Chapter 25 America Moves to the City

Chapter 25 America Moves to the City. What Is Life Like: Good Side 1870 – 1900 Population doubled and in Cities it tripled Sky Scrapers (Lois Sullivan-Form

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Chapter 25

America Moves to the City

What Is Life Like: Good Side

1870 – 1900 Population doubled and in Cities it tripled Sky Scrapers (Lois Sullivan-Form follows function) were

being built (1st in Chicago 1885) 10 stories Electric Trolleys 1st Subway by 1900 in Boston Women could make more money Electricity, Indoor Plumbing, Telephones Departments Stores like:

– Macey’s (New York– Marshall Fields (Chicago)

Brooklyn Bridge – 1883 (13yrs to build)

Bad Side of City Life

Lots of trash Brought about Consumerism Criminals were every where Impure Water Animal Poop was dropped everywhere Uncollected garbage NO Sewage system (thrown out on the street) Unwashed bodies Worst of all were the SLUMS (1879 Dumbbell tenement)

7-8 Stories High Air shafts prov.

Little clean air 1 toilet per floor Many people try

to work there way up & out of them

"The Great Fire at Chicago“ 1871

What is arguably the most famous disaster in American history began around 9 p.m. on Sunday evening, October 8, and did not end until early Tuesday morning. Although the fire originated on the Near West Side, it soon leaped across the South and then the main branch of the river, driven by a strong wind from the southwest. The overmatched and exhausted fire department, which had finally put out a major blaze only hours before, was helpless to stop it. All local residents could do was grab a few precious possessions and flee for their lives. By the time the fire burned itself out, the downtown and most of the North Side lay in ashes.

90,000 homeless

15,000 buildings destroyed

Cities were DANGEROUS

New Immigrants

Back in the 1850’s most came from British Isles & Western Europe (knowledge of Rep Gov), very literate

New Immigrants were from = Baltic & Slavic, Jews, Italians

Southeastern Europe, not educated, un-democratic

By 1900’s these immigrants made up 60%

Hmmmmm . . . . .

Does this sound like a Melting pot or A Dumping ground?


Why America?

No room in Europe No Employment Some were Persecuted aka the Jews They thought America had plenty of food (3 meals a

day) Really Americans lied to get cheap labor & more

money Many new immigrants stayed for a short time then

went back home after making money Most children of immigrants plunged into American


Reactions to the Immigrants:

Jane Adams = Hull House 1889 (Taught children & Adults) English, Counseling, Child Care, Cultural Activities

– Won Nobel peace price 1931

Preachers Walter Rauschenbusch & Washington Gladden = Social gospel– Churches should step up & help (Christian Socialists)

Federal Govt. did little to help– Boss Tweed Scandal?

Lillian Wald’s Henry Street Settlement =New York 1893, like Hull House

Florence Kelly = fought for women workers and against child labor

Jane Addams

Hull House

Florence Kelly


Old Immigrants from the 1840’s and 1820’s ? Did not want mixing of blood (ruin the Anglo Saxon Race) New Immigrants were hated simply put:

– Work for low wages– Dangerous doctrines like socialism and communism – APA – American Protective Association (Anti-Foreign

Organizations) Anti Catholic – Nuns – So 1882 Congress decides to ban all: paupers, criminals, &

convicts from coming here– 1917 Literacy tests were passed for immigrants – 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act

Ironic that in 1886 we get her from France . . .

Engraved on the Statue of Liberty

Give me your tired, your poorYour Huddled masses

yearning to breathe free The Wretched refuse of your

teeming shore

Satan Winning the Battle

YMCA and YWCA also was created Salvation Army was born trying to help the poor By 1890 over 150 Religions to choose from Churches were not doing their job (poverty) Dwight Lyman Moody = kindness & forgiveness

– Founded Moody Bible Institute Chicago 1890– Mary Eddy Baker = Preached a form of Christianity that

could heal sick people

Lust for Learning: Education

1859= Charles Darwin “Origin of Species” Modernists jumped on this bandwagon and refuse

to believe the Bible was factual (just some moral stories)

Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll denounced creationism Many people combined the new and old religions

to form their own

Education = taxpayers start paying for textbooks 1900 = 6,000 high schools Catholic schools are becoming popular Chautauqua movement 1874 = help educate

through public lectures and famous writers, at home studies

Some school compulsory laws enacted by 1870 Education = way out of poverty

Booker T Washington

• Ex Slave

•Founded the Tuskegee Industrial School for Black Americans

•Believed for blacks education was the 1st step before gaining more rights

•George Washington Carver = one of his students famous chemist (peanuts, soybeans, sweet potatoes)


To those of my race who depend on bettering their condition in a foreign land, or who underestimate the importance of preservating friendly relations with the southern white man who is their next door neighbor, I would say: “Cast down your bucket where you are.” Cast it down, making friends in every manly way of the people of all races, by whom you are surrounded.

Booker T. Washington’s Atlanta Compromise Speech

W. E. B. Du Bois

•1st Black to get a PHD from Harvard

•Demanded complete equality

•Rejected BTW ideas

•Founded the NAACP in 1910

Colleges for Everyone . . . . Morril Act 1862 Gave Public Lands for Education

Women– Vassar in NY

Both Genders– Mainly in the Midwest

Black colleges – Howard University in D.C. – Atlanta University – Hampton Institute in VA

John Hopkins- Baltimore – 1st high-grade grad.


Morrill Act of 1862– Grants of public lands to

states for education Hatch Act of 1887

– Fed. Funds for ag. at land-grant colleges

Private donation colleges: – Cornel University- Ezra

Cornell and Andrew White – Stanford University- Leland

Stanford Jr.– University of Chicago:


Moves in Medicine and Science

Medical Schools and Science prosper

Antiseptics: – Louis Pasteur and Joseph

Lister (Listerine Mouth Wash) Development of Psychology

– William James * Pragmatism – Truth should be

tested by its practical consq.

William James


Library of Congress – Opens in 1800– 13 acres of floor space

Andrew Carnegie – Donates $60 million to

public libraries


Linotype 1885– Press keeps pace with demand– Sparked yellow journalism

Journalistic tycoons Sex & Scandals

– Joseph Pulitzer New York World

– William Randoph Herst San Francisco ExaminerHenry George – Progress &


New Morality

Victoria Woodhull – 1871 Free Love Printed Propaganda (Henry Ward Beecher had an

affair) Women headed to: Dance halls, clubs,Bith Control Anthony Comstock fought a/g the New Morality =

Comstock Law – made it illegal to send lewd or sexual pictures through the mail Confiscated– Obscene Pics, abortion pills, – Soaring Divorce Rates, Frank Discussions on Sex


NAWSA – 1890 National American Woman Suffrage Association– Founded by Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony – Main arg. For getting the vote was: Women needed this in

order to continue to discharge their traditional duties as homemakers & moms in the public world & city (NOT b/c men & women were equal)

* WCTU 1874 (Women Chrisian Temperance Union


Stephen Crane – Maggie: Girl of the Street (Hooker)

Henry James – Daisy Miller and Portrait of a Lady

Jack London – The Call of the Wild, White Fang,

and The Iron Heel

Frank Norris– The Octopus

Paul Laurence Dunbar Jack London

Post War Writing: Realism

General Lewis Wallace – Ben Hur – Combat beliefs of Darwinism

Walt Whitman– Leaves of Grass

Emily Dickinson – Famed hermit poet

Kate Chopin – The Awakening

Mark Twain – Tom Sawyer, The Adventures

of Huckleberry FinnMark Twain


• Circus (Barnum & Bailey)

• Wild West Shows

• Base ball invented before the Civil War emerges as Americas Past Time by 1900

• Basketball invented 1891

• Football 1889

• Now respected was Boxing

• 2 Fades: Croquet & Bicycle