. Crops and their residues are most commonlyburned for fuel on farms and in homes.

Fecal Material Feces are the solid wastes ofanimals. In many cases, dried feces contain undi-gested pieces of grass that help the material toburn. Fecal material from cows often meets theenergy needs of people in developing countriesthat have limited forest resources. People who livein villages in India, Pakistan, and Afghanistancollect animal dung for fuel and dry it on the out-side walls of their stables or compounds, as illus-trated in Figure 26-3.

26.1 Conventional Energy Resources 685

Figure 26-3 Traditionalenergy sources usually are those available locally.Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely on other resourcesfor fuel, such as dried fecalmaterial from cows.

Page 5: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

Peat Bogs are poorly drained areas withspongy, wet ground that is composed mainly ofdead and decaying plant matter. Plants in bogsinclude Sphagnum moss, which forms largemats on top of the water. When plants in a bogdie, they fall into the water. Bog water is acidicand has low levels of oxygen; these conditionsslow down or stop the growth of the bacteriathat decompose dead organic matter, includingplants. As a result, dead and partially decayedplant material builds up on the bottom of thebog. Over time, as the plant material is com-pressed by the weight of water and by othersediments that accumulate above, it becomes alight, spongy material called peat, shown inFigure 26-4. Most of the peat used as fuel todayis several thousands of years old.

Peat has been used as a low-cost fuel forcenturies because it can easily be cut out of abog, dried in the sun, and then burned

directly in a stove or furnace to produce heat. Highly decomposedpeat burns with greater fuel efficiency than wood. Today, peat is stillused to heat homes in Ireland, England, parts of northern Europe,and the United States.

FOSSIL FUELSPeat is one of the fossil fuels, which are energy sources that formedover geologic time as a result of the compression and partial decom-position of plants and other organic matter. Although peat and allfossil fuels originally formed from once-living things, these energysources are considered to be nonrenewable because their formationoccurred over thousands or even millions of years. The formation ofpeat is the first step in the development of coal.

Fossil fuels also include coal, natural gas, and petroleum. Thehigh concentration of carbon and hydrogen in fossil fuels makesthem very efficient energy sources. Most industrialized countries ofthe world today, including the United States, depend primarily oncoal, natural gas, and petroleum to fuel power plants that provideelectricity and to fuel vehicles. You can find out how one oil companypreserves the environment while prospecting for fossil fuels in theScience & the Environment feature at the end of this chapter.Although fossil fuels are diverse, all of them originated from organicmatter trapped in sedimentary rock.

686 CHAPTER 26 Energy Resources

Figure 26-4 Peat is cut intoblocks, dried in the Sun, andthen burned in stoves andfurnaces to provide heat forhomes. When it burns, peathas an earthy smell thatmany people enjoy.

Page 6: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

Coal During periods of coal formation, tectonic plate movementscaused some landmasses to move near Earth’s equator. As a result,these areas experienced humid, tropical conditions that supportedabundant plant growth. Generations of swamp plants, such as fernsand sedges, grew in the warm, tropical swamps. As each generationdied, the organic material settled to the bottom of the swamp andbecame covered with subsequent generations of dead plants. Thelimited supply of oxygen was used up quickly, which resulted in aslow rate of decay. Over time, oxygen and hydrogen were lost fromthe organic matter, and the concentration of remaining carbonincreased. Eventually, this compressed organic matter became coal.

Coal can be classified according to the amount of pressure underwhich it formed and the amount of time involved. Figure 26-5 showstypes of coal. When peat continues to be compressed, it becomes atype of coal called lignite, a soft, brown, low-grade coal. Over time,and under increasing pressure, lignite develops into higher grades ofcoal as it changes from soft bituminous coal to hard anthracite, thehighest grade of coal. Carbon concentrations in lignite are generallyaround 40 percent. In bituminous coal, carbon concentrations can beas high as 85 percent, and in anthracite, these concentrations reach 90to 95 percent. The higher the carbon concentration, the hotter andcleaner the coal burns.

Anthracite is the most efficient and most cleanly burning coal.However, less than one percent of the coal reserves in the UnitedStates are anthracite. Most coal reserves in the United States are bitu-minous coal; thus, many of the electric power plants in the UnitedStates burn this type of coal. When bituminous coal burns, it releasescarbon and sulfur and nitrogen oxides into the air, causing air pollu-tion. Although lignite has a low sulfur content—less than 1 per-cent—and is less expensive than bituminous coal, lignite is aless-efficient fuel; more of it must be burned than other types of coalto provide the same amount of energy.

26.1 Conventional Energy Resources 687

Figure 26-5 Peat (A) islight and spongy. Lignite(B) is a soft, brown coal.Bituminous coal (C) andanthracite (D) differ mainlyin hardness, color, and carbon content.


Topic: Fossil FuelsTo find out more aboutfossil fuels, visit the EarthScience Web Site at earthgeu.com

Activity: World ReservesResearch the amount ofpetroleum that geologiststhink is left in the world(reserves). How many barrels are left? How many years will it last?

Page 7: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

Petroleum and Natural Gas Theword petroleum comes from the Greek wordpetra, meaning “rock,” and the Latin wordoleum, meaning “oil”; thus, petroleum wasoriginally known as rock oil. Today, theterm petroleum is used to refer to the naturalcrude oil found underground and onEarth’s surface in natural seeps, which areareas on Earth’s surface where shallowdeposits of crude oil ooze upward into pitsor creeks, or along beaches. One such seep isillustrated in Figure 26-6. Crude oil is amixture of compounds of hydrogen andcarbon called hydrocarbons, which can beburned to release energy. Crude oil that iscollected on Earth’s surface or pumped outof the ground is refined into a wide varietyof petroleum products, such as gasoline andkerosene.

Most geologists hypothesize that oil orig-inated organically, in a manner similar to theformation of coal. Millions of years ago,much of Earth’s land surface was covered byshallow seas. Rivers carrying mud and silt,along with other sediments, emptied intothese seas. Organisms that died in or nearthe water became part of the sediment loadand fell to the bottom of the seas. As layers ofsediment accumulated, they were presseddown by the weight of overlaying layers andeventually became sedimentary rocks.

688 CHAPTER 26 Energy Resources

Oil MigrationModel the migration of oil and natural gas upward through layers of porous rocks.

Procedure 1. Pour 20-mL of cooking oil into a 100-mL

graduated cylinder.2. Carefully pour sand into the graduated

cylinder until the sand-oil mixture reachesthe 40-mL mark.

3. Now add a layer of colored aquariumgravel above the sand until the gravelreaches the 70-mL mark.

4. Pour tap water into the graduated cylinderuntil the water reaches the 100-mL mark.

5. Let stand and observe for 5 minutes.

Analyze and Conclude1. What does the cooking oil represent?

What do the sand and aquarium gravelrepresent?

2. What happens when water is added tothe mixture in the graduated cylinder?Why does adding water cause thischange?

3. Predict what might occur in the graduatedcylinder if a carbonated soft drink wasadded to the mixture instead of water.What would the bubbles represent?

Figure 26-6 La Brea Tar Pits in Hancock Park, Los Angeles,California, are fossil-bearingseeps that ooze crude oil.

Page 8: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

Most scientists hypothesize that crude oil and natural gasoriginated with once-living organisms partly because sedimen-tary rocks associated with oil deposits, such as sandstone andshale, contain fossils of ancient organisms. Also, because littleoxygen could reach the layers of organic matter at the bottom ofthe seas, bacteria that do not require oxygen partially decom-posed the accumulated organisms, and released a waste productcalled methane, which is one of the components of natural gas.

Migration Crude oil and natural gas migrate sideways andupward from their place of formation. As they migrate, theymove through the pores of permeable sedimentary rocks suchas limestone and sandstone. These pores in permeable rocksare the reservoirs in which crude oil and gas accumulate. Asthe oil and gas rise upward, they displace some, but not all, ofthe water that originally filled the pores. You can find out howoil migrates in the MiniLab on the previous page. Oil and gascontinue to rise until they reach a barrier of impermeablerock, such as slate or shale, that prevents their continuedupward movement. This barrier effectively seals the reservoirand creates a trap for the petroleum. In some petroleum traps,the natural gas forms a gas cap above the oil, but at high pres-sures, the gas may form a layer below the crude oil. Geologicformations such as faults and anticlines can trap petroleumdeposits, as shown in Figure 26-7. Because most geologistsaccept the hypothesis that oil and natural gas originated withthe sedimentation of once-living organisms, the search forcrude oil and natural gas often begins in areas with thick bedsof sedimentary rocks. Today, geologists search for oil depositsusing remote sensors, magnetometers, and seismographicequipment that create subsurface maps.

26.1 Conventional Energy Resources 689

1. What is the primary source of energy onEarth?

2. How does coal form?

3. How does petroleum form?

4. Thinking Critically Explain how theenergy released by a burning candle origi-nated from the Sun.


5. Comparing and Contrasting Compare andcontrast the formation of peat and theformation of crude oil. How are thesetwo energy sources alike? How are theydifferent? For more help, refer to the SkillHandbook.







Normal faultB


Thrust faultCFigure 26-7 These diagramsshow typical structural traps foroil and gas deposits.


Page 9: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

26.226.2 Alternative Energy ResourcesOBJECTIVES

• Identify alternativeenergy resources.

• Compare the advantagesand disadvantages of thevarious alternativeenergy resources.


photovoltaic cellgeothermal energybiogasgasohol

690 CHAPTER 26 Energy Resources

As you have learned, many of the fuels used today are renewableresources, including wood. Most people, however, rely on nonrenew-able fossil fuels for their energy needs. Recently, it has become clearthat humans are using up nonrenewable fuels at an alarming rate.Even though there are known reserves of fossil fuels around theworld, development of such reserves may be too dangerous, tooexpensive, or too damaging to the environment to be practical. Someexperts estimate that petroleum resources may be used up within thenext 60 years. Scientists, private companies, and government agen-cies are all studying renewable alternatives to traditional energyresources. These alternative energy resources include solar energy,wind, water, geothermal energy, nuclear energy, and biomass.

SOLAR ENERGYHave you ever used a calculator like the one shown in Figure 26-8?This calculator has batteries, but it also has a solar collector that usesthe Sun’s energy to provide power. As you have learned, the Sun is theultimate source of most energy on Earth. The main advantages of solarenergy are that it is free and it doesn’t cause any kind of pollution.

Passive Solar Heating Have you ever sat on the vinyl seat of acar that had been in direct sunlight for a few hours? If so, you knowthat the Sun can heat up the inside of a car or a building just by shin-ing through the windows. The sunporch of the house shown inFigure 26-9 uses this principle to capture sunlight directly and con-vert it into heat. The Sun’s energy also can be captured in floors andwalls made of concrete, adobe, brick, stone, or tile, which haveheat-storing capacities. These materials collect solar energy dur-ing the daytime and slowly release it during the evening. Insome warm climates, these materials alone provide enoughenergy to keep a house warm. Passive solar designs can pro-vide up to 70 percent of the energy needed to heat a house,as well as up to 60 percent of the energy needed to cool it.Although a passive solar house can be slightly more expen-sive to build than a traditional home, the cost of operat-ing such a house is 30 to 40 percent lower.

Active Solar Heating Even in areas that do notreceive consistent sunlight, the Sun’s energy can still beused for heating. Active solar-heating systems includecollectors such as solar panels that absorb solar energy

Figure 26-8 This hand-heldcalculator uses solar energyfor power.

Page 10: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

and fans or pumps that distribute thatenergy throughout the house. Solar panelsmounted on the roof, as shown in thehouse in Figure 26-9, have unobstructedexposure to the Sun. Heat collected bythese solar panels can be used to heat ahouse directly, or it can be stored for lateruse in insulated tanks that contain rocks,water, or a heat-absorbing chemical. Solarpanels mounted on a roof can heat waterup to 65°C (149°F), which is hot enough towash dishes and clothing.

Solar Cookers Have you ever heard a weather forecaster say thattemperatures will be hot enough to cook eggs on a sidewalk? TheSun’s energy can cook food when it is focused correctly. Solar cook-ers can be used effectively where fuels are scarce or expensive, as incountries that have cut down most of their forests. A solar cooker canbe as simple as an enclosed box with reflectors to direct the Sun’s raysinside the box. More-sophisticated types of solar cookers, such as theparabolic cooker shown in Figure 26-10, can provide enough heat toboil water by focusing sunlight on one point. When the Sun’s rays arefocused in this way, however, they can damage eyesight, and there-fore dark glasses must be worn when solar cookers are used.

Photovoltaic Cells All of the uses of solar energy described sofar rely on direct sunlight. Using direct sunlight is relatively easy, butenergy is also needed during hours of darkness and on cloudy days.On overcast days and in areas that don’t get much direct sunlight,solar energy cannot be used directly. In addition, solar energy is dif-ficult to store. An economical and practical method of storing largeamounts of solar energy for long periods of time has not yet beendeveloped. If such a method were to be developed, there might be noneed for any other energy resources.

Until such a method is developed, solar energy is converted intoelectrical energy by photovoltaic cells, which are thin, transparentwafers made up of layers of boron- and phosphorus-enrichedsilicon. When sunlight falls on a photovoltaic cell, it releases a flow of electrons that creates an electrical current. Although a photo-voltaic cell produces only a small amount of electricity, many suchcells can be wired together in a panel that provides 30 to 100 W ofpower. In the same way, several panels wired together increase theamount of power produced. The electricity produced by photo-voltaic cells can be stored in batteries.

26.2 Alternative Energy Resources 691

Figure 26-10 This para-bolic solar cooker focusessunlight on the spot wherethe cooking pot is placed.

Figure 26-9 This houseincorporates both passiveand active solar heating inits design. Deciduous treeshelp block the Sun in thesummer to keep the housecool. In the winter treeslose their leaves, allowingthe Sun to warm the housedirectly.

Page 11: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

Photovoltaic cells are reliable, quiet, and typically should lastmore than 30 years. They can be installed quickly and can be movedeasily. Large-scale groups of cell panels can be set up in deserts andin other land areas that are not useful for other purposes. Today,more than 20 public utility companies in the United States use pho-tovoltaic cells in their operations. Power towers are being used to col-lect solar energy and produce electricity, as shown in Figure 26-11.Some scientists estimate that power towers may someday supply 30percent of the electric power used worldwide.

ENERGY FROM WATERAre you familiar with the waterfall pictured in Figure 26-12? This isNiagara Falls, a waterfall in the Niagara River that straddles the bor-der between the United States and Canada. This waterfall produceselectricity for both countries. Water from the falls is diverted intomassive turbines. As water falls over the turbines, they turn, produc-ing mechanical energy that drives a generator and produces electricalenergy. Energy produced in this way is called hydroelectric power.

The power of falling water also can be harnessed to produce elec-tricity when a dam is built across a large river to create a reservoir.The water stored in the reservoir flows through huge pipes at con-trolled rates and causes turbines to spin to produce electricity. Today,hydroelectric power provides about 20 percent of the world’s electricity and 6 percent of its total energy. Approximately 10 percentof the electricity used in the United States is generated by water,while Canada obtains more than 70 percent of its electricity fromthis source. Many of the hydroelectric power resources of NorthAmerica and Europe have already been developed, but in Africa,Latin America, and Asia, many potential sites for hydroelectric powerplants have not yet been explored.

One advantage of hydroelectric power is that it is nonpollut-ing. Dams built to harness hydroelectric energy provide additional

Figure 26-11 A powertower is surrounded bybanks of solar panels thatreflect and concentrate sun-light onto the tower, wherethe sunlight is collected andstored in batteries.

Figure 26-12 The waterdiverted from Niagara Fallspowers huge turbines.Hydroelectric powerpresently provides 26 per-cent of the electricity needsof Upstate New York.


Page 12: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

benefits in the form of recreational opportunities, drinking water,flood control, and water for irrigation. Dams also have negativeimpacts, however. When the reservoirs behind dams fill, they floodlarge areas and force people to move, destroy wildlife habitats, inter-rupt migration routes for fish, and change the natural pattern ofwater flow. This causes sediments to accumulate in the reservoir,streambeds downstream to erode, and water quality to degrade.

Energy from the Oceans Ocean water is another potentialsource of energy. The kinetic energy in waves, which is created pri-marily by wind, can be used to generate electricity. Barriers builtacross estuaries or inlets can capture the energy associated with theebb and flow of tides for use in tidal power plants. One such plantexists at the mouth of La Rance River in France. While power frommoving ocean water is renewable and nonpolluting, barriers in theocean can change the water level and may disrupt coastal and marineecosystems.

GEOTHERMAL ENERGYMost of the energy sources you have studied in this chapter so farcame from the Sun. However, one energy source used today origi-nates from Earth’s own internal heat. Some of the hot springs atYellowstone National Park, in the western United States, regularlyshoot out geysers, tall fountains of steam mixed with hot water. OldFaithful is one of the best-known geysers in the world. What causesgeysers? Water trapped underground in fractures or in porous rockis heated by Earth’s internal heat. Some of the water becomes steam.When the heated water and steam escape through cracks in Earth’scrust, they explode upwards in spectacular displays. Energy pro-duced by naturally occurring steam and hot wateris called geothermal energy. While some geo-thermal energy escapes from Earth in such smallamounts that it is barely noticeable, largeamounts of geothermal energy are released atother surface locations. In these areas, which usu-ally coincide with plate boundaries, geothermalenergy can be harnessed to heat homes and busi-nesses, used in power plants to produce electric-ity, and even used to provide recreationalopportunities, as illustrated in Figure 26-13.

The U.S. Department of Energy estimates thatif the geothermal reservoirs in the United Stateswere developed, they could provide up to 30 timesas much energy as the country currently uses.

26.2 Alternative Energy Resources 693

To learn more aboutwater, go to the NationalGeographic Expeditionon page 898.

Figure 26-13 Geothermalreservoirs are most commonin areas of high volcanicand seismic activity. InReykjavik, Iceland, almost80 percent of the buildingsare heated by power plantsthat draw hot water directlyfrom geothermal wellsunderneath the city.

Page 13: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

Advantages and Disadvantages of Geothermal EnergyOne advantage of geothermal energy is that it is abundant and reli-able at the sites where it occurs. However, as the water heated by geo-thermal energy is tapped, cooler water replaces it. To providecontinuous power, geothermal energy reservoirs must be managedcarefully. For example, in Rotorua, New Zealand, homes are heatedwith geothermal energy, but the availability of water is decreasingand restrictions are now being placed on its use. Geothermal steamis generally pollution-free, but water heated by geothermal energyfrequently contains large amounts of minerals that can clog pipesand pollute surface water. These problems can be eliminated withsystems that hold hot water and steam from geothermal reservoirs inclosed containers. A greater disadvantage of geothermal energy isthat its development can disrupt ecosystems and can cause local airand water pollution. Also, geothermal energy is useful only near siteswhere it exists, because transporting it is not practical.

WIND ENERGYHave you ever seen a windmill? Windmills in the Netherlands havebeen capturing wind power for human use for more than 2000 years.Today, wind farms, such as the one shown in Figure 26-14, arereplacing the more traditional windmills that farmers once used topump water from underground wells. The windmills on a wind farmare more properly called wind turbines, because they convert theenergy of the wind to mechanical energy, which is then used to pro-duce electrical energy. Wind energy increases with the cube of thewind speed. For example, when wind velocity doubles, the wind’scapacity to generate power increases 8 times.

Most of the wind farms in the United States are inCalifornia, yet nearly all of the energy needs of the countrycould be met if wind farms were built in just three statesthat experience consistent, steady winds: North Dakota,South Dakota, and Texas. Wind turbines currently providethree percent of the electricity used in Denmark. Expertssuggest that wind power could supply more than 10 percentof the world’s electricity by the year 2050.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Wind EnergyWind is a virtually unlimited energy resource at favorablesites worldwide. Locations at high altitudes generally pro-duce the strongest, most consistent winds. Another advan-tage of using wind energy is that wind farms can be builtquickly and expanded as needed. They are nonpollutingand do not require water for cooling purposes, and the land

694 CHAPTER 26 Energy Resources

Figure 26-14 Wind farmssuch as this one in Californiaproduce one percent of thestate’s electricity.

Topic: Alternative EnergyTo find out more aboutalternative energy sources,visit the Earth Science Web Site at earthgeu.com

Activity: Fuel CellsResearch fuel cells as alter-natives to petroleum topower automobiles. Whatissues must be resolved tomake fuel cells practical?

Page 14: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

underneath wind turbines can be used for cattle grazing or otherfarming activities. As a result, wind energy is one of the least expen-sive ways to produce electricity.

Why isn’t wind power used to provide more of the world’s elec-tricity? Wind power is economical only in areas with steady winds.When the wind dies down, people have to rely on backup systems forpower, including traditional fossil fuel-burning power plants. Otherdisadvantages of wind farms are that they are not very attractive andthey have been shown to interfere with and even kill migrating birds,as well as birds of prey. Windmills also can be noisy and interferewith radio and television reception.

NUCLEAR ENERGYAs you learned in Chapter 3, atoms lose particles in the process ofradioactive decay. One process by which atomic particles are givenoff is called nuclear fission. Nuclear fission is the process in which aheavy nucleus (mass number greater than 200) divides to formsmaller nuclei and one or two neutrons. This process releases a largeamount of energy. Radioactive elements consist of atoms that have anatural tendency to undergo nuclear fission. Uranium is one suchradioactive element that is commonly used in the production ofnuclear energy. Nuclear energy is one other energy source that doesnot come directly from the Sun.

In the late 1950s, power companies in the United States begandeveloping nuclear power plants because scientists suggested thatnuclear power could produce electricity at a much lower cost thancoal and other types of fossil fuels. Another advantage was thatnuclear power plants do not produce carbon dioxide or any othergreenhouse gases. After 50 years of devel-opment, however, 424 nuclear reactors in25 countries currently are producing only17 percent of the world’s electricity.Construction of new nuclear power plantsin Europe has come to a halt, and no newnuclear plants have been built in the UnitedStates since 1978.

What happened to the promise ofnuclear power? Poor management, highoperating costs, poor reactor designs, andpublic concerns about safety and disposalof radioactive wastes contributed to thedecline of nuclear power. In addition,nuclear accidents such as those at ThreeMile Island, shown in Figure 26-15, and at

26.2 Alternative Energy Resources 695

Calculating WindSpeed Wind energyincreases with thecube of the windspeed. What increasein wind energy wouldoccur if the windspeed quadrupled?

Figure 26-15 The nuclearpower plant at Three MileIsland near Harrisburg,Pennsylvania, lost itscoolant water as a result ofmechanical failure andhuman error in 1979. About70 percent of the core wasdamaged, and unknownamounts of radioactivematerials escaped into theatmosphere.

Page 15: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

Chernobyl, Ukraine, in 1986, alerted people world-wide about the hazards of nuclear power plants.Because of its hazards, nuclear power is no longerconsidered to be the solution to providing for theworld’s energy needs, although nuclear power plantscontinue to provide energy in many countries.

BIOMASSBiomass is a renewable energy resource as long as theorganisms that provide the biomass are replaced.Biomass fuels include wood, dried field crops, anddried fecal materials from animals. One way to pro-

duce biomass fuel is to plant large numbers of rapidly growingplants, such as cottonwood trees, in biomass plantations. After har-vest, these plants can be burned directly, converted into gas, or fer-mented into alcohol fuel.

Bagasse, which is the residue of sugar cane after the juice has beenextracted, is another source of biomass that is burned to producepower as illustrated in Figure 26-16. The burning of bagasse pro-duces approximately 10 percent of Hawaii’s electricity supply, andthus, it eliminates the need for approximately 2.7 million barrels ofoil each year. Other types of biomass fuels are produced when bacte-ria and chemical processes are used to convert solid biomass intogaseous and liquid biofuels, such as biogas, liquid ethanol, and liquidmethanol. A disadvantage of biomass fuels is that when they areburned, they release carbon dioxide and particulate matter into theatmosphere. Biomass is the main source of energy for more than halfof the world’s population.

Biogas Biogas is a mixture of gases that includes 50 to 70 percentmethane gas and 30 to 48 percent carbon-dioxide gas. Plant and ani-mal wastes can be converted into methane gas in simple containers,called digesters, by the action of bacteria. In China, more than 8 mil-lion biogas digesters are in use in individual households. In a biogasdigester the gas is separated from the solid wastes and piped intohomes for use as a cooking fuel. The leftover solid wastes then can beused as fertilizer on food crops, because the high temperatures insidethe digester destroy harmful bacteria.

Ethanol and Methanol Liquid ethanol is another name forgrain alcohol. Ethanol can be made from sugar and grain crops,including sugar cane, sugar beets, sorghum, and corn. Currently,ethanol produced from corn is used in gasoline mixtures around theworld. Gasoline mixed with ethanol makes gasohol, which can be

696 CHAPTER 26 Energy Resources

Figure 26-16 Bales ofbagasse are burned to produce the energy thatpowers this steam locomo-tive in Java, Indonesia.

Page 16: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

burned in conventional gasoline engines. The use of gasohol canextend gasoline supplies and reduce dependency on foreign petro-leum reserves. Ethanol fuels burn more cleanly than pure gasoline.Liquid methanol, which is wood alcohol, is made mostly from nat-ural gas, but it can also be made from wood, wood wastes, agricul-tural wastes, sewage sludge, garbage, or coal.

ENERGY FROM OIL SHALE AND TAR SANDYou have learned that crude oil and natural gas can be found inporous sedimentary rocks. Sometimes, other hydrocarbon mixturesbecome trapped in different types of rocks. For example, oil shale,shown in Figure 26-17, is a fine-grained rock that contains a solid,waxy mixture of hydrocarbon compounds called kerogen. Oil shalecan be mined, then crushed and heated until the kerogen vaporizes.The kerogen vapor can then be condensed to form a heavy, slow-flowing, dark-brown oil known as shale oil. Shale oil is processed toremove nitrogen, sulfur, and other impurities before it can be sentthrough pipelines to a refinery. At present, the cost of processing oilshale is higher than the cost of crude oil sold by countries that haveabundant oil supplies.

Tar sand is a mixture of clay, sand, water, and bitumen, which is aheavy, black, high-sulfur oil. Tar sand also can be mined, then heateduntil the bitumen fluid softens and floats to the top. Bitumen can bepurified and upgraded into a type of crude oil. However, the proc-essing of oil shale and tar sand requires large amounts of energy andproduces air and water pollution.

26.2 Alternative Energy Resources 697

Figure 26-17 Shale oil isextracted from oil shale, afine-grained rock. Some oilshale can actually ignite andburn on its own, as thisphoto shows.

1. Identify one alternative energy resourcethat is associated with each of Earth’s systems: the atmosphere, hydrosphere,biosphere, and lithosphere.

2. Compare passive and active solar energy.

3. What is gasohol?

4. What alternative energy source would bethe least damaging to the environment ifthe required technology could be devel-oped to harness and use it? Explain.

5. Thinking Critically Although solar energycould supply all of the world’s energyneeds, why isn’t it used to do so?


6. Making Tables Prepare a table that com-pares the advantages and disadvantagesof alternative energy resources, includingsolar energy, hydroelectric energy, geo-thermal energy, wind, nuclear energy, andbiomass. In your table, include the follow-ing headings: Location, Limits to Use,Health Hazards, Affordability, MajorAdvantage, and Major Disadvantage. Formore help, refer to the Skill Handbook.


Page 17: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

26.326.3 Conservation ofEnergy Resources

As you have learned, traditional energy resources such as fossilfuels are nonrenewable and in limited supply. Yet industrializedcountries continue to consume these resources at ever increasingrates. Figure 26-18 compares the energy resources used in industri-alized countries to those used in developing countries. The graphs inFigure 26-18 show that renewable resources account for 41 percentof the energy used in developing countries, in comparison to indus-trialized countries where renewable resources account for only 10percent of the energy used. Experts have concluded that the best wayto meet energy needs is a combination of improved energy efficiencyand increased use of locally available, renewable energy resources.This means that it is better to use a variety of energy resources at alltimes than to depend upon a single, nonrenewable energy resourcesuch as oil, coal, or natural gas. For example, a community that hashydroelectric energy resources may also use solar energy to generateelectricity in months when water levels are low.

ENERGY EFFICIENCYEnergy efficiency is the use of energy resources in the ways that aremost productive. This means using the same amount of a resourcebut getting more from it. To find ways to use resources more effi-ciently, scientists study exactly how energy resources are used andwhere improvements are needed. Using resources more efficiently is atype of conservation.


• Recognize the need forthe conservation ofenergy resources.

• Identify ways to conserveenergy resources.


energy efficiencycogenerationsustainable energy

698 CHAPTER 26 Energy Resources







Industrialized countries Developing countries



Hydroelectric,solar, and


Hydroelectric,solar, and





Natural gas23%

Natural gas7%

Nonrenewable 90%

Nonrenewable 59%

Renewable 41%

Energy Use Worldwide

Figure 26-18 This graphshows the relative amountsof energy used by industri-alized and developingcountries worldwide.

Page 18: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

How can energy efficiency be improved? Energy analysts havesuggested several ways of doing so. People can recycle old appliancesand vehicles, and purchase newer, more energy-efficient models.They also can improve the energy efficiency of older homes byadding insulation, installing solar panels, or by installing new win-dows, or they may purchase newer, energy-efficient homes. Localpower companies can use energy from alternative resources in areaswhere they are available to decrease their dependence on petroleum.Governments also can help by offering tax savings to people who buymore-efficient vehicles and appliances, and by funding research anddevelopment projects related to energy efficiency.

Conservation of Energy Resources Do you wet your tooth-brush, then turn off the water while you brush your teeth? Whenyou leave an empty room, do you turn off the lights? You can prob-ably think of many other ways that you could conserve energy athome, at school, and in the workplace. Conserving energy is, in thelong run, less expensive than finding new energy sources. You canfind out how energy use has changed in the Problem-Solving Lab onthis page.

26.3 Conservation of Energy Resources 699

Analyze how the use of energyresources has changed Many typesof energy resources are used throughoutthe world. Over time, fluctuations occurin the amount of each resource used. Thedata in the table show the changes thathave occurred in world energy usebetween 1900 and 1997. Are thesechanges good or bad?

Analysis1. Plot the data in the table on a graph.

Use a different color for each year.

Thinking Critically2. Of all the energy used between 1900

and 1997, what percentage was nonre-newable?

3. What trend in the use of renewableenergy sources is evident?

4. What concerns are reflected by thedata? How can these concerns beaddressed?

Changes in Energy Resource Use

Percent of Total Energy Source Energy Provided

1900 1997

Coal 55 22Oil 2 30Natural gas 1 23Nuclear power 0 6Alternatives (biomass, 42 19hydroelectric energy,wind, solar energy,geothermal energy)

World Energy Use

Page 19: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

GETTING MORE FOR LESSThe usual approach to energy use in industrialized countries has beento spend more to get more. Higher demand requires a greater supplyand results in higher costs. The price that people in these countriespay for energy is high. This is especially true of electrical energy.

Electricity is costly to produce and it is not efficiently usedin homes or industry. In the United States, approximately43 percent of the energy used by motor vehicles and toheat homes and businesses is wasted. One solution is toshift to the more efficient use of energy rather than thesearch for more energy. If this became the norm, lessenergy would be needed, thus helping the total cost ofenergy to go down.

One example of this concept involves merely chang-ing the type of lightbulb in a lamp. Replacing an incan-descent lightbulb with a compact fluorescent lightbulb,shown in Figure 26-19, would save the consumer $35 to$50 over the 10-year life of the lightbulb. Replacing just25 incandescent lightbulbs in a house with fluorescentones could save between $87 to $125 each year in elec-tricity costs. Use of fluorescent lightbulbs or otherenergy-efficient lighting could save businesses in theUnited States alone billions of dollars per year in the costof electricity. In addition, less energy would be used. This

would help to reduce the amount of coal or other fossil fuels neededfor generation of electricity, which could in turn decrease theamount of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide emitted into theatmosphere. The net effect would be a reduction in air pollution.

Cogeneration When power plants generate electricity, waste heatis given off during the process. However, it is possible to recover thiswaste heat and use it to produce another form of energy. The pro-duction of two usable forms of energy, such as steam and electricity,at the same time from the same process is called cogeneration.Cogeneration can produce income and reduce the need for addi-tional energy resources. One secondary use of the heat given off bythe generation of electricity is the warming of buildings or water.Another is the operation of electrical devices in the power plant,such as scrubbers, which remove sulfur from the air emitted fromsmokestacks. Cogeneration has enabled Central Florida to operatethe nation’s cleanest coal-powered electric facility. Sweden hasachieved an 85-percent energy efficiency rating while releasing onlya fraction of the nitrogen-oxide and sulfur-oxide emissions that arepermitted for coal-powered facilities in the United States.

700 CHAPTER 26 Energy Resources

Figure 26-19 Fluorescentlightbulbs like this one canbe used in most lamps tosave energy.

Page 20: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

Improving Efficiency in Transportation Transportation isnecessary to move food and other goods from one place to another,and to move people from their homes to workplaces, schools, stores,and other places. Although transportation requires the use of fuel,conservation practices can help reduce dependency on the fuelresources used for transportation.

The use of fuel-efficient vehicles is one way to reduce the amountof petroleum resources consumed. Automobile manufacturers nowhave the ability to build vehicles that achieve high rates of fuel effi-ciency without sacrificing performance. Laws that lower speed limitshelp improve fuel efficiency, because engines burn fuel more com-pletely at lower speeds. The future of this industry looks especiallypromising as hybrid and electric cars, such as the one shown inFigure 26-20, begin to reach the consumer market.

People who live in metropolitan areas can improveenergy efficiency by using public transportation.When it is necessary to drive private automobiles, car-pooling can reduce the number of vehicles on thehighways and reduce gasoline consumption.Carpooling also eases congestion on major highwaysin and around large cities. Some metropolitan areas,such as Washington, DC, encourage carpooling byproviding express lanes for cars with multiple passen-gers, as illustrated in Figure 26-21. In Europe, masstransportation includes long-distance rail systems, aswell as electric trams and trolleys in the major cities.

People who live in rural areas are often dependenton automobiles. In many rural areas, modes of trans-portation other than the automobile are limited ornonexistent. However, with the increasing importance

26.3 Conservation of Energy Resources 701

Figure 26-20 Electric carsgenerally are smaller thangasoline-powered vehicles,and they have a limitedrange. However, for tripsclose to home at moderatespeeds, these vehicles areextremely efficient and non-polluting.

Figure 26-21 Special lanesfor car pools encouragepeople to leave their cars athome and travel with afriend or two to work eachday, thus reducing totalvehicle emissions.

Page 21: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

of computers and access to the Internet, more jobs can be performedfrom home. The use of bicycles for short distances is another optionin some places. In China, a country of 1.3 billion people, approxi-mately 300 million bicycles are in use.

Improving Efficiency in Industry While industries use one-third of all energy produced in the United States, cogeneration hasallowed some industries to increase production while leveling offtheir energy use. This has been accomplished in part by the use ofmore efficient machinery. Industries can further improve theirenergy efficiency by making greater efforts to reduce their use ofboth materials and the energy used to produce those materials. Forexample, packaging can be reduced overall, and unnecessary packag-ing can be eliminated. These efforts would cut down on resource use,lower costs, and also reduce the amount of solid waste.

Increasing Efficiency at Home People can do many things intheir own homes to conserve energy. For example, fluorescent lightslast longer than incandescent bulbs and need to be replaced less fre-quently. The use of energy-efficient appliances can also make a sig-nificant difference in energy consumption. This is especially true ofappliances that consume large amounts of energy, such as refrigera-tors, water heaters, and ovens.

The use of more-efficient insulation on existing homes can resultin dramatic savings on heating costs, especially in climates withcold winters. As warm air rises, heat escapes through windows, chim-neys, and roofs. Weather-stripping around doorways and caulkingaround older windows can help keep cold air outside and warm air

inside. Insulating pipes and water heaters alsoreduces energy consumption.

Building materials and windows are ratedaccording to their insulation abilities.Construction materials are labeled with theseratings, known as R-values, as shown in Figure26-22. The use of materials with high insula-tion values can significantly reduce energyconsumption. Replacing older windows cansave so much money in reduced energy coststhat the windows pay for themselves in just afew years.

When new structures are built, the use ofenergy-efficient materials and windows canhave a major impact on future energy needs.Designs for new buildings that incorporate

702 CHAPTER 26 Energy Resources

Figure 26-22 Insulation israted by its R-value, which isthe resistance to heat flow.An R-value of 18 indicatesthat this insulation is moreefficient at retaining energythan insulation with an R-value of 3.

Page 22: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

passive and active solar heating also can reduce the needfor the consumption of traditional energy resources.Find out more about solar heating in the Design YourOwn GeoLab at the end of this chapter. Some windowmanufacturers now triple-glaze their windows, asshown in Figure 26-23, or place an inert gas between thepanes to reduce energy loss. Superinsulation and airbarriers in new homes built in Minnesota recentlyresulted in heating savings of 68 percent. Newly con-structed buildings that are designed to save energy costmore initially, but they can save money and resources inthe long run.

SUSTAINABLE ENERGYAll humans have needs for energy, but these needs vary. Energyresources on Earth are interrelated, and they affect one another.Sustainable energy involves the global management of Earth’s nat-ural resources to meet current and future energy needs withoutcausing environmental damage. A good management plan incorpo-rates both conservation and energy efficiency. The development ofnew technology to extend current resources and provide additionalenergy resources is a vital part of such a plan. Global cooperationcan help ensure the necessary balance between protection of theenvironment and economic growth. The achievement of these goalswill depend on the commitment made by all to ensure that futuregenerations have access to the energy resources required to maintaina high quality of life on Earth.

26.3 Conservation of Energy Resources 703

1. Why should you be concerned aboutenergy efficiency?

2. Describe three ways in which you couldconserve electrical energy in your home.

3. How does cogeneration save energyresources?

4. Why is it important to conserve resourcesinstead of seeking new sources of energy?

5. Thinking Critically Why is there such adifference in energy consumption amongdifferent countries, such as the UnitedStates and India?


6. Concept Mapping Use the followingterms to construct a concept map of themajor concepts in this section. For morehelp, refer to the Skill Handbook.

conservation cogeneration



Figure 26-23 A triple-glazed window is one thathas either three panes ofglass or two panes of glasswith a middle layer of plas-tic film. Some triple-glazedwindows also have an inertgas, such as argon or kryp-ton, between the layers to improve the insulatingability of the windows.


Page 23: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

ProblemHow can a building be designed to con-serve energy? What building materialswill work best, and what other factorsneed to be considered?

Possible Materialsglass or clear plasticsturdy cardboard boxesscissorstapegluethermometerspaints of various colorsmaterials to cover the building (paper,

aluminum foil, foamboard, and so on)interior materials (stones, mirrors,

fabric, and so on )light source

HypothesisBrainstorm a list of design features thatmight contribute to the energy effi-ciency of a building. Hypothesize howyou could incorporate some of thesefeatures into an energy-efficient build-ing. Find out what materials are used inheat-efficient homes and research localsources of materials for your design.

Decide how you will determine the heatefficiency of the building you construct.Be sure to plan for a control buildingfor comparison.

ObjectivesIn this Geolab, you will:• Research what materials are used in

the construction of energy-efficientbuildings.

• Design a building that is energy efficient.

• Construct the building that youdesign.

• Determine the heat efficiency of thebuilding by comparing it to a controlbuilding.

• Interpret the data that you collect todetermine your success in developingan energy-efficient building.

Safety Precautions

Be careful when you are using scissors.Make sure to handle the light sourcecarefully when it is hot. Always wearsafety goggles and an apron in the lab.

704 CHAPTER 26 Energy Resources

Designing an Energy-Efficient Building

Buildings can be designed to conserve heat energy. Someconsiderations involved in the design of a building that

conserves heat include the materials that will be used in con-struction, the materials that will store heat, and the overalllayout of the building.


Page 24: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

1. Review the data that you collectedabout building energy-efficient build-ings. Also review your list of possibledesign features.

2. Design your building. Make a list ofthe heat-conserving issues that youaddressed.

3. Decide on the materials that you willuse to build your house. Collect thosematerials.

4. Construct the building and a controlbuilding for comparison.

5. Devise a way to test the heat-holdingability of each building.

6. Proceed with the test on each build-ing. To test the buildings’ heat energyefficiency, it may be necessary to heatthe buildings and determine howlong heat is conserved within eachone. CAUTION: Make sure the heat

source is far enough away from thebuilding materials so that they do notburn or melt.

7. Record your data in a table. Then,make a graph of your data.

8. Make modifications to the design toimprove the building’s efficiency.

Design Your Own GeoLab 705

Plan the Experiment

1. Checking Your Hypothesis Was thebuilding that you designed moreenergy-efficient than the controlbuilding? Why did you construct acontrol building?

2. Interpreting Observations Whatproblems did you encounter, andhow did you solve them?

3. Observing and Inferring How didyour observations affect decisionsthat you might make if you were to

repeat this lab? Why do you thinkyour design worked or did not work?

4. Comparing and Contrasting Compareand contrast the building youdesigned and the control building.Compare and contrast your designand the designs of your classmates.

5. Thinking Critically Suppose you coulduse only naturally occurring materi-als. Would that limit your design?Explain your answer.

1. How could you incorporate some ofyour design elements in your ownhome?

2. How could your design be improved?3. How could using different energy

sources affect your results?


Conclude & Apply

Page 25: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

706 CHAPTER 26 Energy Resources

Imagine the distress the people of PapuaNew Guinea must have felt when a multinationalpetroleum company announced that it had plansto search for oil in their rain forest home. Plansto begin drilling for oil in the Kikori area of PapuaNew Guinea met with local opposition immedi-ately. The oil company responded by teaming upwith the government of Papua New Guinea todevelop a comprehensive environmental plan.This plan called for the study of archaeological,cultural, and socioeconomic impacts that theextraction of oil would have on the rain forest. Inaddition, the company enlisted the help of aninternational wildlife organization to study theenvironmental impacts of oil extraction. TheKikori Integrated Conservation and DevelopmentPlan is the result of that study. It includes amajor biodiversity survey of the area, experimen-tal projects in ecotourism and ecoforestry, andtraining of personnel in conservation manage-ment. The project has now become a model fordevelopment in Papua New Guinea.

Protecting the EcosystemSince the beginning of oil drilling in the Kikori

area, most of the rain forest has been left intact.The clearings for oil drilling equipment are small;only as much room as is needed has beencleared of vegetation. When crews are finishedworking in an area, it is reseeded with nativeplants. Only essential roads have been built; mostroads are narrow and hard to see from above.Supplies are brought in by boats or seaplanes.

Preserving the Rain ForestPapua New Guinea’s rain forest is home to a diverse population ofliving things. Huge butterflies glide through the air along with morethan 700 species of tropical birds. This paradise also contains extinctvolcanoes and beautiful waterfalls.

Research the endangered bird speciesfound in Papua New Guinea. Choose onebird species and report on how it nests,what it eats, what part of the rain forest it lives in, and so on. Find a photograph of the bird in a book or go to earthgeu.comand make a drawing of the bird to includein your report.


Birds Tell the TaleOnce oil drilling operations

in tropical rain forests begin,wildlife often leave. However,in the Kikori area, tropicalbirds such as the bird of par-adise remain. Bird watchersare amazed to see that manyendangered species of birds still call the rain forest home. These include the double-wattledcassowary, shown in the photograph above, a flightless bird that is related to emus.

Other BenefitsThe oil company has built schools and trained

local residents in health and sanitation methods.In addition, the company has donated money toa fund that protects tropical birds. In these ways,oil companies can continue to search for andextract oil while preserving the environment.

Page 26: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely


Vocabularyfossil fuel (p. 686)fuel (p. 684)peat (p. 686)

Vocabularybiogas (p. 696)gasohol (p. 696)geothermal energy

(p. 693)photovoltaic cell

(p. 691)

Main Ideas• The Sun is the ultimate source of most energy on Earth. The

Sun’s energy is transferred from photosynthetic organisms to allother living things.

• Materials derived from living things, known as biomass, havebeen used as renewable fuels by humans for thousands of years.

• Wood continues to serve as a fuel for over half of the world’spopulation.

• Fossil fuels, such as natural gas, coal, and petroleum, formed fromorganisms that lived millions of years ago. The burning of thesefossil fuels releases sulfur into the atmosphere, and thus contrib-utes to air pollution.

Main Ideas• Alternative energy resources, such as solar energy, water, geo-

thermal energy, wind, nuclear energy, and biomass, can supple-ment dwindling conventional energy resources.

• Solar energy is unlimited, but technological advances are neededto find practical solutions to collect and store it.

• Hydroelectric power is derived from the energy of moving waterand is commonly used in the production of electricity. Geother-mal energy is a product of Earth’s internal heat. Its usefulness islimited to areas where it is found near Earth’s surface. Wind is asource of energy in areas that have consistently strong winds.

• Nuclear energy results when atoms of radioactive elements emitparticles in the process known as fission.

• Oil shale and tar sand contain secondary oil resources that areexpensive to extract.


ConventionalEnergy Resources


AlternativeEnergy Resources

Study Guide 707


(p. 700)energy efficiency

(p. 698)sustainable energy

(p. 703)

Main Ideas• Energy resources will last longer if conservation and energy effi-

ciency measures are developed and used. Energy efficiency resultsin the use of fewer resources to provide more usable energy.

• Cogeneration, in which two usable forms of energy are pro-duced at the same time from the same process, saves resourcesin the long run.

• The achievement of sustainable energy use will ensure that cur-rent and future energy needs are met while maintaining stan-dards of living and at the same time protecting the environment.


Conservation ofEnergy Resources


Page 27: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

708 CHAPTER 26 Energy Resources

1. What is the ultimate source of most energy onEarth?a. tides c. the Sunb. radioactivity d. the mantle

2. Which product can be made from crude oil?a. kerosene c. cornmealb. peat d. biogas

3. Which is NOT derived from living things?a. petroleum c. peatb. coal d. photovoltaic cells

4. Which is NOT a biomass energy resource?a. wood c. fecal materialb. sugar cane d. wind

5. In which process is the Sun’s energy captured andused for food production in living things?a. photosynthesis c. radioactivityb. respiration d. combustion

6. What organic fuel is derived from moss and otherbog plants?a. bagasse c. biogasb. peat d. oil shale

7. Which is NOT a fossil fuel?a. crude oil c. ligniteb. bituminous coal d. biogas

8. What percentage of the world’s electricity is pro-vided by falling water?a. 50 percent c. 30 percentb. 20 percent d. 60 percent

9. How many nuclear reactors are producing elec-tricity in the world today?a. 25 c. 17b. 50 d. 424

Understanding Main Ideas 10. Which is NOT a type of fuel?a. wood c. the Sunb. kerosene d. coal

Use the diagram to answer questions 11, 12, and 13.11. The diagram represents a house in New York with

a glass-enclosed porch. Which direction shouldthe porch be facing to take advantage of passivesolar heating?a. north c. eastb. south d. west

12. What material should be used as flooring in theporch to reduce the need for a furnace to heatthe room?a. wall-to-wall carpeting c. oakb. slate d. vinyl tile

DIAGRAMS If a test question requires you to understand a diagram, check the labels care-fully. Then test yourself by mentally explainingthe diagram.

Test-Taking Tip

Warm air

Cool air



Summer cooling vent


Page 28: Chapter 26: Energy Resources · 26.1 Conventional Energy Resources685 Figure 26-3Traditional energy sources usually are those available locally. Where wood is scarce, peo-ple rely

Assessment 709

INTERPRETING SCIENTIFIC ILLUSTRATIONSUse the illustration below to answer questions 1 and 2.

1. How could this kitchen be made more energyefficient?a. by maintaining older appliances instead of

replacing them with newer onesb. by replacing the fluorescent light bulb

with an incandescent onec. by washing the dishes in the dishwasher

instead of the sinkd. by replacing the old windows with newer


2. If this kitchen was located in a house inChina, which alternative energy source wouldmost likely be used in it?a. bagasse c. gasoholb. biogas d. oil shale

3. Which type of coal is the most efficient andburns most cleanly?a. peat c. bituminous coalb. lignite d. anthracite

4. Which is NOT a good way to conserve trans-portation energy?a. drive at a lower speedb. make frequent stopsc. work from homed. use a hybrid or electric car

Standardized Test Practice13. To make full use of the energy-conservation abili-

ties of this house, what landscape plants shouldbe planted in front of the porch?a. tall deciduous treesb. short evergreen bushesc. short evergreen treesd. ornamental grasses

14. Why isn’t wind energy used to provide electricityin most parts of the northeastern United States?

15. What are two problems associated with the useof solar energy?

16. How is the production of oil from oil shale similarto coal mining?

17. Describe five ways in which you could improveenergy efficiency in your home.

18. Explain why nuclear energy is no longer consid-ered to be a solution to providing for the world’senergy needs.

19. How can a household that uses only electricity beresponsible for depleting fossil fuel reserves?

20. Why is the deforestation of tropical rain forests a global concern?

21. What might be some negative consequences of a nation being dependent on foreign energyresources?

22. Explain how using closed containers in geother-mal reservoirs is similar to saving energy incogeneration.

Thinking Critically

Applying Main Ideas
