Chapter 24: World War II: The Road to War (1931 – 1941)

Chapter 24: World War II: The Road to War (1931 – 1941)

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Page 1: Chapter 24: World War II: The Road to War (1931 – 1941)

Chapter 24: World War II: The Road to War

(1931 – 1941)

Page 2: Chapter 24: World War II: The Road to War (1931 – 1941)

I. Post World War I

A. Good Neighbor PolicyB. Europe & Rise of Totalitarianism

* Italy & Mussolini* Germany & Hitler* Soviet Union & Stalin

C. Japan* Meiji Restoration… Manchuria

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II. Events Leading to World War II

A. Record of Aggression: Chart* Appeasement: to give in to a potential enemy to keep the peace* Stimson Doctrine* 1938: Munich Pact / Munich Conference

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II. Events Leading to WWII

B. Causes of World War II1. Totalitarianism2. Militarism3. Nationalism4. Imperialism

5. Failure of Appeasement & League of Nations6. American Neutrality

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II. Events Leading to WWII

C. US Neutrality Legislation1. Neutrality Act of 1935

* Senator Gerald Nye & Nye Committee* Bankers: “merchants of death”* Act: arms embargo & prohibit US

citizens from traveling on ships to war area: Why?2. Neutrality Act of 1936

* Extend embargo another year* Prohibit loans to nations at war

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II. Events Leading to WWII

C. US Neutrality Legislation3. FDR’s Quarantine Speech

* 1937: Japan invades China* Urges US to join other powers to

check aggression… “quarantine” in order to protect the world

* Starts to signal a change…

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III. The US Moves Towards War

Introduction…A. Neutrality Act of 1937

* “Cash & Carry Provision”* 1939: weapons ok

B. “Destroyers for Bases” (Sept ‘40)* America First Committee * Charles Lindbergh

C. Peacetime Conscription (Sept 1940)

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III. The US Moves Towards War

D. Four Freedoms* Part of State of Union Address… “Great Arsenal of Democracy”1. Freedom of Expression2. Freedom to Worship God3. Freedom From Want4. Freedom From Fear


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Norman Rockwell’s The Four Freedoms

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III. The US Moves Towards War

E. Lend-Lease (Feb 1941)F. The Atlantic Charter (August 1941)

1. US & Britain: no territorial gains2. People should choose own govt3. Disarmament4. Freedom of seas; from want & fear5. Territorial Adjustments6. Association of Nations… foundation of UN

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IV. Japan’s Attack on Pearl Harbor

“Day that will live in infamy…”While Japanese & US diplomats negotiated…

Why?1. Assure Japanese domination2. Humble US… 3. Part of Axis… would have to limit aid to


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Chapter 25: World War II

I. The US Organizes for VictoryA. Introduction… Allies v. Axis (chart); “Germany First”B. Economic Mobilization *** Federal Govt Expand

1. War Production Board* Shift from peace to war economy

2. War Labor Board* Labor/ Management; no strike


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I. The US Organizes for Victory

B. Economic Mobilization3. Office of Price Administration

* Rationing/ ration booklet4. Treasury Department

* Federal spending increased from $8.9 billion (1939) to $95.2 billion (1945)5. Office of War Information

“Don’t you know there’s a war going on?”

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II. Major Events of World War II

A. Chart of Events & MapsAdd: Bataan Death March (1942)* 78,000 POW… 10,000 died on 65m march

“Island Hopping” w/ MacArthur…

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II. Major Events of WWII

B. Wartime Diplomacy1. Atlantic Charter (1941)2. Casablanca (1943)

“Victory on all Fronts”… “Unconditional Surrender”3. Cairo (1943)

* FDR, Churchill, Chiang Kai-shek

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II. Major Events of WWII

B. Wartime Diplomacy4. Tehran Conference (1943)

* FDR, Churchill, Stalin… 2nd Front5. Yalta Conference (1945)

* Churchill, FDR, Stalin* Division of Germany into spheres of

influence* Promises, Promises: trials, elections,

Japan* Controversial…

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II. Major Events of WWII

B. Wartime Diplomacy6. Potsdam Conference (1945)

* Churchill, Stalin, and Truman

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II. Major Events of WWII

C. The Atomic Bomb* Manhattan Project… Enola Gay* August 6 (Hiroshima); August 9 (Nagasaki)* Why Drop?* Effects: Atomic Age

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II. Major Events of WWII

D. The HolocaustWar Refugee Board… genocide

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III. The Home FrontA. Women

* WACs v. Rosie the RiveterB. African Americans

* Tuskegee Airmen* Executive Order 8802: outlaw discrimination in govt* Executive Order 9981: end racial segregation in military

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III. The Home Front

C. Japanese Americans * Wartime Relocation Authority (WRA)* Korematsu v. US (1944)* Nisei Soldiers

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IV. The Legacy of WWII

A. The Nuremberg TrialsB. “DeNazification”C. The Occupation of Japan: MacArthurD. The United Nations

Chart… Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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V. Post War America

Introduction… demobilizationA. Truman’s “Fair Deal”Intro…

1. The GI Bill of Rights2. Employment Act of 1946

* Council of Economic Advisors3. Taft-Hartley Act (1947)

* Cooling off; closed shop; “right to work” laws4. National Security Act (1947): CIA

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VI. Post War America

B. Baby Boom